Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self,
                 position: Optional[Vector] = None,
                 dcm: Optional[Matrix] = None,
                 velocity: Optional[Vector] = None,
                 angular_velocity: Optional[Vector] = None,
                 acceleration: Optional[Vector] = None,
                 angular_acceleration: Optional[Vector] = None,
                 time: Optional[Num] = np_.NaN,
                 linear: Optional[_linear.Linear] = None,
                 angular: Optional[_angular.Angular] = None,
        # no linear object given, then build it from the arguments and their
        # defaults
        if linear is None:
            linear = _linear.Linear(position, velocity, acceleration)
        # no angular object given, then build it from the arguments and their
        # defaults
        if angular is None:
            angular = _angular.Angular(dcm, angular_velocity,

        # assign processed properties
        self.linear = linear
        self.angular = angular
        self.time = time
Esempio n. 2
 def random_2r3t(num: int = None):
     if num is None or num == 1:
         return Pose(linear=_linear.Linear.random(dim=2),
                                              euler=np_.pi *
                                              (np_.random.random(2) - 0.5)))
         return (PoseGenerator.random_2t() for _ in range(num))
Esempio n. 3
 def __init__(self,
              translation: Optional[Vector] = None,
              dcm: Optional[Matrix] = None,
     # init internal variables
     self.linear = _linear.Linear()
     self.angular = _angular.Angular()
     # and set values
     self.translation = translation if translation is not None else [
         0, 0, 0
     self.dcm = dcm if dcm is not None else np_.eye(3)
Esempio n. 4
 def __init__(self,
              radius: Num,
              geometry: Optional[_geometry.Primitive] = None,
              inertia: Optional[_inertia.Inertia] = None,
              dcm: Optional[Matrix] = None,
              angular: Optional[_angular.Angular] = None,
     self.radius = radius
     self.geometry = geometry or None
     self.inertia = inertia or _inertia.Inertia()
     if angular is None:
         angular = _angular.Angular(
                 dcm=dcm if dcm is not None else np_.eye(3))
     self.angular = angular
Esempio n. 5
        def goal_function(x: Vector, robot_: _robot.Robot, xpose_: _pose.Pose,
                          *args, **kwargs):
            # position estimate
            xpose_.linear.position = x[0:3]
            # euler angle estimate to rotation matrix
            xpose_.angular = _angular.Angular(sequence='xyz', euler=x[3:6])

            # solve the vector loop and obtain solution
            estim_lengths, directions, _ = self._vector_loop(robot_, xpose_)

            # number of linear degrees of freedom
            num_linear, _ = robot.num_dimensionality
            # strip additional spatial dimensions
            directions = directions[:, 0:num_linear]

            # store last direction so we have it later
            last_direction.insert(0, directions)

            # return error as (l^2 - l(x)^2)
            return lengths**2 - estim_lengths**2
Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(self,
                 position: Optional[Vector] = None,
                 dcm: Optional[Matrix] = None,
                 linear: Optional[_linear.Linear] = None,
                 angular: Optional[_angular.Angular] = None,

        position : Vector
            (3,) vector of the (relative) position of the anchor in a
            reference coordinate system
        dcm : Matrix
            (3,3) matrix representing the rotation matrix `dcm` of the
            platform anchor. Use only where applicable.
        linear : Linear
            Linear transformation object that is to be used instead of
            `position`  if given.
        angular : Angular
            Angular transformation object that is to be used instead of
            `rotation` if given.

        # initialize and set linear property if not given by the user
        if linear is None:
            linear = _linear.Linear(
                position if position is not None else [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        # set linear transformation to inferred value
        self.linear = linear

        # initialize and set angularlinear property if not given by the user
        if angular is None:
            angular = _angular.Angular(
                dcm=dcm if dcm is not None else np_.eye(3))

        # set linear transformation to inferred value
        self.angular = angular
Esempio n. 7
    def _forward_goal_function(self, x: Vector, robot: _robot.Robot,
                               pose: _pose.Pose, joints: Vector, *args,
        # position estimate
        pose.linear.position = x[0:3]
        # euler angle estimate to rotation matrix
        pose.angular = _angular.Angular(sequence='xyz', euler=x[3:6])

        # solve the vector loop and obtain solution
        estim_lengths, directions, *_ = self._vector_loop(robot, pose)
        estim_lengths = _np.sum(estim_lengths, axis=1)

        # number of linear degrees of freedom
        num_linear, _ = robot.num_dimensionality
        # strip additional spatial dimensions
        directions = directions[:, 0:num_linear]

        # store last direction so we have it later
        self._forward_last_direction = directions

        # return error as (l^2 - l(x)^2)
        return joints**2 - estim_lengths**2
Esempio n. 8
    def _vector_loop(self,
                     robot: _robot.Robot,
                     pose: _pose.Pose,
        # type hinting
        fanchor: _frame.FrameAnchor
        panchor: _platform.PlatformAnchor
        pulley: _pulley.Pulley
        cable: _cable.Cable
        kc: _kinematicchain.KinematicChain

        # init results
        swivel = []
        wrap = []
        lengths = []
        directions = []
        cable_leave_points = []

        # number of linear dimensionality
        num_lin, _ = robot.num_dimensionality

        # loop over each kinematic chain
        for idxkc, kc in enumerate(robot.kinematic_chains):
            fanchor = robot.frame.anchors[kc.frame_anchor]
            platform = robot.platforms[kc.platform]
            panchor = platform.anchors[kc.platform_anchor]
            # cable = robot.cables[chain.cable]
            pulley = fanchor.pulley
            frame_dcm = fanchor.angular.dcm
            pulley_dcm = pulley.dcm

            # extract platform position and orientation
            ppos, prot = pose.position

            # frame anchor to platform (negative of conventional vector loop)
            frame_to_platform = ppos \
                                + \
                                - fanchor.linear.position

            # pulley to platform
            pulley_to_platform =

            # calculate angle of swivel
            swivel_ = _np.arctan2(pulley_to_platform[1], pulley_to_platform[0])

            # rotation matrix from pulley to cable coordinate system
            cable_dcm = _angular.Angular.rotation_z(swivel_).dcm

            # position of the platform with respect to the roller center
            roller_center_to_platform =
                    pulley_to_platform) - _np.asarray([pulley.radius, 0, 0])

            # calculate length of cable in workspace
            length_workspace = _np.abs(_np.sqrt(_np.linalg.norm(
                    roller_center_to_platform) ** 2 - pulley.radius ** 2))

            # build matrix of cable workspace length and pulley radius
            leave_dcm = _np.asarray((
                    (pulley.radius, length_workspace),
                    (-length_workspace, pulley.radius),
            # position of the cable leave point in coordinates of the roller
            # center
            leave_point = _np.linalg.solve(leave_dcm,
                                           roller_center_to_platform[[0, 2]])

            # "unwrapped angle"
            unwrapped = _np.arctan2(leave_point[1], leave_point[0])


            # append the angle of wrap
            wrap_ = _np.pi - unwrapped

            # length of cable on the roller
            length_roller = pulley.radius * wrap_
            # store length as result
            lengths.append([length_workspace, length_roller])

            # calculate vector of cable leave point relative to the cable
            # coordinate system
            direction = (
                    [pulley.radius, 0, 0] + _angular.Angular().rotation_y(
                            wrap_)[-pulley.radius, 0, 0])))) + (
                                 fanchor.linear.position - (
                                 ppos +
            # direction = direction[0:num_lin] / length_workspace
            directions.append(direction[0:num_lin] / length_workspace)

        # turn everything into numpy arrays
        lengths = _np.asarray(lengths)
        directions = _np.asarray(directions)
        swivel = _np.asarray(swivel)
        wrap = _np.asarray(wrap)
        leave_points = _np.asarray(cable_leave_points)

        return lengths, directions, leave_points, swivel, wrap
Esempio n. 9
    def orientation(start: Union[Num, Vector],
                    end: Union[Num, Vector],
                    sequence: AnyStr,
                    position: Optional[Vector] = None,
                    steps: Union[None, Num, Vector] = None):
        Generator for purely orientational changing poses

        start : Num | Vector
            Orientation given in Euler angles at which the orientation-only
            pose generator should start.
        end : Num | Vector
            Orientation given in Euler angles at which the orientation-only
            pose generator should end. Must be the same size as `start`.
        sequence : AnyStr
            Sequence of Euler orientations used to reconstruct the orientation
            matrix. Can be any valid combination of intrinsic `(x, y, z)` or
            extrinsic `(X, Y, Z)`. Number of rotations must match the number of
            start Euler angles.
        position : Num | Vector
            Fix position vector at which the orientational poses should be
            applied. Any non `(3,)` vector or scalar will be padded up to
            dimension `(3,)`.
        steps : Num | Vector | N-tuple
            Number of discretization steps from `start` to `end`. If given as
            number, will be applied to all dimensions of start, otherwise must
            match the size of `start`.



        # by default, we will make 10 steps
        steps = steps if steps is not None else 5

        # convert all into numpy arrays
        start = np_.asarray(start)
        end = np_.asarray(end)
        steps = np_.asarray(steps,
        if start.ndim == 0:
            start = np_.asarray([start])
        if end.ndim == 0:
            end = np_.asarray([end])
        if steps.ndim == 0:
            steps = np_.asarray([steps],

        # count the number of dimensions
        num_euler = start.size

        # ensure sequence length matches the number of start euler angles, num_euler, 'sequence')
        # ensure `end` has the right size, num_euler, 'end')
        # if `step` is given with only one dimension, pad it to match the number
        # of dimensions
        if steps.size < num_euler:
            steps = np_.repeat(steps, num_euler - (steps.size - 1))
        # ensure `step` now has the right size, num_euler, 'step')

        # no rotation matrix given, then take unity
        if position is None:
            position = np_.asarray([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        # right-pad position with zeros so that `Pose` won't throw an error
        position = np_.pad(position, (0, 3 - position.size))

        # repeat step to match the amount of rotations to do
        steps = np_.repeat(steps, start.size - (steps.size - 1))[0:num_euler]

        # calculate difference between `start` and `end` position
        diff = end - start
        # and delta per step
        delta = diff / steps
        # remove numeric artifacts and set to `0` where there must be no steps
        delta[np_.isclose(steps, 0)] = 0

        # how many iterations to perform per axis
        iterations = steps * np_.logical_not(np_.isclose(diff, 0))

        # return an iterator object
        return (Pose(position,
                                              euler=start + delta * step))
                for step in itertools.product(*(range(k + 1)
                                                for k in iterations)))
Esempio n. 10
    def full(position: Tuple[Union[Num, Vector], Union[Num, Vector]],
             angle: Tuple[Union[Num, Vector], Union[Num, Vector]],
             sequence: str,
             steps: Union[Num, Tuple[Union[Num, Vector], Union[Num,
                                                               Vector]]] = 10):
        # Default arguments for the steps
        steps = steps if steps is not None else 5

        # ensure both position values are numpy arrays
        position = [
            np_.asarray(x if isinstance(x, Iterable) else [x])
            for x in position
        # ensure both angle values are numpy arrays
        angle = [
            np_.asarray(x if isinstance(x, Iterable) else [x]) for x in angle

        # now make sure both start and end position have the same size[1], position[0].size, 'position[1]')
        # and make sure both start and end angles have the size given through
        # the
        # sequence
  , len(sequence), f'angle[{idx}]')
            for idx, a in enumerate(angle)

        # count values
        nums = (position[0].size, angle[0].size)

        # if steps is not an iterable object, we will make it one
        if not isinstance(steps, Iterable):
            steps = (steps, steps)

        # at this point, steps is either a 2-tuple of (steps[pos], steps[angle])
        # or it is a 2-tuple of ([steps[pos_0], ..., steps[pos_n]], [steps[
        # angle_0], ..., steps[angle_n]]) so let's check for that
        steps = [
                step if isinstance(step, Iterable) else np_.repeat(step, num))
            for num, step in zip(nums, steps)

        # check steps has the right dimensions now, should be count ((Np, ),
        # (Na, ))
  , nums[idx], f'steps[{idx}]')
            for idx, step in enumerate(steps)

        # calculate the delta per step for each degree of freedom
        deltas = [(v[1] - v[0]) / step
                  for v, step in zip((position, angle), steps)]
        # set deltas to zero where there is no step needed
        for idx in range(2):
            deltas[idx][np_.logical_or(np_.allclose(steps[idx], 0),
                                       np_.isnan(deltas[idx]))] = 0

        # at this point, we must ensure that the values for `position` are all
        # `(3,)` arrays
        position = [np_.pad(pos, (0, 3 - pos.size)) for pos in position]
        # from this follows, that we must also ensure that `steps[0]` now
        # contains 3 elements since the position now has three elements
        steps[0] = np_.pad(steps[0], (0, 3 - steps[0].size))
        deltas[0] = np_.pad(deltas[0], (0, 3 - deltas[0].size))

        # Finally, return the iterator object
        return (Pose(position[0] + deltas[0] * step[0:3],
                                              euler=angle[0] +
                                              deltas[1] * step[3:]))
                for step in itertools.product(
                    *(range(k + 1) for k in itertools.chain(*steps))))
Esempio n. 11
 def random_3t(num: int = None):
     if num is None or num == 1:
         return Pose(linear=_linear.Linear.random(dim=3),
         return (PoseGenerator.random_3t() for _ in range(num))
Esempio n. 12
    def _forward(self, robot: _robot.Robot, lengths: Vector,
                 **kwargs) -> _algorithm.Result:
        # for now, this is the inner-loop code for the first platform
        index_platform = 0

        # consistent arguments
        lengths = _np.asarray(lengths)

        # quicker and shorter access to platform object
        platform = robot.platforms[index_platform]

        # kinematic chains of the platform
        kcs = robot.kinematic_chains.with_platform(index_platform)
        # get frame anchors and platform anchors
        frame_anchors = _np.asarray([
            for anchor_index in kcs.frame_anchor
        platform_anchors = _np.asarray([
            for anchor_index in kcs.platform_anchor

        # initial directions needed for later returned result
        last_direction = []

        # goal function for the estimator
        def goal_function(x: Vector, robot_: _robot.Robot, xpose_: _pose.Pose,
                          *args, **kwargs):
            # position estimate
            xpose_.linear.position = x[0:3]
            # euler angle estimate to rotation matrix
            xpose_.angular = _angular.Angular(sequence='xyz', euler=x[3:6])

            # solve the vector loop and obtain solution
            estim_lengths, directions, _ = self._vector_loop(robot_, xpose_)

            # number of linear degrees of freedom
            num_linear, _ = robot.num_dimensionality
            # strip additional spatial dimensions
            directions = directions[:, 0:num_linear]

            # store last direction so we have it later
            last_direction.insert(0, directions)

            # return error as (l^2 - l(x)^2)
            return lengths**2 - estim_lengths**2

        # initial pose estimate given by user?
        initial_estimate = kwargs.pop('x0', None)
        # no initial pose estimate given, so calculate one based on Schmidt.2016
        if initial_estimate is None:
            initial_estimate = self._pose_estimate(robot, lengths)

        # scaling of all parameters to increase sensitivity of the optimizer
        x_scale = kwargs.pop('x_scale', None)
        if x_scale is None:
            x_scale = _np.asarray([0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0])

        # bounds of estimation
        bounds = (
                -_np.inf,  # [x, y, z]
                -0.5 * _np.pi,
                -0.5 * _np.pi,
                -0.5 * _np.pi
            ],  # [r, p, y]
                _np.inf,  # [x, y, z]
                0.5 * _np.pi,
                0.5 * _np.pi,
                0.5 * _np.pi
            ])  # [r, p, y]

        # minimization method to use
        method: str = kwargs.pop('method', 'lm')

        # tolerances for solver
        ftol = _np.sqrt(_np.finfo(float).eps) / 1e5
        xtol = _np.sqrt(_np.finfo(float).eps) / 1e5
        gtol = 0.0

        # # default keyword arguments to `least_squares`
        # defaults = {
        #         'method':  method,
        #         'ftol':    ftol,
        #         'xtol':    xtol,
        #         'gtol':    gtol,
        #         'x_scale': x_scale,
        #         'jac':     '3-point',
        #         'args':    (
        #                 frame_anchors,
        #                 platform_anchors,
        #         ),
        #         'kwargs':  {
        #                 'ai': frame_anchors,
        #                 'bi': platform_anchors
        #         },
        # }
        # # only add `bounds` if the solver is not `lm` (levenberg-marquardt)
        # if method != 'lm':
        #     defaults['bounds'] = bounds
        # # update with user-supplied kwargs
        # defaults.update(kwargs)

        # a pose estimate
        x_pose = _pose.ZeroPose

        # estimate pose
        result: optimize.OptimizeResult
        result = optimize.least_squares(goal_function,
                                        args=(robot, x_pose),

        # check for convergence
            if result.success is not True:
                raise ArithmeticError(
                    f'Optimizer did not exit successfully. Last message '
                    f'was {result.message}')
        except ArithmeticError as ArithmeticE:
            raise ValueError(
                    'Unable to solve the standard forward kinematics for the '
                    'given cable lengths. Please check if your inputs are '
                    'correct and then run again. You may also pass additional '
                    'arguments to the underlying optimization method.') from \
            # get last value
            final = result.x
            # make sure rotation is limited to [0, 2*pi)
            final[3:6] = _np.fmod(final[3:6], 2 * _np.pi)

            # populate values of estimated pose
            x_pose.linear.position = final[0:3]
            x_pose.angular = _angular.Angular(sequence='xyz', euler=final[3:6])

            # and return estimated result
            return _algorithm.Result(self,
Esempio n. 13
    def test_works_as_expected(self, position: Vector, angle: Vector,
                               sequence: AnyStr, steps: Union[Num, Vector]):
        # get a pose generator
        actual_poses = pose.PoseGenerator.full(position, angle, sequence,

        # Default arguments for the steps
        steps = 5 if steps is None else steps

        # ensure both position values are numpy arrays
        position = [
            np.asarray(x if isinstance(x, Iterable) else [x]) for x in position
        # ensure both angle values are numpy arrays
        angle = [
            np.asarray(x if isinstance(x, Iterable) else [x]) for x in angle

        # count values
        nums = (position[0].size, angle[0].size)

        # if steps is not an iterable object, we will make it one
        if not isinstance(steps, Iterable):
            steps = (steps, steps)

        # at this point, steps is either a 2-tuple of (steps[pos], steps[angle])
        # or it is a 2-tuple of ([steps[pos_0], ..., steps[pos_n]], [steps[
        # angle_0], ..., steps[angle_n]]) so let's check for that
        steps = [
                step if isinstance(step, Iterable) else np.repeat(step, num))
            for num, step in zip(nums, steps)

        # calculate the delta per step for each degree of freedom
        deltas = [(v[1] - v[0]) / step
                  for v, step in zip((position, angle), steps)]
        # set deltas to zero where there is no step needed
        for idx in range(2):
            deltas[idx][np.logical_or(np.allclose(steps[idx], 0),
                                      np.isnan(deltas[idx]))] = 0

        # at this point, we must ensure that the values for `position` are all
        # `(3,)` arrays
        position = [np.pad(pos, (0, 3 - pos.size)) for pos in position]
        # from this follows, that we must also ensure that `steps[0]` now
        # matches
        # the size of the positions
        steps[0] = np.pad(steps[0], (0, 3 - steps[0].size))
        deltas[0] = np.pad(deltas[0], (0, 3 - deltas[0].size))

        # Finally, return the iterator object
        expected_poses = (pose.Pose(position[0] + deltas[0] * step[0:3],
                                        euler=angle[0] + deltas[1] * step[3:]))
                          for step in itertools.product(
                              *(range(k + 1)
                                for k in itertools.chain(*steps))))

        for actual, expected in zip(actual_poses, expected_poses):
            assert actual == expected
Esempio n. 14
    def forward(self, robot: _robot.Robot, joints: Matrix, **kwargs) -> Result:
        if robot.num_platforms > 1:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'Kinematics are currently not implemented for robots with '
                'more than one platform.')

        # for now, this is the inner-loop code for the first platform
        index_platform = 0

        # consistent arguments
        joints = _np.asarray(joints)

        # quicker and shorter access to platform object
        platform = robot.platforms[index_platform]

        # kinematic chains of the platform
        kcs = robot.kinematic_chains.with_platform(index_platform)
        # get frame anchors and platform anchors
        frame_anchors = _np.asarray([
            for anchor_index in kcs.frame_anchor

        # initial directions needed for later returned result
        last_direction = []

        # initial pose estimate given by user?
        initial_estimate = kwargs.pop('x0', None)
        # no initial pose estimate given, so calculate one based on Schmidt.2016
        if initial_estimate is None:
            initial_estimate = self._pose_estimate(robot, joints)

        # a pose estimate
        x_pose = _pose.ZeroPose

        # extract forward kinematics goal function from the kwargs, or default
        # to our own implementation
        goal_function = kwargs.pop('goal_function',

        # estimate pose
        result: optimize.OptimizeResult
        result = optimize.least_squares(goal_function,
                                        args=(robot, x_pose, joints),

        # check for convergence
            if result.success is not True:
                raise ArithmeticError(
                    f'Optimizer did not exit successfully. Last message '
                    f'was {result.message}')
        except ArithmeticError as ArithmeticE:
            raise ValueError(
                    'Unable to solve the standard forward kinematics for the '
                    'given cable lengths. Please check if your inputs are '
                    'correct and then run again. You may also pass additional '
                    'arguments to the underlying optimization method.') from \
            # get last value
            final = result.x
            # make sure rotation is limited to [0, 2*pi)
            final[3:6] = _np.fmod(final[3:6], 2 * _np.pi)

            # populate values of estimated pose
            x_pose.linear.position = final[0:3]
            x_pose.angular = _angular.Angular(sequence='xyz', euler=final[3:6])

            # get and reset last forward direction
            last_direction = self._forward_last_direction
            self._forward_last_direction = None

            # and return estimated result
            return Result(self,