Esempio n. 1
def test_apprise_config_tagging(tmpdir):
    API: AppriseConfig tagging


    # temporary file to work with
    t = tmpdir.mkdir("tagging").join("apprise")
    buf = "gnome://"

    # Create ourselves a config object
    ac = AppriseConfig()

    # Add an item associated with tag a
    assert ac.add(configs=str(t), asset=AppriseAsset(), tag='a') is True
    # Add an item associated with tag b
    assert ac.add(configs=str(t), asset=AppriseAsset(), tag='b') is True
    # Add an item associated with tag a or b
    assert ac.add(configs=str(t), asset=AppriseAsset(), tag='a,b') is True

    # Now filter: a:
    assert len(ac.servers(tag='a')) == 2
    # Now filter: a or b:
    assert len(ac.servers(tag='a,b')) == 3
    # Now filter: a and b
    assert len(ac.servers(tag=[('a', 'b')])) == 1
    # all matches everything
    assert len(ac.servers(tag='all')) == 3
def test_apprise_multi_config_entries(tmpdir):
    API: AppriseConfig basic multi-adding functionality

    # temporary file to work with
    t = tmpdir.mkdir("apprise-multi-add").join("apprise")
    buf = """

    # temporary empty file to work with
    te = tmpdir.join("apprise-multi-add", "apprise-empty")

    # Define our good:// url
    class GoodNotification(NotifyBase):
        def __init__(self, **kwargs):
                  self).__init__(notify_format=NotifyFormat.HTML, **kwargs)

        def notify(self, **kwargs):
            # Pretend everything is okay
            return True

    # Store our good notification in our schema map
    NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP['good'] = GoodNotification

    # Create ourselves a config object
    ac = AppriseConfig()

    # There are no servers loaded
    assert len(ac) == 0

    # Support adding of muilt strings and objects:
    assert ac.add(configs=(str(t), str(t))) is True
    assert ac.add(configs=(ConfigFile(path=str(te)),
                           ConfigFile(path=str(t)))) is True

    # don't support the adding of invalid content
    assert ac.add(configs=(object(), object())) is False
    assert ac.add(configs=object()) is False

    # Try to pop an element out of range
        # We should have thrown an exception here
        assert False

    except IndexError:
        # We expect to be here
        assert True

    # Pop our elements
    while len(ac.servers()) > 0:
        assert isinstance(ac.server_pop(len(ac.servers()) - 1),
                          NotifyBase) is True
Esempio n. 3
def test_invalid_apprise_config(tmpdir):
    Parse invalid configuration includes


    class BadConfig(ConfigBase):
        # always allow incusion
        allow_cross_includes = ConfigIncludeMode.ALWAYS

        def __init__(self, **kwargs):
            super(BadConfig, self).__init__(**kwargs)

            # We intentionally fail whenever we're initialized
            raise TypeError()

        def parse_url(url, *args, **kwargs):
            # always parseable
            return ConfigBase.parse_url(url, verify_host=False)

    # Store our bad configuration in our schema map
    CONFIG_SCHEMA_MAP['bad'] = BadConfig

    # temporary file to work with
    t = tmpdir.mkdir("apprise-bad-obj").join("invalid")
    buf = """
    # Include an invalid schema
    include invalid://

    # An unparsable valid schema
    include https://

    # A valid configuration that will throw an exception
    include bad://

    # Include ourselves (So our recursive includes fails as well)
    include {}


    # Create ourselves a config object with caching disbled
    ac = AppriseConfig(recursion=2, insecure_includes=True, cache=False)

    # Nothing loaded yet
    assert len(ac) == 0

    # Add our config
    assert ac.add(configs=str(t), asset=AppriseAsset()) is True

    # One configuration file
    assert len(ac) == 1

    # All of the servers were invalid and would not load
    assert len(ac.servers()) == 0
Esempio n. 4
def test_apprise_config_tagging(tmpdir):
    API: AppriseConfig tagging


    # temporary file to work with
    t = tmpdir.mkdir("tagging").join("apprise")
    buf = "gnome://"

    # Create ourselves a config object
    ac = AppriseConfig()

    # Add an item associated with tag a
    assert ac.add(configs=str(t), asset=AppriseAsset(), tag='a') is True
    # Add an item associated with tag b
    assert ac.add(configs=str(t), asset=AppriseAsset(), tag='b') is True
    # Add an item associated with tag a or b
    assert ac.add(configs=str(t), asset=AppriseAsset(), tag='a,b') is True

    # Now filter: a:
    assert len(ac.servers(tag='a')) == 2
    # Now filter: a or b:
    assert len(ac.servers(tag='a,b')) == 3
    # Now filter: a and b
    assert len(ac.servers(tag=[('a', 'b')])) == 1
    # all matches everything
    assert len(ac.servers(tag='all')) == 3

    # Test cases using the `always` keyword
    # Create ourselves a config object
    ac = AppriseConfig()

    # Add an item associated with tag a
    assert ac.add(configs=str(t), asset=AppriseAsset(), tag='a,always') is True
    # Add an item associated with tag b
    assert ac.add(configs=str(t), asset=AppriseAsset(), tag='b') is True
    # Add an item associated with tag a or b
    assert ac.add(configs=str(t), asset=AppriseAsset(), tag='c,d') is True

    # Now filter: a:
    assert len(ac.servers(tag='a')) == 1
    # Now filter: a or b:
    assert len(ac.servers(tag='a,b')) == 2
    # Now filter: e
    # we'll match the `always'
    assert len(ac.servers(tag='e')) == 1
    assert len(ac.servers(tag='e', match_always=False)) == 0
    # all matches everything
    assert len(ac.servers(tag='all')) == 3

    # Now filter: d
    # we'll match the `always' tag
    assert len(ac.servers(tag='d')) == 2
    assert len(ac.servers(tag='d', match_always=False)) == 1
Esempio n. 5
def test_apprise_config(tmpdir):
    API: AppriseConfig basic testing


    # Create ourselves a config object
    ac = AppriseConfig()

    # There are no servers loaded
    assert len(ac) == 0

    # Object can be directly checked as a boolean; response is False
    # when there are no entries loaded
    assert not ac

    # lets try anyway
    assert len(ac.servers()) == 0

    t = tmpdir.mkdir("simple-formatting").join("apprise")
    # A comment line over top of a URL
    mailto://usera:[email protected]

    # A line with mulitiple tag assignments to it

    # Event if there is accidental leading spaces, this configuation
    # is accepting of htat and will not exclude them

    # A very poorly structured url

    # Just 1 token provided causes exception

    # Create ourselves a config object
    ac = AppriseConfig(paths=str(t))

    # One configuration file should have been found
    assert len(ac) == 1

    # Object can be directly checked as a boolean; response is True
    # when there is at least one entry
    assert ac

    # We should be able to read our 3 servers from that
    assert len(ac.servers()) == 3

    # Get our URL back
    assert isinstance(ac[0].url(), six.string_types)

    # Test cases where our URL is invalid
    t = tmpdir.mkdir("strange-lines").join("apprise")
    # basicly this consists of defined tags and no url

    # Create ourselves a config object
    ac = AppriseConfig(paths=str(t), asset=AppriseAsset())

    # One configuration file should have been found
    assert len(ac) == 1

    # No urls were set
    assert len(ac.servers()) == 0

    # Create a ConfigBase object
    cb = ConfigBase()

    # Test adding of all entries
    assert ac.add(configs=cb, asset=AppriseAsset(), tag='test') is True

    # Test adding of all entries
    assert ac.add(
        configs=['file://?', ], asset=AppriseAsset(), tag='test') is False

    # Test the adding of garbage
    assert ac.add(configs=object()) is False

    # Try again but enforce our format
    ac = AppriseConfig(paths='file://{}?format=text'.format(str(t)))

    # One configuration file should have been found
    assert len(ac) == 1

    # No urls were set
    assert len(ac.servers()) == 0

    # Test Internatialization and the handling of unicode characters
    istr = """
        # Iñtërnâtiônàlization Testing

    if six.PY2:
        # decode string into unicode
        istr = istr.decode('utf-8')

    # Write our content to our file
    t = tmpdir.mkdir("internationalization").join("apprise")
    with, 'wb') as f:

    # Create ourselves a config object
    ac = AppriseConfig(paths=str(t))

    # One configuration file should have been found
    assert len(ac) == 1

    # This will fail because our default encoding is utf-8; however the file
    # we opened was not; it was latin-1 and could not be parsed.
    assert len(ac.servers()) == 0

    # Test iterator
    count = 0
    for entry in ac:
        count += 1
    assert len(ac) == count

    # We can fix this though; set our encoding to latin-1
    ac = AppriseConfig(paths='file://{}?encoding=latin-1'.format(str(t)))

    # One configuration file should have been found
    assert len(ac) == 1

    # Our URL should be found
    assert len(ac.servers()) == 1

    # Get our URL back
    assert isinstance(ac[0].url(), six.string_types)

    # pop an entry from our list
    assert isinstance(ac.pop(0), ConfigBase) is True

    # Determine we have no more configuration entries loaded
    assert len(ac) == 0

    # Test buffer handling (and overflow)
    t = tmpdir.mkdir("buffer-handling").join("apprise")
    buf = "gnome://"

    # Reset our config object

    # Create ourselves a config object
    ac = AppriseConfig(paths=str(t))

    # update our length to be the size of our actual file
    ac[0].max_buffer_size = len(buf)

    # One configuration file should have been found
    assert len(ac) == 1

    assert len(ac.servers()) == 1

    # update our buffer size to be slightly smaller then what we allow
    ac[0].max_buffer_size = len(buf) - 1

    # Content is automatically cached; so even though we adjusted the buffer
    # above, our results have been cached so we get a 1 response.
    assert len(ac.servers()) == 1
Esempio n. 6
def test_apprise_config_with_apprise_obj(tmpdir):
    API: ConfigBase.parse_inaccessible_text_file


    # temporary file to work with
    t = tmpdir.mkdir("apprise-obj").join("apprise")
    buf = """

    # Define our good:// url
    class GoodNotification(NotifyBase):
        def __init__(self, **kwargs):
            super(GoodNotification, self).__init__(
                notify_format=NotifyFormat.HTML, **kwargs)

        def notify(self, **kwargs):
            # Pretend everything is okay
            return True

        def url(self):
            # support url()
            return ''

    # Store our good notification in our schema map
    NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP['good'] = GoodNotification

    # Create ourselves a config object with caching disbled
    ac = AppriseConfig(cache=False)

    # Nothing loaded yet
    assert len(ac) == 0

    # Add an item associated with tag a
    assert ac.add(configs=str(t), asset=AppriseAsset(), tag='a') is True

    # One configuration file
    assert len(ac) == 1

    # 2 services found in it
    assert len(ac.servers()) == 2

    # Pop one of them (at index 0)

    # Verify that it no longer listed
    assert len(ac.servers()) == 1

    # Test our ability to add Config objects to our apprise object
    a = Apprise()

    # Add our configuration object
    assert a.add(servers=ac) is True

    # Detect our 1 entry (originally there were 2 but we deleted one)
    assert len(a) == 1

    # Notify our service
    assert a.notify(body='apprise configuration power!') is True

    # Add our configuration object
    assert a.add(
        servers=[AppriseConfig(str(t)), AppriseConfig(str(t))]) is True

    # Detect our 5 loaded entries now; 1 from first config, and another
    # 2x2 based on adding our list above
    assert len(a) == 5

    # We can't add garbage
    assert a.add(servers=object()) is False
    assert a.add(servers=[object(), object()]) is False

    # Our length is unchanged
    assert len(a) == 5

    # reference index 0 of our list
    ref = a[0]
    assert isinstance(ref, NotifyBase) is True

    # Our length is unchanged
    assert len(a) == 5

    # pop the index
    ref_popped = a.pop(0)

    # Verify our response
    assert isinstance(ref_popped, NotifyBase) is True

    # Our length drops by 1
    assert len(a) == 4

    # Content popped is the same as one referenced by index
    # earlier
    assert ref == ref_popped

    # pop an index out of range
        # We'll thrown an IndexError and not make it this far
        assert False

    except IndexError:
        # As expected
        assert True

    # Our length remains unchanged
    assert len(a) == 4

    # Reference content out of range

        # We'll thrown an IndexError and not make it this far
        assert False

    except IndexError:
        # As expected
        assert True

    # reference index at the end of our list
    ref = a[len(a) - 1]

    # Verify our response
    assert isinstance(ref, NotifyBase) is True

    # Our length stays the same
    assert len(a) == 4

    # We can pop from the back of the list without a problem too
    ref_popped = a.pop(len(a) - 1)

    # Verify our response
    assert isinstance(ref_popped, NotifyBase) is True

    # Content popped is the same as one referenced by index
    # earlier
    assert ref == ref_popped

    # Our length drops by 1
    assert len(a) == 3

    # Now we'll test adding another element to the list so that it mixes up
    # our response object.
    # Below we add 3 different types, a ConfigBase, NotifyBase, and URL
    assert a.add(
            GoodNotification(**{'host': ''})]) is True

    # Our length increases by 4 (2 entries in the config file, + 2 others)
    assert len(a) == 7

    # reference index at the end of our list
    ref = a[len(a) - 1]

    # Verify our response
    assert isinstance(ref, NotifyBase) is True

    # We can pop from the back of the list without a problem too
    ref_popped = a.pop(len(a) - 1)

    # Verify our response
    assert isinstance(ref_popped, NotifyBase) is True

    # Content popped is the same as one referenced by index
    # earlier
    assert ref == ref_popped

    # Our length drops by 1
    assert len(a) == 6

    # pop our list
    while len(a) > 0:
        assert isinstance(a.pop(len(a) - 1), NotifyBase) is True
Esempio n. 7
def test_recursive_config_inclusion(tmpdir):
    API: Apprise() Recursive Config Inclusion


    # To test our config classes, we make three dummy configs
    class ConfigCrossPostAlways(ConfigFile):
        A dummy config that is set to always allow inclusion

        service_name = 'always'

        # protocol
        protocol = 'always'

        # Always type
        allow_cross_includes = ContentIncludeMode.ALWAYS

    class ConfigCrossPostStrict(ConfigFile):
        A dummy config that is set to strict inclusion

        service_name = 'strict'

        # protocol
        protocol = 'strict'

        # Always type
        allow_cross_includes = ContentIncludeMode.STRICT

    class ConfigCrossPostNever(ConfigFile):
        A dummy config that is set to never allow inclusion

        service_name = 'never'

        # protocol
        protocol = 'never'

        # Always type
        allow_cross_includes = ContentIncludeMode.NEVER

    # store our entries
    CONFIG_SCHEMA_MAP['never'] = ConfigCrossPostNever
    CONFIG_SCHEMA_MAP['strict'] = ConfigCrossPostStrict
    CONFIG_SCHEMA_MAP['always'] = ConfigCrossPostAlways

    # Make our new path valid
    suite = tmpdir.mkdir("apprise_config_recursion")

    cfg01 = suite.join("cfg01.cfg")
    cfg02 = suite.mkdir("dir1").join("cfg02.cfg")
    cfg03 = suite.mkdir("dir2").join("cfg03.cfg")
    cfg04 = suite.mkdir("dir3").join("cfg04.cfg")

    # Populate our files with valid configuration include lines
# json entry

# absolute path inclusion to ourselves
include {}""".format(str(cfg01)))

# syslog entry

# recursively include ourselves
include cfg02.cfg""")

# xml entry

# relative path inclusion
include ../dir1/cfg02.cfg

# test that we can't include invalid entries
include invalid://entry

# Include non includable type
include memory://""")

# xml entry

# always include of our file
include always://{}

# never include of our file
include never://{}

# strict include of our file
include strict://{}""".format(str(cfg04), str(cfg04), str(cfg04)))

    # Create ourselves a config object
    ac = AppriseConfig()

    # There are no servers loaded
    assert len(ac) == 0

    # load our configuration
    assert ac.add(configs=str(cfg01)) is True

    # verify it loaded
    assert len(ac) == 1

    # 1 service will be loaded as there is no recursion at this point
    assert len(ac.servers()) == 1

    # Create ourselves a config object
    ac = AppriseConfig(recursion=1)

    # load our configuration
    assert ac.add(configs=str(cfg01)) is True

    # verify one configuration file loaded however since it recursively
    # loaded itself 1 more time, it still doesn't impact the load count:
    assert len(ac) == 1

    # 2 services loaded now that we loaded the same file twice
    assert len(ac.servers()) == 2

    # Now we test relative file inclusion

    # Create ourselves a config object
    ac = AppriseConfig(recursion=10)

    # There are no servers loaded
    assert len(ac) == 0

    # load our configuration
    assert ac.add(configs=str(cfg02)) is True

    # verify it loaded
    assert len(ac) == 1

    # 11 services loaded because we reloaded ourselves 10 times
    # after loading the first entry
    assert len(ac.servers()) == 11

    # Test our include modes (strict, always, and never)

    # Create ourselves a config object
    ac = AppriseConfig(recursion=1)

    # There are no servers loaded
    assert len(ac) == 0

    # load our configuration
    assert ac.add(configs=str(cfg04)) is True

    # verify it loaded
    assert len(ac) == 1

    # 2 servers loaded
    # 1 - from the file read (which is set at mode STRICT
    # 1 - from the always://
    # The never:// can ever be includeed, and the strict:// is ot of type
    #  file:// (the one doing the include) so it is also ignored.
    # By turning on the insecure_includes, we can include the strict files too
    assert len(ac.servers()) == 2

    # Create ourselves a config object
    ac = AppriseConfig(recursion=1, insecure_includes=True)

    # There are no servers loaded
    assert len(ac) == 0

    # load our configuration
    assert ac.add(configs=str(cfg04)) is True

    # verify it loaded
    assert len(ac) == 1

    # 3 servers loaded
    # 1 - from the file read (which is set at mode STRICT
    # 1 - from the always://
    # 1 - from the strict:// (due to insecure_includes set)
    assert len(ac.servers()) == 3