Esempio n. 1
def update_shopping_policy_on_shop(username, policy_id, field_name, new_value, shop_name):
    if policy_id is not None and field_name is not None and new_value is not None:
        if int(policy_id) < 0:
            return "FAILED: Invalid id of Policy"
        if field_name not in ['shop_name', 'conditions', 'restriction', 'quantity']:
            return "FAILED: Invalid field name"
        if Owners.get_owner(username, shop_name) is not False:
            if field_name in ['conditions']:
                status = checkConditionsSyntax(new_value)
                if new_value == "":
                    new_value = "1=1"
                if status is not True:
                    return status

            if not ShoppingPolicies.update_shopping_policy_on_shop(policy_id, field_name, new_value):
                return "FAILED: DB error."
            LoggerLogic.add_event_log(username, "POLICY: UPDATE SHOP SHOPPING POLICY")
            return True
        manager = StoreManagers.get_store_manager(username, shop_name)
        if manager is not False:
            if manager.permission_set_policy > 0:
                if field_name in ['conditions']:
                    status = checkConditionsSyntax(new_value)
                    if new_value == "":
                        new_value = "1=1"
                    if status is not True:
                        return status

                if not ShoppingPolicies.update_shopping_policy_on_shop(policy_id, field_name, new_value):
                    return "FAILED: DB error."
                LoggerLogic.add_event_log(username, "POLICY: UPDATE SHOP SHOPPING POLICY")
                return True
            return 'FAILED: no permissions!'
        return 'FAILED: you are not a the Owner of the shop'
    return "FAILED: One (or more) of the parameters is None"
Esempio n. 2
def add_review_on_item(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        item_id = request.POST.get('item_id')
        description = request.POST.get('description')
        rank = request.POST.get('rank')

        event = "ADD REVIEW"
        suspect_sql_injection = False
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            item_id, event) or suspect_sql_injection
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            description, event) or suspect_sql_injection
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            rank, event) or suspect_sql_injection
        if suspect_sql_injection:
            return HttpResponse(MESSAGE_SQL_INJECTION)

        login = request.COOKIES.get('login_hash')
        if login is not None:
            writer_name = Consumer.loggedInUsers.get(login)
            old_review = ItemsLogic.get_item_review_with_writer(
                item_id, writer_name)
            if old_review is not False:
                return HttpResponse('has reviews')
            review = ItemReview(writer_name, item_id, description, rank)
            if ItemsLogic.add_review_on_item(review):
                return HttpResponse('success')
        return HttpResponse('fail')
Esempio n. 3
def register(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        username = request.POST.get('username')
        password = request.POST.get('password')
        state = request.POST.get('state')
        age = request.POST.get('age')
        sex = request.POST.get('sex')

        event = "REGISTER"
        suspect_sql_injection = False
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            username, event)
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            password, event)
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            state, event)
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(age, event)
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(sex, event)

        if suspect_sql_injection:
            return HttpResponse(LoggerLogic.MESSAGE_SQL_INJECTION)

        return HttpResponse(
                RegisteredUser(username, password), state, age, sex))
Esempio n. 4
def send_message(message):
    if message.from_username is not None and message.to_username is not None and message.content is not None:
        if message.to_username == 'System' or get_user(
                message.to_username) is not False or Shops.search_shop(
                    message.to_username) is not False:
            # output = Messages.send_message(message)

            if SystemManagers.is_system_manager(message.from_username):
                message.from_username = '******'
            output = Messages.send_message(message)
            return "FAILED: Target user is incorrect"
        return "FAILED: Missing Parameters"
    if output:
        users = [message.to_username]
        if message.to_username == 'System':
                                      "REPORT ITEM / SHOP")
            SMs = SystemManagers.get_all_system_managers()
            SM_names = []
            for sm in SMs:
            users = SM_names
            users, '<a href = "../app/home/messages/?content=received" > '
            'You Have a new message from ' + message.from_username + '</a>')
        return "SUCCESS"
        return "FAILED"
Esempio n. 5
def add_manager(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        shop_name = request.POST.get('shop_name')
        target_id = request.POST.get('target_id')

        event = "ADD MANAGER"
        suspect_sql_injection = False
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            shop_name, event) or suspect_sql_injection
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            target_id, event) or suspect_sql_injection

        if suspect_sql_injection:
            return HttpResponse(LoggerLogic.MESSAGE_SQL_INJECTION)

        login = request.COOKIES.get('login_hash')
        if login is not None:
            username = Consumer.loggedInUsers.get(login)

            store_manager = StoreManager(
                target_id, shop_name, request.POST.get('add_item_permission'),

            if username is not None:
                return HttpResponse(
                    UsersLogic.add_manager(username, store_manager))
        return HttpResponse('FAILED: You are not logged in')
Esempio n. 6
def send_message_from_shop(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        content = request.POST.get('content')
        from_shop = request.POST.get('from')
        to = request.POST.get('to')

        event = "SEND MESSAGE FROM SHOP"
        suspect_sql_injection = False
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            content, event) or suspect_sql_injection
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            from_shop, event) or suspect_sql_injection
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            to, event) or suspect_sql_injection

        if suspect_sql_injection:
            return HttpResponse(LoggerLogic.MESSAGE_SQL_INJECTION)

        login = request.COOKIES.get('login_hash')
        if login is not None:
            username = Consumer.loggedInUsers.get(login)
            message = Message(None, from_shop, to, content)
            return HttpResponse(
                MessagingLogic.send_message_from_shop(username, message))

        return HttpResponse('FAILED: You are not logged in')
Esempio n. 7
def update_details(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        state = request.POST.get('state')
        age = request.POST.get('age')
        sex = request.POST.get('sex')

        event = "UPDATE USER DETAILS"
        suspect_sql_injection = False
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            state, event) or suspect_sql_injection
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            age, event) or suspect_sql_injection
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            sex, event) or suspect_sql_injection

        if suspect_sql_injection:
            return HttpResponse(LoggerLogic.MESSAGE_SQL_INJECTION)

        login = request.COOKIES.get('login_hash')
        if login is not None:
            username = Consumer.loggedInUsers.get(login)
            return HttpResponse(
                UsersLogic.update_details(username, state, age, sex))

        return HttpResponse('FAILED: You are not logged in.')
Esempio n. 8
def edit_password(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        current_password = request.POST.get('current_password')
        new_password = request.POST.get('new_password')

        event = "EDIT PASSWORD"
        suspect_sql_injection = False
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            current_password, event)
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            new_password, event)

        if suspect_sql_injection:
            return HttpResponse(LoggerLogic.MESSAGE_SQL_INJECTION)

        login = request.COOKIES.get('login_hash')
        if login is not None:
            username = Consumer.loggedInUsers.get(login)

            if UsersLogic.login(RegisteredUser(username, current_password)):
                return HttpResponse(
                        RegisteredUser(username, new_password)))

        return HttpResponse('FAILED: You are not logged in.')
Esempio n. 9
def search_item_in_shop(request):
    if request.method == 'GET':
        login = request.COOKIES.get('login_hash')
        topbar = loader.render_to_string('components/Topbar.html',
        if login is not None:
            username = Consumer.loggedInUsers.get(login)
            if username is not None:
                # html of a logged in user
                topbar = loader.render_to_string(
                    context={'username': username})

        name = request.GET.get('item_name')
        shop_name = request.GET.get('shop_name')

        event = "SEARCH ITEM IN SHOP"
        suspect_sql_injection = False
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            name, event) or suspect_sql_injection
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            shop_name, event) or suspect_sql_injection

        if suspect_sql_injection:
            return HttpResponse(LoggerLogic.MESSAGE_SQL_INJECTION)

        item = SearchLogic.search_item_in_shop(name, shop_name)
        if item is not False:
            context = {'topbar': topbar, 'item': item}
            return render(request, 'SearchView.html', context)
Esempio n. 10
def update_permissions(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        shop_name = request.POST.get('shop_name')
        target_id = request.POST.get('target_id')

        event = "UPDATE PERMISSIONS"
        suspect_sql_injection = False
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            shop_name, event) or suspect_sql_injection
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            target_id, event) or suspect_sql_injection

        if suspect_sql_injection:
            return HttpResponse(LoggerLogic.MESSAGE_SQL_INJECTION)

        login = request.COOKIES.get('login_hash')
        if login is not None:
            username = Consumer.loggedInUsers.get(login)

            store_manager = StoreManager(
                target_id, shop_name, request.POST.get('add_item_permission'),

            if UsersLogic.update_permissions(username, store_manager):
                return HttpResponse('success')
        return HttpResponse('fail')
Esempio n. 11
def login(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        username = request.POST.get('username')
        password = request.POST.get('password')

        event = "LOGIN"
        suspect_sql_injection = False
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            username, event) or suspect_sql_injection
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            password, event) or suspect_sql_injection

        if suspect_sql_injection:
            return HttpResponse(LoggerLogic.MESSAGE_SQL_INJECTION)

        user = RegisteredUser(username, password)
        result = UsersLogic.login(user)
        if result[:7] == 'SUCCESS':
            access_token = hashlib.md5(username.encode()).hexdigest()
            Consumer.loggedInUsers[access_token] = username
                access_token] = ShoppingLogic.get_cart_items(username)
            return HttpResponse(access_token)
            return HttpResponse(result)
Esempio n. 12
def create_shop(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # return HttpResponse('item added')
        shop_name = request.POST.get('name')
        shop_status = request.POST.get('status')

        event = "ADD SHOP"
        suspect_sql_injection = False
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            shop_name, event) or suspect_sql_injection
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            shop_status, event) or suspect_sql_injection

        if suspect_sql_injection or shop_name == '':
            return HttpResponse(LoggerLogic.MESSAGE_SQL_INJECTION)

        login = request.COOKIES.get('login_hash')
        if login is None:
            login = request.POST.get('login_hash')
        if login is None:
            return HttpResponse('FAILED: You are not logged in')
        username = Consumer.loggedInUsers.get(login)
        if username is None:
            return HttpResponse('FAILED: You are not logged in')

        shop = Shop(shop_name, shop_status)
        return HttpResponse(ShopLogic.create_shop(shop, username))
Esempio n. 13
def add_review_on_shop(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        shop_name = request.POST.get('shop_name')
        description = request.POST.get('description')
        rank = int(request.POST.get('rank'))

        event = "ADD REVIEW ON SHOP"
        suspect_sql_injection = False
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            shop_name, event) or suspect_sql_injection
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            description, event) or suspect_sql_injection

        if suspect_sql_injection:
            return HttpResponse(LoggerLogic.MESSAGE_SQL_INJECTION)

        login = request.COOKIES.get('login_hash')
        if login is not None:
            writer_id = Consumer.loggedInUsers.get(login)
            shop_review = ShopReview(writer_id, description, rank, shop_name)
            old_review = ShopLogic.get_shop_review_with_writer(
                shop_name, writer_id)
            if old_review is not False:
                return HttpResponse('has reviews')
            if ShopLogic.add_review_on_shop(shop_review):
                return HttpResponse('success')
        return HttpResponse('fail')
Esempio n. 14
def remove_user(username, registered_user):
    if username is not None and registered_user is not None:
        if SystemManagers.is_system_manager(username) is not False:
            sys_manager = SystemManagers.is_system_manager(
            is_store_manager = StoreManagers.is_store_manager(
            is_owner = Owners.is_owner(registered_user.username)
            if sys_manager is False:
                user = RegisteredUsers.get_user(registered_user.username)
                if user is not False:
                    result_delete = True
                    if is_store_manager is not False:
                        result_delete = StoreManagers.remove_manager(
                        if is_owner is not False:
                            result_delete = Owners.remove_owner(
                    final_result = result_delete and RegisteredUsers.remove_user(
                    if final_result:
                        LoggerLogic.add_event_log(username, "DELETE USER")
                    return final_result
            return False
    return False
Esempio n. 15
 def test_get_all_security(self):
     LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection("#", "event1")
     LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection("'SELECT * FROM Items;--", "event2")
     logs = Logger.get_all_security_logs()
     self.assertTrue(len(logs) == 2)
     security_log = logs[1]
     self.assertEqual(security_log.event, "event1")
     security_log = logs[0]
     self.assertEqual(security_log.event, "event2")
Esempio n. 16
def remove_shopping_policy_on_shop(username, policy_id, shop_name):
    if policy_id is not None and policy_id > 0:
        if Owners.get_owner(username, shop_name) is not False:
            if not ShoppingPolicies.remove_shopping_policy_on_shop(policy_id):
                return "FAILED: DB error."
            LoggerLogic.add_event_log(username, "POLICY: REMOVE SHOP SHOPPING POLICY")
            return True
        return 'FAILED: you are not a the Owner of the shop'
    return "FAILED: Invalid id of Policy"
Esempio n. 17
def remove_shopping_policy_on_category(username, policy_id):
    if policy_id is not None and policy_id > 0:
        if SystemManagers.is_system_manager(username) is not False:
            if not ShoppingPolicies.remove_shopping_policy_on_category(policy_id):
                return "FAILED: DB error."
            LoggerLogic.add_event_log(username, "POLICY: REMOVE CATEGORY SHOPPING POLICY")
            return True
        return 'FAILED: you are not a System Manager'
    return "FAILED: Invalid id of Policy"
Esempio n. 18
def re_open_shop(username, shop_name):
    owner_of_shop = Owners.get_owner(username, shop_name)
    if owner_of_shop is not False:
        result = Shops.re_open_shop(shop_name)
        if result:
                                      "SHOP STATUS CHANGED - RE-OPEN")
        return result
        return False
Esempio n. 19
 def test_get_all_events(self):
     LoggerLogic.add_event_log("omri", "open shop")
     LoggerLogic.add_event_log("omri2", "payAll")
     logs = Logger.get_all_event_logs()
     self.assertTrue(len(logs) == 2)
     event_log = logs[1]
     self.assertEqual(event_log.username, "omri")
     self.assertEqual(event_log.event, "open shop")
     event_log = logs[0]
     self.assertEqual(event_log.username, "omri2")
     self.assertEqual(event_log.event, "payAll")
Esempio n. 20
def create_shop(shop, username):
    if shop is not None and username is not None:
        if Shops.search_shop( is False:
            if Shops.create_shop(shop):
                if Owners.add_owner(Owner(username,, None)):
                    LoggerLogic.add_event_log(username, "OPEN SHOP")
                    return "SUCCESS"
                return "FAILED: Adding Owner"
            return "FAILED: Adding Shop"
        return "FAILED: Shop name is taken"
    return "FAILED: Missing parameters"
Esempio n. 21
    def test_get_all_logging(self):
        UsersLogic.register(RegisteredUser("user1user1", "13245678"))
        UsersLogic.register(RegisteredUser("user2user2", "13245678"))

        logs = Logger.get_all_login_logs()
        self.assertTrue(len(logs) == 2)
        login_log = logs[1]
        self.assertEqual(login_log.username, "user1user1")
        login_log = logs[0]
        self.assertEqual(login_log.username, "user2user2")
Esempio n. 22
def close_shop(username, shop_name):
    owner_of_shop = Owners.get_owner(username, shop_name)
    if owner_of_shop is not False:
        result = Shops.close_shop(shop_name)
        if result:
            lotteries = get_lotteries_by_shop(shop_name)
            for lottery in lotteries:
            LoggerLogic.add_event_log(username, "SHOP STATUS CHANGED - CLOSE")
        return result
        return False
Esempio n. 23
def add_shopping_policy_on_identity(username, conditions, restriction, quantity):
    if conditions is not None and restriction is not None and quantity is not None:
        if restriction not in ['N', 'AL', 'E', 'UT']:
            return "FAILED: Invalid value of restriction."
        if int(quantity) < 0:
            return "FAILED: Negative quantity is invalid."
        if SystemManagers.is_system_manager(username) is not False:
            if not ShoppingPolicies.add_shopping_policy_on_identity(conditions, restriction, quantity):
                return "FAILED: DB error."
            LoggerLogic.add_event_log(username, "POLICY: ADD IDENTITY SHOPPING POLICY")
            return True
        return 'FAILED: you are not a System Manager'
    return "FAILED: One (or more) of the parameters is None"
Esempio n. 24
def pay_all_guest(guest):
    if guest is not None:
        #  check if cart has items
        empty = check_empty_cart_guest(guest)
        if empty is not True:
            purchase_id = 0
            #  if so, check foreach item if the requested amount exist
            cart_items = Consumer.guestShoppingCart[guest]
            # cart_items is a array consist of shopping_cart objects
            shopping_policy_status = UserShoppingCartLogic.shopping_policy_check(
                "guest", cart_items)
            if shopping_policy_status is not True:
                return shopping_policy_status
            message = check_stock_for_shopping_cart(cart_items)
            if message is not True:
                return message
            # if so, sum all items costs, get from costumer his credentials
            total_cost = 0
            # for each item, calculate visible_discount
            for shopping_cart_item in cart_items:
                item = get_item(shopping_cart_item.item_id)
                new_price = UserShoppingCartLogic.get_new_price_for_item(
                    item, shopping_cart_item)
                total_cost = total_cost + shopping_cart_item.item_quantity * new_price
                new_quantity = item.quantity - shopping_cart_item.item_quantity
                status = ItemsLogic.update_stock(, new_quantity)
                if status is False:
                    return 'Something went wrong with the purchase'
                # live alerts
                owners = Owners.get_owners_by_shop(item.shop_name)
                owners_name = []
                for owner in owners:
                    owners_name, '<strong>' + guest +
                    '</strong> has bought item <a href="http://localhost:8000/app/item/?item_id='
                    + str( + '"># <strong>' + str( +
                    '</strong></a> from your shop')
            pay_confirmation =, guest)
            if pay_confirmation is False:
                return 'Payment System Denied.'
            sup_confirmation =
                guest, purchase_id)
            if sup_confirmation is False:
                return 'Supply System Denied.'
            status = remove_shopping_cart_guest(guest)
            if status is False:
                return 'Something went wrong with the purchase'
            LoggerLogic.add_event_log("GUEST", "PAY ALL")
            return [purchase_id, total_cost]
    return 'Shopping cart is empty'
Esempio n. 25
def edit_shop_item(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        login = request.COOKIES.get('login_hash')
        username = None
        if login is not None:
            username = Consumer.loggedInUsers.get(login)
            if username is None:
                return HttpResponse('fail')
        item_id = request.POST.get('item_id')

        fields = ['quantity', 'category', 'keywords', 'price', 'url']
        new_values = [

        event = "EDIT ITEM"
        suspect_sql_injection = False
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            new_values[0], event) or suspect_sql_injection
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            new_values[1], event) or suspect_sql_injection
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            new_values[2], event) or suspect_sql_injection
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            new_values[3], event) or suspect_sql_injection
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            new_values[4], event) or suspect_sql_injection
        if suspect_sql_injection:
            return HttpResponse(MESSAGE_SQL_INJECTION)

        item = ItemsLogic.get_item(item_id)
        if item is False:
            return HttpResponse('fail')
        if not UsersLogic.is_owner_of_shop(username, item.shop_name):
            if UsersLogic.is_manager_of_shop(username, item.shop_name):
                manager = UsersLogic.get_manager(username, item.shop_name)
                if manager.permission_edit_item is not 1:  # no permission
                    return HttpResponse('no permission to edit item')
                return HttpResponse('fail')  # not manager not owner

        for i in range(0, len(fields)):
            status = ItemsLogic.edit_shop_item(username, item_id, fields[i],
            if status is False:
                return HttpResponse('fail')
        return HttpResponse('success')
Esempio n. 26
def add_lottery_item_to_shop(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        item_name = request.POST.get('item_name')
        item_category = request.POST.get('item_category')
        item_keywords = request.POST.get('item_keyWords')
        item_price = request.POST.get('item_price')
        ticket_name = request.POST.get('ticket_name')
        ticket_price = request.POST.get('ticket_price')
        shop_name = request.POST.get('item_shop_name')
        final_date = request.POST.get('final_date')
        item = Item(None, shop_name, item_name, item_category, item_keywords, 0, 1, 'prize')
        ticket = Item(None, shop_name, ticket_name, item_category, item_keywords, ticket_price, 1, 'ticket')
        username = request.POST.get('username')

        event = "ADD LOTTERY ITEM"
        suspect_sql_injection = False
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(item_name, event) or suspect_sql_injection
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(item_category, event) or suspect_sql_injection
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(item_keywords, event) or suspect_sql_injection
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(item_price, event) or suspect_sql_injection
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(ticket_name, event) or suspect_sql_injection
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(ticket_price, event) or suspect_sql_injection
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(shop_name, event) or suspect_sql_injection
        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(username, event) or suspect_sql_injection

        if suspect_sql_injection:
            return HttpResponse(MESSAGE_SQL_INJECTION)

        LotteryLogic.add_lottery_and_items(item, ticket, item_price, final_date, username)
Esempio n. 27
 def test_get_errors_by_event(self):
     LoggerLogic.add_error_log("omri", "open shop",
                               "shop name already exists")
     LoggerLogic.add_error_log("omri2", "payAll", "error in pay")
     logs = Logger.get_error_logs_by_event("open shop")
     self.assertTrue(len(logs) == 1)
     error_log = logs[0]
     self.assertEqual(error_log.username, "omri")
     self.assertEqual(error_log.event, "open shop")
     logs = Logger.get_error_logs_by_event("payAll")
     self.assertTrue(len(logs) == 1)
     error_log = logs[0]
     self.assertEqual(error_log.username, "omri2")
     self.assertEqual(error_log.event, "payAll")
Esempio n. 28
def login(user):
    if SystemManagers.login(user.username,
        return "SUCCESS"
    if user.username is not None and user.password is not None:
        if RegisteredUsers.is_user_exists(user.username):
            user.password = hashlib.sha256(user.password.encode()).hexdigest()
            if RegisteredUsers.login(user):
                return "SUCCESS"
            return "FAILED:Password in incorrect"
        return "FAILED: Username is incorrect"
    return "FAILED: Missing Parameters"
Esempio n. 29
 def test_add_event(self):
     self.assertTrue(LoggerLogic.add_event_log("omri", "open shop"))
     logs = Logger.get_all_event_logs()
     self.assertTrue(len(logs) == 1)
     event_log = logs[0]
     self.assertEqual(event_log.username, "omri")
     self.assertEqual(event_log.event, "open shop")
Esempio n. 30
def search_shop(request):
    if request.method == 'GET':
        login = request.COOKIES.get('login_hash')
        topbar = loader.render_to_string('components/Topbar.html',
        words = []
        if login is not None:
            username = Consumer.loggedInUsers.get(login)
            if username is not None:
                # html of a logged in user
                topbar = loader.render_to_string(
                    context={'username': username})
        name = request.GET.get('name')

        suspect_sql_injection = LoggerLogic.identify_sql_injection(
            name, "SEARCH SHOP")
        if suspect_sql_injection:
            return HttpResponse(LoggerLogic.MESSAGE_SQL_INJECTION)

        shop = SearchLogic.search_shop(name)
        if shop is not False:
            context = {'topbar': topbar}
            return render(request, 'shop.html', context)
            words = SearchLogic.get_similar_words(name)
            words = words[:5]
            context = {'topbar': topbar, 'words': words}
            return render(request, 'ItemsNotFound.html', context)