Esempio n. 1
def cleaned2segmented(cleaned, average_size):
    vertical_smoothing_threshold = defaults.VERTICAL_SMOOTHING_MULTIPLIER * average_size
    horizontal_smoothing_threshold = defaults.HORIZONTAL_SMOOTHING_MULTIPLIER * average_size
    (h, w) = cleaned.shape[:2]
    if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
        print 'Applying run length smoothing with vertical threshold ' + str(vertical_smoothing_threshold) \
        +' and horizontal threshold ' + str(horizontal_smoothing_threshold)
    run_length_smoothed = rls.RLSO(cv2.bitwise_not(cleaned),
    components = cc.get_connected_components(run_length_smoothed)
    text = np.zeros((h, w), np.uint8)
    #text_columns = np.zeros((h,w),np.uint8)
    #text_rows = np.zeros((h,w),np.uint8)
    for component in components:
        seg_thresh = arg.integer_value('segment_threshold', default_value=1)
        (aspect, v_lines,
         h_lines) = ocr.segment_into_lines(cv2.bitwise_not(cleaned),
        if len(v_lines) < 2 and len(h_lines) < 2: continue

        ocr.draw_2d_slices(text, [component], color=255, line_size=-1)
    return text
Esempio n. 2
def estimate_furigana(img, segmentation):

  if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
    print 'Estimateding furigana in ' + str(h) + 'x' + str(w) + ' image.'

  text_areas = segmentation

  #form binary image from grayscale
  binary_threshold = arg.integer_value('binary_threshold',default_value=defaults.BINARY_THRESHOLD)
  if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
    print 'binarizing images with threshold value of ' + str(binary_threshold)
  binary = clean.binarize(img,threshold=binary_threshold)

  binary_average_size = cc.average_size(binary)
  if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
    print 'average cc size for binaryized grayscale image is ' + str(binary_average_size)

  #apply mask and return images
  text_mask = binary_mask(text_areas)
  cleaned = cv2.bitwise_not(text_mask*binary)
  cleaned_average_size = cc.average_size(cleaned)
  if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
    print 'average cc size for cleaned, binaryized grayscale image is ' + str(cleaned_average_size)

  columns = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(cleaned,(defaults.FURIGANA_VERTICAL_SIGMA_MULTIPLIER*binary_average_size,defaults.FURIGANA_HORIZONTAL_SIGMA_MULTIPLIER*binary_average_size))
  columns = clean.binarize(columns,threshold=defaults.FURIGANA_BINARY_THRESHOLD)
  furigana = columns*text_mask

  #go through the columns in each text area, and:
  #1) Estimate the standard column width (it should be similar to the average connected component width)
  #2) Separate out those columns which are significantly thinner (>75%) than the standard width
  boxes = cc.get_connected_components(furigana)
  furigana_lines = []
  non_furigana_lines = []
  lines_general = []
  for box in boxes:
    line_width = cc_width(box)
    line_to_left = find_cc_to_left(box, boxes, max_dist=line_width*defaults.FURIGANA_DISTANCE_MULTIPLIER)
    if line_to_left is None:

    left_line_width = cc_width(line_to_left)
    if line_width < left_line_width * defaults.FURIGANA_WIDTH_THRESHOLD:

  furigana_mask = np.zeros(furigana.shape)
  for f in furigana_lines:

  furigana = furigana_mask #furigana * furigana_mask

  if arg.boolean_value('debug'):
    furigana = 0.25*(columns*text_mask) + 0.25*img + 0.5*furigana

  return furigana
Esempio n. 3
def filter_text_like_areas(img, segmentation, average_size):
    #see if a given rectangular area (2d slice) is very text like
    #First step is to estimate furigana like elements so they can be masked
    furigana_areas = furigana.estimate_furigana(img, segmentation)
    furigana_mask = np.array(furigana_areas == 0, 'B')

    #binarize the image, clean it via the segmentation and remove furigana too
    binary_threshold = arg.integer_value(
        'binary_threshold', default_value=defaults.BINARY_THRESHOLD)
    if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
        print 'binarizing images with threshold value of ' + str(
    binary = clean.binarize(img, threshold=binary_threshold)

    binary_average_size = cc.average_size(binary)
    if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
        print 'average cc size for binaryized grayscale image is ' + str(
    segmentation_mask = np.array(segmentation != 0, 'B')
    cleaned = binary * segmentation_mask * furigana_mask
    inv_cleaned = cv2.bitwise_not(cleaned)

    areas = cc.get_connected_components(segmentation)
    text_like_areas = []
    nontext_like_areas = []
    for area in areas:
        #if area_is_text_like(cleaned, area, average_size):
        if text_like_histogram(cleaned, area, average_size):

    return (text_like_areas, nontext_like_areas)
Esempio n. 4
def clean_page(img, max_scale=defaults.CC_SCALE_MAX, min_scale=defaults.CC_SCALE_MIN):
  #img = cv2.imread(sys.argv[1])

  gray = grayscale(img)

  #create gaussian filtered and unfiltered binary images
  sigma = arg.float_value('sigma',default_value=defaults.GAUSSIAN_FILTER_SIGMA)
  if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
    print 'Binarizing image with sigma value of ' + str(sigma)
  gaussian_filtered = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(gray, sigma=sigma)
  binary_threshold = arg.integer_value('binary_threshold',default_value=defaults.BINARY_THRESHOLD)
  if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
    print 'Binarizing image with sigma value of ' + str(sigma)
  gaussian_binary = binarize(gaussian_filtered, threshold=binary_threshold)
  binary = binarize(gray, threshold=binary_threshold)
  #Draw out statistics on average connected component size in the rescaled, binary image
  average_size = cc.average_size(gaussian_binary)
  #print 'Initial mask average size is ' + str(average_size)
  max_size = average_size*max_scale
  min_size = average_size*min_scale

  #primary mask is connected components filtered by size
  mask = cc.form_mask(gaussian_binary, max_size, min_size)

  #secondary mask is formed from canny edges
  canny_mask = form_canny_mask(gaussian_filtered, mask=mask)

  #final mask is size filtered connected components on canny mask
  final_mask = cc.form_mask(canny_mask, max_size, min_size)
  #apply mask and return images
  cleaned = cv2.bitwise_not(final_mask * binary)
  return (cv2.bitwise_not(binary), final_mask, cleaned)
Esempio n. 5
def clean_page(img, max_scale=defaults.CC_SCALE_MAX, min_scale=defaults.CC_SCALE_MIN):
    #img = cv2.imread(sys.argv[1])
    gray = grayscale(img)
    #create gaussian filtered and unfiltered binary images
    sigma = arg.float_value('sigma',default_value=defaults.GAUSSIAN_FILTER_SIGMA)
    if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
        print 'Binarizing image with sigma value of ' + str(sigma)
    gaussian_filtered = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(gray, sigma=sigma)
    binary_threshold = arg.integer_value('binary_threshold',default_value=defaults.BINARY_THRESHOLD)
    if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
        print 'Binarizing image with sigma value of ' + str(sigma)
    gaussian_binary = binarize(gaussian_filtered, threshold=binary_threshold)
    binary = binarize(gray, threshold=binary_threshold)
    #Draw out statistics on average connected component size in the rescaled, binary image
    average_size = cc.average_size(gaussian_binary)
    #print 'Initial mask average size is ' + str(average_size)
    max_size = average_size*max_scale
    min_size = average_size*min_scale
    #primary mask is connected components filtered by size
    mask = cc.form_mask(gaussian_binary, max_size, min_size)
    #secondary mask is formed from canny edges
    canny_mask = form_canny_mask(gaussian_filtered, mask=mask)
    #final mask is size filtered connected components on canny mask
    final_mask = cc.form_mask(canny_mask, max_size, min_size)
    #apply mask and return images
    cleaned = cv2.bitwise_not(final_mask * binary)
    return (cv2.bitwise_not(binary), final_mask, cleaned)
Esempio n. 6
def estimate_furigana(img, segmentation):

  if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
    print('Estimateding furigana in ' + str(h) + 'x' + str(w) + ' image.')

  text_areas = segmentation

  #form binary image from grayscale
  binary_threshold = arg.integer_value('binary_threshold',default_value=defaults.BINARY_THRESHOLD)
  if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
    print('binarizing images with threshold value of ' + str(binary_threshold))
  binary = clean.binarize(img,threshold=binary_threshold)

  binary_average_size = cc.average_size(binary)
  if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
    print('average cc size for binaryized grayscale image is ' + str(binary_average_size))

  #apply mask and return images
  text_mask = binary_mask(text_areas)
  cleaned = cv2.bitwise_not(text_mask*binary)
  cleaned_average_size = cc.average_size(cleaned)
  if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
    print('average cc size for cleaned, binaryized grayscale image is ' + str(cleaned_average_size))

  columns = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(cleaned,(defaults.FURIGANA_VERTICAL_SIGMA_MULTIPLIER*binary_average_size,defaults.FURIGANA_HORIZONTAL_SIGMA_MULTIPLIER*binary_average_size))
  columns = clean.binarize(columns,threshold=defaults.FURIGANA_BINARY_THRESHOLD)
  furigana = columns*text_mask

  #go through the columns in each text area, and:
  #1) Estimate the standard column width (it should be similar to the average connected component width)
  #2) Separate out those columns which are significantly thinner (>75%) than the standard width
  boxes = cc.get_connected_components(furigana)
  furigana_lines = []
  non_furigana_lines = []
  lines_general = []
  for box in boxes:
    line_width = cc_width(box)
    line_to_left = find_cc_to_left(box, boxes, max_dist=line_width*defaults.FURIGANA_DISTANCE_MULTIPLIER)
    if line_to_left is None:

    left_line_width = cc_width(line_to_left)
    if line_width < left_line_width * defaults.FURIGANA_WIDTH_THRESHOLD:

  furigana_mask = np.zeros(furigana.shape)
  for f in furigana_lines:

  furigana = furigana_mask #furigana * furigana_mask

  if arg.boolean_value('debug'):
    furigana = 0.25*(columns*text_mask) + 0.25*img + 0.5*furigana

  return furigana
def filter_text_like_areas(img, segmentation, average_size):
  #see if a given rectangular area (2d slice) is very text like
  #First step is to estimate furigana like elements so they can be masked
  furigana_areas = furigana.estimate_furigana(img, segmentation)
  furigana_mask = np.array(furigana_areas==0,'B')
  #binarize the image, clean it via the segmentation and remove furigana too
  binary_threshold = arg.integer_value('binary_threshold',default_value=defaults.BINARY_THRESHOLD)
  if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
    print 'binarizing images with threshold value of ' + str(binary_threshold)
  binary = clean.binarize(img,threshold=binary_threshold)

  binary_average_size = cc.average_size(binary)
  if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
    print 'average cc size for binaryized grayscale image is ' + str(binary_average_size)
  segmentation_mask = np.array(segmentation!=0,'B')
  cleaned = binary * segmentation_mask * furigana_mask
  inv_cleaned = cv2.bitwise_not(cleaned)

  areas = cc.get_connected_components(segmentation)
  text_like_areas = []
  nontext_like_areas = []
  for area in areas:
    #if area_is_text_like(cleaned, area, average_size):
    if text_like_histogram(cleaned, area, average_size):

  return (text_like_areas, nontext_like_areas)
def cleaned2segmented(cleaned, average_size):
    vertical_smoothing_threshold = defaults.VERTICAL_SMOOTHING_MULTIPLIER*average_size
    horizontal_smoothing_threshold = defaults.HORIZONTAL_SMOOTHING_MULTIPLIER*average_size
    (h,w) = cleaned.shape[:2]
    if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
        print 'Applying run length smoothing with vertical threshold ' + str(vertical_smoothing_threshold) \
        +' and horizontal threshold ' + str(horizontal_smoothing_threshold)
    run_length_smoothed = rls.RLSO( cv2.bitwise_not(cleaned), vertical_smoothing_threshold, horizontal_smoothing_threshold)
    components = cc.get_connected_components(run_length_smoothed)
    text = np.zeros((h,w),np.uint8)
    #text_columns = np.zeros((h,w),np.uint8)
    #text_rows = np.zeros((h,w),np.uint8)
    for component in components:
        seg_thresh = arg.integer_value('segment_threshold',default_value=1)
        (aspect, v_lines, h_lines) = ocr.segment_into_lines(cv2.bitwise_not(cleaned), component,min_segment_threshold=seg_thresh)
        if len(v_lines)<2 and len(h_lines)<2:continue
    return text
Esempio n. 9
    arg.value = parser.parse_args()

    infile = arg.string_value('infile')
    outfile = arg.string_value('outfile',
                               default_value=infile + '.text_areas.png')

    if not os.path.isfile(infile):
            'Please provide a regular existing input file. Use -h option for help.'
    img = cv2.imread(infile)
    gray = clean.grayscale(img)

    binary_threshold = arg.integer_value(
        'binary_threshold', default_value=defaults.BINARY_THRESHOLD)
    if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
        print('Binarizing with threshold value of ' + str(binary_threshold))
    inv_binary = cv2.bitwise_not(
        clean.binarize(gray, threshold=binary_threshold))
    binary = clean.binarize(gray, threshold=binary_threshold)

    segmented_image = seg.segment_image(gray)
    segmented_image = segmented_image[:, :, 2]
    components = cc.get_connected_components(segmented_image)
    cc.draw_bounding_boxes(img, components, color=(255, 0, 0), line_size=2)

    imsave(outfile, img)

    if arg.boolean_value('display'):
        cv2.imshow('segmented_image', segmented_image)
Esempio n. 10
def segment_image(img,
    (h, w) = img.shape[:2]

    if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
        print 'Segmenting ' + str(h) + 'x' + str(w) + ' image.'

    #create gaussian filtered and unfiltered binary images
    binary_threshold = arg.integer_value(
        'binary_threshold', default_value=defaults.BINARY_THRESHOLD)
    if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
        print 'binarizing images with threshold value of ' + str(
    binary = clean.binarize(img, threshold=binary_threshold)

    binary_average_size = cc.average_size(binary)
    if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
        print 'average cc size for binaryized grayscale image is ' + str(
  The necessary sigma needed for Gaussian filtering (to remove screentones and other noise) seems
  to be a function of the resolution the manga was scanned at (or original page size, I'm not sure).
  Assuming 'normal' page size for a phonebook style Manga is 17.5cmx11.5cm (6.8x4.5in).
  A scan of 300dpi will result in an image about 1900x1350, which requires a sigma of 1.5 to 1.8.
  I'm encountering many smaller images that may be nonstandard scanning dpi values or just smaller
  magazines. Haven't found hard info on this yet. They require sigma values of about 0.5 to 0.7.
  I'll therefore (for now) just calculate required (nonspecified) sigma as a linear function of vertical
  image resolution.
    sigma = (0.8 / 676.0) * float(h) - 0.9
    sigma = arg.float_value('sigma', default_value=sigma)
    if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
        print 'Applying Gaussian filter with sigma (std dev) of ' + str(sigma)
    gaussian_filtered = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(img, sigma=sigma)

    gaussian_binary = clean.binarize(gaussian_filtered,

    #Draw out statistics on average connected component size in the rescaled, binary image
    average_size = cc.average_size(gaussian_binary)
    if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
        print 'Binarized Gaussian filtered image average cc size: ' + str(
    max_size = average_size * max_scale
    min_size = average_size * min_scale

    #primary mask is connected components filtered by size
    mask = cc.form_mask(gaussian_binary, max_size, min_size)

    #secondary mask is formed from canny edges
    canny_mask = clean.form_canny_mask(gaussian_filtered, mask=mask)

    #final mask is size filtered connected components on canny mask
    final_mask = cc.form_mask(canny_mask, max_size, min_size)

    #apply mask and return images
    cleaned = cv2.bitwise_not(final_mask * binary)
    text_only = cleaned2segmented(cleaned, average_size)

    #if desired, suppress furigana characters (which interfere with OCR)
    suppress_furigana = arg.boolean_value('furigana')
    if suppress_furigana:
        if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
            print 'Attempting to suppress furigana characters which interfere with OCR.'
        furigana_mask = furigana.estimate_furigana(cleaned, text_only)
        furigana_mask = np.array(furigana_mask == 0, 'B')
        cleaned = cv2.bitwise_not(cleaned) * furigana_mask
        cleaned = cv2.bitwise_not(cleaned)
        text_only = cleaned2segmented(cleaned, average_size)

     nontext_like_areas) = filter_text_like_areas(img,
    if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
        print '**********there are ' + str(
            len(text_like_areas)) + ' text like areas total.'
    text_only = np.zeros(img.shape)

    if arg.boolean_value('debug'):
        text_only = 0.5 * text_only + 0.5 * img
        #text_rows = 0.5*text_rows+0.5*gray
        #text_colums = 0.5*text_columns+0.5*gray

    #text_only = filter_text_like_areas(img, segmentation=text_only, average_size=average_size)

    segmented_image = np.zeros((h, w, 3), np.uint8)
    segmented_image[:, :, 0] = img
    segmented_image[:, :, 1] = text_only
    segmented_image[:, :, 2] = text_only
    return segmented_image
Esempio n. 11
    #outfile = arg.string_value('outfile',default_value=infile + '.text_areas.png')
    if not os.path.isfile(infile):
        print 'Please provide a regular existing input file. Use -h option for help.'
    img = cv2.imread(infile)
    cv2.imshow('srcimg', img)
    gray = clean.grayscale(img)

    binary_threshold = arg.integer_value('binary_threshold', default_value=defaults.BINARY_THRESHOLD)
    if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
        print 'Binarizing with threshold value of ' + str(binary_threshold)
    inv_binary = cv2.bitwise_not(clean.binarize(gray, threshold=binary_threshold))
    #cv2.imshow('inv_binary', inv_binary)
    binary = clean.binarize(gray, threshold=binary_threshold)
    #cv2.imshow('binary', binary)
    segmented_image = seg.segment_image(gray)
    cv2.imshow('segmented_image', segmented_image)
Esempio n. 12
def segment_image(img, max_scale=defaults.CC_SCALE_MAX, min_scale=defaults.CC_SCALE_MIN):

  if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
    print 'Segmenting ' + str(h) + 'x' + str(w) + ' image.'

  #create gaussian filtered and unfiltered binary images
  binary_threshold = arg.integer_value('binary_threshold',default_value=defaults.BINARY_THRESHOLD)
  if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
    print 'binarizing images with threshold value of ' + str(binary_threshold)
  binary = clean.binarize(img,threshold=binary_threshold)

  binary_average_size = cc.average_size(binary)
  if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
    print 'average cc size for binaryized grayscale image is ' + str(binary_average_size)
  The necessary sigma needed for Gaussian filtering (to remove screentones and other noise) seems
  to be a function of the resolution the manga was scanned at (or original page size, I'm not sure).
  Assuming 'normal' page size for a phonebook style Manga is 17.5cmx11.5cm (6.8x4.5in).
  A scan of 300dpi will result in an image about 1900x1350, which requires a sigma of 1.5 to 1.8.
  I'm encountering many smaller images that may be nonstandard scanning dpi values or just smaller
  magazines. Haven't found hard info on this yet. They require sigma values of about 0.5 to 0.7.
  I'll therefore (for now) just calculate required (nonspecified) sigma as a linear function of vertical
  image resolution.
  sigma = (0.8/676.0)*float(h)-0.9
  sigma = arg.float_value('sigma',default_value=sigma)
  if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
    print 'Applying Gaussian filter with sigma (std dev) of ' + str(sigma)
  gaussian_filtered = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(img, sigma=sigma)
  gaussian_binary = clean.binarize(gaussian_filtered,threshold=binary_threshold)
  #Draw out statistics on average connected component size in the rescaled, binary image
  average_size = cc.average_size(gaussian_binary)
  if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
    print 'Binarized Gaussian filtered image average cc size: ' + str(average_size)
  max_size = average_size*max_scale
  min_size = average_size*min_scale

  #primary mask is connected components filtered by size
  mask = cc.form_mask(gaussian_binary, max_size, min_size)

  #secondary mask is formed from canny edges
  canny_mask = clean.form_canny_mask(gaussian_filtered, mask=mask)

  #final mask is size filtered connected components on canny mask
  final_mask = cc.form_mask(canny_mask, max_size, min_size)

  #apply mask and return images
  cleaned = cv2.bitwise_not(final_mask * binary)
  text_only = cleaned2segmented(cleaned, average_size)

  #if desired, suppress furigana characters (which interfere with OCR)
  suppress_furigana = arg.boolean_value('furigana')
  if suppress_furigana:
    if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
      print 'Attempting to suppress furigana characters which interfere with OCR.'
    furigana_mask = furigana.estimate_furigana(cleaned, text_only)
    furigana_mask = np.array(furigana_mask==0,'B')
    cleaned = cv2.bitwise_not(cleaned)*furigana_mask
    cleaned = cv2.bitwise_not(cleaned)
    text_only = cleaned2segmented(cleaned, average_size)
  (text_like_areas, nontext_like_areas) = filter_text_like_areas(img, segmentation=text_only, average_size=average_size)
  if arg.boolean_value('verbose'):
    print '**********there are ' + str(len(text_like_areas)) + ' text like areas total.'
  text_only = np.zeros(img.shape)
  cc.draw_bounding_boxes(text_only, text_like_areas,color=(255),line_size=-1)

  if arg.boolean_value('debug'):
    text_only = 0.5*text_only + 0.5*img
    #text_rows = 0.5*text_rows+0.5*gray
    #text_colums = 0.5*text_columns+0.5*gray
  #text_only = filter_text_like_areas(img, segmentation=text_only, average_size=average_size)   

  segmented_image = np.zeros((h,w,3), np.uint8)
  segmented_image[:,:,0] = img
  segmented_image[:,:,1] = text_only
  segmented_image[:,:,2] = text_only
  return segmented_image