Esempio n. 1
def create_mesh(path):

    gsf_pings = utils.parse_or_load_gsf(path)
    mbes_pings = gsf_data.convert_pings(gsf_pings)
    V, F, bounds = mesh_map.mesh_from_pings(mbes_pings, 0.5)

    return V, F, bounds
Esempio n. 2

from auvlib.data_tools import std_data, gsf_data, utils
from auvlib.bathy_maps import mesh_map
import sys
import numpy as np

gsf_pings = utils.parse_or_load_gsf(sys.argv[1])
mbes_pings = gsf_data.convert_pings(gsf_pings)
V, F, bounds = mesh_map.mesh_from_pings(mbes_pings, 0.5)

height_map, bounds = mesh_map.height_map_from_pings(mbes_pings, 0.2)

R, G, B = mesh_map.height_map_to_texture(height_map)

mesh_map.show_textured_mesh(V, F, R, G, B, bounds)

#mesh_map.show_mesh(V, F)

Esempio n. 3
    beam_idx_list = np.where(diff > 0.35)[0]
    if len(beam_idx_list) > 0:
        # discard bad beams
        choosen_pings[idx].beams = np.delete(ping.beams, beam_idx_list, axis = 0)
        # newPing is used to plot data
    #     new_ping = copy.copy(beams)
    #     new_ping[beam_idx_list] = 0 # fill bad beam with empty value(0)
    # else:
    #     new_ping = beams

    ''' Show beams before and after '''
    # plt.figure(1)
    # plt.clf()
    # plt.subplot(121)
    # plt.title('var: %f' % np.var(beams))
    # plt.axis([0, 400, -95, -75])
    # plt.grid()
    # plt.scatter(np.arange(len(beams)), beams, s=2, c='b', marker='.')
    # plt.subplot(122)
    # plt.title(idx) 
    # plt.scatter(np.arange(len(beams)), new_ping, s=2, c='b', marker='.')
    # plt.axis([0, 400, -95, -75])
    # plt.grid()
    # plt.pause(0.001)

std_data.write_data(choosen_pings, 'Data/EM2040/mid/pings_outlier_discard.cereal')

''' Show mesh (praying Orz...) '''
V_f, F_f, bounds_f = mesh_map.mesh_from_pings(choosen_pings, 0.5)
mesh_map.show_mesh(V_f, F_f)
Esempio n. 4
#!/usr/bin/env python

from auvlib.data_tools import std_data
from auvlib.bathy_maps import mesh_map
import numpy as np
''' mix std pings from mid run and low run and make a mesh fro draping '''

low_pings = std_data.mbes_ping.read_data(
mid_pings = std_data.mbes_ping.read_data(

choosen_pings = low_pings + mid_pings
V, F, bounds = mesh_map.mesh_from_pings(choosen_pings, 0.5)
mesh_map.show_mesh(V, F)

np.savez("Data/EM2040/mesh.npz", V=V, F=F, bounds=bounds)
Esempio n. 5
    # ax = plt.subplot(projection='3d')
    # ping1 = choosen_pings[13500]
    # ping2 = choosen_pings[16000]
    # x1 = np.array(ping1.beams)[:,0]
    # y1 = np.array(ping1.beams)[:,1]
    # z1 = np.array(ping1.beams)[:,2]
    # x2 = np.array(ping2.beams)[:,0]
    # y2 = np.array(ping2.beams)[:,1]
    # z2 = np.array(ping2.beams)[:,2]
    # ax.scatter(x1, y1, z1, c='r')
    # ax.scatter(x2, y2, z2, c='b')
    # ax.set_zlabel('Z')
    # ax.set_ylabel('Y')
    # ax.set_xlabel('X')
    return new_pings

# choosen_pings = std_pings[200:]
# for idx, ping in enumerate(choosen_pings):
#     beams = np.array(ping.beams)[:,2]
#     if len(beams) == 400:
#         print_ping(beams,idx)
''' Run sound speed correction '''
new_pings = correct_overlapping(std_pings, 297)  # 1277 for low, 2300 for mid
''' Save corrected pings as cereal file '''
std_data.write_data(std_pings, 'Data/EM2040/mid/pings_corrected.cereal')
''' Show mesh (praying Orz...) '''
V_f, F_f, bounds_f = mesh_map.mesh_from_pings(std_pings, 0.5)
mesh_map.show_mesh(V_f, F_f)
''' Find bound position '''
Esempio n. 6
outputfile_mesh_map = "mesh_map" + ".npz"

#Path to saving location for mesh_map.
#If path is "" the file will be saved in the scripts location.
save_path_mesh = "../datasets/20190618_6/processed data/"

#Specify mesh_map resolution
resolution = .5

#Visualize the result?
visualization = True


#Load multibeam data
mbes_data = std_data.mbes_ping.read_data(mbes_file)
mbes_data = mbes_data[60000:70000]

#Create mesh_map. V = vertices, F = faces, bounds = bounds
V, F, bounds = mesh_map.mesh_from_pings(mbes_data, resolution)

#Save mesh_map
np.savez(save_path_mesh + outputfile_mesh_map, V=V, F=F, bounds=bounds)


if visualization:
    mesh_map.show_mesh(V, F)
Esempio n. 7
# for ping in std_pings:
#     X.append(ping.pos_[0])
#     Y.append(ping.pos_[1])
#     Z.append(ping.pos_[2])

# range_l = 58000
# range_h = 71000
# ax.scatter(X[range_l:range_h], Y[range_l:range_h], Z[range_l:range_h])

# # first run 47k~57k
# # second run 58k~71k(1st line 58K~59.7K, 2nd line 59.8k~61.3k, 3rd line 61.3k~62.9k, 4th line 63.2k~64.6k)

# Mesh map
V_f, F_f, bounds_f = mesh_map.mesh_from_pings(
    0.5)  # .5 is the resolution of the constructed mesh
mesh_map.show_mesh(V_f, F_f)

# 2 Sidescan data
# xtf_pings = xtf_data.xtf_sss_ping.read_data("xtf_pings_centered.cereal")
# xtf_ping0 = xtf_pings[0] # let's just look at the first ping!
# print "Total number of sidescan pings:", len(xtf_pings)
# print "Position of sensor:", xtf_ping0.pos_
# print "Number of port sidescan intensities:", len(xtf_ping0.port.pings)
# print "Number of starboard sidescan intensities:", len(xtf_ping0.stbd.pings)
# print "Time of data collection:", xtf_ping0.time_string_
# print "Intensity of first port hit (time 0s):", xtf_ping0.port.pings[0]
# print "Time of arrival of last port intensity (s):", xtf_ping0.port.time_duration
# print "Intensity of last port hit:", xtf_ping0.port.pings[-1]
Esempio n. 8
yaws = []
while line:
    a = line.split()
    _timestamp = a[0:1][0]
    _yaw = float(a[4:5][0])
    _roll = float(a[5:6][0])
    _pitch = float(a[6:7][0])
    line = f.readline()
    head = nav(timestamps, yaws, rolls, pitchs)

# second run 58k~71k(1st line 58K~59.7K, 2nd line 59.8k~61.3k, 3rd line 61.5k~62.9k, 4th line 63.2k~64.6k)
one_line = []+std_pings[58000:59500]
two_line = []+std_pings[59900:61150]
thr_line = []+std_pings[62000:62800]#[]+std_pings[61550:62800]
fou_line = []+std_pings[63250:64500]

one_line_new = calibrate(head, one_line, 0.06)
two_line_new = calibrate(head, two_line, 0.06)
thr_line_new = calibrate(head, thr_line, -0.03)

new_pings = one_line_new + two_line_new + thr_line_new# + fou_line

# Show mech (praying)
V_f, F_f, bounds_f = mesh_map.mesh_from_pings(new_pings, 0.5) # .5 is the resolution of the constructed mesh
mesh_map.show_mesh(V_f, F_f)
Esempio n. 9
params = []
for beam in beams:
    params.append(np.polyfit(np.arange(np.size(beam)), beam, 2))

predicted_beams = []
polynomials = []

for param_set in params:

for i in range(len(size_list)):
    polynomial = polynomials[i]
    size = size_list[i]
    beam = beams[i]

    difference = np.abs(polynomial(np.arange(size)) - beam)
    idx_list = np.where(difference > 0.3)[0]

    if len(idx_list) != 0:
        new_beam = []
        for idx, elem in enumerate(std_pings[i].beams):
            if idx not in idx_list:
        std_pings[i].beams = new_beam

V, F, bounds = mesh_map.mesh_from_pings(std_pings, 0.5)
mesh_map.show_mesh(V, F)

np.savez("beautiful_mesh.npz", V=V, F=F, bounds=bounds)
# convert .all file to std data
std_pings = all_data.convert_matched_entries(all_ping, nav)

choosen_pings = std_pings
''' check the incontinous in one ping '''
new_pings = []
beams_buff = np.array(choosen_pings[0].beams)[:, 2]
for idx, ping in enumerate(choosen_pings):
    beams = np.array(ping.beams)[:, 2]

    beams_left = copy.copy(beams)
    beams_left[0:-1] = beams[1:]  # move beams one index to left direction
    delta = abs(beams_left - beams)

    # check the inconsistincy in one ping
    beam_idx_list = np.where(delta > 1)[0]

    if len(beam_idx_list) > 0:  # "make up" new ping from previous ping
        vechile_move = ping.pos_ - new_pings[-1].pos_
        new_beams = np.array(new_pings[-1].beams) + vechile_move
        ping.beams = new_beams
        beams_buff = beams

''' Show mesh (praying Orz...) '''
V_f, F_f, bounds_f = mesh_map.mesh_from_pings(new_pings, 2.0)
mesh_map.show_mesh(V_f, F_f)
    direction =, np.cross(beam_vec, normal_vec))  # decide +-
    phi = phi * direction / abs(direction)

    # cal index in 4D
    deltaz_index = round(beam_vec[2] / deltaz_reso) * deltaz_reso
    dist_index = round(beam_dist / dist_reso) * dist_reso
    beam_angle_index = round(angle / beamangle_reso) * beamangle_reso
    incident_index = round(phi / incident_reso) * incident_reso

''' Import multibeam data '''
std_file = "/home/chs/Desktop/Sonar/Data/EM2040/mid/pings_centered.cereal"
std_pings = std_data.mbes_ping.read_data(std_file)
''' Get mesh and norm '''
mesh_reso = 0.5  # get mesh from std pings
V, F, bounds = mesh_map.mesh_from_pings(std_pings, mesh_reso)
N = mesh_map.compute_normals(
    V, F
)  # compute normals for the entire mesh(unit vector of reflection surface)
''' Make 4D matrix '''

# Set para bounds and resolution
deltaz_reso = 1
dist_reso = 1
beamangle_reso = 0.01
incident_reso = 0.01

meas_list = [1]  #, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] # measure image index list

# Init multiprocess list and pool
deltaz_ls = Manager().list([])