Esempio n. 1
def video_update(user_jwt, video_id, videoName, videoDesc, videoLoc,
                 videoOwner, videoSubject, videoViewers, videoGroups):
    #	Updates a specified video file in the API
    #	input:
    #		user_jwt - properly formed JWT for Application User updating the video (will be set as owner)
    #		MVID - Unique user ID of Application User specified in user_jwt (will be set as 'owner_id')
    #		videoName - Name of video file to be uploaded (will be set as 'title')
    #		videoDesc - Description of video file to be uploaded (will be set as 'description')
    #		videoLoc - "Filming Location" of video file to be uploaded (will be set as 'location')
    #		videoPath - Path to file to be uploaded
    #		videoSubject - Subject of video
    #		videoViewers - Comma seperated list of video viewers IDs
    #		videoGroups - Comma seperated list of video group
    #	output:
    #		Api Reponse Status (boolean),
    #		New Video Data {"video_title":video_title,
    #			"video_id":video_id,
    #			"MVID":MVID,
    #			"video_created_at":video_created_at}
    #			or None
    #		Error Message (str) or None
    #		Api Message (dict)
    headers = {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'Accept': 'application/json',
        'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + str(user_jwt)

    uri = keys.apollo_root
    path = '/video/' + str(video_id)

    target = urlparse(uri + path)
    method = "PUT"

    user_viewer_ids = None
    if videoViewers:
        parsedVideoViewers = api_tools.api_parse_csv(videoViewers)
        if parsedVideoViewers and len(parsedVideoViewers) > 0:
            user_viewer_ids = parsedVideoViewers

    group_viewer_ids = None
    if videoGroups:
        parsedGroupViewers = api_tools.api_parse_csv(videoGroups)
        if parsedGroupViewers and len(parsedGroupViewers) > 0:
            group_viewer_ids = parsedGroupViewers

    body = {
        'video': {
            'title': videoName,
            'description': videoDesc,
            'location': videoLoc,
            'user_viewer_ids': user_viewer_ids,
            'group_viewer_ids': group_viewer_ids

    # Render human readable API message for output
    api_msg = api_tools.api_msg_render(headers, body, method, target.geturl())

    #return False, p_id, None, api_msg
    h = httplib2.Http()

    response, content = h.request(target.geturl(), method, json.dumps(body),

    # Response error; return fail
    if not content:
        return False, None, str(response), api_msg
    elif response.get("status") == "200":
        # Successful response; parse JSON data
        data = json.loads(content)
        video_data = data.get('video')

        output_data = {"video_id": video_data.get('id')}

        return True, output_data, None, api_msg

    # invalid response
    return False, None, "Response: " + str(response) + " Content: " + str(
        content), api_msg
def video_update(user_jwt, video_id, videoName, videoDesc, videoLoc, videoOwner, videoSubject, videoViewers, videoGroups):
	#	Updates a specified video file in the API
	#	input: 
	#		user_jwt - properly formed JWT for Application User updating the video (will be set as owner)
	#		MVID - Unique user ID of Application User specified in user_jwt (will be set as 'owner_id')
	#		videoName - Name of video file to be uploaded (will be set as 'title')
	#		videoDesc - Description of video file to be uploaded (will be set as 'description')
	#		videoLoc - "Filming Location" of video file to be uploaded (will be set as 'location')
	#		videoPath - Path to file to be uploaded
	#		videoSubject - Subject of video
	#		videoViewers - Comma seperated list of video viewers IDs
	#		videoGroups - Comma seperated list of video group 
	#	output: 
	#		Api Reponse Status (boolean),
	#		New Video Data {"video_title":video_title, 
	#			"video_id":video_id, 
	#			"MVID":MVID, 
	#			"video_created_at":video_created_at} 
	#			or None
	#		Error Message (str) or None
	#		Api Message (dict)
	headers = {
	'Content-Type': 'application/json',
	'Accept': 'application/json',
	'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + str(user_jwt)

	uri = keys.apollo_root
	path = '/video/' + str(video_id)

	target = urlparse(uri+path)
	method = "PUT"

	user_viewer_ids = None
	if videoViewers:
		parsedVideoViewers = api_tools.api_parse_csv(videoViewers)
		if parsedVideoViewers and len(parsedVideoViewers) > 0:
			user_viewer_ids = parsedVideoViewers

	group_viewer_ids = None
	if videoGroups:
		parsedGroupViewers = api_tools.api_parse_csv(videoGroups)
		if parsedGroupViewers and len(parsedGroupViewers) > 0:
			group_viewer_ids = parsedGroupViewers

	body = {

	# Render human readable API message for output
	api_msg = api_tools.api_msg_render(headers, body, method, target.geturl())

	#return False, p_id, None, api_msg
	h = httplib2.Http()

	response, content = h.request(target.geturl(), method, json.dumps(body), headers)
	# Response error; return fail
	if not content:
		return False, None, str(response), api_msg
	elif response.get("status") == "200":
		# Successful response; parse JSON data
		data = json.loads(content)
		video_data = data.get('video')

		output_data = {

		return True, output_data, None, api_msg

	# invalid response
	return False, None, "Response: " + str(response) + " Content: "+ str(content), api_msg
Esempio n. 3
def video_post(user_jwt, MVID, videoName, videoDesc, videoLoc, videoPath,
               videoSubject, videoViewers, videoGroups):
    #	Uploads a server side video file to the API
    #	input:
    #		user_jwt - properly formed JWT for Application User uploading the video (will be set as owner)
    #		MVID - Unique user ID of Application User specified in user_jwt (will be set as 'owner_id')
    #		videoName - Name of video file to be uploaded (will be set as 'title')
    #		videoDesc - Description of video file to be uploaded (will be set as 'description')
    #		videoLoc - "Filming Location" of video file to be uploaded (will be set as 'location')
    #		videoPath - Path to file to be uploaded
    #		videoSubject - Subject of video
    #		videoViewers - Comma seperated list of video viewers IDs
    #		videoGroups - Comma seperated list of video group
    #	output:
    #		Api Reponse Status (boolean),
    #		New Video Data {"video_title":video_title,
    #			"video_id":video_id,
    #			"MVID":MVID,
    #			"video_created_at":video_created_at}
    #			or None
    #		Error Message (str) or None
    #		Api Message (dict)
    headers = {
        'Accept': 'application/json',
        'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + str(user_jwt)

    uri = keys.apollo_root
    path = '/video'
    url = uri + path

    # Attempt conversion to int; abondon and default to str if needed
        MVID = int(MVID)
        MVID = str(MVID)

        videoSubject = int(videoSubject)
        videoSubject = str(videoSubject)

    json_data = {
        "owner_id": MVID,
        "title": videoName,

    if videoDesc:
        json_data.update({"description": videoDesc})

    if videoLoc:
        json_data.update({"location": videoLoc})

    if videoSubject:
        json_data.update({"subject_id": videoSubject})

    if videoViewers:
        parsedVideoViewers = api_tools.api_parse_csv(videoViewers)
        if parsedVideoViewers and len(parsedVideoViewers) > 0:
            json_data.update({"user_viewer_ids": parsedVideoViewers})

    if videoGroups:
        parsedVideoGroups = api_tools.api_parse_csv(videoGroups)
        if parsedVideoGroups and len(parsedVideoGroups) > 0:
            json_data.update({"group_viewer_ids": parsedVideoGroups})

    # Assemble data for human readable cURL info
    temp_body = {
        '--form': "json=%s" % json.dumps(json_data),
        '-F': "media=@%s" % videoPath

    # Render human readable API message for output
    api_msg = api_tools.api_msg_render(headers, temp_body, None, url)

        response =,
                                 data={"json": json.dumps(json_data)},
                                 files={"media": open(videoPath, 'rb')},
        return False, None, "Error: Request exception", api_msg

    if response.status_code != 201:
        return False, None, "Response: " + str(
            response.status_code) + " Content: " + str(response.text), api_msg

    # Successful Upload, parse JSON
    temp_data = response.json()
    output_data = {
        "video_title": str(temp_data['video']['title']),
        "video_id": str(temp_data['video']['id']),
        "MVID": str(MVID),
        "video_created_at": str(temp_data['video']['created_at'])
    return True, output_data, None, api_msg
def video_post(user_jwt, MVID, videoName, videoDesc, videoLoc, videoPath, videoSubject, videoViewers, videoGroups):
	#	Uploads a server side video file to the API
	#	input: 
	#		user_jwt - properly formed JWT for Application User uploading the video (will be set as owner)
	#		MVID - Unique user ID of Application User specified in user_jwt (will be set as 'owner_id')
	#		videoName - Name of video file to be uploaded (will be set as 'title')
	#		videoDesc - Description of video file to be uploaded (will be set as 'description')
	#		videoLoc - "Filming Location" of video file to be uploaded (will be set as 'location')
	#		videoPath - Path to file to be uploaded
	#		videoSubject - Subject of video
	#		videoViewers - Comma seperated list of video viewers IDs
	#		videoGroups - Comma seperated list of video group 
	#	output: 
	#		Api Reponse Status (boolean),
	#		New Video Data {"video_title":video_title, 
	#			"video_id":video_id, 
	#			"MVID":MVID, 
	#			"video_created_at":video_created_at} 
	#			or None
	#		Error Message (str) or None
	#		Api Message (dict)
	headers = {
	'Accept': 'application/json',
	'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + str(user_jwt)

	uri = keys.apollo_root
	path = '/video'
	url = uri + path

	# Attempt conversion to int; abondon and default to str if needed
		MVID = int(MVID)
		MVID = str(MVID)

		videoSubject = int(videoSubject)
		videoSubject = str(videoSubject)

	json_data = {

	if videoDesc:

	if videoLoc:

	if videoSubject:

	if videoViewers:
		parsedVideoViewers = api_tools.api_parse_csv(videoViewers)
		if parsedVideoViewers and len(parsedVideoViewers) > 0:

	if videoGroups:
		parsedVideoGroups = api_tools.api_parse_csv(videoGroups)
		if parsedVideoGroups and len(parsedVideoGroups) > 0:

	# Assemble data for human readable cURL info
	temp_body = {
	'--form':"json=%s" % json.dumps(json_data),
	'-F':"media=@%s" % videoPath

	# Render human readable API message for output
	api_msg = api_tools.api_msg_render(headers, temp_body, None, url)

		response =,
			files={"media": open(videoPath, 'rb')}, 
		return False, None, "Error: Request exception", api_msg

	if response.status_code != 201:
		return False, None, "Response: " + str(response.status_code) + " Content: "+ str(response.text), api_msg

	# Successful Upload, parse JSON
	temp_data = response.json()
	output_data = {
	return True, output_data, None, api_msg