Esempio n. 1
def compile(source_text, filename=''):
    # Steps taken:
    # 1) parser .calvin file -> IR. May produce syntax errors/warnings
    # 2) checker IR -> IR. May produce syntax errors/warnings
    # 3) analyzer IR -> app. Should not fail. Sets 'valid' property of IR to True/False
    deployable = {'valid': False, 'actors': {}, 'connections': {}}
    ir, errors, warnings = calvin_parser(source_text, filename)
    # If there were errors during parsing no IR will be generated
    if not errors:
        c_errors, c_warnings = check(ir)
        deployable = generate_app_info(ir)
    return deployable, errors, warnings
Esempio n. 2
def compile(source_text, filename=''):
    # Steps taken:
    # 1) parser .calvin file -> IR. May produce syntax errors/warnings
    # 2) checker IR -> IR. May produce syntax errors/warnings
    # 3) analyzer IR -> app. Should not fail. Sets 'valid' property of IR to True/False
    deployable = {'valid': False, 'actors': {}, 'connections': {}}
    ir, errors, warnings = calvin_parser(source_text, filename)
    # If there were errors during parsing no IR will be generated
    if not errors:
        c_errors, c_warnings = check(ir)
        deployable = generate_app_info(ir)
    return deployable, errors, warnings
Esempio n. 3
def compile(source_text, filename='', verify=True):
    # Steps taken:
    # 1) parser .calvin file -> IR. May produce syntax errors/warnings
    # 2) checker IR -> IR. May produce syntax errors/warnings
    # 3) analyzer IR -> app. Should not fail. Sets 'valid' property of IR to True/False
    deployable = {'valid': False, 'actors': {}, 'connections': {}}
    ir, errors, warnings = calvin_parser(source_text, filename)
    _log.debug("Parsed %s, %s, %s" % (ir, errors, warnings))
    # If there were errors during parsing no IR will be generated
    if not errors:
        c_errors, c_warnings = check(ir, verify=verify)
        deployable = generate_app_info(ir, verify=verify)
        if errors:
            deployable['valid'] = False
    _log.debug("Compiled %s, %s, %s" % (deployable, errors, warnings))
    return deployable, errors, warnings
Esempio n. 4
def compile(source_text, filename='', verify=True):
    # Steps taken:
    # 1) parser .calvin file -> IR. May produce syntax errors/warnings
    # 2) checker IR -> IR. May produce syntax errors/warnings
    # 3) analyzer IR -> app. Should not fail. Sets 'valid' property of IR to True/False
    deployable = {'valid': False, 'actors': {}, 'connections': {}}
    ir, errors, warnings = calvin_parser(source_text, filename)
    _log.debug("Parsed %s, %s, %s" % (ir, errors, warnings))
    # If there were errors during parsing no IR will be generated
    if not errors:
        c_errors, c_warnings = check(ir, verify=verify)
        deployable = generate_app_info(ir, verify=verify)
        if errors:
            deployable['valid'] = False
    _log.debug("Compiled %s, %s, %s" % (deployable, errors, warnings))
    return deployable, errors, warnings
Esempio n. 5
def compile(source_text, filename='', content=None, credentials=None, verify=True, node=None):
    # Steps taken:
    # 1) Verify signature when credentials supplied
    # 2) parser .calvin file -> IR. May produce syntax errors/warnings
    # 3) checker IR -> IR. May produce syntax errors/warnings
    # 4) analyzer IR -> app. Should not fail. Sets 'valid' property of IR to True/False

    deployable = {'valid': False, 'actors': {}, 'connections': {}}
    errors = [] #TODO: fill in something meaningful
    warnings = []
    if credentials:
        _log.debug("Check credentials...")
        sec = Security(node)
        if not sec.authenticate_subject():
            _log.error("Check credentials...failed authentication")
            # This error reason is detected in calvin control and gives proper REST response
            errors.append({'reason': "401: UNAUTHORIZED", 'line': 0, 'col': 0})
            return deployable, errors, warnings
        if (not sec.verify_signature_content(content, "application") or not sec.check_security_policy()):
            # Verification not OK if sign or cert not OK or if the signer is denied by security policies
            print "\n IN DEPLOYER\n "
            _log.error("Check credentials...failed application verification")
            # This error reason is detected in calvin control and gives proper REST response
            errors.append({'reason': "401: UNAUTHORIZED", 'line': None, 'col': None})
            return deployable, errors, warnings

    ir, errors, warnings = calvin_parser(source_text, filename)
    _log.debug("Parsed %s, %s, %s" % (ir, errors, warnings))
    # If there were errors during parsing no IR will be generated
    if not errors:
        c_errors, c_warnings = check(ir, verify=verify)
        deployable = generate_app_info(ir, verify=verify)
        if errors:
            deployable['valid'] = False
    _log.debug("Compiled %s, %s, %s" % (deployable, errors, warnings))
    return deployable, errors, warnings
 def testMissingActor(self):
     script = """a:std.NotLikely()"""
     result = self.invoke_parser_assert_syntax("inline", script)
     app_info = generate_app_info(result)
 def testSimpleScript(self):
     test = "test9"
     # First make sure result below is error-free
     result = self.invoke_parser_assert_syntax(test)
     app_info = generate_app_info(result)
     self.assert_app_info(test, app_info)
 def testMissingActor(self):
     script = """a:std.NotLikely()"""
     result = self.invoke_parser_assert_syntax('inline', script)
     app_info = generate_app_info(result)
 def testSimpleScript(self):
     test = 'test9'
     # First make sure result below is error-free
     result = self.invoke_parser_assert_syntax(test)
     app_info = generate_app_info(result)
     self.assert_app_info(test, app_info)