Esempio n. 1
    def _process_property(self, pages, path, root, block, doc):
        name = self._get_title(block)
        attrs = block.get("attrs")
        ifdprop = attrs.get("ifdprop") if attrs else None
        hprop = attrs.get("hprop") if attrs else None

        # Set the best-bet field to the Houdini property name
        doc["title"] = name
        if hprop and hprop != name:
            doc["grams"] = "%s (%s)" % (name, hprop)

        # Set the page fragment to the Houdini or IFD property name
        if hprop:
            ident = hprop
        elif ifdprop:
            ident = ifdprop.replace(":", "_")
            ident = util.make_id(name)

        doc["path"] = "%s#%s" % (path, ident)
        doc["type"] = doc["category"] = "property"
Esempio n. 2
def urlToPath(url):
    Translates a URL from Houdini (e.g. "op:Sop/copy") and translates it into
    a help server path (e.g. "/nodes/sop/copy").

    parsed = urlparse.urlparse(url)

    # urlparse.parse_qs properly returns a dictionary mapping to LISTS of
    # values, since a query string can have repeated keys, but we don't need
    # that capability so we'll just turn it into a dict mapping to the first
    # value
    qs = dict((key, vallist[0]) for key, vallist
              in urlparse.parse_qs(parsed.query).items())

    if parsed.scheme in ("op", "operator"):
        table, name = parsed.path.split("/")
        if table.endswith("_state"):
            return "/shelf/" + name

        version = qs.get("version")
        path = components_to_path(table, qs.get("scopeop"), qs.get("namespace"),
                                  name, version)

        pages = get_pages()
        if not pages.exists(path) and version is not None:
            path = components_to_path(table, qs.get("scopeop"),
                                      qs.get("namespace"), name, None)
        return path

    elif parsed.scheme == "parm":
        s = get_searcher()
        r = s.reader()
        table, name, parmname, parmlabel = parsed.path.split("/")
        nodepath = components_to_path(table, qs.get("scopeop"),
                                      qs.get("namespace"), name,
        path1 = "%s#%s" % (nodepath, parmname)
        path2 = "%s#%s" % (nodepath, util.make_id(parmlabel))
        if ("path", path1) in r:
            return path1
            return path2

    elif parsed.scheme == "gallery":
        table, name, entry = parsed.path.split("/")
        nodepath = components_to_path(table, qs.get("scopeop"),
                                      qs.get("namespace"), name,
        return "/gallery/" + nodepath

    elif parsed.scheme == "tool":
        return "/shelf/" + parsed.path

    elif parsed.scheme == "prop":
        # Replace any versioned mantraX.X with just "mantra"
        path = re.sub("^mantra[0-9.]+", "mantra", parsed.path)
        page, name = path.split("/")
        return "/props/%s#%s" % (page, name)

    elif parsed.scheme == "expr":
        return "/expressions/" + parsed.path

    elif parsed.scheme == "hscript":
        return "/commands/" + parsed.path

    elif parsed.scheme == "opdef":
        return "/nodes/" + parsed.path

    elif parsed.scheme == "vex":
        return "/vex/functions/" + parsed.path

    elif parsed.scheme == "pypanel":
        return "/pypanel/" + parsed.path