Esempio n. 1
def filterBS(stream_name):
    '''Extract ByteStream data for a given stream from a file with multiple streams'''
    filterStep = ExecStep.ExecStep('FilterBS_' + stream_name)
    filterStep.type = 'other'
    filterStep.executable = ''
    filterStep.input = ''
    filterStep.args = '-s ' + stream_name + ' ' + findFile(
    return filterStep
Esempio n. 2
def decodeBS(stream_name):
    '''Deserialise HLT data from ByteStream and save to an ESD file'''
    decodeStep = ExecStep.ExecStep('DecodeBS_' + stream_name)
    decodeStep.type = 'athena'
    decodeStep.job_options = 'TriggerJobOpts/'
    decodeStep.input = ''
    decodeStep.explicit_input = True
    decodeStep.args = '--filesInput=' + findFile('*' + stream_name +
    decodeStep.perfmon = False  # no need to run PerfMon for this step
    return decodeStep
Esempio n. 3
def make_exec_steps(nforks, nthreads, nslots):
    id_str = '{:d}f_{:d}s_{:d}t'.format(nforks, nthreads, nslots)

    # Step dumping athenaHLT config
    ex = ExecStep.ExecStep('Config.' + id_str)
    ex.type = 'athenaHLT'
    ex.job_options = 'TriggerJobOpts/'
    ex.input = 'data'
    ex.forks = nforks
    ex.threads = nthreads
    ex.concurrent_events = nslots
    ex.perfmon = False
    ex.prmon = False
    ex.args = '--dump-config-exit'
    ex.args += ' -c "setMenu=\'LS2_v1\';"'  # LS2_v1 soon to be renamed to Dev_pp_run3_v1

    # Step renaming the config dump
    rename = ExecStep.ExecStep('RenameConfigDump.' + id_str)
    rename.type = 'other'
    rename.input = ''
    rename.executable = 'mv'
    rename.args = 'HLTJobOptions.json HLTJobOptions.' + id_str + '.json'
    rename.output_stream = Step.Step.OutputStream.STDOUT_ONLY  # no log file for this step
    rename.auto_report_result = False  # no art-result for this step

    # Step comparing the config to reference (hard-coded name with 1 fork, 1 thread, 1 slot)
    refname = 'HLTJobOptions.1f_1s_1t.json'
    testname = 'HLTJobOptions.' + id_str + '.json'
    compare = ExecStep.ExecStep('CompareConfig.' + id_str)
    compare.type = 'other'
    compare.input = ''
    compare.executable = '(diff'
    compare.args = testname + ' ' + refname
    msg_base = 'Configuration with forks/threads/slots = {:d}/{:d}/{:d}'.format(
        nforks, nthreads, nslots)
    msg_error = 'ERROR ' + msg_base + ' differs from configuration with 1/1/1'
    msg_success = 'SUCCESS ' + msg_base + ' is the same as with 1/1/1'
    compare.args += '; ret=$?; if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then echo "{:s}"; else echo "{:s}"; fi; exit $ret)'.format(
        msg_error, msg_success)

    return [ex, rename, compare]
Esempio n. 4
def generate_steps(slice_name=None):
    name = slice_name or 'FullMenu'
    # athena
    ex = ExecStep.ExecStep(name)
    ex.type = 'athena'
    ex.job_options = 'TriggerJobOpts/'
    ex.input = 'ttbar'
    ex.threads = 1
    hist_file_name = 'onlinemon_{:s}.root'.format(name)
    pre_exec = hist_rename_pre_exec(hist_file_name)
    if slice_name:
        pre_exec += 'doEmptyMenu=True;do{:s}Slice=True;'.format(slice_name)
    ex.args = '-c "setMenu=\'LS2_v1\';doWriteBS=False;doWriteRDOTrigger=False;{:s}"'.format(
    # chainDump
    cd = ExecStep.ExecStep('ChainDump' + name)
    cd.type = 'other'
    cd.executable = ''
    cd.input = ''
    cd.args = '-f {:s} --json ChainDump.{:s}.json'.format(hist_file_name, name)
    cd.auto_report_result = False

    return [ex, cd]
Esempio n. 5
# art-output: *.json
# art-output: *.root
# art-output: *.pmon.gz
# art-output: *perfmon*
# art-output: prmon*
# art-output: *.check*

from TrigValTools.TrigValSteering import Test, ExecStep, CheckSteps
from TrigAnalysisTest.TrigAnalysisSteps import add_analysis_steps
import os

# To run single-process transform on MCORE sites
if 'ATHENA_NPROC_NUM' in os.environ:
    del os.environ['ATHENA_NPROC_NUM']

rdo2aod = ExecStep.ExecStep()
rdo2aod.type = 'Reco_tf'
rdo2aod.input = 'ttbar'
rdo2aod.max_events = 500
rdo2aod.threads = 1
rdo2aod.args = '--outputAODFile=AOD.pool.root --steering="doRDO_TRIG"'
rdo2aod.args += ' --preExec="all:from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerFlags import TriggerFlags; TriggerFlags.AODEDMSet.set_Value_and_Lock(\\\"AODFULL\\\");"'

test = Test.Test()
test.art_type = 'grid'
test.exec_steps = [rdo2aod]
test.check_steps = CheckSteps.default_check_steps(test)

import sys
Esempio n. 6
#!/usr/bin/env python

# art-description: Test of transform HITS->RDO with serial athena followed by RDO->RDO_TRIG with threads=1
# art-type: build
# art-include: master/Athena
# Skipping art-output which has no effect for build tests.
# If you create a grid version, check art-output in existing grid tests.

from TrigValTools.TrigValSteering import Test, ExecStep, CheckSteps, Input
from TrigAnalysisTest.TrigAnalysisSteps import add_analysis_steps

hit2rdo = ExecStep.ExecStep('HITtoRDO')
hit2rdo.type = 'Reco_tf'
hit2rdo.input = 'ttbar_HITS'
hit2rdo.args = '--outputRDOFile=RDO.pool.root'

pu_low = Input.get_input('pileup_low')
pu_high = Input.get_input('pileup_high')
hit2rdo.args += ' --inputLowPtMinbiasHitsFile=' + pu_low.paths[0]
hit2rdo.args += ' --inputHighPtMinbiasHitsFile=' + pu_high.paths[0]
hit2rdo.args += ' --numberOfCavernBkg="0"'
hit2rdo.args += ' --numberOfHighPtMinBias="0.15520183"'
hit2rdo.args += ' --numberOfLowPtMinBias="59.3447981771"'
hit2rdo.args += ' --pileupFinalBunch="6"'
hit2rdo.args += ' --jobNumber="1"'

hit2rdo.args += ' --preExec "HITtoRDO:userRunLumiOverride={\'run\':300000, \'startmu\':40.0, \'endmu\':70.0, \'stepmu\':1.0, \'startlb\':1, \'timestamp\': 1500000000};ScaleTaskLength=0.1"'
hit2rdo.args += ' --preInclude "HITtoRDO:Digitization/,SimulationJobOptions/,RunDependentSimData/"'

rdo2rdotrig = ExecStep.ExecStep('RDOtoRDOTrigger')
rdo2rdotrig.type = 'Reco_tf'
Esempio n. 7
# art-output: *.check*
# art-output: HLTconfig*.xml
# art-output: L1Topoconfig*.xml
# art-output: LVL1config*.xml
# art-output: PHYSVAL_WEB
# art-html: PHYSVAL_WEB

from TrigValTools.TrigValSteering import Test, ExecStep, CheckSteps
from TrigAnalysisTest.TrigAnalysisSteps import add_physvalweb_steps
import os

# To run single-process transform on MCORE sites
if 'ATHENA_NPROC_NUM' in os.environ:
    del os.environ['ATHENA_NPROC_NUM']

rdo2aod = ExecStep.ExecStep('RDOtoAOD')
rdo2aod.type = 'Reco_tf'
rdo2aod.input = 'ttbar'
rdo2aod.threads = 1
rdo2aod.max_events = 500
rdo2aod.args = '--outputAODFile=AOD.pool.root --steering="doRDO_TRIG" --valid=True'
rdo2aod.args += ' --preExec="all:from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerFlags import TriggerFlags; TriggerFlags.AODEDMSet.set_Value_and_Lock(\\\"AODFULL\\\");"'

physval = ExecStep.ExecStep('PhysVal')
physval.type = 'Reco_tf'
physval.input = ''
physval.explicit_input = True
physval.args = '--inputAODFile=AOD.pool.root --outputNTUP_PHYSVALFile=NTUP_PHYSVAL.pool.root --valid=True'

validationFlags = 'doTrigEgamma,doTrigBphys,doTrigMET,doTrigJet,doTrigMuon,doTrigHLTResult,doTrigCalo,doTrigMinBias,doTrigTau,doTrigIDtrk,doTrigBjet'
physval.args += ' --validationFlags="{:s}"'.format(validationFlags)
Esempio n. 8
#!/usr/bin/env python

# art-description: Test running HITS->RDO in master, then RDO->RDO_TRIG in 21.0, then RDO_TRIG->AOD in master
# art-type: build
# art-include: master/Athena
# Skipping art-output which has no effect for build tests.
# If you create a grid version, check art-output in existing grid tests.

from TrigValTools.TrigValSteering import Test, ExecStep, CheckSteps, Input
from TrigAnalysisTest.TrigAnalysisSteps import add_analysis_steps

# HITS -> RDO step in master
hit2rdo = ExecStep.ExecStep('HITtoRDO')
hit2rdo.type = 'Reco_tf'
hit2rdo.input = 'ttbar_HITS'
hit2rdo.args = '--outputRDOFile=RDO.pool.root'

pu_low = Input.get_input('pileup_low')
pu_high = Input.get_input('pileup_high')
hit2rdo.args += ' --inputLowPtMinbiasHitsFile=' + pu_low.paths[0]
hit2rdo.args += ' --inputHighPtMinbiasHitsFile=' + pu_high.paths[0]
hit2rdo.args += ' --numberOfCavernBkg="0"'
hit2rdo.args += ' --numberOfHighPtMinBias="0.15520183"'
hit2rdo.args += ' --numberOfLowPtMinBias="59.3447981771"'
hit2rdo.args += ' --pileupFinalBunch="6"'
hit2rdo.args += ' --jobNumber="1"'

hit2rdo.args += ' --preExec "HITtoRDO:userRunLumiOverride={\'run\':300000, \'startmu\':40.0, \'endmu\':70.0, \'stepmu\':1.0, \'startlb\':1, \'timestamp\': 1500000000};ScaleTaskLength=0.1" '

hit2rdo.args += ' --preInclude "HITtoRDO:Digitization/,SimulationJobOptions/,RunDependentSimData/"'
Esempio n. 9
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# art-description: athenaHLT test of the Dev_pp_run3_v1 menu imitating partition with preloaded data at P1
# art-type: build
# art-include: master/Athena

from TrigValTools.TrigValSteering import Input, Test, Step, ExecStep
from TrigP1Test import TrigP1TestSteps

# Input file
f = str(Input.get_input('data').paths[0])

# Delete any previous bytestream file
ex_rm = ExecStep.ExecStep('cleanup')
ex_rm.type = 'other'
ex_rm.input = ''
ex_rm.executable = 'rm'
ex_rm.args = '-f'
ex_rm.auto_report_result = False  # Do not set art-result for this step
ex_rm.output_stream = Step.Step.OutputStream.STDOUT_ONLY  # Do not create a log file for this step

# Create new bytestream file with future run number and renumber LBs
ex_bs = ExecStep.ExecStep('create_bs')
ex_bs.type = 'other'
ex_bs.input = ''
ex_bs.executable = ''
ex_bs.args = '-n 50 --runNumber 999999 --incLB 6 --firstLB 4 --eventsPerLB=3 -o raw %s' % f

# Run athenaHLT forcing run and timestamp of original data file
import eformat
Esempio n. 10
# art-output: *.json
# art-output: *.root
# art-output: *.pmon.gz
# art-output: *perfmon*
# art-output: prmon*
# art-output: *.check*

from TrigValTools.TrigValSteering import Test, ExecStep, CheckSteps

def findFile(pattern):
    return '`find . -name \'{:s}\' | tail -n 1`'.format(pattern)

# HLT step (BS->BS)
hlt = ExecStep.ExecStep()
hlt.type = 'athenaHLT'
hlt.job_options = 'TriggerJobOpts/'
hlt.input = 'data'
hlt.args = '-c "setMenu=\'PhysicsP1_pp_run3_v1\';"'
hlt.args += ' -o output'

# Extract the physics_Main stream out of the BS file with many streams
filter_bs = ExecStep.ExecStep('FilterBS')
filter_bs.type = 'other'
filter_bs.executable = ''
filter_bs.input = ''
filter_bs.args = '-s Main ' + findFile('*_HLTMPPy_output.*.data')

# Tier-0 reco step (BS->ESD->AOD)
tzrecoPreExec = ' '.join([
Esempio n. 11
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration

# art-description: Trigger AthenaMT test running new-style job options
# art-type: build
# art-include: master/Athena
# Skipping art-output which has no effect for build tests.
# If you create a grid version, check art-output in existing grid tests.

from TrigValTools.TrigValSteering import Test, Step, ExecStep, CheckSteps

# Copy the job options to the working directory
copy_jo = ExecStep.ExecStep('CopyJO')
copy_jo.type = 'other'
copy_jo.input = ''
copy_jo.executable = 'get_files'
copy_jo.args = '-remove -jo TriggerJobOpts/'
copy_jo.prmon = False
copy_jo.auto_report_result = False  # Do not set art-result for this step
copy_jo.output_stream = Step.Step.OutputStream.STDOUT_ONLY  # Do not create a log file for this step

# Generate configuration pickle file
pickle = ExecStep.ExecStep('GeneratePickle')
pickle.type = 'other'
pickle.input = ''
pickle.executable = 'python'
pickle.args = ''
pickle.prmon = False

# The main job running athena from pickle
run_athena = ExecStep.ExecStep('newJO')
Esempio n. 12
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration

# art-description: transform test of BSRDOtoRAW + T0Reco + T0Mon, using v1PhysP1 menu
# art-type: build
# art-include: master/Athena

from TrigValTools.TrigValSteering import Test, ExecStep, CheckSteps

hlt = ExecStep.ExecStep('BSRDOtoRAW')
hlt.type = 'Trig_reco_tf'
hlt.forks = 1
hlt.threads = 1
hlt.concurrent_events = 1
hlt.max_events = 50
hlt.args = '--precommand=\\\"setMenu=\\\'PhysicsP1_pp_run3_v1\\\'\\\"'
hlt.args += ' --prodSysBSRDO True'
hlt.args += ' --outputBSFile=RAW.pool.root'
hlt.args += ' --outputHIST_HLTMONFile=hltmon.root'
hlt.input = 'data'

# Tier-0 reco step BS->ESD->AOD
tzrecoPreExec = ' '.join([
    "from AthenaConfiguration.AllConfigFlags import ConfigFlags;",
    "from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerFlags import TriggerFlags;",
Esempio n. 13
# art-type: build
# art-include: master/Athena

from TrigValTools.TrigValSteering import Test, ExecStep, CheckSteps
from TrigAnalysisTest.TrigAnalysisSteps import add_analysis_steps

def findFile(pattern):
    '''Bash inline file name finder'''
    return '`find . -name \'{:s}\' | tail -n 1`'.format(pattern)

menu_name = 'LS2_v1'

# Run athena BS->BS job
BStoBS = ExecStep.ExecStep("BStoBS")
BStoBS.type = 'athena'
BStoBS.job_options = 'TriggerJobOpts/'
BStoBS.input = 'data'
BStoBS.threads = 1
BStoBSPreExec = ''.join([
    'rewriteLVL1=True;',  # Write L1 result to BS
    'doWriteBS=True;',  # Write HLT result to BS
    'forceEnableAllChains=True;',  # Ignore L1 decisions in seeding chains
BStoBS.args = ' -c "{:s}"'.format(BStoBSPreExec)

# Extract the Main stream data
filterBS = ExecStep.ExecStep('FilterBS')
filterBS.type = 'other'
Esempio n. 14
    decodeStep.type = 'athena'
    decodeStep.job_options = 'TriggerJobOpts/'
    decodeStep.input = ''
    decodeStep.explicit_input = True
    decodeStep.args = '--filesInput=' + findFile('*' + stream_name +
    decodeStep.perfmon = False  # no need to run PerfMon for this step
    return decodeStep

# Test definition

# Run standard athenaHLT BS->BS job
writeBS = ExecStep.ExecStep("WriteBS")
writeBS.type = 'athenaHLT'
writeBS.job_options = 'TriggerJobOpts/'
writeBS.input = 'data'
writeBS.args = '-o output'
writeBS.args += ' -c "setMenu=\'LS2_v1\';"'  # LS2_v1 to be renamed to Dev_pp_run3_v1

# Extract and decode physics_Main
filterMain = filterBS("Main")
decodeMain = decodeBS("Main")

# Extract and decode calibration_CostMonitoring
filterCost = filterBS("CostMonitoring")
decodeCost = decodeBS("CostMonitoring")
decodeCost.args += ' -c "ModuleID=1"'
Esempio n. 15
# art-output: *.new
# art-output: *.json
# art-output: *.root
# art-output: *.pmon.gz
# art-output: *perfmon*
# art-output: prmon*
# art-output: *.check*

from TrigValTools.TrigValSteering import Test, ExecStep, CheckSteps
import os

# To run single-process transform on MCORE sites
if 'ATHENA_NPROC_NUM' in os.environ:
    del os.environ['ATHENA_NPROC_NUM']

rdo2aod = ExecStep.ExecStep('RDOtoAOD')
rdo2aod.type = 'Reco_tf'
rdo2aod.input = 'ttbar'
rdo2aod.max_events = 500
rdo2aod.threads = 1
rdo2aod.args = '--outputAODFile=AOD.pool.root --steering="doRDO_TRIG" --valid=True'
rdo2aod.args += ' --preExec="all:from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerFlags import TriggerFlags; TriggerFlags.AODEDMSet.set_Value_and_Lock(\\\"AODFULL\\\");"'
rdo2aod.args += ' --postInclude="TriggerTest/"'

tzmon = ExecStep.ExecStep('Tier0Mon')
tzmon.type = 'other'
tzmon.executable = ''
tzmon.input = ''
tzmon.explicit_input = True
tzmon.args = '--dqOffByDefault Input.Files="[\'AOD.pool.root\']" DQ.Steering.doHLTMon=True'
Esempio n. 16
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration

# art-description: Trigger BS->RDO_TRIG athena test of the Dev_pp_run3_v1 menu
# art-type: build
# art-include: master/Athena
# Skipping art-output which has no effect for build tests.
# If you create a grid version, check art-output in existing grid tests.

from TrigValTools.TrigValSteering import Test, ExecStep, CheckSteps

ex = ExecStep.ExecStep()
ex.type = 'athena'
ex.job_options = 'TriggerJobOpts/'
ex.input = 'data'
ex.threads = 1
precommand = ''.join([
    "setMenu='LS2_v1';",  # LS2_v1 soon to be renamed to Dev_pp_run3_v1
ex.args = '-c "{:s}"'.format(precommand)

test = Test.Test()
test.art_type = 'build'
test.exec_steps = [ex]
test.check_steps = CheckSteps.default_check_steps(test)
Esempio n. 17
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration

# art-description: PhysicsP1_pp_run3_v1 menu test only dumping options for SMK generation and running RuleBook to create prescales
# art-type: build
# art-include: master/Athena

from TrigValTools.TrigValSteering import Step, Test, ExecStep, CheckSteps

# Run Physics menu and produce files to create SMK

menu = ExecStep.ExecStep('RunPhysMenu')
menu.type = 'athenaHLT'
menu.job_options = 'TriggerJobOpts/'
menu.input = 'data'
menu.args = '-c "setMenu=\'PhysicsP1_pp_run3_v1\';"'
menu.args += ' -M --dump-config-exit'
menu.perfmon = False  # Cannot use PerfMon with -M

# Download and setup RuleBook and create prescales

rbsetup = ExecStep.ExecStep('SetupRulebook')
rbsetup.type = 'other'
rbsetup.executable = ''
rbsetup.input = ''

# Run RuleBook and create prescales
Esempio n. 18
from TrigValTools.TrigValSteering import Test, ExecStep, CheckSteps, Common
import logging

import os
if not os.path.exists('test_unit_trigvalsteering'):

Common.trigvalsteering_logging_level = logging.DEBUG
Common.package_prefix_dict['TrigValTools'] = 'unit_'

test = Test.Test()

for test_type in ['athena', 'athenaHLT', 'Reco_tf', 'Trig_reco_tf']:
    ex = ExecStep.ExecStep('Test_' + test_type)
    ex.type = test_type
    if '_tf' not in test_type:
        ex.job_options = 'AthExJobOptions/'
    ex.input = ''
    ex.args = '--help'

test.art_type = 'build'
test.check_steps = CheckSteps.default_check_steps(test)

regtest_ref_text = [
    '### athena.log ###',
    '### athena.Test_athena.log ###',
    '### athenaHLT.Test_athenaHLT.log ###',
    '### Reco_tf.Test_Reco_tf.log ###',