Esempio n. 1
class RequestTasks(TaskBase):
    Class for handling tasks for the RMS
    def __init__(

        the requestClass is by default Request.
        If extensions want to use an extended type, they can pass it as a parameter.
        This is the same behavior as WorfkloTasks and jobClass

        if not logger:
            logger = gLogger.getSubLogger(self.__class__.__name__)

        super(RequestTasks, self).__init__(transClient, logger)
        useCertificates = True if (bool(ownerDN)
                                   and bool(ownerGroup)) else False

        if not requestClient:
            self.requestClient = ReqClient(useCertificates=useCertificates,
            self.requestClient = requestClient

        if not requestClass:
            self.requestClass = Request
            self.requestClass = requestClass

        if not requestValidator:
            self.requestValidator = RequestValidator()
            self.requestValidator = requestValidator

    def prepareTransformationTasks(self,
        """Prepare tasks, given a taskDict, that is created (with some manipulation) by the DB"""
        if not taskDict:
            return S_OK({})

        if (not owner) or (not ownerGroup):
            res = getProxyInfo(False, False)
            if not res["OK"]:
                return res
            proxyInfo = res["Value"]
            owner = proxyInfo["username"]
            ownerGroup = proxyInfo["group"]

        if not ownerDN:
            res = getDNForUsername(owner)
            if not res["OK"]:
                return res
            ownerDN = res["Value"][0]

            transJson, _decLen = decode(transBody)

            if isinstance(transJson, BaseBody):
                self._bodyPlugins(transJson, taskDict, ownerDN, ownerGroup)
                self._multiOperationsBody(transJson, taskDict, ownerDN,
        except ValueError:  # #json couldn't load
            self._singleOperationsBody(transBody, taskDict, ownerDN,

        return S_OK(taskDict)

    def _multiOperationsBody(self, transJson, taskDict, ownerDN, ownerGroup):
        """Deal with a Request that has multiple operations

        :param transJson: list of lists of string and dictionaries, e.g.:

          .. code :: python

            body = [ ( "ReplicateAndRegister", { "SourceSE":"FOO-SRM", "TargetSE":"TASK:TargetSE" }),
                     ( "RemoveReplica", { "TargetSE":"FOO-SRM" } ),

            If a value of an operation parameter in the body starts with ``TASK:``,
            we take it from the taskDict.
            For example ``TASK:TargetSE`` is replaced with ``task['TargetSE']``

        :param dict taskDict: dictionary of tasks, modified in this function
        :param str ownerDN: certificate DN used for the requests
        :param str onwerGroup: dirac group used for the requests

        :returns: None
        for taskID, task in list(taskDict.items()):
                transID = task["TransformationID"]
                if not task.get("InputData"):
                    raise StopTaskIteration("No input data")
                files = []

                oRequest = Request()
                if isinstance(task["InputData"], list):
                    files = task["InputData"]
                elif isinstance(task["InputData"], six.string_types):
                    files = task["InputData"].split(";")

                # create the operations from the json structure
                for operationTuple in transJson:
                    op = Operation()
                    op.Type = operationTuple[0]
                    for parameter, value in operationTuple[1].items():
                        # Here we massage a bit the body to replace some parameters
                        # with what we have in the task.
                            taskKey = value.split("TASK:")[1]
                            value = task[taskKey]
                        # Either the attribute is not a string (AttributeError)
                        # or it does not start with 'TASK:' (IndexError)
                        except (AttributeError, IndexError):
                        # That happens when the requested substitution is not
                        # a key in the task, and that's a problem
                        except KeyError:
                            raise StopTaskIteration(
                                "Parameter %s does not exist in taskDict" %

                        setattr(op, parameter, value)

                    for lfn in files:
                        opFile = File()
                        opFile.LFN = lfn


                result = self._assignRequestToTask(oRequest, taskDict, transID,
                                                   taskID, ownerDN, ownerGroup)
                if not result["OK"]:
                    raise StopTaskIteration(
                        "Could not assign request to task: %s" %
            except StopTaskIteration as e:
                self._logError("Error creating request for task",
                               "%s, %s" % (taskID, e),

    def _singleOperationsBody(self, transBody, taskDict, ownerDN, ownerGroup):
        """deal with a Request that has just one operation, as it was sofar

        :param transBody: string, can be an empty string
        :param dict taskDict: dictionary of tasks, modified in this function
        :param str ownerDN: certificate DN used for the requests
        :param str onwerGroup: dirac group used for the requests

        :returns: None

        requestOperation = "ReplicateAndRegister"
        if transBody:
                _requestType, requestOperation = transBody.split(";")
            except AttributeError:
        failedTasks = []
        # Do not remove sorted, we might pop elements in the loop
        for taskID, task in taskDict.items():

            transID = task["TransformationID"]

            oRequest = Request()
            transfer = Operation()
            transfer.Type = requestOperation
            transfer.TargetSE = task["TargetSE"]

            # If there are input files
            if task.get("InputData"):
                if isinstance(task["InputData"], list):
                    files = task["InputData"]
                elif isinstance(task["InputData"], six.string_types):
                    files = task["InputData"].split(";")
                for lfn in files:
                    trFile = File()
                    trFile.LFN = lfn


            result = self._assignRequestToTask(oRequest, taskDict, transID,
                                               taskID, ownerDN, ownerGroup)
            if not result["OK"]:
        # Remove failed tasks
        for taskID in failedTasks:

    def _bodyPlugins(self, bodyObj, taskDict, ownerDN, ownerGroup):
        """Deal with complex body object"""
        for taskID, task in list(taskDict.items()):
                transID = task["TransformationID"]
                if not task.get("InputData"):
                    raise StopTaskIteration("No input data")

                oRequest = bodyObj.taskToRequest(taskID, task, transID)
                result = self._assignRequestToTask(oRequest, taskDict, transID,
                                                   taskID, ownerDN, ownerGroup)
                if not result["OK"]:
                    raise StopTaskIteration(
                        "Could not assign request to task: %s" %
            except StopTaskIteration as e:
                self._logError("Error creating request for task",
                               "%s, %s" % (taskID, e),

    def _assignRequestToTask(self, oRequest, taskDict, transID, taskID,
                             ownerDN, ownerGroup):
        """set ownerDN and group to request, and add the request to taskDict if it is
        valid, otherwise remove the task from the taskDict

        :param oRequest: Request
        :param dict taskDict: dictionary of tasks, modified in this function
        :param int transID: Transformation ID
        :param int taskID: Task ID
        :param str ownerDN: certificate DN used for the requests
        :param str onwerGroup: dirac group used for the requests

        :returns: None

        oRequest.RequestName = self._transTaskName(transID, taskID)
        oRequest.OwnerDN = ownerDN
        oRequest.OwnerGroup = ownerGroup

        isValid = self.requestValidator.validate(oRequest)
        if not isValid["OK"]:
            self._logError("Error creating request for task",
                           "%s %s" % (taskID, isValid),
            return S_ERROR("Error creating request")
        taskDict[taskID]["TaskObject"] = oRequest
        return S_OK()

    def submitTransformationTasks(self, taskDict):
        """Submit requests one by one"""
        submitted = 0
        failed = 0
        startTime = time.time()
        method = "submitTransformationTasks"
        for task in taskDict.values():
            # transID is the same for all tasks, so pick it up every time here
            transID = task["TransformationID"]
            if not task["TaskObject"]:
                task["Success"] = False
                failed += 1
            res = self.submitTaskToExternal(task["TaskObject"])
            if res["OK"]:
                task["ExternalID"] = res["Value"]
                task["Success"] = True
                submitted += 1
                self._logError("Failed to submit task to RMS",
                task["Success"] = False
                failed += 1
        if submitted:
                "Submitted %d tasks to RMS in %.1f seconds" %
                (submitted, time.time() - startTime),
        if failed:
            self._logWarn("Failed to submit %d tasks to RMS." % (failed),
        return S_OK(taskDict)

    def submitTaskToExternal(self, oRequest):
        Submits a request to RMS
        if isinstance(oRequest, self.requestClass):
            return self.requestClient.putRequest(oRequest,
        return S_ERROR("Request should be a Request object")

    def updateTransformationReservedTasks(self, taskDicts):
        requestNameIDs = {}
        noTasks = []
        for taskDict in taskDicts:
            requestName = self._transTaskName(taskDict["TransformationID"],
            reqID = taskDict["ExternalID"]
            if reqID and int(reqID):
                requestNameIDs[requestName] = reqID
        return S_OK({"NoTasks": noTasks, "TaskNameIDs": requestNameIDs})

    def getSubmittedTaskStatus(self, taskDicts):
        Check if tasks changed status, and return a list of tasks per new status
        updateDict = {}
        badRequestID = 0
        for taskDict in taskDicts:
            oldStatus = taskDict["ExternalStatus"]
            # ExternalID is normally a string
            if taskDict["ExternalID"] and int(taskDict["ExternalID"]):
                newStatus = self.requestClient.getRequestStatus(
                if not newStatus["OK"]:
                    log = self._logVerbose if "not exist" in newStatus[
                        "Message"] else self._logWarn
                        "getSubmittedTaskStatus: Failed to get requestID for request",
                    newStatus = newStatus["Value"]
                    # We don't care updating the tasks to Assigned while the request is being processed
                    if newStatus != oldStatus and newStatus != "Assigned":
                badRequestID += 1
        if badRequestID:
            self._logWarn("%d requests have identifier 0" % badRequestID)
        return S_OK(updateDict)

    def getSubmittedFileStatus(self, fileDicts):
        Check if transformation files changed status, and return a list of taskIDs per new status
        # Don't try and get status of not submitted tasks!
        transID = None
        taskFiles = {}
        for fileDict in fileDicts:
            # There is only one transformation involved, get however the transID in the loop
            transID = fileDict["TransformationID"]
            taskID = int(fileDict["TaskID"])
            taskFiles.setdefault(taskID, []).append(fileDict["LFN"])
        # Should not happen, but just in case there are no files, return
        if transID is None:
            return S_OK({})

        res = self.transClient.getTransformationTasks({
            "TransformationID": transID,
            "TaskID": list(taskFiles)
        if not res["OK"]:
            return res
        requestFiles = {}
        for taskDict in res["Value"]:
            taskID = taskDict["TaskID"]
            externalID = taskDict["ExternalID"]
            # Only consider tasks that are submitted, ExternalID is a string
            if taskDict["ExternalStatus"] != "Created" and externalID and int(
                requestFiles[externalID] = taskFiles[taskID]

        updateDict = {}
        for requestID, lfnList in requestFiles.items():
            statusDict = self.requestClient.getRequestFileStatus(
                requestID, lfnList)
            if not statusDict["OK"]:
                log = self._logVerbose if "not exist" in statusDict[
                    "Message"] else self._logWarn
                    "Failed to get files status for request",
                for lfn, newStatus in statusDict["Value"].items():
                    if newStatus == "Done":
                        updateDict[lfn] = TransformationFilesStatus.PROCESSED
                    elif newStatus == "Failed":
                        updateDict[lfn] = TransformationFilesStatus.PROBLEMATIC
        return S_OK(updateDict)
Esempio n. 2
class RequestTasks(TaskBase):
  Class for handling tasks for the RMS
    def __init__(self,
        """ c'tor

        the requestClass is by default Request.
        If extensions want to use an extended type, they can pass it as a parameter.
        This is the same behavior as WorfkloTasks and jobClass

        if not logger:
            logger = gLogger.getSubLogger('RequestTasks')

        super(RequestTasks, self).__init__(transClient, logger)
        useCertificates = True if (bool(ownerDN)
                                   and bool(ownerGroup)) else False

        if not requestClient:
            self.requestClient = ReqClient(useCertificates=useCertificates,
            self.requestClient = requestClient

        if not requestClass:
            self.requestClass = Request
            self.requestClass = requestClass

        if not requestValidator:
            self.requestValidator = RequestValidator()
            self.requestValidator = requestValidator

    def prepareTransformationTasks(self,
        """ Prepare tasks, given a taskDict, that is created (with some manipulation) by the DB
        if not taskDict:
            return S_OK({})

        if (not owner) or (not ownerGroup):
            res = getProxyInfo(False, False)
            if not res['OK']:
                return res
            proxyInfo = res['Value']
            owner = proxyInfo['username']
            ownerGroup = proxyInfo['group']

        if not ownerDN:
            res = getDNForUsername(owner)
            if not res['OK']:
                return res
            ownerDN = res['Value'][0]

            transJson = json.loads(transBody)
            self._multiOperationsBody(transJson, taskDict, ownerDN, ownerGroup)
        except ValueError:  # #json couldn't load
            self._singleOperationsBody(transBody, taskDict, ownerDN,

        return S_OK(taskDict)

    def _multiOperationsBody(self, transJson, taskDict, ownerDN, ownerGroup):
        """ deal with a Request that has multiple operations

    :param transJson: list of lists of string and dictionaries, e.g.:

      .. code :: python

        body = [ ( "ReplicateAndRegister", { "SourceSE":"FOO-SRM", "TargetSE":"BAR-SRM" }),
                 ( "RemoveReplica", { "TargetSE":"FOO-SRM" } ),

    :param dict taskDict: dictionary of tasks, modified in this function
    :param str ownerDN: certificate DN used for the requests
    :param str onwerGroup: dirac group used for the requests

    :returns: None
        failedTasks = []
        for taskID, task in taskDict.items():
            transID = task['TransformationID']
            if not task.get('InputData'):
                self._logError("Error creating request for task",
                               "%s, No input data" % taskID,
            files = []

            oRequest = Request()
            if isinstance(task['InputData'], list):
                files = task['InputData']
            elif isinstance(task['InputData'], basestring):
                files = task['InputData'].split(';')

            # create the operations from the json structure
            for operationTuple in transJson:
                op = Operation()
                op.Type = operationTuple[0]
                for parameter, value in operationTuple[1].iteritems():
                    setattr(op, parameter, value)

                for lfn in files:
                    opFile = File()
                    opFile.LFN = lfn


            result = self._assignRequestToTask(oRequest, taskDict, transID,
                                               taskID, ownerDN, ownerGroup)
            if not result['OK']:
        # Remove failed tasks
        for taskID in failedTasks:

    def _singleOperationsBody(self, transBody, taskDict, ownerDN, ownerGroup):
        """ deal with a Request that has just one operation, as it was sofar

    :param transBody: string, can be an empty string
    :param dict taskDict: dictionary of tasks, modified in this function
    :param str ownerDN: certificate DN used for the requests
    :param str onwerGroup: dirac group used for the requests

    :returns: None

        requestOperation = 'ReplicateAndRegister'
        if transBody:
                _requestType, requestOperation = transBody.split(';')
            except AttributeError:
        failedTasks = []
        # Do not remove sorted, we might pop elements in the loop
        for taskID, task in taskDict.iteritems():

            transID = task['TransformationID']

            oRequest = Request()
            transfer = Operation()
            transfer.Type = requestOperation
            transfer.TargetSE = task['TargetSE']

            # If there are input files
            if task.get('InputData'):
                if isinstance(task['InputData'], list):
                    files = task['InputData']
                elif isinstance(task['InputData'], basestring):
                    files = task['InputData'].split(';')
                for lfn in files:
                    trFile = File()
                    trFile.LFN = lfn


            result = self._assignRequestToTask(oRequest, taskDict, transID,
                                               taskID, ownerDN, ownerGroup)
            if not result['OK']:
        # Remove failed tasks
        for taskID in failedTasks:

    def _assignRequestToTask(self, oRequest, taskDict, transID, taskID,
                             ownerDN, ownerGroup):
        """set ownerDN and group to request, and add the request to taskDict if it is
    valid, otherwise remove the task from the taskDict

    :param oRequest: Request
    :param dict taskDict: dictionary of tasks, modified in this function
    :param int transID: Transformation ID
    :param int taskID: Task ID
    :param str ownerDN: certificate DN used for the requests
    :param str onwerGroup: dirac group used for the requests

    :returns: None

        oRequest.RequestName = self._transTaskName(transID, taskID)
        oRequest.OwnerDN = ownerDN
        oRequest.OwnerGroup = ownerGroup

        isValid = self.requestValidator.validate(oRequest)
        if not isValid['OK']:
            self._logError("Error creating request for task",
                           "%s %s" % (taskID, isValid),
            return S_ERROR('Error creating request')
        taskDict[taskID]['TaskObject'] = oRequest
        return S_OK()

    def submitTransformationTasks(self, taskDict):
        """ Submit requests one by one
        submitted = 0
        failed = 0
        startTime = time.time()
        method = 'submitTransformationTasks'
        for task in taskDict.itervalues():
            # transID is the same for all tasks, so pick it up every time here
            transID = task['TransformationID']
            if not task['TaskObject']:
                task['Success'] = False
                failed += 1
            res = self.submitTaskToExternal(task['TaskObject'])
            if res['OK']:
                task['ExternalID'] = res['Value']
                task['Success'] = True
                submitted += 1
                self._logError("Failed to submit task to RMS",
                task['Success'] = False
                failed += 1
        if submitted:
            self._logInfo('Submitted %d tasks to RMS in %.1f seconds' %
                          (submitted, time.time() - startTime),
        if failed:
            self._logWarn('Failed to submit %d tasks to RMS.' % (failed),
        return S_OK(taskDict)

    def submitTaskToExternal(self, oRequest):
    Submits a request to RMS
        if isinstance(oRequest, self.requestClass):
            return self.requestClient.putRequest(oRequest,
        return S_ERROR("Request should be a Request object")

    def updateTransformationReservedTasks(self, taskDicts):
        requestNameIDs = {}
        noTasks = []
        for taskDict in taskDicts:
            requestName = self._transTaskName(taskDict['TransformationID'],
            reqID = taskDict['ExternalID']
            if reqID:
                requestNameIDs[requestName] = reqID
        return S_OK({'NoTasks': noTasks, 'TaskNameIDs': requestNameIDs})

    def getSubmittedTaskStatus(self, taskDicts):
    Check if tasks changed status, and return a list of tasks per new status
        updateDict = {}
        badRequestID = 0
        for taskDict in taskDicts:
            oldStatus = taskDict['ExternalStatus']
            # ExternalID is normally a string
            if taskDict['ExternalID'] and int(taskDict['ExternalID']):
                newStatus = self.requestClient.getRequestStatus(
                if not newStatus['OK']:
                    log = self._logVerbose if 'not exist' in newStatus[
                        'Message'] else self._logWarn
                    log("getSubmittedTaskStatus: Failed to get requestID for request",
                    newStatus = newStatus['Value']
                    # We don't care updating the tasks to Assigned while the request is being processed
                    if newStatus != oldStatus and newStatus != 'Assigned':
                badRequestID += 1
        if badRequestID:
            self._logWarn("%d requests have identifier 0" % badRequestID)
        return S_OK(updateDict)

    def getSubmittedFileStatus(self, fileDicts):
    Check if transformation files changed status, and return a list of taskIDs per new status
        # Don't try and get status of not submitted tasks!
        transID = None
        taskFiles = {}
        for fileDict in fileDicts:
            # There is only one transformation involved, get however the transID in the loop
            transID = fileDict['TransformationID']
            taskID = int(fileDict['TaskID'])
            taskFiles.setdefault(taskID, []).append(fileDict['LFN'])
        # Should not happen, but just in case there are no files, return
        if transID is None:
            return S_OK({})

        res = self.transClient.getTransformationTasks({
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        requestFiles = {}
        for taskDict in res['Value']:
            taskID = taskDict['TaskID']
            externalID = taskDict['ExternalID']
            # Only consider tasks that are submitted, ExternalID is a string
            if taskDict['ExternalStatus'] != 'Created' and externalID and int(
                requestFiles[externalID] = taskFiles[taskID]

        updateDict = {}
        for requestID, lfnList in requestFiles.iteritems():
            statusDict = self.requestClient.getRequestFileStatus(
                requestID, lfnList)
            if not statusDict['OK']:
                log = self._logVerbose if 'not exist' in statusDict[
                    'Message'] else self._logWarn
                log("Failed to get files status for request",
                for lfn, newStatus in statusDict['Value'].iteritems():
                    if newStatus == 'Done':
                        updateDict[lfn] = 'Processed'
                    elif newStatus == 'Failed':
                        updateDict[lfn] = 'Problematic'
        return S_OK(updateDict)
Esempio n. 3
class RequestTasks(TaskBase):
    def __init__(self,
        """ c'tor

        the requestClass is by default Request.
        If extensions want to use an extended type, they can pass it as a parameter.
        This is the same behavior as WorfkloTasks and jobClass

        if not logger:
            logger = gLogger.getSubLogger('RequestTasks')

        super(RequestTasks, self).__init__(transClient, logger)

        if not requestClient:
            self.requestClient = ReqClient()
            self.requestClient = requestClient

        if not requestClass:
            self.requestClass = Request
            self.requestClass = requestClass

        if not requestValidator:
            self.requestValidator = RequestValidator()
            self.requestValidator = requestValidator

    def prepareTransformationTasks(self,
        """ Prepare tasks, given a taskDict, that is created (with some manipulation) by the DB
        if (not owner) or (not ownerGroup):
            res = getProxyInfo(False, False)
            if not res['OK']:
                return res
            proxyInfo = res['Value']
            owner = proxyInfo['username']
            ownerGroup = proxyInfo['group']

        if not ownerDN:
            res = getDNForUsername(owner)
            if not res['OK']:
                return res
            ownerDN = res['Value'][0]

        requestOperation = 'ReplicateAndRegister'
        if transBody:
                _requestType, requestOperation = transBody.split(';')
            except AttributeError:

        for taskID in sorted(taskDict):
            paramDict = taskDict[taskID]
            if paramDict['InputData']:
                transID = paramDict['TransformationID']

                oRequest = Request()
                transfer = Operation()
                transfer.Type = requestOperation
                transfer.TargetSE = paramDict['TargetSE']

                if isinstance(paramDict['InputData'], list):
                    files = paramDict['InputData']
                elif isinstance(paramDict['InputData'], basestring):
                    files = paramDict['InputData'].split(';')
                for lfn in files:
                    trFile = File()
                    trFile.LFN = lfn


                oRequest.RequestName = _requestName(transID, taskID)
                oRequest.OwnerDN = ownerDN
                oRequest.OwnerGroup = ownerGroup

            isValid = self.requestValidator.validate(oRequest)
            if not isValid['OK']:
                return isValid

            taskDict[taskID]['TaskObject'] = oRequest

        return S_OK(taskDict)

    def submitTransformationTasks(self, taskDict):
        """ Submit requests one by one
        submitted = 0
        failed = 0
        startTime = time.time()
        for taskID in sorted(taskDict):
            if not taskDict[taskID]['TaskObject']:
                taskDict[taskID]['Success'] = False
                failed += 1
            res = self.submitTaskToExternal(taskDict[taskID]['TaskObject'])
            if res['OK']:
                taskDict[taskID]['ExternalID'] = res['Value']
                taskDict[taskID]['Success'] = True
                submitted += 1
                self._logError("Failed to submit task to RMS", res['Message'])
                taskDict[taskID]['Success'] = False
                failed += 1
            'submitTasks: Submitted %d tasks to RMS in %.1f seconds' %
            (submitted, time.time() - startTime))
        if failed:
                'submitTasks: But at the same time failed to submit %d tasks to RMS.'
                % (failed))
        return S_OK(taskDict)

    def submitTaskToExternal(self, oRequest):
        """ Submits a request using ReqClient
        if isinstance(oRequest, self.requestClass):
            return self.requestClient.putRequest(oRequest)
            return S_ERROR("Request should be a Request object")

    def updateTransformationReservedTasks(self, taskDicts):
        requestNameIDs = {}
        noTasks = []
        for taskDict in taskDicts:
            requestName = _requestName(taskDict['TransformationID'],

            reqID = taskDict['ExternalID']

            if reqID:
                requestNameIDs[requestName] = reqID
        return S_OK({'NoTasks': noTasks, 'TaskNameIDs': requestNameIDs})

    def getSubmittedTaskStatus(self, taskDicts):
        updateDict = {}

        for taskDict in taskDicts:
            oldStatus = taskDict['ExternalStatus']

            newStatus = self.requestClient.getRequestStatus(
            if not newStatus['OK']:
                log = self._logVerbose if 'not exist' in newStatus[
                    'Message'] else self.log.warn
                    "getSubmittedTaskStatus: Failed to get requestID for request",
                    '%s' % newStatus['Message'])
                newStatus = newStatus['Value']
                if newStatus != oldStatus:
        return S_OK(updateDict)

    def getSubmittedFileStatus(self, fileDicts):
        taskFiles = {}
        submittedTasks = {}
        externalIds = {}
        # Don't try and get status of not submitted tasks!
        for fileDict in fileDicts:
        for transID in submittedTasks:
            res = self.transClient.getTransformationTasks({
            if not res['OK']:
                return res
            for taskDict in res['Value']:
                taskID = taskDict['TaskID']
                externalIds[taskID] = taskDict['ExternalID']
                if taskDict['ExternalStatus'] == 'Created':

        for fileDict in fileDicts:
            transID = fileDict['TransformationID']
            taskID = int(fileDict['TaskID'])
            if taskID in submittedTasks[transID]:
                requestID = externalIds[taskID]
                                     {})[fileDict['LFN']] = fileDict['Status']

        updateDict = {}
        for requestID in sorted(taskFiles):
            lfnDict = taskFiles[requestID]
            statusDict = self.requestClient.getRequestFileStatus(
                requestID, lfnDict.keys())
            if not statusDict['OK']:
                log = self._logVerbose if 'not exist' in statusDict[
                    'Message'] else self.log.warn
                    "getSubmittedFileStatus: Failed to get files status for request",
                    '%s' % statusDict['Message'])

            statusDict = statusDict['Value']
            for lfn, newStatus in statusDict.items():
                if newStatus == lfnDict[lfn]:
                elif newStatus == 'Done':
                    updateDict[lfn] = 'Processed'
                elif newStatus == 'Failed':
                    updateDict[lfn] = 'Problematic'
        return S_OK(updateDict)
Esempio n. 4
class RequestTasks( TaskBase ):

  def __init__( self, transClient = None, logger = None, requestClient = None,
                requestClass = None, requestValidator = None ):
    """ c'tor

        the requestClass is by default Request.
        If extensions want to use an extended type, they can pass it as a parameter.
        This is the same behavior as WorfkloTasks and jobClass

    if not logger:
      logger = gLogger.getSubLogger( 'RequestTasks' )

    super( RequestTasks, self ).__init__( transClient, logger )

    if not requestClient:
      self.requestClient = ReqClient()
      self.requestClient = requestClient

    if not requestClass:
      self.requestClass = Request
      self.requestClass = requestClass

    if not requestValidator:
      self.requestValidator = RequestValidator()
      self.requestValidator = requestValidator

  def prepareTransformationTasks( self, transBody, taskDict, owner = '', ownerGroup = '', ownerDN = '' ):
    """ Prepare tasks, given a taskDict, that is created (with some manipulation) by the DB
    if ( not owner ) or ( not ownerGroup ):
      res = getProxyInfo( False, False )
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      proxyInfo = res['Value']
      owner = proxyInfo['username']
      ownerGroup = proxyInfo['group']

    if not ownerDN:
      res = getDNForUsername( owner )
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      ownerDN = res['Value'][0]

    requestOperation = 'ReplicateAndRegister'
    if transBody:
        _requestType, requestOperation = transBody.split( ';' )
      except AttributeError:

    for taskID in sorted( taskDict ):
      paramDict = taskDict[taskID]
      if paramDict['InputData']:
        transID = paramDict['TransformationID']

        oRequest = Request()
        transfer = Operation()
        transfer.Type = requestOperation
        transfer.TargetSE = paramDict['TargetSE']

        if isinstance( paramDict['InputData'], list ):
          files = paramDict['InputData']
        elif isinstance( paramDict['InputData'], basestring ):
          files = paramDict['InputData'].split( ';' )
        for lfn in files:
          trFile = File()
          trFile.LFN = lfn

          transfer.addFile( trFile )

        oRequest.addOperation( transfer )
        oRequest.RequestName = _requestName( transID, taskID )
        oRequest.OwnerDN = ownerDN
        oRequest.OwnerGroup = ownerGroup

      isValid = self.requestValidator.validate( oRequest )
      if not isValid['OK']:
        return isValid

      taskDict[taskID]['TaskObject'] = oRequest

    return S_OK( taskDict )

  def submitTransformationTasks( self, taskDict ):
    """ Submit requests one by one
    submitted = 0
    failed = 0
    startTime = time.time()
    for taskID in sorted( taskDict ):
      if not taskDict[taskID]['TaskObject']:
        taskDict[taskID]['Success'] = False
        failed += 1
      res = self.submitTaskToExternal( taskDict[taskID]['TaskObject'] )
      if res['OK']:
        taskDict[taskID]['ExternalID'] = res['Value']
        taskDict[taskID]['Success'] = True
        submitted += 1
        self._logError( "Failed to submit task to RMS", res['Message'] )
        taskDict[taskID]['Success'] = False
        failed += 1
    self._logInfo( 'submitTasks: Submitted %d tasks to RMS in %.1f seconds' % ( submitted, time.time() - startTime ) )
    if failed:
      self._logWarn( 'submitTasks: But at the same time failed to submit %d tasks to RMS.' % ( failed ) )
    return S_OK( taskDict )

  def submitTaskToExternal( self, oRequest ):
    """ Submits a request using ReqClient
    if isinstance( oRequest, self.requestClass ):
      return self.requestClient.putRequest( oRequest )
      return S_ERROR( "Request should be a Request object" )

  def updateTransformationReservedTasks( self, taskDicts ):
    requestNameIDs = {}
    noTasks = []
    for taskDict in taskDicts:
      requestName = _requestName( taskDict['TransformationID'], taskDict['TaskID'] )

      reqID = taskDict['ExternalID']

      if reqID:
        requestNameIDs[requestName] = reqID
        noTasks.append( requestName )
    return S_OK( {'NoTasks':noTasks, 'TaskNameIDs':requestNameIDs} )

  def getSubmittedTaskStatus( self, taskDicts ):
    updateDict = {}

    for taskDict in taskDicts:
      oldStatus = taskDict['ExternalStatus']

      newStatus = self.requestClient.getRequestStatus( taskDict['ExternalID'] )
      if not newStatus['OK']:
        log = self._logVerbose if 'not exist' in newStatus['Message'] else self.log.warn
        log( "getSubmittedTaskStatus: Failed to get requestID for request", '%s' % newStatus['Message'] )
        newStatus = newStatus['Value']
        if newStatus != oldStatus:
          updateDict.setdefault( newStatus, [] ).append( taskDict['TaskID'] )
    return S_OK( updateDict )

  def getSubmittedFileStatus( self, fileDicts ):
    taskFiles = {}
    submittedTasks = {}
    externalIds = {}
    # Don't try and get status of not submitted tasks!
    for fileDict in fileDicts:
      submittedTasks.setdefault( fileDict['TransformationID'], set() ).add( int( fileDict['TaskID'] ) )
    for transID in submittedTasks:
      res = self.transClient.getTransformationTasks( { 'TransformationID':transID, 'TaskID': list( submittedTasks[transID] )} )
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      for taskDict in res['Value']:
        taskID = taskDict['TaskID']
        externalIds[taskID] = taskDict['ExternalID']
        if taskDict['ExternalStatus'] == 'Created':
          submittedTasks[transID].remove( taskID )

    for fileDict in fileDicts:
      transID = fileDict['TransformationID']
      taskID = int( fileDict['TaskID'] )
      if taskID in submittedTasks[transID]:
        requestID = externalIds[taskID]
        taskFiles.setdefault( requestID, {} )[fileDict['LFN']] = fileDict['Status']

    updateDict = {}
    for requestID in sorted( taskFiles ):
      lfnDict = taskFiles[requestID]
      statusDict = self.requestClient.getRequestFileStatus( requestID, lfnDict.keys() )
      if not statusDict['OK']:
        log = self._logVerbose if 'not exist' in statusDict['Message'] else self.log.warn
        log( "getSubmittedFileStatus: Failed to get files status for request", '%s' % statusDict['Message'] )

      statusDict = statusDict['Value']
      for lfn, newStatus in statusDict.items():
        if newStatus == lfnDict[lfn]:
        elif newStatus == 'Done':
          updateDict[lfn] = 'Processed'
        elif newStatus == 'Failed':
          updateDict[lfn] = 'Problematic'
    return S_OK( updateDict )
Esempio n. 5
    def testValidator(self):
        """ validator test """

        ## create validator
        validator = RequestValidator()
        self.assertEqual(isinstance(validator, RequestValidator), True)

        ## RequestName not set
        ret = validator.validate(self.request)
        self.assertEqual(ret, {'Message': 'RequestName not set', 'OK': False})
        self.request.RequestName = "test_request"

        # # no ownerDN
        ret = validator.validate(self.request)
            ret, {
                'Message': "Request 'test_request' is missing OwnerDN value",
                'OK': False
        self.request.OwnerDN = "foo/bar=baz"

        # # no owner group
        ret = validator.validate(self.request)
            ret, {
                "Request 'test_request' is missing OwnerGroup value",
                'OK': False
        self.request.OwnerGroup = "dirac_user"

        ## no operations
        ret = validator.validate(self.request)
            ret, {
                'Message': "Operations not present in request 'test_request'",
                'OK': False

        ## type not set
        ret = validator.validate(self.request)
            ret, {
                "Operation #0 in request 'test_request' hasn't got Type set",
                'OK': False
        self.operation.Type = "ReplicateAndRegister"

        ## files not present
        ret = validator.validate(self.request)
            ret, {
                "Operation #0 of type 'ReplicateAndRegister' hasn't got files to process.",
                'OK': False

        ## targetSE not set
        ret = validator.validate(self.request)
            ret, {
                "Operation #0 of type 'ReplicateAndRegister' is missing TargetSE attribute.",
                'OK': False
        self.operation.TargetSE = "CERN-USER"

        ## missing LFN
        ret = validator.validate(self.request)
            ret, {
                "Operation #0 of type 'ReplicateAndRegister' is missing LFN attribute for file.",
                "OK": False
        self.file.LFN = "/a/b/c"

        ## Checksum set, ChecksumType not set
        self.file.Checksum = "abcdef"
        ret = validator.validate(self.request)
            ret, {
                'File in operation #0 is missing Checksum (abcdef) or ChecksumType ()',
                'OK': False

        ## ChecksumType set, Checksum not set
        self.file.Checksum = ""
        self.file.ChecksumType = "adler32"

        ret = validator.validate(self.request)
            ret, {
                'File in operation #0 is missing Checksum () or ChecksumType (ADLER32)',
                'OK': False

        ## both set
        self.file.Checksum = "abcdef"
        self.file.ChecksumType = "adler32"
        ret = validator.validate(self.request)
        self.assertEqual(ret, {'OK': True, 'Value': ''})

        ## both unset
        self.file.Checksum = ""
        self.file.ChecksumType = None
        ret = validator.validate(self.request)
        self.assertEqual(ret, {'OK': True, 'Value': ''})

        ## all OK
        ret = validator.validate(self.request)
        self.assertEqual(ret, {'OK': True, 'Value': ''})
Esempio n. 6
class ModuleBase(object):
  """ Base class for Modules - works only within DIRAC workflows


  def __init__(self, loggerIn=None, operationsHelperIn=None, bkClientIn=None, dm=None):
    """ Initialization of module base.

    if loggerIn is None:
      self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger('ModuleBase')
      self.log = loggerIn

    if operationsHelperIn is None:
      self.opsH = Operations()
      self.opsH = operationsHelperIn

    if bkClientIn is None:
      self.bkClient = BookkeepingClient()
      self.bkClient = bkClientIn

    if dm is None:
      self.dataManager = DataManager()
      self.dataManager = dm

    self.requestValidator = RequestValidator()

    self.production_id = ''
    self.prod_job_id = ''
    self.jobID = 0
    self.step_number = ''
    self.step_id = ''

    self.fileReport = None
    self.jobReport = None
    self.request = None

    self.workflowStatus = None
    self.stepStatus = None
    self.workflow_commons = None
    self.step_commons = None

    self.debugSE = 'CERN-DEBUG'

    self.executable = ''
    self.applicationName = 'Unknown'
    self.applicationVersion = 'Unknown'
    self.applicationLog = ''
    self.applicationType = None
    self.systemConfig = None
    self.extraPackages = None
    self.bkConfigName = None
    self.BKstepID = None
    self.condDBTag = None
    self.DDDBTag = None
    self.dqTag = None
    self.CPUe = None
    self.eventType = ''
    self.gaudiSteps = None
    self.InputData = ''
    self.inputDataList = []
    self.inputDataType = None
    self.histoName = "Hist.root"
    self.optionsFile = None
    self.optionsFormat = None
    self.optionsLine = None
    self.extraOptionsLine = None
    self.jobType = None
    self.logFilePath = None
    self.onlineCondDBTag = None
    self.onlineDDDBTag = None
    self.outputSEs = {}
    self.outputDataFileMask = None
    self.numberOfEvents = -1
    self.maxNumberOfEvents = None
    self.TCK = None
    self.mcTCK = None
    self.multicoreJob = None
    self.multicoreStep = None
    self.poolXMLCatName = 'pool_xml_catalog.xml'
    self.persistency = ''
    self.processingPass = None
    self.runNumber = 'Unknown'
    self.runTimeProjectName = None
    self.runTimeProjectVersion = None
    self.simDescription = ''
    self.siteName = None
    self.stepName = None
    self.stepInputData = None
    self.XMLSummary = ''  # name of the file, not the object
    self.stepProcPass = None
    self.outputFilePrefix = ''


  def execute(self, version=None,
              production_id=None, prod_job_id=None, wms_job_id=None,
              workflowStatus=None, stepStatus=None,
              wf_commons=None, step_commons=None,
              step_number=None, step_id=None):
    """ Function called by all super classes

    if version:'===== Executing ' + version + ' ===== ')

    self.log.verbose("Executing directory for job is %s" % os.getcwd())

    if production_id:
      self.production_id = production_id
      self.production_id = self.workflow_commons['PRODUCTION_ID']  # This is a string, like '00051753'

    if prod_job_id:
      self.prod_job_id = prod_job_id
      self.prod_job_id = self.workflow_commons['JOB_ID']

    if 'JOBID' in os.environ:
      self.jobID = os.environ['JOBID']

    if wms_job_id:
      self.jobID = wms_job_id

    if workflowStatus:
      self.workflowStatus = workflowStatus

    if stepStatus:
      self.stepStatus = stepStatus

    if wf_commons:
      self.workflow_commons = wf_commons

    if step_commons:
      self.step_commons = step_commons

    if step_number:
      self.step_number = step_number
      self.step_number = self.STEP_NUMBER  # pylint: disable=no-member

    if step_id:
      self.step_id = step_id
      self.step_id = '%s_%s_%s' % (self.production_id, self.prod_job_id, self.step_number)

    self.siteName = siteName()


  def finalize(self, version=None):
    """ Just finalizing


    if version:'===== Terminating ' + version + ' ===== ')


  def setApplicationStatus(self, status, sendFlag=True):
    """Wraps around setJobApplicationStatus of state update client
    if not self._WMSJob():
      return 0  # e.g. running locally prior to submission

    if self._checkWFAndStepStatus(noPrint=True):
      # The application status won't be updated in case the workflow or the step is failed already
      if not isinstance(status, str):
        status = str(status)
      self.log.verbose('setJobApplicationStatus(%d, %s)' % (self.jobID, status))
      jobStatus = self.jobReport.setApplicationStatus(status, sendFlag)
      if not jobStatus['OK']:


  def setJobParameter(self, name, value, sendFlag=True):
    """Wraps around setJobParameter of state update client
    if not self._WMSJob():
      return 0  # e.g. running locally prior to submission

    self.log.verbose('setJobParameter(%d,%s,%s)' % (self.jobID, name, value))

    jobParam = self.jobReport.setJobParameter(str(name), str(value), sendFlag)
    if not jobParam['OK']:


  def _resolveInputVariables(self):
    """ By convention the module input parameters are resolved here.

    self.log.verbose("workflow_commons = ", self.workflow_commons)
    self.log.verbose("step_commons = ", self.step_commons)

    self.fileReport = self._getFileReporter()
    self.jobReport = self._getJobReporter()
    self.request = self._getRequestContainer()



  def __resolveInputWorkflow(self):
    """ Resolve the input variables that are in the workflow_commons

    self.runNumber = self.workflow_commons.get('runNumber', self.runNumber)

    self.persistency = self.workflow_commons.get('persistency', self.persistency)

    self.jobType = self.workflow_commons.get('JobType', self.jobType)

    self.poolXMLCatName = self.workflow_commons.get('poolXMLCatName', self.poolXMLCatName)

    self.InputData = self.workflow_commons.get('InputData', self.InputData)

    if 'ParametricInputData' in self.workflow_commons:
      pID = copy.deepcopy(self.workflow_commons['ParametricInputData'])
      if pID:
        if isinstance(pID, list):
          pID = ';'.join(pID)
  #      self.InputData += ';' + pID
        self.InputData = pID
        self.InputData = self.InputData.rstrip(';')

    if self.InputData == ';':
      self.InputData = ''

    self.inputDataList = [lfn.strip('LFN:') for lfn in self.InputData.split(';') if lfn]

    # only required until the stripping is the same for MC / data
    self.bkConfigName = self.workflow_commons.get('configName', self.bkConfigName)

    self.simDescription = self.workflow_commons.get('simDescription', self.simDescription)

    if 'runMetadata' in self.workflow_commons:
      runMetadataDict = eval(self.workflow_commons['runMetadata'])
      self.onlineDDDBTag = runMetadataDict['DDDB']
      self.onlineCondDBTag = runMetadataDict['CondDb']
      self.TCK = runMetadataDict['TCK']

    if 'outputDataFileMask' in self.workflow_commons:
      self.outputDataFileMask = self.workflow_commons['outputDataFileMask']
      if not isinstance(self.outputDataFileMask, list):
        self.outputDataFileMask = [i.lower().strip() for i in self.outputDataFileMask.split(';')]

    self.gaudiSteps = self.workflow_commons.get('gaudiSteps', self.gaudiSteps)

    if 'CPUe' in self.workflow_commons:
      self.CPUe = int(round(float(self.workflow_commons['CPUe'])))

    self.multicoreJob = self.workflow_commons.get('multicore', self.multicoreJob)

    self.processingPass = self.workflow_commons.get('processingPass', self.processingPass)

    self.logFilePath = self.workflow_commons.get('LogFilePath', self.logFilePath)
    if isinstance(self.logFilePath, list):
      self.logFilePath = self.logFilePath[0]
      if 'PRODUCTION_ID' and 'JOB_ID' and 'configVersion' and 'configName' in self.workflow_commons:'LogFilePath parameter not found, creating on the fly')
        result = getLogPath(self.workflow_commons, self.bkClient)
        if not result['OK']:
          self.log.error('Could not create LogFilePath', result['Message'])
          raise RuntimeError(result['Message'])
        self.logFilePath = result['Value']['LogFilePath'][0]

    if 'maxNumberOfEvents' in self.workflow_commons:
      self.maxNumberOfEvents = int(self.workflow_commons['maxNumberOfEvents'])

    self.eventType = self.workflow_commons.get('eventType', self.eventType)

    self.numberOfEvents = int(self.workflow_commons.get('numberOfEvents', self.numberOfEvents))

    if 'outputSEs' in self.workflow_commons:
      self.outputSEs = self.workflow_commons['outputSEs']
      # this is here for backward compatibility
      histogramSE = self.opsH.getValue('Productions/HistogramSE', 'CERN-HIST')
      histoTypes = self.opsH.getValue('Productions/HistogramTypes', ['HIST', 'BRUNELHIST', 'DAVINCIHIST',
      self.outputSEs = dict((ht, histogramSE) for ht in histoTypes)
    # for older productions we construct it based on what should be found in the steps
    if 'listoutput' in self.step_commons:
      listOutputStep = self.step_commons['listoutput']
      for lOutput in listOutputStep:
          for outputDataType in lOutput['outputDataType'].split(';'):
            if outputDataType:
              self.outputSEs.setdefault(outputDataType.upper(), lOutput['outputDataSE'])
        except KeyError:
        self.workflow_commons['outputSEs'] = self.outputSEs


  def _resolveInputStep(self):
    """ Resolve the input variables for an application step

    prodID = self.workflow_commons.get('PRODUCTION_ID', '')
    jobID = self.workflow_commons.get('JOB_ID', '')
    stepInstanceNumber = self.step_commons.get('STEP_NUMBER', '')

    self.stepName = self.step_commons['STEP_INSTANCE_NAME']

    self.executable = self.step_commons.get('executable', self.executable)

    self.applicationName = self.step_commons.get('applicationName', self.applicationName)

    self.applicationVersion = self.step_commons.get('applicationVersion', self.applicationVersion)

    self.BKstepID = self.step_commons.get('BKStepID', self.BKstepID)

    self.stepProcPass = self.step_commons.get('StepProcPass', self.stepProcPass)

    # this is only for production jobs and for application steps
    if prodID and jobID and stepInstanceNumber and 'listoutput' in self.step_commons:
      self.outputFilePrefix = "%s_%s_%s" % (prodID, jobID, stepInstanceNumber)
      self.applicationLog = self.applicationName + '_' + self.outputFilePrefix + '.log'
      self.XMLSummary = 'summary' + self.applicationName + '_' + self.outputFilePrefix + '.xml'
      self.histoName = self.applicationName + '_' + self.outputFilePrefix + '.Hist.root'

      for fileTypeDict in self.step_commons['listoutput']:  # this is a dict like {'outputDataType': 'sim'}
        # for non histo-merging prods
        if 'hist' in fileTypeDict['outputDataType'].lower() and self.jobType.lower() != 'merge':
          # Watch out: this assumes that:
          # - 'hist' is always in the file type name
          # - merging jobs won't produce histograms
          # - the only merging jobs that produce output types with hist are histomerging productions
          if 'outputDataName' not in fileTypeDict:
            fileTypeDict['outputDataName'] = self.histoName
          fileTypeDict['outputDataName'] = self.outputFilePrefix + '.' + fileTypeDict['outputDataType']
      self.applicationLog = self.step_commons.get('applicationLog', self.applicationLog)

    self.inputDataType = self.step_commons.get('inputDataType', self.inputDataType)

    self.applicationType = self.step_commons.get('applicationType', self.applicationType)

    self.optionsFile = self.step_commons.get('optionsFile', self.optionsFile)

    self.optionsLine = self.step_commons.get('optionsLine', self.optionsLine)

    self.extraOptionsLine = self.step_commons.get('extraOptionsLine', self.extraOptionsLine)

    if 'runTimeProjectName' in self.step_commons:
      self.runTimeProjectName = self.step_commons['runTimeProjectName']
      self.runTimeProjectVersion = self.step_commons['runTimeProjectVersion']

    if 'extraPackages' in self.step_commons:
      self.extraPackages = self.step_commons['extraPackages']
      if self.extraPackages:
        if isinstance(self.extraPackages, basestring):
          eps = self.extraPackages.split(';')  # pylint: disable=no-member
          epList = []
          for ep in eps:
          self.extraPackages = epList

    stepInputData = []
    if 'inputData' in self.step_commons:
      if self.step_commons['inputData']:
        stepInputData = self.step_commons['inputData']
    elif self.InputData:
      stepInputData = copy.deepcopy(self.InputData)
    if stepInputData:
      stepInputData = self._determineStepInputData(stepInputData, )
      self.stepInputData = [sid.strip('LFN:') for sid in stepInputData]

    self.optionsFormat = self.step_commons.get('optionsFormat', self.optionsFormat)

    self.multicoreStep = self.step_commons.get('multiCore', self.multicoreStep)

    self.systemConfig = self.step_commons.get('SystemConfig', self.systemConfig)

    self.mcTCK = self.step_commons.get('mcTCK', self.mcTCK)

    self.DDDBTag = self.step_commons.get('DDDBTag', self.DDDBTag)

    self.condDBTag = self.step_commons.get('CondDBTag', self.condDBTag)

    self.dqTag = self.step_commons.get('DQTag', self.dqTag)

    # This is resolved also in __resolveInputWorkflow but can be specialized per step (e.g. LHCbJob().setApplication())
    self.numberOfEvents = int(self.step_commons.get('numberOfEvents', self.numberOfEvents))


  def _determineOutputs(self):
    """ Method that determines the correct outputs.

        For merging jobs the output has normally to be the same as the input, but there might be exceptions
        (like for the productions for the merging of histograms)
        For the others, we use what is in the step definition

        We always remove the 'HIST'(s), when present, from the list of output file types
        as these are treated differently.

        There is  anyway also here the special case of histogram merging productions.

    histoTypes = self.opsH.getValue('Productions/HistogramTypes', ['HIST', 'BRUNELHIST', 'DAVINCIHIST', 'GAUSSHIST'])

    stepOutputs = self.step_commons['listoutput']
    stepOutputsT = [x['outputDataType'] for x in stepOutputs]
    stepOutTypes = []
    for fts in stepOutputsT:
      for ft in fts.split(';'):
        if ft and ft not in stepOutTypes:

    # corrections for Merge productions
    if self.jobType.lower() in ('merge', 'histomerge'):
      if len(stepOutTypes) == 1 and stepOutTypes[0] in [hts.lower() for hts in histoTypes] + ['root']:
        # If it is root/histo/ntuple merging job, we treat it almost as a stripping job
        res = self.bkClient.getFileMetadata(self.stepInputData)
        if not res['OK']:
          raise RuntimeError(res['Message'])

        outputTypes = set()
        success = res['Value']['Successful']
        for mdDict in success.values():
        if len(success) != len(self.stepInputData):
          self.log.warn("Some inputs are not in BKK, trying to parse the file names")
          for sid in set(self.stepInputData) - set(success):
            # File types in the BK are upper case
            fType = '.'.join(os.path.basename(sid).split('.')[1:]).upper()

        outputTypes = list(outputTypes)
        if len(outputTypes) > 1:
          raise ValueError("Not all input files have the same type (%s)" % ','.join(outputTypes))
        outputType = outputTypes[0].lower()
        stepOutTypes = [outputType.lower()]
        stepOutputs = [{'outputDataName': self.step_id + '.' + outputType.lower(),
                        'outputDataType': outputType.lower(),
                        'outputBKType': outputType.upper()}]

    histogram = False

    # first here treating the special case of root/histo/ntuple merging jobs
    if self.jobType.lower() in ('merge', 'histomerge') \
            and len(stepOutTypes) == 1 \
            and stepOutTypes[0] in [hts.lower() for hts in histoTypes] + ['root']:
    else:  # This is not a histogram merging production, so we remove the histograms from the step outputs
      for hist in histoTypes:
          histogram = True
        except ValueError:
          histogram = True
        except ValueError:

    return stepOutputs, stepOutTypes, histogram


  def _getJobReporter(self):
    """ just return the job reporter (object, always defined by dirac-jobexec)

    if 'JobReport' in self.workflow_commons:
      return self.workflow_commons['JobReport']
    jobReport = JobReport(self.jobID)
    self.workflow_commons['JobReport'] = jobReport
    return jobReport


  def _getFileReporter(self):
    """ just return the file reporter (object)

    if 'FileReport' in self.workflow_commons:
      return self.workflow_commons['FileReport']
    fileReport = FileReport()
    self.workflow_commons['FileReport'] = fileReport
    return fileReport


  def _getRequestContainer(self):
    """ just return the Request reporter (object)

    if 'Request' in self.workflow_commons:
      return self.workflow_commons['Request']
    request = Request()
    self.workflow_commons['Request'] = request
    return request


  def getCandidateFiles(self, outputList, outputLFNs, fileMask='', stepMask=''):
    """ Returns list of candidate files to upload, check if some outputs are missing.

        :param list outputList: list of outputs with the following structure::
            [{'outputDataType': '', 'outputDataName': ''} , {...}]
        :param list outputLFNs: output LFNs for the job
        :param str fileMask: the output file extensions to restrict the outputs to. Can also be a list of strings
        :param str stepMask: the step ID to restrict the outputs to. Can also be a list of strings.

        :returns: dictionary containing type, SE and LFN for files restricted by mask
    fileInfo = {}

    for outputFile in outputList:
      if 'outputDataType' in outputFile and 'outputDataName' in outputFile:
        fname = outputFile['outputDataName']
        fileType = outputFile['outputDataType']
        fileInfo[fname] = {'type': fileType}
        self.log.error('Ignoring mal-formed output data specification', str(outputFile))

    for lfn in outputLFNs:
      if os.path.basename(lfn).lower() in list(fi.lower() for fi in fileInfo):
          fileInfo[os.path.basename(lfn)]['lfn'] = lfn
          self.log.verbose("Found LFN for file",
                           "%s -> %s" % (lfn, os.path.basename(lfn)))
        except KeyError:
          fileInfo[os.path.basename(lfn).lower()]['lfn'] = lfn
          self.log.verbose("Found LFN for file",
                           "%s -> %s" % (lfn, os.path.basename(lfn).lower()))
      elif os.path.basename(lfn).split('_')[-1].lower() in list(fi.lower() for fi in fileInfo):
          fileInfo[os.path.basename(lfn).split('_')[-1]]['lfn'] = lfn
          self.log.verbose("Found LFN for file",
                           " %s -> %s" % (lfn, os.path.basename(lfn).split('_')[-1]))
        except KeyError:
          fileInfo[os.path.basename(lfn).split('_')[-1].lower()]['lfn'] = lfn
          self.log.verbose("Found LFN for file",
                           " %s -> %s" % (lfn, os.path.basename(lfn).split('_')[-1].lower()))
        self.log.warn("LFN not recognized", "for LFN %s" % lfn)

    # check local existance
    fileList = self._checkLocalExistance(list(fileInfo.keys()))
    # really horrible stuff for updating the name with what's found on the disk
    # (because maybe the case is not the same as the expected)
    newFileInfo = {}
    for fi in fileInfo.iteritems():
      for li in fileList:
        if fi[0].lower() == li.lower():
          newFileInfo[li] = fi[1]

    # Select which files have to be uploaded: in principle all
    candidateFiles = self._applyMask(newFileInfo, fileMask, stepMask)

    # Sanity check all final candidate metadata keys are present

    # Adding the SEs
    for candidateFile in candidateFiles:
        fType = candidateFiles[candidateFile]['type']
        for fType in [fType, fType.lower(), fType.upper(), fType.capitalize()]:
            wfSE = self.outputSEs[fType]
            candidateFiles[candidateFile]['workflowSE'] = wfSE
          except KeyError:
      except AttributeError:

    return candidateFiles


  def _checkLocalExistance(self, fileList):
    """ Check that the list of output files are present locally

    notPresentFiles = []

    filesOnDisk = set(os.listdir('.'))
    diff = set(fileList).difference(filesOnDisk)
    if diff:
      self.log.warn("Not all files found",
                    "set of what's on the disk: %s" % filesOnDisk)
      self.log.warn("Looking for files with different case")
      diffCI = set(fx.lower() for fx in fileList).difference(set(fod.lower() for fod in filesOnDisk))
      if diffCI:
        self.log.error("Output data not found",
                       "File list %s does not exist locally" % notPresentFiles)
        raise os.error("Output data not found")

      # now checking what's the actual filename case that's written
      self.log.warn("Found files with filename with different case, returning those")
      filesActuallyOnDisk = []
      for fod in os.listdir('.'):
        if fod.lower() in [fl.lower() for fl in fileList]:
      return filesActuallyOnDisk

    return fileList


  def _applyMask(self, candidateFilesIn, fileMask, stepMask):
    """ Select which files have to be uploaded: in principle all

        :param dict candidateFilesIn: dictionary like
          {'00012345_00012345_4.dst': {'lfn': '/lhcb/MC/2010/DST/123/123_45_4.dst',
                                       type': 'dst'},
           '00012345_00012345_2.digi': {'type': 'digi'}}
        :param str fileMask: the output file extensions to restrict the outputs to. Can also be a list of strings
        :param str stepMask: the step ID to restrict the outputs to. Can also be a list of strings.

        :returns: a dict like the one in candidateFilesIn
    candidateFiles = copy.deepcopy(candidateFilesIn)

    if fileMask and not isinstance(fileMask, list):
      fileMask = [fileMask]
    if isinstance(stepMask, int):
      stepMask = str(stepMask)
    if stepMask and not isinstance(stepMask, list):
      stepMask = [stepMask]

    if fileMask and fileMask != ['']:
      for fileName, metadata in list(candidateFiles.iteritems()):
        if metadata['type'].lower() not in [fm.lower() for fm in fileMask]:
          del candidateFiles[fileName]
'Output file %s was produced but will not be treated (fileMask is %s)' % (fileName,
                                                                                                  ', '.join(fileMask)))
    else:'No outputDataFileMask provided, the files with all the extensions will be considered')

    if stepMask and stepMask != ['']:
      for fileName, metadata in list(candidateFiles.iteritems()):
        if fileName.lower().replace(metadata['type'].lower(), '').split('_')[-1].split('.')[0] not in stepMask:
          del candidateFiles[fileName]
'Output file %s was produced but will not be treated (stepMask is %s)' % (fileName,
                                                                                                  ', '.join(stepMask)))
    else:'No outputDataStep provided, the files output of all the steps will be considered')

    return candidateFiles


  def _checkSanity(self, candidateFiles):
    """ Sanity check all final candidate metadata keys are present

        :param dict candidateFiles: dictionary like
          {'00012345_00012345_4.dst': {'lfn': '/lhcb/MC/2010/DST/123/123_45_4.dst',
                                       type': 'dst'},
           '00012345_00012345_2.digi': {'type': 'digi'}}

        :returns: None or raises ValueError

    notPresentKeys = []

    mandatoryKeys = ['type', 'lfn']  # filedict is used for requests
    for fileName, metadata in candidateFiles.iteritems():
      for key in mandatoryKeys:
        if key not in metadata:
          notPresentKeys.append((fileName, key))

    if notPresentKeys:
      for fileName_keys in notPresentKeys:
        self.log.error("File %s has missing %s" % (fileName_keys[0], fileName_keys[1]))
      raise ValueError("Missing requested fileName keys")


  def getFileMetadata(self, candidateFiles):
    """ Returns the candidate file dictionary with associated metadata.

        The input candidate files dictionary has the structure:
        {'foo_1.txt': {'lfn': '/lhcb/MC/2010/DST/00012345/0001/foo_1.txt',
                       'type': 'txt',
                       'workflowSE': SE1},
        '': {'lfn': '/lhcb/MC/2010/DST/00012345/0001/',
                     'type': 'py',
                     'workflowSE': 'SE2'},

        this also assumes the files are in the current working directory.
    # Retrieve the POOL File GUID(s) for any final output files'Will search for POOL GUIDs for: %s' % (', '.join(candidateFiles.keys())))
    pfnGUID = getGUID(candidateFiles.keys())
    if not pfnGUID['OK']:
      self.log.error('''PoolXMLFile failed to determine POOL GUID(s) for output file list,
      these will be generated by the DataManager''', pfnGUID['Message'])
      for fileName in candidateFiles.keys():
        candidateFiles[fileName]['guid'] = ''
    elif pfnGUID['generated']:
      self.log.warn('PoolXMLFile generated GUID(s) for the following files ', ', '.join(pfnGUID['generated']))
    else:'GUIDs found for all specified POOL files: %s' % (', '.join(candidateFiles.keys())))

    for pfn, guid in pfnGUID['Value'].iteritems():
      candidateFiles[pfn]['guid'] = guid

    # Get all additional metadata about the file necessary for requests
    final = {}
    for fileName, metadata in candidateFiles.iteritems():
      fileDict = {}
      fileDict['LFN'] = metadata['lfn']
      fileDict['Size'] = os.path.getsize(fileName)
      fileDict['Checksum'] = fileAdler(fileName)
      fileDict['ChecksumType'] = 'ADLER32'
      fileDict['GUID'] = metadata['guid']
      fileDict['Status'] = 'Waiting'

      final[fileName] = metadata
      final[fileName]['filedict'] = fileDict
      final[fileName]['localpath'] = '%s/%s' % (os.getcwd(), fileName)

    # Sanity check all final candidate metadata keys are present (return S_ERROR if not)
    mandatoryKeys = ['guid', 'filedict']  # filedict is used for requests (this method adds guid and filedict)
    for fileName, metadata in final.iteritems():
      for key in mandatoryKeys:
        if key not in metadata:
          raise RuntimeError("File %s has missing %s" % (fileName, key))

    return final


  def _determineStepInputData(self, inputData):
    """ determine the input data for the step
    if inputData == 'previousStep':
      stepIndex = self.gaudiSteps.index(self.stepName)
      previousStep = self.gaudiSteps[stepIndex - 1]

      stepInputData = []
      for outputF in self.workflow_commons['outputList']:
          if outputF['stepName'] == previousStep and outputF['outputBKType'].lower() == self.inputDataType.lower():
        except KeyError:
          raise RuntimeError("Can't find output of step %s" % previousStep)

      return stepInputData

    return [x.strip('LFN:') for x in inputData.split(';')]


  def _manageAppOutput(self, outputs):
    """ Calls self._findOutputs to find what's produced, then creates the LFNs

        outputs, as called here, is created starting from step_commons['listoutput'],
        but enriched with at least the outputDataName.

        example of outputs:
        [{'outputDataType': 'bhadron.dst', 'outputBKType': 'BHADRON.DST',
          'outputDataName': '00012345_00012345_2.BHADRON.DST'},
         {'outputDataType': 'calibration.dst','outputDataType': 'CALIBRATION.DST',
          'outputDataName': '00012345_00012345_2.CALIBRATION.DST'}]

        :params list outputs: list of dicts of step output files descriptions

    if not outputs:
      self.log.warn('Step outputs are not defined (normal user jobs. Not normal in productions and SAM jobs)')
      finalOutputs, _bkFileTypes = self._findOutputs(outputs)'Final step outputs are: %s' % (finalOutputs))
    self.step_commons['listoutput'] = finalOutputs

    if 'outputList' in self.workflow_commons:
      for outFile in finalOutputs:
        if outFile not in self.workflow_commons['outputList']:
      self.workflow_commons['outputList'] = finalOutputs

    if 'PRODUCTION_ID' and 'JOB_ID' and 'configVersion' and 'configName' in self.workflow_commons:'Attempting to recreate the production output LFNs...')
      result = constructProductionLFNs(self.workflow_commons, self.bkClient)
      if not result['OK']:
        raise IOError("Could not create production LFNs: %s" % result['Message'])
      self.workflow_commons['BookkeepingLFNs'] = result['Value']['BookkeepingLFNs']
      self.workflow_commons['LogFilePath'] = result['Value']['LogFilePath']
      self.workflow_commons['ProductionOutputData'] = result['Value']['ProductionOutputData']


  def _findOutputs(self, stepOutput):
    """ Find which outputs of those in stepOutput (what are expected to be produced) are effectively produced.
        stepOutput, as called here, is created starting from step_commons['listoutput']

        example of stepOutput:
        [{'outputDataType': 'bhadron.dst', 'outputBKType': 'BHADRON.DST',
          'outputDataName': '00012345_00012345_2.BHADRON.DST'},
         {'outputDataType': 'calibration.dst','outputDataType': 'CALIBRATION.DST',
          'outputDataName': '00012345_00012345_2.CALIBRATION.DST'}]

        :params list stepOutput: list of dicts of step output files descriptions
        :returns: list, list

    bkFileTypes = []  # uppercase list of file types
    finalOutputs = []  # list of dicts of what's found on the local disk

    filesFound = []

    for output in stepOutput:

      found = False
      fileOnDisk = None

      for fileOnDisk in os.listdir('.'):
        if output['outputDataName'].lower() == fileOnDisk.lower():
          found = True

      if found and fileOnDisk:'Found output file (case is not considered)',
                      '%s matching %s ' % (fileOnDisk, output['outputDataName']))
        output['outputDataName'] = fileOnDisk
        self.log.error('Output not found', output['outputDataName'])
        raise IOError("OutputData not found")

    for fileFound in filesFound:
      finalOutputs.append({'outputDataName': fileFound['outputDataName'],
                           'outputDataType': fileFound['outputDataType'].lower(),
                           'outputBKType': fileFound['outputDataType'].upper(),
                           'stepName': self.stepName})

    return (finalOutputs, bkFileTypes)


  def _WMSJob(self):
    """ Check if this job is running via WMS
    return True if self.jobID else False


  def _enableModule(self):
    """ Enable module if it's running via WMS
    if not self._WMSJob():'No WMS JobID found, disabling module via control flag')
      return False
    self.log.verbose('Found WMS JobID', self.jobID)
    return True


  def _checkWFAndStepStatus(self, noPrint=False):
    """ Check the WF and Step status
    if not self.workflowStatus['OK'] or not self.stepStatus['OK']:
      if not noPrint:'Skip this module, failure detected in a previous step')'Workflow status', self.workflowStatus)'Step Status', self.stepStatus)
      return False
      return True


  def _disableWatchdogCPUCheck(self):
    """ just writes a file to disable the watchdog
    """"Creating DISABLE_WATCHDOG_CPU_WALLCLOCK_CHECK in order to disable the Watchdog")
    with open('DISABLE_WATCHDOG_CPU_WALLCLOCK_CHECK', 'w') as fopen:
      fopen.write('%s' % time.asctime())


  def generateFailoverFile(self):
    """ Retrieve the accumulated reporting request, and produce a JSON file that is consumed by the JobWrapper
    reportRequest = None
    result = self.jobReport.generateForwardDISET()
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.warn("Could not generate Operation for job report",
                    "with result:\n%s" % (result))
      reportRequest = result['Value']
    if reportRequest:"Populating request with job report information")

    if len(self.request):
        optimized = self.request.optimize()
      except AttributeError:
        optimized = {'OK': True}
      if not optimized['OK']:
        self.log.error("Could not optimize", optimized['Message'])
        self.log.error("Not failing the job because of that, keep going")
      isValid = self.requestValidator.validate(self.request)
      if not isValid['OK']:
        raise RuntimeError("Failover request is not valid: %s" % isValid['Message'])
        requestJSON = self.request.toJSON()
        if requestJSON['OK']:
"Creating failover request for deferred operations",
                        "for job %d" % self.jobID)
          request_string = str(requestJSON['Value'])
          # Write out the request string
          fname = '%s_%s_request.json' % (self.production_id, self.prod_job_id)
          with open(fname, 'w') as jsonFile:
"Created file containing failover request", fname)
          result = self.request.getDigest()
          if result['OK']:
  "Digest of the request", result['Value'])
            self.log.warn("No digest? That's not sooo important",
                          "anyway: %s" % result['Message'])
          raise RuntimeError(requestJSON['Message'])

    accountingReport = None
    if 'AccountingReport' in self.workflow_commons:
      accountingReport = self.workflow_commons['AccountingReport']
    if accountingReport:
      result = accountingReport.commit()
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.error("!!! Both accounting and RequestDB are down? !!!")
        self.log.error("accountingReport result: %s" % result['Message'])
        self.log.error("Anyway, the job won't fail for this reason, because this is \"just\" the accounting report")


  def setBKRegistrationRequest(self, lfn, error='',
                               metaData={'Checksum': 'justSomething',
                                         'ChecksumType': 'ADLER32',
                                         'GUID': 'aGUID'}):
    """ Set a BK registration request for changing the replica flag.
        Uses the global request object (self.request).
    if error:'BK registration for %s failed with message: "%s" setting failover request' % (lfn, error))
    else:'Setting BK registration request for %s' % (lfn))

    regFile = Operation()
    regFile.Type = 'RegisterFile'
    regFile.Catalog = 'BookkeepingDB'

    bkFile = File()
    bkFile.LFN = lfn
    # this should NOT be needed... but RMS complains!
    bkFile.PFN = lfn
    bkFile.GUID = metaData['GUID']
    bkFile.Checksum = metaData['Checksum']
    bkFile.ChecksumType = metaData['ChecksumType']

    res = self.request.addOperation(regFile)
    if not res['OK']:
      raise RuntimeError(res['Message'])


  def createProdConfFile(self, stepOutputTypes, histogram, runNumberGauss, firstEventNumberGauss):
    """ Utility that creates a ProdConf file, used mostly as input for gaudirun jobs
    # Creating ProdConf file
    prodConfFileName = '' % (self.applicationName,
    optionsDict = {}

    optionsDict['Application'] = self.applicationName

    optionsDict['AppVersion'] = self.applicationVersion

    if self.optionsFormat:
      optionsDict['OptionFormat'] = self.optionsFormat

    if self.stepInputData:
      optionsDict['InputFiles'] = ['LFN:' + sid for sid in self.stepInputData]
      if self.applicationName.lower() != "gauss":
        raise RuntimeError("No MC, but no input data")

    if self.outputFilePrefix:
      optionsDict['OutputFilePrefix'] = self.outputFilePrefix

    optionsDict['OutputFileTypes'] = stepOutputTypes

    optionsDict['XMLSummaryFile'] = self.XMLSummary

    optionsDict['XMLFileCatalog'] = self.poolXMLCatName

    if histogram:
      optionsDict['HistogramFile'] = self.histoName

    if self.DDDBTag:
      if self.DDDBTag.lower() == 'online':
          optionsDict['DDDBTag'] = self.onlineDDDBTag
          self.log.debug('Set the online DDDB tag')
        except NameError as e:
          self.log.error('Could not find online DDDb Tag', e)
          raise RuntimeError("Could not find online DDDb Tag")
        optionsDict['DDDBTag'] = self.DDDBTag

    if self.condDBTag:
      if self.condDBTag.lower() == 'online':
        optionsDict['CondDBTag'] = self.onlineCondDBTag
        self.log.debug('Set the online CondDB tag')
        optionsDict['CondDBTag'] = self.condDBTag

    if self.dqTag:
      optionsDict['DQTag'] = self.dqTag

    if self.applicationName.lower() == 'gauss':
      if self.CPUe and self.maxNumberOfEvents and self.numberOfEvents <= 0:
        # Here we set maxCPUTime to 24 hours, which seems reasonable
        eventsToProduce = getEventsToProduce(self.CPUe,
        eventsToProduce = self.numberOfEvents
      eventsToProduce = self.numberOfEvents
    optionsDict['NOfEvents'] = eventsToProduce

    if runNumberGauss:
      optionsDict['RunNumber'] = runNumberGauss

    if self.runNumber:
      if self.runNumber not in ('Unknown', 'Multiple'):
        optionsDict['RunNumber'] = self.runNumber

    if firstEventNumberGauss:
      optionsDict['FirstEventNumber'] = firstEventNumberGauss

    # TCK: can't have both set!
    if self.TCK and self.mcTCK:
      raise RuntimeError("%s step: TCK set in step, and should't be!" % self.applicationName)
    if self.TCK or self.mcTCK:
      optionsDict['TCK'] = self.TCK if self.TCK else self.mcTCK

    if self.processingPass:
      optionsDict['ProcessingPass'] = self.processingPass

    prodConfFile = ProdConf(prodConfFileName)

    return prodConfFileName


  # properties
  def set_jobID(self, value):
    if isinstance(value, str):
      if value:
        value = int(value)
        value = 0
    self._jobID = value

  def get_jobID(self):
    return self._jobID
  jobID = property(get_jobID, set_jobID)
Esempio n. 7
class RequestTasks(TaskBase):
  Class for handling tasks for the RMS

  def __init__(self, transClient=None, logger=None, requestClient=None,
               requestClass=None, requestValidator=None,
               ownerDN=None, ownerGroup=None):
    """ c'tor

        the requestClass is by default Request.
        If extensions want to use an extended type, they can pass it as a parameter.
        This is the same behavior as WorfkloTasks and jobClass

    if not logger:
      logger = gLogger.getSubLogger('RequestTasks')

    super(RequestTasks, self).__init__(transClient, logger)
    useCertificates = True if (bool(ownerDN) and bool(ownerGroup)) else False

    if not requestClient:
      self.requestClient = ReqClient(useCertificates=useCertificates,
      self.requestClient = requestClient

    if not requestClass:
      self.requestClass = Request
      self.requestClass = requestClass

    if not requestValidator:
      self.requestValidator = RequestValidator()
      self.requestValidator = requestValidator

  def prepareTransformationTasks(self, transBody, taskDict, owner='', ownerGroup='', ownerDN='',
    """ Prepare tasks, given a taskDict, that is created (with some manipulation) by the DB
    if not taskDict:
      return S_OK({})

    if (not owner) or (not ownerGroup):
      res = getProxyInfo(False, False)
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      proxyInfo = res['Value']
      owner = proxyInfo['username']
      ownerGroup = proxyInfo['group']

    if not ownerDN:
      res = getDNForUsername(owner)
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      ownerDN = res['Value'][0]

      transJson = json.loads(transBody)
      self._multiOperationsBody(transJson, taskDict, ownerDN, ownerGroup)
    except ValueError:  # #json couldn't load
      self._singleOperationsBody(transBody, taskDict, ownerDN, ownerGroup)

    return S_OK(taskDict)

  def _multiOperationsBody(self, transJson, taskDict, ownerDN, ownerGroup):
    """ deal with a Request that has multiple operations

    :param transJson: list of lists of string and dictionaries, e.g.:

      .. code :: python

        body = [ ( "ReplicateAndRegister", { "SourceSE":"FOO-SRM", "TargetSE":"BAR-SRM" }),
                 ( "RemoveReplica", { "TargetSE":"FOO-SRM" } ),

    :param dict taskDict: dictionary of tasks, modified in this function
    :param str ownerDN: certificate DN used for the requests
    :param str onwerGroup: dirac group used for the requests
    :returns: None
    failedTasks = []
    for taskID, task in taskDict.items():
      transID = task['TransformationID']
      if not task.get('InputData'):
        self._logError("Error creating request for task", "%s, No input data" % taskID, transID=transID)
      files = []

      oRequest = Request()
      if isinstance(task['InputData'], list):
        files = task['InputData']
      elif isinstance(task['InputData'], basestring):
        files = task['InputData'].split(';')

      # create the operations from the json structure
      for operationTuple in transJson:
        op = Operation()
        op.Type = operationTuple[0]
        for parameter, value in operationTuple[1].iteritems():
          setattr(op, parameter, value)

        for lfn in files:
          opFile = File()
          opFile.LFN = lfn


      result = self._assignRequestToTask(oRequest, taskDict, transID, taskID, ownerDN, ownerGroup)
      if not result['OK']:
    # Remove failed tasks
    for taskID in failedTasks:

  def _singleOperationsBody(self, transBody, taskDict, ownerDN, ownerGroup):
    """ deal with a Request that has just one operation, as it was sofar

    :param transBody: string, can be an empty string
    :param dict taskDict: dictionary of tasks, modified in this function
    :param str ownerDN: certificate DN used for the requests
    :param str onwerGroup: dirac group used for the requests
    :returns: None

    requestOperation = 'ReplicateAndRegister'
    if transBody:
        _requestType, requestOperation = transBody.split(';')
      except AttributeError:
    failedTasks = []
    # Do not remove sorted, we might pop elements in the loop
    for taskID, task in taskDict.iteritems():

      transID = task['TransformationID']

      oRequest = Request()
      transfer = Operation()
      transfer.Type = requestOperation
      transfer.TargetSE = task['TargetSE']

      # If there are input files
      if task.get('InputData'):
        if isinstance(task['InputData'], list):
          files = task['InputData']
        elif isinstance(task['InputData'], basestring):
          files = task['InputData'].split(';')
        for lfn in files:
          trFile = File()
          trFile.LFN = lfn


      result = self._assignRequestToTask(oRequest, taskDict, transID, taskID, ownerDN, ownerGroup)
      if not result['OK']:
    # Remove failed tasks
    for taskID in failedTasks:

  def _assignRequestToTask(self, oRequest, taskDict, transID, taskID, ownerDN, ownerGroup):
    """set ownerDN and group to request, and add the request to taskDict if it is
    valid, otherwise remove the task from the taskDict

    :param oRequest: Request
    :param dict taskDict: dictionary of tasks, modified in this function
    :param int transID: Transformation ID
    :param int taskID: Task ID
    :param str ownerDN: certificate DN used for the requests
    :param str onwerGroup: dirac group used for the requests
    :returns: None

    oRequest.RequestName = self._transTaskName(transID, taskID)
    oRequest.OwnerDN = ownerDN
    oRequest.OwnerGroup = ownerGroup

    isValid = self.requestValidator.validate(oRequest)
    if not isValid['OK']:
      self._logError("Error creating request for task", "%s %s" % (taskID, isValid),
      return S_ERROR('Error creating request')
    taskDict[taskID]['TaskObject'] = oRequest
    return S_OK()

  def submitTransformationTasks(self, taskDict):
    """ Submit requests one by one
    submitted = 0
    failed = 0
    startTime = time.time()
    method = 'submitTransformationTasks'
    for task in taskDict.itervalues():
      # transID is the same for all tasks, so pick it up every time here
      transID = task['TransformationID']
      if not task['TaskObject']:
        task['Success'] = False
        failed += 1
      res = self.submitTaskToExternal(task['TaskObject'])
      if res['OK']:
        task['ExternalID'] = res['Value']
        task['Success'] = True
        submitted += 1
        self._logError("Failed to submit task to RMS", res['Message'], transID=transID)
        task['Success'] = False
        failed += 1
    if submitted:
      self._logInfo('Submitted %d tasks to RMS in %.1f seconds' % (submitted, time.time() - startTime),
                    transID=transID, method=method)
    if failed:
      self._logWarn('Failed to submit %d tasks to RMS.' % (failed),
                    transID=transID, method=method)
    return S_OK(taskDict)

  def submitTaskToExternal(self, oRequest):
    Submits a request to RMS
    if isinstance(oRequest, self.requestClass):
      return self.requestClient.putRequest(oRequest, useFailoverProxy=False, retryMainService=2)
    return S_ERROR("Request should be a Request object")

  def updateTransformationReservedTasks(self, taskDicts):
    requestNameIDs = {}
    noTasks = []
    for taskDict in taskDicts:
      requestName = self._transTaskName(taskDict['TransformationID'], taskDict['TaskID'])
      reqID = taskDict['ExternalID']
      if reqID:
        requestNameIDs[requestName] = reqID
    return S_OK({'NoTasks': noTasks, 'TaskNameIDs': requestNameIDs})

  def getSubmittedTaskStatus(self, taskDicts):
    Check if tasks changed status, and return a list of tasks per new status
    updateDict = {}
    badRequestID = 0
    for taskDict in taskDicts:
      oldStatus = taskDict['ExternalStatus']
      # ExternalID is normally a string
      if taskDict['ExternalID'] and int(taskDict['ExternalID']):
        newStatus = self.requestClient.getRequestStatus(taskDict['ExternalID'])
        if not newStatus['OK']:
          log = self._logVerbose if 'not exist' in newStatus['Message'] else self._logWarn
          log("getSubmittedTaskStatus: Failed to get requestID for request", newStatus['Message'],
          newStatus = newStatus['Value']
          # We don't care updating the tasks to Assigned while the request is being processed
          if newStatus != oldStatus and newStatus != 'Assigned':
            updateDict.setdefault(newStatus, []).append(taskDict['TaskID'])
        badRequestID += 1
    if badRequestID:
      self._logWarn("%d requests have identifier 0" % badRequestID)
    return S_OK(updateDict)

  def getSubmittedFileStatus(self, fileDicts):
    Check if transformation files changed status, and return a list of taskIDs per new status
    # Don't try and get status of not submitted tasks!
    transID = None
    taskFiles = {}
    for fileDict in fileDicts:
      # There is only one transformation involved, get however the transID in the loop
      transID = fileDict['TransformationID']
      taskID = int(fileDict['TaskID'])
      taskFiles.setdefault(taskID, []).append(fileDict['LFN'])
    # Should not happen, but just in case there are no files, return
    if transID is None:
      return S_OK({})

    res = self.transClient.getTransformationTasks({'TransformationID': transID, 'TaskID': taskFiles.keys()})
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    requestFiles = {}
    for taskDict in res['Value']:
      taskID = taskDict['TaskID']
      externalID = taskDict['ExternalID']
      # Only consider tasks that are submitted, ExternalID is a string
      if taskDict['ExternalStatus'] != 'Created' and externalID and int(externalID):
        requestFiles[externalID] = taskFiles[taskID]

    updateDict = {}
    for requestID, lfnList in requestFiles.iteritems():
      statusDict = self.requestClient.getRequestFileStatus(requestID, lfnList)
      if not statusDict['OK']:
        log = self._logVerbose if 'not exist' in statusDict['Message'] else self._logWarn
        log("Failed to get files status for request", statusDict['Message'],
            transID=transID, method='getSubmittedFileStatus')
        for lfn, newStatus in statusDict['Value'].iteritems():
          if newStatus == 'Done':
            updateDict[lfn] = 'Processed'
          elif newStatus == 'Failed':
            updateDict[lfn] = 'Problematic'
    return S_OK(updateDict)
Esempio n. 8
    def testValidator(self):
        """validator test"""

        # create validator
        validator = RequestValidator()
        self.assertEqual(isinstance(validator, RequestValidator), True)

        # RequestName not set
        ret = validator.validate(self.request)
        self.request.RequestName = "test_request"

        # # no operations
        ret = validator.validate(self.request)

        # # type not set
        ret = validator.validate(self.request)
        self.operation.Type = "ReplicateAndRegister"

        # # files not present
        ret = validator.validate(self.request)

        # # targetSE not set
        ret = validator.validate(self.request)
        self.operation.TargetSE = "CERN-USER"

        # # missing LFN
        ret = validator.validate(self.request)
        self.file.LFN = "/a/b/c"

        # # no ownerDN
        # force no owner DN because it takes the one of the current user
        self.request.OwnerDN = ""
        ret = validator.validate(self.request)
        self.request.OwnerDN = "foo/bar=baz"

        # # no owner group
        # same, force it
        self.request.OwnerGroup = ""
        ret = validator.validate(self.request)
        self.request.OwnerGroup = "dirac_user"

        # Checksum set, ChecksumType not set
        self.file.Checksum = "abcdef"
        ret = validator.validate(self.request)

        # ChecksumType set, Checksum not set
        self.file.Checksum = ""
        self.file.ChecksumType = "adler32"

        ret = validator.validate(self.request)

        # both set
        self.file.Checksum = "abcdef"
        self.file.ChecksumType = "adler32"
        ret = validator.validate(self.request)
        self.assertEqual(ret, {"OK": True, "Value": None})

        # both unset
        self.file.Checksum = ""
        self.file.ChecksumType = None
        ret = validator.validate(self.request)
        self.assertEqual(ret, {"OK": True, "Value": None})

        # all OK
        ret = validator.validate(self.request)
        self.assertEqual(ret, {"OK": True, "Value": None})
  def testValidator( self ):
    """ validator test """
    ## create validator
    validator = RequestValidator()
    self.assertEqual( isinstance( validator, RequestValidator ), True )

    ## RequestName not set 
    ret = validator.validate( self.request )
    self.assertEqual( ret, { 'Message' : 'RequestName not set', 
                             'OK' : False } )
    self.request.RequestName = "test_request"

    # # no operations
    ret = validator.validate( self.request )
    self.assertEqual( ret, { 'Message' : "Operations not present in request 'test_request'",
                             'OK': False} )
    self.request.addOperation( self.operation )

    # # type not set
    ret = validator.validate( self.request )
    self.assertEqual( ret, { 'Message' : "Operation #0 in request 'test_request' hasn't got Type set",
                             'OK' : False } )
    self.operation.Type = "ReplicateAndRegister"

    # # files not present
    ret = validator.validate( self.request )
    self.assertEqual( ret, { 'Message' : "Operation #0 of type 'ReplicateAndRegister' hasn't got files to process.",
                             'OK' : False } )
    self.operation.addFile( self.file )

    # # targetSE not set
    ret = validator.validate( self.request )
    self.assertEqual( ret, { 'Message' : "Operation #0 of type 'ReplicateAndRegister' is missing TargetSE attribute.",
                              'OK': False } )
    self.operation.TargetSE = "CERN-USER"

    # # missing LFN
    ret = validator.validate( self.request )
    self.assertEqual( ret,
                      { "Message" : "Operation #0 of type 'ReplicateAndRegister' is missing LFN attribute for file.",
                        "OK": False } )
    self.file.LFN = "/a/b/c"

    # # no ownerDN
    # force no owner DN because it takes the one of the current user
    self.request.OwnerDN = ''
    ret = validator.validate( self.request )
    self.assertEqual( ret, { 'Message' : "Request 'test_request' is missing OwnerDN value",
                             'OK': False} )
    self.request.OwnerDN = "foo/bar=baz"

    # # no owner group
    # same, force it
    self.request.OwnerGroup = ''
    ret = validator.validate( self.request )
    self.assertEqual( ret, { 'Message' : "Request 'test_request' is missing OwnerGroup value",
                             'OK': False} )
    self.request.OwnerGroup = "dirac_user"

    ## Checksum set, ChecksumType not set 
    self.file.Checksum = "abcdef"
    ret = validator.validate( self.request )
    self.assertEqual( ret, 
                      { 'Message' : 'File in operation #0 is missing Checksum (abcdef) or ChecksumType ()',
                        'OK' : False } ) 

    ## ChecksumType set, Checksum not set 
    self.file.Checksum = ""
    self.file.ChecksumType = "adler32"

    ret = validator.validate( self.request )
    self.assertEqual( ret, 
                      { 'Message' : 'File in operation #0 is missing Checksum () or ChecksumType (ADLER32)', 
                        'OK' : False } )

    ## both set
    self.file.Checksum = "abcdef"
    self.file.ChecksumType = "adler32"
    ret = validator.validate( self.request )
    self.assertEqual( ret, {'OK': True, 'Value': None} )
    ## both unset
    self.file.Checksum = ""
    self.file.ChecksumType = None
    ret = validator.validate( self.request )
    self.assertEqual( ret, {'OK': True, 'Value': None} )

    ## all OK
    ret = validator.validate( self.request )
    self.assertEqual( ret, {'OK': True, 'Value': None} )
Esempio n. 10
class RequestTasks( TaskBase ):

  def __init__( self, transClient = None, logger = None, requestClient = None,
                requestClass = None, requestValidator = None ):
    """ c'tor

        the requestClass is by default Request.
        If extensions want to use an extended type, they can pass it as a parameter.
        This is the same behavior as WorfkloTasks and jobClass

    if not logger:
      logger = gLogger.getSubLogger( 'RequestTasks' )

    super( RequestTasks, self ).__init__( transClient, logger )

    if not requestClient:
      self.requestClient = ReqClient()
      self.requestClient = requestClient

    if not requestClass:
      self.requestClass = Request
      self.requestClass = requestClass

    if not requestValidator:
      self.requestValidator = RequestValidator()
      self.requestValidator = requestValidator

  def prepareTransformationTasks( self, transBody, taskDict, owner = '', ownerGroup = '', ownerDN = '',
                                  bulkSubmissionFlag = False):
    """ Prepare tasks, given a taskDict, that is created (with some manipulation) by the DB
    if not taskDict:
      return S_OK({})

    if ( not owner ) or ( not ownerGroup ):
      res = getProxyInfo( False, False )
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      proxyInfo = res['Value']
      owner = proxyInfo['username']
      ownerGroup = proxyInfo['group']

    if not ownerDN:
      res = getDNForUsername( owner )
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      ownerDN = res['Value'][0]

      transJson = json.loads(transBody)
      self._multiOperationsBody( transJson, taskDict, ownerDN, ownerGroup )
    except ValueError: ##json couldn't load
      self._singleOperationsBody( transBody, taskDict, ownerDN, ownerGroup )

    return S_OK( taskDict )

  def _multiOperationsBody( self, transJson, taskDict, ownerDN, ownerGroup ):
    """ deal with a Request that has multiple operations

    :param transJson: list of lists of string and dictionaries, e.g.:

      .. code :: python

        body = [ ( "ReplicateAndRegister", { "SourceSE":"FOO-SRM", "TargetSE":"BAR-SRM" }),
                 ( "RemoveReplica", { "TargetSE":"FOO-SRM" } ),

    :param dict taskDict: dictionary of tasks, modified in this function
    :param str ownerDN: certificate DN used for the requests
    :param str onwerGroup: dirac group used for the requests
    :returns: None

    for taskID in sorted( taskDict ):
      paramDict = taskDict[taskID]
      if not paramDict.get('InputData'):
        self.log.error( "Error creating request for task", "%s, No input data" % taskID )
        taskDict.pop( taskID )
      files = []

      transID = paramDict['TransformationID']
      oRequest = Request()
      if isinstance( paramDict['InputData'], list ):
        files = paramDict['InputData']
      elif isinstance( paramDict['InputData'], basestring ):
        files = paramDict['InputData'].split( ';' )

      # create the operations from the json structure
      for operationTuple in transJson:
        op = Operation()
        op.Type = operationTuple[0]
        for parameter, value in operationTuple[1].iteritems():
          setattr( op, parameter, value )

        for lfn in files:
          opFile = File()
          opFile.LFN = lfn
          op.addFile( opFile )

        oRequest.addOperation( op )

      self._assignRequestToTask( oRequest, taskDict, transID, taskID, ownerDN, ownerGroup )

  def _singleOperationsBody(self, transBody, taskDict, ownerDN, ownerGroup ):
    """ deal with a Request that has just one operation, as it was sofar

    :param transBody: string, can be an empty string
    :param dict taskDict: dictionary of tasks, modified in this function
    :param str ownerDN: certificate DN used for the requests
    :param str onwerGroup: dirac group used for the requests
    :returns: None

    requestOperation = 'ReplicateAndRegister'
    if transBody:
        _requestType, requestOperation = transBody.split( ';' )
      except AttributeError:

    # Do not remove sorted, we might pop elements in the loop
    for taskID in sorted( taskDict ):
      paramDict = taskDict[taskID]

      transID = paramDict['TransformationID']

      oRequest = Request()
      transfer = Operation()
      transfer.Type = requestOperation
      transfer.TargetSE = paramDict['TargetSE']

      # If there are input files
      if paramDict.get('InputData'):
        if isinstance( paramDict['InputData'], list ):
          files = paramDict['InputData']
        elif isinstance( paramDict['InputData'], basestring ):
          files = paramDict['InputData'].split( ';' )
        for lfn in files:
          trFile = File()
          trFile.LFN = lfn

          transfer.addFile( trFile )

      oRequest.addOperation( transfer )
      self._assignRequestToTask( oRequest, taskDict, transID, taskID, ownerDN, ownerGroup )

  def _assignRequestToTask( self, oRequest, taskDict, transID, taskID, ownerDN, ownerGroup ):
    """set ownerDN and group to request, and add the request to taskDict if it is
    valid, otherwise remove the task from the taskDict

    :param oRequest: Request
    :param dict taskDict: dictionary of tasks, modified in this function
    :param int transID: Transformation ID
    :param int taskID: Task ID
    :param str ownerDN: certificate DN used for the requests
    :param str onwerGroup: dirac group used for the requests
    :returns: None

    oRequest.RequestName = _requestName( transID, taskID )
    oRequest.OwnerDN = ownerDN
    oRequest.OwnerGroup = ownerGroup

    isValid = self.requestValidator.validate( oRequest )
    if not isValid['OK']:
      self.log.error( "Error creating request for task", "%s %s" % ( taskID, isValid ) )
      # This works because we loop over a copy of the keys !
      taskDict.pop( taskID )
    taskDict[taskID]['TaskObject'] = oRequest

  def submitTransformationTasks( self, taskDict ):
    """ Submit requests one by one
    submitted = 0
    failed = 0
    startTime = time.time()
    for taskID in sorted( taskDict ):
      if not taskDict[taskID]['TaskObject']:
        taskDict[taskID]['Success'] = False
        failed += 1
      res = self.submitTaskToExternal( taskDict[taskID]['TaskObject'] )
      if res['OK']:
        taskDict[taskID]['ExternalID'] = res['Value']
        taskDict[taskID]['Success'] = True
        submitted += 1
        self._logError( "Failed to submit task to RMS", res['Message'] )
        taskDict[taskID]['Success'] = False
        failed += 1
    self._logInfo( 'submitTasks: Submitted %d tasks to RMS in %.1f seconds' % ( submitted, time.time() - startTime ) )
    if failed:
      self._logWarn( 'submitTasks: But at the same time failed to submit %d tasks to RMS.' % ( failed ) )
    return S_OK( taskDict )

  def submitTaskToExternal( self, oRequest ):
    """ Submits a request using ReqClient
    if isinstance( oRequest, self.requestClass ):
      return self.requestClient.putRequest( oRequest, useFailoverProxy = False, retryMainService = 2 )
      return S_ERROR( "Request should be a Request object" )

  def updateTransformationReservedTasks( self, taskDicts ):
    requestNameIDs = {}
    noTasks = []
    for taskDict in taskDicts:
      requestName = _requestName( taskDict['TransformationID'], taskDict['TaskID'] )

      reqID = taskDict['ExternalID']

      if reqID:
        requestNameIDs[requestName] = reqID
        noTasks.append( requestName )
    return S_OK( {'NoTasks':noTasks, 'TaskNameIDs':requestNameIDs} )

  def getSubmittedTaskStatus( self, taskDicts ):
    updateDict = {}

    for taskDict in taskDicts:
      oldStatus = taskDict['ExternalStatus']

      newStatus = self.requestClient.getRequestStatus( taskDict['ExternalID'] )
      if not newStatus['OK']:
        log = self._logVerbose if 'not exist' in newStatus['Message'] else self.log.warn
        log( "getSubmittedTaskStatus: Failed to get requestID for request", '%s' % newStatus['Message'] )
        newStatus = newStatus['Value']
        if newStatus != oldStatus:
          updateDict.setdefault( newStatus, [] ).append( taskDict['TaskID'] )
    return S_OK( updateDict )

  def getSubmittedFileStatus( self, fileDicts ):
    taskFiles = {}
    submittedTasks = {}
    externalIds = {}
    # Don't try and get status of not submitted tasks!
    for fileDict in fileDicts:
      submittedTasks.setdefault( fileDict['TransformationID'], set() ).add( int( fileDict['TaskID'] ) )
    for transID in submittedTasks:
      res = self.transClient.getTransformationTasks( { 'TransformationID':transID, 'TaskID': list( submittedTasks[transID] )} )
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      for taskDict in res['Value']:
        taskID = taskDict['TaskID']
        externalIds[taskID] = taskDict['ExternalID']
        if taskDict['ExternalStatus'] == 'Created':
          submittedTasks[transID].remove( taskID )

    for fileDict in fileDicts:
      transID = fileDict['TransformationID']
      taskID = int( fileDict['TaskID'] )
      if taskID in submittedTasks[transID]:
        taskFiles.setdefault( externalIds[taskID], [] ).append( fileDict['LFN'] )

    updateDict = {}
    for requestID in sorted( taskFiles ):
      lfnList = taskFiles[requestID]
      statusDict = self.requestClient.getRequestFileStatus( requestID, lfnList )
      if not statusDict['OK']:
        log = self._logVerbose if 'not exist' in statusDict['Message'] else self.log.warn
        log( "getSubmittedFileStatus: Failed to get files status for request", '%s' % statusDict['Message'] )

      for lfn, newStatus in statusDict['Value'].items():
        if newStatus == 'Done':
          updateDict[lfn] = 'Processed'
        elif newStatus == 'Failed':
          updateDict[lfn] = 'Problematic'
    return S_OK( updateDict )