Esempio n. 1
def test_the_missing_existence_of_added_test_in_conf_json():
    validator = ConfJsonValidator()

    validator.conf_data = {"tests": TESTS_SECTION}

    assert validator.is_test_in_conf_json(file_id="cortana") is False, \
        "The conf validator didn't catch that the test is missing"
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, is_circle=False, print_ignored_files=False):
        self._is_valid = True
        self.is_circle = is_circle
        self.print_ignored_files = print_ignored_files

        self.conf_json_validator = ConfJsonValidator()
        self.id_set_validator = IDSetValidator(is_circle)
Esempio n. 3
def test_the_existence_of_added_test_in_conf_json():
    validator = ConfJsonValidator()

    validator.conf_data = {"tests": TESTS_SECTION}

    assert validator.is_test_in_conf_json(file_id="alexa"), \
        "The conf validator didn't catch the test although it exists in the test list"
Esempio n. 4
def test_the_existence_of_added_test_in_conf_json():
    validator = ConfJsonValidator()

    validator.conf_data = {
        "tests": TESTS_SECTION

    assert validator.is_test_in_conf_json(file_id="alexa"), \
        "The conf validator didn't catch the test although it exists in the test list"
Esempio n. 5
def test_the_missing_existence_of_added_test_in_conf_json():
    validator = ConfJsonValidator()

    validator.conf_data = {
        "tests": TESTS_SECTION

    assert validator.is_test_in_conf_json(file_id="cortana") is False, \
        "The conf validator didn't catch that the test is missing"
Esempio n. 6
def test_is_valid_conf_json_negative_sanity_check():
    validator = ConfJsonValidator()

    validator.conf_data = {
        "skipped_tests": WITH_DESCRIPTION,
        "skipped_integrations": MISSING_DESCRIPTION,
        "unmockable_integrations": MISSING_DESCRIPTION

    assert validator.is_valid_conf_json() is False, \
        "The conf validator didn't find the missing description sections although they don't exist"
Esempio n. 7
def test_is_valid_conf_json_sanity_check():
    validator = ConfJsonValidator()

    validator.conf_data = {
        "skipped_tests": WITH_DESCRIPTION,
        "skipped_integrations": WITH_DESCRIPTION,
        "unmockable_integrations": WITH_DESCRIPTION,

    assert validator.is_valid_conf_json(), \
        "The conf validator didn't find the description sections although they exist"
Esempio n. 8
def test_is_valid_conf_json_negative_sanity_check():
    validator = ConfJsonValidator()

    validator.conf_data = {
        "skipped_tests": WITH_DESCRIPTION,
        "skipped_integrations": MISSING_DESCRIPTION,
        "unmockable_integrations": MISSING_DESCRIPTION

    assert validator.is_valid_conf_json() is False, \
        "The conf validator didn't find the missing description sections although they don't exist"
Esempio n. 9
def test_is_valid_conf_json_sanity_check():
    validator = ConfJsonValidator()

    validator.conf_data = {
        "skipped_tests": WITH_DESCRIPTION,
        "skipped_integrations": WITH_DESCRIPTION,
        "unmockable_integrations": WITH_DESCRIPTION,

    assert validator.is_valid_conf_json(), \
        "The conf validator didn't find the description sections although they exist"
Esempio n. 10
def test_conf_json_description():
    validator = ConfJsonValidator()

    assert validator.is_valid_description_in_conf_dict(checked_dict=WITH_DESCRIPTION), \
        "The conf validator couldn't find the description in the dictionary"
Esempio n. 11
class FilesValidator(object):
    """FilesValidator is a class that's designed to validate all the changed files on your branch, and all files in case
    you are on master, this class will be used on your local env as the validation hook(pre-commit), and on CircleCi
    to make sure you did not bypass the hooks as a safety precaution.

        _is_valid (bool): saves the status of the whole validation(instead of mingling it between all the functions).
        is_circle (bool): whether we are running on circle or local env.
        print_ignored_files (bool): should print ignored files when iterating over changed files.
        conf_json_validator (ConfJsonValidator): object for validating the conf.json file.
        id_set_validator (IDSetValidator): object for validating the id_set.json file(Created in Circle only).

    def __init__(self, is_circle=False, print_ignored_files=False):
        self._is_valid = True
        self.is_circle = is_circle
        self.print_ignored_files = print_ignored_files

        self.conf_json_validator = ConfJsonValidator()
        self.id_set_validator = IDSetValidator(is_circle)

    def is_py_script_or_integration(file_path):
        file_yml = get_yaml(file_path)

            return file_yml.get('script', {}).get('type', '') == 'python'

        if checked_type(file_path, [SCRIPT_YML_REGEX, SCRIPT_REGEX, SCRIPT_PY_REGEX]):
            return file_yml.get('type', '') == 'python'

        return False

    def get_modified_files(files_string, tag='master', print_ignored_files=False):
        """Get lists of the modified files in your branch according to the files string.

            files_string (string): String that was calculated by git using `git diff` command.
            tag (string): String of git tag used to update modified files.
            print_ignored_files (bool): should print ignored files.

            (modified_files_list, added_files_list, deleted_files). Tuple of sets.
        all_files = files_string.split('\n')
        deleted_files = set([])
        added_files_list = set([])
        modified_files_list = set([])
        old_format_files = set([])
        for f in all_files:
            file_data = f.split()
            if not file_data:

            file_status = file_data[0]
            file_path = file_data[1]

            if file_status.lower().startswith('r'):
                file_status = 'r'
                file_path = file_data[2]

            if checked_type(file_path, CODE_FILES_REGEX) and file_status.lower() != 'd' \
                    and not file_path.endswith(''):
                # naming convention - code file and yml file in packages must have same name.
                file_path = os.path.splitext(file_path)[0] + '.yml'
            elif file_path.endswith('.js') or file_path.endswith('.py'):

            if file_status.lower() in ['m', 'a', 'r'] and checked_type(file_path, OLD_YML_FORMAT_FILE) and \
            elif file_status.lower() == 'm' and checked_type(file_path) and not file_path.startswith('.'):
            elif file_status.lower() == 'a' and checked_type(file_path) and not file_path.startswith('.'):
            elif file_status.lower() == 'd' and checked_type(file_path) and not file_path.startswith('.'):
            elif file_status.lower().startswith('r') and checked_type(file_path):
                # if a code file changed, take the associated yml file.
                if checked_type(file_data[2], CODE_FILES_REGEX):
                    modified_files_list.add((file_data[1], file_data[2]))

            elif checked_type(file_path, [SCHEMA_REGEX]):

            elif file_status.lower() not in KNOWN_FILE_STATUSES:
                print_error('{} file status is an unknown known one, please check. File status was: {}'.format(
                    file_path, file_status))

            elif print_ignored_files and not checked_type(file_path, IGNORED_TYPES_REGEXES):
                print_warning('Ignoring file path: {}'.format(file_path))

        modified_files_list, added_files_list, deleted_files = filter_packagify_changes(

        return modified_files_list, added_files_list, deleted_files, old_format_files

    def get_modified_and_added_files(self, branch_name, is_circle, tag='origin/master'):
        """Get lists of the modified and added files in your branch according to the git diff output.

            branch_name (string): The name of the branch we are working on.
            is_circle (bool): Whether we are running on circle or local env.
            tag (string): String of git tag used to update modified files

            (modified_files, added_files). Tuple of sets.
        # Two dots is the default in git diff, it will compare with the last known commit as the base
        # Three dots will compare with the last known shared commit as the base
        compare_type = '.' if 'master' in tag else ''
        all_changed_files_string = run_command(
            'git diff --name-status {tag}..{compare_type}refs/heads/{branch}'.format(tag=tag,
        modified_files, added_files, _, old_format_files = self.get_modified_files(

        if not is_circle:
            files_string = run_command('git diff --name-status --no-merges HEAD')
            non_committed_modified_files, non_committed_added_files, non_committed_deleted_files, \
                non_committed_old_format_files = self.get_modified_files(files_string,

            all_changed_files_string = run_command('git diff --name-status {}'.format(tag))
            modified_files_from_tag, added_files_from_tag, _, _ = \
                self.get_modified_files(all_changed_files_string, print_ignored_files=self.print_ignored_files)

            old_format_files = old_format_files.union(non_committed_old_format_files)
            modified_files = modified_files.union(

            added_files = added_files.union(

            modified_files = modified_files - set(non_committed_deleted_files)
            added_files = added_files - set(non_committed_modified_files) - set(non_committed_deleted_files)

            # new_added_files = set([])
            # for added_file in added_files:
            #     if added_file in non_committed_added_files:
            #         new_added_files.add(added_file)

            # added_files = new_added_files

        return modified_files, added_files, old_format_files

    def validate_modified_files(self, modified_files, is_backward_check=True, old_branch='master'):
        """Validate the modified files from your branch.

        In case we encounter an invalid file we set the self._is_valid param to False.

            modified_files (set): A set of the modified files in the current branch.
            is_backward_check (bool): When set to True will run backward compatibility checks
            old_branch (str): Old git branch to compare backward compatibility check to
        for file_path in modified_files:
            old_file_path = None

            if isinstance(file_path, tuple):
                old_file_path, file_path = file_path

            is_python_file = FilesValidator.is_py_script_or_integration(file_path)

            print('Validating {}'.format(file_path))
            if not checked_type(file_path):
                print_warning('- Skipping validation of non-content entity file.')

            structure_validator = StructureValidator(file_path, is_added_file=not (False or is_backward_check),
                                                     is_renamed=old_file_path is not None)
            if not structure_validator.is_file_valid():
                self._is_valid = False

            if not self.id_set_validator.is_file_valid_in_set(file_path):
                self._is_valid = False

            elif re.match(INTEGRATION_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE) or \
                    re.match(INTEGRATION_YML_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE):

                image_validator = ImageValidator(file_path)
                if not image_validator.is_valid():
                    self._is_valid = False

                description_validator = DescriptionValidator(file_path)
                if not description_validator.is_valid():
                    self._is_valid = False

                integration_validator = IntegrationValidator(file_path, old_file_path=old_file_path,
                if is_backward_check and not integration_validator.is_backward_compatible():
                    self._is_valid = False
                if not integration_validator.is_valid_integration():
                    self._is_valid = False

                if is_python_file:
                    docker_image_validator = DockerImageValidator(file_path, is_modified_file=True)
                    if not docker_image_validator.is_docker_image_valid():
                        self._is_valid = False

            elif re.match(BETA_INTEGRATION_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE) or \
                    re.match(BETA_INTEGRATION_YML_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE):
                description_validator = DescriptionValidator(file_path)
                if not description_validator.is_valid_beta_description():
                    self._is_valid = False
                integration_validator = IntegrationValidator(file_path, old_file_path=old_file_path)
                if not integration_validator.is_valid_beta_integration():
                    self._is_valid = False
                if is_python_file:
                    docker_image_validator = DockerImageValidator(file_path, is_modified_file=True)
                    if not docker_image_validator.is_docker_image_valid():
                        self._is_valid = False

            elif re.match(SCRIPT_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE):
                script_validator = ScriptValidator(file_path, old_file_path=old_file_path, old_git_branch=old_branch)
                if is_backward_check and not script_validator.is_backward_compatible():
                    self._is_valid = False
                if not script_validator.is_valid_script():
                    self._is_valid = False

                if is_python_file:
                    docker_image_validator = DockerImageValidator(file_path, is_modified_file=True)
                    if not docker_image_validator.is_docker_image_valid():
                        self._is_valid = False

            elif re.match(SCRIPT_YML_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE) or \
                    re.match(SCRIPT_PY_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE) or \
                    re.match(SCRIPT_JS_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE):

                yml_path, _ = get_script_package_data(os.path.dirname(file_path))
                script_validator = ScriptValidator(yml_path, old_file_path=old_file_path, old_git_branch=old_branch)
                if is_backward_check and not script_validator.is_backward_compatible():
                    self._is_valid = False

                if is_python_file:
                    docker_image_validator = DockerImageValidator(file_path, is_modified_file=True)
                    if not docker_image_validator.is_docker_image_valid():
                        self._is_valid = False

            elif re.match(IMAGE_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE):
                image_validator = ImageValidator(file_path)
                if not image_validator.is_valid():
                    self._is_valid = False

            elif re.match(INCIDENT_FIELD_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE):
                incident_field_validator = IncidentFieldValidator(file_path, old_file_path=old_file_path,
                if not incident_field_validator.is_valid():
                    self._is_valid = False
                if is_backward_check and not incident_field_validator.is_backward_compatible():
                    self._is_valid = False

    def validate_added_files(self, added_files):
        """Validate the added files from your branch.

        In case we encounter an invalid file we set the self._is_valid param to False.

            added_files (set): A set of the modified files in the current branch.
        for file_path in added_files:
            is_python_file = FilesValidator.is_py_script_or_integration(file_path)
            print('Validating {}'.format(file_path))

            structure_validator = StructureValidator(file_path, is_added_file=True)
            if not structure_validator.is_file_valid():
                self._is_valid = False

            if not self.id_set_validator.is_file_valid_in_set(file_path):
                self._is_valid = False

            if self.id_set_validator.is_file_has_used_id(file_path):
                self._is_valid = False

            if re.match(TEST_PLAYBOOK_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE):
                if not self.conf_json_validator.is_test_in_conf_json(collect_ids(file_path)):
                    self._is_valid = False

            elif re.match(INTEGRATION_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE) or \
                    re.match(INTEGRATION_YML_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE) or \
                    re.match(IMAGE_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE):

                image_validator = ImageValidator(file_path)
                if not image_validator.is_valid():
                    self._is_valid = False

                description_validator = DescriptionValidator(file_path)
                if not description_validator.is_valid():
                    self._is_valid = False

                integration_validator = IntegrationValidator(file_path)
                if not integration_validator.is_valid_integration():
                    self._is_valid = False

                if is_python_file:
                    docker_image_validator = DockerImageValidator(file_path, is_modified_file=False)
                    if not docker_image_validator.is_docker_image_valid():
                        self._is_valid = False

            elif re.match(SCRIPT_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE) or \
                    re.match(SCRIPT_YML_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE) or \
                    re.match(SCRIPT_PY_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE):

                if is_python_file:
                    docker_image_validator = DockerImageValidator(file_path, is_modified_file=False)
                    if not docker_image_validator.is_docker_image_valid():
                        self._is_valid = False

            elif re.match(BETA_INTEGRATION_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE) or \
                    re.match(BETA_INTEGRATION_YML_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE):
                description_validator = DescriptionValidator(file_path)
                if not description_validator.is_valid_beta_description():
                    self._is_valid = False

                integration_validator = IntegrationValidator(file_path)
                if not integration_validator.is_valid_beta_integration(is_new=True):
                    self._is_valid = False

                if is_python_file:
                    docker_image_validator = DockerImageValidator(file_path, is_modified_file=False)
                    if not docker_image_validator.is_docker_image_valid():
                        self._is_valid = False

            elif re.match(IMAGE_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE):
                image_validator = ImageValidator(file_path)
                if not image_validator.is_valid():
                    self._is_valid = False

            elif re.match(INCIDENT_FIELD_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE):
                incident_field_validator = IncidentFieldValidator(file_path)
                if not incident_field_validator.is_valid():
                    self._is_valid = False

    def validate_no_old_format(self, old_format_files):
        """ Validate there are no files in the old format(unified yml file for the code and configuration).

            old_format_files(set): file names which are in the old format.
        invalid_files = []
        for f in old_format_files:
            yaml_data = get_yaml(f)
            if 'toversion' not in yaml_data:  # we only fail on old format if no toversion (meaning it is latest)
        if invalid_files:
            print_error('You should update the following files to the package format, for further details please visit '
                        ' '
                        'The files are:\n{}'.format('\n'.join(list(invalid_files))))
            self._is_valid = False

    def validate_committed_files(self, branch_name, is_backward_check=True):
        """Validate that all the committed files in your branch are valid

            branch_name (string): The name of the branch you are working on.
        modified_files, added_files, old_format_files = self.get_modified_and_added_files(branch_name, self.is_circle)
        schema_changed = False
        for f in modified_files:
            if isinstance(f, tuple):
                _, f = f
            if checked_type(f, [SCHEMA_REGEX]):
                schema_changed = True
        # Ensure schema change did not break BC
        if schema_changed:
            self.validate_modified_files(modified_files, is_backward_check)

    def validate_all_files(self):
        """Validate all files in the repo are in the right format."""
        for regex in CHECKED_TYPES_REGEXES:
            splitted_regex = regex.split('.*')
            directory = splitted_regex[0]
            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
                if root not in DIR_LIST:  # Skipping in case we entered a package
                print_color('Validating {} directory:'.format(directory), LOG_COLORS.GREEN)
                for file_name in files:
                    file_path = os.path.join(root, file_name)
                    # skipping hidden files
                    if file_name.startswith('.'):

                    print('Validating ' + file_name)
                    structure_validator = StructureValidator(file_path)
                    if not structure_validator.is_valid_scheme():
                        self._is_valid = False

                if root in PACKAGE_SUPPORTING_DIRECTORIES:
                    for inner_dir in dirs:
                        file_path = glob.glob(os.path.join(root, inner_dir, '*.yml'))[0]
                        print('Validating ' + file_path)
                        structure_validator = StructureValidator(file_path)
                        if not structure_validator.is_valid_scheme():
                            self._is_valid = False

    def is_valid_structure(self, branch_name, is_backward_check=True, prev_ver=None):
        """Check if the structure is valid for the case we are in, master - all files, branch - changed files.

            branch_name (string): The name of the branch we are working on.
            prev_ver (string): The name or SHA1 of the previous content version, which will be validated against.

            (bool). Whether the structure is valid or not.
        if not self.conf_json_validator.is_valid_conf_json():
            self._is_valid = False

        if branch_name != 'master' and not branch_name.startswith('19.') and not branch_name.startswith('20.'):
            # validates only committed files
            self.validate_committed_files(branch_name, is_backward_check=is_backward_check)
            if not prev_ver:
                # validate against master if no version was provided
                prev_ver = 'origin/master'
            self.validate_against_previous_version(branch_name, prev_ver, no_error=True)
            self.validate_against_previous_version(branch_name, prev_ver, no_error=True)
            # validates all of Content repo directories according to their schemas

        return self._is_valid

    def validate_against_previous_version(self, branch_sha, prev_branch_sha=None, no_error=False):
        """Validate all files that were changed between previous version and branch_sha

            branch_sha (str): Current branch SHA1 to validate
            prev_branch_sha (str): Previous branch SHA1 to validate against
            no_error (bool): If set to true will restore self._is_valid after run (will not return new errors)
        if not prev_branch_sha:
            with open('./.circleci/config.yml') as f:
                config = yaml.safe_load(f)
                prev_branch_sha = config['jobs']['build']['environment']['GIT_SHA1']

        print_color('Starting validation against {}'.format(prev_branch_sha), LOG_COLORS.GREEN)
        modified_files, _, _ = self.get_modified_and_added_files(branch_sha, self.is_circle, prev_branch_sha)
        prev_self_valid = self._is_valid
        self.validate_modified_files(modified_files, is_backward_check=True, old_branch=prev_branch_sha)
        if no_error:
            self._is_valid = prev_self_valid
Esempio n. 12
    def __init__(self, is_circle=False):
        self._is_valid = True
        self.is_circle = is_circle

        self.conf_json_validator = ConfJsonValidator()
        self.id_set_validator = IDSetValidator(is_circle)
Esempio n. 13
class FilesValidator(object):
    """FilesValidator is a class that's designed to validate all the changed files on your branch, and all files in case
    you are on master, this class will be used on your local env as the validation hook(pre-commit), and on CircleCi
    to make sure you did not bypass the hooks as a safety precaution.

        _is_valid (bool): saves the status of the whole validation(instead of mingling it between all the functions).
        is_circle (bool): whether we are running on circle or local env.
        conf_json_validator (ConfJsonValidator): object for validating the conf.json file.
        id_set_validator (IDSetValidator): object for validating the id_set.json file(Created in Circle only).
    def __init__(self, is_circle=False):
        self._is_valid = True
        self.is_circle = is_circle

        self.conf_json_validator = ConfJsonValidator()
        self.id_set_validator = IDSetValidator(is_circle)

    def is_py_script_or_integration(file_path):
        file_yml = get_yaml(file_path)
        if re.match(INTEGRATION_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE):
            if file_yml.get('script', {}).get('type',
                                              'javascript') != 'python':
                return False

            return True

        elif re.match(SCRIPT_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE):
            if file_yml.get('type', 'javascript') != 'python':
                return False

            return True

        return False

    def get_modified_files(files_string):
        """Get lists of the modified files in your branch according to the files string.

            files_string (string): String that was calculated by git using `git diff` command.

            (modified_files_list, added_files_list, deleted_files). Tuple of sets.
        all_files = files_string.split('\n')
        deleted_files = set([])
        added_files_list = set([])
        modified_files_list = set([])
        old_format_files = set([])
        for f in all_files:
            file_data = f.split()
            if not file_data:

            file_status = file_data[0]
            file_path = file_data[1]

            if file_status.lower().startswith('r'):
                file_status = 'r'
                file_path = file_data[2]

            if checked_type(file_path, CODE_FILES_REGEX) and file_status.lower(
            ) != 'd' and not file_path.endswith(''):
                # naming convention - code file and yml file in packages must have same name.
                file_path = os.path.splitext(file_path)[0] + '.yml'
            elif file_path.endswith('.js') or file_path.endswith('.py'):

            if file_status.lower() in ['m', 'a', 'r'] and checked_type(file_path, OLD_YML_FORMAT_FILE) and \
            elif file_status.lower() == 'm' and checked_type(
                    file_path) and not file_path.startswith('.'):
            elif file_status.lower() == 'a' and checked_type(
                    file_path) and not file_path.startswith('.'):
            elif file_status.lower() == 'd' and checked_type(
                    file_path) and not file_path.startswith('.'):
            elif file_status.lower().startswith('r') and checked_type(
                modified_files_list.add((file_data[1], file_data[2]))
            elif file_status.lower() not in KNOWN_FILE_STATUSES:
                print_error(file_path +
                            " file status is an unknown known one, "
                            "please check. File status was: " + file_status)

        return modified_files_list, added_files_list, deleted_files, old_format_files

    def get_modified_and_added_files(self, branch_name, is_circle):
        """Get lists of the modified and added files in your branch according to the git diff output.

            branch_name (string): The name of the branch we are working on.
            is_circle (bool): Whether we are running on circle or local env.

            (modified_files, added_files). Tuple of sets.
        all_changed_files_string = run_command(
            "git diff --name-status origin/master...{}".format(branch_name))
        modified_files, added_files, _, old_format_files = self.get_modified_files(

        if not is_circle:
            files_string = run_command(
                "git diff --name-status --no-merges HEAD")

            non_committed_modified_files, non_committed_added_files, non_committed_deleted_files, \
                non_committed_old_format_files = self.get_modified_files(files_string)
            all_changed_files_string = run_command(
                "git diff --name-status origin/master")
            modified_files_from_master, added_files_from_master, _, _ = \

            old_format_files = old_format_files.union(
            for mod_file in modified_files_from_master:
                if mod_file in non_committed_modified_files:

            for add_file in added_files_from_master:
                if add_file in non_committed_added_files:

            modified_files = modified_files - set(non_committed_deleted_files)
            added_files = added_files - set(
                non_committed_modified_files) - set(

            # new_added_files = set([])
            # for added_file in added_files:
            #     if added_file in non_committed_added_files:
            #         new_added_files.add(added_file)

            # added_files = new_added_files

        return modified_files, added_files, old_format_files

    def validate_modified_files(self, modified_files, is_backward_check=True):
        """Validate the modified files from your branch.

        In case we encounter an invalid file we set the self._is_valid param to False.

            modified_files (set): A set of the modified files in the current branch.
        for file_path in modified_files:
            old_file_path = None
            if isinstance(file_path, tuple):
                old_file_path, file_path = file_path

            print("Validating {}".format(file_path))
            structure_validator = StructureValidator(
                is_added_file=not (False or is_backward_check),
                is_renamed=True if old_file_path else False)
            if not structure_validator.is_file_valid():
                self._is_valid = False

            if not self.id_set_validator.is_file_valid_in_set(file_path):
                self._is_valid = False

            elif re.match(INTEGRATION_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE) or \
                    re.match(INTEGRATION_YML_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE):

                image_validator = ImageValidator(file_path)
                if not image_validator.is_valid():
                    self._is_valid = False

                description_validator = DescriptionValidator(file_path)
                if not description_validator.is_valid():
                    self._is_valid = False

                integration_validator = IntegrationValidator(
                    file_path, old_file_path=old_file_path)
                if is_backward_check and not integration_validator.is_backward_compatible(
                    self._is_valid = False

            elif re.match(SCRIPT_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE):
                script_validator = ScriptValidator(file_path)
                if is_backward_check and not script_validator.is_backward_compatible(
                    self._is_valid = False

            elif re.match(SCRIPT_YML_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE) or \
                    re.match(SCRIPT_PY_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE) or \
                    re.match(SCRIPT_JS_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE):

                yml_path, _ = get_script_package_data(
                script_validator = ScriptValidator(yml_path)
                if is_backward_check and not script_validator.is_backward_compatible(
                    self._is_valid = False

            elif re.match(IMAGE_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE):
                image_validator = ImageValidator(file_path)
                if not image_validator.is_valid():
                    self._is_valid = False

    def validate_added_files(self, added_files):
        """Validate the added files from your branch.

        In case we encounter an invalid file we set the self._is_valid param to False.

            added_files (set): A set of the modified files in the current branch.
        for file_path in added_files:
            print("Validating {}".format(file_path))

            structure_validator = StructureValidator(file_path,
            if not structure_validator.is_file_valid():
                self._is_valid = False

            if not self.id_set_validator.is_file_valid_in_set(file_path):
                self._is_valid = False

            if self.id_set_validator.is_file_has_used_id(file_path):
                self._is_valid = False

            if re.match(TEST_PLAYBOOK_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE):
                if not self.conf_json_validator.is_test_in_conf_json(
                    self._is_valid = False

            elif re.match(INTEGRATION_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE) or \
                    re.match(INTEGRATION_YML_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE) or \
                    re.match(IMAGE_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE):

                image_validator = ImageValidator(file_path)
                if not image_validator.is_valid():
                    self._is_valid = False

                description_validator = DescriptionValidator(file_path)
                if not description_validator.is_valid():
                    self._is_valid = False

            elif re.match(IMAGE_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE):
                image_validator = ImageValidator(file_path)
                if not image_validator.is_valid():
                    self._is_valid = False

    def validate_no_secrets_found(self, branch_name):
        """Check if any secrets are found in your change set.

            branch_name (string): The name of the branch you are working on.
        secrets_found = get_secrets(branch_name, self.is_circle)
        if secrets_found:
            self._is_valid = False

    def validate_no_old_format(self, old_format_files):
        """ Validate there are no files in the old format(unified yml file for the code and configuration).

            old_format_files(set): file names which are in the old format.
        invalid_files = []
        for f in old_format_files:
            yaml_data = get_yaml(f)
            if 'toversion' not in yaml_data:  # we only fail on old format if no toversion (meaning it is latest)
        if invalid_files:
                "You must update the following files to the new package format. The files are:\n{}"
            self._is_valid = False

    def validate_committed_files(self, branch_name, is_backward_check=True):
        """Validate that all the committed files in your branch are valid

            branch_name (string): The name of the branch you are working on.
        modified_files, added_files, old_format_files = self.get_modified_and_added_files(
            branch_name, self.is_circle)

        self.validate_modified_files(modified_files, is_backward_check)

    def validate_all_files(self):
        """Validate all files in the repo are in the right format."""
        for regex in CHECKED_TYPES_REGEXES:
            splitted_regex = regex.split(".*")
            directory = splitted_regex[0]
            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
                if root not in DIR_LIST:  # Skipping in case we entered a package
                print_color("Validating {} directory:".format(directory),
                for file_name in files:
                    file_path = os.path.join(root, file_name)
                    # skipping hidden files
                    if file_name.startswith('.'):

                    print("Validating " + file_name)
                    structure_validator = StructureValidator(file_path)
                    if not structure_validator.is_valid_scheme():
                        self._is_valid = False

                if root in PACKAGE_SUPPORTING_DIRECTORIES:
                    for inner_dir in dirs:
                        file_path = glob.glob(
                            os.path.join(root, inner_dir, '*.yml'))[0]
                        print("Validating " + file_path)
                        structure_validator = StructureValidator(file_path)
                        if not structure_validator.is_valid_scheme():
                            self._is_valid = False

    def is_valid_structure(self, branch_name, is_backward_check=True):
        """Check if the structure is valid for the case we are in, master - all files, branch - changed files.

            branch_name (string): The name of the branch we are working on.

            (bool). Whether the structure is valid or not.
        if not self.conf_json_validator.is_valid_conf_json():
            self._is_valid = False

        if branch_name != 'master' and not branch_name.startswith(
                '19.') and not branch_name.startswith('20.'):
            # validates only committed files
            # validates all of Content repo directories according to their schemas

        return self._is_valid
Esempio n. 14
def test_conf_json_description():
    validator = ConfJsonValidator()

    assert validator.is_valid_description_in_conf_dict(checked_dict=WITH_DESCRIPTION), \
        "The conf validator couldn't find the description in the dictionary"
Esempio n. 15
def test_conf_json_description_not_given():
    validator = ConfJsonValidator()

    assert validator.is_valid_description_in_conf_dict(checked_dict=MISSING_DESCRIPTION) is False, \
        "The conf validator couldn't find the missing description in the dictionary"
Esempio n. 16
def test_conf_json_description_not_given():
    validator = ConfJsonValidator()

    assert validator.is_valid_description_in_conf_dict(checked_dict=MISSING_DESCRIPTION) is False, \
        "The conf validator couldn't find the missing description in the dictionary"
Esempio n. 17
    def __init__(self, is_circle=False):
        self._is_valid = True
        self.is_circle = is_circle

        self.conf_json_validator = ConfJsonValidator()
        self.id_set_validator = IDSetValidator(is_circle)
Esempio n. 18
class FilesValidator(object):
    """FilesValidator is a class that's designed to validate all the changed files on your branch, and all files in case
    you are on master, this class will be used on your local env as the validation hook(pre-commit), and on CircleCi
    to make sure you did not bypass the hooks as a safety precaution.

        _is_valid (bool): saves the status of the whole validation(instead of mingling it between all the functions).
        is_circle (bool): whether we are running on circle or local env.
        conf_json_validator (ConfJsonValidator): object for validating the conf.json file.
        id_set_validator (IDSetValidator): object for validating the id_set.json file(Created in Circle only).

    def __init__(self, is_circle=False):
        self._is_valid = True
        self.is_circle = is_circle

        self.conf_json_validator = ConfJsonValidator()
        self.id_set_validator = IDSetValidator(is_circle)

    def get_modified_files(files_string):
        """Get lists of the modified files in your branch according to the files string.

            files_string (string): String that was calculated by git using `git diff` command.

            (modified_files_list, added_files_list, deleted_files). Tuple of sets.
        all_files = files_string.split('\n')
        deleted_files = set([])
        added_files_list = set([])
        modified_files_list = set([])
        for f in all_files:
            file_data = f.split()
            if not file_data:

            file_status = file_data[0]
            file_path = file_data[1]

            if checked_type(file_path, CODE_FILES_REGEX):
                dir_path = os.path.dirname(file_path)
                file_path = glob.glob(dir_path + "/*.yml")[0]
            elif file_path.endswith('.js') or file_path.endswith('.py'):

            if file_status.lower() == 'm' and checked_type(file_path) and not file_path.startswith('.'):
            elif file_status.lower() == 'a' and checked_type(file_path) and not file_path.startswith('.'):
            elif file_status.lower() == 'd' and checked_type(file_path) and not file_path.startswith('.'):
            elif file_status.lower().startswith('r') and checked_type(file_path):
                modified_files_list.add((file_data[1], file_data[2]))
            elif file_status.lower() not in KNOWN_FILE_STATUSES:
                print_error(file_path + " file status is an unknown known one, "
                                        "please check. File status was: " + file_status)

        return modified_files_list, added_files_list, deleted_files

    def get_modified_and_added_files(self, branch_name, is_circle):
        """Get lists of the modified and added files in your branch according to the git diff output.

            branch_name (string): The name of the branch we are working on.
            is_circle (bool): Whether we are running on circle or local env.

            (modified_files, added_files). Tuple of sets.
        all_changed_files_string = run_command("git diff --name-status origin/master...{}".format(branch_name))
        modified_files, added_files, _ = self.get_modified_files(all_changed_files_string)

        if not is_circle:
            files_string = run_command("git diff --name-status --no-merges HEAD")

            non_committed_modified_files, non_committed_added_files, non_committed_deleted_files = \
            all_changed_files_string = run_command("git diff --name-status origin/master")
            modified_files_from_master, added_files_from_master, _ = self.get_modified_files(all_changed_files_string)

            for mod_file in modified_files_from_master:
                if mod_file in non_committed_modified_files:

            for add_file in added_files_from_master:
                if add_file in non_committed_added_files:

            modified_files = modified_files - set(non_committed_deleted_files)
            added_files = added_files - set(non_committed_modified_files) - set(non_committed_deleted_files)

            new_added_files = set([])
            for added_file in added_files:
                if added_file in non_committed_added_files:

            added_files = new_added_files

        return modified_files, added_files

    def validate_modified_files(self, modified_files, is_backward_check=True):
        """Validate the modified files from your branch.

        In case we encounter an invalid file we set the self._is_valid param to False.

            modified_files (set): A set of the modified files in the current branch.
        for file_path in modified_files:
            old_file_path = None
            if isinstance(file_path, tuple):
                old_file_path, file_path = file_path

            print("Validating {}".format(file_path))
            structure_validator = StructureValidator(file_path, is_added_file=not(False or is_backward_check),
                                                     is_renamed=True if old_file_path else False)
            if not structure_validator.is_file_valid():
                self._is_valid = False

            if not self.id_set_validator.is_file_valid_in_set(file_path):
                self._is_valid = False

            elif re.match(INTEGRATION_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE) or \
                    re.match(INTEGRATION_YML_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE):

                image_validator = ImageValidator(file_path)
                if not image_validator.is_valid():
                    self._is_valid = False

                description_validator = DescriptionValidator(file_path)
                if not description_validator.is_valid():
                    self._is_valid = False

                integration_validator = IntegrationValidator(file_path, old_file_path=old_file_path)
                if is_backward_check and not integration_validator.is_backward_compatible():
                    self._is_valid = False

            elif re.match(SCRIPT_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE):
                script_validator = ScriptValidator(file_path)
                if is_backward_check and not script_validator.is_backward_compatible():
                    self._is_valid = False

            elif re.match(SCRIPT_YML_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE) or \
                    re.match(SCRIPT_PY_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE) or \
                    re.match(SCRIPT_JS_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE):

                yml_path, _ = get_script_package_data(os.path.dirname(file_path))
                script_validator = ScriptValidator(yml_path)
                if is_backward_check and not script_validator.is_backward_compatible():
                    self._is_valid = False

            elif re.match(IMAGE_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE):
                image_validator = ImageValidator(file_path)
                if not image_validator.is_valid():
                    self._is_valid = False

    def validate_added_files(self, added_files):
        """Validate the added files from your branch.

        In case we encounter an invalid file we set the self._is_valid param to False.

            added_files (set): A set of the modified files in the current branch.
        for file_path in added_files:
            print("Validating {}".format(file_path))

            structure_validator = StructureValidator(file_path, is_added_file=True)
            if not structure_validator.is_file_valid():
                self._is_valid = False

            if not self.id_set_validator.is_file_valid_in_set(file_path):
                self._is_valid = False

            if self.id_set_validator.is_file_has_used_id(file_path):
                self._is_valid = False

            if re.match(TEST_PLAYBOOK_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE):
                if not self.conf_json_validator.is_test_in_conf_json(collect_ids(file_path)):
                    self._is_valid = False

            elif re.match(INTEGRATION_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE) or \
                    re.match(INTEGRATION_YML_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE) or \
                    re.match(IMAGE_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE):

                image_validator = ImageValidator(file_path)
                if not image_validator.is_valid():
                    self._is_valid = False

                description_validator = DescriptionValidator(file_path)
                if not description_validator.is_valid():
                    self._is_valid = False

            elif re.match(IMAGE_REGEX, file_path, re.IGNORECASE):
                image_validator = ImageValidator(file_path)
                if not image_validator.is_valid():
                    self._is_valid = False

    def validate_no_secrets_found(self, branch_name):
        """Check if any secrets are found in your change set.

            branch_name (string): The name of the branch you are working on.
        secrets_found = get_secrets(branch_name, self.is_circle)
        if secrets_found:
            self._is_valid = False

    def validate_committed_files(self, branch_name, is_backward_check=True):
        """Validate that all the committed files in your branch are valid

            branch_name (string): The name of the branch you are working on.
        modified_files, added_files = self.get_modified_and_added_files(branch_name, self.is_circle)

        self.validate_modified_files(modified_files, is_backward_check)

    def validate_all_files(self):
        """Validate all files in the repo are in the right format."""
        for regex in CHECKED_TYPES_REGEXES:
            splitted_regex = regex.split(".*")
            directory = splitted_regex[0]
            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
                if root not in DIR_LIST:  # Skipping in case we entered a package
                print_color("Validating {} directory:".format(directory), LOG_COLORS.GREEN)
                for file_name in files:
                    file_path = os.path.join(root, file_name)
                    # skipping hidden files
                    if file_name.startswith('.'):

                    print("Validating " + file_name)
                    structure_validator = StructureValidator(file_path)
                    if not structure_validator.is_valid_scheme():
                        self._is_valid = False

                if root in PACKAGE_SUPPORTING_DIRECTORIES:
                    for inner_dir in dirs:
                        file_path = glob.glob(os.path.join(root, inner_dir, '*.yml'))[0]
                        print("Validating " + file_path)
                        structure_validator = StructureValidator(file_path)
                        if not structure_validator.is_valid_scheme():
                            self._is_valid = False

    def is_valid_structure(self, branch_name, is_backward_check=True):
        """Check if the structure is valid for the case we are in, master - all files, branch - changed files.

            branch_name (string): The name of the branch we are working on.

            (bool). Whether the structure is valid or not.
        if not self.conf_json_validator.is_valid_conf_json():
            self._is_valid = False

        if branch_name != 'master':
            # validates only committed files
            self.validate_committed_files(branch_name, is_backward_check=is_backward_check)
            # validates all of Content repo directories according to their schemas

        return self._is_valid