Esempio n. 1
 def init(self, db_name=None):
   self.client = None;
   self.db =None;
      # Step 1: init client ...
      from pymongo import MongoClient
      self.client = MongoClient()
      if db_name == None:
          db_name = DEFAULT_DB_NAME
      self.db = self.client[db_name]
      # Step 2: Apply Constrictions
      for table_name, fig in CONFIG.items():
          table = self.db[table_name]
          #check contrains
          if fig.has_key('contrains'):
              contrains = fig['contrains']
              for x,y in contrains:
                 if y == 'unique':
                     print '>>> Applying contstins to table....'
                     print '>>> Invalid Contratins :',y                    
   except Exception ,e:
      return BuildError('not able connect database',e)
Esempio n. 2
    def init(self, db_name=None):
        self.client = None
        self.db = None
            # Step 1: init client ...
            from pymongo import MongoClient
            self.client = MongoClient()
            if db_name == None:
                db_name = DEFAULT_DB_NAME
            self.db = self.client[db_name]
            # Step 2: Apply Constrictions
            for table_name, fig in CONFIG.items():
                table = self.db[table_name]
                #check contrains
                if fig.has_key('contrains'):
                    contrains = fig['contrains']
                    for x, y in contrains:
                        if y == 'unique':
                            print '>>> Applying contstins to table....'
                            table.ensure_index((x), unique=True, sparse=True)
                            print '>>> Invalid Contratins :', y

        except Exception, e:
            return BuildError('not able connect database', e)
Esempio n. 3
 def _VerifyEntryFailed(self, coll,entry): # Verify an Entry for null check and return true if failed.
       if not CONFIG.has_key(coll): return None
       conf = CONFIG[coll]
       if conf.get('notnull'):
           for x in conf.get('notnull'):
               if (not entry.has_key(x) or not entry.get(x)):
                   return x +' field should not have null value'
       return None; # return None as no Error
Esempio n. 4
 def _VerifyEntryFailed(
         self, coll, entry
 ):  # Verify an Entry for null check and return true if failed.
     if not CONFIG.has_key(coll): return None
     conf = CONFIG[coll]
     if conf.get('notnull'):
         for x in conf.get('notnull'):
             if (not entry.has_key(x) or not entry.get(x)):
                 return x + ' field should not have null value'
     return None