def updateTorrent(self): pbar = self.getControl(219) list = self.getControl(220) labelName = self.getControl(1) labelStatus = self.getControl(2) torrent =[self.torrent_id] files = self.transmission.get_files(self.torrent_id)[self.torrent_id] statusline = "[%(status)s] %(down)s down (%(pct).2f%%), %(up)s up (Ratio: %(ratio).2f)" % \ {'down': Bytes.format(torrent.downloadedEver), 'pct': torrent.progress, \ 'up': Bytes.format(torrent.uploadedEver), 'ratio': torrent.ratio, \ 'status': torrent.status} if torrent.status is 'downloading': statusline += " ETA: %(eta)s" % \ {'eta': torrent.eta} labelName.setLabel( labelStatus.setLabel(statusline) pbar.setPercent(torrent.progress) for i, file in files.iteritems(): if i not in self.list: # Create a new list item l = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=file['name']) list.addItem(l) self.list[i] = l else: # Update existing list item l = self.list[i] l.setProperty('Progress', '[%3d%%]' % (file['completed'] * 100 / file['size']))
def updateTorrents(self): list = self.getControl(20) torrents = for i, torrent in torrents.iteritems(): statusline = "[%(status)s] %(down)s down (%(pct).2f%%), %(up)s up (Ratio: %(ratio).2f)" % \ {'down': Bytes.format(torrent.downloadedEver), 'pct': torrent.progress, \ 'up': Bytes.format(torrent.uploadedEver), 'ratio': torrent.ratio, \ 'status': torrent.status} if torrent.status is 'downloading': statusline += " ETA: %(eta)s" % \ {'eta': torrent.eta} if i not in self.list: # Create a new list item l = xbmcgui.ListItem(, label2=statusline) list.addItem(l) self.list[i] = l else: # Update existing list item l = self.list[i] self.torrents = torrents l.setLabel( l.setLabel2(statusline) l.setProperty('TorrentID', str(i)) l.setProperty('TorrentProgress', "%.2ff" % torrent.progress) l.setInfo('torrent', torrent.fields) l.setInfo('video', {'episode': int(torrent.progress)}) removed = [id for id in self.list.keys() if id not in torrents.keys()] if len(removed) > 0: # Clear torrents from the list that have been removed for id in removed: del self.list[id] list.reset() for id, item in self.list.iteritems(): list.addItem(item)
def updateTorrent(self): pbar = self.getControl(219) list = self.getControl(220) labelName = self.getControl(1) labelDownload = self.getControl(2) labelUpload = self.getControl(5) labelETA = self.getControl(4) labelProgress = self.getControl(11) torrents = self.deluge.list() if torrents is not False: for torrent in torrents: if torrent['id'] == self.torrent_id: break self.torrent = torrent labelName.setLabel(torrent['name']) download_line = "Done %(down)s (%(pct).2f%%) | Speed %(dspeed)s/s"% \ {'down': Bytes.format(torrent['download']), 'pct': torrent['progress'], 'dspeed': Bytes.format(torrent['downspeed'])} labelDownload.setLabel(download_line) upload_line = "Sent %(up)s | Speed %(uspeed)s/s | Ratio: %(ratio).2f"% \ {'up': Bytes.format(torrent['upload']), 'uspeed': Bytes.format(torrent['upspeed']), 'ratio': torrent['ratio']} labelUpload.setLabel(upload_line) if torrent['status'] is 'downloading': eta_line = "%(eta)s"%{'eta': self.formatEta(int(torrent['eta']))} else: eta_line = "inf." labelETA.setLabel(eta_line) labelProgress.setLabel('%3d%%'%(torrent['progress'])) pbar.setPercent(torrent['progress']) files = self.deluge.listfiles(self.torrent_id) # [[path, percent, x['index'], size],...] if files is not None: for file in files: if file[2] not in self.listItems.keys(): # Create a new list item l = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=file[0]) list.addItem(l) self.listItems[file[2]] = l else: # Update existing list item l = self.listItems[file[2]] l.setProperty('Progress', '[%3d%% of %s]'%(file[1], file[3])) # Update again, after an interval self.timer = threading.Timer(UPDATE_INTERVAL, self.updateTorrent) self.timer.start()
def updateTorrents(self): torrents = self.deluge.list() if torrents: self.torrents = torrents list = self.getControl(120) keys = [] for torrent in self.torrents: keys.append(torrent['id']) statusline = "Down: %(down)s %(pct).2f%% %(dspeed)s/s | Up: %(up)s %(uspeed)s/s | Ratio: %(ratio).2f"% \ {'down': Bytes.format(torrent['download']), 'pct': torrent['progress'], \ 'dspeed': Bytes.format(torrent['downspeed']), 'up': Bytes.format(torrent['upload']), 'uspeed': Bytes.format(torrent['upspeed']), 'ratio': torrent['ratio']} if torrent['progress'] == 100: torrent['status'] = 'fake_done' if torrent['id'] not in self.listItems: # Create a new list item l = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=torrent['name'], label2=statusline) self.listItems[torrent['id']] = l list.addItem(l) else: # Update existing list item l = self.listItems[torrent['id']] l.setLabel(torrent['name']) l.setLabel2(statusline) l.setProperty('TorrentID', str(torrent['id'])) l.setProperty('TorrentStatusIcon', STATUS_ICONS.get(torrent['status'], 'status_paused.png')) l.setProperty('TorrentProgress', "%3d%%"%torrent['progress']) removed = [id for id in self.listItems.keys() if id not in keys] if len(removed) > 0: # Clear torrents from the list that have been removed for id in removed: del self.listItems[id] list.reset() for id in self.listItems: list.addItem(self.listItems[id]) list.setEnabled(bool(self.torrents)) # Update again, after an interval, but only if the timer has not been cancelled if self.timer: self.timer = threading.Timer(UPDATE_INTERVAL, self.updateTorrents) self.timer.start()
def updateTorrents(self): list = self.getControl(120) self.torrents = for i, torrent in self.torrents.iteritems(): statusline = "[%(status)s] %(down)s down (%(pct).2f%%), %(up)s up (Ratio: %(ratio).2f)" % \ {'down': Bytes.format(torrent.downloadedEver), 'pct': torrent.progress, \ 'up': Bytes.format(torrent.uploadedEver), 'ratio': torrent.ratio, \ 'status': torrent.status} if i not in self.list: # Create a new list item l = xbmcgui.ListItem(, label2=statusline) list.addItem(l) self.list[i] = l else: # Update existing list item l = self.list[i] l.setLabel( l.setLabel2(statusline) l.setProperty('TorrentStatusIcon', STATUS_ICONS.get(torrent.status, 'pending.png')) l.setProperty('TorrentID', str(i)) l.setProperty('TorrentProgress', "%3d%%" % torrent.progress) removed = [ id for id in self.list.keys() if id not in self.torrents.keys() ] if len(removed) > 0: # Clear torrents from the list that have been removed for id in removed: del self.list[id] list.reset() for id, item in self.list.iteritems(): list.addItem(item) list.setEnabled(bool(self.torrents)) # Update again, after an interval, but only if the timer has not been cancelled if self.timer: self.timer = threading.Timer(UPDATE_INTERVAL, self.updateTorrents) self.timer.start()
def updateTorrents(self): list = self.getControl(120) torrents = self.transmission.get_torrents() for i in range(len(torrents)): torrent = torrents[i] #xbmc.log("i=%d id=%s" % (i, statusline = "[%(status)s] %(down)s down (%(pct).2f%%), %(up)s up (Ratio: %(ratio).2f)" % \ {'down': Bytes.format(torrent.downloadedEver), 'pct': torrent.progress, \ 'up': Bytes.format(torrent.uploadedEver), 'ratio': torrent.ratio, \ 'status': torrent.status} if not in self.list: # Create a new list item l = xbmcgui.ListItem(, label2=statusline) list.addItem(l) self.list[] = l else: # Update existing list item l = self.list[] self.torrents = torrents statusicons = {'stopped': 'pause.png', 'seeding': 'ok.png', 'downloading': 'down.png'} l.setLabel( l.setLabel2(statusline) l.setProperty('TorrentStatusIcon', statusicons[torrent.status]) l.setProperty('TorrentID', str(i)) l.setProperty('TorrentProgress', "%.2f" % torrent.progress) #l.setInfo('torrent', torrent.fields) l.setInfo('video', {'episode': int(torrent.progress)}) torrents_keys = [ for torrent in torrents] removed = [id for id in self.list.keys() if id not in torrents_keys] if len(removed) > 0: # Clear torrents from the list that have been removed for id in removed: del self.list[id] list.reset() for id, item in self.list.iteritems(): list.addItem(item) list.setEnabled(bool(torrents))
def updateTorrents(self): list = self.getControl(120) self.torrents = for i, torrent in self.torrents.iteritems(): statusline = "[%(status)s] %(down)s down (%(pct).2f%%), %(up)s up (Ratio: %(ratio).2f)" % \ {'down': Bytes.format(torrent.downloadedEver), 'pct': torrent.progress, \ 'up': Bytes.format(torrent.uploadedEver), 'ratio': torrent.ratio, \ 'status': torrent.status} if i not in self.list: # Create a new list item l = xbmcgui.ListItem(, label2=statusline) list.addItem(l) self.list[i] = l else: # Update existing list item l = self.list[i] l.setLabel( l.setLabel2(statusline) l.setProperty('TorrentStatusIcon', STATUS_ICONS.get(torrent.status, 'pending.png')) l.setProperty('TorrentID', str(i)) l.setProperty('TorrentProgress', "%3d%%" % torrent.progress) l.setInfo('torrent', torrent.fields) l.setInfo('video', {'episode': int(torrent.progress)}) removed = [id for id in self.list.keys() if id not in self.torrents.keys()] if len(removed) > 0: # Clear torrents from the list that have been removed for id in removed: del self.list[id] list.reset() for id, item in self.list.iteritems(): list.addItem(item) list.setEnabled(bool(self.torrents)) # Update again, after an interval, but only if the timer has not been cancelled if self.timer: self.timer = threading.Timer(UPDATE_INTERVAL, self.updateTorrents) self.timer.start()
def updateTorrent(self): pbar = self.getControl(219) list = self.getControl(220) labelName = self.getControl(1) labelStatus = self.getControl(2) labelProgress = self.getControl(11) torrent =[self.torrent_id] files = self.transmission.get_files(self.torrent_id)[self.torrent_id] statusline = "[%(status)s] %(down)s down, %(up)s up (Ratio: %(ratio).2f)" % \ {'down': Bytes.format(torrent.downloadedEver), 'pct': torrent.progress, \ 'up': Bytes.format(torrent.uploadedEver), 'ratio': torrent.ratio, \ 'status': torrent.status} if torrent.status is 'downloading': statusline += " ETA: %(eta)s" % \ {'eta': torrent.eta} labelName.setLabel( labelStatus.setLabel(statusline) labelProgress.setLabel('%3d%%' % (torrent.progress)) pbar.setPercent(torrent.progress) for i, file in files.iteritems(): if i not in self.list: # Create a new list item l = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=file['name']) list.addItem(l) self.list[i] = l else: # Update existing list item l = self.list[i] l.setProperty('Progress', '[%3d%%]' % (file['completed'] * 100 / file['size'])) # Update again, after an interval self.timer = threading.Timer(UPDATE_INTERVAL, self.updateTorrent) self.timer.start()