def clean(self): phase = Phase.get_current() if phase > 'voting': raise ValidationError( u"The voting phase has ended! Better luck next year.") elif phase < 'voting': raise ValidationError( u"The voting phase hasn't started yet! Have patience until voting opens." ) votes = [] for field in self.fields: vote = self.cleaned_data.get(field) if vote: vote_obj = Vote(member=self.member, year=self.year, award_id=self.fields[field], nomination=vote) try: vote_obj.clean() except ValidationError as e: self.add_error(field, e) votes.append(vote_obj) if len(votes) * 2 < len(self.fields): raise ValidationError( u"You must place a vote in at least half of the available categories." ) return self.cleaned_data
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(ResultsView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context['year'] = int(self.kwargs.get('year') or settings.YEAR) context['results_ready'] = context[ 'year'] < settings.YEAR or Phase.get_current() == 'finished' return context
def get_form_kwargs(self): kwargs = super(VerificationView, self).get_form_kwargs() kwargs['user'] = self.request.user phase = Phase.get_current() if phase == 'nomination': kwargs['has_unverified'] = self.request.session.get( 'unverified_nominations_%s' % CURRENT_YEAR, False) elif phase == 'voting': kwargs['has_unverified'] = self.request.session.get( 'unverified_votes_%s' % CURRENT_YEAR, False) else: kwargs['has_unverified'] = False return kwargs
def awards_context(request): return { 'year': settings.YEAR, 'phase': Phase.get_current(), 'min_year': settings.MIN_YEAR, 'max_year': settings.MAX_YEAR, 'max_fic_nominations': settings.MAX_FIC_NOMINATIONS, 'max_person_nominations': settings.MAX_PERSON_NOMINATIONS, 'min_different_nominations': settings.MIN_DIFFERENT_NOMINATIONS, 'discussion_thread': settings.DISCUSSION_THREAD, 'nomination_thread': settings.NOMINATION_THREAD, 'voting_thread': settings.VOTING_THREAD, 'results_thread': settings.RESULTS_THREAD }
def __init__(self, user, *args, **kwargs): self.user = user self.made_unverified = kwargs.pop('has_unverified', False) super(VerificationForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) has_unverified = False if user.member: del self.fields['profile_url'] if not self.made_unverified: phase = Phase.get_current() if phase == 'nomination': has_unverified = user.member.nominations_by.from_year( ).filter(verified=False).exists() elif phase == 'voting': has_unverified = user.member.votes.from_year().filter( verified=False).exists() if not has_unverified: del self.fields['verify_current']
def clean(self): phase = Phase.get_current() if phase > 'nomination': raise ValidationError(u"The nomination phase has ended! Better luck next year.") elif phase < 'nomination': raise ValidationError(u"The nomination phase hasn't started yet! Have patience until nominations open.") # By this point all nominations will have been saved to the # database, so we can safely assume they have PKs. fic_nominations = defaultdict(int) person_nominations = defaultdict(int) award_dict = defaultdict(list) for form in self.forms: if not form.is_empty() and form.is_valid(): if 'fic' in form.fields: if form.has_changed(): fic = form.cleaned_data['fic'] else: fic = form.instance.fic fic_nominations[fic] += 1 for author in fic.authors.all(): person_nominations[author] += 1 if 'nominee' in form.fields: if form.has_changed(): author = form.cleaned_data['nominee'] else: author = form.instance.nominee person_nominations[author] += 1 if form.award in award_dict: for other_form in award_dict[form.award]: if not form.is_distinct_from(other_form): form.errors['__all__'] = form.error_class([u"You cannot make the same nomination twice in the same category."]) award_dict[form.award].append(form) for (fic, nominations) in fic_nominations.items(): if nominations > settings.MAX_FIC_NOMINATIONS: raise ValidationError(u"You have nominated %(fic)s %(nominations)s times. You may only nominate any given fic up to %(max_nominations)s times. Please remove some nominations for %(fic)s." % {'fic': fic, 'nominations': nominations, 'max_nominations': settings.MAX_FIC_NOMINATIONS}) for (person, nominations) in person_nominations.items(): if nominations > settings.MAX_PERSON_NOMINATIONS: raise ValidationError(u"You have nominated %(person)s or their work %(nominations)s times. You may only nominate a given person up to %(max_nominations)s times. Please remove some nominations for %(person)s." % {'person': person, 'nominations': nominations, 'max_nominations': settings.MAX_PERSON_NOMINATIONS}) if len(person_nominations) < settings.MIN_DIFFERENT_NOMINATIONS: raise ValidationError(u"You must nominate at least %s different authors." % settings.MIN_DIFFERENT_NOMINATIONS)
def clean(self): phase = Phase.get_current() if phase > 'voting': raise ValidationError(u"The voting phase has ended! Better luck next year.") elif phase < 'voting': raise ValidationError(u"The voting phase hasn't started yet! Have patience until voting opens.") votes = [] for field in self.fields: vote = self.cleaned_data.get(field) if vote: vote_obj = Vote(member=self.member, year=self.year, award_id=self.fields[field], nomination=vote) try: vote_obj.clean() except ValidationError as e: self.add_error(field, e) votes.append(vote_obj) if len(votes) * 2 < len(self.fields): raise ValidationError(u"You must place a vote in at least half of the available categories.") return self.cleaned_data
def clean(self): phase = Phase.get_current() if phase > 'nomination': raise ValidationError( u"The nomination phase has ended! Better luck next year.") elif phase < 'nomination': raise ValidationError( u"The nomination phase hasn't started yet! Have patience until nominations open." ) # By this point all nominations will have been saved to the # database, so we can safely assume they have PKs. fic_nominations = defaultdict(int) person_nominations = defaultdict(int) award_dict = defaultdict(list) for form in self.forms: if not form.is_empty() and form.is_valid(): if 'fic' in form.fields: if form.has_changed(): fic = form.cleaned_data['fic'] else: fic = form.instance.fic fic_nominations[fic] += 1 for author in fic.authors.all(): person_nominations[author] += 1 if 'nominee' in form.fields: if form.has_changed(): author = form.cleaned_data['nominee'] else: author = form.instance.nominee person_nominations[author] += 1 if form.award in award_dict: for other_form in award_dict[form.award]: if not form.is_distinct_from(other_form): form.errors['__all__'] = form.error_class([ u"You cannot make the same nomination twice in the same category." ]) award_dict[form.award].append(form) for (fic, nominations) in fic_nominations.items(): if nominations > settings.MAX_FIC_NOMINATIONS: raise ValidationError( u"You have nominated %(fic)s %(nominations)s times. You may only nominate any given fic up to %(max_nominations)s times. Please remove some nominations for %(fic)s." % { 'fic': fic, 'nominations': nominations, 'max_nominations': settings.MAX_FIC_NOMINATIONS }) for (person, nominations) in person_nominations.items(): if nominations > settings.MAX_PERSON_NOMINATIONS: raise ValidationError( u"You have nominated %(person)s or their work %(nominations)s times. You may only nominate a given person up to %(max_nominations)s times. Please remove some nominations for %(person)s." % { 'person': person, 'nominations': nominations, 'max_nominations': settings.MAX_PERSON_NOMINATIONS }) if len(person_nominations) < settings.MIN_DIFFERENT_NOMINATIONS: raise ValidationError( u"You must nominate at least %s different authors." % settings.MIN_DIFFERENT_NOMINATIONS)