Esempio n. 1
def bbppTransformation_CreateCorrespondanceIceTree(obj,group,map):
	oModel = PPG.Inspected(0).Parent3DObject
	oIceTree = XSI.ApplyOp("ICETree", obj, "siNode", "", "", 0)
	oCorrespondance = XSI.AddICECompoundNode("bbpp Correspondance Map", oIceTree)
	XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(oIceTree) + ".port1", str(oCorrespondance) + ".Execute")
	oGet1 = XSI.AddICENode("GetDataNode", oIceTree)
	oGet2 = XSI.AddICENode("GetDataNode", oIceTree)
	#sGroupName = replaceModelNameByThisModel(oModel,group.FullName)
	XSI.SetValue(str(oGet1) + ".reference", group.FullName)
	XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(oCorrespondance) + ".PointsGroup", str(oGet1) + ".outname")
	sMapName = replaceObjectNameBySelf(obj,map.FullName)
	XSI.SetValue(str(oGet2) + ".reference", sMapName + ".Colors")
	XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(oCorrespondance) + ".ColorMap", str(oGet2) + ".outname")
Esempio n. 2
def applyColorizePointTree(model,obj,id):
	oIceTree = XSI.ApplyOp("ICETree", obj, "siNode", "", "", 0)
	oColorize = XSI.AddICECompoundNode("bbpp Colorize Point", oIceTree)
	XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(oIceTree) + ".port1", str(oColorize) + ".Execute")
	oGet1 = XSI.AddICENode("GetDataNode", oIceTree)
	XSI.SetValue(str(oGet1) + ".reference", model.FullName)
	XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(oColorize) + ".TransformationModel", str(oGet1) + ".outname")
	XSI.SetValue(str(oColorize) + ".PointID", id, "")
Esempio n. 3
def MergeRigCloud(model, clouds, name):
	cloud = model.AddPrimitive("PointCloud", name)
	tree = XSI.ApplyOp("ICETree", cloud, "siNode", "", "", 2)
	idx = 1
	for c in clouds:
		merge = XSI.AddICECompoundNode("MergeRigPointCloud", str(tree))
		XSI.AddPortToICENode(str(tree) + ".port" + str(idx), "siNodePortDataInsertionLocationAfter")
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(tree) + ".port" + str(idx), str(merge) + ".execute")
		get = XSI.AddICENode("GetDataNode", str(tree))
		XSI.SetValue(str(get) + ".reference", ReplaceModelNameByThisModel(c), "")
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(merge) + ".Cloud", str(get) + ".outname")
		idx += 1
Esempio n. 4
def SetOneElementMap(crv, obj, name):
    weight_map = Utils.GetWeightMap(obj, name)
    tree = obj.ActivePrimitive.ICETrees.Find('SetOneElement')
    if not tree:
        tree = ICETree.CreateIceTree(obj, 'SetOneElement', 1)

    setter = XSI.AddICECompoundNode('SetOneElementMap', str(tree))
    idx = tree.InputPorts.Count
    XSI.AddPortToICENode('{}.port{}'.format(tree, idx),
    XSI.ConnectICENodes('{}.port{}'.format(tree, idx),
                 'this.cls.WeightMapCls.{}'.format(name), '')
    getter = XSI.AddICENode('GetDataNode', str(tree))
                 ICETree.ReplaceModelNameByThisModel(crv), '')
    return weight_map
Esempio n. 5
def bbppTransformation_BuildOutputMesh_OnClicked( ):
	oPPG = PPG.Inspected(0)
	oModel = oPPG.Parent3DObject
	oStartCloud = oModel.FindChild("StartCloud")
	oEndCloud = oModel.FindChild("EndCloud")
	oStartGrp = oModel.Groups("Start");
	oEndGrp = oModel.Groups("End");
	# does geometry exists?
	oStartGeomStatic =  bbppTransformation_StartGeometryStaticExist(oPPG)
	oEndGeomStatic =  bbppTransformation_EndGeometryStaticExist(oPPG)
	if not oStartGeomStatic or not oEndGeomStatic:
		XSI.LogMessage("bbppTransformation Geometry Does not exist ---> Can't build Output Mesh!", constants.siError)
	if oPPG.AnimatedTransformation.Value:
		oStartGeomAnimated =  bbppTransformation_StartGeometryAnimatedExist(oPPG)
		oEndGeomAnimated =  bbppTransformation_EndGeometryAnimatedExist(oPPG)
		if not oStartGeomAnimated or not oEndGeomAnimated:
			XSI.LogMessage("bbppTransformation Geometry Does not exist ---> Can't build Output Mesh!", constants.siError)
	# create start geometry point cloud
	if not oStartCloud:
		# create emission node
		oStartCloud = XSI.GetPrim("PointCloud", "StartCloud", oModel)
		oIceTree = XSI.ApplyOp("ICETree", oStartCloud, "siNode", "", "", 0)
		oEmit = XSI.AddICECompoundNode("bbpp Emit From Points", oIceTree)
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(oIceTree) + ".port1", str(oEmit) + ".add")
		oGet1 = XSI.AddICENode("GetDataNode", oIceTree)
		XSI.SetValue(str(oGet1) + ".reference", oStartGeomStatic.FullName)
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(oEmit) + ".Emiter", str(oGet1) + ".outname")
		XSI.SetValue(str(oEmit) + ".Color_red", 0.9)
		XSI.SetValue(str(oEmit) + ".Color_green", 0.4)
		XSI.SetValue(str(oEmit) + ".Color_blue", 0.1)
		# create blend node
		oBlend = XSI.AddICECompoundNode("bbpp Blend Cloud", oIceTree)
		XSI.AddPortToICENode(str(oIceTree) + ".port1", "siNodePortDataInsertionLocationAfter")
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(oIceTree) + ".port2", str(oBlend) + ".Execute")
		oGet2 = XSI.AddICENode("GetDataNode", oIceTree)
		XSI.SetValue(str(oGet2) + ".reference", str(oStartGrp))
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(oBlend) + ".Start_Cloud", str(oGet2) + ".outname")
		oGet3 = XSI.AddICENode("GetDataNode", oIceTree)
		XSI.SetValue(str(oGet3) + ".reference", str(oEndGrp))
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(oBlend) + ".End_Cloud", str(oGet3) + ".outname")
		oGet4 = XSI.AddICENode("GetDataNode", oIceTree)
		XSI.SetValue(str(oGet4) + ".reference", oEndGeomStatic.FullName)
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(oBlend) + ".Target_Geometry", str(oGet4) + ".value")
		# connect timer
		oTimer = XSI.AddICECompoundNode("bbpp Transformation Timer", oIceTree)
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(oBlend) + ".Blend", str(oTimer) + ".Blend")
		oGet5 = XSI.AddICENode("GetDataNode", oIceTree)
		XSI.SetValue(str(oGet5) + ".reference", oPPG.StartFrame.FullName)
		oGet6 = XSI.AddICENode("GetDataNode", oIceTree)
		XSI.SetValue(str(oGet6) + ".reference", oPPG.EndFrame.FullName)
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(oTimer) + ".Start_Frame", str(oGet5) + ".value")
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(oTimer) + ".End_Frame", str(oGet6) + ".value")

	# create end geometry point cloud
	if not oEndCloud:
		# create emission node
		oEndCloud = XSI.GetPrim("PointCloud", "EndCloud", oModel)
		oIceTree = XSI.ApplyOp("ICETree", oEndCloud, "siNode", "", "", 0)
		oEmit = XSI.AddICECompoundNode("bbpp Emit From Points", oIceTree)
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(oIceTree) + ".port1", str(oEmit) + ".add")
		oGet1 = XSI.AddICENode("GetDataNode", oIceTree)
		XSI.SetValue(str(oGet1) + ".reference", oEndGeomStatic.FullName)
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(oEmit) + ".Emiter", str(oGet1) + ".outname")
		XSI.SetValue(str(oEmit) + ".Color_red", 0.1)
		XSI.SetValue(str(oEmit) + ".Color_green", 0.9)
		XSI.SetValue(str(oEmit) + ".Color_blue", 0.4)
		# create blend node
		oBlend = XSI.AddICECompoundNode("bbpp Blend Cloud", oIceTree)
		XSI.AddPortToICENode(str(oIceTree) + ".port1", "siNodePortDataInsertionLocationAfter")
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(oIceTree) + ".port2", str(oBlend) + ".Execute")
		oGet2 = XSI.AddICENode("GetDataNode", oIceTree)
		XSI.SetValue(str(oGet2) + ".reference", str(oEndGrp))
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(oBlend) + ".Start_Cloud", str(oGet2) + ".outname")
		oGet3 = XSI.AddICENode("GetDataNode", oIceTree)
		XSI.SetValue(str(oGet3) + ".reference", str(oStartGrp))
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(oBlend) + ".End_Cloud", str(oGet3) + ".outname")
		oGet4 = XSI.AddICENode("GetDataNode", oIceTree)
		XSI.SetValue(str(oGet4) + ".reference", oStartGeomStatic.FullName)
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(oBlend) + ".Target_Geometry", str(oGet4) + ".value")
		# connect timer
		oTimer = XSI.AddICECompoundNode("bbpp Transformation Timer", oIceTree)
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(oBlend) + ".Blend", str(oTimer) + ".Blend")
		oGet5 = XSI.AddICENode("GetDataNode", oIceTree)
		XSI.SetValue(str(oGet5) + ".reference", oPPG.StartFrame.FullName)
		oGet6 = XSI.AddICENode("GetDataNode", oIceTree)
		XSI.SetValue(str(oGet6) + ".reference", oPPG.EndFrame.FullName)
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(oTimer) + ".Start_Frame", str(oGet5) + ".value")
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(oTimer) + ".End_Frame", str(oGet6) + ".value")
		XSI.SetValue(str(oTimer) + ".Revert", True)
	# create Blob Mesh
	# delete it if already exists
	XSI.SelectObj(str(oStartCloud) + "," + str(oEndCloud))
	oBlob = XSI.Selection(0)
	oBlob.Name = "OutputMesh"
	oBlobOp = oBlob.ActivePrimitive.ConstructionHistory.Find("Polygonizer")
	# create expression for in-between
	# detail
	sStartFrame = oPPG.StartFrame.FullName
	sEndFrame = oPPG.EndFrame.FullName
	sTimelapse = sEndFrame+" - "+sStartFrame
	oExpr = "(1 - sin(cond(FC>"+sStartFrame+",cond(Fc<"+sEndFrame+",(Fc - "+sStartFrame+")/("+sTimelapse+"),1),0)*180)) *2 + 2"
	# blur isofield
	oExpr = "sin(cond(FC>"+sStartFrame+",cond(Fc<"+sEndFrame+",(Fc - "+sStartFrame+")/("+sTimelapse+"),1),0)*180)/2"
	# smooth mesh
	oExpr = "sin(cond(FC>"+sStartFrame+",cond(Fc<"+sEndFrame+",(Fc - "+sStartFrame+")/("+sTimelapse+"),1),0)*180)*4+2"
	# isolevel
	oBlobOp.Parameters("Isolevel").Value = 1
Esempio n. 6
def GatherSkinDataOnSelf(skin):
    all_clusters = []
    model = skin.Model

    elements = CollectSkeletonElements(model)
    for element in elements:
        # check cluster and weight map existence
        cluster_name = '{}_Cls'.format(element.ElementName.Value)
        cluster = skin.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Clusters(cluster_name)
        if not cluster:
            cluster = Utils.CreateCompleteButNotAlwaysCluster(
                skin, constants.siVertexCluster, cluster_name)
        wm = Utils.GetWeightMap(skin, 'WeightMap', 1, 0, 1, cluster)

    # create build array and set data nodes
    tree = ICETree.CreateRigIceTree(skin, 'GatherDatas', 1)
    setter = XSI.AddICECompoundNode('Set Data', tree)
    build = XSI.AddICENode('BuildArrayNode', tree)
    XSI.ConnectICENodes('{}.value'.format(setter), '{}.array'.format(build))
    XSI.ConnectICENodes('{}.port1'.format(tree), '{}.execute'.format(setter))

    idx = 1
    # connect each element map
    for cluster in all_clusters:
        getter = XSI.AddICECompoundNode('GetRigElementWeight', tree)
        if idx > 1:
            XSI.AddPortToICENode('{}.value{}'.format(build, idx - 1),
                     'Self.cls.{}'.format(cluster.Name), "")
        XSI.ConnectICENodes('{}.value{}'.format(build, idx),
        idx += 1

    # check for weight maps
    Utils.GetWeightMap(skin, 'SmoothWeightMap', 1, 0, 1)
    Utils.GetWeightMap(skin, 'SearchMap', 1, 0, 1)
    Utils.GetWeightMap(skin, 'BulgeMap', 1, 0, 1)
    Utils.GetWeightMap(skin, 'StretchMap', 1, 0, 1)

    # get smooth weight map
    getter = XSI.AddICENode('GetDataNode', tree)
                 'Self.cls.WeightMapCls.SmoothWeightMap.Weights', '')
    XSI.SetValue('{}.Reference1'.format(setter), 'Self.__SmoothWeights', '')
    XSI.ConnectICENodes('{}.value1'.format(setter), '{}.value'.format(getter))

    # get search map
    getter = XSI.AddICENode('GetDataNode', tree)
                 'Self.cls.WeightMapCls.SearchMap.Weights', '')
    XSI.SetValue('{}.Reference2'.format(setter), 'Self.__PerPointSearch', '')
    XSI.ConnectICENodes('{}.value2'.format(setter), '{}.value'.format(getter))

    # get stretch map
    getter = XSI.AddICENode('GetDataNode', tree)
                 'Self.cls.WeightMapCls.StretchMap.Weights', '')
    XSI.SetValue('{}.Reference3'.format(setter), 'Self.__PerPointStretch', '')
    XSI.ConnectICENodes('{}.value3'.format(setter), '{}.value'.format(getter))

    # get bulge map
    getter = XSI.AddICENode('GetDataNode', tree)
                 'Self.cls.WeightMapCls.BulgeMap.Weights', '')
    XSI.SetValue('{}.Reference4'.format(setter), 'Self.__PerPointBulge', '')
    XSI.ConnectICENodes('{}.value4'.format(setter), '{}.value'.format(getter))

    # show affected points
    affected = XSI.AddICECompoundNode('ShowRigAffectedPoints', tree)
    XSI.ConnectICENodes('{}.port2'.format(tree), '{}.Execute'.format(affected))
Esempio n. 7
def CorrectPush(obj, wmap, frame, exist):
	# check if tree exists
	prim = obj.ActivePrimitive
	tree = prim.ICETrees.Find("CorrectivePush")
	if not tree:
		tree = ICETree.CreateIceTree(obj, "CorrectivePush", 2)
		t = str(tree)
		set1 = XSI.AddICENode("SetOneDataNode", t)
		set1.Parameters("Reference").Value = "Self.PointPosition"
		ifnode = XSI.AddIceNode("IfNode", t)

		XSI.ConnectICENodes(t + ".port1", str(ifnode) + ".Result")
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(ifnode) + ".IfFalse", str(set1) + ".Value")
		get = XSI.AddICENode("GetDataNode", t)
		get.Parameters("Reference").Value = "Self.PointPosition"
		get1 = XSI.AddICENode("GetDataNode", t)
		get1.Parameters("Reference").Value = "Self.PointNormal"
		add = XSI.AddICENode("AddNode", t)
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(add) + ".Value1", str(get) + ".Value")
		add1 = XSI.AddIceNode("AddNode", t)
		mult = XSI.AddIceNode("MultiplyByScalarNode", t)
		mult1 = XSI.AddIceNode("MultiplyByScalarNode", t)
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(add) + ".Value2", str(mult) + ".Result")
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(mult) + ".Value", str(get1) + ".Value")
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(mult) + ".Factor", str(mult1) + ".Result")
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(mult1) + ".Value", str(add1) + ".Result")
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(set1) + ".Source", str(add) + ".Result")

		nodes = [get, get1, ifnode, add, add1, set1]
		compound = XSI.CreateICECompoundNode(",".join(nodes), None)
		XSI.EditICECompoundProperties(compound, "CorrectivePush", "", "", "", "", "", 1, 0, "", 4, 6732954)
		XSI.AddExposedParamToICECompoundNode(str(ifnode) + ".Condition", str(compound), None, "Mute")
		XSI.AddExposedParamToICECompoundNode(str(mult1) + ".Factor", str(compound), None, "Factor")

	if not exist:
		compound = tree.CompoundNodes("CorrectivePush")
		add = compound.Nodes.Filter("AddNode")(0)
		mult = XSI.AddIceNode("MultiplyByScalarNode", compound)
		addInputs = add.InputPorts
		checkPorts = -1
		p = 0
		for i in addInputs:
			if not i.IsConnected:
				checkPorts = p
			p += 1
		if not checkPorts == -1:
			XSI.ConnectIceNodes(str(add) + ".Value" + str(checkPorts + 1), str(mult) + ".Result")
			index = add.InputPorts.Count
			XSI.AddPortToICENode(str(add) + ".value" + str(index), constants.siNodePortDataInsertionLocationAfter)
			XSI.ConnectICENodes (str(add) + ".value" + str(index + 1), str(mult) + ".result")
		pushStr = "Self.cls.CorrectivePushCls."+wmap.Name+".Weights"
		getPushMap = XSI.AddIceNode("GetDataNode", str(tree))
		getPushMap.Parameters("Reference").Value = pushStr

		inputs = compound.InputPorts
		count = 0

		for i in inputs:
			if i.Name.find("Position")>-1:
				count += 1

		XSI.AddExposedParamToICECompoundNode(str(mult) + ".value", str(compound), None, "Push")
		XSI.EditExposedParamInICECompoundNode(str(compound) + ".Push", "Push" + str(frame), "0", "0", None, None, 0, "")
		XSI.AddExposedParamToICECompoundNode(str(mult) + ".Factor", str(compound), None, "Frame" + str(frame))
		XSI.EditExposedParamInICECompoundNode(str(compound) + ".Frame" + str(frame), "Frame" + str(frame), "0", "1", None, None, 0, "")
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(compound) + ".Push" + str(frame), str(getPushMap) + ".Value")
		XSI.InspectObj(compound, None, None, constants.siLock)
Esempio n. 8
def CorrectShape(obj, cls, frame):
	prim = obj.ActivePrimitive
	tree = prim.ICETrees.Find("CorrectiveShape")
	exist = False
	basePos = None
	secondPos = None
	if tree:
		if cls.Properties("Frame"+str(frame)):
			exist = True
			toolkit = Dispatch("XSI.UIToolkit")
			buttonPressed = toolkit.MsgBox( "A corrective shape already exists for this frame\n Would you replace it??",
				constants.siMsgOkCancel, "Corrective Shape")

			if buttonPressed == constants.siMsgCancel:
				XSI.LogMessage("Store Secondary Shape cancelled by You, F**k TYou!!", constants.siInfo)
		compound = tree.CompoundNodes("CorrectiveShape")
	if not exist:
		compound.InputPorts("Mute").Value = True
		XSI.DeactivateAbove(tree, True)
		basePoints = prim.Geometry.Points
		basePos = basePoints.PositionArray
		XSI.DeactivateAbove(tree, False)
		secondPoints = prim.Geometry.Points
		secondPos = secondPoints.PositionArray
		if not exist:
			compound.InputPorts("Mute").Value = False
		op = prim.ConstructionHistory.Find("AnimationMarker")
		XSI.DeactivateAbove(op, True)
		basePoints = prim.Geometry.Points
		basePos = basePoints.PositionArray
		XSI.DeactivateAbove(op, False)
		secondPoints = prim.Geometry.Points
		secondPos = secondPoints.PositionArray
	l = len(basePos[0])
	delta = [0] * 3 * l
	for a in range(l):
		delta[a*3] = secondPos[0][a]-basePos[0][a]
		delta[a*3+1] = secondPos[1][a]-basePos[1][a]
		delta[a*3+2] = secondPos[2][a]-basePos[2][a]

	if not exist:
		shapeNode = Dispatch(cls.AddProperty("SimpleDeformShape", 0, "Frame"+str(frame)))
		shapeNode.Elements.Array = delta
		shapeNode = Dispatch(cls.Properties("Frame"+str(frame)))
		shapeNode.Elements.Array = delta

	if not tree:
		tree = ICETree.CreateIceTree(obj, "CorrectiveShape", 2)
		t = str(tree)
		set = XSI.AddICENode("SetOneDataNode", t)
		set.Parameters("Reference").Value = "Self.PointPosition"
		ifnode = XSI.AddIceNode("IfNode", t)
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(t + ".port1", str(ifnode) + ".Result")
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(ifnode) + ".IfFalse", str(set) + ".Value")
		get = XSI.AddICENode("GetDataNode", t)
		get.Parameters("Reference").Value = "Self.PointPosition"

		add = XSI.AddIceNode("AddNode", t)
		XSI.ConnectIceNodes(str(add) + ".Value1", str(get) + ".Value")
		XSI.ConnectIceNodes(str(set) + ".Source", str(add) + ".Result")
		compound = XSI.CreateICECompoundNode(str(get) + "," + str(set) + "," + str(add) + "," + str(ifnode), None)
		XSI.EditICECompoundProperties(str(compound), "CorrectiveShape", "", "", "", "", "", 1, 0, "", 4, 6732954)
		XSI.AddExposedParamToICECompoundNode(str(ifnode) + ".Condition", str(compound), None, "Mute")

	if not exist:
		compound = Dispatch(tree.Nodes("CorrectiveShape"))
		add = compound.Nodes.Filter("AddNode")(0)
		mult = XSI.AddIceNode("MultiplyByScalarNode", str(compound))
		addInputs = add.InputPorts
		checkPorts = -1
		p = 0
		for i in addInputs:
			if not i.IsConnected:
				checkPorts = p
			p += 1
		if not checkPorts == -1:
			XSI.ConnectIceNodes(str(add) + ".Value" + str(checkPorts + 1), str(mult) + ".Result")

			index = add.InputPorts.Count
			XSI.AddPortToICENode(str(add) + ".Value" + str(index), constants.siNodePortDataInsertionLocationAfter)
			XSI.ConnectICENodes (str(add) + ".Value" + str(index + 1), str(mult) + ".Result")
		shapeStr = "Self.cls.CorrectiveShapeCls."+shapeNode.Name+".positions"
		getShape = XSI.AddIceNode("GetDataNode", str(tree))
		getShape.Parameters("Reference").Value = shapeStr
		inputs = compound.InputPorts
		count = 0

		for i in inputs:
			if i.Name.find("Position") > -1:
				count += 1
		XSI.AddExposedParamToICECompoundNode(str(mult) + ".value", str(compound), None, "Position")
		XSI.EditExposedParamInICECompoundNode(str(compound) + ".Position", "Position" + str(frame), "0", "0", None, None, 0, "")
		XSI.AddExposedParamToICECompoundNode(str(mult) + ".Factor", str(compound), None, "Factor")
		XSI.EditExposedParamInICECompoundNode(str(compound) + ".Factor", "Frame" + str(frame), "0", "1", None, None, 0, "")
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(compound) + ".Position" + str(frame), str(getShape) + ".value")
		XSI.InspectObj(compound, None, None, constants.siLock)
	# delete all nodes between secondary shape modeling and animation markers
	for h in prim.ConstructionHistory:
		if h.FullName.find('marker') == -1:
		if h.Name == 'Animation':
Esempio n. 9
def CorrectSmooth(obj, wmap, frame, exist):
	# check if tree exists
	prim = obj.ActivePrimitive
	tree = prim.ICETrees.Find( "CorrectiveSmooth" )
	if not tree:

		above = prim.ICETrees.Find("CorrectivePush")
		if not above:
			above = prim.ICETrees.Find("CorrectiveShape")
		if above:
			XSI.DeactivateAbove(above, True)
		tree = ICETree.CreateIceTree(obj, "CorrectiveSmooth", 2)
		if above:
			XSI.DeactivateAbove(above, False)
		t = str(tree)
		set1 = XSI.AddICENode("SetOneDataNode", t)
		set1.Parameters("Reference").Value = "Self.PointPosition"
		ifnode = XSI.AddIceNode("IfNode", t)
		repeat = XSI.AddICENode("RepeatNode", t)
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(repeat) + ".port", str(set1) + ".value")
		repeat.InputPorts("iterations").Value = 10

		XSI.ConnectICENodes(t + ".port1", str(ifnode) + ".Result")
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(ifnode) + ".IfFalse", str(set1) + ".Value")
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(ifnode) + ".IfFalse", str(repeat) + ".Execute")
		get = XSI.AddICENode("GetDataNode", t)
		get.Parameters("Reference").Value = "Self.PointPosition"
		get1 = XSI.AddICENode("GetDataNode", t)
		get1.Parameters("Reference").Value = "Self.PointNeighbors"
		get2 = XSI.AddICENode("GetDataNode", t)
		get2.Parameters("Reference").Value = "PointPosition"
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(get2) + ".Source", str(get1) + ".Value")
		average = XSI.AddICENode("GetArrayAverageNode", t)
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(average) + ".Array", str(get2) + ".Value")
		interp = XSI.AddIceNode("LinearInterpolateNode", t)
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(interp) + ".First", str(get) + ".Value")
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(interp) + ".Second", str(average) + ".Result")
		XSI.ConnectIceNodes(str(set1) + ".Source", str(interp) + ".Result")
		clamp = XSI.AddICENode("ClampNode", t)
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(interp) + ".Blend", str(clamp) + ".Result")
		scalarZero = XSI.AddICENode("ScalarNode", t)
		scalarZero.InputPorts("Value").Value = 0
		scalarOne = XSI.AddICENode("ScalarNode", t)
		scalarOne.InputPorts("Value").Value = 1
		add = XSI.AddICENode("AddNode", t)
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(clamp) + ".Limit1", str(scalarZero) + ".Result")
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(clamp) + ".Limit2", str(scalarOne) + ".Result")
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(clamp) + ".Value", str(add) + ".Result")

		nodes = [get, set1, get1, get2, average, interp, repeat, ifnode, clamp, add]
		compound = XSI.CreateICECompoundNode(",".join(nodes), None)
		XSI.EditICECompoundProperties(compound, "CorrectiveSmooth", "", "", "", "", "", 1, 0, "", 4, 6732954)
		XSI.AddExposedParamToICECompoundNode(str(ifnode) + ".Condition", str(compound), None, "Mute")
		XSI.AddExposedParamToICECompoundNode(str(repeat) + ".Iterations", str(compound), None, "Repeat")
	if not exist:
		compound = tree.CompoundNodes("CorrectiveSmooth")
		add = compound.Nodes.Filter("AddNode")(0)
		mult = XSI.AddIceNode("MultiplyByScalarNode", str(compound))
		addInputs = add.InputPorts
		checkPorts = -1
		i = 0
		for p in addInputs:
			if not p.IsConnected:
				checkPorts = i
		if checkPorts > -1:
			XSI.ConnectIceNodes(str(add) + ".Value" + str(checkPorts + 1), str(mult) + ".Result")

			index = add.InputPorts.Count
			XSI.AddPortToICENode(str(add) + ".Value" + str(index), constants.siNodePortDataInsertionLocationAfter)
			XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(add) + ".Value" + str(index + 1), str(mult) + ".Result")
		t = str(tree)
		smoothStr = "Self.cls.CorrectiveSmoothCls." + wmap.Name + ".Weights"
		get = XSI.AddIceNode("GetDataNode", t)
		get.Parameters("Reference").Value = smoothStr

		inputs = compound.InputPorts
		count = 0
		for i in inputs:
			if not i.Name.find("Smooth") == -1:
				count += 1
		XSI.AddExposedParamToICECompoundNode(str(mult) + ".value", str(compound), None, "Smooth")
		XSI.EditExposedParamInICECompoundNode(str(compound) + ".Smooth", "Smooth" + str(frame), "0", "0", None, None, 0, "")
		XSI.AddExposedParamToICECompoundNode(str(mult) + ".Factor", str(compound), None, "Factor")
		XSI.EditExposedParamInICECompoundNode(str(compound) + ".Factor", "Frame" + str(frame), "0", "1", None, None, 0, "")
		XSI.ConnectICENodes(str(compound) + ".Smooth" + str(frame), str(get) + ".Value")
		XSI.InspectObj(compound, None, None, constants.siLock)