Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self, name, shape, chord=1., local_pitch=0., pivot_point=[0., 0.]):
     # Storing body Parameters        = name    # name
     self.chord       = chord  # chord length
     self.local_pitch = local_pitch # pitch angle
     self.pivot_point = np.array([pivot_point]).transpose()  # origin of body w.r.t global geometry
     # Generating coordintes
     if shape[0] is 'cylinder':
         self.geometry_normalized = generateCoordinates.cylinder2D(shape[1])
     elif shape[0] is 'block':
         # generate block coordinates
         self.geometry_normalized = generateCoordinates.block2D(shape[1])
         # body is airfoil; # extract data from file containing normalized coordinates
         # coordinates are given anti-clockwise
         self.geometry_normalized = getCoordinates(filename  = shape[0],
                                                   clockwise = shape[1])          
     # Storing body geometry and its parameters
     #   non-normalized geometry (with pitch and correct center)
     self.geometry = body2global((self.geometry_normalized - self.pivot_point)*self.chord, self.local_pitch)        
     # Number of coordinate point
     self.noPoints = np.shape(self.geometry)[1]
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self,*args):
     # Extracting initial data
     # Initializing the lists of variables = [] 
     self.length_geometry = []  
     self.length_panel    = []
     # Scanning through the 'args' and getting the data
     for data in args:
         # Extracting the global parameters of the body
         # Extracting initial data from the bodies['body'].name) # body names
         self.length_geometry.append(data['body'].noPoints) # number of geometry points
         self.length_panel.append(data['body'].noPoints-1) # number of panel points
     # Initializing the arrays for storing all the data [reduce computational load]
     self.chord       = np.zeros(len(args)) # 1-D array of chords
     self.local_pitch = np.zeros(len(args))
     self.global_pitch= np.zeros(len(args))
     self.location    = np.zeros((2,len(args))) 
     self.geometry    = np.zeros((2,sum(self.length_geometry))) # x,y coordinates in row 0 and 1
     self.panelStart  = np.zeros((2,sum(self.length_panel)))
     self.panelEnd    = np.zeros((2,sum(self.length_panel)))
     # Storing all the data
     # Pointer parameters
     i = 0
     start_geometry = 0
     start_panel = 0
     # Looping through the available data
     for data in args:
         # Calculating the shape of 'sub array'. Finding the end point
         end_geometry = start_geometry + self.length_geometry[i]
         end_panel = start_panel + self.length_panel[i]
         # Storing all the data together into an array
         self.chord[i]       = data['body'].chord
         self.local_pitch[i] = data['body'].local_pitch
         self.global_pitch[i]= data['global_pitch']
         self.location[:,i]  = np.array([data['location']])
         # Transforming the points and vectors to global coordinates.          
         self.geometry[:,start_geometry:end_geometry]   = body2global(data['body'].geometry,   self.global_pitch[i], self.location[:,i])
         self.panelStart[:,start_panel:end_panel]       = self.geometry[:,start_geometry:(end_geometry-1)] # starting points
         self.panelEnd[:,start_panel:end_panel]         = self.geometry[:,(1+start_geometry):end_geometry]
         # Preparing for the next iteration
         start_geometry = end_geometry
         start_panel = end_panel
     self.normal  = normalVector(self.panelStart,  self.panelEnd)
     self.tangent = tangentVector(self.panelStart,  self.panelEnd)
     self.collocationPoint = (self.panelStart + self.panelEnd)/2
     self.vortex_collocationPoint = collocationPoint(self.panelStart,self.panelEnd, -self.normal) # inside the body
     self.source_collocationPoint = collocationPoint(self.panelStart,self.panelEnd, self.normal) # inside the body