Esempio n. 1
def get_pool(pool_id: UInt256) -> list:
    creator = get(POOL_OWNER_KEY + pool_id)

    if len(creator) == 0:
        raise Exception("Pool doesn't exist.")

    description = get(POOL_DESCRIPTION_KEY + pool_id).to_str()
    options: List[str] = deserialize(get(POOL_OPTIONS_KEY + pool_id))

    result = None
    serialized_result = get(POOL_RESULT_KEY + pool_id)
    if len(serialized_result) > 0:
        result = deserialize(serialized_result)

    pool_bets: Dict[bytes, str] = {}
    bet_prefix = POOL_BET_KEY + pool_id
    bets = find(bet_prefix)
        result_pair = bets.value
        storage_key = cast(bytes, result_pair[0])
        player_bet = cast(str, result_pair[1])
        player_id = storage_key[len(bet_prefix):].to_str().to_bytes()

        pool_bets[player_id] = player_bet

    return [pool_id, creator, description, options, result, pool_bets]
Esempio n. 2
def main(operation: int) -> Any:

    # create an array
    stuff = ['a', 3, ['j', 3, 5], 'jk', 'lmnopqr']

    # serialize it
    to_save = serialize(stuff)
    put('serialized', to_save)

    if operation == 1:
        return to_save

    elif operation == 2:
        to_retrieve = get('serialized')
        return to_retrieve

    elif operation == 3:

        to_retrieve = get('serialized')
        deserialized = deserialize(to_retrieve)
        return deserialized

    elif operation == 4:

        to_retrieve = get('serialized')
        deserialized = deserialize(to_retrieve)
        if isinstance(deserialized, list):
            return deserialized[2]

    return False
Esempio n. 3
def setWhitelistedAddress(address: UInt160, authorized: bool):
    Configure whitelisted addresses.

    When this contract address is included in the transaction signature,
    this method will be triggered as a VerificationTrigger to verify that the signature is correct.
    For example, this method needs to be called when using the no fee mint method.

    :param address: the address of the account that is being authorized
    :type address: UInt160
    :param authorized: authorization status of this address
    :type authorized: bool
    :return: whether the transaction signature is correct
    :raise AssertionError: raised if witness is not verified.
    assert verify(), '`acccount` is not allowed for setWhitelistedAddress'
    serialized = get(WL_ADDRESSES)
    auth = cast(list[UInt160], deserialize(serialized))

    if authorized:
        found = False
        for i in auth:
            if i == address:
                found = True

        if not found:

        put(WL_ADDRESSES, serialize(auth))
        on_auth(address, 1, True)
        put(WL_ADDRESSES, serialize(auth))
        on_auth(address, 1, False)
Esempio n. 4
def transfer(to: UInt160, token_id: bytes, data: Any):
    assert len(to) == 20

    token = cast(Dict['str'], deserialize(get(TOKEN_PREFIX + token_id)))

    from_address: UInt160 = token['owner']
    if from_address != calling_script_hash and not check_witness(from_address):
        return False

    # if it's not transferring to your own account
    if from_address != to:
        owner = cast(List[int],
                     deserialize(get(ACCOUNT_PREFIX + from_address)))

    return True
Esempio n. 5
def isWhitelisted() -> bool:
    Check if the address is allowed to mint without fees.

    If the address is whitelisted, it's allowed to mint without any fees.

    :return: whether the address is allowed to mint without fees
    serialized = get(WL_ADDRESSES)
    auth = cast(list[UInt160], deserialize(serialized))
    for addr in auth:
        if check_witness(addr):
            debug(["Verification successful", addr])
            return True

    debug(["Verification failed", addr])
    return False
Esempio n. 6
def finish_pool(pool_id: UInt256, winner_options: List[str]):
    creator = get(POOL_OWNER_KEY + pool_id)

    if len(creator) == 0:
        raise Exception("Pool doesn't exist.")
    if not check_witness(creator):
        raise Exception('No authorization.')
    if len(get(POOL_RESULT_KEY + pool_id)) > 0:
        raise Exception('Pool is finished already')
    if len(winner_options) == 0:
        raise Exception('At least one winner is required')

    # validate all winner options are valid options
    winner_options: List[str] = remove_duplicates(winner_options)
    pool_options: List[str] = deserialize(get(POOL_OPTIONS_KEY + pool_id))
    for option in winner_options:
        if option not in pool_options:
            raise Exception('Invalid option for this pool')

    winners: List[UInt160] = []

    # get winner players
    bets_key_prefix = POOL_BET_KEY + pool_id
    bet = find(bets_key_prefix)
        result_pair = bet.value
        storage_key = cast(bytes, result_pair[0])
        account_bet = cast(str, result_pair[1])

        if account_bet in winner_options:
            address = storage_key[len(bets_key_prefix):]
            account = UInt160(address)

    # distribute the prizes
    if len(winners) > 0:
        total_stake = get(POOL_TOTAL_STAKE_KEY + pool_id).to_int()
        prize_per_winner = total_stake // len(winners)
        executing_contract = executing_script_hash

        for winner in winners:
            transfer_gas(executing_contract, winner, prize_per_winner)

    # set result
    put(POOL_RESULT_KEY + pool_id, serialize(winner_options))
Esempio n. 7
def verify() -> bool:
    Check if the address is allowed.

    When this contract address is included in the transaction signature,
    this method will be triggered as a VerificationTrigger to verify that the signature is correct.
    For example, this method needs to be called when withdrawing token from the contract.

    :return: whether the transaction signature is correct
    serialized = get(AUTH_ADDRESSES)
    auth = cast(list[UInt160], deserialize(serialized))
    for addr in auth:
        if check_witness(addr):
            debug(["Verification successful", addr])
            return True

    debug(["Verification failed", addr])
    return False
Esempio n. 8
def bet(player: UInt160, bet_id: UInt256, bet_option: str):
    if len(get(POOL_OWNER_KEY + bet_id)) == 0:
        raise Exception("Pool doesn't exist.")
    if not check_witness(player):
        raise Exception('No authorization.')
    if len(get(POOL_RESULT_KEY + bet_id)) > 0:
        raise Exception('Pool is finished already')

    player_vote_key = POOL_BET_KEY + bet_id + player
    if len(get(player_vote_key)) > 0:
        raise Exception('Only one bet is allowed per account')

    valid_options: List[str] = deserialize(get(POOL_OPTIONS_KEY + bet_id))
    if bet_option not in valid_options:
        raise Exception('Invalid option for this pool')

    total_stake = get(POOL_TOTAL_STAKE_KEY + bet_id).to_int()
    total_stake += PRICE_IN_GAS

    transfer_gas(player, executing_script_hash, PRICE_IN_GAS)
    put(player_vote_key, bet_option)
    put(POOL_TOTAL_STAKE_KEY + bet_id, total_stake)

def deserialize_arg() -> Any:
    return deserialize(1)
Esempio n. 10
def tokensOf(owner_: UInt160) -> List[bytes]:
    owner = get(ACCOUNT_PREFIX + owner_)
    assert len(owner) == 20
    ids = cast(List[bytes], deserialize(owner))
    return ids
Esempio n. 11
def balanceOf(owner_: UInt160) -> int:
    owner = get(ACCOUNT_PREFIX + owner_)
    assert len(owner) == 20
    ids = cast(List[bytes], deserialize(owner))
    return len(ids)
Esempio n. 12
def land_get(owner: UInt160) -> dict:
    land: dict = deserialize(get(owner))
    return land
Esempio n. 13
def ownerOf(token_id: bytes) -> UInt160:
    token = get(TOKEN_PREFIX + token_id)
    owner = cast(Dict['str'], deserialize(token))['owner']
    return owner
Esempio n. 14
def deserialize_arg(arg: bytes) -> Any:
    return deserialize(arg)
Esempio n. 15
def land_get(index: str) -> dict:
    land: dict = deserialize(get(index))
    return land
Esempio n. 16
def tokensOf(owner: UInt160) -> List[str]:
    key = LAND_OWNERSHIP + owner

    current_ownership: List[str] = deserialize(get(key))
    return current_ownership