Esempio n. 1
def calculateError_validation(path_Folder, mode, WV, dim,  W1 , W2, OutputFile, WSat, WNu, iteration, activationFunc):
    posFileList_test = os.listdir(path_Folder + "pos/")
    negFileList_test = os.listdir(path_Folder + "neg/")
    numberofSamples_test = min(len(posFileList_test), len(negFileList_test))

    for k in range(0, numberofSamples_test):
        path_File_test = path_Folder + "pos/" + posFileList_test[k]
        EDUs = readTree_att_NSWeight(path_File_test, W1, WV, dim, WSat, WNu, activationFunc)
        y = [1.0, 0]
        eduKeys = sortEduKey(EDUs.keys(), reverse=True)
        input2 = EDUs[str(eduKeys[0])].vector
        y_in = feedforward(input2, W2)
        output = feedforward_act(input2, W2, activationFunc)
        sumErr += MSE(y, output)

        path_File_test = path_Folder + "neg/" + negFileList_test[k]
        #print negFileList_test[k]
        EDUs = readTree_att_NSWeight(path_File_test, W1, WV, dim, WSat, WNu, activationFunc)
        y = [0, 1.0]
        eduKeys = sortEduKey(EDUs.keys(), reverse=True)
        input2 = EDUs[str(eduKeys[0])].vector
        y_in = feedforward(input2, W2)
        output = feedforward_act(input2, W2, activationFunc)
        sumErr += MSE(y, output)

    totall_Err = sumErr/(2*numberofSamples_test)
    return totall_Err
    print  iteration, " ", mode , " ", totall_Err
    OutputFile.write("%s,%s,%s\n" % (iteration, mode, totall_Err))
Esempio n. 2
def calculateError_validation_EDUs(allEDUs, mode, WV, dim,  W1 , W2, OutputFile, WSat, WNu, iteration, activationFunc):
    target_list = np.zeros([0, 2])
    output_list = np.zeros([0, 2])
    EDU_key = allEDUs.keys()

    for EDUid in EDU_key:
        EDUs = allEDUs [EDUid]
        EDUs = update_EDU(EDUs, W1, WSat, WNu, dim, activationFunc)
        if (len(EDUs) > 0 and EDUid>0):
            y = [1.0, 0]

            #eduKeys = sortEduKey(EDUs.keys(), reverse=True)
            eduKeys = sortEduKey(EDUs.keys(), reverse=True)

            input2 = EDUs[str(eduKeys[0])].vector

            output = feedforward_act(input2, W2, global_outputActivation)
            target_list = np.concatenate((target_list, [y]), 0)
            output_list = np.concatenate((output_list, [output]), 0)

        if (len(EDUs) > 0 and EDUid < 0):
            y = [0, 1.0]
            # eduKeys = sortEduKey(EDUs.keys(), reverse=True)
            eduKeys = sortEduKey(EDUs.keys(), reverse=True)

            input2 = EDUs[str(eduKeys[0])].vector
            #y_in = feedforward(input2, W2)
            output = feedforward_act(input2, W2, global_outputActivation)
            target_list = np.concatenate((target_list, [y]), 0)
            output_list = np.concatenate((output_list, [output]), 0)

    totall_Err = MSE(target_list, output_list)
    print(iteration, " ", mode , " ", totall_Err)
    OutputFile.write("%s,%s,%s\n" % (iteration, mode, totall_Err))
    return totall_Err
Esempio n. 3
def test_AttWeight(path_Folder, mode, WV, dim,  W1 , W2, OutputFile, WSat, WNu, iteration, activationFunc):
    posFileList_test = os.listdir(path_Folder + "pos/")
    negFileList_test = os.listdir(path_Folder + "neg/")
    numberofSamples_test = min(len(posFileList_test), len(negFileList_test))
    tp = 0
    fp = 0
    tn = 0
    fn = 0

    for k in range(0, numberofSamples_test):
        path_File_test = path_Folder + "pos/" + posFileList_test[k]
        #print posFileList_test[k]
        EDUs = readTree_att_NSWeight(path_File_test, W1, WV, dim, WSat, WNu, activationFunc)
        y = [1.0, 0]
        eduKeys = sortEduKey(EDUs.keys(), reverse=True)
        input2 = EDUs[str(eduKeys[0])].vector
        # print "pos"
        # print input2
        y_in = feedforward(input2, W2)
        output = feedforward_act(input2, W2, activationFunc)
        #print output

        if output[0] > output[1]:
            tp += 1
            fn += 1

        path_File_test = path_Folder + "neg/" + negFileList_test[k]
        #print negFileList_test[k]
        EDUs = readTree_att_NSWeight(path_File_test, W1, WV, dim, WSat, WNu, activationFunc)
        eduKeys = sortEduKey(EDUs.keys(), reverse=True)
        input2 = EDUs[str(eduKeys[0])].vector
        # print "neg"
        # print input2
        y_in = feedforward(input2, W2)
        output = feedforward_act(input2, W2, activationFunc)

        if output[0] < output[1]:

            tn += 1
            fp += 1

    accuracy = float(tp + tn) / (tp + tn + fp + fn)
    if (tp+fp) == 0:
        precision = 0
        precision = float(tp) / (tp + fp)
    recall = float(tp) / (tp + fn)
    if (precision + recall) == 0:
        F1 =0
        F1 = 2 * (float(precision * recall)) / (precision + recall)

    print  iteration, " ", mode , " ", tp, " ", tn, " ", fp, " ", fn, " ", accuracy, " ", precision, " ", recall, " ", F1
    OutputFile.write("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n" % (iteration, mode, tp, tn, fp, fn, accuracy, precision, recall, F1))
Esempio n. 4
def train_for_each_Sample_AttWeight (EDUs, EDUs_test, y, W1, W21, W22, eta, dim, activationFunc, dropOutPercent):

    W1_copy = W1.copy()
    W21_copy = W21.copy()
    W22_copy = W22.copy()

    indexNode = dropOut(len(W1[0]), dropOutPercent)
    #W1_doc = dropcolrow(W1, indexNode, False)

    #indexNode = dropOut(len(W1_query[0]), dropOutPercent)
    W1 = dropcolrow(W1, indexNode, False)

    indexNode2 = []

    W21 = dropcolrow(W21, indexNode2, True)

    eduKeys_test = sortEduKey(EDUs_test.keys(), reverse=True)
    input2_test = EDUs_test[str(eduKeys_test[0])].vector

    eduKeys = sortEduKey(EDUs.keys(), reverse=True)
    input2 = EDUs[str(eduKeys[0])].vector

    input = (np.concatenate([input2, input2_test], 0))
    #y_in1 = feedforward(input, W21)
    output1 = feedforward_act(input, W21, activationFunc)
    y_in = feedforward(output1, W22)
    output = feedforward_act(output1, W22, global_outputActivation)

    error_soft = softmax_error(y, output, y_in, global_outputActivation)
    delta_W22 = calculate_deltaW(error_soft, output1)

    error_hidden = non_softmax_error(error_soft, W22, input, W21, activationFunc)
    delta_W21 = calculate_deltaW(error_hidden, input)

    delta_W1_doc = BpthroughTree(EDUs, error_hidden, W1, W21, dim, activationFunc, True)
    delta_W1_query = BpthroughTree(EDUs_test, error_hidden, W1, W21, dim, activationFunc, False)

    #print ("=============== : ", np.sum(delta_W1_doc[:, indexNode]))
    delta_W1_doc = dropcolrow(delta_W1_doc, indexNode, False)
    delta_W1_query = dropcolrow(delta_W1_query, indexNode, False)
    delta_W21 = dropcolrow(delta_W21, indexNode2, True)

    delta_W = np.divide(np.add(delta_W1_doc, delta_W1_query), 2)

    W21 = update_weight(eta, W21_copy, delta_W21)
    W22 = update_weight(eta, W22_copy, delta_W22)
    W1 = update_weight(eta, W1_copy, delta_W)

    return W1, W21, W22
Esempio n. 5
def calculateError_validation_pair(allEDUs, mode, WV, dim,  W1, W21, W22, OutputFile, iteration, activationFunc, pairs):
    #FileList = os.listdir(path_Folder)
    numberofSamples = len(pairs)


    for pair in pairs: #j in range(0, numberofSamples):
        filenames = pair.split(' ')
        #path_File_test = path_Folder + filenames[0]
        EDUs_test = allEDUs[filenames[0]]#readTree_att_NSWeight(path_File_test, W1_query, WV, dim, activationFunc)
        EDUs_test = update_EDU(EDUs_test, W1, dim, activationFunc)
        eduKeys_test = sortEduKey(EDUs_test.keys(), reverse=True)
        input2_test = EDUs_test[str(eduKeys_test[0])].vector

        #path_File_test = path_Folder + filenames[1]
        EDUs = allEDUs[filenames[1]]#readTree_att_NSWeight(path_File_test, W1_doc, WV, dim, activationFunc)
        EDUs = update_EDU(EDUs, W1, dim, activationFunc)
        eduKeys = sortEduKey(EDUs.keys(), reverse=True)
        input2 = EDUs[str(eduKeys[0])].vector

        input = np.concatenate([input2, input2_test], 0)
        output1 = feedforward_act(input, W21, activationFunc)
        output = feedforward_act(output1, W22, global_outputActivation)

        if (filenames[0].split("-")[1] == filenames[1].split("-")[1]):
            if len(W22[0]) == 1:
                y = [1.0]
                y = [0.8, -0.8]

            if len(W22[0]) == 1:
                y = [-1.0]
                y = [-0.8, 0.8]


    totall_Err = MSE(output_list, target_list)
    print(iteration, " ", mode , " ", totall_Err)
    OutputFile.write("%s,%s,%s\n" % (iteration, mode, totall_Err))
    return totall_Err
Esempio n. 6
def train_for_each_Sample (EDUs, y, W1, W2, eta, activationFunc):
    eduKeys = sortEduKey(EDUs.keys(), reverse=True)
    input2 = EDUs[str(eduKeys[0])].vector
    y_in = feedforward(input2, W2)
    output = feedforward_act(input2, W2, activationFunc)
    #print output
    error_soft = softmax_error(y, output, y_in, activationFunc)
    delta_W2 = calculate_deltaW(error_soft, input2)
    delta_W1 = BpthroughTree(EDUs, error_soft, W1, W2, activationFunc)
    W2 = update_weight(eta, W2, delta_W2)
    W1 = update_weight(eta, W1, delta_W1)

    return W1, W2
Esempio n. 7
def calculateError_validation(path_Folder, mode, WV, dim,  W1_doc, W1_query, W2, OutputFile, iteration, activationFunc):
    FileList = os.listdir(path_Folder)
    numberofSamples = len(FileList)


    for j in range(0, numberofSamples):
        path_File_test = path_Folder + FileList[j]
        EDUs_test = readTree_att_NSWeight(path_File_test, W1_query, WV, dim, activationFunc)
        eduKeys_test = sortEduKey(EDUs_test.keys(), reverse=True)
        input2_test = EDUs_test[str(eduKeys_test[0])].vector

        for k in range(0, numberofSamples):
            path_File_test = path_Folder + FileList[k]
            EDUs = readTree_att_NSWeight(path_File_test, W1_doc, WV, dim, activationFunc)
            eduKeys = sortEduKey(EDUs.keys(), reverse=True)
            input2 = EDUs[str(eduKeys[0])].vector

            input = np.concatenate([input2, input2_test], 0)
            output = feedforward_act(input, W2, global_outputActivation)
            #print output

            if (FileList[j].split("-")[1] == FileList[k].split("-")[1]):
                y = [1.0]
                if (k % 5 == 0):
                    y = [0.0]

    totall_Err = cross_entropy(target_list, output_list)
    print(iteration, " ", mode , " ", totall_Err)
    OutputFile.write("%s,%s,%s\n" % (iteration, mode, totall_Err))
    return totall_Err
Esempio n. 8
def test_AttWeight_DrHarati_pair(allEDUs, mode, WV, dim,  W1, W21, W22, OutputFile, iteration, activationFunc, pairs):
    numberofSamples = len(pairs)
    #numberofSamples_test = 50
    tp = 0
    fp = 0
    tn = 0
    fn = 0
    sim = 0
    notsim = 0

    for pair in pairs: #j in range(0, numberofSamples):
        filenames = pair.split(' ')
        EDUs_test = allEDUs[filenames[0]]
        EDUs_test = update_EDU(EDUs_test, W1, dim, activationFunc)
        eduKeys_test = sortEduKey(EDUs_test.keys(), reverse=True)
        input2_test = EDUs_test[str(eduKeys_test[0])].vector

        EDUs = allEDUs[filenames[1]]
        EDUs = update_EDU(EDUs, W1, dim, activationFunc)
        eduKeys = sortEduKey(EDUs.keys(), reverse=True)
        input2 = EDUs[str(eduKeys[0])].vector

        input = np.concatenate([input2, input2_test], 0)
        output1 = feedforward_act(input, W21, activationFunc)
        output = feedforward_act(output1, W22, global_outputActivation)

        if (filenames[0].split("-")[1] == filenames[1].split("-")[1]):
            sim += 1
            if (sim % 500 == 0):
                print("Similar ", filenames[0].split("-")[1], filenames[1].split("-")[1], output)
            #if output[0] > output[1]:
            if (len(W22[0]) == 1):
                if output[0] > 0:
                    # print("Similar ", filenames[0].split("-")[1], filenames[1].split("-")[1], output)
                    tp += 1
                    # print("Similar ", filenames[0].split("-")[1], filenames[1].split("-")[1], output)
                    fn += 1
                if output[0] > output[1]:
                    # print("Similar ", filenames[0].split("-")[1], filenames[1].split("-")[1], output)
                    tp += 1
                    # print("Similar ", filenames[0].split("-")[1], filenames[1].split("-")[1], output)
                    fn += 1
            notsim += 1
            if (notsim % 500 == 0):
                print("Not-Similar ", filenames[0].split("-")[1], filenames[1].split("-")[1], output)
            #if output[0] < output[1]:
            if (len(W22[0]) == 1):
                if output[0] < 0:
                    # print("Not-Similar ", filenames[0].split("-")[1], filenames[1].split("-")[1], output)
                    tn += 1
                    # print("Not-Similar ", filenames[0].split("-")[1], filenames[1].split("-")[1], output)
                    fp += 1
                if output[0] < output[1]:
                    # print("Not-Similar ", filenames[0].split("-")[1], filenames[1].split("-")[1], output)
                    tn += 1
                    # print("Not-Similar ", filenames[0].split("-")[1], filenames[1].split("-")[1], output)
                    fp += 1

    print (sim, notsim)
    accuracy = float(tp + tn) / (tp + tn + fp + fn)
    precision, recall, F1 = calculate_eval_metrics(tp, tn, fp, fn)
    print(iteration, " ", mode , " ", tp, " ", tn, " ", fp, " ", fn, " ", accuracy, " ", precision, " ", recall, " ", F1)
    OutputFile.write("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n" % (iteration, mode, tp, tn, fp, fn, accuracy, precision, recall, F1))
def readTree_att_Scalar(filePath, W1, WV, dim, hierarchyType, attScaler, activationFunc):

    EDUs = {}
    EDUs_main = {}
    if os.path.exists(filePath):
        if  os.stat(filePath).st_size > 0 :
            file_1 = open(filePath, "r")

            for line in file_1:
                line = re.sub(r"[\n(\[\])]", "", line)
                arr = re.split("\s*,\s*",line)
                arr2 = re.split("\'", line)

                relation = arr2[len(arr2)-2]
                hierarchy = arr2[len(arr2)-4]

                if arr[0] == arr[1]:

                    if int(arr[0]) / 10 != 0:
                        arr[0] = "9" + arr[0]
                    vector = WordAveraging(preprocessor1(re.sub(r"[\n,.:'(\[\])]", "", arr2[1])), WV, dim)
                    #vector = tanh(vector)
                    if hierarchy == hierarchyType:
                        vector = np.multiply(attScaler, vector)
                    EDUs_main [arr[0]] = ClassNode.Node(True, False, 0, 0, "", hierarchy, relation, vector, "")
                    EDUs[arr[0]] = "hi"

                    numconcat = ""
                    for num in range(int(arr[0]), int(arr[1])+1):
                        if num/10 !=0 :
                        numconcat += `int(num)`

                    numconcat2 = numconcat
                    EDUitem =  sortEduKey(EDUs_main.keys(), reverse=True)
                    for key in EDUitem:
                        key = str(key)
                        if numconcat!='' and key in numconcat:
                            childs[i] = EDUs_main[key].vector
                            if i==1:
                                rightChild = key
                                EDUs_main[key].child = "right"

                            elif i==2:
                                leftChild = key
                                EDUs_main[key].child = "left"
                            #print len(childs[i]), key
                            i = 2
                            numconcat = numconcat.replace(key,"")

                            del EDUs[key]


                    vector = feedforward_act(np.concatenate([childs[2], childs[1]], 0), W1, activationFunc)

                    if hierarchy == hierarchyType:
                        vector = np.multiply(attScaler, vector)

                    EDUs_main[numconcat2]=ClassNode.Node(False, False, leftChild, rightChild, "" , hierarchy, relation, vector, "")

        if len(eduKey)>1:
            vector = feedforward_act(np.concatenate([EDUs_main[eduKey[0]].vector, EDUs_main[eduKey[1]].vector], 0), W1, activationFunc)
            EDUs[eduKey[0]+eduKey[1]] = "hi"
            EDUs_main[eduKey[0]].child = "left"
            EDUs_main[eduKey[1]].child = "right"

            if hierarchy == hierarchyType:
                vector = np.multiply(attScaler, vector)
            EDUs_main[eduKey[0]+eduKey[1]] = ClassNode.Node(False, True, eduKey[0], eduKey[1],"", "", "", vector, "")
            del EDUs[eduKey[0]]
            del EDUs[eduKey[1]]

        return EDUs_main

        return EDUs_main
Esempio n. 10
def test_AttWeight_DrHarati(path_Folder, mode, WV, dim,  W1 , W2, OutputFile, WSat, WNu, iteration, activationFunc):
    posFileList_test = os.listdir(path_Folder + "pos/")
    negFileList_test = os.listdir(path_Folder + "neg/")
    numberofSamples_test = min(len(posFileList_test), len(negFileList_test))
    tp = 0
    fp = 0
    tn = 0
    fn = 0

    for k in range(0, numberofSamples_test):
        path_File_test = path_Folder + "pos/" + posFileList_test[k]
        EDUs = readTree_att_NSWeight(path_File_test, W1, WV, dim, WSat, WNu, activationFunc)
        y = [1.0, 0]
        eduKeys = sortEduKey(EDUs.keys(), reverse=True)
        input2 = EDUs[str(eduKeys[0])].vector
        y_in = feedforward(input2, W2)
        output = feedforward_act(input2, W2, activationFunc)

        if output[0] == output[1]:
            print "input", input2
            # print "W2", W2[0, :]
            # print "W1", W1[0, :]
            # print "WN", WNu[0, :]
            # print "WS", WSat[0, :]
            # print "pos", output

        if output[0] > output[1]:
            #print "pos ", output
            tp += 1

            fn += 1

        path_File_test = path_Folder + "neg/" + negFileList_test[k]
        EDUs = readTree_att_NSWeight(path_File_test, W1, WV, dim, WSat, WNu, activationFunc)
        eduKeys = sortEduKey(EDUs.keys(), reverse=True)
        input2 = EDUs[str(eduKeys[0])].vector
        y_in = feedforward(input2, W2)
        output = feedforward_act(input2, W2, activationFunc)

        if output[0] == output[1]:
            print "input", input2
            # print "W2", W2[0, :]
            # print "W1", W1[0,:]
            # print "WN", WNu[0,:]
            # print "WS", WSat[0,:]
            # print "neg",output

        if output[0] < output[1]:
            #print "neg ", output
            tn += 1
            fp += 1

    accuracy = float(tp + tn) / (tp + tn + fp + fn)

    precision, recall, F1 = calculate_eval_metrics(tp, tn, fp, fn)

    print  iteration, " ", mode , " ", tp, " ", tn, " ", fp, " ", fn, " ", accuracy, " ", precision, " ", recall, " ", F1
    OutputFile.write("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n" % (iteration, mode, tp, tn, fp, fn, accuracy, precision, recall, F1))
Esempio n. 11
def readTree_att_NSWeight(filePath, W1, WV, dim, WSat, WNu, activationFunc):
    #print filePath
    EDUs = {}
    EDUs_main = {}
    if os.path.exists(filePath):
        if  os.stat(filePath).st_size > 0 :
            file_1 = open(filePath, "r")

            for line in file_1:
                line = re.sub(r"[\n(\[\])]", "", line)
                arr = re.split("\s*,\s*",line)
                arr2 = re.split("\'", line)

                relation = arr2[len(arr2)-2]
                hierarchy = arr2[len(arr2)-4]

                if arr[0] == arr[1]:

                    if int(arr[0]) / 10 != 0:
                        arr[0] = "9" + arr[0]
                    vector = WordAveraging(preprocessor1(re.sub(r"[\n,.:'(\[\])]", "", arr2[1])), WV, dim)
                    #print vector
                    if np.absolute(max(vector))>2:
                        print "vayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
                    if np.sum(np.absolute(vector))/dim >=0.8:
                        for item in EDUs_main.keys():
                            print item, " ", EDUs_main[item].vector
                        print "khodaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
                    #vector = tanh (vector)
                    EDUs_main [arr[0]] = ClassNode.Node(True, False, 0, 0, "", hierarchy, relation, vector, "")
                    EDUs[arr[0]] = "hi"

                    numconcat = ""
                    for num in range(int(arr[0]), int(arr[1])+1):
                        if num/10 !=0 :
                        numconcat += `int(num)`

                    numconcat2 = numconcat
                    EDUitem =  sortEduKey(EDUs_main.keys(), reverse=True)
                    for key in EDUitem:
                        key = str(key)
                        if numconcat!='' and key in numconcat:
                            childs[i] = EDUs_main[key].vector
                            #print key, " ", childs[i]
                            childs[i] = apply_attention(childs[i], EDUs_main[key].nodeHierarchy, WNu, WSat, activationFunc)
                            if np.sum(np.absolute(childs[i])) / dim >= 0.8:
                                for item in EDUs_main.keys():
                                    print item, " ", EDUs_main[item].vector
                                print key, " ", childs[i]
                                print "khodaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

                            if i==1:
                                rightChild = key
                                EDUs_main[key].child = "right"

                            elif i==2:
                                leftChild = key
                                EDUs_main[key].child = "left"

                            i = 2
                            numconcat = numconcat.replace(key,"")
                            del EDUs[key]

                    vector = feedforward_act(np.concatenate([childs[2], childs[1]], 0), W1, activationFunc)
                    EDUs_main[numconcat2]=ClassNode.Node(False, False, leftChild, rightChild, "" , hierarchy, relation, vector, "")

        if len(eduKey)>1:

            EDU_0 = apply_attention(EDUs_main[eduKey[0]].vector, EDUs_main[eduKey[0]].nodeHierarchy, WNu, WSat, activationFunc)
            EDU_1 = apply_attention(EDUs_main[eduKey[1]].vector, EDUs_main[eduKey[1]].nodeHierarchy, WNu, WSat, activationFunc)

            vector = feedforward_act(np.concatenate([EDU_0, EDU_1], 0), W1, activationFunc)
            EDUs[eduKey[0]+eduKey[1]] = "hi"

            EDUs_main[eduKey[0]].child = "left"
            EDUs_main[eduKey[1]].child = "right"

            # if hierarchy == "Nucleus":
            #     vector = np.matmul(vector, WNu)
            # elif hierarchy == "Satellite":
            #     vector = np.matmul(vector, WSat)

            EDUs_main[eduKey[0]+eduKey[1]] = ClassNode.Node(False, True, eduKey[0], eduKey[1],"", "", "", vector, "")
            del EDUs[eduKey[0]]
            del EDUs[eduKey[1]]

        return EDUs_main

        return EDUs_main