Esempio n. 1
def WriteEntry(image_fname, entry_path, data, do_compress=True,
               allow_resize=True, write_map=False):
    """Replace an entry in an image

    This replaces the data in a particular entry in an image. This size of the
    new data must match the size of the old data unless allow_resize is True.

        image_fname: Image filename to process
        entry_path: Path to entry to extract
        data: Data to replace with
        do_compress: True to compress the data if needed, False if data is
            already compressed so should be used as is
        allow_resize: True to allow entries to change size (this does a re-pack
            of the entries), False to raise an exception
        write_map: True to write a map file

        Image object that was updated
    tout.Info("Write entry '%s', file '%s'" % (entry_path, image_fname))
    image = Image.FromFile(image_fname)
    entry = image.FindEntryPath(entry_path)
    WriteEntryToImage(image, entry, data, do_compress=do_compress,
                      allow_resize=allow_resize, write_map=write_map)

    return image
Esempio n. 2
def ExtractEntries(image_fname,
    """Extract the data from one or more entries and write it to files

        image_fname: Image filename to process
        output_fname: Single output filename to use if extracting one file, None
        outdir: Output directory to use (for any number of files), else None
        entry_paths: List of entry paths to extract
        decomp: True to decompress the entry data

        List of EntryInfo records that were written
    image = Image.FromFile(image_fname)

    if alt_format == 'list':

    # Output an entry to a single file, as a special case
    if output_fname:
        if not entry_paths:
            raise ValueError('Must specify an entry path to write with -f')
        if len(entry_paths) != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                'Must specify exactly one entry path to write with -f')
        entry = image.FindEntryPath(entry_paths[0])
        data = entry.ReadData(decomp, alt_format)
        tools.write_file(output_fname, data)
        tout.notice("Wrote %#x bytes to file '%s'" % (len(data), output_fname))

    # Otherwise we will output to a path given by the entry path of each entry.
    # This means that entries will appear in subdirectories if they are part of
    # a sub-section.
    einfos = image.GetListEntries(entry_paths)[0]
    tout.notice('%d entries match and will be written' % len(einfos))
    for einfo in einfos:
        entry = einfo.entry
        data = entry.ReadData(decomp, alt_format)
        path = entry.GetPath()[1:]
        fname = os.path.join(outdir, path)

        # If this entry has children, create a directory for it and put its
        # data in a file called 'root' in that directory
        if entry.GetEntries():
            if fname and not os.path.exists(fname):
            fname = os.path.join(fname, 'root')
        tout.notice("Write entry '%s' size %x to '%s'" %
                    (entry.GetPath(), len(data), fname))
        tools.write_file(fname, data)
    return einfos
Esempio n. 3
def ReadEntry(image_fname, entry_path, decomp=True):
    """Extract an entry from an image

    This extracts the data from a particular entry in an image

        image_fname: Image filename to process
        entry_path: Path to entry to extract
        decomp: True to return uncompressed data, if the data is compress
            False to return the raw data

        data extracted from the entry
    global Image
    from binman.image import Image

    image = Image.FromFile(image_fname)
    entry = image.FindEntryPath(entry_path)
    return entry.ReadData(decomp)
Esempio n. 4
def ReplaceEntries(image_fname, input_fname, indir, entry_paths,
                   do_compress=True, allow_resize=True, write_map=False):
    """Replace the data from one or more entries from input files

        image_fname: Image filename to process
        input_fname: Single input ilename to use if replacing one file, None
        indir: Input directory to use (for any number of files), else None
        entry_paths: List of entry paths to extract
        do_compress: True if the input data is uncompressed and may need to be
            compressed if the entry requires it, False if the data is already
        write_map: True to write a map file

        List of EntryInfo records that were written
    image = Image.FromFile(image_fname)

    # Replace an entry from a single file, as a special case
    if input_fname:
        if not entry_paths:
            raise ValueError('Must specify an entry path to read with -f')
        if len(entry_paths) != 1:
            raise ValueError('Must specify exactly one entry path to write with -f')
        entry = image.FindEntryPath(entry_paths[0])
        data = tools.ReadFile(input_fname)
        tout.Notice("Read %#x bytes from file '%s'" % (len(data), input_fname))
        WriteEntryToImage(image, entry, data, do_compress=do_compress,
                          allow_resize=allow_resize, write_map=write_map)

    # Otherwise we will input from a path given by the entry path of each entry.
    # This means that files must appear in subdirectories if they are part of
    # a sub-section.
    einfos = image.GetListEntries(entry_paths)[0]
    tout.Notice("Replacing %d matching entries in image '%s'" %
                (len(einfos), image_fname))

    BeforeReplace(image, allow_resize)

    for einfo in einfos:
        entry = einfo.entry
        if entry.GetEntries():
            tout.Info("Skipping section entry '%s'" % entry.GetPath())

        path = entry.GetPath()[1:]
        fname = os.path.join(indir, path)

        if os.path.exists(fname):
            tout.Notice("Write entry '%s' from file '%s'" %
                        (entry.GetPath(), fname))
            data = tools.ReadFile(fname)
            ReplaceOneEntry(image, entry, data, do_compress, allow_resize)
            tout.Warning("Skipping entry '%s' from missing file '%s'" %
                         (entry.GetPath(), fname))

    AfterReplace(image, allow_resize=allow_resize, write_map=write_map)
    return image