def execute(self, message, user, params): if is None: target = Planet.load(*,3,5)) if target is None: message.alert("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s" %,3,5)) return attacker = self.get_user_planet(user) else: target = Planet.load(*,3,5)) if target is None: message.alert("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s" %,3,5)) return attacker = Planet.load(*,8,10)) if attacker is None: message.alert("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s" %,8,10)) return reply="Target " target_val = target.value attacker_val = attacker.value target_score = target.score attacker_score = attacker.score reply+="%s:%s:%s (%s|%s) "%(target.x,target.y,target.z, self.num2short(target.value),self.num2short(target.score)) reply+="| Attacker %s:%s:%s (%s|%s) "%(attacker.x,attacker.y,attacker.z, self.num2short(attacker.value),self.num2short(attacker.score)) reply+="| Bravery: %.2f " % (attacker.bravery(target),) cap=target.maxcap(attacker) xp=attacker.calc_xp(target) reply+="| Roids: %s | XP: %s | Score: %s" % (cap,xp,xp*60) message.reply(reply)
def __init__(self, message, m): scanlog(asctime()) try: pnick = "(%s)" % message.get_pnick() except: pnick = "" scanlog("Galaxy status from %s%s" % (message.get_nick(), pnick)) # if mission == "A": mission = "Attack" elif mission == "D": mission = "Defend" elif mission == "R": mission = "Return" target=Planet.load(target_x,target_y,target_z) if target is None: return owner=Planet.load(owner_x,owner_y,owner_z) if owner is None: return curtick=Updates.current_tick() landing_tick = int(eta) + int(curtick) scanlog("%s:%s:%s %s:%s:%s '%s' %s %s eta %s" % (owner_x,owner_y,owner_z,target_x,target_y,target_z,fleetname,fleetsize,mission,eta)) fleet = FleetScan(owner=owner, target=target, fleet_size=fleetsize, fleet_name=fleetname, landing_tick=landing_tick, mission=mission) fleet.in_cluster = owner_x == target_x fleet.in_galaxy = fleet.in_cluster and owner_y == target_y try: session.add(fleet) session.commit() except IntegrityError,e: session.rollback() print "Exception in galstatus: "+e.__str__() scanlog("Exception in galstatus: "+e.__str__()) traceback.print_exc()
def planet(self, message, user, params): target = Planet.load(*,3,5)) if target is None: message.alert("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s" %,3,5)) return attacker = Planet.load(*,8,10)) if attacker is None: message.alert("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s" %,8,10)) return self.execute(message, target, attacker)
def __init__(self, message, m): print m.groups() target_x = target_y = target_z = owner_x = owner_y = owner_z = fleetname = race = fleetsize = mission = eta = print "%s:%s:%s %s:%s:%s '%s' %s m:%s e:%s" % ( owner_x, owner_y, owner_z, target_x, target_y, target_z, fleetname, fleetsize, mission, eta) target = Planet.load(target_x, target_y, target_z) if target is None: return owner = Planet.load(owner_x, owner_y, owner_z) if owner is None: return curtick = Updates.current_tick() landing_tick = int(eta) + int(curtick) fleet = FleetScan(owner=owner, target=target, fleet_size=fleetsize, fleet_name=fleetname, landing_tick=landing_tick, mission=mission) fleet.in_cluster = owner_x == target_x fleet.in_galaxy = fleet.in_cluster and owner_y == target_y try: session.add(fleet) session.commit() except IntegrityError, e: session.rollback() print "Exception in galstatus: " + e.__str__() traceback.print_exc()
def execute(self, message, alliance=None, race=None, sortby="score"): planet = aliased(Planet) planet_intel = aliased(Intel) Q = session.query(planet.x, planet.y, planet.z, planet_intel.nick) Q = Q.outerjoin((, planet_intel)) if alliance: Q = Q.filter(planet_intel.alliance == alliance) if race: Q = Q.filter(planet.race == race) if sortby == "xp": Q = Q.order_by(desc(planet.xp)) elif sortby == "size": Q = Q.order_by(desc(planet.size)) elif sortby == "value": Q = Q.order_by(desc(planet.value)) else: Q = Q.order_by(desc(planet.score)) result = Q.all() reply = "Top%s planets" % (" "+race if race is not None else "") if alliance: reply+=" in %s"%(,) reply+=" by %s:\n"%(sortby) prev = [] i=0 for x, y, z, nick in result[:10]: i+=1 line = "#%2s %12s%s"%(i, "["+nick+"] " if nick else "", Planet.load(x,y,z)) prev.append(line) message.reply(reply+"\n".join(prev))
def execute(self, request, user): planet, galaxy = (user.planet, user.planet.galaxy,) if user.planet else (Planet(), Galaxy(),) planets = session.query(Planet).filter( == True) galaxies = session.query(Galaxy).filter( == True) alliances = session.query(Alliance).filter( == True) dup = lambda l,o,c=True: l+[o] if o in session and c and o not in l else l return render("index.tpl", request, topplanets = dup(planets.order_by(asc(Planet.score_rank))[:20], planet), roidingplanets = dup(planets.filter(Planet.size_growth > 0).order_by(desc(Planet.size_growth))[:5], planet, planet.size_growth > 0), roidedplanets = dup(planets.filter(Planet.size_growth < 0).order_by(asc(Planet.size_growth))[:5], planet, planet.size_growth < 0), xpplanets = dup(planets.filter(Planet.xp_growth > 0).order_by(desc(Planet.xp_growth))[:5], planet, planet.xp_growth > 0), bashedplanets = dup(planets.filter(Planet.value_growth < 0).order_by(asc(Planet.value_growth))[:5], planet, planet.value_growth < 0), topgalaxies = dup(galaxies.order_by(asc(Galaxy.score_rank))[:10], galaxy), roidinggalaxies = dup(galaxies.filter(Galaxy.size_growth > 0).order_by(desc(Galaxy.size_growth))[:5], galaxy, galaxy.size_growth > 0), roidedgalaxies = dup(galaxies.filter(Galaxy.size_growth < 0).order_by(asc(Galaxy.size_growth))[:5], galaxy, galaxy.size_growth < 0), xpgalaxies = dup(galaxies.filter(Galaxy.xp_growth > 0).order_by(desc(Galaxy.xp_growth))[:5], galaxy, galaxy.xp_growth > 0), bashedgalaxies = dup(galaxies.filter(Galaxy.value_growth < 0).order_by(asc(Galaxy.value_growth))[:5], galaxy, galaxy.value_growth < 0), topalliances = alliances.order_by(asc(Alliance.score_rank))[:8], )
def execute(self, request, user, x, y, z, through): planet = Planet.load(x, y, z) if planet is None: return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("exiles")) if through: Q = session.query(PlanetExiles) Q = Q.filter( or_( and_(PlanetExiles.oldx == planet.x, PlanetExiles.oldy == planet.y, PlanetExiles.oldz == planet.z), and_(PlanetExiles.newx == planet.x, PlanetExiles.newy == planet.y, PlanetExiles.newz == planet.z))) Q = Q.order_by(desc(PlanetExiles.tick)) exiles = Q.all() else: exiles = planet.exiles return render("exiles.tpl", request, planet=planet, through=through, exiles=exiles)
def execute(self, request, user, x, y, z, fleets=False): week = Updates.week_tick() planet = Planet.load(x,y,z) if planet is None: return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("planet_ranks")) Q = session.query(FleetScan, Planet, Alliance) Q = Q.join( Q = Q.outerjoin( Q = Q.filter(FleetScan.owner == planet) Q = Q.order_by(desc(FleetScan.landing_tick)) if not fleets: Q = Q.filter(FleetScan.landing_tick >= week) outgoing = Q.all() Q = session.query(FleetScan, Planet, Alliance) Q = Q.join(FleetScan.owner) Q = Q.outerjoin( Q = Q.filter( == planet) Q = Q.order_by(desc(FleetScan.landing_tick)) if not fleets: Q = Q.filter(FleetScan.landing_tick >= week) incoming = Q.all() scan = planet.scan("A") or planet.scan("U") return render("iplanet.tpl", request, planet=planet, scan=scan, outgoing=outgoing, incoming=incoming)
def planet(self, message, user, params): planet = Planet.load(*,3,5)) if planet is None: message.reply("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s found" %,3,5)) return # List of last 10 scans if == "o": scans = planet.scans.filter_by(scantype=self.type).order_by(desc([:10] if len(scans) < 1: message.reply("No %s Scans of %s:%s:%s found"%(PA.get(self.type,"name"),planet.x,planet.y,planet.z)) return prev = [] for scan in scans: prev.append("(pt%s %s)" % (scan.tick, scan.pa_id,)) reply = "Last 10 %s Scans on %s:%s:%s "%(PA.get(self.type,"name"),planet.x,planet.y,planet.z) + " ".join(prev) message.reply(reply) return # Latest scan scan = planet.scan(self.type) if scan is None: message.reply("No %s Scans of %s:%s:%s found"%(PA.get(self.type,"name"),planet.x,planet.y,planet.z)) return # Link to scan if == "l": reply = "%s on %s:%s:%s " % (scan.type,planet.x,planet.y,planet.z,) reply+= self.url(, user) message.reply(reply) return # Display the scan message.reply(self.url(str(scan), user))
def remove(self, message, user, params): id = int( attack = Attack.load(id) if attack is None: message.alert("No attack exists with id %d" %(id)) return for coord in re.findall(loadable.coord, if not coord[4]: galaxy = Galaxy.load(coord[0],coord[2], active=False) if galaxy: attack.removeGalaxy(galaxy) else: planet = Planet.load(coord[0],coord[2],coord[4], active=False) if planet: attack.removePlanet(planet) if not len(attack.planets): session.delete(attack) session.commit() if attack in session: message.reply(str(attack)) else: message.reply("Deleted Attack %d LT: %d | %s" %(,attack.landtick,attack.comment,))
def planet(self, message, user, params): planet = Planet.load(*, 3, 5)) if planet is None: message.alert("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s" %, 3, 5)) return self.execute(message, planet)
def execute(self, message, user, params): planet = Planet.load(*, 3, 5)) if planet is None: message.reply("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s found" %, 3, 5)) return Q = session.query(Scan.scantype, max(Scan.tick), count()) Q = Q.filter(Scan.planet == planet) Q = Q.group_by(Scan.scantype) result = Q.all() if len(result) < 1: message.reply("No scans available on %s:%s:%s" % ( planet.x, planet.y, planet.z, )) return prev = [] for type, latest, number in result: prev.append("(%d %s, latest pt%s)" % ( number, type, latest, )) reply = "scans for %s:%s:%s - " % (planet.x, planet.y, planet.z) + ", ".join(prev) message.reply(reply)
def execute(self, message, user, params): p = Planet.load(*,3,5)) if p is None: message.reply("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s found" %,3,5)) return ship = Ship.load( if ship is None: message.alert("No Ship called: %s" % (,)) return scan = p.scan("P") if scan is None: message.reply("No planet scans available on %s:%s:%s" % (p.x,p.y,p.z,)) return planetscan = scan.planetscan tick=scan.tick res_m=planetscan.res_metal res_c=planetscan.res_crystal res_e=planetscan.res_eonium prod_res=planetscan.prod_res rand_id=scan.pa_id cost_m=ship.metal cost_c=ship.crystal cost_e=ship.eonium total_cost=ship.total_cost class_factory_table = {'Fighter': 'factory_usage_light', 'Corvette': 'factory_usage_light', 'Frigate': 'factory_usage_medium', 'Destroyer': 'factory_usage_medium', 'Cruiser': 'factory_usage_heavy', 'Battleship': 'factory_usage_heavy'} prod_modifier_table = {'None': 0.0, 'Low': 0.33, 'Medium': 0.66, 'High': 1.0} capped_number = min(res_m/cost_m, res_c/cost_c, res_e/cost_e) overflow = res_m+res_c+res_e-(capped_number*(cost_m+cost_c+cost_e)) buildable = capped_number + ((overflow*.95)/total_cost) reply="Newest planet scan on %s:%s:%s (id: %s, pt: %s)" % (p.x,p.y,p.z,rand_id,tick) reply+=" can purchase %s: %s"%(,int(buildable)) for gov in PA.options("govs"): bonus = PA.getfloat(gov, "prodcost") if bonus == 0: continue reply+=" | %s: %s"%(PA.get(gov, "name"),int(buildable/(1+bonus))) factory_usage=getattr(planetscan,class_factory_table[ship.class_]) if prod_res > 0 and factory_usage != "None": max_prod_modifier=prod_modifier_table[factory_usage] buildable_from_prod = buildable + max_prod_modifier*prod_res/total_cost reply+=" Counting %s res in prod at %s usage:" % (self.num2short(prod_res),factory_usage) reply+=" %s"%(int(buildable_from_prod)) for gov in PA.options("govs"): bonus = PA.getfloat(gov, "prodcost") if bonus == 0: continue reply+=" | %s: %s"%(PA.get(gov, "name"),int(buildable_from_prod/(1+bonus))) message.reply(reply)
def scan(self, uid, pa_id, gid=None): page = urlopen(Config.get("URL","viewscan")%(pa_id,)).read() page = decode(page) m ='>([^>]+) on (\d+)\:(\d+)\:(\d+) in tick (\d+)', page) if not m: print "Expired/non-matchinng scan (id: %s)" %(pa_id,) return scantype =[0].upper() x = int( y = int( z = int( tick = int( planet = Planet.load(x,y,z) if planet is None: return try: scan = Scan(pa_id=pa_id, scantype=scantype, tick=tick, group_id=gid, scanner_id=uid) planet.scans.append(scan) session.commit() scan_id = except IntegrityError, e: session.rollback() print "Scan %s may already exist" %(pa_id,) print e.__str__() return
def list_fleets(self, message, user, params): # Check the planet exists planet = Planet.load(*,3,5)) if planet is None: message.alert("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s" %,3,5)) return # Find all fleets with a known alliance who have defended this planet OQ = session.query(coalesce(FleetScan.launch_tick, FleetScan.landing_tick), literal_column("'From'").label("dir"), Planet.x, Planet.y, Planet.z, OQ = OQ.filter(FleetScan.target_id ==, FleetScan.in_galaxy==False, FleetScan.mission=="Defend") OQ = OQ.join(Intel, FleetScan.owner_id == Intel.planet_id).filter(Intel.alliance_id != None) OQ = OQ.join(Alliance, Intel.alliance_id ==, FleetScan.owner_id == # Find all fleets with a known alliance who have been defended by this planet TQ = session.query(coalesce(FleetScan.launch_tick, FleetScan.landing_tick), literal_column("'To '").label("dir"), Planet.x, Planet.y, Planet.z, TQ = TQ.filter(FleetScan.owner_id ==, FleetScan.in_galaxy==False, FleetScan.mission=="Defend") TQ = TQ.join(Intel, FleetScan.target_id == Intel.planet_id).filter(Intel.alliance_id != None) TQ = TQ.join(Alliance, Intel.alliance_id ==, FleetScan.target_id == # Combine the results into one sorted list results = sorted(OQ.all()+TQ.all(), reverse=True) # Quit now if there are no results if len(results) == 0: message.reply("No suggestions found") return # Reply to the user message.reply("Tick Dir Planet Alliance") limit = int( or 5) for r in results[:limit]: message.reply("%4s %s %-9s %s" % (r[0], r[1], "%s:%s:%s" % (r[2], r[3], r[4]), r[5])) if len(results) > limit: message.reply("%s results not shown (%s total)" % (len(results)-limit, len(results)))
def parse_N(self, scan_id, scan, page): #incoming fleets #<td class=left valign=top>Incoming</td><td valign=top>851</td><td class=left valign=top>We have detected an open jumpgate from Tertiary, located at 18:5:11. The fleet will approach our system in tick 855 and appears to have roughly 95 ships.</td> for m in re.finditer('<td class="left" valign="top">Incoming</td><td valign="top">(\d+)</td><td class="left" valign="top">We have detected an open jumpgate from ([^<]+), located at (\d+):(\d+):(\d+). The fleet will approach our system in tick (\d+) and appears to have roughly (\d+) ships.</td>', page): fleetscan = FleetScan() newstick = fleetname = originx = originy = originz = arrivaltick = int( numships = fleetscan.mission = "Unknown" fleetscan.fleet_name = fleetname fleetscan.launch_tick = newstick fleetscan.landing_tick = arrivaltick fleetscan.fleet_size = numships owner=Planet.load(originx,originy,originz) if owner is None: continue fleetscan.owner = owner = scan.planet try: scan.fleets.append(fleetscan) session.commit() except Exception, e: session.rollback() print "Exception in news: "+e.__str__() traceback.print_exc() continue print 'Incoming: ' + newstick + ':' + fleetname + '-' + originx + ':' + originy + ':' + originz + '-' + arrivaltick + '|' + numships
def execute(self, page, uid, pa_id, gid=None): scanlog("Scan: %s (group: %s)" %(pa_id,gid,)) page = decode(page) m ='>([^>]+) on (\d+)\:(\d+)\:(\d+) in tick (\d+)', page) if not m: scanlog("Expired/non-matchinng scan (id: %s)" %(pa_id,)) return scantype =[0].upper() x = int( y = int( z = int( tick = int( planet = Planet.load(x,y,z) if planet is None: return try: scan = Scan(pa_id=pa_id, scantype=scantype, tick=tick, group_id=gid, scanner_id=uid) planet.scans.append(scan) session.commit() scan_id = except IntegrityError, e: session.rollback() scanlog("Scan %s may already exist: %s" %(pa_id,str(e),)) return
def execute(self, request, user, x, y, z, type, dists): from Arthur.views.scans.list import scans tick = Updates.current_tick() type = type.upper() planet = Planet.load(x, y, z) if planet is None: return scans.execute(request, user, message="No planet with coords %s:%s:%s" % ( x, y, z, )) dists = int(dists or 0) req = Request(target=planet, scantype=type, dists=dists) user.requests.append(req) session.commit() push("request",, mode="request") return scans.execute(request, user, message="Requested a %s Scan of %s:%s:%s" % ( req.type, x, y, z, ), planet=planet)
def execute(self, request, user, id, x, y, z, when): planet = Planet.load(x,y,z) if planet is None: return self.attack(request, user, id, "No planet with coords %s:%s:%s" %(x,y,z,)) tick = Updates.current_tick() when = int(when) if when < PA.getint("numbers", "protection"): eta = when when += tick elif when <= tick: return self.attack(request, user, id, "Can not book targets in the past. You wanted tick %s, but current tick is %s." % (when, tick,)) else: eta = when - tick if when > 32767: when = 32767 if and planet.alliance and == Config.get("Alliance","name"): return self.attack(request, user, id, "%s:%s:%s is %s in %s. Quick, launch before they notice!" % (x,y,z, or 'someone', Config.get("Alliance","name"),)) try: planet.bookings.append(Target(user=user, tick=when)) session.commit() except IntegrityError: session.rollback() target = planet.bookings.filter(Target.tick == when).first() if target is not None: return self.attack(request, user, id, "Target %s:%s:%s is already booked for landing tick %s by user %s" % (x,y,z, when,,)) else: return self.attack(request, user, id, "Booked landing on %s:%s:%s tick %s (eta %s) for user %s" % (x,y,z, when, (when-tick),,)) return self.attack(request, user, id)
def new(self, message, user, params): tick = Updates.current_tick() comment = or "" when = int( if when < PA.getint("numbers", "protection"): eta = when when += tick elif when <= tick: message.alert( "Can not create attacks in the past. You wanted tick %s, but current tick is %s." % (when, tick) ) return else: eta = when - tick if when > 32767: when = 32767 attack = Attack(landtick=when, comment=comment) session.add(attack) for coord in re.findall(loadable.coord, if not coord[4]: galaxy = Galaxy.load(coord[0], coord[2]) if galaxy: attack.addGalaxy(galaxy) else: planet = Planet.load(coord[0], coord[2], coord[4]) if planet: attack.addPlanet(planet) session.commit() message.reply(str(attack))
def execute(self, page, uid, pa_id, gid=None): scanlog("Scan: %s (group: %s)" %(pa_id,gid,)) page = decode(page) m ='>([^>]+) on (\d+)\:(\d+)\:(\d+) in tick (\d+)', page) if not m: scanlog("Expired/non-matchinng scan (id: %s)" %(pa_id,)) return scantype =[0].upper() x = int( y = int( z = int( tick = int( m ="<p class=\"right scan_time\">Scan time: ([^<]*)</p>", page) scantime = planet = Planet.load(x,y,z,) try: Q = session.query(Scan).filter(Scan.pa_id == pa_id).filter(Scan.planet_id == None) if Q.count() > 0: scan = Q.first() else: scan = Scan(pa_id=pa_id, scantype=scantype, tick=tick, time=scantime, group_id=gid, scanner_id=uid) session.add(scan) if planet: planet.scans.append(scan) session.commit() scan_id = except IntegrityError, e: session.rollback() scanlog("Scan %s may already exist: %s" %(pa_id,str(e),)) return
def execute(self, message, user, params): target = Planet.load(*, 3, 5)) if target is None: message.reply("No planet matching '%s:%s:%s' found" %, 3, 5)) return replies = [str(target)] if self.user_has_planet(user): attacker = user.planet reply = "Target " reply += "%s:%s:%s (%s|%s) " % (target.x, target.y, target.z, self.num2short(target.value), self.num2short(target.score)) reply += "| Attacker %s:%s:%s (%s|%s) " % ( attacker.x, attacker.y, attacker.z, self.num2short(attacker.value), self.num2short(attacker.score)) reply += "| Bravery: %.2f " % (attacker.bravery(target), ) cap = target.maxcap(attacker) xp = attacker.calc_xp(target) reply += "| Roids: %s | XP: %s | Score: %s" % ( cap, xp, xp * PA.getint("numbers", "xp_value")) replies.append(reply) if is not None: replies.append( ("Information stored for %s:%s:%s -" + str( if str( else "No information stored for %s:%s:%s") % ( target.x, target.y, target.z, )) bookings = target.bookings.filter( Target.tick > Updates.current_tick()).all() if len(bookings) < 1: replies.append("No bookings matching planet %s:%s:%s" % ( target.x, target.y, target.z, )) else: prev = [] for booking in bookings: prev.append("(%s user:%s)" % (booking.tick, replies.append("Status for %s:%s:%s - " % ( target.x, target.y, target.z, ) + ", ".join(prev)) message.reply("\n".join(replies))
def execute(self, request, user, x, y, z, h=False, hs=False, ticks=None): planet = Planet.load(x,y,z) if planet is None: return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("planet_ranks")) ticks = int(ticks or 0) if (h or hs) else 12 if not hs: sizediffvalue = PlanetHistory.rdiff * PA.getint("numbers", "roid_value") valuediffwsizevalue = PlanetHistory.vdiff - sizediffvalue resvalue = valuediffwsizevalue * PA.getint("numbers", "res_value") shipvalue = valuediffwsizevalue * PA.getint("numbers", "ship_value") xpvalue = PlanetHistory.xdiff * PA.getint("numbers", "xp_value") Q = session.query(PlanetHistory, sizediffvalue, valuediffwsizevalue, resvalue, shipvalue, xpvalue, ) Q = Q.filter(PlanetHistory.current == planet) Q = Q.order_by(desc(PlanetHistory.tick)) history = Q[:ticks] if ticks else Q.all() else: history = None if not (h or hs): landings = session.query(PlanetLandings.hour, count()).filter(PlanetLandings.planet==planet).group_by(PlanetLandings.hour).all() landed = session.query(PlanetLandedOn.hour, count()).filter(PlanetLandedOn.planet==planet).group_by(PlanetLandedOn.hour).all() vdrops = session.query(PlanetValueDrops.hour, count()).filter(PlanetValueDrops.planet==planet).group_by(PlanetValueDrops.hour).all() idles = session.query(PlanetIdles.hour, count()).filter(PlanetIdles.planet==planet).group_by(PlanetIdles.hour).all() hourstats = { 'landings' : dict(landings), 'landingsT' : sum([c for hour,c in landings]), 'landed' : dict(landed), 'landedT' : sum([c for hour,c in landed]), 'vdrops' : dict(vdrops), 'vdropsT' : sum([c for hour,c in vdrops]), 'idles' : dict(idles), 'idlesT' : sum([c for hour,c in idles]), } else: hourstats = None if not h: Q = session.query(PlanetHistory) Q = Q.filter(or_(PlanetHistory.hour == 23, PlanetHistory.tick == Updates.current_tick())) Q = Q.filter(PlanetHistory.current == planet) Q = Q.order_by(desc(PlanetHistory.tick)) hsummary = Q.all() if hs else Q[:14] else: hsummary = None return render(["planet.tpl",["hplanet.tpl","hsplanet.tpl"][hs]][h or hs], request, planet = planet, history = history, hour = datetime.utcnow().hour, hourstats = hourstats, hsummary = hsummary, ticks = ticks, )
def execute(self, request, user, x, y, z, type): planet = Planet.load(x,y,z) if planet is None: return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("planet_ranks")) scan = planet.scan(type) if scan is None: return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("planet_scans", kwargs={"x":planet.x, "y":planet.y, "z":planet.z})) return render("scans/base.tpl", request, scan=scan)
def __init__(self, message, m): print m.groups() print "%s:%s:%s %s:%s:%s '%s' %s m:%s e:%s"%(owner_x,owner_y,owner_z,target_x,target_y,target_z,fleetname,fleetsize,mission,eta) target=Planet.load(target_x,target_y,target_z) if target is None: return owner=Planet.load(owner_x,owner_y,owner_z) if owner is None: return curtick=Updates.current_tick() landing_tick = int(eta) + int(curtick) fleet = FleetScan(owner=owner, target=target, fleet_size=fleetsize, fleet_name=fleetname, landing_tick=landing_tick, mission=mission) fleet.in_cluster = owner_x == target_x fleet.in_galaxy = fleet.in_cluster and owner_y == target_y try: session.add(fleet) session.commit() except IntegrityError,e: session.rollback() print "Exception in galstatus: "+e.__str__() traceback.print_exc()
def execute(self, message, user, params): planet = Planet.load(*,3,5)) if planet is None: message.reply("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s found" %,3,5)) return notice = "DEFCALL: %s wants %s to %s:%s:%s eta %s" % (,,,,, message.notice(notice, Config.get("Channels", "home"))
def execute(self, message, user, params): planet = Planet.load(*,3,5)) if planet is None: message.alert("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s" %,3,5)) return tick = Updates.current_tick() when = int( or 0) if 0 < when < 32: eta = when when += tick elif 0 < when <= tick: message.alert("Can not unbook targets in the past. You wanted tick %s, but current tick is %s." % (when, tick,)) return else: eta = when - tick if when > 32767: when = 32767 override = Q = session.query(Target) Q = Q.join(Target.user) Q = Q.filter(Target.planet == planet) Q = Q.filter(Target.user == user) if override is None else Q Q = Q.filter(Target.tick == when) if when else Q.filter(Target.tick >= tick) Q = Q.order_by(asc(Target.tick)) result = Q.all() for target in result: session.delete(target) count = len(result) session.commit() if count < 1: reply=("You have no " if override is None else "No ") +"bookings matching %s:%s:%s"%(planet.x,planet.y,planet.z,) if when: reply+=" for landing on tick %s"%(when,) reply+=". If you are trying to unbook someone else's target, you must confirm with 'yes'." if override is None else "" else: reply="You have unbooked %s:%s:%s"%(planet.x,planet.y,planet.z,) if when: reply+=" for landing pt %s"%(when,) if override: reply+=" (previously held by user %s)"%(result[0] else: reply+=" for %d booking(s)"%(count,) if override: prev=[] for target in result: prev.append("(%s user:%s)" % (target.tick, reply+=": "+", ".join(prev) reply+="." message.reply(reply) return
def execute(self, message, user, params): if len(params.groups()) < 3: planet = self.get_user_planet(user) else: planet = Planet.load(*,3,5)) if planet is None: message.alert("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s" %,3,5)) return message.reply("%s:%s:%s can be hit by planets with value %d or below or score %d or below"%(planet.x,planet.y,planet.z,int(planet.value/PA.getfloat("bash","value")),int(planet.score/PA.getfloat("bash","score"))))
def check_planet(self, request, user): coords = request.POST.get(PLANET) or "" if coords == "Clear": if self.user_has_planet(user): user.planet = None session.commit() return False m = self.coord.match(coords) if m: planet = Planet.load(*,3,5)) else: planet = None if planet is not None: if self.is_user(user): user.planet = planet if user.is_member(): alliance = Alliance.load(Config.get("Alliance","name")) if is None: = Intel(, alliance=alliance) else: = = alliance session.commit() else: user.planet = planet session.expunge(user) return pa_id = request.COOKIES.get(PLANET_KEY) if self.user_has_planet(user): if pa_id == return True else: return elif self.is_user(user): if pa_id: return False else: return True else: if pa_id: planet = session.query(Planet).filter_by(id=pa_id).first() if planet is None: return False else: user.planet = planet session.expunge(user) return True else: return True
def new(self, message, user, params): tick = Updates.current_tick() comment = or "" when = int( waves = or Config.get("Misc", "attwaves") if when < PA.getint("numbers", "protection"): when += tick elif when <= tick: message.alert( "Can not create attacks in the past. You wanted tick %s, but current tick is %s." % ( when, tick, )) return if when > 32767: when = 32767 attack = Attack(landtick=when, comment=comment, waves=int(waves)) session.add(attack) for coord in re.findall(loadable.coord, if not coord[4]: galaxy = Galaxy.load(coord[0], coord[2]) if galaxy: attack.addGalaxy(galaxy) else: planet = Planet.load(coord[0], coord[2], coord[4]) if planet: attack.addPlanet(planet) session.commit() message.reply(str(attack)) # Request scans if Config.has_option("Misc", "attscans"): scantypes = Config.get("Misc", "attscans") else: scantypes = "" for stype in scantypes: for p in attack.planets: scan = p.scan(stype) if scan and (int(tick) == scan.tick): return else: req = Request(target=p, scantype=stype, dists=0) user.requests.append(req) session.commit() push("request",, mode="request") if scantypes: message.reply("Scans requested: %s" % (scantypes))
def check_planet(self, request, user): coords = request.REQUEST.get(PLANET) or "" if coords == "Clear": if self.user_has_planet(user): user.planet = None session.commit() return False m = self.coord.match(coords) if m: planet = Planet.load(*, 3, 5)) else: planet = None if planet is not None: if self.is_user(user): user.planet = planet if user.is_member(): alliance = Alliance.load(Config.get("Alliance", "name")) if is None: = Intel(, alliance=alliance) else: = = alliance session.commit() else: user.planet = planet session.expunge(user) return pa_id = request.COOKIES.get(PLANET_KEY) if self.user_has_planet(user): if pa_id == return True else: return elif self.is_user(user): if pa_id: return False else: return True else: if pa_id: planet = session.query(Planet).filter_by(id=pa_id).first() if planet is None: return False else: user.planet = planet session.expunge(user) return True else: return True
def planet(self, message, user, params): if is None: target = Planet.load(*,3,5)) if target is None: message.alert("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s" %,3,5)) return if self.user_has_planet(user): attacker = user.planet else: attacker = None else: target = Planet.load(*,3,5)) if target is None: message.alert("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s" %,3,5)) return attacker = Planet.load(*,8,10)) if attacker is None: message.alert("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s" %,8,10)) return self.execute(message, target, attacker)
def execute(self, message, user, params): planet = Planet.load(*,3,5)) if planet is None: message.alert("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s" %,3,5)) return scan = dists = int( or 0) request = self.request(message, user, planet, scan, dists) if message.get_chan() != self.scanchan(): message.reply("Requested a %s Scan of %s:%s:%s. !request cancel %s to cancel the request." % (request.type, planet.x, planet.y, planet.z,,))
def execute(self, message, user, params): if len(params.groups()) == 1: target = Planet(size=int( attacker = None elif is None: target = Planet.load(*,3,5)) if target is None: message.alert("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s" %,3,5)) return if self.user_has_planet(user): attacker = user.planet else: attacker = None else: target = Planet.load(*,3,5)) if target is None: message.alert("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s" %,3,5)) return attacker = Planet.load(*,8,10)) if attacker is None: message.alert("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s" %,8,10)) return reply = "" total = 0 for i in range(1,5): cap = target.maxcap(attacker) total += cap reply+="Wave %d: %d (%d), " % (i,cap,total,) target.size -= cap message.reply("Caprate: %s%% %s"%(int(target.caprate(attacker)*100),reply.strip(', ')))
def execute(self, message, user, params): params = self.split_opts( reply = "" for opt, val in params.items(): if opt == "planet": m = self.planet_coordre.match(val) if m: planet = Planet.load(*,3,5)) if planet is None: continue user.planet = planet reply += " planet=%s:%s:%s"%(planet.x,planet.y,planet.z) if user.is_member(): alliance = Alliance.load(Config.get("Alliance","name")) if is None: = Intel(, alliance=alliance) else: = = alliance elif val in self.nulls: user.planet = None reply += " planet=None" if opt == "password": user.passwd = val reply += " password=%s"%(val) if opt == "email": try: = val except AssertionError: pass else: reply += " email=%s"%(val) if opt == "phone": = val reply += " phone=%s"%(val) if opt == "pubphone": if val.lower() in self.true: user.pubphone = True reply += " pubphone=%s"%(True) elif val.lower() in self.false: user.pubphone = False reply += " pubphone=%s"%(False) if opt == "googlevoice": if val.lower() in self.true: user.googlevoice = True reply += " googlevoice=%s"%(True) elif val.lower() in self.false: user.googlevoice = False reply += " googlevoice=%s"%(False) session.commit() message.reply("Updated your preferences:"+reply)
def execute(self, page, uid, pa_id, gid=None): scanlog("Scan: %s (group: %s)" % ( pa_id, gid, )) page = decode(page) m ='>([^>]+) on (\d+)\:(\d+)\:(\d+) in tick (\d+)', page) if not m: scanlog("Expired/non-matchinng scan (id: %s)" % (pa_id, )) return scantype =[0].upper() x = int( y = int( z = int( tick = int( m ="<p class=\"right scan_time\">Scan time: ([^<]*)</p>", page) scantime = planet = Planet.load( x, y, z, ) try: Q = session.query(Scan).filter(Scan.pa_id == pa_id).filter( Scan.planet_id == None) if Q.count() > 0: scan = Q.first() else: scan = Scan(pa_id=pa_id, scantype=scantype, tick=tick, time=scantime, group_id=gid, scanner_id=uid) session.add(scan) if planet: planet.scans.append(scan) session.commit() scan_id = except IntegrityError, e: session.rollback() scanlog("Scan %s may already exist: %s" % ( pa_id, str(e), )) return
def parse_J(self, scan_id, scan, page): # <td class=left>Origin</td><td class=left>Mission</td><td>Fleet</td><td>ETA</td><td>Fleetsize</td> # <td class=left>13:10:5</td><td class=left>Attack</td><td>Gamma</td><td>5</td><td>265</td> # <td class="left">15:7:11 </td><td class="left">Defend </td><td>Ad infinitum</td><td>9</td><td>0</td> #<tr><td class="left">10:4:9</td><td class="left">Return</td><td>They look thirsty</td><td>5</td><td>3000</td></tr> # <tr><td class="left">4:1:10</td><td class="left">Return</td><td>Or Is It?</td><td>9</td><td>3000</td></tr> #<tr><td class="left">10:1:10</td><td class="left">Defend</td><td class="left">Pesticide IV</td><td class="right">1</td><td class="right">0</td></tr> for m in re.finditer('<td[^>]*>(\d+)\:(\d+)\:(\d+)</td><td[^>]*>([^<]+)</td><td[^>]*>([^<]+)</td><td[^>]*>(\d+)</td><td[^>]*>(\d+(?:,\d{3})*)</td>', page): scanlog("%s:%s:%s %s %s %s %s" %m.groups()) fleetscan = FleetScan() originx = originy = originz = mission = fleet = eta = int( fleetsize =',', '') fleetscan.mission = mission fleetscan.fleet_name = fleet fleetscan.landing_tick = eta + scan.tick fleetscan.fleet_size = fleetsize attacker=Planet.load(originx,originy,originz) if attacker is None: scanlog("Can't find attacker in db: %s:%s:%s"%(originx,originy,originz)) continue fleetscan.owner = attacker = scan.planet fleetscan.in_cluster = fleetscan.owner.x == fleetscan.in_galaxy = fleetscan.in_cluster and fleetscan.owner.y == try: scan.fleets.append(fleetscan) session.commit() except IntegrityError, e: session.rollback() scanlog("Caught integrity exception in jgp: %s"%(str(e),)) scanlog("Trying to update instead") query = session.query(FleetScan).filter_by(owner=attacker, target=scan.planet, fleet_size=fleetsize, fleet_name=fleet, landing_tick=eta+scan.tick, mission=mission) try: query.update({"scan_id": scan_id}) session.commit() except Exception, e: session.rollback() scanlog("Exception trying to update jgp: %s"%(str(e),), traceback=True) continue
def execute(self, message, user, params): p = Planet.load(*, 3, 5)) if p is None: message.alert("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s" %, 3, 5)) return tick = p1 = aliased(PlanetHistory) p2 = aliased(PlanetHistory) Q = session.query(p1.tick, p1.value, p1.value - p2.value, p1.size, p1.size - p2.size) Q = Q.filter(and_( ==, p1.tick - 1 == p2.tick)) Q = Q.filter(p1.current == p) if tick: Q = Q.filter(p1.tick == tick) result = Q.first() if result is None: message.reply("No data for %s:%s:%s on tick %s" % (p.x, p.y, p.z, tick)) return tick, value, vdiff, size, rdiff = result reply = "Value on pt%s for %s:%s:%s: " % (tick, p.x, p.y, p.z) reply += "value: %s (%s%s)" % (value, ["+", ""][vdiff < 0], vdiff) if rdiff != 0: reply += " roids: %s%s" % (["+", ""][rdiff < 0], rdiff) message.reply(reply) else: tick = Updates.current_tick() Q = Q.filter(p1.tick > (tick - 16)).order_by(asc(p1.tick)) result = Q.all() if len(result) < 1: message.reply("No data for %s:%s:%s" % (p.x, p.y, p.z)) return prev = [] for tick, value, vdiff, size, rdiff in result: reply = "pt%s %s (%s%s)" % ( tick, self.num2short(value), ["+", ""][vdiff < 0], self.num2short(vdiff), ) if rdiff != 0: reply += " roids: %s%s" % (["+", ""][rdiff < 0], rdiff) prev.append(reply) reply = "Value in the last 15 ticks on %s:%s:%s: " % ( p.x, p.y, p.z) + ' | '.join(prev) message.reply(reply)
def set_intel(self, message, user, params): planet = Planet.load(*, 3, 5)) if planet is None: message.alert("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s" %, 3, 5)) return if is None: = Intel() params = self.split_opts(message.get_msg()) for opt, val in params.items(): if opt == "alliance": if val in self.nulls: = None continue alliance = Alliance.load(val) if alliance is None: message.alert("No alliances match %s" % (val, )) continue = alliance if (opt in options) and (val in self.nulls): setattr(, opt, None) continue if opt in ("nick", "fakenick", "bg", "gov", "reportchan"): setattr(, opt, val) if opt in ("defwhore", "covop", "relay"): if val.lower() in self.true: setattr(, opt, True) if val.lower() in self.false: setattr(, opt, False) if opt in ("amps", "dists"): if val.isdigit(): setattr(, opt, int(val)) if opt == "comment": = message.get_msg( )[message.get_msg().lower().index("comment=") + len("comment="):] session.commit() if and str( message.reply("Information stored for %s:%s:%s -%s" % ( planet.x, planet.y, planet.z, str(, )) else: message.reply("No information stored for %s:%s:%s" % ( planet.x, planet.y, planet.z, ))
def execute(self, message, user, params): p = Planet.load(*,3,5)) if p is None: message.alert("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s" %,3,5)) return res=user.planet.resources_per_agent(p) reply="Your Seagals will ninja %s resources from %s:%s:%s - 5: %s, 10: %s, 20: %s."%(res,p.x,p.y,p.z,self.num2short(res*5),self.num2short(res*10),self.num2short(res*20)) if sum: reply+=" You need %s Seagals to ninja %sk res."%(int(math.ceil((float(sum)*1000)/res)),sum) message.reply(reply)
def execute(self, message, user, params): planet = Planet.load(*,3,5)) if planet is None: message.reply("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s found" %,3,5)) return notice = "DEFCALL: %s wants %s to %s:%s:%s eta %s" % (,,,,, if Config.getboolean("Misc", "globaldef"): push("broadcast", notice="!#!"+notice.replace(" ","!#!")) else: message.notice(notice, Config.get("Channels", "home"))
def execute(self, message, user, params): p = Planet.load(*,3,5)) if p is None: message.alert("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s" %,3,5)) return res=user.planet.resources_per_agent(p) reply="Your Seagals will ninja %s resources from %s:%s:%s - 13: %s, 35: %s."%(res,p.x,p.y,p.z,self.num2short(res*13),self.num2short(res*35)) if sum: reply+=" You need %s Seagals to ninja %sk res."%(int(math.ceil((float(sum)*1000)/res)),sum) message.reply(reply)
def list_fleets(self, message, user, params): # Check the planet exists planet = Planet.load(*, 3, 5)) if planet is None: message.alert("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s" %, 3, 5)) return # Find all fleets with a known alliance who have defended this planet OQ = session.query( coalesce(FleetScan.launch_tick, FleetScan.landing_tick), literal_column("'From'").label("dir"), Planet.x, Planet.y, Planet.z, OQ = OQ.filter(FleetScan.target_id ==, FleetScan.in_galaxy == False, FleetScan.mission == "Defend") OQ = OQ.join(Intel, FleetScan.owner_id == Intel.planet_id).filter( Intel.alliance_id != None) OQ = OQ.join(Alliance, Intel.alliance_id == Planet, FleetScan.owner_id == # Find all fleets with a known alliance who have been defended by this planet TQ = session.query( coalesce(FleetScan.launch_tick, FleetScan.landing_tick), literal_column("'To '").label("dir"), Planet.x, Planet.y, Planet.z, TQ = TQ.filter(FleetScan.owner_id ==, FleetScan.in_galaxy == False, FleetScan.mission == "Defend") TQ = TQ.join(Intel, FleetScan.target_id == Intel.planet_id).filter( Intel.alliance_id != None) TQ = TQ.join(Alliance, Intel.alliance_id == Planet, FleetScan.target_id == # Combine the results into one sorted list results = sorted(OQ.all() + TQ.all(), reverse=True) # Quit now if there are no results if len(results) == 0: message.reply("No suggestions found") return # Reply to the user message.reply("Tick Dir Planet Alliance") limit = int( or 5) for r in results[:limit]: message.reply("%4s %s %-9s %s" % (r[0], r[1], "%s:%s:%s" % (r[2], r[3], r[4]), r[5])) if len(results) > limit: message.reply("%s results not shown (%s total)" % (len(results) - limit, len(results)))
def parse_J(self, scan_id, scan, page): # <td class=left>Origin</td><td class=left>Mission</td><td>Fleet</td><td>ETA</td><td>Fleetsize</td> # <td class=left>13:10:5</td><td class=left>Attack</td><td>Gamma</td><td>5</td><td>265</td> # <td class="left">15:7:11 </td><td class="left">Defend </td><td>Ad infinitum</td><td>9</td><td>0</td> #<tr><td class="left">10:4:9</td><td class="left">Return</td><td>They look thirsty</td><td>5</td><td>3000</td></tr> # <tr><td class="left">4:1:10</td><td class="left">Return</td><td>Or Is It?</td><td>9</td><td>3000</td></tr> #<tr><td class="left">10:1:10</td><td class="left">Defend</td><td class="left">Pesticide IV</td><td class="right">1</td><td class="right">0</td></tr> for m in re.finditer('<td[^>]*>(\d+)\:(\d+)\:(\d+)</td><td[^>]*>([^<]+)</td><td[^>]*>([^<]+)</td><td[^>]*>(\d+)</td><td[^>]*>(\d+)</td>', page): fleetscan = FleetScan() originx = originy = originz = mission = fleet = eta = int( fleetsize = fleetscan.mission = mission fleetscan.fleet_name = fleet fleetscan.landing_tick = eta + scan.tick fleetscan.fleet_size = fleetsize print "JGP fleet " attacker=Planet.load(originx,originy,originz) if attacker is None: print "Can't find attacker in db: %s:%s:%s"%(originx,originy,originz) continue fleetscan.owner = attacker = scan.planet try: scan.fleets.append(fleetscan) session.commit() except IntegrityError, e: session.rollback() print "Caught integrity exception in jgp: "+e.__str__() print "Trying to update instead" query = session.query(FleetScan).filter_by(owner=attacker, target=scan.planet, fleet_size=fleetsize, fleet_name=fleet, landing_tick=eta+scan.tick, mission=mission) try: query.update({"scan_id": scan_id}) session.commit() except Exception, e: session.rollback() print "Exception trying to update jgp: "+e.__str__() traceback.print_exc() continue
def planet(self, message, user, params): planet = Planet.load(*, 3, 5)) if planet is None: message.reply("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s found" %, 3, 5)) return # List of last 10 scans if == "o": scans = planet.scans.filter_by(scantype=self.type).order_by( desc([:10] if len(scans) < 1: message.reply( "No %s Scans of %s:%s:%s found" % (PA.get(self.type, "name"), planet.x, planet.y, planet.z)) return prev = [] for scan in scans: prev.append("(pt%s %s)" % ( scan.tick, scan.pa_id, )) reply = "Last 10 %s Scans on %s:%s:%s " % (PA.get( self.type, "name"), planet.x, planet.y, planet.z) + " ".join(prev) message.reply(reply) return # Latest scan scan = planet.scan(self.type) if scan is None: message.reply( "No %s Scans of %s:%s:%s found" % (PA.get(self.type, "name"), planet.x, planet.y, planet.z)) return # Link to scan if == "l": reply = "%s on %s:%s:%s " % ( scan.type, planet.x, planet.y, planet.z, ) reply += self.url(, user) message.reply(reply) return # Display the scan message.reply(self.url(str(scan), user))
class planet(graphs): load = staticmethod(lambda x, y, z, name: Planet.load(x, y, z)) title = staticmethod(lambda o: "%s:%s:%s" % ( o.x, o.y, o.z, )) query = { 'values': session.query(PlanetHistory.tick, PlanetHistory.size, PlanetHistory.score, PlanetHistory.value), 'ranks': session.query(PlanetHistory.tick, PlanetHistory.size_rank, PlanetHistory.score_rank, PlanetHistory.value_rank), }
def execute(self, message, user, params): planet = Planet.load(*, 3, 5)) if planet is None: message.reply("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s found" %, 3, 5)) return notice = "DEFCALL: %s wants %s to %s:%s:%s eta %s" % (,,,,, if Config.getboolean("Misc", "globaldef"): push("broadcast", notice="!#!" + notice.replace(" ", "!#!")) else: message.notice(notice, Config.get("Channels", "home"))
def planet_galaxy(self, message, user, params): # Planet if is not None: planet = Planet.load(*,3,5)) if planet is None: message.reply("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s found" %,3,5)) else: self.execute(message, planet=planet) # Galaxy else: galaxy = Galaxy.load(*,3)) if galaxy is None: message.reply("No galaxy with coords %s:%s" %,3)) else: self.execute(message, galaxy=galaxy)
def execute(self, request, user, x, y, z, type): planet = Planet.load(x, y, z) if planet is None: return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("planet_ranks")) scan = planet.scan(type) if scan is None: return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse("planet_scans", kwargs={ "x": planet.x, "y": planet.y, "z": planet.z })) return render("scans/base.tpl", request, scan=scan)
def planet_galaxy(self, message, user, params): # Planet if is not None: planet = Planet.load(*,3,5)) if planet is None: message.reply("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s found" %,3,5)) return message.reply(str(planet)) return # Galaxy else: galaxy = Galaxy.load(*,3)) if galaxy is None: message.reply("No galaxy with coords %s:%s" %,3)) return message.reply(str(galaxy)) return
def add(self, message, user, params): id = int( attack = Attack.load(id) if attack is None: message.alert("No attack exists with id %d" %(id)) return for coord in re.findall(loadable.coord, if not coord[4]: galaxy = Galaxy.load(coord[0],coord[2]) if galaxy: attack.addGalaxy(galaxy) else: planet = Planet.load(coord[0],coord[2],coord[4]) if planet: attack.addPlanet(planet) session.commit() message.reply(str(attack))
def parse_N(self, scan_id, scan, page): #incoming fleets #<td class=left valign=top>Incoming</td><td valign=top>851</td><td class=left valign=top>We have detected an open jumpgate from Tertiary, located at 18:5:11. The fleet will approach our system in tick 855 and appears to have roughly 95 ships.</td> for m in re.finditer( '<td class="left" valign="top">Incoming</td><td valign="top">(\d+)</td><td class="left" valign="top">We have detected an open jumpgate from ([^<]+), located at (\d+):(\d+):(\d+). The fleet will approach our system in tick (\d+) and appears to have roughly (\d+) ships.</td>', page): fleetscan = FleetScan() newstick = fleetname = originx = originy = originz = arrivaltick = int( numships = fleetscan.mission = "Unknown" fleetscan.fleet_name = fleetname fleetscan.launch_tick = newstick fleetscan.landing_tick = arrivaltick fleetscan.fleet_size = numships owner = Planet.load(originx, originy, originz) if owner is None: continue fleetscan.owner = owner = scan.planet fleetscan.in_cluster = fleetscan.owner.x == fleetscan.in_galaxy = fleetscan.in_cluster and fleetscan.owner.y == try: scan.fleets.append(fleetscan) session.commit() except Exception, e: session.rollback() scanlog("Exception in news: %s" % (str(e), ), traceback=True) continue scanlog('Incoming: ' + newstick + ':' + fleetname + '-' + originx + ':' + originy + ':' + originz + '-' + arrivaltick + '|' + numships)
def execute(self, message, user, params): alliance = Alliance.load( if (alliance is None) and ( not in ["None", "<>", "?"]): message.alert("No alliances match %s" % ( return reply = "Planets added to '%s':" % ( if alliance else "None") planets = self.planet_coordre.findall( for coord in planets: planet = Planet.load(coord[0], coord[2], coord[4]) if planet: if is None: = Intel() = alliance reply += " %s:%s:%s" % (coord[0], coord[2], coord[4]) session.commit() message.reply(reply)
def execute(self, message, user, params): tick = Updates.current_tick() url = Config.get("URL", "bcalc") i = 1 coords, clazz = params.groups() for coord in re.findall(loadable.coord, coords): planet = Planet.load(coord[0], coord[2], coord[4]) if planet: scan = planet.scan("A") if scan and (int(tick) <= scan.tick + 12): url = scan.addPlanetToCalc( url, False, i, self.class_translation[clazz] if clazz in self.class_translation.keys() else None) else: message.reply("Missing a scan for %d:%d:%d" % (planet.x, planet.y, planet.z)) return i = i + 1 message.reply("Calc: %s" % (tinyurl.create_one("%s&att_fleets=%d" % (url, i - 1))))