Esempio n. 1
def noise_integrals_block(exp_num, file_nums):
    proc = ProcessSignal(str(exp_num))
    shot_nums, density_vals, full_ints = [], [], []
    for num in file_nums:
        file_name = f'str{num}.csv'
        file = proc.open_file(file_name, reduced=True)
        u = file['voltage']
        t = file['time']
        dt_2 = (t[-1] - t[0])**2

        pl_density = proc.read_excel(file_name)['dicts'][num]['Ток плазмы, А']

        freqs, amps = proc.fft_amplitude(t,
                                         u)['frequency'], proc.fft_amplitude(
                                             t, u)['amplitude']
        full_int = np.round(dt_2 * proc.e_square(freqs, amps) / 2e-8, 3)


    sorted_inds = np.argsort(density_vals)
    density_vals = np.asarray(density_vals)[sorted_inds]
    shot_nums = np.asarray(shot_nums)[sorted_inds]
    full_ints = np.asarray(full_ints)[sorted_inds]
    integrals_dict = {
        'nums': shot_nums,
        'density': density_vals,
        'full_ints': full_ints
    return integrals_dict
Esempio n. 2
def magnetron_integrals_bloc(exp_num,
    proc = ProcessSignal(str(exp_num))
    shot_nums, density_vals, full_ints, peak_ints, exp_nums = [], [], [], [], []
    for num in file_nums:
        file_name = f'str{num}.csv'
        file = proc.open_file(file_name, reduced=True)
        u = file['voltage']
        t = file['time']
        f_low = (central_freq - band_half_width) * 1e9
        f_high = (central_freq + band_half_width) * 1e9
        dt_2 = (t[-1] - t[0])**2
        #pl_num = f'{(int(num) - 1):03d}'
        pl_density = proc.read_excel(file_name)['dicts'][num]['Ток плазмы, А']

        freqs, amps = proc.fft_amplitude(t,
                                         u)['frequency'], proc.fft_amplitude(
                                             t, u)['amplitude']
        peak_inds = np.logical_and(freqs >= f_low, freqs <= f_high)
        p_freqs, p_amps = freqs[peak_inds], amps[peak_inds]

        full_int = np.round(dt_2 * proc.e_square(freqs, amps) / 2e-8, 3)
        peak_int = np.round(dt_2 * proc.e_square(p_freqs, p_amps) / 2e-8, 3)


    sorted_inds = np.argsort(density_vals)
    density_vals = np.asarray(density_vals)[sorted_inds]
    shot_nums = np.asarray(shot_nums)[sorted_inds]
    full_ints, peak_ints = np.asarray(full_ints)[sorted_inds], np.asarray(

    integrals_dict = {
        'nums': shot_nums,
        'density': density_vals,
        'full_ints': full_ints,
        'peak_ints': peak_ints,
        'exp_nums': exp_nums
    return integrals_dict
Esempio n. 3
def fft_amp_test():
    test = ProcessSignal('191011')
    types = test.read_type_file()
    csv_signals = types['signal_files']
    for signal in csv_signals:
        open_dict = test.open_file(signal, reduced=True)
        t = open_dict['time']
        u = open_dict['voltage']
        dt = open_dict['time_resolution']
        amp_dict = test.fft_amplitude(t, u, dt)
        freq = amp_dict['frequency']
        amp = amp_dict['amplitude']
        plt.plot(freq, amp)
def peak_mean_freq_calc(exp_num, central_freq=2.714e9, band_half_width=50e6):
    proc = ProcessSignal(f'{exp_num}')
    types = proc.read_type_file()
    csv_signals, csv_signal_nums = types['signal_files'], types['signal_nums']
    excel_results = proc.read_excel(csv_signal_nums)['numbers']
    magnetron_nums = excel_results['magnetron']

    m_nums, m_plasma_dens, m_mean_freqs = [], [], []

    for num in magnetron_nums:
        file_name = f'str{num}.csv'
        file_data = proc.open_file(file_name, reduced=True)
        t, u, dt = file_data['time'], file_data['voltage'], file_data['time_resolution']
        pl_density = proc.read_excel(file_name)['dicts'][num]['Ток плазмы, А']
        fft_results = proc.fft_amplitude(t, u)
        freqs, amps = fft_results['frequency'], fft_results['amplitude']

        left_boundary, right_boundary = central_freq - band_half_width, central_freq + band_half_width
        noise_base_inds = np.logical_and(freqs >= left_boundary, freqs <= right_boundary)
        noise_base_freqs, noise_base_amps = freqs[noise_base_inds], amps[noise_base_inds]
        mean_freq = proc.mean_frequency(noise_base_freqs, noise_base_amps)
        spectrum_mean_freq = mean_freq['mean_freq']
        m_nums.append(num), m_plasma_dens.append(pl_density), m_mean_freqs.append(spectrum_mean_freq)

    m_sorted_inds = np.argsort(np.asarray(m_plasma_dens))
    m_nums_sort = np.asarray(m_nums)[m_sorted_inds]
    m_plasma_dens_sort = np.asarray(m_plasma_dens)[m_sorted_inds]
    m_mean_freqs_sort = np.asarray(m_mean_freqs)[m_sorted_inds]

    ex_table = xl.Workbook()
    ex_table.create_sheet(title='Mean_freq', index=0)
    sheet = ex_table['Mean_freq']
    sheet['A1'] = 'Номер'
    sheet['B1'] = 'Плотность плазмы, отн.ед.'
    sheet['C1'] = 'Средняя частота, ГГц'

    for k in range(m_nums_sort.size):
        cell = sheet.cell(row=k + 2, column=1)
        cell.value = int(m_nums_sort[k])
        cell = sheet.cell(row=k + 2, column=2)
        cell.value = m_plasma_dens_sort[k]
        cell = sheet.cell(row=k + 2, column=3)
        cell.value = m_mean_freqs_sort[k]

    path = proc.excel_folder_path / f'Mean_freq_{exp_num}_test.xlsx'

def e_square_spectra(exp_num, signal_type='magnetron', scale='log'):
    proc = ProcessSignal(f'{exp_num}')
    types = proc.read_type_file()
    csv_signals, csv_signal_nums = types['signal_files'], types['signal_nums']
    excel_results = proc.read_excel(csv_signal_nums)['numbers']
    if signal_type == 'magnetron':
        nums_for_proc = excel_results['magnetron']
    elif signal_type == 'noise':
        nums_for_proc = excel_results['noise']
    for num in nums_for_proc:
        file_name = f'str{num}.csv'
        file_data = proc.open_file(file_name, True)
        t, u = file_data['time'], file_data['voltage']
        fft_data = proc.fft_amplitude(t, u * u)
        freqs, amps = fft_data['frequency'][2::], fft_data['amplitude'][2::]
        inds = freqs <= 4e9
        freqs_4, amps_4 = freqs[inds], amps[inds]
        pl_dens = proc.read_excel(file_name)['dicts'][num]['Ток плазмы, А']

        fig = plt.figure(num=1, dpi=300)
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

        line, = ax.plot(freqs_4, amps_4)
        ax.set_xlim(left=1e9, right=4e9)
        if scale == 'log':
            pic_name = r'Спектр квадрата напряжения\Логарифмический\ u_2_log_{}'.format(num)
            pic_name = r'Спектр квадрата напряжения\Обычный\ u_2_{}'.format(num)
        ax.grid(which='both', axis='both')
        ax.set_title(r'$№={}, n={}$'.format(num, pl_dens))
        png_name = proc.fft_pics_path / pic_name
Esempio n. 6
plasma_nums = excel_dicts['noise']
print('Magnetron nums are:', magnetron_nums, 'REB nums are:', plasma_nums)
pl_densities = np.zeros(len(csv_signals))
integrals = np.zeros(len(csv_signals))
nums = np.zeros(len(csv_signals))
for i, csv_signal in enumerate(csv_signals):
    csv_signal_num = csv_signal[3:6]
    file = test.open_file(csv_signal, reduced=True)
    pl_density = test.read_excel(
        csv_signal)['dicts'][csv_signal_num]['Ток плазмы, А']
    pl_densities[i] = pl_density
    time = file['time']
    voltage = file['voltage']
    t, u, dt = file['time'], file['voltage'], file['time_resolution']
    fft = test.fft_amplitude(t, u, dt)
    freqs = fft['frequency']
    amps = fft['amplitude']
    n_dt_2 = (t[-1] - t[0])**2
    full_integral = 2 * n_dt_2 * test.e_square(freqs, amps) / 1e-8
    integrals[i] = full_integral
    nums[i] = csv_signal_num

ex_table = excel.Workbook()
ex_table.create_sheet(title='Integral', index=0)
sheet = ex_table['Integral']
sheet['A1'] = 'Номер'
sheet['B1'] = 'Плотность плазмы, отн.ед.'
sheet['C1'] = 'Интеграл, *10-8'
table_size = integrals.size
for k in range(table_size):
Esempio n. 7
csv_signal_nums = csv_types['signal_nums']
excel_dicts = proc.read_excel(csv_signal_nums)['numbers']
noise_nums = excel_dicts['noise']
magnetron_nums = excel_dicts['magnetron'][:18:]
    num = signal[3:6]
    if num in magnetron_nums:
        file = proc.open_file(signal, reduced=True)
        u = file['voltage']
        t = file['time']
        u_filt = proc.fft_filter(t, u, 2.695e9, 2.725e9, filt_type='bandstop')
        dt = file['time_resolution']
        dt_2 = (t[-1] - t[0]) ** 2

        pl_density = proc.read_excel(signal)['dicts'][num]['Ток плазмы, А']

        fft_data = proc.fft_amplitude(t, u_filt)
        freqs, amps = fft_data['frequency'], fft_data['amplitude']
        mean_freq = proc.mean_frequency(freqs, amps)['mean_freq']

    if num in noise_nums:
        file = proc.open_file(signal, reduced=True)
        u = file['voltage']
        t = file['time']
        dt = file['time_resolution']
        dt_2 = (t[-1] - t[0]) ** 2

        pl_density = proc.read_excel(signal)['dicts'][num]['Ток плазмы, А']
Esempio n. 8
        t_min, t_max = 60e-9, 322e-9
    cut_inds = np.logical_and(t >= t_min, t <= t_max)
    t_cut = t[cut_inds]
    u_cut = u[cut_inds]
    dt_2 = (t_cut[-1] - t_cut[0])**2
    u_filt = proc.bandpass_filter(t, u, 2.68e9, 2.74e9)
    plt.plot(t, u)
    plt.plot(t_cut, u_cut)
    plt.plot(t, u_filt)
    integral = np.round(proc.e_square(t_cut, u_cut) / 1e-8, 3)
    freqs, amps = proc.fft_amplitude(t_cut,
                                     u_cut)['frequency'], proc.fft_amplitude(
                                         t_cut, u_cut)['amplitude']
    peak_inds = np.logical_and(freqs >= 2.695e9, freqs <= 2.725e9)
    p_freqs, p_amps = freqs[peak_inds], amps[peak_inds]

    plt.plot(freqs, amps)
    plt.xlim(left=0e9, right=4e9)

    full_int = np.round(dt_2 * proc.e_square(freqs, amps) / 2e-8, 3)
    peak_int = np.round(dt_2 * proc.e_square(p_freqs, p_amps) / 2e-8, 3)
    print('num =', signal, integral, full_int)
    n = proc.read_excel(
        f'{signal:03d}')['dicts'][f'{signal:03d}']['Ток плазмы, А']
    m_delay = proc.read_excel(
csv_types = proc.read_type_file()
csv_signals = csv_types['signal_files']
csv_signal_nums = csv_types['signal_nums']
excel_dicts = proc.read_excel(csv_signal_nums)['numbers']
noise_nums = excel_dicts['noise'][:12:]
magnetron_nums = excel_dicts['magnetron'][0:0:]
nums, n_s, l_ints, r_ints = [], [], [], []
l_noise_ints, r_noise_ints, noise_ns, n_nums = [], [], [], []
for signal in csv_signals:
    num = signal[3:6]
    file = proc.open_file(signal, reduced=True)
    u = file['voltage']
    t = file['time']
    dt = file['time_resolution']
    dt_2 = (t[-1] - t[0])**2
    fft_data = proc.fft_amplitude(t, u)
    freqs, amps = fft_data['frequency'][1::], fft_data['amplitude'][1::]
    left_inds = freqs <= 2.71e9 - 50e6
    l_freqs = freqs[left_inds]
    l_amps = amps[left_inds]
    l_int = np.round(dt_2 * proc.e_square(l_freqs, l_amps) / 2e-8, 3)
    r_inds = freqs >= 2.71e9 + 50e6
    r_freqs = freqs[r_inds]
    r_amps = amps[r_inds]
    r_int = np.round(dt_2 * proc.e_square(r_freqs, r_amps) / 2e-8, 3)
    plt.plot(freqs, amps)
    plt.plot(l_freqs, l_amps)
    plt.plot(r_freqs, r_amps)
    plt.title(f'l_int = {l_int}, r_int = {r_int}')
Esempio n. 10
def all_integrals_proc(exp_num,
    proc = ProcessSignal(str(exp_num))
    csv_types = proc.read_type_file()
    csv_signals = csv_types['signal_files']
    csv_signal_nums = csv_types['signal_nums']
    excel_dicts = proc.read_excel(csv_signal_nums)['numbers']
    noise_nums = [
        str(int(excel_dicts['noise'][i]) + 1)
        for i in range(len(excel_dicts['noise']))
        if int(excel_dicts['noise'][i]) + 1 in nums
    magnetron_nums = [
        str(int(excel_dicts['magnetron'][i]) + 1)
        for i in range(len(excel_dicts['magnetron']))
        if int(excel_dicts['magnetron'][i]) + 1 in nums
    print('Noise:', noise_nums, '\n', 'Amplifier:', magnetron_nums)

    nums, n_s, full_ints, peak_ints = [], [], [], []
    noise_ints, noise_ns, n_nums = [], [], []
    for signal in csv_signals:
        num = signal[3:6]
        if num in magnetron_nums:
            file = proc.open_file(signal, reduced=True)
            u = file['voltage']
            t = file['time']
            f_low = (central_freq - band_half_width) * 1e9
            f_high = (central_freq + band_half_width) * 1e9
            u_filt = proc.fft_filter(t, u, f_low, f_high)
            dt_2 = (t[-1] - t[0])**2

            pl_density = proc.read_excel(signal)['dicts'][num]['Ток плазмы, А']

            integral = np.round(proc.e_square(t, u) / 1e-8, 3)
            filt_int = np.round(proc.e_square(t, u_filt) / 1e-8, 3)
            freqs, amps = proc.fft_amplitude(
                t, u)['frequency'], proc.fft_amplitude(t, u)['amplitude']
            peak_inds = np.logical_and(freqs >= f_low, freqs <= f_high)
            p_freqs, p_amps = freqs[peak_inds], amps[peak_inds]

            full_int = np.round(dt_2 * proc.e_square(freqs, amps) / 2e-8, 3)
            peak_int = np.round(dt_2 * proc.e_square(p_freqs, p_amps) / 2e-8,


            print('peak_int = ', np.round(integral, 2), 'noise_int =',
                  np.round(integral - filt_int, 2), 'noise_fft =',
                  np.round(full_int - peak_int, 2))
        if num in noise_nums:
            file = proc.open_file(signal, reduced=True)
            u = file['voltage']
            t = file['time']
            dt = file['time_resolution']
            f_low = (central_freq - band_half_width) * 1e9
            f_high = (central_freq + band_half_width) * 1e9
            u_filt = proc.fft_filter(t, u, f_low, f_high)
            dt_2 = (t[-1] - t[0])**2

            pl_density = proc.read_excel(signal)['dicts'][num]['Ток плазмы, А']

            freqs, amps = proc.fft_amplitude(
                t, u)['frequency'], proc.fft_amplitude(t, u)['amplitude']
            noise_int = np.round(dt_2 * proc.e_square(freqs, amps) / 2e-8, 3)

    ind_sort = np.argsort(np.asarray(n_s))
    ns_sort = np.asarray(n_s)[ind_sort]
    nums_sort = np.asarray(nums)[ind_sort]
    full_ints_sort, peak_ints_sort = np.asarray(
        full_ints)[ind_sort], np.asarray(peak_ints)[ind_sort]
    print('Sorted amplifier numbers:', nums_sort)

    n_ind_sort = np.argsort(np.asarray(noise_ns))
    noise_ns_sort, n_nums_sort, noise_ints_sort = np.asarray(
        noise_ns)[n_ind_sort], np.asarray(n_nums)[n_ind_sort], np.asarray(
    print('Sorted noise numbers:', n_nums_sort)
    if table:
        ex_table = excel.Workbook()
        ex_table.create_sheet(title='Integral', index=0)
        sheet = ex_table['Integral']
        sheet['A1'] = 'Номер(шум)'
        sheet['B1'] = 'Плотность плазмы, отн.ед.'
        sheet['C1'] = 'W_f0, *10-8'
        sheet['D1'] = 'W_1, *10-8'

        sheet['F1'] = 'Номер'
        sheet['G1'] = 'Плотность плазмы, отн.ед.'
        sheet['H1'] = 'W_2, *10-8'

        for z in range(full_ints_sort.size):
            cell = sheet.cell(row=z + 2, column=1)
            cell.value = int(nums_sort[z])
            cell = sheet.cell(row=z + 2, column=2)
            cell.value = ns_sort[z]
            cell = sheet.cell(row=z + 2, column=3)
            cell.value = peak_ints_sort[z]
            cell = sheet.cell(row=z + 2, column=4)
            cell.value = full_ints_sort[z] - peak_ints_sort[z]

        for k in range(noise_ints_sort.size):
            cell = sheet.cell(row=k + 2, column=6)
            cell.value = int(n_nums_sort[k])
            cell = sheet.cell(row=k + 2, column=7)
            cell.value = noise_ns_sort[k]
            cell = sheet.cell(row=k + 2, column=8)
            cell.value = noise_ints_sort[k]

        path = proc.excel_folder_path / f'Integrals_{exp_num}_2_antennas.xlsx'
        noise_dict = {
            'nums': n_nums_sort,
            'density_vals': noise_ns_sort,
            'w_2': noise_ints_sort
        magnetron_dict = {
            'nums': nums_sort,
            'density_vals': ns_sort,
            'w_f0': peak_ints_sort,
            'w_1': full_ints_sort - peak_ints_sort
        return noise_dict, magnetron_dict
Esempio n. 11
def integral_plots(exp, type='integrals', table=True):
    fft_test = ProcessSignal(exp)
    csv_types = fft_test.read_type_file()
    csv_signals = csv_types['signal_files']
    csv_signal_nums = csv_types['signal_nums']
    excel_dicts = fft_test.read_excel(csv_signal_nums)['numbers']
    magnetron_nums = excel_dicts['magnetron']
    print('All magnetron nums:', magnetron_nums)

    m_1_nums = magnetron_nums
    m_2_nums = []
    for num in magnetron_nums:
        if 11 <= int(num) < 67:
        elif 125 <= int(num) <= 184:
    m_lists = [m_1_nums, m_2_nums]

    labels_list = ['№2, 3 (четверть)', '№2, 3, A']

    for j, list in enumerate(m_lists):
        if len(list) != 0:
            fig = plt.figure(num=1, dpi=200, figsize=[11.69, 8.27])
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
            flist_len = len(list)
            print('We have {} nums'.format(flist_len))
            print('Magnetron nums are:', list)
            pl_densities = np.zeros(flist_len)
            e_noise_ints = np.zeros(flist_len)
            e_peak_ints = np.zeros(flist_len)
            csv_nums = np.zeros(flist_len)
            magnetron_nums = np.zeros(flist_len)
            e_noise_ls = []
            e_noise_rs = []

            power_koefs = np.zeros(flist_len)
            for i, num in enumerate(list):
                for csv_signal in csv_signals:
                    csv_num = csv_signal[3:6]
                    if csv_num == num:
                        magnetron_nums[i] = int(num)
                        print('I am working on {} signal'.format(csv_num))
                        pl_density = fft_test.read_excel(csv_signal_nums)['dicts'][num]['Ток плазмы, А']
                        pl_densities[i] = pl_density
                        csv_nums[i] = csv_num
                        file = fft_test.open_file(csv_signal, reduced=True)
                        time = file['time']
                        voltage = file['voltage']
                        dt = file['time_resolution']
                        n_dt = time[-1] - time[0]
                        n_dt_2 = n_dt ** 2

                        fft = fft_test.fft_amplitude(time, voltage, dt)
                        freqs = fft['frequency']
                        amps = fft['amplitude']
                        noise_inds_left = freqs < 2.725e9
                        noise_inds_right = freqs > 2.755e9
                        peak_inds = np.logical_and(freqs > 2.725e9, freqs < 2.755e9)

                        freq_noise_l = freqs[noise_inds_left]
                        amp_noise_l = amps[noise_inds_left]
                        freq_noise_r = freqs[noise_inds_right]
                        amp_noise_r = amps[noise_inds_right]
                        freq_peak = freqs[peak_inds]
                        amp_peak = amps[peak_inds]

                        amp_noise_l = 2 * n_dt_2 * fft_test.e_square(freq_noise_l, amp_noise_l)
                        amp_noise_r = 2 * n_dt_2 * fft_test.e_square(freq_noise_r, amp_noise_r)
                        amp_noise = amp_noise_l + amp_noise_r
                        amp_peak = 2 * n_dt_2 * fft_test.e_square(freq_peak, amp_peak)

                        e_noise_ints[i] = amp_noise
                        e_peak_ints[i] = amp_peak
                        power_koefs[i] = amp_noise_r / amp_noise_l
            print('Creating plasma plot ...')
            pl_plot = noise_signal_plot(int(exp), type='amp_freq', left_right=True)
            pl_ds = pl_plot['pl_ds']
            pl_nums = pl_plot['plasma_nums']
            pl_e_ints = pl_plot['e_integs']
            pl_koefs = pl_plot['koefs']

            ind_sort = np.argsort(pl_densities)
            pl_densities = pl_densities[ind_sort]
            e_noise_ints = e_noise_ints[ind_sort]
            e_peak_ints = e_peak_ints[ind_sort]

            x_min = min(pl_ds[0], pl_densities[0]) - 0.5
            x_max = max(pl_ds[-1], pl_densities[-1]) + 0.5

            if type == 'integrals':
                ax.set_prop_cycle(color=['orange', 'indigo', 'green'])
                line3, = ax.plot(pl_ds, pl_e_ints, marker='D', linewidth=2)
                line3.set_label('Энергия в шумовом импульсе')
                line, = ax.plot(pl_densities, e_peak_ints, marker='o', linewidth=2)
                line.set_label('Энергия в пике')
                line2, = ax.plot(pl_densities, e_noise_ints, marker='^', linewidth=2)
                line2.set_label('Энергия в шумовом пъедестале')
                ax.set_ylabel(r'$K\int A^2 df $', fontsize=16)
                path_png = fft_test.pics_path / 'integral_{}.png'.format(labels_list[j])
                if table:
                    magnetron_nums = magnetron_nums[ind_sort]
                    fft_test.integrals_table(magnetron_nums, pl_densities,
                                             e_peak_ints, e_noise_ints,
                                             pl_nums, pl_ds, pl_e_ints,

            if type == 'left_right':
                e_noise_ls = e_noise_ls[ind_sort]
                e_noise_rs = e_noise_rs[ind_sort]
                ax.set_prop_cycle(color=['red', 'blue'])
                line_pl_1, = ax.plot(pl_densities, e_noise_ls, marker='o')
                line_pl_1.set_label(r'$f < 2.725\/GHz$')
                line_pl_2, = ax.plot(pl_densities, e_noise_rs, marker='^')
                line_pl_2.set_label(r'$f > 2.755\/GHz$')
                ax.set_ylabel(r'$K\int  A^2 df $', fontsize=16)
                path_png = fft_test.pics_path / 'left_right_power{}.png'.format(labels_list[j])
                if table:
                    magnetron_nums = magnetron_nums[ind_sort]
                    fft_test.left_right_table(magnetron_nums, e_noise_ints, e_noise_ls,
                                              e_noise_rs, pl_densities, labels_list[j])

            if type == 'left_right_koef':
                power_koefs = power_koefs[ind_sort]
                line, = ax.plot(pl_densities, power_koefs, marker='o', linewidth=2)
                line.set_label(r'$ P_{in} \ne 0 $')
                line1, = ax.plot(pl_ds, pl_koefs, marker='^', linewidth=2)
                line1.set_label(r'$P_{in} = 0$')
                ax.set_ylabel(r'$\frac{W(f>2.755\/ГГц)}{W(f<2.725\/ГГц)} $', fontsize=22)
                path_png = fft_test.pics_path / 'power_koef_{}.png'.format(labels_list[j])

            ax.set_xlim(left=x_min, right=x_max)
            ax.legend(loc='best', fontsize=12)
            ax.grid(which='both', axis='both')
            ax.set_xlabel(r'$Plasma\/density, arb.units $', fontsize=16)
            ax.set_title('{}, {}'.format(exp, labels_list[j]), fontsize=20)
def peak_width(exp_num):
    exp = ProcessSignal(str(exp_num))
    types = exp.read_type_file()
    csv_signals = types['signal_files']
    csv_signal_nums = types['signal_nums']
    excel_results = exp.read_excel(csv_signal_nums)['numbers']
    m_nums = excel_results['magnetron']
    #m_nums = [excel_results['magnetron'][i] for i in range(len(excel_results['magnetron'])) if int(excel_results['magnetron'][i]) >= 125]
    nums = np.zeros(len(m_nums))
    widths = np.zeros(len(m_nums))
    np_s = np.zeros(len(m_nums))
    k = 0
    for i, csv_signal in enumerate(csv_signals):
        signal_num = csv_signal[3:6]
        if signal_num in m_nums:
            file = exp.open_file(csv_signal, reduced=True)
            use_t = file['time']
            use_u = file['voltage']
            dt = file['time_resolution']
            fft_results = exp.fft_amplitude(use_t, use_u)
            freqs = fft_results['frequency'][1::]
            amps = fft_results['amplitude'][1::]

            np_s[k] = exp.read_excel(
                csv_signal_nums)['dicts'][signal_num]['Ток плазмы, А']
            nums[k] = signal_num

            half_peak = max(amps) / 2
            mean_freq = freqs[np.argmax(amps)]
            plt.plot(freqs, amps)
            plt.plot(mean_freq, half_peak, color='red', marker='o')
            inds = np.arange(0, len(amps))
            r_bool_inds = freqs >= mean_freq
            r_inds = inds[r_bool_inds]
            w = 0
            while amps[r_inds[w]] >= half_peak:
                w += 1
            under_hp_r_ind = r_inds[w]
            over_hp_r_ind = r_inds[w - 1]
            under_hp_r_amp, under_hp_r_freq = amps[under_hp_r_ind], freqs[
            over_hp_r_amp, over_hp_r_freq = amps[over_hp_r_ind], freqs[
            print('under_ind:', under_hp_r_ind)
            # right_part
            x_r = np.array([over_hp_r_freq, under_hp_r_freq])
            y_r = np.array([over_hp_r_amp, under_hp_r_amp])
            k_r, b_r, r_value_r, p_value_r, std_err_r = linregress(x_r, y_r)
            right_x_interp = np.linspace(over_hp_r_freq,
            right_interp = k_r * right_x_interp + b_r
            right_inds = right_interp <= half_peak
            linreg_right_freq = right_x_interp[right_inds][0]

            l_bool_inds = freqs <= mean_freq
            l_inds = inds[l_bool_inds][::-1]
            t = 0
            while amps[l_inds[t]] >= half_peak:
                t += 1
            under_hp_l_ind = l_inds[t]
            over_hp_l_ind = l_inds[t - 1]
            under_hp_l_amp, under_hp_l_freq = amps[under_hp_l_ind], freqs[
            over_hp_l_amp, over_hp_l_freq = amps[over_hp_l_ind], freqs[

            x_l = np.array([over_hp_l_freq, under_hp_l_freq])
            y_l = np.array([over_hp_l_amp, under_hp_l_amp])
            k_l, b_l, l_value_l, p_value_l, std_err_l = linregress(x_l, y_l)
            left_x_interp = np.linspace(under_hp_l_freq,
            left_interp = k_l * left_x_interp + b_l
            left_inds = left_interp <= half_peak
            linreg_left_freq = left_x_interp[left_inds][-1]
            plt.plot(freqs, amps)
            plt.plot(under_hp_l_freq, under_hp_l_amp, color='red', marker='o')
            plt.plot(over_hp_l_freq, over_hp_l_amp, color='green', marker='o')
            plt.plot(linreg_left_freq, half_peak, color='blue', marker='o')

            half_peak_width = np.round(
                ((linreg_right_freq - linreg_left_freq) / 1e6), 3)
            widths[k] = half_peak_width
            k += 1
            # high and bottom of spectrum
            h_inds = amps > half_peak
            b_inds = amps < half_peak
            b_freqs = freqs[b_inds]
            b_amps = amps[b_inds]
            right_b_inds = b_freqs > mean_freq
            left_b_inds = b_freqs < mean_freq
            print('left_inds', left_b_inds)
            left_h_amp, right_h_amp = amps[h_inds][0], amps[h_inds][-1]
            left_h_freq, right_h_freq = freqs[h_inds][0], freqs[h_inds][-1]
            left_b_amp = b_amps[left_b_inds][-1]
            left_b_freq = b_freqs[left_b_inds][-1]
            right_b_amp = b_amps[right_b_inds][0]
            right_b_freq = b_freqs[right_b_inds][0]
            #plt.plot(freq, amp)
            #plt.plot(b_freqs, b_amps, color='red')
            x_l = np.array([left_b_freq, left_h_freq])
            y_l = np.array([left_b_amp, left_h_amp])
            k_l, b_l, r_value_l, p_value_l, std_err_l = linregress(x_l, y_l)
            left_x_interp = np.linspace(left_b_freq, left_h_freq, num=200)
            left_interp = k_l * left_x_interp + b_l
            left_inds = left_interp <= half_peak
            linreg_left_freq = left_x_interp[left_inds][-1]
            x_r = np.array([right_b_freq, right_h_freq])
            y_r = np.array([right_b_amp, right_h_amp])
            k_r, b_r, r_value_r, p_value_r, std_err_r = linregress(x_r, y_r)
            right_x_interp = np.linspace(right_h_freq, right_b_freq, num=200)
            right_interp = k_r * right_x_interp + b_r
            right_inds = right_interp <= half_peak
            linreg_right_freq = right_x_interp[right_inds][0]
            plt.plot(freqs, amps)
            plt.plot(right_x_interp[right_inds][0], right_interp[right_inds][0], marker='o', color='red')
            plt.plot(left_x_interp[left_inds][-1], left_interp[left_inds][-1], marker='o', color='green')
            half_peak_width = np.round(((linreg_right_freq - linreg_left_freq) / 1e6), 3)
            widths[k] = half_peak_width
            k += 1

    sorted_inds = np.argsort(np_s)
    np_s = np_s[sorted_inds]
    widths = widths[sorted_inds]
    nums = nums[sorted_inds]
    ex_table = xl.Workbook()
    ex_table.create_sheet(title='half_peak_plot', index=0)
    sheet = ex_table['half_peak_plot']
    sheet['A1'] = 'Номер файла'
    sheet['B1'] = 'Плотность плазмы, отн.ед.'
    sheet['C1'] = 'Ширина пика на полувысоте, МГц'
    for i in range(np_s.size):
        cell = sheet.cell(row=i + 2, column=1)
        cell.value = nums[i]
        cell = sheet.cell(row=i + 2, column=2)
        cell.value = np_s[i]
        cell = sheet.cell(row=i + 2, column=3)
        cell.value = widths[i]
    path = exp.excel_folder_path / f'half_peak_width_{exp_num}.xlsx'