Esempio n. 1
def plot_plane(planecolor=0.5, coord_system='gal', plane='SGP', **kwargs):
    Plot a the supergalactic plane onto skymap.

    :param planecolor: color of plane
    :param coord_system: default galactic ('gal') / equatorial ('eq')
    :param plane: plots 'SGP' or 'GAL' or both (list) into plot
    :param kwargs: additional named keyword arguments passed to plt.plot()
    phi0 = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)
    if coord_system.upper() == 'GAL':
        # only plotting the SGP makes sense
        phi, theta = coord.vec2ang(
            coord.sgal2gal(coord.ang2vec(phi0, np.zeros_like(phi0))))
        kwargs.setdefault('color', planecolor)
        plt.plot(-np.sort(phi), theta[np.argsort(phi)], **kwargs)

    elif coord_system.upper() == 'EQ':
        if 'SGP' in plane:
            phi, theta = coord.vec2ang(
                    coord.sgal2gal(coord.ang2vec(phi0, np.zeros_like(phi0)))))
            kwargs.setdefault('color', planecolor)
            plt.plot(-np.sort(phi), theta[np.argsort(phi)], **kwargs)
        if 'GAL' in plane:
            phi, theta = coord.vec2ang(
                coord.gal2eq(coord.ang2vec(phi0, np.zeros_like(phi0))))
            kwargs.setdefault('color', '0.5')
            plt.plot(-np.sort(phi), theta[np.argsort(phi)], **kwargs)
            raise Exception(
                "plane type not understood, use GP or SGP or list!")
        raise Exception("coord system not understood, use eq or gal!")
Esempio n. 2
 def test_07_smear_sources_dynamically(self):
     sim = ObservedBound(self.nside, self.nsets, self.ncrs)
     sim.set_rigidity_bins(np.arange(17., 20.5, 0.02))
     sim.smear_sources(delta=0.1, dynamic=True)
     crs = sim.get_data(convert_all=True)
     rigs = sim.rigidities
     rig_med = np.median(rigs)
     vecs1 = coord.ang2vec(crs['lon'][rigs >= rig_med], crs['lat'][rigs >= rig_med])
     vecs2 = coord.ang2vec(crs['lon'][rigs < rig_med], crs['lat'][rigs < rig_med])
     # Higher rigidities experience higher deflections
     self.assertTrue(np.mean(coord.angle(vecs1, sim.sources)) < np.mean(coord.angle(vecs2, sim.sources)))
Esempio n. 3
    def sensitivity_2pt(self, set_idx=None, niso=1000, bins=180, **kwargs):
        Function to calculate the sensitivity by the 2pt-auto-correlation over a scrambling
        of the right ascension coordinates.

        :param set_idx: If set, only this set number will be evaluated
        :param niso: Number of isotropic sets to calculate
        :param bins: Number of angular bins, 180 correspond to 1 degree binning (np.linspace(0, np.pi, bins+1).
        :param kwargs: additional named arguments passed to obs.two_pt_auto()
        :return: pvalues in the shape (self.nsets, bins)
        kwargs.setdefault('cumulative', True)
        vec_crs = self.get('vecs')
        _, dec = coord.vec2ang(coord.gal2eq(np.reshape(vec_crs, (3, -1))))

        # calculate auto correlation for isotropic scrambled data
        _ac_iso = np.zeros((niso, bins))
        for i in range(niso):
            _vecs = coord.ang2vec(coord.rand_phi(self.ncrs), np.random.choice(dec, size=self.ncrs))
            _ac_iso[i] = obs.two_pt_auto(_vecs, bins, **kwargs)

        # calculate p-value by comparing the true sets with the isotropic ones
        set_idx = np.arange(self.nsets) if set_idx is None else [set_idx]
        pvals = np.zeros((len(set_idx), bins))
        for i, idx in enumerate(set_idx):
            _ac_crs = obs.two_pt_auto(vec_crs[:, idx], bins, **kwargs)
            pvals[i] = np.sum(_ac_iso >= _ac_crs[np.newaxis], axis=0) / float(niso)
        return pvals
Esempio n. 4
    def test_06_rotate(self):
        v1 = coord.rand_vec(stat)
        rot_axis = np.hstack(coord.rand_vec(1))
        angle = 0.25
        v2 = coord.rotate(v1, rot_axis, angle)
        angles = coord.angle(v1, v2)
        self.assertTrue((angles > 0).all() & (angles <= angle).all())
        # rotate back
        v3 = coord.rotate(v2, rot_axis, -angle)
        v4 = coord.rotate(v2, rot_axis, 2 * np.pi - angle)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(v1, v3))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(v3, v4))

        # when rotating around z-axis and vectors have z=0: all angles have to be 0.25
        rot_axis = np.array([0, 0, 1])
        v1 = coord.ang2vec(coord.rand_phi(stat), np.zeros(stat))
        v2 = coord.rotate(v1, rot_axis, angle)
        angles = coord.angle(v1, v2)
        self.assertTrue((angles > angle - 1e-3).all()
                        & (angles < angle + 1e-3).all())

        # when rotating around z-axis all angles correspond to longitude shift
        angles = 2 * np.pi * np.random.random(stat)
        v1 = coord.rand_vec(stat)
        lon1, lat1 = coord.vec2ang(v1)
        v2 = np.array(
            [coord.rotate(vi, rot_axis, ai) for vi, ai in zip(v1.T, angles)]).T
        lon2, lat2 = coord.vec2ang(v2)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(lat1, lat2))
        lon_diff = lon1 - lon2
        lon_diff[lon_diff < 0] += 2 * np.pi
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(lon_diff, angles))
Esempio n. 5
 def test_05_ang2vec(self):
     phi = coord.rand_phi(stat)
     theta = coord.rand_theta(stat)
     vec = coord.ang2vec(phi, theta)
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.sum(vec**2, axis=0), np.ones(stat)))
     phi2, theta2 = coord.vec2ang(vec)
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(phi, phi2))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(theta, theta2))
Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(self, lon_roi, lat_roi, r_roi, ax=None, title=None, **kwargs):
        :param lon_roi: Longitude of center of ROI in radians (0..2*pi)
        :param lat_roi: Latitude of center of ROI in radians (0..2*pi)
        :param r_roi: Radius of ROI to be plotted (in radians)
        :param ax: Matplotlib axes in case you want to plot on certain axes
        :param title: Optional title of plot (plotted in upper left corner)
        :param kwargs: keywords passed to matplotlib.figure()
        from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap  # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module
        import matplotlib as mpl

        with_latex_style = {
            "text.usetex": True,
            "": "serif",
            "axes.labelsize": 30,
            "font.size": 30,
            "legend.fontsize": 30,
            "xtick.labelsize": 26,
            "ytick.labelsize": 26,
            "legend.fancybox": False,
            "lines.linewidth": 3.0,
            "patch.linewidth": 3.0


        assert (isinstance(lon_roi, (float, int))) and (isinstance(lat_roi, (float, int))) and \
            (isinstance(r_roi, (float, int))), "Keywords 'lon_roi', 'lat_roi' and 'r_roi' have to be floats or ints!"

        self.vec_0 = coord.ang2vec(lon_roi, lat_roi)
        self.lon_0 = np.rad2deg(lon_roi)
        self.lat_0 = np.rad2deg(lat_roi)
        self.r_roi = r_roi

        self.scale = 5500000 * (r_roi / 0.3)

        self.fig = None = ax
        if ax is None:
            kwargs.setdefault('figsize', [8, 8])
            self.fig = plt.figure(**kwargs)
   = plt.axes()

        self.title = title
        if title is not None:
            self.text(0.02, 0.98, title, verticalalignment='top', fontsize=36)

        self.m = Basemap(width=self.scale,
                         lon_0=-360 -
                         self.lon_0 if self.lon_0 < 0 else -self.lon_0,
Esempio n. 7
def ang2vec(phi, theta):
    Substitutes healpy.ang2vec() to use our angle convention

    :param phi: longitude, range (pi, -pi), 0 points in x-direction, pi/2 in y-direction
    :param theta: latitude, range (pi/2, -pi/2), pi/2 points in z-direction
    :return: vector of shape (3, n)
    return coord.ang2vec(phi, theta)
Esempio n. 8
 def test_09_exposure(self):
     sim = ObservedBound(self.nside, self.nsets, self.ncrs)
     crs = sim.get_data(convert_all=True)
     vecs_eq = coord.gal2eq(coord.ang2vec(np.hstack(crs['lon']), np.hstack(crs['lat'])))
     lon_eq, lat_eq = coord.vec2ang(vecs_eq)
     self.assertTrue(np.abs(np.mean(lon_eq)) < 0.05)
     self.assertTrue((np.mean(lat_eq) < -0.5) & (np.mean(lat_eq) > - 0.55))
Esempio n. 9
 def test_02_line(self):
     ncrs = 1000
     roi_size = 0.25
     lat = np.zeros(ncrs)
     lon = np.linspace(-roi_size, roi_size, ncrs)
     p = coord.ang2vec(lon, lat)
     T, N = obs.thrust(p, weights=None)
     self.assertTrue(np.abs(T[1] - 0.5 * roi_size) < 1e-3)
     self.assertTrue(np.abs(T[2]) < 1e-3)
Esempio n. 10
 def test_15_exposure(self):
     nsets = 100
     sim = ObservedBound(self.nside, nsets, self.ncrs)
     sim.apply_exposure(a0=-35.25, zmax=60)
     crs = sim.get_data(convert_all=True)
     lon, lat = np.hstack(crs['lon']), np.hstack(crs['lat'])
     ra, dec = coord.vec2ang(coord.gal2eq(coord.ang2vec(lon, lat)))
     exp = coord.exposure_equatorial(dec, a0=-35.25, zmax=60)
     self.assertTrue((exp > 0).all())
Esempio n. 11
 def test_11_test_vecs_galactic(self):
     lon, lat = coord.rand_phi(stat), coord.rand_theta(stat)
     v = coord.ang2vec(lon, lat)
         np.allclose(lon, coord.get_longitude(v, coord_system='gal')))
         np.allclose(lat, coord.get_latitude(v, coord_system='gal')))
     v_eq = coord.gal2eq(v)
         np.allclose(lon, coord.get_longitude(v_eq, coord_system='eq')))
         np.allclose(lat, coord.get_latitude(v_eq, coord_system='eq')))
Esempio n. 12
 def test_10_test_vecs_equatorial(self):
     ras, decs = coord.rand_phi(stat), coord.rand_theta(stat)
     v = coord.ang2vec(ras, decs)
         np.allclose(ras, coord.get_right_ascension(v, coord_system='eq')))
         np.allclose(decs, coord.get_declination(v, coord_system='eq')))
     v_gal = coord.eq2gal(v)
                     coord.get_right_ascension(v_gal, coord_system='gal')))
         np.allclose(decs, coord.get_declination(v_gal,
Esempio n. 13
 def test_19_apply_uncertainties(self):
     sim = ObservedBound(self.nside, self.nsets, self.ncrs)
     log10e = sim.set_energy(log10e_min=19., log10e_max=21., energy_spectrum='power_law', gamma=-3)
     xmax = sim.set_xmax()
     sim.set_rigidity_bins(np.arange(17., 20.5, 0.02))
     sim.smear_sources(delta=0.1, dynamic=True)
     vecs = hpt.pix2vec(sim.nside, np.hstack(['pixel']))
     sim.apply_uncertainties(err_e=0.1, err_a=1, err_xmax=10)
     # check that array are not equal but deviations are smaller than 5 sigma
     self.assertTrue(not (log10e ==['log10e']).all())
     self.assertTrue((np.abs(10**(log10e - 18) - 10**(['log10e'] - 18)) < 5*0.1*10**(log10e - 18)).all())
     self.assertTrue(not (xmax ==['xmax']).all())
     self.assertTrue((np.abs(xmax -['xmax']) < 50).all())
     vec_unc = coord.ang2vec(np.hstack(['lon']), np.hstack(['lat']))
     self.assertTrue(not (coord.angle(vecs, vec_unc) == 0).all())
     self.assertTrue((coord.angle(vecs, vec_unc) < np.deg2rad(10)).all())
Esempio n. 14
    def sensitivity_2pt(self, niso=1000, bins=180, **kwargs):
        Function to calculate the sensitivity by the 2pt-auto-correlation over a scrambling
        of the right ascension coordinates.

        :param niso: Number of isotropic sets to calculate.
        :param bins: Number of angular bins, 180 correspond to 1 degree binning (np.linspace(0, np.pi, bins+1).
        :param kwargs: additional named arguments passed to obs.two_pt_auto()
        :return: pvalues in the shape (bins)
        kwargs.setdefault('cumulative', True)
        vec_crs = self.get('vecs')
        _, dec = coord.vec2ang(coord.gal2eq(vec_crs))

        # calculate auto correlation for isotropic scrambled data
        _ac_iso = np.zeros((niso, bins))
        for i in range(niso):
            _vecs = coord.ang2vec(coord.rand_phi(self.ncrs), dec)
            _ac_iso[i] = obs.two_pt_auto(_vecs, bins, **kwargs)

        # calculate p-value by comparing the true sets with the isotropic ones
        _ac_crs = obs.two_pt_auto(vec_crs, bins, **kwargs)
        pvals = np.sum(_ac_iso >= _ac_crs[np.newaxis], axis=0) / float(niso)
        return pvals
Esempio n. 15
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astrotools import auger, coord, skymap

print("Test: module")

# Creates an isotropic arrival map and convert galactic longitudes (lons) and
# galactic latitudes (lats) into cartesian vectors

ncrs = 3000  # number of cosmic rays
log10e_min = 18.5  # minimum energy in log10(E / eV)
lons = coord.rand_phi(ncrs)  # isotropic in phi (~Uniform(-pi, pi))
lats = coord.rand_theta(ncrs)  # isotropic in theta (Uniform in cos(theta))
vecs = coord.ang2vec(lons, lats)
log10e = auger.rand_energy_from_auger(n=ncrs, log10e_min=log10e_min)
# Plot an example map with sampled energies. If you specify the opath keyword in
# the skymap function, the plot will be automatically saved and closed
skymap.scatter(vecs, c=log10e, opath='isotropic_sky.png')

# Creates an arrival map with a source located at v_src=(1, 0, 0) and apply a
# fisher distribution around it with gaussian spread sigma=10 degree
v_src = np.array([1, 0, 0])
kappa = 1. / np.radians(10.)**2
vecs = coord.rand_fisher_vec(v_src, kappa=kappa, n=ncrs)
# if you dont specify the opath you can use (fig, ax) to plot more stuff
fig, ax = skymap.scatter(vecs, c=log10e)
plt.scatter(0, 0, s=100, c='red', marker='*')  # plot source in the center
plt.savefig('fisher_single_source_10deg.png', bbox_inches='tight')

# We can also use the coord.rand_fisher_vec() function to apply an angular uncertainty
Esempio n. 16
# If you just have a single cosmic ray set you want to use the ComicRaysBase. You can
# set arbitrary content in the container. Objects with shape ( will be
# stored in an internal array called 'shape_array', all other data in a
# dictionary called 'general_object_store'.
nside = 64
npix = hpt.nside2npix(nside)
ncrs = 5000
exposure = hpt.exposure_pdf(nside)
lon, lat = hpt.pix2ang(nside, hpt.rand_pix_from_map(exposure, n=ncrs))
crs = cosmic_rays.CosmicRaysBase(ncrs)  # Initialize cosmic ray container
# you can set arbitrary content in the container. Objects with different shape
# than (ncrs) will be stored in an internal dictionary called 'general_object_store'
crs['lon'], crs['lat'] = lon, lat
crs['date'] = 'today'
crs['log10e'] = auger.rand_energy_from_auger(log10e_min=19, n=ncrs)
crs.set('vecs', coord.ang2vec(lon, lat))    # another possibility to set content
crs.keys()  # will print the keys that are existing

# Save, load and plot cosmic ray base container
opath = 'cr_base_container.npz'
crs_load = cosmic_rays.CosmicRaysBase(opath)

# You can also quickly write all data in an usual ASCII file:


# For a big simulation with a lot of sets (simulated skys), you should use the
# CosmicRaysSets(). Inheriting from CosmicRaysBase(), objects with different
Esempio n. 17
plt.ylabel('E$^3$ dN', fontsize=16)

# Module:
print("Test: module")

# Creates an isotropic arrival map and convert galactic longitudes (lons) and
# galactic latitudes (lats) into cartesian vectors

ncrs = 3000  # number of cosmic rays
lons = coord.rand_phi(ncrs)  # isotropic in phi (~Uniform(-pi, pi))
lats = coord.rand_theta(ncrs)  # isotropic in theta (Uniform in cos(theta))
vecs = coord.ang2vec(lons, lats)
log10e = auger.rand_energy_from_auger(n=ncrs, log10e_min=emin)
# Plot an example map with sampled energies. If you specify the opath keyword in
# the skymap function, the plot will be automatically saved and closed
skymap.scatter(vecs, c=log10e, opath='isotropic_sky.png')

# Creates an arrival map with a source located at v_src=(1, 0, 0) and apply a
# fisher distribution around it with gaussian spread sigma=10 degree
v_src = np.array([1, 0, 0])
kappa = 1. / np.radians(10.)**2
vecs = coord.rand_fisher_vec(v_src, kappa=kappa, n=ncrs)
# if you dont specify the opath you can use (fig, ax) to plot more stuff
fig, ax = skymap.scatter(vecs, c=log10e)
plt.scatter(0, 0, s=100, c='red', marker='*')  # plot source in the center
plt.savefig('fisher_single_source_10deg.png', bbox_inches='tight')
Esempio n. 18
def scatter(v,
            cblabel='log$_{10}$(Energy / eV)',
    Scatter plot of events with arrival directions x,y,z and colorcoded energies.

    :param v: array of shape (3, n) pointing into directions of the events
    :param c: quantity that is supposed to occur in colorbar, e.g. energy of the cosmic rays
    :param cblabel: colorbar label
    :param opath: if not None, saves the figure to the given opath (no returns)
    :param fig: figure to plot in, creates new figure if None
    :param kwargs: additional named keyword arguments

           - figsize: figure size as input for plt.figure()
           - cmap: colormap
           - cbar: if True includes a colobar
           - cticks: sets ticks of colormap
           - mask_alpha: alpha value for maskcolor
           - fontsize: scale the general fontsize
           - dark_grid: if True paints a dark grid (useful for bright maps)
           - gridcolor: Color of the grid.
           - gridalpha: Transparency value of the gridcolor.
           - tickcolor: Color of the ticks.
           - tickalpha: Transparency of the longitude ticks.
           - plane: plots 'SGP' or 'GP' or both (list) into plot
           - planecolor: color of plane
           - coord_system: default galactic ('gal') / equatorial ('eq')
    :return: figure, axis of the scatter plot

    lons, lats = coord.vec2ang(v)

    fontsize = kwargs.pop('fontsize', 26)
    kwargs.setdefault('s', 8)
    if 'marker' not in kwargs:
        kwargs.setdefault('lw', 0)
    cbar = kwargs.pop('cbar', True) and isinstance(c,
                                                   (list, tuple, np.ndarray))
    if cbar:
        vmin = kwargs.pop(
            'vmin', smart_round(np.min(c[np.isfinite(c)]), upper_border=False))
        vmax = kwargs.pop(
            'vmax', smart_round(np.max(c[np.isfinite(c)]), upper_border=True))
        step = smart_round((vmax - vmin) / 5., order=1)
        cticks = kwargs.pop(
            np.round(np.arange(vmin, vmax, step),
                     int(np.round(-np.log10(step), 0))))
        clabels = kwargs.pop('clabels', cticks)

    # read keyword arguments for the grid
    dark_grid = kwargs.pop('dark_grid', True)
    gridcolor = kwargs.pop('gridcolor',
                           'lightgray' if dark_grid is None else 'black')
    gridalpha = kwargs.pop('gridalpha', 0.5 if dark_grid is None else 0.4)
    tickcolor = kwargs.pop('tickcolor',
                           'lightgray' if dark_grid is None else 'black')
    tickalpha = kwargs.pop('tickalpha', 0.5 if dark_grid is None else 1)
    planecolor = kwargs.pop('planecolor', 'darkgray')
    plane = kwargs.pop('plane', None)
    coord_system = kwargs.pop('coord_system', 'gal')

    if coord_system == 'eq':
        lons, lats = coord.vec2ang(coord.gal2eq(coord.ang2vec(lons, lats)))

    # mimic astronomy convention: positive longitudes evolving to the left with respect to GC
    lons = -lons

    # plot the events
    fig = plt.figure(
        figsize=kwargs.pop('figsize', [12, 6])) if fig is None else fig
    ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.85, 0.9], projection="hammer")
    events = ax.scatter(lons, lats, c=c, **kwargs)

    if cbar:
        cbar = plt.colorbar(events,
        cbar.set_label(cblabel, fontsize=fontsize)
        events.set_clim(vmin, vmax) - 4)

    # Setup the grid

    if plane is not None:
        plot_plane(planecolor, coord_system, plane)

    if opath is not None:
        plt.savefig(opath, bbox_inches='tight')

    return fig, ax