def main(election_folder):
    '''Launch interactive ballot generation'''
    print("Welcome into the Ballot Generation Tool")

    raw_input("Press <ENTER> to start loading election settings...")

    filedes = open(election_folder + election_folder[:-7] + ".pub.json", 'r')
    settings_raw =

    election_fingerprint = sha256(settings_raw).hexdigest()
    print("Election hash (sha256): " + election_fingerprint)

    settings = json.loads(settings_raw)
    print("Election name: " + settings['human']['name'])

    print("Loading successful!")

    (F, F2, C, C2) = init_curves()
    g_raw = settings['crypto']['g']
    h_raw = settings['crypto']['h']
    g1_raw = settings['crypto']['g1']
    h1_raw = settings['crypto']['h1']

    hx = [int(i) for i in h_raw['coord'][0]]
    hy = [int(i) for i in h_raw['coord'][1]]
    h1x = [int(i) for i in h1_raw['coord'][0]]
    h1y = [int(i) for i in h1_raw['coord'][1]]

    g_coord = [F(int(g_raw['coord'][0])), F(int(g_raw['coord'][1]))]
    g1_coord = [F(int(g1_raw['coord'][0])), F(int(g1_raw['coord'][1]))]
    h_coord = [F2(hx), F2(hy)]
    h1_coord = [F2(h1x), F2(h1y)]
    g = C(g_coord, representation = g_raw['repr'])
    g1 = C(g1_coord, representation = g1_raw['repr'])
    h = C2(h_coord, representation = h_raw['repr'])
    h1 = C2(h1_coord, representation = h1_raw['repr'])

    raw_input("Press <ENTER> to continue...")

    print("QUESTION: " + settings['human']['question'])
    print("ANSWER 0: " + settings['human']['answer_0'])
    print("ANSWER 1: " + settings['human']['answer_1'])

    vote = -1

    while (vote != 0) & (vote != 1) :
            v = int(raw_input("Please pick a choice (0 or 1) and press <ENTER>... "))
        except(ValueError): # Catch inputs that are not integers
        vote = v

    print("Encrypting ballot. This may take some time...")
    ((c0, c1, c2), sigmacc, sigmaor) = ccsva_enc(vote, g, g1, h, h1)

    # Encode ballot in JSON
    ballot_content = json.dumps({'ciphertext' : {'c0' : c0.json(),
                                               'c1' : c1.json(),
                                               'c2' : c2.json()},
                                'proofs' :{'sigmacc' : sigmacc,
                                           'sigmaor': sigmaor}},
                                indent = 4)

    print("Ballot encrypted!")

    # Compute ballot hash
    ballot_fingerprint = sha256(ballot_content).hexdigest()

    # Save ballot to a file
    filedes = open(election_folder + ballot_fingerprint + ".bal.json", "w")

    print("Ballot hash (sha256): " + ballot_fingerprint)
    print("This ballot is in " + election_folder + ballot_fingerprint \
          + ".pub.json")

def main(settings, ballot, election_folder):
    '''Launch single ballot validation'''
    print("Welcome into the Ballot Verification Tool")

    filedes = open(settings, 'r')
    settings_raw =

    filedes2 = open(ballot, 'r')
    ballot_raw =

    election_fingerprint = sha256(settings_raw).hexdigest()
    ballot_fingerprint = sha256(ballot_raw).hexdigest()

    print("Election hash (sha256): " + election_fingerprint)
    print("Ballot hash (sha256): " + ballot_fingerprint)

    settings = json.loads(settings_raw)
    ballot = json.loads(ballot_raw)
    print("Election name: " + settings['human']['name'])

    (F, F2, C, C2) = init_curves()
    g_raw = settings['crypto']['g']
    h_raw = settings['crypto']['h']
    g1_raw = settings['crypto']['g1']
    h1_raw = settings['crypto']['h1']
    g_coord = [F(g_raw['coord'][0]), F(g_raw['coord'][1])]
    h_coord = [F2(h_raw['coord'][0]), F2(h_raw['coord'][1])]
    g1_coord = [F(g1_raw['coord'][0]), F(g1_raw['coord'][1])]
    h1_coord = [F2(h1_raw['coord'][0]), F2(h1_raw['coord'][1])]
    g = C(g_coord, representation = g_raw['repr'])
    g1 = C(g1_coord, representation = g1_raw['repr'])
    h = C2(h_coord, representation = h_raw['repr'])
    h1 = C2(h1_coord, representation = h1_raw['repr'])

    c0_raw = ballot['ciphertext']['c0']
    c1_raw = ballot['ciphertext']['c1']
    c2_raw = ballot['ciphertext']['c2']
    c0_coord = [F(c0_raw['coord'][0]), F(c0_raw['coord'][1])]
    c1_coord = [F(c1_raw['coord'][0]), F(c1_raw['coord'][1])]
    c2_coord = [F2(c2_raw['coord'][0]), F2(c2_raw['coord'][1])]
    c0 = C(c0_coord, representation = c0_raw['repr'])
    c1 = C(c1_coord, representation = c1_raw['repr'])
    c2 = C2(c2_coord, representation = c2_raw['repr'])

    sigmacc_raw = ballot['proofs']['sigmacc']
    sigmaor_raw = ballot['proofs']['sigmaor']
    #FIXME check la conversion de sigma cc et sigma or
    sigmacc = sigmacc_raw
    sigmaor = sigmaor_raw

    if (ccsva_extrip(c0, c1, c2, sigmacc, sigmaor, g, h, g1, h1) == True):

        #moves the full ballot to SB
        move(ballot, election_folder + "sb/" + ballot_fingerprint + ".bal.json")

        #appends the public commitment on PB
        #(c2b, sigmaorb) = ccsva_extract_c(c0, c1, c2, sigmacc, sigmaor)
        public_ballot = json.dumps({'c2' : c2_raw, #c2b.json(),
                                    'sigmaor': sigmaor_raw}, #sigmaorb.json()},
                                   indent = 4)
        filedes = open(election_folder + "pb/" + ballot_fingerprint \
                       + ".bal.json", "w")

        print("Ballot accepted and stored!")
        print("Refused ballot!")