Esempio n. 1
    def _login_user(self, user):
        Log the >user< in.
        Used in self._check_plaintext_password() and self._sha_login()
        Returns a redirect, if "next_url" exists otherwise returns None (for
        display the current page).
        """"Password ok."))
        login(self.request, user)

        # rebuild the login/logout link:
        add_dynamic_context(self.request, self.context)
        if self.request.user.is_superuser:
            if settings.ENABLE_INSTALL_SECTION:
                    _("Info: You should disable the _install section!")
            if settings.DEBUG:
                    _("Info: settings.DEBUG is on!")

        if self.request.POST.get("next_url","") != "":
            next_url = self.request.POST['next_url']

            # Redirect to next URL
            return HttpResponseRedirect(next_url)
Esempio n. 2
    def logout(self):

        # rebuild the login/logout link:
        add_dynamic_context(self.request, self.context)"You logged out.")

        if not self.current_page.permitViewPublic:
            # The current page, can't see anonymous users -> redirect to the
            # default page
            default_page = Page.objects.default_page
            url = default_page.get_absolute_url()
            return HttpResponseRedirect(url)
Esempio n. 3
def _get_context(request, current_page_obj):
    Setup the context with PyLucid objects.
    For index() and handle_command() views.
    # add additional attribute
    request.anonymous_view = True

    context = RequestContext(request)

    context["PAGE"] = current_page_obj
    context["URLs"] = URLs(context)
#    context["URLs"].debug()

    # For additional JavaScript and StyleSheet information.
    # JS+CSS from internal_pages or CSS data for pygments
    # Add into the context object. Would be integraged in the page with the
    # additional_content middleware.
    context["js_data"] = []
    context["css_data"] = []

    # A list of every used html DIV CSS-ID.
    # used in PyLucid.defaulttags.lucidTag.lucidTagNode._add_unique_div()
    context["CSS_ID_list"] = []

    # add dynamic content into the context (like: login/logout link)
    add_dynamic_context(request, context)

    # Add the context to the reponse object.
    # Used in PyLucid middlewares
    request.CONTEXT = context

    # TODO: Remove in PyLucid >v0.8.5
    msg = 'Error, see: %s' % PAGE_MSG_INFO_LINK
    context["messages"] = [mark_safe(msg)]

    return context