Esempio n. 1
def test_empty_parse_symbols(status_symbol: StatusSymbol) -> None:
    view = View(Selection(4), [])

    desired_symbols = status_symbol.get_desired_symbols(view)
    parsed_symbol = status_symbol.parse_symbols(desired_symbols)

    assert parsed_symbol == ()
Esempio n. 2
    def test_empty_desired_symbols(self, status_symbol: StatusSymbol) -> None:
            Test that an empty symbols list produces an empty list of desired symbols
        view = View(Selection(0), [])

        assert status_symbol.get_desired_symbols(view) == []
Esempio n. 3
    def test_empty_symbols_build_symbols(self, python_syntax: PythonSyntax):
        Test that empty symbol list from the view, an empty parsed symbol tuple will raise an error.
        `build_symbols` can't execute becuse it needs the parsed symbols to not be empty
        view = View(Selection(4), [])
        desired_symbols = python_syntax.get_desired_symbols(view)

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            target_symbol, target_line, symbol_list = python_syntax.parse_symbols(
            python_syntax.build_symbols(target_line, symbol_list)
Esempio n. 4
def test_parse_symbols(status_symbol: StatusSymbol) -> None:
    symbols = [
        (Region(0, 1), 'Foo:'),
        (Region(2, 3), '    method1(…)'),
        (Region(3, 4), '    method2(…)'),

    view = View(Selection(4), symbols)

    desired_symbols = status_symbol.get_desired_symbols(view)
    parsed_symbol = status_symbol.parse_symbols(desired_symbols)
    target_symbol, *rest_symbols = desired_symbols

    assert parsed_symbol == (target_symbol, target_symbol[1], rest_symbols)
Esempio n. 5
    def test_non_empty_desired_symbols(self,
                                       status_symbol: StatusSymbol) -> None:
            Test that an non empty symbols list produces the same symbol list but reveresed
        symbols = [
            (Region(0, 1), 'Foo:'),
            (Region(2, 3), '    method1(…)'),
            (Region(3, 4), '    method2(…)'),

        view = View(Selection(4), symbols)
        expected = list(reversed(symbols))

        assert status_symbol.get_desired_symbols(view) == expected
Esempio n. 6
    def test_symbol_message(self, python_syntax: PythonSyntax):
        symbol.sublime = type('sublime', (object, ), {'status_message': None})
        symbol.sublime.status_message = Mock(
            side_effect=lambda msg: print(msg))

        symbols = [
            (Region(0, 1), 'Foo:'),
            (Region(2, 3), '    method1(…)'),
            (Region(3, 4), '    method2(…)'),

        view = View(Selection(4), symbols,



        symbol.sublime.status_message.assert_called_with('[ Foo ↦ method2() ]')
Esempio n. 7
    def test_no_message_on_invalid_syntax(self, test_input,
                                          python_syntax: PythonSyntax):
            Test that in the presence of a syntax that is not
            'Packages/Python/Python.sublime-syntax', getting symbols will not work
        symbol.sublime = type('sublime', (object, ), {'status_message': None})
        symbol.sublime.status_message = Mock(
            side_effect=lambda msg: print(msg))

        symbols = [
            (Region(0, 1), 'Foo:'),
            (Region(2, 3), '    method1(…)'),
            (Region(3, 4), '    method2(…)'),

        view = View(Selection(4), symbols, test_input)


        assert python_syntax.on_selection_modified(view) is None
Esempio n. 8
    def test_filtered_desired_symbols(self,
                                      status_symbol: StatusSymbol) -> None:
            Test that an non empty symbols list with a specific selected region
            produces a reversed symbol list with symbols which have a starting region
            above the selected region
        symbols = [
            (Region(0, 1), 'Foo:'),
            (Region(2, 3), '    method1(…)'),
            (Region(3, 4), '    method2(…)'),
            (Region(4, 5), '    method3(…)'),

        view = View(Selection(3), symbols)
        expected = list(
                (Region(0, 1), 'Foo:'),
                (Region(2, 3), '    method1(…)'),

        assert status_symbol.get_desired_symbols(view) == expected
Esempio n. 9
    def test_symbol_message_on_invalid_syntax(self,
                                              python_syntax: PythonSyntax):
            Test that when using the inbuilt Python Syntax as primary syntax and
            MagicPython syntax is not disabled (added to the ignored package list),
            a status bar messaged is shown saying that MagicPython should be disabled
        symbol.sublime = type('sublime', (object, ), {'status_message': None})
        symbol.sublime.status_message = Mock(
            side_effect=lambda msg: print(msg))

        symbols = [
            (Region(0, 1), 'Foo:'),
            (Region(2, 3), '    method1(…)'),
            (Region(3, 4), '    method2(…)'),

        view = View(Selection(4), symbols,


            '[ Disable the MagicPython syntax package !!]')