Esempio n. 1
 def formatInterval(self, a, b, dec):
     if a is NIL:
         return "(nil)"
     if isnan(dec) or isinf(dec): dec = 4
     if a == b: # not an interval
         return Locale.format_decimal(self.modelXbrl.locale, a, 1, max(dec,0))
     return "[{}, {}]".format( # show as an interval
         Locale.format_decimal(self.modelXbrl.locale, a, 1, max(dec,0)),
         Locale.format_decimal(self.modelXbrl.locale, b, 1, max(dec,0)))
Esempio n. 2
 def formatInterval(self, a, b, dec):
     if a is NIL:
         return "(nil)"
     if isnan(dec) or isinf(dec): dec = 4
     if a == b:  # not an interval
         return Locale.format_decimal(self.modelXbrl.locale, a, 1,
                                      max(dec, 0))
     return "[{}, {}]".format(  # show as an interval
         Locale.format_decimal(self.modelXbrl.locale, a, 1, max(dec, 0)),
         Locale.format_decimal(self.modelXbrl.locale, b, 1, max(dec, 0)))
Esempio n. 3
    def validate(self):
        if not self.modelXbrl.contexts and not self.modelXbrl.facts:
            return # skip if no contexts or facts
        if not self.inferDecimals: # infering precision is now contrary to XBRL REC section
  "xbrl.","Validating calculations inferring precision.")
        # identify equal contexts
        uniqueContextHashes = {}
        for context in self.modelXbrl.contexts.values():
            h = context.contextDimAwareHash
            if h in uniqueContextHashes:
                if context.isEqualTo(uniqueContextHashes[h]):
                    self.mapContext[context] = uniqueContextHashes[h]
                uniqueContextHashes[h] = context
        del uniqueContextHashes
        self.modelXbrl.profileActivity("... identify equal contexts", minTimeToShow=1.0)

        # identify equal contexts
        uniqueUnitHashes = {}
        for unit in self.modelXbrl.units.values():
            h = unit.hash
            if h in uniqueUnitHashes:
                if unit.isEqualTo(uniqueUnitHashes[h]):
                    self.mapUnit[unit] = uniqueUnitHashes[h]
                uniqueUnitHashes[h] = unit
        self.modelXbrl.profileActivity("... identify equal units", minTimeToShow=1.0)
        # identify concepts participating in essence-alias relationships
        # identify calcluation & essence-alias base sets (by key)
        for baseSetKey in self.modelXbrl.baseSets.keys():
            arcrole, ELR, linkqname, arcqname = baseSetKey
            if ELR and linkqname and arcqname:
                if arcrole in (XbrlConst.essenceAlias, XbrlConst.requiresElement):
                    conceptsSet = {XbrlConst.essenceAlias:self.conceptsInEssencesAlias,
                    for modelRel in self.modelXbrl.relationshipSet(arcrole,ELR,linkqname,arcqname).modelRelationships:
                        for concept in (modelRel.fromModelObject, modelRel.toModelObject):
                            if concept is not None and concept.qname is not None:
        self.modelXbrl.profileActivity("... identify requires-element and esseance-aliased concepts", minTimeToShow=1.0)

        self.modelXbrl.profileActivity("... bind facts", minTimeToShow=1.0)
        # identify calcluation & essence-alias base sets (by key)
        for baseSetKey in self.modelXbrl.baseSets.keys():
            arcrole, ELR, linkqname, arcqname = baseSetKey
            if ELR and linkqname and arcqname:
                if arcrole in (XbrlConst.summationItem, XbrlConst.essenceAlias, XbrlConst.requiresElement):
                    relsSet = self.modelXbrl.relationshipSet(arcrole,ELR,linkqname,arcqname)
                    if arcrole == XbrlConst.summationItem:
                        fromRelationships = relsSet.fromModelObjects()
                        for sumConcept, modelRels in fromRelationships.items():
                            sumBindingKeys = self.sumConceptBindKeys[sumConcept]
                            dupBindingKeys = set()
                            boundSumKeys = set()
                            # determine boundSums
                            for modelRel in modelRels:
                                itemConcept = modelRel.toModelObject
                                if itemConcept is not None and itemConcept.qname is not None:
                                    itemBindingKeys = self.itemConceptBindKeys[itemConcept]
                                    boundSumKeys |= sumBindingKeys & itemBindingKeys
                            # add up rounded items
                            boundSums = defaultdict(decimal.Decimal) # sum of facts meeting factKey
                            boundSummationItems = defaultdict(list) # corresponding fact refs for messages
                            for modelRel in modelRels:
                                weight = modelRel.weightDecimal
                                itemConcept = modelRel.toModelObject
                                if itemConcept is not None:
                                    for itemBindKey in boundSumKeys:
                                        ancestor, contextHash, unit = itemBindKey
                                        factKey = (itemConcept, ancestor, contextHash, unit)
                                        if factKey in self.itemFacts:
                                            for fact in self.itemFacts[factKey]:
                                                if fact in self.duplicatedFacts:
                                                    roundedValue = roundFact(fact, self.inferDecimals)
                                                    boundSums[itemBindKey] += roundedValue * weight
                            for sumBindKey in boundSumKeys:
                                ancestor, contextHash, unit = sumBindKey
                                factKey = (sumConcept, ancestor, contextHash, unit)
                                if factKey in self.sumFacts:
                                    sumFacts = self.sumFacts[factKey]
                                    for fact in sumFacts:
                                        if fact in self.duplicatedFacts:
                                        elif sumBindKey not in dupBindingKeys:
                                            roundedSum = roundFact(fact, self.inferDecimals)
                                            roundedItemsSum = roundFact(fact, self.inferDecimals, vDecimal=boundSums[sumBindKey])
                                            if roundedItemsSum  != roundFact(fact, self.inferDecimals):
                                                d = inferredDecimals(fact)
                                                if isnan(d) or isinf(d): d = 4
                                                _boundSummationItems = boundSummationItems[sumBindKey]
                                                unreportedContribingItemQnames = [] # list the missing/unreported contributors in relationship order
                                                for modelRel in modelRels:
                                                    itemConcept = modelRel.toModelObject
                                                    if (itemConcept is not None and 
                                                        (itemConcept, ancestor, contextHash, unit) not in self.itemFacts):
                                                self.modelXbrl.log('INCONSISTENCY', "xbrl.",
                                                    _("Calculation inconsistent from %(concept)s in link role %(linkrole)s reported sum %(reportedSum)s computed sum %(computedSum)s context %(contextID)s unit %(unitID)s unreportedContributingItems %(unreportedContributors)s"),
                                                    modelObject=wrappedSummationAndItems(fact, roundedSum, _boundSummationItems),
                                                    concept=sumConcept.qname, linkrole=ELR, 
                                                    reportedSum=Locale.format_decimal(self.modelXbrl.locale, roundedSum, 1, max(d,0)),
                                                    computedSum=Locale.format_decimal(self.modelXbrl.locale, roundedItemsSum, 1, max(d,0)), 
                                                    unreportedContributors=", ".join(unreportedContribingItemQnames) or "none")
                                                del unreportedContribingItemQnames[:]
                            boundSummationItems.clear() # dereference facts in list
                    elif arcrole == XbrlConst.essenceAlias:
                        for modelRel in relsSet.modelRelationships:
                            essenceConcept = modelRel.fromModelObject
                            aliasConcept = modelRel.toModelObject
                            essenceBindingKeys = self.esAlConceptBindKeys[essenceConcept]
                            aliasBindingKeys = self.esAlConceptBindKeys[aliasConcept]
                            for esAlBindKey in essenceBindingKeys & aliasBindingKeys:
                                ancestor, contextHash = esAlBindKey
                                essenceFactsKey = (essenceConcept, ancestor, contextHash)
                                aliasFactsKey = (aliasConcept, ancestor, contextHash)
                                if essenceFactsKey in self.esAlFacts and aliasFactsKey in self.esAlFacts:
                                    for eF in self.esAlFacts[essenceFactsKey]:
                                        for aF in self.esAlFacts[aliasFactsKey]:
                                            essenceUnit = self.mapUnit.get(eF.unit,eF.unit)
                                            aliasUnit = self.mapUnit.get(aF.unit,aF.unit)
                                            if essenceUnit != aliasUnit:
                                                self.modelXbrl.log('INCONSISTENCY', "xbrl.",
                                                    _("Essence-Alias inconsistent units from %(essenceConcept)s to %(aliasConcept)s in link role %(linkrole)s context %(contextID)s"),
                                                    modelObject=(modelRel, eF, aF), 
                                                    essenceConcept=essenceConcept.qname, aliasConcept=aliasConcept.qname, 
                                            if not XbrlUtil.vEqual(eF, aF):
                                                self.modelXbrl.log('INCONSISTENCY', "xbrl.",
                                                    _("Essence-Alias inconsistent value from %(essenceConcept)s to %(aliasConcept)s in link role %(linkrole)s context %(contextID)s"),
                                                    modelObject=(modelRel, eF, aF), 
                                                    essenceConcept=essenceConcept.qname, aliasConcept=aliasConcept.qname, 
                    elif arcrole == XbrlConst.requiresElement:
                        for modelRel in relsSet.modelRelationships:
                            sourceConcept = modelRel.fromModelObject
                            requiredConcept = modelRel.toModelObject
                            if sourceConcept in self.requiresElementFacts and \
                               not requiredConcept in self.requiresElementFacts:
                                    self.modelXbrl.log('INCONSISTENCY', "xbrl.",
                                        _("Requires-Element %(requiringConcept)s missing required fact for %(requiredConcept)s in link role %(linkrole)s"),
                                        requiringConcept=sourceConcept.qname, requiredConcept=requiredConcept.qname, 
        self.modelXbrl.profileActivity("... find inconsistencies", minTimeToShow=1.0)
        self.modelXbrl.profileActivity() # reset