Esempio n. 1
    def vData( self, U, V, node, edges=None, ndim=None ):
        # THESE MUST NOT MODIFY U OR V!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        V_row, V_col, V_data = V

        if( ~np.any( np.in1d( V_row, node ) ) ):
            # If the node isn't in the V object (node is a leaf)
            ans = [ np.array( [] ) ]
        elif( edges is None ):
            # Return the data over all down edges
            ans = self.vDataFromMask( V, np.in1d( V_row, node ) )
        elif( isinstance( edges, Iterable ) and len( edges ) > 0 ):
            # Return over only certain edges
            mask = np.in1d( V_row, node )
            for e in edges:
                mask &= np.in1d( V_col, e )
            ans = self.vDataFromMask( V, mask )
        elif( isinstance( edges, Iterable ) and len( edges ) == 0 ):
            # This happens when we're not passed a down edge.  In this
            # case, we should return an empty v value, not a leaf v value
            return [ np.array( [] ) ]
            # Only looking at one edge
            ans = self.vDataFromMask( V, np.in1d( V_col, edges ) )

        if( len( ans ) == 0 ):
            # If we're looking at a leaf, return all 0s
            nVals = 1 if edges is None else len( edges )
            ans = []
            for _ in range( nVals ):
                ans.append( np.array( [] ) )

        assert sum( [ 0 if ~np.any( np.isnan( v ) ) else 1 for v in ans ] ) == 0, ans

        return ans
Esempio n. 2
    def updateV(self, nodes, edges, new_v, V):

        V_row, V_col, V_data = V

        for node, edge, v in zip(nodes, edges, new_v):
            if (edge is None):

            dataIndices = np.in1d(V_row, node) & np.in1d(V_col, edge)

            for i in np.where(dataIndices)[0]:
                V_data[i] = v
Esempio n. 3
    def vData( self, U, V, node, edges=None ):
        # THESE MUST NOT MODIFY U OR V!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        V_row, V_col, _ = V

        if( self.inFeedbackSet( node, is_partial_graph_index=True ) ):
            # This is going to be empty because by construction,
            # if a node is in the fbs, all the information from
            # going down the down edges can be gained by going
            # up an up edge.
            if( edges is None ):
                return []
            elif( isinstance( edges, Iterable ) ):
                return []
                return fbsData( np.array( [] ), -1 )

        if( ~np.any( np.in1d( V_row, node ) ) ):
            # If the node isn't in the V object (node is a leaf)
            ans = [ fbsData( np.array( [] ), -1 ) ]
        elif( edges is None ):
            # Return the data over all down edges
            ans = self.vDataFromMask( V, np.in1d( V_row, node ) )
        elif( isinstance( edges, Iterable ) and len( edges ) > 0 ):
            # Return over only certain edges
            mask = np.in1d( V_row, node )
            for e in edges:
                mask &= np.in1d( V_col, e )
            ans = self.vDataFromMask( V, mask )
        elif( isinstance( edges, Iterable ) and len( edges ) == 0 ):
            # This happens when we're not passed a down edge.  In this
            # case, we should return an empty v value, not a leaf v value
            return [ fbsData( np.array( [] ), -1 ) ]
            # Only looking at one edge
            ans = self.vDataFromMask( V, np.in1d( V_col, edges ) )

        if( len( ans ) == 0 ):
            # If we're looking at a leaf, return all 0s
            nVals = 1 if edges is None else len( edges )
            ans = []
            for _ in range( nVals ):
                ans.append( fbsData( np.array( [] ), -1 ) )

        for v in ans:
            data =
            assert np.any( np.isnan( data ) ) == False, data

        return ans
Esempio n. 4
    def get_g(self,x):
        atoms3 = self.atoms3
        atoms4 = self.atoms4
        p = self.p

        output = np.zeros(p)
        combos = np.asarray([[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [0, 2, 3], [0, 1, 3]])
        for k in range(p):
            atom4 = atoms4[k, :]
            angles4 = []
            # get identities of triangles on boundary of tetrahedron
            actived = np.zeros(4)
            for i in range(4):
                actived[i] = np.where([set(item).issubset(atom4[combos[i, :]]) for item in atoms3])[0][0]
            actived = np.asarray(actived, dtype=int)
            naive = np.reshape(x, (int(x.shape[0] / 3), 3))[actived, :]
            for i in range(4):
                a = atoms3[actived[i]]
                b = atom4[np.in1d(atom4, atoms3[actived[i]])]
                for j in range(3):
                    angles4.append(naive[i, np.where(a == b[j])[0]])
            # the jth position in the ith row contains the gradient corresponding to the jth position in the truncated atom4
            a4 = np.reshape(angles4, (4, 3))
            fitin = self.g4(a4)
            # plus the lowest index first
            output[k] = fitin
        return (output)
Esempio n. 5
 def assignV(self, V, node, val, keep_shape=False):
     V_row, V_col, V_data = V
     N = V_row.shape[0]
     VIndices = np.where(np.in1d(V_row, node))[0]
     for i in VIndices:
         if (keep_shape is False):
             V_data[i].data = val
             V_data[i].data[:] = val
Esempio n. 6
    def class_posterior(self, y, x, exclude_ac=[]):
        Note: self._class_posterior is not a rank-1 matrix
        :return: p_a, p_mix
        include_idx = ~np.in1d(range(len(, exclude_ac)
        ln_p_am = self._class_posterior(y, x, exclude_ac)

        mat = np.exp(ln_p_am.reshape(self.n_classes, -1))
        return np.sum(mat, axis=0), np.sum(mat, axis=1)
Esempio n. 7
    def _class_posterior(self, y, x, exclude_ac):
        ln_p_a, ln_p_mix = self.class_prior()

        include_idx = ~np.in1d(range(len(, exclude_ac)
        ln_p_a = ln_p_a[include_idx]
        tr_fns = [tr for b, tr in zip(include_idx, if b]

        mixture = log_likelihood(self.params, y, x, self.mean, self.cov,
                                 tr_fns, ln_p_a, ln_p_mix)
        return mixture - logsumexp(mixture)
Esempio n. 8
    def get_dx_g(self, x):
        atoms4 = self.atoms4
        atoms3 = self.atoms3
        p = self.p
        d = self.d

        combos = np.asarray([[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [0, 2, 3], [0, 1, 3]])
        output = np.zeros((d, p))
        for k in range(p):
            atom4 = atoms4[k, :]
            angles4 = []
            # get identities of triangles on boundary of tetrahedron
            # which atoms3 are in the atoms4...
            actived = [
                    set(item).issubset(atom4[combos[i, :]]) for item in atoms3
                ])[0][0] for i in range(4)
            actived = np.asarray(actived, dtype=int)
            naive = np.reshape(x, (int(x.shape[0] / 3), 3))[actived, :]
            for i in range(4):
                a = atoms3[actived[i]]
                b = atom4[np.in1d(atom4, atoms3[actived[i]])]
                for j in range(3):
                    angles4.append(naive[i, np.where(a == b[j])[0]])
            # the jth positEion in the ith row contains the gradient corresponding to the jth position in the truncated atom4
            a4 = np.reshape(angles4, (4, 3))
            # fitin = g4(a4)[1]
            fitin = self.gradg4(a4)
            faceindex = np.zeros(4)
            for j in range(4):
                face = atom4[combos[j]]
                for i in range(4):
                    if collections.Counter(
                            atoms3[actived][i]) == collections.Counter(face):
                        faceindex[j] = i
            faceindex = np.asarray(faceindex, dtype=int)
            anglerowtooutput = actived[faceindex]
            for i in range(4):
                face = atom4[combos[i]]
                buffer = np.asarray(scipy.stats.rankdata(face) - 1, dtype=int)
                for j in range(3):
                    output[3 * anglerowtooutput[i] + buffer[j], k] = fitin[i,
        return (output)
Esempio n. 9
    def predict(self, x_star, y, x, exclude_ac=[]):
        l = len(x_star[0])
        c = np.zeros([l, l])

        # exclude actions
        include_idx = ~np.in1d(range(len(, exclude_ac)
        tr_fns = [tr for b, tr in zip(include_idx, if b]
        ln_p_am = self._class_posterior(y, x, exclude_ac).ravel()

        ms = []
        for mn in self.mean:
            for tr in tr_fns:
                _m, _c = self._predict(x_star, y, x, mean_fn=mn, treatment=tr)
                c = _c  # all covariance matrix are the same

        ms = [p * _m for p, _m in zip(np.exp(ln_p_am), ms)]
        return np.sum(ms, axis=0), c
Esempio n. 10
def compute_W_lsq(EtaXi, XXhat, YYhat, nP=2, nQ=4, freeze_vals=None, lam=0):
    # EtaXi the input currents
    # XXhat the input layer activity
    # YYhat the recurrent layer activity providing synaptic inputs
    Ymatrix = np.zeros(EtaXi.shape)
    Ymatrix_pred = np.zeros(EtaXi.shape)
    Wx = np.zeros((nP, nQ))
    Wy = np.zeros((nQ, nQ))
    if freeze_vals is None:
        resEtaXi = EtaXi - 0
        zeroed = [np.isnan(fv) for fv in freeze_vals]
        freeze_vals[0][zeroed[0]] = 0
        freeze_vals[1][zeroed[1]] = 0
        resEtaXi = EtaXi - XXhat @ freeze_vals[0] - YYhat @ freeze_vals[1]
        Wx[~zeroed[0]] = freeze_vals[0][~zeroed[0]]
        Wy[~zeroed[1]] = freeze_vals[1][~zeroed[1]]
    for itype in range(nQ):
        Ymatrix[:, itype] = resEtaXi[:, itype]
        #others = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(nQ),itype)
        xothers = np.ones((nP, ), dtype='bool')
        others = ~np.in1d(np.arange(nQ), itype)
        if not freeze_vals is None:
            xothers = xothers & (freeze_vals[0][:, itype]
                                 == 0) & ~zeroed[0][:, itype]
            others = others & (freeze_vals[1][:, itype]
                               == 0) & ~zeroed[1][:, itype]
        Xmatrix = np.concatenate((XXhat[:, xothers], YYhat[:, others]), axis=1)
        #print('X shape: '+str(Xmatrix.shape))
        #print('Y shape: '+str(Ymatrix.shape))
        if not np.all(Xmatrix == 0):
            #Bmatrix = np.linalg.pinv(Xmatrix) @ Ymatrix[:,itype]
            Bmatrix = pinv_tik(Xmatrix, lam=lam) @ Ymatrix[:, itype]
            this_nP = int(xothers.sum())
            Wx[xothers, itype] = Bmatrix[:this_nP]
            Wy[others, itype] = Bmatrix[this_nP:]
            Ymatrix_pred[:, itype] = Xmatrix @ Bmatrix
    resEtaXi = resEtaXi - Ymatrix_pred
    return Wx, Wy, resEtaXi