async def run_sample():
    # Instantiate a secret client that will be used to call the service.
    # Notice that the client is using default Azure credentials.
    # To make default credentials work, ensure that environment variables 'AZURE_CLIENT_ID',
    # 'AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET' and 'AZURE_TENANT_ID' are set with the service principal credentials.
    VAULT_URL = os.environ["VAULT_URL"]
    credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
    client = SecretClient(vault_url=VAULT_URL, credential=credential)
        # Let's create secrets holding storage and bank accounts credentials. If the secret
        # already exists in the Key Vault, then a new version of the secret is created.
        print("\n.. Create Secret")
        bank_secret = await client.set_secret("listOpsBankSecretName",
        storage_secret = await client.set_secret("listOpsStorageSecretName",
        print("Secret with name '{0}' was created.".format(
        print("Secret with name '{0}' was created.".format(

        # You need to check if any of the secrets are sharing same values.
        # Let's list the secrets and print their values.
        # List operations don 't return the secrets with value information.
        # So, for each returned secret we call get_secret to get the secret with its value information.
        print("\n.. List secrets from the Key Vault")
        secrets = client.list_secrets()
        async for secret in secrets:
            retrieved_secret = await client.get_secret(
            print("Secret with name '{0}' with value '{1}' was found.".format(
      , retrieved_secret.value))

        # The bank account password got updated, so you want to update the secret in Key Vault to ensure it reflects the
        # new password. Calling set_secret on an existing secret creates a new version of the secret in the Key Vault
        # with the new value.
        updated_secret = await client.set_secret(,
        print("Secret with name '{0}' was updated with new value '{1}'".format(
  , updated_secret.value))

        # You need to check all the different values your bank account password secret had previously. Lets print all
        # the versions of this secret.
        print("\n.. List versions of the secret using its name")
        secret_versions = client.list_secret_versions(
        async for secret in secret_versions:
            print("Bank Secret with name '{0}' has version: '{1}'".format(
      , secret.version))

        # The bank account and storage accounts got closed. Let's delete bank and storage accounts secrets.
        await client.delete_secret(
        await client.delete_secret(

        # To ensure secret is deleted on the server side.
        print("\nDeleting secrets...")
        await asyncio.sleep(20)

        # You can list all the deleted and non-purged secrets, assuming Key Vault is soft-delete enabled.
        print("\n.. List deleted secrets from the Key Vault")
        deleted_secrets = client.list_deleted_secrets()
        async for deleted_secret in deleted_secrets:
            print("Secret with name '{0}' has recovery id '{1}'".format(
      , deleted_secret.recovery_id))

    except HttpResponseError as e:
        if "(NotSupported)" in e.message:
                "\n{0} Please enable soft delete on Key Vault to perform this operation."
            print("\nrun_sample has caught an error. {0}".format(e.message))

        print("\nrun_sample done")
class ListSecretsTest(PerfStressTest):
    def __init__(self, arguments):

        # Auth configuration
        self.credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
        self.async_credential = AsyncDefaultAzureCredential()

        # Create clients
        vault_url = self.get_from_env("AZURE_KEYVAULT_URL")
        self.client = SecretClient(vault_url, self.credential,
        self.async_client = AsyncSecretClient(vault_url, self.async_credential,
        self.secret_names = [
            for i in range(self.args.count)

    async def global_setup(self):
        """The global setup is run only once."""
        # Validate that vault contains 0 secrets (including soft-deleted secrets), since additional secrets
        # (including soft-deleted) impact performance.
        async for secret in self.async_client.list_properties_of_secrets():
            raise Exception(
                "KeyVault %s must contain 0 secrets (including soft-deleted) before starting perf test"
                % self.async_client.vault_url)
        async for secret in self.async_client.list_deleted_secrets():
            raise Exception(
                "KeyVault %s must contain 0 secrets (including soft-deleted) before starting perf test"
                % self.async_client.vault_url)

        await super().global_setup()
        create = [
            self.async_client.set_secret(name, "secret-value")
            for name in self.secret_names
        await asyncio.wait(create)

    async def global_cleanup(self):
        """The global cleanup is run only once."""
        delete = [
            self.async_client.delete_secret(name) for name in self.secret_names
        await asyncio.wait(delete)
        purge = [
            for name in self.secret_names
        await asyncio.wait(purge)
        await super().global_cleanup()

    async def close(self):
        """This is run after cleanup."""
        await self.async_client.close()
        await self.async_credential.close()
        await super().close()

    def run_sync(self):
        """The synchronous perf test."""
        secret_properties = self.client.list_properties_of_secrets()
        # enumerate secrets to exercise paging code

    async def run_async(self):
        """The asynchronous perf test."""
        secret_properties = self.async_client.list_properties_of_secrets()
        # enumerate secrets to exercise paging code
        async for _ in secret_properties:

    def add_arguments(parser):
        super(ListSecretsTest, ListSecretsTest).add_arguments(parser)
                            help="Number of secrets to list. Defaults to 10",