Esempio n. 1
def compute_output(api, args, training_set, test_set=None, output=None,
                   name=None, training_set_header=True,
                   test_set_header=True, model_ids=None,
                   votes_files=None, resume=False, fields_map=None):
    """ Creates one or more models using the `training_set` or uses the ids
    of previously created BigML models to make predictions for the `test_set`.

    source = None
    dataset = None
    model = None
    models = None
    fields = None
    ensemble_ids = []

    # It is compulsory to have a description to publish either datasets or
    # models
    if (not description and
            (args.black_box or args.white_box or args.public_dataset)):
        sys.exit("You should provide a description to publish.")

    path = u.check_dir(output)
    session_file = "%s%s%s" % (path, os.sep, SESSIONS_LOG)
    csv_properties = {}
    # If logging is required, open the file for logging
    log = None
    if args.log_file:
        log = args.log_file
        # If --clear_logs the log files are cleared
        if args.clear_logs:
                open(log, 'w', 0).close()
            except IOError:

    # labels to be used in multi-label expansion
    labels = (map(str.strip, args.labels.split(','))
              if args.labels is not None else None)
    if labels is not None:
        labels = sorted([label.decode("utf-8") for label in labels])

    # multi_label file must be preprocessed to obtain a new extended file
    if args.multi_label and training_set is not None:
        (training_set, labels,
         field_attributes, objective_field) = multi_label_expansion(
             training_set, training_set_header, objective_field, args, path,
             field_attributes=field_attributes, labels=labels,
        training_set_header = True
    all_labels = labels

    if args.multi_label and args.evaluate and args.test_set is not None:
        (test_set, test_labels,
         field_attributes, objective_field) = multi_label_expansion(
             test_set, test_set_header, objective_field, args, path,
             field_attributes=field_attributes, labels=labels,
        test_set_header = True

    source, resume, csv_properties, fields = source_processing(
        training_set, test_set, training_set_header, test_set_header,
        api, args, resume, name=name, description=description,
        types=types, session_file=session_file, path=path, log=log)

    dataset, resume, csv_properties, fields = dataset_processing(
        source, training_set, test_set, fields,
        api, args, resume, name=name, description=description,
        dataset_fields=dataset_fields, csv_properties=csv_properties,
        session_file=session_file, path=path, log=log)

    # If test_split is used, split the dataset in a training and a test dataset
    # according to the given split
    if args.test_split > 0:
        dataset, test_dataset, resume = split_processing(
            dataset, api, args, resume, name=name, description=description,
            session_file=session_file, path=path, log=log)

    models, model_ids, ensemble_ids, resume = models_processing(
        dataset, models, model_ids,
        objective_field, fields, api, args, resume,
        name=name, description=description, model_fields=model_fields,
        session_file=session_file, path=path, log=log, labels=labels,
    if models:
        model = models[0]
        single_model = len(models) == 1

    # We get the fields of the model if we haven't got
    # them yet and update its public state if needed
    if model and not args.evaluate and (test_set or args.black_box
                                        or args.white_box):
        if args.black_box or args.white_box:
            model = r.publish_model(model, args, api, session_file)
            models[0] = model
        # If more than one model, use the full field structure
        fields, objective_field = get_model_fields(
            model, csv_properties, args, single_model=single_model)

    # If multi-label flag is set and no training_set was provided, label
    # info is extracted from the fields structure
    if args.multi_label and training_set is None:
        fields_list = []
        for model in models:
            if (isinstance(model, basestring) or
                    bigml.api.get_status(model)['code'] != bigml.api.FINISHED):
                # if there's more than one model the first one must contain
                # the entire field structure to be used as reference.
                query_string = (r.FIELDS_QS if single_model
                                else r.ALL_FIELDS_QS)
                model = bigml.api.check_resource(model, api.get_model,
        all_labels, labels = l.retrieve_labels(fields_list, labels)

    # If predicting
    if models and test_set and not args.evaluate:
        models_per_label = 1
        if args.multi_label:
            models_per_label = len(models) / len(all_labels)
        predict(test_set, test_set_header, models, fields, output,
                objective_field, args, api, log,
                args.max_batch_models, resume, session_file, labels=labels,

    # When combine_votes flag is used, retrieve the predictions files saved
    # in the comma separated list of directories and combine them
    if votes_files:
        model_id = re.sub(r'.*(model_[a-f0-9]{24})__predictions\.csv$',
                          r'\1', votes_files[0]).replace("_", "/")
            model = u.check_resource(model_id, api.get_model)
        except ValueError, exception:
            sys.exit("Failed to get model %s: %s" % (model_id, str(exception)))

        local_model = Model(model)
        message = u.dated("Combining votes.\n")
        u.log_message(message, log_file=session_file,
        combine_votes(votes_files, local_model.to_prediction,
                      output, args.method)
Esempio n. 2
def models_processing(dataset, models, model_ids, objective_field, fields,
                      api, args, resume,
                      name=None, description=None, model_fields=None,
                      session_file=None, path=None,
                      log=None, labels=None, all_labels=None):
    """Creates or retrieves models from the input data

    log_models = False
    ensemble_ids = []
    # If we have a dataset but not a model, we create the model if the no_model
    # flag hasn't been set up.
    if dataset and not (has_models(args) or args.no_model):
        model_ids = []
        models = []
        if args.multi_label:
            # Create one model per column choosing only the label column
            if args.training_set is None:
                all_labels, labels = l.retrieve_labels(fields.fields, labels)
            # If --number-of-models is not set or is 1, create one model per
            # label. Otherwise, create one ensemble per label with the required
            # number of models
            if args.number_of_models < 2:
                models, model_ids, resume = model_per_label(
                    labels, all_labels, dataset, fields,
                    objective_field, api, args, resume, name, description,
                    model_fields, session_file, path, log)
                (ensembles, ensemble_ids,
                 models, model_ids, resume) = ensemble_per_label(
                     labels, all_labels, dataset, fields,
                     objective_field, api, args, resume, name, description,
                     model_fields, session_file, path, log)

        elif args.number_of_models > 1:
            ensembles = []
            # Ensemble of models
            (ensembles, ensemble_ids,
             models, model_ids, resume) = ensemble_processing(
                 dataset, objective_field, fields, api, args, resume,
                 name=name, description=description, model_fields=model_fields,
                 session_file=session_file, path=path, log=log)
            ensemble = ensembles[0]
            args.ensemble = bigml.api.get_ensemble_id(ensemble)
            log_models = True
            # Cross-validation case: we create 2 * n models to be validated
            # holding out an n% of data
            if args.cross_validation_rate > 0:
                if args.number_of_evaluations > 0:
                    args.number_of_models = args.number_of_evaluations
                    args.number_of_models = int(MONTECARLO_FACTOR *
            if resume:
                resume, model_ids = c.checkpoint(
                    c.are_models_created, path, args.number_of_models,
                if not resume:
                    message = u.dated("Found %s models out of %s. Resuming.\n"
                                      % (len(model_ids),
                    u.log_message(message, log_file=session_file,

                models = model_ids
                args.number_of_models -= len(model_ids)

            model_args = r.set_model_args(name, description, args,
                                          objective_field, fields,
            models, model_ids = r.create_models(dataset, models,
                                                model_args, args, api,
                                                path, session_file, log)
    # If a model is provided, we use it.
    elif args.model:
        model_ids = [args.model]
        models = model_ids[:]

    elif args.models or args.model_tag:
        models = model_ids[:]

    if args.ensemble:
        ensemble = r.get_ensemble(args.ensemble, api, args.verbosity,
        ensemble_ids = [ensemble]
        model_ids = ensemble['object']['models']
        if log_models and args.number_of_models > 1:
            for model_id in model_ids:
                u.log_created_resources("models", path, model_id,

        models = model_ids[:]

    if args.ensembles or args.ensemble_tag:
        model_ids = []
        ensemble_ids = []
        # Parses ensemble/ids if provided.
        if args.ensemble_tag:
            ensemble_ids = (ensemble_ids +
                                       "tags__in=%s" % args.ensemble_tag))
            ensemble_ids = u.read_resources(args.ensembles)
        for ensemble_id in ensemble_ids:
            ensemble = r.get_ensemble(ensemble_id, api)
            if args.ensemble is None:
                args.ensemble = ensemble_id
        models = model_ids[:]

    # If we are going to predict we must retrieve the models
    if model_ids and args.test_set and not args.evaluate:
        models, model_ids = r.get_models(models, args, api, session_file)

    return models, model_ids, ensemble_ids, resume