Esempio n. 1
def test_fabel_hansenlaw_transform_gaussian():
    """Check fabel_hansenlaw with a Gaussian function"""
    n = 1001
    r_max = 501  # more points better fit

    ref = GaussianAnalytical(n, r_max, symmetric=False, sigma=200)

    recon = fabel_hansenlaw_transform(ref.func, ref.dr)

    ratio = absolute_ratio_benchmark(ref, recon, kind='direct')

    assert_allclose(ratio, 1.0, rtol=7e-2, atol=0)
Esempio n. 2
def test_fabel_hansenlaw_transform_gaussian():
    """Check fabel_hansenlaw with a Gaussian function"""
    n = 1001
    r_max = 501   # more points better fit

    ref = GaussianAnalytical(n, r_max, symmetric=False,  sigma=200)

    recon = fabel_hansenlaw_transform(ref.func, ref.dr)

    ratio = absolute_ratio_benchmark(ref, recon, kind='direct')

    assert_allclose(ratio, 1.0, rtol=7e-2, atol=0)
Esempio n. 3
def test_fabel_hansenlaw_transform_curveA():
    """ Check fabel_hansenlaw_transform() curve A
    delta = 0.01  # sample size

    # split r-domain to suit function pair
    rl = np.arange(0, 0.5 + delta / 2, delta)  # 0 <= r <= 0.5
    rr = np.arange(0.5 + delta, 1.0, delta)  # 0.5 < r < 1.0
    r = np.concatenate((rl, rr), axis=0)  # whole r = [0,1)

    orig = np.concatenate((f(rl), f(rr)), axis=0)  # f(r)
    proj = np.concatenate((g(rl), g(rr)), axis=0)  # g(r)

    Aproj = fabel_hansenlaw_transform(orig, delta)  # forward Abel
    # == g(r)
    assert_allclose(proj, Aproj, rtol=0, atol=6.0e-2)
Esempio n. 4
def test_fabel_hansenlaw_transform_curveA():
    """ Check fabel_hansenlaw_transform() curve A
    delta = 0.01  # sample size

    # split r-domain to suit function pair
    rl = np.arange(0, 0.5+delta/2, delta) # 0 <= r <= 0.5
    rr = np.arange(0.5+delta, 1.0, delta) # 0.5 < r < 1.0
    r  = np.concatenate((rl,rr), axis=0) # whole r = [0,1)

    orig = np.concatenate((f(rl),f(rr)), axis=0)   # f(r)
    proj = np.concatenate((g(rl),g(rr)), axis=0)   # g(r)

    Aproj = fabel_hansenlaw_transform(orig, delta)  # forward Abel 
                                                       # == g(r)
    assert_allclose(proj, Aproj, rtol=0, atol=6.0e-2)