def init(self): self.pattern_result_display = PreText(text='No Matches to show.', width=600, height=200) self.pattern_selector = TextInput(value="", title="Search Pattern:", width=600, height=60) dataframe_names = self.shared_state.get("dataframe_names") self.dataframe_selector = Select(title="Dataframe", value="", options=dataframe_names) self.df_title = PreText(text="", width=600, height=20) df_column_names = [ "Field name", "Data type", "Comment", ] self.df_source = ColumnDataSource( {name: [] for name in df_column_names}) columns = [ TableColumn(field=name, title=name) for name in df_column_names ] self.df_table = DataTable(source=self.df_source, columns=columns, width=600, height=300, editable=False)
def stock(ticker1, ticker2): pretext = PreText(text="", width=500) df = get_data(ticker1, ticker2) source = ColumnDataSource(data=df) source.tags = ['main_source'] p = figure( title="%s vs %s" % (ticker1, ticker2), plot_width=400, plot_height=400, tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_select,reset", title_text_font_size="10pt", ) + "_returns", ticker2 + "_returns", size=2, nonselection_alpha=0.02, source=source) stats = df.describe() pretext.text = str(stats) row1 = HBox(children=[p, pretext]) hist1 = hist_plot(df, ticker1) hist2 = hist_plot(df, ticker2) row2 = HBox(children=[hist1, hist2]) line1 = line_plot(ticker1, source) line2 = line_plot(ticker2, source, line1.x_range) output = VBox(children=[row1, row2, line1, line2]) return output
def stock2(ticker1, ticker2): pretext = PreText(text="", width=500) df = get_data(ticker1, ticker2) source = ColumnDataSource(data=df) source.tags = ['main_source'] p = figure( title="%s vs %s" % (ticker1, ticker2), plot_width=400, plot_height=400, tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_select,reset", title_text_font_size="10pt", ) + "_returns", ticker2 + "_returns", size=2, nonselection_alpha=0.02, source=source) stats = df.describe() pretext.text = str(stats) hist1 = hist_plot(df, ticker1) hist2 = hist_plot(df, ticker2) line1 = line_plot(ticker1, source) line2 = line_plot(ticker2, source, line1.x_range) return dict(scatterplot=p, statstext=pretext, hist1=hist1, hist2=hist2, line1=line1, line2=line2)
def stock2(ticker1, ticker2): pretext = PreText(text="", width=500) df = get_data(ticker1, ticker2) source = ColumnDataSource(data=df) source.tags = ['main_source'] p = figure( title="%s vs %s" % (ticker1, ticker2), plot_width=400, plot_height=400, tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_select,reset", title_text_font_size="10pt", ) + "_returns", ticker2 + "_returns", size=2, nonselection_alpha=0.02, source=source ) stats = df.describe() pretext.text = str(stats) hist1 = hist_plot(df, ticker1) hist2 = hist_plot(df, ticker2) line1 = line_plot(ticker1, source) line2 = line_plot(ticker2, source, line1.x_range) return dict(scatterplot=p, statstext=pretext, hist1=hist1, hist2=hist2, line1=line1, line2=line2)
def stock(ticker1, ticker2): pretext = PreText(text="", width=500) df = get_data(ticker1, ticker2) source = ColumnDataSource(data=df) source.tags = ['main_source'] p = figure( title="%s vs %s" % (ticker1, ticker2), plot_width=400, plot_height=400, tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_select,reset", title_text_font_size="10pt", ) + "_returns", ticker2 + "_returns", size=2, nonselection_alpha=0.02, source=source ) stats = df.describe() pretext.text = str(stats) row1 = HBox(children=[p, pretext]) hist1 = hist_plot(df, ticker1) hist2 = hist_plot(df, ticker2) row2 = HBox(children=[hist1, hist2]) line1 = line_plot(ticker1, source) line2 = line_plot(ticker2, source, line1.x_range) output = VBox(children=[row1, row2, line1, line2]) return output
def makeTable(df, width, ID1, ID2): ''' df: DataFrame, which contain the cartographical information width: float/int, giving the width of the table ID1: str, str provides the the ID of the first dataset ID2: str or None, use None if no second ID is provided, str provides the the ID of the second dataset ''' table = PreText(text="", width=width) if not ID2: table.text = str(df.loc[[ID1]].T) else: table.text = str(df.loc[ID1:ID2].T) return table
def update_annotation_exact(attr, old, new): # This function probablby needs a rewrite if too slow. if not new is an empty search box, else has input text if not new: # Display table header as PreText information_1 = "Showing {} of {} annotated genes total".format(maxindeces-1, totalrows) annotation_information_1 = PreText(text=information_1) funclayout.children[1] = annotation_information_1 # Reset table to original annotation = ColumnDataSource(data=df.head(n=maxindeces)) csv_download = ColumnDataSource(data=df) columns = [TableColumn(field=str(key), title=str(key)) for key in list(df)] annotation_table = DataTable(source=annotation, columns=columns, width=1800) funclayout.children[2] = annotation_table # Redo buttons to original funcbutton1 = Button(label="Download annotation (tsv)", button_type="primary") funcbutton1.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(,code=open(join(dirname(__file__), "download_tsv.js")).read()) funcbutton2 = Button(label="Download sequences (Nuc, fasta)", button_type="success", disabled=True) funcbutton3 = Button(label="Download sequences (Prot, fasta)", button_type="success") funcbutton3.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(, seqs=seqs),code=open(join(dirname(__file__), "download_protseq.js")).read()) funcbuttons = row(funcbutton1, funcbutton2, funcbutton3) funclayout.children[3] = funcbuttons else: # Display "Searching while searching" annotation_information_1 = PreText(text="Searching...(expect atleast 5 second search time pr. 10000 annotated genes)") funclayout.children[1] = annotation_information_1 # Use template df pandas to search and create new pandas with search results current = df.where(df.apply(lambda row: row.astype(str).str.contains(new, case=False).any(), axis=1, result_type='broadcast')).dropna(how='all') hitcount= len(current) annotation = ColumnDataSource(data=current.head(n=maxindeces)) csv_download = ColumnDataSource(data=current) columns = [TableColumn(field=str(key), title=str(key)) for key in list(current)] annotation_table = DataTable(source=annotation, columns=columns, width=1800) funclayout.children[2] = annotation_table # Display hit information tablecount = len(current.head(n=maxindeces)) information_1 = "Showing {} of {} hits of {} annotated genes total".format(tablecount, hitcount,totalrows) annotation_information_1 = PreText(text=information_1) funclayout.children[1] = annotation_information_1 # Change buttons funcbutton1 = Button(label="Download annotation of current hits (tsv)", button_type="primary") funcbutton1.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(,code=open(join(dirname(__file__), "download_tsv.js")).read()) funcbutton2 = Button(label="Download sequences of current hits (Nuc, fasta)", button_type="success", disabled=True) funcbutton3 = Button(label="Download sequences of current hits (Prot, fasta)", button_type="success") funcbutton3.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(, seqs=seqs),code=open(join(dirname(__file__), "download_protseq.js")).read()) funcbuttons = row(funcbutton1, funcbutton2, funcbutton3) funclayout.children[3] = funcbuttons
def draw(validy, predy, smiles, T, P): error_y = abs(predy - validy) RE = error_y / validy * 100 data_svg = [DrawMol(i) for i in smiles] colors = [mapcolor(c) for c in RE] TOOLS = "pan,wheel_zoom,reset, save, lasso_select" # TOOLTIPS = [ ("Smiles:", "@smiles"), ("T:", "@T"), ("P:", "@P"), ("log MSE:", "@error"), ("pic", "@svgs{safe}") ] TOOLTIPS = """ <div> <div>@svgs{safe}</div> <div>Smiles: @smiles</div> <div>T: @T</div> <div>P: @P</div> <div>predy(g/cm^3): @y</div> <div>calc(g/cm^3): @x</div> <div>RelativeErr: @error %</div> </div> """ data = ColumnDataSource({ 'x': validy, 'y': predy, 'smiles': smiles, 'T': T, 'P': P, 'error': RE, 'fill_color': colors, 'svgs': data_svg }) miny = float(min(validy)) maxy = float(max(validy)) p = figure(title="result", tools=TOOLS, x_range=Range1d(0.9 * miny, 1.1 * maxy), y_range=Range1d(0.9 * miny, 1.1 * maxy)) = False hover = HoverTool() hover.tooltips = TOOLTIPS stats = PreText(text='a', width=500) def selection_change(attrname, old, new): selected_idx = data.selected.indices selected_smiles = list(['smiles'][idx]) stats.text = smiles_str data.selected.on_change('indices', selection_change) p.line([miny, maxy], [miny, maxy], line_width=1) p.scatter('x', 'y', radius=0.002, source=data, fill_color='fill_color', fill_alpha=1, line_color=None) layout = row(p, stats) curdoc().add_root(layout) show(layout)
def __init__ (self, size=400): self.size = size self.min_percentile= Slider(title="Lower Bound of Historical Team", value=.9, start=0, end=1, step=.01) self.max_percentile= Slider(title="Upper Bound of Historical Team", value=1, start=0, end=1, step=.01) self.game_equivalent= Slider(title="Number of Games to weight prior", value=10, start=1, end=200, step=1) self.select_team = Select(title="Current_Team:", value="GSW", options=my_predicter.get_teams_list()) # Create Column Data Source that will be used by the plot self.hist_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( top =[], left = [], right = [] )) self.pdf_source = ColumnDataSource( data = dict( pdf_x=[], prior_y = [], rescaled_y = [], post_y = [] )) self.cdf_source =ColumnDataSource(data = dict( cdf_x = [], cdf_y =[] )) self.p1 = figure(title="Density Fuctions", tools="save", background_fill_color="#E8DDCB", width= self.size, plot_height=self.size) self.p1.legend.location = "top_right" self.p1.xaxis.axis_label = 'Winning Percentage' self.p1.yaxis.axis_label = 'Likelihod of prior' self.p1.quad(top="top", bottom=0, left="left", right="right", source= self.hist_source, line_color="#033649") self.p1.line(x = "pdf_x", y = "prior_y", source= self.pdf_source, line_color="#D95B43", line_width=8, alpha=0.7, legend="prior PDF") self.p1.line(x = "pdf_x", y = "rescaled_y", source= self.pdf_source, line_color="red", line_width=8, alpha=0.7, legend="rescaled PDF") self.p1.line(x = "pdf_x", y= "post_y", source= self.pdf_source, line_color="green", line_width=8, alpha=0.7, legend="posterior PDF") self.p2_hover = HoverTool( tooltips=[ ("wins", "@cdf_x"), ("prob", "@cdf_y"), ] ) self.p2 = figure(title="Cumulative Wins", tools=[self.p2_hover,"save"], background_fill_color="#E8DDCB", width= self.size, plot_height=self.size) self.p2.xaxis.axis_label = 'Number of Wins in 82 game seasons' self.p2.yaxis.axis_label = 'Probabily of Wins''cdf_x', y='cdf_y', source = self.cdf_source, size = 20) self.p2.x_range=Range1d(-2, 84) self.p2.y_range=Range1d(-3, 103) self.textbox = PreText(text='', width=self.size)
def dom_widget_for_thing(thing): if isinstance(thing, Model): print("is model") dom_widget = thing elif hasattr(thing, '__html__'): print("is html") dom_widget = Div(text=thing.__html__()) else: print("is text") dom_widget = PreText(text=str(thing)) return dom_widget
def __init__(self): self.session_selector = None self.stats = PreText(text='Run Stats', width=500, height=150) self.details = PreText(text='Run Details', width=300, height=100) self.speed_source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(timestamp=[], distance=[], speed=[], lat=[], lon=[])) self.accel_source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(timestamp=[], distance=[], x_accel=[], y_accel=[])) self.tps_source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(timestamp=[], distance=[], result=[])) self.bps_source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(timestamp=[], distance=[], result=[])) self.rpm_source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(timestamp=[], distance=[], result=[])) self.wheelspeed1_source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(timestamp=[], distance=[], result=[])) self.wheelspeed2_source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(timestamp=[], distance=[], result=[])) self.wheelspeed3_source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(timestamp=[], distance=[], result=[])) self.wheelspeed4_source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(timestamp=[], distance=[], result=[]))
def make_plot(): p = PreText(text=""" We are group 10 in Visualization JBI100. The group members are: Kaloyan Videlov Mohamed Jahouh Fadi Shallah Stefan Stoev Jelle van Hees""", width=500, height=100) p1 = PreText(text=""" Our visualization project is part of the Brabant's Historical Information Center located in Den Bosch. The data we use is about people having lived in the Netherlands from at least 200 years, resulting several million people. In the project we have included timelines, for marriages, births and deaths per year, word clouds for name frequency for every 26 years and a male to female bar charts about people who were born and who died for different time periods. This project is inspired by the work of Will Koehrsen.""", width=700, height=100) # Creating a tab for each visualization tab = Panel(child=p, title="About Us") tab1 = Panel(child=p1, title="About the project") tabs = Tabs(tabs=[tab, tab1]) return tabs
def create_fig(self, sources): """ """ if self._type == 'PreText': fig = PreText(text=self._text, **self._args) elif self._type == 'Div': fig = Div(text=self._text, **self._args) elif self._type == 'Paragraph': fig = Paragraph(text=self._text, **self._args) return fig
def __init__(self, X, Y, patch_xs, patch_ys): self.workspace = figure(x_range=[x_low-2,x_high+2], y_range=[0,.6], toolbar_location=None) self.plot = self.workspace.line(x=X, y=Y, line_width=4) self.point =[0], y=[-1], size=10, color="red") self.fx =[0], y=[-1], size=10, color="red") self.sample_y =[0], y=[-1], size=10, color="black") self.vertical = self.workspace.line(x=[0,0], y=[0,0], color="red", line_width=2) self.horizontal = self.workspace.line(x=[0,0], y=[0,0], color="red", line_width=2) self.slice = self.workspace.line(x=[0,0], y=[0,0], color="black", line_width=4) self.patches = self.workspace.patches(patch_xs, patch_ys, alpha=.3, line_width=2) self.filler1 = PreText(text='', width=200, height=250) self.filler2 = PreText(text='', width=200, height=250) ## for choosing update function = RadioButtonGroup( labels=['Stepping out', 'Doubling'], active=0) ## for progressing demo self.button = Button(label="Next") self.button.on_click(self.callback) curdoc().add_root(row(column(self.filler1, self.button), self.workspace, column(self.filler2,
def generic_tab(db, mode): cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name=?", [mode]) if len(cur.fetchall()) == 0: return None cur.execute('select * from "' + mode + '"') text = "" for r in cur: l = r[0] text += l content = PreText(text=text) layout = WidgetBox(content, sizing_mode="scale_both") tab = Panel(child=layout, title=mode) return tab
def __init__(self, logdata: DataFrame): self.line_dataset = None self.scatter_dataset = None self.logdata = logdata # Partition markers, filter out span data from full log self.span_locations = logdata[logdata.Name.isin(conf.sections)] self.logdata = self.logdata[~self.logdata.Name.isin(conf.sections)] # Convert to datetime format self.logdata.Timestamp = to_datetime(self.logdata.Timestamp, unit='ms') # Scatter data self.scatter_data = self.logdata # Multi line data prep self.line_data = self.logdata.groupby('Channel').aggregate({ 'Timestamp': list, 'Value': list }) self.id_list = list(self.line_data.index) self.id_list.sort() self.line_checkbox = CheckboxGroup(labels=self.id_list) self.line_checkbox.on_change('active', self.lineplot_handler) self.scatter_checkbox = CheckboxGroup(labels=self.id_list) self.scatter_checkbox.on_change('active', self.scatterplot_handler) #self.duration = self.logdata.Timestamp.max() - self.reaction_times = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] self.extra_data_text = PreText(text='') try: self.sections = generate_sections(logdata) radio_labels = [ 'Section %s' % i for i in range(len(self.sections)) ] radio_labels.append('All') self.radio_buttons = RadioButtonGroup(labels=radio_labels, active=len(radio_labels) - 1) self.radio_buttons.on_change('active', self.radio_button_handler) except IndexError: print('Missing Slide values. Skipping section generation') self.radio_buttons = RadioButtonGroup(labels=['Fix your data'])
def create_updates_tab(): """ Creates updates tab """ file_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(GLOBAL_PWD, "..", ".."), UPDATES_FILE) updates_text = "" with open(file_path, "r", encoding=CONST_ENCODING) as myfile: updates_text = widget_updates = PreText(text="""%s""" % (updates_text)) updates_widgets = column(children=[row(children=[widget_updates])]) return Panel(child=updates_widgets, title="Release notes")
def init(self): self.plot_templates = self.shared_state["plot_templates"] # self.json_viewer = TextInput(value=self.text, title="Templates", width=1000, height=600) self.template_selector = Select( title=None, value="", options=[t for t in self.plot_templates], height=60, width=200) self.build_plot_button = Button(label="Build plot", button_type="primary", disabled=True, height=60, width=180) self.json_viewer = PreText(text="Template values: \n", width=700, height=500) # self.json_viewer.js_on_change("value", cb) self.json_viewer.disabled = False
def create(self, ped, stddev=None):"Creating {}".format( self._ped = ped self._stddev = stddev n_tm = ped.shape[0] self.n_tmpix = ped.shape[1] n_pixels = n_tm * self.n_tmpix self._update_cdsource() fig = self._get_figure() # Widgets tm_str = ['{:.0f}'.format(x) for x in range(n_tm)] tmpix_str = ['{:.0f}'.format(x) for x in range(self.n_tmpix)] pixel_str = ['{:.0f}'.format(x) for x in range(n_pixels)] self.tm_select = Select(title="TM:", value='0', options=tm_str) self.tmpix_select = Select(title="TMPIX:", value='0', options=tmpix_str) self.pixel_select = Select(title="PIXEL:", value='0', options=pixel_str) text = PreText(text=""" Changing of TM and TMPIX only works when plot_pedestal is ran from inside a Bokeh server. e.g. bokeh serve --show --args -P pedestal.fits """, width=500, height=100) self.tm_select.on_change('value', self._on_tm_select) self.tmpix_select.on_change('value', self._on_tmpix_select) self.pixel_select.on_change('value', self._on_pixel_select) self.layout = layout( [[self.tm_select, self.tmpix_select, self.pixel_select, text], [fig]])
def rdf_plot(name): from bokeh.plotting import figure if name != "PAU": df_rdf = get_rdf_df(name) p = figure( width=800, height=int(800 / 1.61803), x_axis_label="r / A", y_axis_label="g(r)", title="methane-framework radial distribution function", active_drag="box_zoom", output_backend="webgl", ) p.line(df_rdf.distance, df_rdf.histogram, color="#d62728") else: p = PreText(text="No RDF available.", width=800, height=100) return p
def build_cam_view(source, imdata): label = PreText(text='Camera', width=300) fig = figure(plot_width=300, plot_height=300, x_range=(0, 100), y_range=(0, 100), responsive=True) fig.toolbar.logo = None fig.toolbar_location = None fig.xaxis.major_tick_line_color = None # turn off x-axis major ticks fig.xaxis.minor_tick_line_color = None # turn off x-axis minor ticks fig.yaxis.major_tick_line_color = None # turn off y-axis major ticks fig.yaxis.minor_tick_line_color = None # turn off y-axis minor ticks fig.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = '0pt' # preferred method for removing tick labels fig.yaxis.major_label_text_font_size = '0pt' # preferred method for removing tick labels im = fig.image(image='image',x=0,y=0,dw=100,dh=100, source=source) col = column(widgetbox(label), fig) return fig
def __init__ (self, size=500): self.size = size self.game_thresh= Slider(title="Probability of Winning at Least Games", value=50, start=0, end=82, step=1) self.select_team = Select(title="Current_Team:", value="GSW", options=my_predicter.get_teams_list()) # Create Column Data Source that will be used by the plot self.scatter_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( pct =[], we = [], prob = [])) self.p2_hover = HoverTool( tooltips=[ ("win percentage", "@pct"), ("game equivalent", "@we"), ("probability of winnin N games", "@prob"), ] ) palette_r = palette[::-1] color_mapper = LinearColorMapper(palette=palette_r, low = 0.0, high = 100.0) self.p2 = figure(title="Probability of winning at least n games", tools=[self.p2_hover,"save"], background_fill_color="#E8DDCB", width= self.size, plot_height=self.size, toolbar_location="below") self.p2.xaxis.axis_label = 'Prior Expected Win Pct' self.p2.yaxis.axis_label = 'Prior Game Equivalent'['c' = "red"'pct', y='we', color= {'field': 'prob', 'transform': color_mapper}, line_color="black", source = self.scatter_source, size = 12) color_bar = ColorBar(color_mapper=color_mapper, ticker=BasicTicker(), label_standoff=12, border_line_color=None, location=(0,0)) self.p2.add_layout(color_bar, 'right') text_string = """ From the previous tab, it is clear your prior beliefs should strongly influence your future projections. This tab lets you explore different beliefs based on your prior. Choose a team, and a number of wins you wish to project them achieving. This plot tells you the probability they achieve those wins (color), conditional on a prior expected winning percentage (x-axis) and a strength of that prior (y-axis) """ self.sample_text = PreText (text = text_string, height = 50, width =800)
def modify_doc(doc): explorer = QAExplorer(rootdir='.') explorer.output = explorer.view() doc = parambokeh.Widgets(explorer, continuous_update=False, callback=explorer.event, view_position='right', mode='server') name_input = TextInput(value='selected', title="Save IDs as") save_button = Button(label='Save IDs', width=100) clear_button = Button(label='Clear saved IDs', width=100) saved_ids = PreText(text=','.join(explorer.saved_ids)) def save_selected(): explorer.save_selected(name_input.value) saved_ids.text = ','.join(explorer.saved_ids) def clear_ids(): for f in [ os.path.join(explorer.id_path, '{}.h5'.format(i)) for i in explorer.saved_ids ]: os.remove(f) saved_ids.txt = '' save_button.on_click(save_selected) clear_button.on_click(clear_ids) doc.add_root(name_input) doc.add_root(save_button) doc.add_root(saved_ids) doc.add_root(clear_button) return doc
def create(cls): """ This function is called once, and is responsible for creating all objects (plots, datasources, etc) """ # create layout widgets obj = cls() obj.mainrow = HBox() obj.histrow = HBox() obj.statsbox = VBox() obj.input_box = VBoxForm() # create input widgets obj.make_inputs() # outputs obj.pretext = PreText(text="", width=500) obj.make_source() obj.make_plots() obj.make_stats() # layout obj.set_children() return obj
dataset.columns = ['asin', 'reviewerID', 'overall', 'unixReviewTime'] metadata = pd.read_csv('myapp/dataset/Music_Instruments_meta_5.csv', skipinitialspace=True) metadata.columns = ['Product ID', 'Description', 'price', 'Category'] def upload_dataset(attr, old, new): global dataset dataset = pd.read_csv(io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode( dataset_file_input.value)), skipinitialspace=True) dataset.columns = ['asin', 'reviewerID', 'overall', 'unixReviewTime'] pre_dataset = PreText(text="""Reviews Dataset CSV File""", width=200, height=10) dataset_file_input = FileInput(accept=".csv") dataset_file_input.on_change('value', upload_dataset) def upload_metadata(attr, old, new): global metadata metadata = pd.read_csv(io.BytesIO( base64.b64decode(metadata_file_input.value)), skipinitialspace=True) metadata.columns = ['Product ID', 'Description', 'price', 'Category'] pre_metadata = PreText(text="""Metadata CSV File""", width=150, height=10) metadata_file_input = FileInput(accept=".csv")
def control(self): personId = Select( value='all', title="Person ID", options=['all', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']) room = Select(title="Room", value="all", options=[ "all", "bath", "bed1", "bed2", "hall", "kitchen", "living", "stairs", "study", "toilet" ]) slider = Slider(start=0, end=1800, value=1, step=1, title="Time") annotationText = PreText(text='Annotation: ') locationText = PreText(text='Location: ') controls = widgetbox( [personId, room, slider, annotationText, locationText], width=300) stackBar = self.annotationStackBar('all') p = layout([[ controls, layout([[self.firstMap(), self.groundMap()], [ self.annotationDistribution('all'), self.locationDistribution('all') ], [self.annotationBar('all', 'all')], [stackBar[0]], [stackBar[1]], [self.ganttChart(0)]]) ]]) def update(_, __, ___): try: pid = personId.value roomValue = room.value sb = self.annotationStackBar(pid) p.children[0].children[1] = layout( [[self.firstMap(), self.groundMap()], [ self.annotationDistribution(pid), self.locationDistribution(pid) ], [self.annotationBar(pid, roomValue)], [sb[0]], [sb[1]], [self.ganttChart(pid)]]) except: pass def updateTime(_, __, value): try: location = self.db.timeBased.find({ 't': int(value), 'pid': int(personId.value) }) annotation = self.db.timeBased.find({ 't': int(value), 'pid': int(personId.value) }) locationText.text = 'Location: %s' % location[0]['locationName'] annotationText.text = 'Annotation: %s' % annotation[0][ 'annotationsName'] except: locationText.text = 'Location: Unknown' annotationText.text = 'Annotation: Unknown' personId.on_change('value', update) room.on_change('value', update) slider.on_change('value', updateTime) # toggle = Toggle(label="Refresh", button_type="success") curdoc().add_root(p)
for cc in c_controls: cc.on_change("value", lambda attr, old, new: change_values()) preview_clust_button.on_click(preview) reset_button.on_click(reset_values) ### Page layout top_title = Div( text="<h3></h3>", name='top_title') if trimmed: top_title.text = "<h3>Caution: some regions had >50 hits, and have been truncated.</h3>" cl_title = Div( text="<h3>Clustering parameters:</h3>" ) empty_vert = Div( text="<br><br>" ) goto_summary_button = Div(text='''<form name="Goto_summary" action="/'''+orf+'''" method="get"> <input type="hidden" name="prob" id="prob" value="'''+str(prob_def)+'''"/> <input type="hidden" name="ovm" id="ovm" value="'''+str(om_def)+'''" /> <input type="hidden" name="ovm1" id="ovm1" value="'''+str(om_def1)+'''" /> <button type="submit">Go to summary view</button> </form>''', name='goto_summary_button') page = layout( [widgetbox(top_title)], [widgetbox(threshold_text), widgetbox(cl_title, ov_min_text, ov_min1_text), widgetbox(empty_vert, preview_clust_button, reset_button), widgetbox(goto_summary_button)], [p], sizing_mode='scale_width' ) curdoc().add_root(page) except Exception as e: curdoc().clear() mess = PreText( text=str(e) ) curdoc().add_root( mess )
def ticker1_change(attrname, old, new): ticker1.options = DEFAULT_TICKERS update() def selection_change(attrname, old, new): t1 = ticker1.value data = get_data(t1) selected = source.selected.indices if selected: data = data.iloc[selected, :] # set up widgets stats = PreText(text="", width=100) ticker1 = Select(value="ts", options=DEFAULT_TICKERS) # set up plot source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict( step=[], t1=[], t1_e=[], t1_e_=[], t1_e_TF=[], t1_c_max=[], t1_c_max_=[], t1_gm_TF=[], t1_c_rms=[],
desc = "{} [{}]".format(v['label'], v['unit']) if 'default' not in v.keys(): v['default'] = None if v['type'] == 'float': filters_dict[k] = get_slider(desc, v['range'], v['default']) elif v['type'] == 'list': if 'labels' not in v.keys(): v['labels'] = None filters_dict[k] = get_select(desc, v['values'], v['default'], v['labels']) # plot button, output, graph btn_plot = Button(label='Plot', button_type='primary') info_block = PreText(text='', width=500, height=100) plot_info = PreText(text='', width=300, height=100) load_preset(None, None, get_preset_label_from_url()) source = bmd.ColumnDataSource(data=data_empty) hover = bmd.HoverTool(tooltips=[]) tap = bmd.TapTool() colorscale = [ '#CCFFCC', '#CCFFCC', '#CCFFCC', '#CCFFCC', '#CCFFCC', '#CCFFCC', '#CCFFCC', '#CCFFCC', '#CCFFCC', '#CCFFCC', '#CCFFCC', '#CCFFCC', '#CCFFCC', '#CCFFCC', '#CCFFCC', '#80FF66', '#80FF66', '#80FF66', '#80FF66', '#80FF66', '#80FF66', '#80FF66', '#80FF66', '#80FF66', '#80FF66', '#80FF66', '#80FF66', '#80FF66', '#80FF66', '#80FF66', '#80FF66', '#80FF66', '#80FF66', '#80FF66', '#80FF66', '#80FF66',
data = pd.concat([df1, df2, df3], axis=1) data = data.dropna() data['t1'] = df1[t1] data['t2'] = df2[t2] data['t3'] = df3[t3] data['module'] = df1[t1+'_module'] #data['t2_module'] = data[t2+'_module'] #print data #data['t1_returns'] = data[t1+'_returns'] #data['t2_returns'] = data[t2+'_returns'] #print data return data # set up widgets stats = PreText(text='', width=300) ticker1 = Select(title = "X-axis",value='%s' % DEFAULT_TICKERS[5], options= DEFAULT_TICKERS ) ticker2 = Select(title = "Y-axis",value='%s' % DEFAULT_TICKERS[4], options= DEFAULT_TICKERS ) ticker3 = Select(title = "Size" ,value='%s' % DEFAULT_TICKERS[3], options= DEFAULT_TICKERS ) #size = Select(title =' Size', value='None', options=['None'] + columns) # set up plots #source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(date=[], t1=[], t2=[], t1_returns=[], t2_returns=[])) source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(number=[], t1=[], t2=[], t3=[], module=[] )) #source_static = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(date=[], t1=[], t2=[], t1_returns=[], t2_returns=[])) source_static = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(number=[], t1=[], t2=[], t3=[], module=[] )) hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[("module, %s, %s" % (ticker1.value.title(), ticker2.value.title()),"@module, @t1, @t2")]) hover2 = HoverTool(tooltips=[("module","@module")])
def write_run_plot(self, run=None, site_type=None, raft=None): print('Operating on run ', run) g = get_EO_analysis_results(db=self.db, server=self.server) raft_list, data = g.get_tests(site_type=site_type, test_type="gain", run=run) res = g.get_results(test_type="gain", data=data, device=raft) raft_list_ptc, data_ptc = g.get_tests(site_type=site_type, test_type="ptc_gain", run=run) res_ptc_gain = g.get_results(test_type='ptc_gain', data=data_ptc, device=raft) raft_list_psf, data_psf = g.get_tests(site_type=site_type, test_type="psf_sigma", run=run) res_psf = g.get_results(test_type='psf_sigma', data=data_psf, device=raft) raft_list_rn, data_rn = g.get_tests(site_type=site_type, test_type="read_noise", run=run) res_rn = g.get_results(test_type='read_noise', data=data_rn, device=raft) raft_list_cti_low_serial, data_cls = g.get_tests( site_type=site_type, test_type="cti_low_serial", run=run) res_cls = g.get_results(test_type='cti_low_serial', data=data_cls, device=raft) raft_list_cti_high_serial, data_chs = g.get_tests( site_type=site_type, test_type="cti_high_serial", run=run) res_chs = g.get_results(test_type='cti_high_serial', data=data_chs, device=raft) raft_list_cti_low_parallel, data_clp = g.get_tests( site_type=site_type, test_type="cti_low_parallel", run=run) res_clp = g.get_results(test_type='cti_low_parallel', data=data_clp, device=raft) raft_list_cti_high_parallel, data_chp = g.get_tests( site_type=site_type, test_type="cti_high_parallel", run=run) res_chp = g.get_results(test_type='cti_high_parallel', data=data_chp, device=raft) raft_list_dark_pixels, data_dp = g.get_tests(site_type=site_type, test_type="dark_pixels", run=run) res_dp = g.get_results(test_type='dark_pixels', data=data_dp, device=raft) raft_list_dark_columns, data_dc = g.get_tests(site_type=site_type, test_type="dark_columns", run=run) res_dc = g.get_results(test_type='dark_columns', data=data_dc, device=raft) raft_list_bright_pixels, data_bp = g.get_tests( site_type=site_type, test_type="bright_pixels", run=run) res_bp = g.get_results(test_type='bright_pixels', data=data_bp, device=raft) raft_list_bright_columns, data_bc = g.get_tests( site_type=site_type, test_type="bright_columns", run=run) res_bc = g.get_results(test_type='bright_columns', data=data_bc, device=raft) raft_list_traps, data_tp = g.get_tests(site_type=site_type, test_type="num_traps", run=run) res_tp = g.get_results(test_type='num_traps', data=data_tp, device=raft) raft_list_qe, data_qe = g.get_tests(site_type=site_type, test_type="QE", run=run) res_qe = g.get_results(test_type='QE', data=data_qe, device=raft) raft_list_drkC, data_drkC = g.get_tests(site_type=site_type, test_type="dark_current_95CL", run=run) res_drkC = g.get_results(test_type='dark_current_95CL', data=data_drkC, device=raft) raft_list_fw, data_fw = g.get_tests(site_type=site_type, test_type="full_well", run=run) res_fw = g.get_results(test_type='full_well', data=data_fw, device=raft) raft_list_nonl, data_nonl = g.get_tests(site_type=site_type, test_type="max_frac_dev", run=run) res_nonl = g.get_results(test_type='max_frac_dev', data=data_nonl, device=raft) test_list = [] test_list_ptc = [] test_list_psf = [] test_list_rn = [] test_list_cls = [] test_list_chs = [] test_list_clp = [] test_list_chp = [] test_list_dp = [] test_list_dc = [] test_list_bp = [] test_list_bc = [] test_list_tp = [] test_list_drkC = [] test_list_fw = [] test_list_nonl = [] # treat qe specially since all filters are in the same list test_list_qe_u = [] test_list_qe_g = [] test_list_qe_r = [] test_list_qe_i = [] test_list_qe_z = [] test_list_qe_y = [] for ccd in res: test_list.extend(res[ccd]) test_list_ptc.extend(res_ptc_gain[ccd]) test_list_psf.extend(res_psf[ccd]) test_list_rn.extend(res_rn[ccd]) test_list_cls.extend(res_cls[ccd]) test_list_chs.extend(res_chs[ccd]) test_list_clp.extend(res_clp[ccd]) test_list_chp.extend(res_chp[ccd]) test_list_bp.extend(res_bp[ccd]) test_list_bc.extend(res_bc[ccd]) test_list_dp.extend(res_dp[ccd]) test_list_dc.extend(res_dc[ccd]) test_list_tp.extend(res_tp[ccd]) test_list_drkC.extend(res_drkC[ccd]) test_list_fw.extend(res_fw[ccd]) test_list_nonl.extend(res_nonl[ccd]) test_list_qe_u.append(res_qe[ccd][0]) test_list_qe_g.append(res_qe[ccd][1]) test_list_qe_r.append(res_qe[ccd][2]) test_list_qe_i.append(res_qe[ccd][3]) test_list_qe_z.append(res_qe[ccd][4]) test_list_qe_y.append(res_qe[ccd][5]) # NEW: create a column data source for the plots to share source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=range(0, len(test_list)), gain=test_list, ptc=test_list_ptc, psf=test_list_psf, rn=test_list_rn, cls=test_list_cls, chs=test_list_chs, clp=test_list_clp, chp=test_list_chp, bp=test_list_bp, bc=test_list_bc, dp=test_list_dp, dc=test_list_dc, tp=test_list_tp, drkC=test_list_drkC, fw=test_list_fw, nonl=test_list_nonl)) source_qe = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=range(0, len(test_list_qe_u)), u=test_list_qe_u, g=test_list_qe_g, r=test_list_qe_r, i=test_list_qe_i, z=test_list_qe_z, y=test_list_qe_y)) TOOLS = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,save,box_select,lasso_select" # create a new plot with a title and axis labels p = figure(tools=TOOLS, title="gains", x_axis_label='amp', y_axis_label='gain') ptc = figure(tools=TOOLS, title="ptc gains", x_axis_label='amp', y_axis_label='gain') psf = figure(tools=TOOLS, title="psf", x_axis_label='amp', y_axis_label='psf') rn = figure(tools=TOOLS, title="Read noise", x_axis_label='amp', y_axis_label='Noise') cls = figure(tools=TOOLS, title="CTI low serial", x_axis_label='amp', y_axis_label='CTI') chs = figure(tools=TOOLS, title="CTI high serial", x_axis_label='amp', y_axis_label='CTI') clp = figure(tools=TOOLS, title="CTI low parallel", x_axis_label='amp', y_axis_label='CTI') chp = figure(tools=TOOLS, title="CTI high parallel", x_axis_label='amp', y_axis_label='CTI') bp = figure(tools=TOOLS, title="Bright Pixels", x_axis_label='amp', y_axis_label='Bright Pixels') bc = figure(tools=TOOLS, title="Bright Columns", x_axis_label='amp', y_axis_label='Bright Columns') dp = figure(tools=TOOLS, title="Dark Pixels", x_axis_label='amp', y_axis_label='Dark Pixels') dc = figure(tools=TOOLS, title="Dark Columns", x_axis_label='amp', y_axis_label='Dark Columns') tp = figure(tools=TOOLS, title="Traps", x_axis_label='amp', y_axis_label='Traps') drkC = figure(tools=TOOLS, title="Dark Current", x_axis_label='amp', y_axis_label='Current') fw = figure(tools=TOOLS, title="Full Well", x_axis_label='amp', y_axis_label='Full Well') nonl = figure(tools=TOOLS, title="Non-linearity", x_axis_label='amp', y_axis_label='Max dev') qe_u = figure(tools=TOOLS, title="QE: u band", x_axis_label='sensor', y_axis_label='QE') qe_g = figure(tools=TOOLS, title="QE: g band", x_axis_label='sensor', y_axis_label='QE') qe_r = figure(tools=TOOLS, title="QE: r band", x_axis_label='sensor', y_axis_label='QE') qe_i = figure(tools=TOOLS, title="QE: i band", x_axis_label='sensor', y_axis_label='QE') qe_z = figure(tools=TOOLS, title="QE: z band", x_axis_label='sensor', y_axis_label='QE') qe_y = figure(tools=TOOLS, title="QE: y band", x_axis_label='sensor', y_axis_label='QE') # add a line renderer with legend and line thickness #sensor_lines = [sensor_start, sensor_end, sensor_third] sensor_lines = [] for i in range(0, 160, 16): sensor_lines.append( Span(location=i, dimension='height', line_color='grey', line_dash='dashed', line_width=3))'x', 'gain', source=source, legend="Gain: Run " + str(run), line_width=2) for sensor_line in sensor_lines: p.add_layout(sensor_line) my_label = Label(x=0, y=10, text='S00') p.add_layout(my_label) sensor_lines = [] for i in range(0, 160, 16): sensor_lines.append( Span(location=i, dimension='height', line_color='grey', line_dash='dashed', line_width=3))'x', 'ptc', source=source, legend="ptc Gain: Run " + str(run), line_width=2) for sensor_line in sensor_lines: ptc.add_layout(sensor_line) sensor_lines = [] for i in range(0, 160, 16): sensor_lines.append( Span(location=i, dimension='height', line_color='grey', line_dash='dashed', line_width=3))'x', 'psf', source=source, legend="PSF: Run " + str(run), line_width=2) for sensor_line in sensor_lines: psf.add_layout(sensor_line) sensor_lines = [] for i in range(0, 160, 16): sensor_lines.append( Span(location=i, dimension='height', line_color='grey', line_dash='dashed', line_width=3))'x', 'rn', source=source, legend="Read Noise: Run " + str(run), line_width=2) for sensor_line in sensor_lines: rn.add_layout(sensor_line) sensor_lines = [] for i in range(0, 160, 16): sensor_lines.append( Span(location=i, dimension='height', line_color='grey', line_dash='dashed', line_width=3))'x', 'cls', source=source, legend="CTI low serial: Run " + str(run), line_width=2) for sensor_line in sensor_lines: cls.add_layout(sensor_line) sensor_lines = [] for i in range(0, 160, 16): sensor_lines.append( Span(location=i, dimension='height', line_color='grey', line_dash='dashed', line_width=3))'x', 'chs', source=source, legend="CTI high serial: Run " + str(run), line_width=2) for sensor_line in sensor_lines: chs.add_layout(sensor_line) sensor_lines = [] for i in range(0, 160, 16): sensor_lines.append( Span(location=i, dimension='height', line_color='grey', line_dash='dashed', line_width=3))'x', 'clp', source=source, legend="CTI low parallel: Run " + str(run), line_width=2) for sensor_line in sensor_lines: clp.add_layout(sensor_line) sensor_lines = [] for i in range(0, 160, 16): sensor_lines.append( Span(location=i, dimension='height', line_color='grey', line_dash='dashed', line_width=3))'x', 'chp', source=source, legend="CTI high parallel: Run " + str(run), line_width=2) for sensor_line in sensor_lines: chp.add_layout(sensor_line) sensor_lines = [] for i in range(0, 160, 16): sensor_lines.append( Span(location=i, dimension='height', line_color='grey', line_dash='dashed', line_width=3))'x', 'bp', source=source, legend="Bright Pixels: Run " + str(run), line_width=2) for sensor_line in sensor_lines: bp.add_layout(sensor_line) sensor_lines = [] for i in range(0, 160, 16): sensor_lines.append( Span(location=i, dimension='height', line_color='grey', line_dash='dashed', line_width=3))'x', 'bc', source=source, legend="Bright Columns: Run " + str(run), line_width=2) for sensor_line in sensor_lines: bc.add_layout(sensor_line) sensor_lines = [] for i in range(0, 160, 16): sensor_lines.append( Span(location=i, dimension='height', line_color='grey', line_dash='dashed', line_width=3))'x', 'dp', source=source, legend="Dark Pixels: Run " + str(run), line_width=2) for sensor_line in sensor_lines: dp.add_layout(sensor_line) sensor_lines = [] for i in range(0, 160, 16): sensor_lines.append( Span(location=i, dimension='height', line_color='grey', line_dash='dashed', line_width=3))'x', 'dc', source=source, legend="Dark Columns: Run " + str(run), line_width=2) for sensor_line in sensor_lines: dc.add_layout(sensor_line) sensor_lines = [] for i in range(0, 160, 16): sensor_lines.append( Span(location=i, dimension='height', line_color='grey', line_dash='dashed', line_width=3))'x', 'tp', source=source, legend="Traps: Run " + str(run), line_width=2) for sensor_line in sensor_lines: tp.add_layout(sensor_line) sensor_lines = [] for i in range(0, 160, 16): sensor_lines.append( Span(location=i, dimension='height', line_color='grey', line_dash='dashed', line_width=3))'x', 'drkC', source=source, legend="Dark Current: Run " + str(run), line_width=2) for sensor_line in sensor_lines: drkC.add_layout(sensor_line) sensor_lines = [] for i in range(0, 160, 16): sensor_lines.append( Span(location=i, dimension='height', line_color='grey', line_dash='dashed', line_width=3))'x', 'fw', source=source, legend="Full Well: Run " + str(run), line_width=2) for sensor_line in sensor_lines: fw.add_layout(sensor_line) sensor_lines = [] for i in range(0, 160, 16): sensor_lines.append( Span(location=i, dimension='height', line_color='grey', line_dash='dashed', line_width=3))'x', 'nonl', source=source, legend="Non-linearity: Run " + str(run), line_width=2) for sensor_line in sensor_lines: nonl.add_layout(sensor_line) raft_lines = [] for i in range(0, 9, 1): raft_lines.append( Span(location=i, dimension='height', line_color='grey', line_dash='dashed', line_width=3))'x', 'u', source=source_qe, legend="QE u band: Run " + str(run), line_width=2) for raft_line in raft_lines: qe_u.add_layout(raft_line) raft_lines = [] for i in range(0, 9, 1): raft_lines.append( Span(location=i, dimension='height', line_color='grey', line_dash='dashed', line_width=3))'x', 'g', source=source_qe, legend="QE g band: Run " + str(run), line_width=2) for raft_line in raft_lines: qe_g.add_layout(raft_line) raft_lines = [] for i in range(0, 9, 1): raft_lines.append( Span(location=i, dimension='height', line_color='grey', line_dash='dashed', line_width=3))'x', 'r', source=source_qe, legend="QE r band: Run " + str(run), line_width=2) for raft_line in raft_lines: qe_r.add_layout(raft_line) raft_lines = [] for i in range(0, 9, 1): raft_lines.append( Span(location=i, dimension='height', line_color='grey', line_dash='dashed', line_width=3))'x', 'i', source=source_qe, legend="QE i band: Run " + str(run), line_width=2) for raft_line in raft_lines: qe_i.add_layout(raft_line) raft_lines = [] for i in range(0, 9, 1): raft_lines.append( Span(location=i, dimension='height', line_color='grey', line_dash='dashed', line_width=3))'x', 'z', source=source_qe, legend="QE z band: Run " + str(run), line_width=2) for raft_line in raft_lines: qe_z.add_layout(raft_line) raft_lines = [] for i in range(0, 9, 1): raft_lines.append( Span(location=i, dimension='height', line_color='grey', line_dash='dashed', line_width=3))'x', 'y', source=source_qe, legend="QE y band: Run " + str(run), line_width=2) for raft_line in raft_lines: qe_y.add_layout(raft_line) # NEW: put the subplots in a gridplot grid = gridplot([[p, ptc], [psf, rn]]) grid_cti = gridplot([[cls, chs], [clp, chp]]) grid_def = gridplot([[bp, bc, None], [dp, dc, tp]]) grid_qe = gridplot([[qe_u, qe_g, qe_r], [qe_i, qe_z, qe_y]]) grid_misc = gridplot([[fw, drkC], [nonl, None]]) raft_text = "Plots for I&T Raft run " + str(run) + " " + raft pre = PreText(text=raft_text, width=1000, height=100) tab1 = Panel(child=grid, title="Gains, PSF, Noise") tab2 = Panel(child=grid_cti, title="CTI") tab3 = Panel(child=grid_def, title="Defects") tab4 = Panel(child=grid_qe, title="QE 6-band") tab5 = Panel(child=grid_misc, title="Dark C, Full well, Non-lin") tabs = Tabs(tabs=[tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4, tab5]) l = layout([widgetbox(pre), tabs], sizing_mode='scale_both') o_file = self.base_dir + raft + "-" + str(run) + ".html" output_file(o_file) save(l)
runs_int_dev = [5708, 5715, 5867, 5899, 5923, 5941, 5943, 6006, 6106] run_list, raft_list = pG_dev.make_run_pages(site_type="I&T-Raft", runs=runs_int_dev) type_list = [eR_dev.raft_type(raft=raft) for raft in raft_list] data_table_int_dev = pG_dev.write_table(run_list=run_list, raft_list=raft_list, type_list=type_list) dash_file = args.output + 'bokehDashboard.html' output_file(dash_file) intro_text = "EO Test Results for Good Raft Runs (scroll if more than 10 entries)" pre_intro = PreText(text=intro_text, width=550, height=10) type_text = "BNL-Raft" pre = PreText(text=type_text, width=500, height=10) l = layout(pre_intro, pre, data_table_bnl) type_int = "I&T-Raft (Prod)" pre_int = PreText(text=type_int, width=500, height=10) l_int = layout(pre_int, data_table_int) type_int_dev = "I&T-Raft (Dev)" pre_int_dev = PreText(text=type_int_dev, width=500, height=10) l_int_dev = layout(pre_int_dev, data_table_int_dev) p = layout(l, [l_int, l_int_dev])