Esempio n. 1
def approver_fund_claim(ctx, voter, challenger, owner, challenge_id):
    submission_key = generate_submission_key(challenger, owner, challenge_id)
    Log("Generating submission key.")
    submission = get_submission(ctx, submission_key)
    if submission:
        if GetTime() >= submission['timestamp'] + 87000:
            Log("Submission is closed.")
            approvers = submission['approvers']
            approver = contains(approvers, voter)
            if approver:
                Log("Voter approved the submission.")
                if submission['status'] == 'APPROVED':
                    Log("Submission was approved. Voter is eligible for claim."
                    submission['approvers'] = approvers
                    set_submission(ctx, submission_key, submission)
                    Log("Voter has been removed from the approver list. Claim can proceed."
                    return submission['approver_count']
                    Log("Submission was not approved.")
                    return False
                Log("Voter is not in the approver list.")
                return False
            Log("Submission is still open.")
            return False
        Log("This submission does not exist.")
        return False
Esempio n. 2
def sendMessage(args):
    # Args
    sender = args[0]
    receiver = args[1]
    # messageA: for "encrypt-to-self". encrypted with public key from A (sender).
    messageA = args[2]
    # messageB: encrypted with public key from B (receiver).
    messageB = args[3]
    time = GetTime()
    Notify(concat('time', time))
        Sender A = scripthash of sender
        storage A.send.{index}
            stores the sent message from A for respective index
        storage A.send.latest
            stores the index of the last message sent from A
        Receiver B = scripthash of receiver
        storage B.receive.{index}
            stores the received message for the recipient B for the respective index
        storage B.receive.latest
            stores the index of the last message received for B

    # Add message "envrypt-to-self"
    addMessage(sender, '.send.', messageA, receiver, time)
    # Add message for recipient
    addMessage(receiver, '.receive.', messageB, sender, time)
    return True
Esempio n. 3
def submit(ctx, challenge_key, submission_key):
    challenge = get_challenge(ctx, challenge_key)
    if challenge:
        if challenge['state'] == 'OPEN':
            submissions = challenge['submissions']
            if contains(submissions, submission_key):
                Log("Submission already exists.")
                return False
            elif len(submissions) < 100:
                Log("Adding new submission.")
                challenge['submissions'] = submissions
                set_challenge(ctx, challenge_key, challenge)
                return True
            elif GetTime() > challenge['timestamp'] + 1209600:
                Log("This challenge has expired.")
                challenge['state'] = 'CLOSED'
                set_challenge(ctx, challenge_key, challenge)
                return False
                Log("The maximum number of submissions for this challenge has been reached."
                challenge['state'] = 'CLOSED'
                set_challenge(ctx, challenge_key, challenge)
                return False
            return False
    Log("This challenge does not exist.")
    return False
Esempio n. 4
def create_submission(ctx, challenger, owner, challenge_id):
    challenge_key = generate_challenge_key(owner, challenge_id)
    Log("Generating challenge key.")
    submission_key = generate_submission_key(challenger, owner, challenge_id)
    Log("Generating submission key.")
    Log("Initiating a new submission.")
    submission = {
        'challenger': challenger,
        'challenge_key': challenge_key,
        'voters': [],
        'difference': 0,
        'approvers': [],
        'approver_count': 0,
        'rejecters': [],
        'rejecter_count': 0,
        'status': 'APPROVED',
        'state': 'CLOSED',
        'timestamp': GetTime(),
        'claimed': 'NO'
    status = submit(ctx, challenge_key, submission_key)
    if status:
        Log("Storing submission.")
        set_submission(ctx, submission_key, submission)
        return submission_key
        Log("Submission was not stored.")
        return False
Esempio n. 5
def update_board_round(board_id):
    # update ruond end date
    highest_bid = Get(ctx, get_highest_bid_key(board_id))
    unpaid_payment = Get(ctx, get_unpaid_key(board_id))
    board_admin = Get(ctx, get_board_admin_key(board_id))

    # Store unpaid tokens (revenue) to storage
    if not pay_in_token(ctx, CONTRACT_OWNER, board_admin, unpaid_payment):
        print('Payment error.')
        return False

    # Update Payment to be received after next period
    Put(ctx, get_unpaid_key(board_id), highest_bid)

    period = Get(ctx, get_period_key(board_id))
    round_end = GetTime() + period
    Put(ctx, get_endtime_key(board_id), round_end)
    # update owner to highest bidder
    new_owner = Get(ctx, get_highest_bidder_key(board_id))
    Put(ctx, get_owner_key(board_id), new_owner)
    # update content to new owner's content
    new_content = Get(ctx, get_next_content_key(board_id))
    Put(ctx, get_content_key(board_id), new_content)
    # Set highest bid to 0
    Put(ctx, get_highest_bid_key(board_id), 0)
    print('Update Round Completed')
    return True
Esempio n. 6
def promoter_fund_claim(ctx, challenger, owner, challenge_id):
    submission_key = generate_submission_key(challenger, owner, challenge_id)
    Log("Generating submission key.")
    submission = get_submission(ctx, submission_key)
    if submission:
        if GetTime() >= submission['timestamp'] + 87000:
            Log("Submission is closed.")
            submission['state'] = 'CLOSED'
            if submission['status'] == 'APPROVED':
                Log("Submission has been approved. Eligible for claim.")
                if submission['claimed'] == 'NO':
                    Log("Reward has not been claimed. Mining...")
                    submission['claimed'] = 'YES'
                    set_submission(ctx, submission_key, submission)
                    return True
                    Log("Reward has already been claimed.")
                    return False
                Log("Submission has been rejected. Not eligible for claim.")
                return False
            Log("Submission is still open.")
            return False
        Log("This submission does not exist.")
        return False
Esempio n. 7
def reallocate():
    Once the token sale is over, the owner can take back the remaining tokens.
        bool: Whether the operation was successful
    if not CheckWitness(get_owner_address(ctx)):
        print("Must be owner to reallocate")
        return False

    time = GetTime()

    if time < SERIES_A_END:
        print("Must wait until the end of Series A before re-allocating.")
        return False

    current_balance = Get(ctx, get_owner_address(ctx))

    crowdsale_available = crowdsale_available_amount(ctx)

    new_balance = current_balance + crowdsale_available

    Put(ctx, get_owner_address(ctx), new_balance)

    Log("Reallocated successfully!")

    return add_to_circulation(ctx, crowdsale_available)
Esempio n. 8
def sendMessage(args):

    # Args
    sender = args[0]
    message = args[1]
    time = GetTime()

    context = GetContext()
    count = 'count'
    lastCount = Get(context, count)

    if lastCount == '':
        newCount = 1
        newCount = lastCount + 1
    Put(context, count, newCount)

    key = concat('message.',newCount)

    rawData = [message, time, sender]
    value = Serialize(rawData)
    Put(context, key, value)
    Notify(concat('Put message: ', value))

    return True
Esempio n. 9
def Main(operation, args):

    trigger = GetTrigger()

    if trigger == Verification():
        is_owner = CheckWitness(CONTRACT_OWNER)
        if is_owner:
            return True
            return False
    elif trigger == Application():
        if operation == "array":
            bigdata = 'In ac dui quis mi consectetuer '
            i = 0
            while i < 2200:
                bigdata = concat(bigdata, 'In ac dui quis mi consectetuer ')
                i = i + 1
            time = GetTime()
            data = [bigdata, time]
            result = Serialize(data)
            return result
        if operation == "dict":
            j = 10
            d = {
                'a': 1,
                'b': 4,
                4: 'blah',
                'm': j,
                'z': [1, 3, 4, 5, 'abcd', j]
            result = Serialize(d)
            return result
        if operation == "bool":
            bigdata = 'In ac dui quis mi consectetuer '
            time = GetTime()
            data = [False, True, False, True]
            result = Serialize(data)
            return result
            return False
    return False
Esempio n. 10
def buy(player, numbers):

    context = GetContext()

    current_game_no = Get(context, CURRENT_GAME_NO)

    # Check if the lottery is launched.
    # A method called launch() needs to be triggered by this contract owner in order to begin the lottery.

    if not current_game_no:

        return notifyErrorAndReturnFalse("The game has not been launched yet")

    # Ticket price will be transferred to the POOL

    is_transferred = do_transfer(player, POOL, TICKET_PRICE)

    if is_transferred:

        last_ticket_no = Get(context, LAST_TICKET_NO)

        new_ticket_no = last_ticket_no + 1

        new_ticket_key = concat(TICKET, new_ticket_no)

        new_ticket = [
            current_game_no, player,

        Put(context, new_ticket_key, serialize_array(new_ticket))

        Put(context, LAST_TICKET_NO, new_ticket_no)

        player_key = concat(PLAYER, player)

        player_key = concat(player_key, current_game_no)

        # It needs flags to fetch all tickets by addresses and in order to check if a user is qualified for drawing.

        if not has_user_participated(player):

            player_key = concat(player_key, "first")


            player_key = concat(player_key, new_ticket_no)

        Put(context, player_key, new_ticket_no)

        DispatchBuyEvent(player, new_ticket_no, numbers[0], numbers[1],
                         numbers[2], numbers[3], numbers[4])

        return True

    return False
Esempio n. 11
def set_locked(ctx):
        This function is for prevent Op Not Converted: EXTENDED_ARG
    now = GetTime()
    set_locked_until(ctx, ECOSYSTEM_RESERVE_ADDRESS, now + 3 * 30 * 86400)
    set_locked_until(ctx, ADVISOR_FUNDS_ADDRESS, now + 3 * 30 * 86400)
    set_locked_until(ctx, EMPLOYEE_FUNDS_ADDRESS1, now + 365 * 86400)
    set_locked_until(ctx, EMPLOYEE_FUNDS_ADDRESS2, now + 2 * 365 * 86400)
    set_locked_until(ctx, RESERVE_FUNDS_ADDRESS, now + 365 * 86400)
Esempio n. 12
def create_challenge(ctx, owner, challenge_id):
    challenge_key = generate_challenge_key(owner, challenge_id)
    Log("Generating challenge key.")
    last_challenge_date = last_challenge_timestamp(ctx, owner)
    challenge_package = check_challenge_package(ctx, owner)
    using_package = False
    can_create_challenge = False

    if GetTime() > last_challenge_date + 2592000:
        can_create_challenge = True
        Log("The business can create a challenge.")
    elif challenge_package > 0:
        can_create_challenge = True
        using_package = True
        Log("The business has created a challenge in the past 30 days. Using challenge package."
        Log("The last challenge created by the business was less than 30 days ago."
        Log("The business challenge package is empty.")

    if can_create_challenge:
        if not get_challenge(ctx, challenge_key):
            Log("Challenge does not already exist. Initiating a new challenge."
            challenge = {
                'owner': owner,
                'cid': challenge_id,
                'state': 'OPEN',
                'submissions': [],
                'timestamp': GetTime()
            set_challenge(ctx, challenge_key, challenge)
            update_last_challenge_date(ctx, owner, challenge['timestamp'])
            if using_package:
                decrement_challenge_package(ctx, owner)
            return True
            Log("Challenge key already exists.")
            return False
        Log("The business cannot create a challenge at the moment.")
        return False
Esempio n. 13
def do_transfer_from(ctx, t_from, t_to, amount):

    if amount <= 0:
        return False

    available_key = concat(t_from, t_to)

    if len(available_key) != 40:
        return False

    now = GetTime()
    locked_until_from = get_locked_until(ctx, t_from)
    locked_until_to = get_locked_until(ctx, t_to)
    if now < locked_until_from or now < locked_until_to:
        log = debug_log("from or to is locked!")
        return False

    available_to_to_addr = Get(ctx, available_key)

    if available_to_to_addr < amount:
        log = debug_log("Insufficient funds approved")
        return False

    from_balance = Get(ctx, t_from)

    if from_balance < amount:
        log = debug_log("Insufficient tokens in from balance")
        return False

    to_balance = Get(ctx, t_to)

    new_from_balance = from_balance - amount

    new_to_balance = to_balance + amount

    Put(ctx, t_to, new_to_balance)
    Put(ctx, t_from, new_from_balance)

    log = debug_log("transfer complete")

    new_allowance = available_to_to_addr - amount

    if new_allowance == 0:
        log = debug_log("removing all balance")
        Delete(ctx, available_key)
        log = debug_log("updating allowance to new allowance")
        Put(ctx, available_key, new_allowance)

    OnTransfer(t_from, t_to, amount)

    return True
Esempio n. 14
def calculate_can_exchange(ctx, amount, address, verify_only):
    Perform custom token exchange calculations here.

    :param amount:int Number of tokens to convert from asset to tokens
    :param address:bytearray The address to mint the tokens to
        bool: Whether or not an address can exchange a specified amount
    timestap = GetTime()

    current_in_circulation = Get(ctx, TOKEN_CIRC_KEY)
    new_amount = current_in_circulation + amount

    if new_amount > TOKEN_TOTAL_SUPPLY:
        return False

    if timestap >= ROUND1_START and timestap <= ROUND1_END:

        print("Minting Round 1")

        r1key = concat(address, MINTED_ROUND1_KEY)

        # the following looks up whether an address has been
        # registered with the contract for KYC regulations
        # check if they have already exchanged in round 1
        # if not, then save the exchange for limited round
        if amount <= MAX_EXCHANGE_ROUND1 and kyc_status(
                ctx, 'round1', address) and not Get(ctx, r1key):

            if not verify_only:
                Put(ctx, r1key, True)
            return True

    if timestap >= ROUND2_START and timestap <= ROUND2_END:

        print("Minting round 2")

        r2key = concat(address, MINTED_ROUND2_KEY)

        if amount <= MAX_EXCHANGE_ROUND2 and kyc_status(
                ctx, 'round2', address) and not Get(ctx, r2key):

            if not verify_only:
                Put(ctx, r2key, True)

            return True

    print("Not eligible")
    return False
Esempio n. 15
def perform_exchange(ctx):

     :param token:Token The token object with NEP5/sale settings
         bool: Whether the exchange was successful
    now = GetTime()
    attachments = get_asset_attachments()  # [receiver, sender, neo, gas]

    exchangeables = get_exchangeable(ctx, attachments[1], attachments[2], now)
    exchanged_tokens = exchangeables[0]
    state = exchangeables[2]
    exchange_ok = exchanged_tokens > 0

    if not exchange_ok:
        # This should only happen in the case that there are a lot of TX on the final
        # block before the total amount is reached.  An amount of TX will get through
        # the verification phase because the total amount cannot be updated during that phase
        # because of this, there should be a process in place to manually refund tokens
        if attachments[2] > 0:
            OnRefund(attachments[1], attachments[2])
        # if you want to exchange gas instead of neo, use this
        # if attachments.gas_attached > 0:
        #    OnRefund(attachments.sender_addr, attachments.gas_attached)
        return False

    add_balance(ctx, attachments[1], exchanged_tokens)
    sub_balance(ctx, SALE_FUNDS_ADDRESS, exchanged_tokens)

    sale_prefix = None
    if state == IS_WHITELIST_SALE:
    if state == IS_PRESALE:
    if state == IS_CROWDSALE:

    add_minted_tokens(ctx, sale_prefix, exchanged_tokens)
    add_contributed_neo(ctx, sale_prefix, attachments[1], attachments[2])

    # update the in circulation amount
    # result = add_to_circulation(ctx, exchanged_tokens)

    # dispatch transfer event
    OnTransfer(SALE_FUNDS_ADDRESS, attachments[1], exchanged_tokens)

    affiliate = do_affiliate(ctx, attachments[1], exchanged_tokens)

    return True
Esempio n. 16
def completeStake(args):
    Complete the stake specified by `stakeID`
    If the staking period is complete, this returns the staked tokens to the user, and dispatches a `complete` event

    Note that since this method can return tokens ONLY back to the address that originally staked the tokens, it can be called by anyone.

    :param args (list): a list with the first item being the address in question and the second being the stakeID
    :return: (bool): success

    stakes = getStakesForAddr(args[0])
    stakeID = args[1]
    stake = stakes[stakeID]

    if not stake:
        raise Exception("Could not find stake")

    addr = stake['addr']
    amount = stake['amount']
    now = GetTime()

    if stake['endTime'] > now:
        raise Exception("Not eligible to unstake yet")

    if stake['complete']:
        raise Exception("Stake already completed")

    # transfer back to user
    args = [GetExecutingScriptHash(), addr, amount]

    transferOfTokens = DynamicAppCall(getStakingContract(), 'transfer', args)

    if transferOfTokens:

        stake['completed'] = True

        stakes[stakeID] = stake
        addrStakeKey = concat(STAKE_ADDR_KEY, addr)

        Put(ctx, addrStakeKey, Serialize(stakes))

        OnStakeComplete(stakeID, addr)

        return True

    return False
Esempio n. 17
def tweet(ctx, addr, uid, content, retweet):
    Post tweet
        addr -> script hash of invoker
        uid -> unique user id
        content -> Tweet content
        retweet -> If '' then normal tweet. If key is given (from retweet operation) then this is a retweet
    Return: storage key for new tweet
    Tweet storage uid.tweet.{id (incremented per user)} => array[]:
        0 -> script hash of invoker
        1 -> uid
        2 -> display name
        3 -> tweet text
        4 -> time of tweet
        5 -> count comments
        6 -> count retweets        
        7 -> count likes
        8 -> count unlikes
        9 -> storage key retweeted tweet

    #get user account data and count+1 for tweet
    accData = updateAccCount(ctx, uid, 4, True)
    newIndex = accData[4]
    name = accData[2]

    # save new tweet
    time = GetTime()
    save = [addr, uid, name, content, time, 0, 0, 0, 0, retweet]
    save_s = Serialize(save)
    PutThree(ctx, uid, ".tweet.", newIndex, save_s)

    # increment total tweet count
    tweetIndex = IncrementOne(ctx, "tweets")

    # set the storage key for latest tweet
    tmp1 = concat(uid, ".tweet.")
    tmp2 = concat(tmp1, newIndex)
    PutTwo(ctx, "tweet.", tweetIndex, tmp2)

    OnTweet(tweetIndex, uid, tmp2)
    return tmp2
Esempio n. 18
def do_transfer(ctx, t_from, t_to, amount):

    if amount <= 0:
        return False

    if len(t_to) != 20:
        return False

    if CheckWitness(t_from):
        now = GetTime()
        locked_until_from = get_locked_until(ctx, t_from)
        locked_until_to = get_locked_until(ctx, t_to)
        if now < locked_until_from or now < locked_until_to:
            log = debug_log("from or to is locked!")
            return False

        if t_from == t_to:
            log = debug_log("transfer to self!")
            return True

        from_val = Get(ctx, t_from)

        if from_val < amount:
            log = debug_log("insufficient funds")
            return False

        if from_val == amount:
            Delete(ctx, t_from)

            difference = from_val - amount
            Put(ctx, t_from, difference)

        to_value = Get(ctx, t_to)

        to_total = to_value + amount

        Put(ctx, t_to, to_total)

        OnTransfer(t_from, t_to, amount)

        return True
        log = debug_log("from address is not the tx sender")

    return False
Esempio n. 19
def get_time_left():

    context = GetContext()

    current_game_no = get_current_game_no()

    if current_game_no == 1:
        key = LAST_DRAWING_AT
        key = concat(LAST_DRAWING_AT, current_game_no - 1)

    last_drawing_at = Get(context, key)

    now = GetTime()

    time_left = now - (last_drawing_at + DRAWING_SCHEDULE)

    return time_left
Esempio n. 20
def register(ctx, args):
    Register new account

        0 -> script hash of invoker
        1 -> unique user id
        2 -> display name
        3 -> public key
    Account storage uid => array[]:
        0 -> script hash of invoker
        1 -> uid
        2 -> display name
        3 -> time of registration
        4 -> count tweets
        5 -> count followers
        6 -> count following
        7 -> count unfollowed
        8 -> count unfollowing
        9 -> public key
    addr = args[0]
    uid = args[1]
    # check if uid is free
    if not Get(ctx, uid):
        # check if user already registered
        if not isRegistered(ctx,addr):
            # register the script hash with the uid
            Put(ctx, addr, uid)
            name = args[2]
            time = GetTime()
            save = [addr, uid, name, time, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, args[3]]
            save_s = Serialize(save)
            # register the uid with user data
            Put(ctx, args[1], save_s)
            # Increment total account count + 1
            IncrementOne(ctx, "accounts")
            return True
        Notify("User is already registered")
        return False
    Notify("UserId already taken")
    return False
Esempio n. 21
def comment(ctx, uid, tweet, comment):
    Comment a tweet
        uid -> unique user id
        tweet -> key of to-comment
        comment -> comment text    
    count = updateTweetCount(ctx, tweet, "comment")
    if count > 0:
        # save comment for tweet
        time = GetTime()
        save = [uid, time, comment]
        save_s = Serialize(save)
        PutThree(ctx, tweet, ".comment.", count, save_s)
        OnComment(uid, tweet)
        return True
    Notify("To-comment tweet does not exist")
    return False
Esempio n. 22
def deploy():

    context = GetContext()

    if not CheckWitness(OWNER):

        return notifyErrorAndReturnFalse("Must be owner to deploy")

    if not Get(context, DEPLOYED_AT):

        current_time = GetTime()

        Put(context, DEPLOYED_AT, current_time)

        Put(context, OWNER, TOTAL_SUPPLY)

        DispatchTransferEvent(None, OWNER, TOTAL_SUPPLY)

        return notifyErrorAndReturnFalse("Already deployed!")
Esempio n. 23
def add_volume(asset_id, native_amount, foreign_amount):
    time = GetTime()

    bucket_number = time / bucket_duration

    volume_key = concat("tradeVolume", bucket_number)
    volume_key = concat(volume_key, asset_id)

    volume_data = get(volume_key)

    if len(volume_data) == 0:
        volume = set_volume()

        volume["Native"] = native_amount
        volume["Foreign"] = foreign_amount
        volume = deserialize(volume_data)
        volume["Native"] = volume["Native"] + native_amount
        volume["Foreign"] = volume["Foreign"] + foreign_amount

    put(volume_key, serialize_array(volume))
Esempio n. 24
def autopick(player):
    samples = [
        1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
        21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38,

    numbers = []

    # Use current time in blockchain to in order to generate the numbers.

    randomNumber = GetTime()

    for i in range(1, 6):
        percentage = (randomNumber * i) % (39 - i)



    return buy(player, numbers)
Esempio n. 25
def add_volume(asset_id, native_amount, foreign_amount):
    time = GetTime()
    storage = MCTManager()

    bucket_number = time / bucket_duration

    volume_key = concat("tradeVolume", bucket_number)
    volume_key = concat(volume_key, asset_id)

    volume_data = storage.get(volume_key)

    if len(volume_data) == 0:
        volume = Volume()

        volume.Native = native_amount
        volume.Foreign = foreign_amount
        volume = storage.deserialize(volume_data)
        volume.Native = volume.Native + native_amount
        volume.Foreign = volume.Foreign + foreign_amount

    storage.put(volume_key, storage.serialize_array(volume))
Esempio n. 26
def reject(ctx, voter, challenger, owner, challenge_id):
    submission_key = generate_submission_key(challenger, owner, challenge_id)
    Log("Generating submission key.")
    submission = get_submission(ctx, submission_key)
    if submission:
        if GetTime() < submission['timestamp'] + 87000:
            voters = submission['voters']
            voted = contains(voters, voter)
            Log("Checking that the user has not already voted for this submission."
            if voted == False:
                Log("Rejecting submission.")
                rejecters = submission['rejecters']
                submission['voters'] = voters
                submission['rejecters'] = rejecters
                submission['rejecter_count'] = len(submission['rejecters'])
                submission['difference'] = submission[
                    'approver_count'] - submission['rejecter_count']
                if submission['difference'] >= 0:
                    submission['status'] = 'APPROVED'
                elif submission['difference'] < 0:
                    submission['status'] = 'REJECTED'
                set_submission(ctx, submission_key, submission)
                return True
                Log("The user already voted.")
                return False
            Log("This submission has expired.")
            submission['state'] = 'CLOSED'
            set_submission(ctx, submission_key, submission)
            return False
        Log("This submission does not exist.")
        return False
Esempio n. 27
def getLucky():

    numbers = [
        1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
        21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38,

    winning_numbers = []

    currentHeight = GetHeight()
    currentHeader = GetHeader(currentHeight)
    randomNumber = GetConsensusData(currentHeader)
    randomNumber = randomNumber * GetTime()

    for i in range(1, 6):

        percentage = (randomNumber * i) % (39 - i)



    return serialize_array(winning_numbers)
Esempio n. 28
def sendMessage(ctx, sender, receiver, message, ipfs, encrypted):
    Send message
        sender -> sender address
        receiver -> receiver address
        message -> Contains the message or the ipfs hash
        ipfs -> Boolean if ipfs is used
        encrypted -> Boolean if message is encrypted
    A = scripthash of sender
    storage A.send.{index}
        stores the sent message from A for respective index
    storage A.send.latest
        stores the index of the last message sent from A
    Receiver B = scripthash of receiver
    storage B.receive.{index}
        stores the received message for the recipient B for the respective index
    storage B.receive.latest
        stores the index of the last message received for B
    time = GetTime()
    Notify(concat('time', time))

    if not ValidateIPFS(ipfs):
        return False

    # Add message header  for sender
    addMessage(ctx, sender, '.send.', message, receiver, time, ipfs, encrypted)
    # Add message header for recipient
    addMessage(ctx, receiver, '.receive.', message, sender, time, ipfs,
    return True
Esempio n. 29
def launch():

    context = GetContext()

    if not CheckWitness(OWNER):

        return notifyErrorAndReturnFalse("Must be owner to launch")

    if not Get(context, LAUNCHED_AT):

        current_time = GetTime()

        Put(context, LAUNCHED_AT, current_time)

        Put(context, CURRENT_GAME_NO, 1)

        key = concat(LAST_DRAWING_AT, 0)

        Put(context, key, current_time)

        return do_transfer(OWNER, POOL, INITIAL_POOL)

        return notifyErrorAndReturnFalse("Already launched!")
Esempio n. 30
def getWarpedTime(context):
    time = GetTime()
    time_warp = Get(context, 'time_machine')

    return time + time_warp