def testPayloadGeneration(self):
        # check current version of report (should be empty)

        # call callhome scripting
        beforeReportGeneration = datetime.utcnow()
        chd = CallHomeData(self.dmd, True)
        data = chd.getData()
        afterReportGeneration = datetime.utcnow()


        # Unfortunately the cycler code can't be disentagled
        # from itself for testability so we have to mimic it
        # for this test case.
        # What happens is that CallHomeCycler
        # kicks off the callhome script (
        # and takes the process output as a string
        # and stores it in the callhome object
        # in zodb (dmd.callHome). In you can
        # see that the Main class spits out the
        # json.dumps of the output of CallHomeData.getData.
        self.dmd.callHome = PersistentCallHomeData()
        self.dmd.callHome.metrics = json.dumps(data)

        # create the actual payload that will be sent
        beforePayloadGeneration = datetime.utcnow()
        payloadGenerator = CallHome(self.dmd)
        payload = payloadGenerator.get_payload(doEncrypt=False)
        afterPayloadGeneration = datetime.utcnow()

        # decrypt payload and reconstitute object
        payloadObj = json.loads(payload)

        # make sure payload has the required fields
        self.assertTrue('product' in payloadObj)
        self.assertTrue('uuid' in payloadObj)
        self.assertTrue('symkey' in payloadObj)
        self.assertTrue('metrics' in payloadObj)

        # reconstitute metrics obj & make sure send date is present
        # and has a valid time
        metricsObj = json.loads(payloadObj['metrics'])
        self.assertTrue('Send Date' in metricsObj)
        sendDateDT = datetime.strptime(metricsObj['Send Date'],
        reportDateDT = datetime.strptime(metricsObj['Report Date'],
        self.assertTrue(reportDateDT < sendDateDT)
            beforeReportGeneration <= reportDateDT <= afterReportGeneration)
            beforePayloadGeneration <= sendDateDT <= afterPayloadGeneration)
    def testPayloadGeneration(self):
        # check current version of report (should be empty)

        # call callhome scripting
        beforeReportGeneration = datetime.utcnow()
        chd = CallHomeData(self.dmd, True)
        data = chd.getData()
        afterReportGeneration = datetime.utcnow()


        # Unfortunately the cycler code can't be disentagled
        # from itself for testability so we have to mimic it
        # for this test case.
        # What happens is that CallHomeCycler
        # kicks off the callhome script (
        # and takes the process output as a string
        # and stores it in the callhome object
        # in zodb (dmd.callHome). In you can
        # see that the Main class spits out the
        # json.dumps of the output of CallHomeData.getData.
        self.dmd.callHome = PersistentCallHomeData()
        self.dmd.callHome.metrics = json.dumps(data)

        # create the actual payload that will be sent
        beforePayloadGeneration = datetime.utcnow()
        payloadGenerator = CallHome(self.dmd)
        payload = payloadGenerator.get_payload(doEncrypt=False)
        afterPayloadGeneration = datetime.utcnow()

        # decrypt payload and reconstitute object
        payloadObj = json.loads(payload)

        # make sure payload has the required fields
        self.assertTrue('product' in payloadObj)
        self.assertTrue('uuid' in payloadObj)
        self.assertTrue('symkey' in payloadObj)
        self.assertTrue('metrics' in payloadObj)

        # reconstitute metrics obj & make sure send date is present
        # and has a valid time
        metricsObj = json.loads(payloadObj['metrics'])
        self.assertTrue('Send Date' in metricsObj)
        sendDateDT = datetime.strptime(metricsObj['Send Date'],
        reportDateDT = datetime.strptime(metricsObj['Report Date'],
        self.assertTrue(reportDateDT < sendDateDT)
        self.assertTrue(beforeReportGeneration <= reportDateDT
                        <= afterReportGeneration)
        self.assertTrue(beforePayloadGeneration <= sendDateDT
                        <= afterPayloadGeneration)
    def testSendMethod(self):
        # check current version of report (should be empty)

        # call callhome scripting
        chd = CallHomeData(self.dmd, True)
        data = chd.getData()

        # Unfortunately the cycler code can't be disentagled
        # from itself for testability so we have to mimic it
        # for this test case.
        # What happens is that CallHomeCycler
        # kicks off the callhome script (
        # and takes the process output as a string
        # and stores it in the callhome object
        # in zodb (dmd.callHome). In you can
        # see that the Main class spits out the
        # json.dumps of the output of CallHomeData.getData.
        self.dmd.callHome = PersistentCallHomeData()
        self.dmd.callHome.metrics = json.dumps(data)

        # create the actual payload that will be sent
        payloadGenerator = CallHome(self.dmd)
        payload = payloadGenerator.get_payload(doEncrypt=False)

        # reconstitute object
        payloadObj = json.loads(payload)

        # reconstitute metrics obj & make sure send date is present
        # and has a valid time
        metricsObj = json.loads(payloadObj['metrics'])
        self.assertTrue('Send Method' in metricsObj)
        self.assertEquals('directpost', metricsObj['Send Method'])

        # Fetch the payload the browserjs way
        payloadGenerator = CallHome(self.dmd)
        payload = payloadGenerator.get_payload(method='browserjs',

        # reconstitute object
        payloadObj = json.loads(payload)

        # reconstitute metrics obj & make sure send date is present
        # and has a valid time
        metricsObj = json.loads(payloadObj['metrics'])
        self.assertTrue('Send Method' in metricsObj)
        self.assertEquals('browserjs', metricsObj['Send Method'])
Esempio n. 4
 def __init__(self, dmd):
     self.dmd = dmd
     if not safe_hasattr(dmd, 'callHome') or dmd.callHome is None:
     self.callhome = dmd.callHome
     self.gatherProtocol = None
Esempio n. 5
def direct_post(dmd):
    callhome = CallHome(dmd)
    chs = CallHomeStatus()
    if not callhome.attempt('directpost'):

    payload = callhome.get_payload()
    if not payload:
        logger.warning('Error getting or encrypting payload for direct-post')
    payload = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(payload)

    params = urlencode({'enc': payload})

        httpreq = urllib2.urlopen(POST_CHECKIN_URL, params, _URL_TIMEOUT)
        returnPayload =
    except Exception as e:
        chs.stage(chs.REQUEST_CALLHOME, "FAILED", str(e))
        logger.warning('Error retrieving data from callhome server %s', e)
        chs.stage(chs.REQUEST_CALLHOME, "FINISHED")

Esempio n. 6
    def render(self):
        dmd = self.context.dmd

        # if not logged in, inject nothing
        if not dmd.ZenUsers.getUserSettings():
            return ''

        callhome = CallHome(dmd)
        # if we've checked in or attempted to check in recently, inject nothing
        if not callhome.attempt('browserjs'):
            return ''

        payload = callhome.get_payload(method='browserjs')
        if not payload:
            logger.warning('Error getting or encrypting payload for browserjs')
            return ''

        # Output the checkin data to a js snippet, wait a few seconds in the
        # browser, and inject script tags to the checkin url to the body tag.
        # This makes sure that the browser never waits on the checkin url.
        # Callbacks from the server script invoke the next
        # Zenoss.Callhome_next()
        return """<script type="text/javascript">
            var packets = %s,
                currentPacket = 0;
            Zenoss.Callhome_next = function() {
                if (currentPacket < packets.length) {
                    var script = document.createElement('script');
                    script.type= 'text/javascript';
                    script.src = "%s?enc=" + packets[currentPacket];
                currentPacket += 1;
            var task = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(Zenoss.Callhome_next);
            </script>""" % (json.dumps(encode_for_js(payload)),
Esempio n. 7
    def render(self):
        dmd = self.context.dmd

        # if not logged in, inject nothing
        if not dmd.ZenUsers.getUserSettings():
            return ''

        callhome = CallHome(dmd)
        # if we've checked in or attempted to check in recently, inject nothing
        if not callhome.attempt('browserjs'):
            return ''

        payload = callhome.get_payload(method='browserjs')
        if not payload:
            logger.warning('Error getting or encrypting payload for browserjs')
            return ''

        # Output the checkin data to a js snippet, wait a few seconds in the
        # browser, and inject script tags to the checkin url to the body tag.
        # This makes sure that the browser never waits on the checkin url.
        # Callbacks from the server script invoke the next
        # Zenoss.Callhome_next()
        return """<script type="text/javascript">
            var packets = %s,
                currentPacket = 0;
            Zenoss.Callhome_next = function() {
                if (currentPacket < packets.length) {
                    var script = document.createElement('script');
                    script.type= 'text/javascript';
                    script.src = "%s?enc=" + packets[currentPacket];
                currentPacket += 1;
            var task = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(Zenoss.Callhome_next);
            </script>""" % (json.dumps(
            encode_for_js(payload)), JS_CALLHOME_URL)
    def testSendMethod(self):
        # check current version of report (should be empty)

        # call callhome scripting
        chd = CallHomeData(self.dmd, True)
        data = chd.getData()

        # Unfortunately the cycler code can't be disentagled
        # from itself for testability so we have to mimic it
        # for this test case.
        # What happens is that CallHomeCycler
        # kicks off the callhome script (
        # and takes the process output as a string
        # and stores it in the callhome object
        # in zodb (dmd.callHome). In you can
        # see that the Main class spits out the
        # json.dumps of the output of CallHomeData.getData.
        self.dmd.callHome = PersistentCallHomeData()
        self.dmd.callHome.metrics = json.dumps(data)

        # create the actual payload that will be sent
        payloadGenerator = CallHome(self.dmd)
        payload = payloadGenerator.get_payload(doEncrypt=False)

        # reconstitute object
        payloadObj = json.loads(payload)

        # reconstitute metrics obj & make sure send date is present
        # and has a valid time
        metricsObj = json.loads(payloadObj['metrics'])
        self.assertTrue('Send Method' in metricsObj)
        self.assertEquals('directpost', metricsObj['Send Method'])

        # Fetch the payload the browserjs way
        payloadGenerator = CallHome(self.dmd)
        payload = payloadGenerator.get_payload(method='browserjs',

        # reconstitute object
        payloadObj = json.loads(payload)

        # reconstitute metrics obj & make sure send date is present
        # and has a valid time
        metricsObj = json.loads(payloadObj['metrics'])
        self.assertTrue('Send Method' in metricsObj)
        self.assertEquals('browserjs', metricsObj['Send Method'])
Esempio n. 9
 def checkin(self, returnPayload):
     # record successful check in
     callhome = CallHome(self.context.dmd)
     return ''
Esempio n. 10
 def __init__(self, dmd):
     self.dmd = dmd
     self.callhome = CallHome(dmd).callHome
     self.gatherProtocol = None
Esempio n. 11
 def checkin(self, returnPayload):
     # record successful check in
     callhome = CallHome(self.context.dmd)
     return ''