Esempio n. 1
def crop_sample(sample):
    Given a sample image with bounding box, this method returns the image crop
    at the bounding box location with twice the width and height for context.
    output_sample = {}
    opts = {}
    image, bb = sample['image'], sample['bb']
    orig_bbox = BoundingBox(bb[0], bb[1], bb[2], bb[3])
    (output_image, pad_image_location,
        edge_spacing_x, edge_spacing_y) = cropPadImage(orig_bbox, image)
    new_bbox = BoundingBox(0, 0, 0, 0)
    new_bbox = new_bbox.recenter(pad_image_location,
    output_sample['image'] = output_image
    output_sample['bb'] = new_bbox.get_bb_list()

    # additional options for visualization
    opts['edge_spacing_x'] = edge_spacing_x
    opts['edge_spacing_y'] = edge_spacing_y
    opts['search_location'] = pad_image_location
    opts['search_region'] = output_image
    return output_sample, opts
def shift_crop_training_sample(sample, bb_params):
    Given an image with bounding box, this method randomly shifts the box and
    generates a training example. It returns current image crop with shifted
    box (with respect to current image).
    output_sample = {}
    opts = {}
    currimg = sample['image']
    currbb = sample['bb']
    bbox_curr_gt = BoundingBox(currbb[0], currbb[1], currbb[2], currbb[3])
    bbox_curr_shift = BoundingBox(0, 0, 0, 0)
    bbox_curr_shift = bbox_curr_gt.shift(currimg,
                                         bb_params['max_scale'], True,
    (rand_search_region, rand_search_location, edge_spacing_x,
     edge_spacing_y) = cropPadImage(bbox_curr_shift, currimg)
    bbox_curr_gt = BoundingBox(currbb[0], currbb[1], currbb[2], currbb[3])
    bbox_gt_recentered = BoundingBox(0, 0, 0, 0)
    bbox_gt_recentered = bbox_curr_gt.recenter(rand_search_location,
                                               edge_spacing_x, edge_spacing_y,
    output_sample['image'] = rand_search_region
    output_sample['bb'] = bbox_gt_recentered.get_bb_list()

    # additional options for visualization

    opts['edge_spacing_x'] = edge_spacing_x
    opts['edge_spacing_y'] = edge_spacing_y
    opts['search_location'] = rand_search_location
    opts['search_region'] = rand_search_region
    return output_sample, opts
Esempio n. 3
 def test_iou(self):
     a = BoundingBox(253, 66, 30, 30)
     b = BoundingBox(251, 67, 32, 32)
     iou = a.iou(b)
     iou2 = b.iou(a)
     self.assertEqual(iou, iou2)
     self.assertGreater(iou, 0.8)
Esempio n. 4
def get_sprite_bbox(coord, spritesheet, border_color, border_thickness=1):
    """ Return the bounding box of the sprite at <coord> in <spritesheet> with <border_color>
    is spritesheet background color. <border_thickness> is the size of the border surrounding the sprite """
    x, y = coord
    selected_pixel = spritesheet.getpixel((x, y))

    if selected_pixel == border_color:
        return None

    # get bounding box surrounding selected pixel
    bbox = BoundingBox(x - 1, y - 1, x + 2, y + 2)
    sprite = crop(spritesheet, bbox)
    # since the option can be 0, we need at least 1 pixel thickness to detect border, after that we subtract the result
    border_thickness += 1

    while not have_all_border(sprite, border_color, border_thickness):

        if bbox.left <= 0 or <= 0 or bbox.right > spritesheet.width or bbox.bottom > spritesheet.height:
            return BoundingBox.empty_bbox()

        while not have_top_border(sprite, border_color,
                                  border_thickness) and > 0:
   -= 1
            sprite = crop(spritesheet, bbox)

        while not have_bottom_border(
                sprite, border_color,
                border_thickness) and bbox.bottom <= spritesheet.height:
            bbox.bottom += 1
            sprite = crop(spritesheet, bbox)

        while not have_left_border(sprite, border_color,
                                   border_thickness) and bbox.left > 0:
            bbox.left -= 1
            sprite = crop(spritesheet, bbox)

        while not have_right_border(
                sprite, border_color,
                border_thickness) and bbox.right <= spritesheet.width:
            bbox.right += 1
            sprite = crop(spritesheet, bbox)

    # after have_all_border() return False we have a bounding box that has extra one pixel border
    bbox = BoundingBox(bbox.left + 1, + 1, bbox.right - 1,
                       bbox.bottom - 1)

    if debugging:

    return bbox
Esempio n. 5
    def __call__(self, sample, opts):
        image, bb = sample['image'], sample['bb']
        image_x2 = None
        img_x2 = None
        if ('image_x2' in sample):
            image_x2 = sample['image_x2']
        h, w = image.shape[:2]
        if isinstance(self.output_size, int):
            if h > w:
                new_h, new_w = self.output_size * h / w, self.output_size
                new_h, new_w = self.output_size, self.output_size * w / h
            new_h, new_w = self.output_size

        new_h, new_w = int(new_h), int(new_w)
        # make sure that gray image has 3 channels
        img = cv2.resize(image, (new_h, new_w), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)

        if image_x2 is not None:
            img_x2 = cv2.resize(image_x2, (new_h * 2, new_w * 2),
        bbox = BoundingBox(bb[0], bb[1], bb[2], bb[3])
        return {'image': img, 'image_x2': img_x2, 'bb': bbox.get_bb_list()}
Esempio n. 6
    def read_entities(self, entities, entities_removed):
        self.entity_range = BoundingBox()
        l = []

        for tick, line in entities:
            xs = line.split()
            unit = int(xs[0])
            id_ = int(xs[1]) + idshift
            x = int(xs[2])
            y = int(xs[3])
            direction = int(xs[4])

            if not self.attr.is_enemy(id_):
                self.entity_range.update(x, y)
            l.append((tick, unit, id_, x, y, direction))

        if len(l) > 0:
            self.maxtick = max(self.maxtick, l[-1][0])

        self.entities_created = EventList(l)

        l = []
        for tick, unit in entities_removed:
            l.append((tick, int(unit)))

        if len(l) > 0:
            self.maxtick = max(self.maxtick, l[-1][0])

        self.entities_removed = EventList(l)
Esempio n. 7
def computeCropPadImageLocation(bbox_tight, image):
    # Center of the bounding box
    bbox_center_x = bbox_tight.get_center_x()
    bbox_center_y = bbox_tight.get_center_y()

    image_height = image.shape[0]
    image_width = image.shape[1]

    # Padded output width and height
    output_width = bbox_tight.compute_output_width()
    output_height = bbox_tight.compute_output_height()

    roi_left = max(0.0, bbox_center_x - (output_width / 2.))
    roi_bottom = max(0.0, bbox_center_y - (output_height / 2.))

    # Padded roi width
    left_half = min(output_width / 2., bbox_center_x)
    right_half = min(output_width / 2., image_width - bbox_center_x)
    roi_width = max(1.0, left_half + right_half)

    # Padded roi height
    top_half = min(output_height / 2., bbox_center_y)
    bottom_half = min(output_height / 2., image_height - bbox_center_y)
    roi_height = max(1.0, top_half + bottom_half)

    # Padded image location in the original image
    objPadImageLocation = BoundingBox(roi_left,
                                      roi_left + roi_width,
                                      roi_bottom + roi_height)
    return objPadImageLocation
Esempio n. 8
    def overpadsBounds(self, pads=None):

        bb = BoundingBox()

        if pads == None:
            pads = self.pads

        for pad in pads:
            pos = pad['pos']
            px = pos['x']
            py = pos['y']

            # Pad outer dimensions
            sx = pad['size']['x']
            sy = pad['size']['y']

            angle = pad['pos']['orientation']

            # Add each "corner" of the pad (even for oval shapes)

            p1 = _rotatePoint({'x': -sx / 2, 'y': -sy / 2}, angle)
            p2 = _rotatePoint({'x': -sx / 2, 'y': +sy / 2}, angle)
            p3 = _rotatePoint({'x': +sx / 2, 'y': +sy / 2}, angle)
            p4 = _rotatePoint({'x': +sx / 2, 'y': -sy / 2}, angle)

            points = [p1, p2, p3, p4]

            for p in points:
                x = px + p['x']
                y = py + p['y']
                bb.addPoint(x, y)

        return bb
Esempio n. 9
    def geometricBoundingBox(self, layer):
        bb = BoundingBox()
        # Add all lines
        lines = self.filterLines(layer)
        for l in lines:
            bb.addPoint(l['start']['x'], l['start']['y'])
            bb.addPoint(l['end']['x'], l['end']['y'])
        # Add all circles
        for c in circles:
            cx = c['center']['x']
            cy = c['center']['y']
            ex = c['end']['x']
            ey = c['end']['y']
            dx = ex - cx
            dy = ey - cy
            r = math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)
            bb.addPoint(cx, cy, radius=r)
        # Add all arcs
        for c in arcs:
            cx = c['start']['x']
            cy = c['start']['y']
            ex = c['end']['x']
            ey = c['end']['y']
            dx = ex - cx
            dy = ey - cy
            r = math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)
            if math.fabs(alphaend)<1:
            if alphaend<0:
            if math.fabs(alphaend)>0:
                c0=[ ex - cx, ey - cy ]
                #print("c0 = ",c0)
                while (alphaend>0 and a<=alphaend) or (alphaend<0 and a>=alphaend):
                    bb.addPoint(cx + c1[0], cy + c1[1])
            bb.addPoint(ex, None)

        return bb
Esempio n. 10
    def break_into_chunks(self,
        chunks = []
        raw_x_range = bbox.x_range(mip=mip)
        raw_y_range = bbox.y_range(mip=mip)

        x_chunk = ng_chunk_size[0]
        y_chunk = ng_chunk_size[1]

        x_offset = offset[0]
        y_offset = offset[1]

        x_remainder = ((raw_x_range[0] - x_offset) % x_chunk)
        y_remainder = ((raw_y_range[0] - y_offset) % y_chunk)

        x_delta = 0
        y_delta = 0
        if x_remainder != 0:
            x_delta = x_chunk - x_remainder
        if y_remainder != 0:
            y_delta = y_chunk - y_remainder

        calign_x_range = [raw_x_range[0] - x_remainder, raw_x_range[1]]
        calign_y_range = [raw_y_range[0] - y_remainder, raw_y_range[1]]

        x_start = calign_x_range[0] - x_chunk
        y_start = calign_y_range[0] - y_chunk

        if (self.process_high_mip > mip):
            high_mip_scale = 2**(self.process_high_mip - mip)
            high_mip_scale = 1

        processing_chunk = (int(self.high_mip_chunk[0] * high_mip_scale),
                            int(self.high_mip_chunk[1] * high_mip_scale))
        if not render and (processing_chunk[0] > self.max_chunk[0]
                           or processing_chunk[1] > self.max_chunk[1]):
            processing_chunk = self.max_chunk
        elif render and (processing_chunk[0] > self.max_render_chunk[0]
                         or processing_chunk[1] > self.max_render_chunk[1]):
            processing_chunk = self.max_render_chunk

        for xs in range(calign_x_range[0], calign_x_range[1],
            for ys in range(calign_y_range[0], calign_y_range[1],
                                xs + processing_chunk[0],
                                ys + processing_chunk[0],

        return chunks
Esempio n. 11
 def boundingBox(self):
     """Return the bounding box of the control polygon.
     bb = BoundingBox()
     for i, p in enumerate(self.pnts):
         bb.addPoint(p + self.intangents[i])
         bb.addPoint(p + self.outtangents[i])
     return bb
Esempio n. 12
    def __init__(self,
                 start_center=[1.5, 1.5, 0.5],
        super(Boids, self).__init__(num_boids,
                                    min_velocity2 * dt,
                                    max_velocity2 * dt,
        self.big_boids = big_boids

        self.rule1_factor = rule1_factor * dt
        self.rule2_threshold = rule2_threshold
        self.rule2_factor = rule2_factor * dt
        self.rule3_factor = rule3_factor * dt
        #self.bounds = BoundingBox(min=[-1.0, -0.5, -1.1], max=[1.9, 1.5, 2.1])
        self.bounds = BoundingBox(min=[-2.0, 0, -2], max=[2, 2, 2])
        self.bounds_factor = bounds_factor * dt
        self.escapes = np.array([])
        self.escape_threshold = escape_threshold
        self.rule_direction = rule_direction
        self.direction = np.array(dimensions * [0.5])
        self.direction_mask = np.array(self.size * [False])
        self.in_random_direction = in_random_direction
        self.enforce_bounds = enforce_bounds
        self.tmp_matrix = np.zeros((self.size, self.dimensions))
        self.use_process = use_process
        if self.use_process:
            self.velocity_worker = worker.WorkerProcess(
                'converge velocity',
                NeighborConverge(self.dimensions, self.size,
                                 self.rule3_factor), {'matrix': None},
                {'converged': None})
            self.position_worker = worker.WorkerProcess(
                'converge position',
                NeighborConverge(self.dimensions, self.size,
                                 self.rule1_factor), {'matrix': None},
                {'converged': None})
Esempio n. 13
    def padsBounds(self, pads=None):

        bb = BoundingBox()

        if pads == None:
            pads = self.pads

        for pad in pads:
            pos = pad['pos']
            bb.addPoint(pos['x'], pos['y'])

        return bb
    def padsBounds(self,
                   pads: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None) -> BoundingBox:

        bb = BoundingBox()

        if pads is None:
            pads = self.pads

        for pad in pads:
            pos = pad["pos"]
            bb.addPoint(pos["x"], pos["y"])

        return bb
Esempio n. 15
    def read_charts(self, tiles_init):
        self.charted_range = BoundingBox()

        l = []
        for tick, line in tiles_init:
            xs = line.split()
            x = int(xs[0])
            y = int(xs[1])
            l.append((tick, x, y, xs[2]))
            self.charted_range.update(32 * x, 32 * y)
            self.charted_range.update(32 * x + 31, 32 * y + 31)

        if len(l) > 0:
            self.maxtick = max(self.maxtick, l[-1][0])

        self.charts = EventList(l)
Esempio n. 16
    def accumulate_ground_truth_boxes(self, trackid_bbox_dict):

        :param trackid_bbox_dict: Dictionary containing key as track ID, value is a list having bounding box coordinates
        in the format (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
        # boxes = []
        boxes = {}
        for ech_trkid, bbox_lst in trackid_bbox_dict.items():
            x = bbox_lst[0]
            y = bbox_lst[1]
            w = bbox_lst[2] - bbox_lst[0]
            h = bbox_lst[3] - bbox_lst[1]
            box = BoundingBox(x, y, w, h)
            # boxes.append(box)
            boxes[ech_trkid] = box
        return boxes
Esempio n. 17
    def get_rect(self, sample):
        Regresses the bounding box coordinates in the original image dimensions
        for an input sample.
        x1, x2 = sample['previmg'], sample['currimg']
        x1 = x1.unsqueeze(0).to(self.device)
        x2 = x2.unsqueeze(0).to(self.device)
        y = self.model(x1, x2)
        bb =, 0))
        bb = bb[:, 0]
        bbox = BoundingBox(bb[0], bb[1], bb[2], bb[3])

        # inplace conversion
        bbox.uncenter(self.curr_img, self.opts['search_location'],
                      self.opts['edge_spacing_x'], self.opts['edge_spacing_y'])
        return bbox.get_bb_list()
def postprocess(buffer,
    detected_objects = []
    img_scale = [
        image_width / INPUT_WIDTH, image_height / INPUT_HEIGHT,
        image_width / INPUT_WIDTH, image_height / INPUT_HEIGHT
    num_bboxes = int(buffer[0, 0, 0, 0])

    if num_bboxes:
        bboxes = buffer[0, 1:(num_bboxes * 7 + 1), 0, 0].reshape(-1, 7)
        labels = set(bboxes[:, 5].astype(int))
        for label in labels:
            selected_bboxes = bboxes[np.where((bboxes[:, 5] == label) & (
                (bboxes[:, 4] * bboxes[:, 6]) >= conf_threshold))]
            selected_bboxes_keep = selected_bboxes[nms(
                selected_bboxes[:, :4],
                selected_bboxes[:, 4] * selected_bboxes[:, 6], nms_threshold)]
            for idx in range(selected_bboxes_keep.shape[0]):
                box_xy = selected_bboxes_keep[idx, :2]
                box_wh = selected_bboxes_keep[idx, 2:4]
                score = selected_bboxes_keep[idx,
                                             4] * selected_bboxes_keep[idx, 6]

                box_x1y1 = box_xy - (box_wh / 2)
                box_x2y2 = np.minimum(box_xy + (box_wh / 2),
                                      [INPUT_WIDTH, INPUT_HEIGHT])
                box = np.concatenate([box_x1y1, box_x2y2])
                box *= img_scale

                if box[0] == box[2]:
                if box[1] == box[3]:
                    BoundingBox(label, score, box[0], box[2], box[1], box[3],
                                image_height, image_width))
    return detected_objects
Esempio n. 19
    def reset(self, seq_name=None, startFromFirst=False):

        """ Repeats NO-OP action until a new episode begins. """
        self.seq_id = seq_name if seq_name else random.choice(self.seq_names)     
        self.gts = [BoundingBox(*i) for i in self.dataset[self.seq_id]['gt']]
        self.images = self.dataset[self.seq_id]['images']
        self.n_images = len(self.images)
        assert(self.n_images == len(self.gts))

        self.pointer = idx = 1 if startFromFirst else \
                             1 + np.random.randint(max(1, self.n_images-self.min_len))
        self.stop_idx = idx + self.len_seq

        img_path = self.data_path + self.seq_id + r'/' + self.images[idx]
        self.img =
        ob = crop_resize(self.img, self.gts[idx-1], zoom=self.sample_zoom)
        self.pos_trackerCurr = self.gts[idx-1]
        self.cnt_sml_rew = 0
        return ob
Esempio n. 20
    def get_upchunked_bbox(self, bbox, ng_chunk_size, offset, mip):
        raw_x_range = bbox.x_range(mip=mip)
        raw_y_range = bbox.y_range(mip=mip)

        x_chunk = ng_chunk_size[0]
        y_chunk = ng_chunk_size[1]

        x_offset = offset[0]
        y_offset = offset[1]

        x_remainder = ((raw_x_range[0] - x_offset) % x_chunk)
        y_remainder = ((raw_y_range[0] - y_offset) % y_chunk)

        x_delta = 0
        y_delta = 0
        if x_remainder != 0:
            x_delta = x_chunk - x_remainder
        if y_remainder != 0:
            y_delta = y_chunk - y_remainder

        calign_x_range = [raw_x_range[0] + x_delta, raw_x_range[1]]
        calign_y_range = [raw_y_range[0] + y_delta, raw_y_range[1]]

        x_start = calign_x_range[0] - x_chunk
        y_start = calign_y_range[0] - y_chunk

        x_start_m0 = x_start * 2**mip
        y_start_m0 = y_start * 2**mip

        result = BoundingBox(x_start_m0,
                             x_start_m0 + bbox.x_size(mip=0),
                             y_start_m0 + bbox.y_size(mip=0),
        return result
Esempio n. 21
    def test_do_action(self):
        ADNetConf.conf = ADNetConf(None)
        ADNetConf.conf.conf = {
            'action_move': {
                'x': 0.03,
                'y': 0.03,
                'w': 0.03,
                'h': 0.03
            'predict': {
                'stop_iou': 0.93

        a = BoundingBox(253, 66, 30, 30)
        b = BoundingBox(251, 67, 32, 32)
        lb = BoundingBox.get_action_label(b, a)
        self.assertIn(lb, [4, 5])

        # default do_action test
        a = BoundingBox(252, 65, 25, 30)

        b = a.do_action(None, 0)
        c = BoundingBox(251, 65, 25, 30)
        self.assertEqual(b, c)
        b = a.do_action(None, 1)
        c = BoundingBox(250, 65, 25, 30)
        self.assertEqual(b, c)

        b = a.do_action(None, 2)
        c = BoundingBox(253, 65, 25, 30)
        self.assertEqual(b, c)
        b = a.do_action(None, 3)
        c = BoundingBox(254, 65, 25, 30)
        self.assertEqual(b, c)

        b = a.do_action(None, 4)
        c = BoundingBox(252, 64, 25, 30)
        self.assertEqual(b, c)
        b = a.do_action(None, 5)
        c = BoundingBox(252, 63, 25, 30)
        self.assertEqual(b, c)

        b = a.do_action(None, 6)
        c = BoundingBox(252, 66, 25, 30)
        self.assertEqual(b, c)
        b = a.do_action(None, 7)
        c = BoundingBox(252, 67, 25, 30)
        self.assertEqual(b, c)

        b = a.do_action(None, 8)
        c = BoundingBox(252, 65, 25, 30)
        self.assertEqual(b, c)

        b = a.do_action(None, 9)
        c = BoundingBox(253, 66, 23, 28)
        self.assertEqual(b, c)
        b = a.do_action(None, 10)
        c = BoundingBox(251, 64, 27, 32)
        self.assertEqual(b, c)

        # box not moved example
        a = BoundingBox(252, 65, 25, 30)
        b = a.do_action(None, 2)
        self.assertNotEqual(a, b)
Esempio n. 22
def _get_bbox(image):
    bbox = image.getbbox()
    if bbox is None:
        return BoundingBox.empty_bbox()
    return BoundingBox(bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3])
Esempio n. 23
def have_border(image, border_color):
    """ return True if any sides has border """
    bbox = _get_main_image_bbox(image, border_color)
    return bbox != BoundingBox(0, 0, image.size[0], image.size[1])
    def geometricBoundingBox(self, layer: str) -> BoundingBox:

        bb = BoundingBox()

        # Add all lines
        lines = self.filterLines(layer)
        for line in lines:
            bb.addPoint(line["start"]["x"], line["start"]["y"])
            bb.addPoint(line["end"]["x"], line["end"]["y"])

        # Add all rects
        rects = self.filterRects(layer)
        for r in rects:
            bb.addPoint(r["start"]["x"], r["start"]["y"])
            bb.addPoint(r["end"]["x"], r["end"]["y"])

        # Add all circles
        circles = self.filterCircles(layer)
        for c in circles:
            cx = c["center"]["x"]
            cy = c["center"]["y"]
            ex = c["end"]["x"]
            ey = c["end"]["y"]

            dx = ex - cx
            dy = ey - cy

            r = math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)

            bb.addPoint(cx, cy, radius=r)

        polys = self.filterPolys(layer)
        for p in polys:
            for pt in p["points"]:
                bb.addPoint(pt["x"], pt["y"])

        # Add all arcs
        arcs = self.filterArcs(layer)
        for c in arcs:
            cx = c["start"]["x"]
            cy = c["start"]["y"]
            ex = c["end"]["x"]
            ey = c["end"]["y"]

            dx = ex - cx
            dy = ey - cy

            r = math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)

            dalpha = 1
            alphaend = c["angle"]
            if math.fabs(alphaend) < 1:
                dalpha = math.fabs(alphaend) / 5
            if alphaend < 0:
                dalpha = -dalpha
            if math.fabs(alphaend) > 0:
                a = 0
                c0 = [ex - cx, ey - cy]
                # print("c0 = ",c0)
                while (alphaend > 0 and a <= alphaend) or (alphaend < 0
                                                           and a >= alphaend):
                    c1 = [0, 0]
                    c1[0] = (math.cos(a / 180 * 3.1415) * c0[0] -
                             math.sin(a / 180 * 3.1415) * c0[1])
                    c1[1] = (math.sin(a / 180 * 3.1415) * c0[0] +
                             math.cos(a / 180 * 3.1415) * c0[1])

                    bb.addPoint(cx + c1[0], cy + c1[1])
                    a = a + dalpha

            bb.addPoint(ex, None)

        return bb
Esempio n. 25
    def __init__(self,
                 bounding_box=BoundingBox([-2.0, 0, -2], [2, 2, 2]),

        self.settings = settings

        self.vertical_fov = vertical_fov = bounding_box

        self.screen_width = settings.screen_width
        self.screen_height = settings.screen_height
        self.screen_aspect = float(self.screen_width) / self.screen_height

        self.background_color = settings.background_color
        self.show_velocity_vectors = False

        self.text_pos_x = 0.05
        self.text_pos_y = 0.95

        self.topview_size = compute_fraction_if_not_absolute(
            settings.topview_size, self.screen_width)
        self.topview_left = compute_fraction_if_not_absolute(
            settings.topview_left, self.screen_width)
        self.topview_top = compute_fraction_if_not_absolute(
            settings.topview_top, self.screen_height)

        self.sideview_size = compute_fraction_if_not_absolute(
            settings.sideview_size, self.screen_width)
        self.sideview_left = compute_fraction_if_not_absolute(
            settings.sideview_left, self.screen_width)
        self.sideview_top = compute_fraction_if_not_absolute(
            settings.sideview_top, self.screen_height)

        self.camDistance = camDistance
        self.camRotZ = camRotZ
        self.camAzimuth = camAzimuth

        self.boids_historic_values = HistoricValues(
        self.shadow_boids_historic_values = HistoricValues(

        self.historic_boid_positions = []
        self.historic_shadow_boid_positions = []

        self.show_boids_as_birds = True
        self.show_world_boundary = False

        self.boid_scale_factor = settings.boid_scale_factor

        self.stats_left = compute_fraction_if_not_absolute(
            settings.stats_left, self.screen_width)
        self.stats_top = compute_fraction_if_not_absolute(
            settings.stats_top, self.screen_height)
        self.stats_width = compute_fraction_if_not_absolute(
            settings.stats_width, self.screen_width)
        self.stats_height = compute_fraction_if_not_absolute(
            settings.stats_height, self.screen_height)
        self.stats_separation = compute_fraction_if_not_absolute(
            settings.stats_separation, self.screen_width)
        self.stats_text_drawer = TextDrawer2(*settings.stats_font)

        # Set up plots

        self.plot_left = compute_fraction_if_not_absolute(
            settings.plot_left, self.screen_width)
        self.plot_top = compute_fraction_if_not_absolute(
            settings.plot_top, self.screen_height)
        self.plot_separation = compute_fraction_if_not_absolute(
            settings.plot_separation, self.screen_height)
        self.plot_width = compute_fraction_if_not_absolute(
            settings.plot_width, self.screen_width)
        self.plot_height = compute_fraction_if_not_absolute(
            settings.plot_height, self.screen_height)

        top = self.plot_top


        # Bbox diagonal
        #vp = (self.plot_left, top - self.plot_height, self.plot_width, self.plot_height)
        #self.bbox_diagonal_plot = Plot('Bounding-box diagonal', vp, (self.boids_historic_values.max_length, 5.0), settings.plot_font)
        # top -= self.plot_height
        # top -= self.plot_separation

        # Position entropy
        H = int(self.plot_height * POS_ENTROPY_HEIGHT_FACTOR)
        vp = (self.plot_left, top - H, self.plot_width, H)
        self.pos_entropy_plot = Plot(
            'Entropy (position)', vp,
            (self.boids_historic_values.max_length, 4.0), settings.plot_font)
        top -= H
        top -= self.plot_separation

        # Number of components
        #vp = (self.plot_left, top - self.plot_height/2, self.plot_width, self.plot_height/2)
        #self.num_components_plot = Plot('Number of components', vp, (self.boids_historic_values.max_length, 5.0), settings.plot_font)
        # top -= self.plot_height / 2
        # top -= self.plot_separation

        # Entropy difference
        H = int(self.plot_height * ENTROPY_DIFF_HEIGHT_FACTOR)
        vp = (self.plot_left, top - H, self.plot_width, H)
        self.pos_entropy_difference_plot = Plot(
            'Entropy difference (absolute)', vp,
            (self.boids_historic_values.max_length, 4.0), settings.plot_font)
        top -= H
        top -= self.plot_separation

        # Boids stuff

        self.boid_redness = None

        self.boid_model = OBJModel('bird.obj')

        # Logos

        self.logos = []

        for fname in settings.logos:
            img = StaticImage(fname)

            h = compute_fraction_if_not_absolute(settings.logo_target_height,
            img.scale = 1.0 * h / img.height

        self.logo_left = compute_fraction_if_not_absolute(
            settings.logo_left, self.screen_width)
        self.logo_top = compute_fraction_if_not_absolute(
            settings.logo_top, self.screen_height)
        self.logo_separation = compute_fraction_if_not_absolute(
            settings.logo_separation, self.screen_width)

        # Other images

        self.rules_image = StaticImage('./images/boid_rules.png')
        self.rules_left = compute_fraction_if_not_absolute(
            settings.rules_left, self.screen_width)
        self.rules_top = compute_fraction_if_not_absolute(
            settings.rules_top, self.screen_height)
        self.rules_width = compute_fraction_if_not_absolute(
            settings.rules_width, self.screen_width)
        self.rules_image.width = self.rules_width
        self.rules_image.height = self.rules_width / self.rules_image.aspect

        self.equation_image = StaticImage('./images/entropy.png')
        self.equation_left = compute_fraction_if_not_absolute(
            settings.equation_left, self.screen_width)
        self.equation_top = compute_fraction_if_not_absolute(
            settings.equation_top, self.screen_height)
        self.equation_width = compute_fraction_if_not_absolute(
            settings.equation_width, self.screen_width)
        self.equation_image.width = self.equation_width
        self.equation_image.height = self.equation_width / self.equation_image.aspect

        # Initialize OpenGL
    def overpadsBounds(self,
                       pads: Optional[List[Dict[str,
                                                Any]]] = None) -> BoundingBox:

        bb = BoundingBox()

        if pads is None:
            pads = self.pads

        for pad in pads:
            pos = pad["pos"]
            px = pos["x"]
            py = pos["y"]

            # Pad outer dimensions
            sx = pad["size"]["x"]
            sy = pad["size"]["y"]

            angle = -pad["pos"]["orientation"]

            # Add each "corner" of the pad (even for oval shapes)

            p1 = _rotatePoint({"x": -sx / 2, "y": -sy / 2}, angle)
            p2 = _rotatePoint({"x": -sx / 2, "y": +sy / 2}, angle)
            p3 = _rotatePoint({"x": +sx / 2, "y": +sy / 2}, angle)
            p4 = _rotatePoint({"x": +sx / 2, "y": -sy / 2}, angle)

            points = [p1, p2, p3, p4]

            # Add more points for custom pad shapes
            if pad["shape"] == "custom":
                for p in pad["primitives"]:
                    if p["type"] == "gr_poly":
                        # Add polygon points
                        for point in p["pts"]:
                            points.append(_rotatePoint(point, angle))
                    elif p["type"] == "gr_line":
                        # Add line points
                        s = _rotatePoint(p["start"], angle)
                        e = _rotatePoint(p["end"], angle)
                        w = p["width"]
                        points.append(_movePoint(s, {
                            "x": -w / 2,
                            "y": -w / 2
                        points.append(_movePoint(s, {
                            "x": -w / 2,
                            "y": +w / 2
                        points.append(_movePoint(s, {
                            "x": +w / 2,
                            "y": +w / 2
                        points.append(_movePoint(s, {
                            "x": +w / 2,
                            "y": -w / 2
                        points.append(_movePoint(e, {
                            "x": -w / 2,
                            "y": -w / 2
                        points.append(_movePoint(e, {
                            "x": -w / 2,
                            "y": +w / 2
                        points.append(_movePoint(e, {
                            "x": +w / 2,
                            "y": +w / 2
                        points.append(_movePoint(e, {
                            "x": +w / 2,
                            "y": -w / 2
                    elif p["type"] == "gr_arc":
                        # Add arc points
                        # TODO
                    elif p["type"] == "gr_circle":
                        # Add circle points
                        c = _rotatePoint(p["center"], angle)
                        e = _rotatePoint(p["end"], angle)
                        r = math.sqrt((e["x"] - c["x"])**2 +
                                      (e["y"] - c["y"])**2)
                        w = p["width"]
                        points.append(_movePoint(c, {"x": -r - w / 2, "y": 0}))
                        points.append(_movePoint(c, {"x": +r + w / 2, "y": 0}))
                        points.append(_movePoint(c, {"x": 0, "y": -r - w / 2}))
                        points.append(_movePoint(c, {"x": 0, "y": +r + w / 2}))

            for p in points:
                x = px + p["x"]
                y = py + p["y"]
                bb.addPoint(x, y)

        return bb
Esempio n. 27
 def boundingBox(self):
     return BoundingBox()
Esempio n. 28
    def overpadsBounds(self, pads=None):

        bb = BoundingBox()

        if pads == None:
            pads = self.pads

        for pad in pads:
            pos = pad['pos']
            px = pos['x']
            py = pos['y']

            # Pad outer dimensions
            sx = pad['size']['x']
            sy = pad['size']['y']

            angle = -pad['pos']['orientation']

            # Add each "corner" of the pad (even for oval shapes)

            p1 = _rotatePoint({'x': -sx / 2, 'y': -sy / 2}, angle)
            p2 = _rotatePoint({'x': -sx / 2, 'y': +sy / 2}, angle)
            p3 = _rotatePoint({'x': +sx / 2, 'y': +sy / 2}, angle)
            p4 = _rotatePoint({'x': +sx / 2, 'y': -sy / 2}, angle)

            points = [p1, p2, p3, p4]

            # Add more points for custom pad shapes
            if pad['shape'] == 'custom':
                for p in pad['primitives']:
                    if p['type'] == 'gr_poly':
                        # Add polygon points
                        for point in p['pts']:
                            points.append(_rotatePoint(point, angle))
                    elif p['type'] == 'gr_line':
                        # Add line points
                        s = _rotatePoint(p['start'], angle)
                        e = _rotatePoint(p['end'], angle)
                        w = p['width']
                        points.append(_movePoint(s, {
                            'x': -w / 2,
                            'y': -w / 2
                        points.append(_movePoint(s, {
                            'x': -w / 2,
                            'y': +w / 2
                        points.append(_movePoint(s, {
                            'x': +w / 2,
                            'y': +w / 2
                        points.append(_movePoint(s, {
                            'x': +w / 2,
                            'y': -w / 2
                        points.append(_movePoint(e, {
                            'x': -w / 2,
                            'y': -w / 2
                        points.append(_movePoint(e, {
                            'x': -w / 2,
                            'y': +w / 2
                        points.append(_movePoint(e, {
                            'x': +w / 2,
                            'y': +w / 2
                        points.append(_movePoint(e, {
                            'x': +w / 2,
                            'y': -w / 2
                    elif p['type'] == 'gr_arc':
                        # Add arc points
                        # TODO
                    elif p['type'] == 'gr_circle':
                        # Add circle points
                        c = _rotatePoint(p['center'], angle)
                        e = _rotatePoint(p['end'], angle)
                        r = math.sqrt((e['x'] - c['x'])**2 +
                                      (e['y'] - c['y'])**2)
                        w = p['width']
                        points.append(_movePoint(c, {'x': -r - w / 2, 'y': 0}))
                        points.append(_movePoint(c, {'x': +r + w / 2, 'y': 0}))
                        points.append(_movePoint(c, {'x': 0, 'y': -r - w / 2}))
                        points.append(_movePoint(c, {'x': 0, 'y': +r + w / 2}))

            for p in points:
                x = px + p['x']
                y = py + p['y']
                bb.addPoint(x, y)

        return bb
Esempio n. 29
 def bounding_box(self):
     if self._bounding_box is None:
         self._bounding_box = BoundingBox(points=self.position)
     return self._bounding_box
Esempio n. 30
def find_region(p, bb, subdivisions):
    numRows = int(math.sqrt(subdivisions))
    deltax = (bb.upperx - bb.lowerx) / numRows
    deltay = (bb.uppery - bb.lowery) / numRows
    res = 1
    currx = bb.lowerx
    curry = bb.lowery
    while (currx + deltax < p.x):
        res += 1
        currx += deltax
    while (curry + deltay < p.y):
        res += 3
        curry += deltay
    return res

minx = 1.0
miny = 1.0
maxx = 4.0
maxy = 10.0
x = 3
y = 4
subdivisions = 9

p = Point(x,y)
bb = BoundingBox(minx, miny, maxx, maxy)

print(find_region(p, bb, subdivisions))
print(bb.find_region(p, subdivisions))

realPoints = [[-122.31192812169945, 47.6614570810238], [-122.31193521966424, 47.66115340231431], [-122.31193522443823, 47.66070126235127], [-122.31193492573357, 47.66014380783554], [-122.31194969832706, 47.659755560834014], [-122.31195494321685, 47.659044323884814], [-122.3141761, 47.66120963], [-122.31343051, 47.66129026], [-122.31276334, 47.66129834], [-122.31194188, 47.66115757], [-122.31196199, 47.66105298], [-122.31195995, 47.66074168], [-122.31195979, 47.65956427], [-122.31198085, 47.65914122]]