Esempio n. 1
    def test_crypto_publish_key_mismatch(self):
        channel_name = self.protocol_channel_name('persisted:crypto_publish_key_mismatch')

        publish0 = self.ably.channels.get(channel_name, cipher={'key': generate_random_key()})

        publish0.publish("publish3", six.u("This is a string message payload"))
        publish0.publish("publish4", six.b("This is a byte[] message payload"))
        publish0.publish("publish5", {"test": "This is a JSONObject message payload"})
        publish0.publish("publish6", ["This is a JSONArray message payload"])

        rx_channel = self.ably2.channels.get(channel_name, cipher={'key': generate_random_key()})

            with self.assertRaises(AblyException) as cm:
                messages = rx_channel.history()
        except Exception as e:
            log.debug('test_crypto_publish_key_mismatch_fail: rx_channel.history not creating exception')


        the_exception = cm.exception
            'invalid-padding' == the_exception.message or
            the_exception.message.startswith("UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8'") or
            the_exception.message.startswith("UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8'"))
Esempio n. 2
    def test_crypto_publish(self):
        channel_name = self.protocol_channel_name('persisted:crypto_publish_text')
        publish0 = self.ably.channels.get(channel_name, cipher={'key': generate_random_key()})

        publish0.publish("publish3", six.u("This is a string message payload"))
        publish0.publish("publish4", six.b("This is a byte[] message payload"))
        publish0.publish("publish5", {"test": "This is a JSONObject message payload"})
        publish0.publish("publish6", ["This is a JSONArray message payload"])

        history = publish0.history()
        messages = history.items
        self.assertIsNotNone(messages, msg="Expected non-None messages")
        self.assertEqual(4, len(messages), msg="Expected 4 messages")

        message_contents = dict((, for m in messages)
        log.debug("message_contents: %s" % str(message_contents))

        self.assertEqual(six.u("This is a string message payload"),
                msg="Expect publish3 to be expected String)")
        self.assertEqual(b"This is a byte[] message payload",
                msg="Expect publish4 to be expected byte[]. Actual: %s" % str(message_contents['publish4']))
        self.assertEqual({"test": "This is a JSONObject message payload"},
                msg="Expect publish5 to be expected JSONObject")
        self.assertEqual(["This is a JSONArray message payload"],
                msg="Expect publish6 to be expected JSONObject")
Esempio n. 3
    def test_crypto_publish(self):
        channel_name = self.get_channel_name('persisted:crypto_publish_text')
        publish0 = self.ably.channels.get(
            channel_name, cipher={'key': generate_random_key()})

        publish0.publish("publish3", six.u("This is a string message payload"))
        publish0.publish("publish4", six.b("This is a byte[] message payload"))
                         {"test": "This is a JSONObject message payload"})
        publish0.publish("publish6", ["This is a JSONArray message payload"])

        history = publish0.history()
        messages = history.items
        assert messages is not None, "Expected non-None messages"
        assert 4 == len(messages), "Expected 4 messages"

        message_contents = dict((, for m in messages)
        log.debug("message_contents: %s" % str(message_contents))

        assert six.u("This is a string message payload") == message_contents[
            "publish3"], "Expect publish3 to be expected String)"
        assert b"This is a byte[] message payload" == message_contents[
            "publish4"], "Expect publish4 to be expected byte[]. Actual: %s" % str(
        assert {
            "test": "This is a JSONObject message payload"
        } == message_contents[
            "publish5"], "Expect publish5 to be expected JSONObject"
        assert ["This is a JSONArray message payload"] == message_contents[
            "publish6"], "Expect publish6 to be expected JSONObject"
Esempio n. 4
    def test_channels_get_doesnt_updates_existing_with_none_options(self):
        key = generate_random_key()
        channel = self.ably.channels.get('new_channel', cipher={'key': key})
        self.assertIsNot(channel.cipher, None)

        channel_same = self.ably.channels.get('new_channel')
        self.assertIs(channel, channel_same)
        self.assertIsNot(channel.cipher, None)
Esempio n. 5
    def test_channels_get_doesnt_updates_existing_with_none_options(self):
        key = generate_random_key()
        channel = self.ably.channels.get('new_channel', cipher={'key': key})
        assert channel.cipher is not None

        channel_same = self.ably.channels.get('new_channel')
        assert channel is channel_same
        assert channel.cipher is not None
Esempio n. 6
    async def test_crypto_publish_key_mismatch(self):
        channel_name = self.get_channel_name('persisted:crypto_publish_key_mismatch')

        publish0 = self.ably.channels.get(channel_name, cipher={'key': generate_random_key()})

        await publish0.publish("publish3", "This is a string message payload")
        await publish0.publish("publish4", b"This is a byte[] message payload")
        await publish0.publish("publish5", {"test": "This is a JSONObject message payload"})
        await publish0.publish("publish6", ["This is a JSONArray message payload"])

        rx_channel = self.ably2.channels.get(channel_name, cipher={'key': generate_random_key()})

        with pytest.raises(AblyException) as excinfo:
            await rx_channel.history()

        message = excinfo.value.message
        assert 'invalid-padding' == message or "codec can't decode" in message
Esempio n. 7
    def test_crypto_publish_key_mismatch(self):
        channel_name = self.get_channel_name('persisted:crypto_publish_key_mismatch')

        publish0 = self.ably.channels.get(channel_name, cipher={'key': generate_random_key()})

        publish0.publish("publish3", six.u("This is a string message payload"))
        publish0.publish("publish4", six.b("This is a byte[] message payload"))
        publish0.publish("publish5", {"test": "This is a JSONObject message payload"})
        publish0.publish("publish6", ["This is a JSONArray message payload"])

        rx_channel = self.ably2.channels.get(channel_name, cipher={'key': generate_random_key()})

        with pytest.raises(AblyException) as excinfo:

        message = excinfo.value.message
        assert (
            'invalid-padding' == message or
            message.startswith("UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8'") or
            message.startswith("UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8'")
Esempio n. 8
    def test_crypto_publish_key_mismatch(self):
        channel_name = self.get_channel_name(

        publish0 = self.ably.channels.get(
            channel_name, cipher={'key': generate_random_key()})

        publish0.publish("publish3", six.u("This is a string message payload"))
        publish0.publish("publish4", six.b("This is a byte[] message payload"))
                         {"test": "This is a JSONObject message payload"})
        publish0.publish("publish6", ["This is a JSONArray message payload"])

        rx_channel = self.ably2.channels.get(
            channel_name, cipher={'key': generate_random_key()})

        with pytest.raises(AblyException) as excinfo:

        message = excinfo.value.message
        assert ('invalid-padding' == message
                or message.startswith("UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8'")
                or message.startswith("UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8'"))
Esempio n. 9
    def test_crypto_publish(self):
        channel_name = self.get_channel_name('persisted:crypto_publish_text')
        publish0 = self.ably.channels.get(channel_name, cipher={'key': generate_random_key()})

        publish0.publish("publish3", six.u("This is a string message payload"))
        publish0.publish("publish4", six.b("This is a byte[] message payload"))
        publish0.publish("publish5", {"test": "This is a JSONObject message payload"})
        publish0.publish("publish6", ["This is a JSONArray message payload"])

        history = publish0.history()
        messages = history.items
        assert messages is not None, "Expected non-None messages"
        assert 4 == len(messages), "Expected 4 messages"

        message_contents = dict((, for m in messages)
        log.debug("message_contents: %s" % str(message_contents))

        assert six.u("This is a string message payload") == message_contents["publish3"], "Expect publish3 to be expected String)"
        assert b"This is a byte[] message payload" == message_contents["publish4"], "Expect publish4 to be expected byte[]. Actual: %s" % str(message_contents['publish4'])
        assert {"test": "This is a JSONObject message payload"} == message_contents["publish5"], "Expect publish5 to be expected JSONObject"
        assert ["This is a JSONArray message payload"] == message_contents["publish6"], "Expect publish6 to be expected JSONObject"
Esempio n. 10
 def test_channels_get_returns_new_with_options(self):
     key = generate_random_key()
     channel = self.ably.channels.get('new_channel', cipher={'key': key})
     self.assertIsInstance(channel, Channel)
     self.assertIs(channel.cipher.secret_key, key)
Esempio n. 11
 def test_channels_get_returns_new_with_options(self):
     key = generate_random_key()
     channel = self.ably.channels.get('new_channel', cipher={'key': key})
     assert isinstance(channel, Channel)
     assert channel.cipher.secret_key is key