Esempio n. 1

import authlib

ACCOUNT_EMAIL= '*****@*****.**'
ACCOUNT_PASS = "******"

C2DM_ID = "APA91bG_wjhPPoM1SHfNWE-yWs2sUCiHEv0osbDx2xv1hlayuu6hS6iW3gqb_MT9ISAof1uRAypQQ2B55zMoJVzp6omEPs7RYwpGoXpA9bnuQ_b4VVI0q2wVRV3X1S_CR9qRw6hhtfAJ"

c2dmtoken = authlib.get_google_authtoken("androidfiledrop", "ac2dm", ACCOUNT_EMAIL, ACCOUNT_PASS)
print c2dmtoken

#uncomment to send c2dm message
#print authlib.testC2DM(c2dmtoken, C2DM_ID, "something")

#This script updates the stored token for the C2DM notification user
#run this with the first arg as the account password to update the token
import urllib
import sys
import authlib

token = authlib.get_google_authtoken("androidfiledrop", "ac2dm", "*****@*****.**", sys.argv[1])
print "c2dmtoken is: " + token

afdConn = authlib.AppEngineClient("androidfiledrop", "*****@*****.**", sys.argv[1])

print "appengine token is: " + afdConn.ahToken

opener = authlib.get_opener()
opener.addheaders.append(('Cookie', afdConn.ahToken))
data = {}
data['token'] = token

params = urllib.urlencode(data) 
url = ""

f =, params)

print f