Esempio n. 1
def convert(inputs, input_schema, output_schema):
    (kernel, block, in_shape, out_shape,
     dtype) = _generate_kernel(inputs, input_schema, output_schema)

    # Flatten non-schema input dimensions,
    # from inspection of the cupy reshape code,
    # this incurs a copy when inputs is non-contiguous
    nsrc = reduce(mul, inputs.shape[:-len(in_shape)], 1)
    nelems = reduce(mul, in_shape, 1)

    rinputs = inputs.reshape(nsrc, nelems)
    assert rinputs.flags.c_contiguous
    grid = grids((nsrc, 1, 1), block)

    outputs = cp.empty(shape=rinputs.shape, dtype=dtype)

        kernel(grid, block, (rinputs, outputs))
    except CompileException:

    shape = inputs.shape[:-len(in_shape)] + out_shape
    outputs = outputs.reshape(shape)
    assert outputs.flags.c_contiguous
    return outputs
Esempio n. 2
def _generate_kernel(inputs, input_schema, output_schema):
    mapping, in_shape, out_shape, out_dtype = stokes_convert_setup(
        inputs, input_schema, output_schema)

    # Flatten input and output shapes
    # Check that number elements are the same
    in_elems = reduce(mul, in_shape, 1)
    out_elems = reduce(mul, out_shape, 1)

    if in_elems != out_elems:
        raise ValueError("Number of input_schema elements %s "
                         "and output schema elements %s "
                         "must match for CUDA kernel." % (in_shape, out_shape))

    # Infer the output data type
    if out_dtype == "real":
        if np.iscomplexobj(inputs):
            out_dtype = inputs.real.dtype
            out_dtype = inputs.dtype
    elif out_dtype == "complex":
        if np.iscomplexobj(inputs):
            out_dtype = inputs.dtype
            out_dtype = np.result_type(inputs.dtype, np.complex64)
        raise ValueError("Invalid setup dtype %s" % out_dtype)

    cuda_out_dtype = cuda_type(out_dtype)
    assign_exprs = []

    # Render the assignment expression for each element
    for (c1, c1i), (c2, c2i), outi, template_fn in mapping:
        # Flattened indices
        flat_outi = np.ravel_multi_index(outi, out_shape)
        render = jinja_env.from_string(template_fn).render
        kwargs = {
            c1: "in[%d]" % np.ravel_multi_index(c1i, in_shape),
            c2: "in[%d]" % np.ravel_multi_index(c2i, in_shape),
            "out_type": cuda_out_dtype

        expr_str = render(**kwargs)
        assign_exprs.append("out[%d] = %s;" % (flat_outi, expr_str))

    # Now render the main template
    render = jinja_env.get_template(_TEMPLATE_PATH).render
    name = "stokes_convert"
    code = render(kernel_name=name,

    # cuda block, flatten non-schema dims into a single source dim
    blockdimx = 512
    block = (blockdimx, 1, 1)

    return (cp.RawKernel(code, name), block, in_shape, out_shape, out_dtype)
Esempio n. 3
def degrid(grids, uvw, weights, ref_wave,
           convolution_filter, w_bins, cell_size,
    Convolutional W-stacking degridder (continuum)

    Variable numbers of correlations are supported.

    * :code:`(ny, nx, corr_1, corr_2)` ``grid`` will result in a
      :code:`(row, chan, corr_1, corr_2)` ``vis``

    * :code:`(ny, nx, corr_1)` ``grid`` will result in a
      :code:`(row, chan, corr_1)` ``vis``

    grids : list of np.ndarray
        list of visibility grids of length :code:`nw`.
        of shape :code:`(ny, nx, corr_1, corr_2)`
    uvw : np.ndarray
        float64 array of UVW coordinates of shape :code:`(row, 3)`
    weights : np.ndarray
        float32 or float64 array of weights. Set this to
        ``np.ones_like(vis, dtype=np.float32)`` as default.
    ref_wave : np.ndarray
        float64 array of wavelengths of shape :code:`(chan,)`
    convolution_filter :  :class:`~africanus.filters.ConvolutionFilter`
        Convolution Filter
    w_bins : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        W coordinate bins of shape :code:`(nw + 1,)`
    cell_size : float
        Cell size in arcseconds.
    dtype : :class:`numpy.dtype`, optional
        Numpy type of the resulting array. Defaults to

        :code:`(row, chan, corr_1, corr_2)` complex ndarray of visibilities
    corrs = grids[0].shape[2:]
    nrow = uvw.shape[0]
    nchan = ref_wave.shape[0]

    # Flatten the correlation dimensions
    flat_corrs = reduce(mul, corrs)

    # Create output visibilities
    vis = np.empty((nrow, nchan, flat_corrs), dtype=dtype)

    grids = [g.reshape(g.shape[0:2] + (flat_corrs,)) for g in grids]

    numba_degrid(grids, uvw, weights, ref_wave, convolution_filter,
                 w_bins, cell_size, vis)

    return vis.reshape((nrow, nchan) + corrs)
Esempio n. 4
def degrid(grid, uvw, weights, ref_wave,
           convolution_filter, cell_size, dtype=np.complex64):
    Convolutional degridder (continuum)

    Variable numbers of correlations are supported.

    * :code:`(ny, nx, corr_1, corr_2)` ``grid`` will result in a
      :code:`(row, chan, corr_1, corr_2)` ``vis``

    * :code:`(ny, nx, corr_1)` ``grid`` will result in a
      :code:`(row, chan, corr_1)` ``vis``

    grid : np.ndarray
        float or complex grid of visibilities
        of shape :code:`(ny, nx, corr_1, corr_2)`
    uvw : np.ndarray
        float64 array of UVW coordinates of shape :code:`(row, 3)`
        in wavelengths.
    weights : np.ndarray
        float32 or float64 array of weights. Set this to
        ``np.ones_like(vis, dtype=np.float32)`` as default.
    ref_wave : np.ndarray
        float64 array of wavelengths of shape :code:`(chan,)`
    convolution_filter :  :class:`~africanus.filters.ConvolutionFilter`
        Convolution Filter
    cell_size : float
        Cell size in arcseconds.
    dtype : :class:`numpy.dtype`
        Data type of the visibilities

        :code:`(row, chan, corr_1, corr_2)` complex ndarray of visibilities
    nrow = uvw.shape[0]
    nchan = ref_wave.shape[0]
    corrs = flat_corrs = grid.shape[2:]

    # Flatten if necessary
    if len(corrs) > 1:
        flat_corrs = (reduce(mul, corrs),)
        grid = grid.reshape(grid.shape[:2] + flat_corrs)
        weights = weights.reshape(weights.shape[:2] + flat_corrs)

    vis = np.zeros((nrow, nchan) + flat_corrs, dtype=dtype)

    vis = numba_degrid(grid, uvw, weights, ref_wave,
                       convolution_filter, cell_size, vis)

    return vis.reshape(weights.shape[:2] + corrs)
def stream_reduction(time_index, antenna1, antenna2, dde1_jones, source_coh,
                     dde2_jones, predict_check_tup, out_dtype, streams):
    Reduces source coherencies + ddes over the source dimension in
    ``N`` parallel streams.

    This is accomplished by calling predict_vis on on ddes and source
    coherencies to produce visibilities which are passed into
    the `base_vis` argument of ``predict_vis`` for the next chunk.

    # Unique name and token for this operation
    token = tokenize(time_index, antenna1, antenna2, dde1_jones, source_coh,
                     dde2_jones, streams)

    name = 'stream-coherency-reduction-' + token

    # Number of dim blocks
    blocks = _extract_blocks(time_index, dde1_jones, source_coh, dde2_jones)
    (src_blocks, row_blocks, _,
     chan_blocks), corr_blocks = blocks[:4], blocks[4:]

    # Total number of other dimension blocks
    nblocks = reduce(mul, (row_blocks, chan_blocks) + corr_blocks, 1)

    # Create the compressed mapping
    layers = CoherencyStreamReduction(time_index, antenna1, antenna2,
                                      dde1_jones, source_coh, dde2_jones, name,

    # Create the graph
    extra_deps = [
        a for a in (dde1_jones, source_coh, dde2_jones) if a is not None
    deps = [time_index, antenna1, antenna2] + extra_deps

    graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, layers, deps)

    chunks = ((1, ) * src_blocks, (1, ) * nblocks)
    # This should never be directly computed, reported chunks
    # and dtype don't match the actual data. We create it
    # because it makes chaining HighLevelGraphs easier
    stream_reduction = da.Array(graph, name, chunks, dtype=np.int8)

    name = "coherency-reduction-" + tokenize(stream_reduction)
    layers = CoherencyFinalReduction(name, layers)
    graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, layers, [stream_reduction])

    chunks = _extract_chunks(time_index, dde1_jones, source_coh, dde2_jones)
    return da.Array(graph, name, chunks[1:], dtype=out_dtype)
Esempio n. 6
def feed_rotation(parallactic_angles, feed_type='linear'):
    if feed_type == 'linear':
        poltype = 0
    elif feed_type == 'circular':
        poltype = 1
        raise ValueError("Invalid feed_type '%s'" % feed_type)

    if parallactic_angles.dtype == np.float32:
        dtype = np.complex64
    elif parallactic_angles.dtype == np.float64:
        dtype = np.complex128
        raise ValueError("parallactic_angles has "
                         "none-floating point type %s" %

    # Create result array with flattened parangles
    shape = (reduce(mul, parallactic_angles.shape), ) + (2, 2)
    result = np.empty(shape, dtype=dtype)

    return _nb_feed_rotation(parallactic_angles, poltype, result)
Esempio n. 7
def grid(vis, uvw, flags, weights, ref_wave,
         nx=1024, ny=1024,
    Convolutional gridder which grids visibilities ``vis``
    at the specified ``uvw`` coordinates and
    ``ref_wave`` reference wavelengths using
    the specified ``convolution_filter``.

    Variable numbers of correlations are supported.

    * :code:`(row, chan, corr_1, corr_2)` ``vis`` will result in a
      :code:`(ny, nx, corr_1, corr_2)` ``grid``.
    * :code:`(row, chan, corr_1)` ``vis`` will result in a
      :code:`(ny, nx, corr_1)` ``grid``.

    vis : np.ndarray
        complex visibility array of shape :code:`(row, chan, corr_1, corr_2)`
    uvw : np.ndarray
        float64 array of UVW coordinates of shape :code:`(row, 3)`
        in wavelengths.
    weights : np.ndarray
        float32 or float64 array of weights. Set this to
        ``np.ones_like(vis, dtype=np.float32)`` as default.
    flags : np.ndarray
        flagged array of shape :code:`(row, chan, corr_1, corr_2)`.
        Any positive quantity will indicate that the corresponding
        visibility should be flagged.
        Set to ``np.zeros_like(vis, dtype=np.bool)`` as default.
    ref_wave : np.ndarray
        float64 array of wavelengths of shape :code:`(chan,)`
    convolution_filter :  :class:`~africanus.filters.ConvolutionFilter`
        Convolution filter
    cell_size : float
        Cell size in arcseconds.
    nx : integer, optional
        Size of the grid's X dimension
    ny : integer, optional
        Size of the grid's Y dimension
    grid : np.ndarray, optional
        complex64/complex128 array of shape :code:`(ny, nx, corr_1, corr_2)`
        If supplied, this array will be used as the gridding target,
        and ``nx`` and ``ny`` will be derived from this grid's

        :code:`(ny, nx, corr_1, corr_2)` complex ndarray of
        gridded visibilities. The number of correlations may vary,
        depending on the shape of vis.

    # Flatten the correlation dimensions
    corrs = vis.shape[2:]
    flat_corrs = (reduce(mul, corrs),)

    # Create grid of flatten correlations or reshape
    if grid is None:
        grid = np.zeros((ny, nx) + flat_corrs, dtype=vis.dtype)
        ny, nx = grid.shape[0:2]
        grid = grid.reshape((ny, nx) + flat_corrs)

    return numba_grid(vis, uvw, flags, weights, ref_wave,
                      convolution_filter, cell_size, grid)
Esempio n. 8
def grid(vis, uvw, flags, weights, ref_wave,
         convolution_filter, w_bins,
         nx=1024, ny=1024,
    Convolutional W-stacking gridder.

    This function grids visibilities ``vis`` onto multiple
    grids, each associated with a W-layer defined by ``w_bins``.
    The W coordinate of the ``uvw`` array is used to bin the visibility
    into the appropriate grid.

    Variable numbers of correlations are supported.

    * :code:`(row, chan, corr_1, corr_2)` ``vis`` will result in a
      :code:`(ny, nx, corr_1, corr_2)` ``grid``.
    * :code:`(row, chan, corr_1)` ``vis`` will result in a
      :code:`(ny, nx, corr_1)` ``grid``.

    vis : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        complex visibility array of shape :code:`(row, chan, corr_1, corr_2)`
    uvw : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        float64 array of UVW coordinates of shape :code:`(row, 3)`
    weights : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        float32 or float64 array of weights. Set this to
        ``np.ones_like(vis, dtype=np.float32)`` as default.
    flags : np.ndarray
        flagged array of shape :code:`(row, chan, corr_1, corr_2)`.
        Any positive quantity will indicate that the corresponding
        visibility should be flagged.
        Set to ``np.zeros_like(vis, dtype=np.bool)`` as default.
    ref_wave : np.ndarray
        float64 array of wavelengths of shape :code:`(chan,)`
    convolution_filter :  :class:`~africanus.filters.ConvolutionFilter`
        Convolution filter
    w_bins : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        W coordinate bins of shape :code:`(nw + 1,)`
    cell_size : float
        Cell size in arcseconds.
    nx : integer, optional
        Size of the grid's X dimension
    ny : integer, optional
        Size of the grid's Y dimension
    grids : list of np.ndarray, optional
        list of complex arrays of length :code:`nw`,
        each with shape :code:`(ny, nx, corr_1, corr_2)`.
        If supplied, this array will be used as the gridding target,
        and ``nx`` and ``ny`` will be derived from the grid's

    list of np.ndarray
        list of complex arrays of gridded visibilities, of length :code:`nw`,
        each with shape :code:`(ny, nx, corr_1, corr_2)`.
        The number of correlations may vary,
        depending on the shape of vis.
    corrs = vis.shape[2:]

    # Create grid of flatten correlations or reshape
    if grids is None:
        nw = w_bins.shape[0] - 1
        grids = [np.zeros((ny, nx) + corrs, dtype=vis.dtype)
                 for _ in range(nw)]
    elif not isinstance(grids, list):
        grids = [grids]

    # Flatten the correlation dimensions
    flat_corrs = (reduce(mul, corrs),)
    grids = [g.reshape(g.shape[0:2] + flat_corrs) for g in grids]

    return numba_grid(vis, uvw, flags, weights, ref_wave,
                      convolution_filter, w_bins, cell_size, grids)
 def __len__(self):
     (source, row, _, chan), corrs = self.blocks[:4], self.blocks[4:]
     return reduce(mul, (source, row, chan) + corrs, 1)
 def __len__(self):
     # Extract dimension blocks
     (source, row, _, chan), corr = self.blocks[:4], self.blocks[4:]
     return reduce(mul, (source, row, chan) + corr, 1)
Esempio n. 11
def _generate_kernel(time_index, antenna1, antenna2, dde1_jones, source_coh,
                     dde2_jones, die1_jones, base_vis, die2_jones, corrs,

    tup = predict_checks(time_index, antenna1, antenna2, dde1_jones,
                         source_coh, dde2_jones, die1_jones, base_vis,

    (have_ddes1, have_coh, have_ddes2, have_dies1, have_bvis, have_dies2) = tup

    # Check types
    if time_index.dtype != np.int32:
        raise TypeError("time_index.dtype != np.int32 '%s'" % time_index.dtype)

    if antenna1.dtype != np.int32:
        raise TypeError("antenna1.dtype != np.int32 '%s'" % antenna1.dtype)

    if antenna2.dtype != np.int32:
        raise TypeError("antenna2.dtype != np.int32 '%s'" % antenna2.dtype)

    # Create template
    render = jinja_env.get_template(_TEMPLATE_PATH).render
    name = "predict_vis"

    # Complex output type
    out_dtype = np.result_type(dde1_jones, source_coh, dde2_jones, die1_jones,
                               base_vis, die2_jones)

    ncorrs = reduce(mul, corrs, 1)

    # corrs x channels, rows
    blockdimx = 32
    blockdimy = 24 if out_dtype == np.complex128 else 32

    block = (blockdimx, blockdimy, 1)

    code = render(kernel_name=name,
                  dde1_type=cuda_type(dde1_jones) if have_ddes1 else "int",
                  dde1_ndim=dde1_jones.ndim if have_ddes1 else 1,
                  dde2_type=cuda_type(dde2_jones) if have_ddes2 else "int",
                  dde2_ndim=dde2_jones.ndim if have_ddes2 else 1,
                  coh_type=cuda_type(source_coh) if have_coh else "int",
                  coh_ndim=source_coh.ndim if have_coh else 1,
                  die1_type=cuda_type(die1_jones) if have_dies1 else "int",
                  die1_ndim=die1_jones.ndim if have_dies1 else 1,
                  base_vis_type=cuda_type(base_vis) if have_bvis else "int",
                  base_vis_ndim=base_vis.ndim if have_bvis else 1,
                  die2_type=cuda_type(die2_jones) if have_dies2 else "int",
                  die2_ndim=die2_jones.ndim if have_dies2 else 1,

    return cp.RawKernel(code, name), block, out_dtype
Esempio n. 12
def predict_vis(time_index,
    """ Cupy implementation of the feed_rotation kernel. """

    have_ddes = dde1_jones is not None and dde2_jones is not None
    have_dies = die1_jones is not None and die2_jones is not None
    have_coh = source_coh is not None
    have_bvis = base_vis is not None

    # Infer the output shape
    if have_ddes:
        row = time_index.shape[0]
        chan = dde1_jones.shape[3]
        corrs = dde1_jones.shape[4:]
    elif have_coh:
        row = time_index.shape[0]
        chan = source_coh.shape[2]
        corrs = source_coh.shape[3:]
    elif have_dies:
        row = time_index.shape[0]
        chan = die1_jones.shape[2]
        corrs = die1_jones.shape[3:]
    elif have_bvis:
        row = time_index.shape[0]
        chan = base_vis.shape[1]
        corrs = base_vis.shape[2:]
        raise ValueError("Insufficient inputs supplied for determining "
                         "the output shape")

    ncorrs = len(corrs)

    # Flatten correlations
    if ncorrs == 2:
        flat_corrs = reduce(mul, corrs, 1)

        if have_ddes:
            dde_shape = dde1_jones.shape[:-ncorrs] + (flat_corrs, )
            dde1_jones = dde1_jones.reshape(dde_shape)
            dde2_jones = dde2_jones.reshape(dde_shape)

        if have_coh:
            coh_shape = source_coh.shape[:-ncorrs] + (flat_corrs, )
            source_coh = source_coh.reshape(coh_shape)

        if have_dies:
            die_shape = die1_jones.shape[:-ncorrs] + (flat_corrs, )
            die1_jones = die1_jones.reshape(die_shape)
            die2_jones = die2_jones.reshape(die_shape)

        if have_bvis:
            bvis_shape = base_vis.shape[:-ncorrs] + (flat_corrs, )
            base_vis = base_vis.reshape(bvis_shape)

    elif ncorrs == 1:
        flat_corrs = corrs[0]
        raise ValueError("Invalid correlation setup %s" % (corrs, ))

    out_shape = (row, chan) + (flat_corrs, )

    kernel, block, out_dtype = _generate_kernel(time_index, antenna1, antenna2,
                                                dde1_jones, source_coh,
                                                dde2_jones, die1_jones,
                                                base_vis, die2_jones, corrs,

    grid = grids((chan * flat_corrs, row, 1), block)
    out = cp.empty(shape=out_shape, dtype=out_dtype)

    # Normalise the time index
    # TODO(sjperkins)
    # Normalise the time index with a device-wide reduction
    norm_time_index = time_index - time_index.min()

    args = (norm_time_index, antenna1, antenna2, dde1_jones, source_coh,
            dde2_jones, die1_jones, base_vis, die2_jones, out)

        kernel(grid, block, tuple(a for a in args if a is not None))
    except CompileException:

    return out.reshape((row, chan) + corrs)