Esempio n. 1
def gpSimFull(carmaTerm, SNR, duration, N, nLC=1):
    """Simulate full CARMA time series.

        carmaTerm (object): celerite GP term.
        SNR (float): Signal to noise ratio defined as ratio between
            CARMA amplitude and the mode of the errors (simulated using
            log normal).
        duration (float): The duration of the simulated time series in days.
        N (int): The number of data points.
        nLC (int, optional): Number of light curves to simulate. Defaults to 1.

        RuntimeError: If the input CARMA term/model is not stable, thus cannot be
            solved by celerite.

        Arrays: t, y and yerr of the simulated light curves in numpy arrays.
            Note that errors have been added to y.

    assert isinstance(
        celerite.celerite.terms.Term), "carmaTerm must a celerite GP term"

    if (not isinstance(carmaTerm,
                       DRW_term)) and (carmaTerm._arroots.real > 0).any():
        raise RuntimeError(
            "The covariance matrix of the provided CARMA term is not positive definite!"

    t = np.linspace(0, duration, N)
    noise = carmaTerm.get_rms_amp() / SNR
    yerr = np.random.lognormal(0, 0.25, N) * noise
    yerr = yerr[np.argsort(np.abs(yerr))]

    # init GP and solve matrix
    gp_sim = GP(carmaTerm)

    # simulate, assign yerr based on y
    t = np.repeat(t[None, :], nLC, axis=0)
    y = gp_sim.sample(size=nLC)

    # format yerr making it heteroscedastic
    y_rank = y.argsort(axis=1).argsort(axis=1)
    yerr = np.repeat(yerr[None, :], nLC, axis=0)
    yerr = np.array(list(map(lambda x, y: x[y], yerr, y_rank)))
    yerr_sign = np.random.binomial(1, 0.5, yerr.shape)
    yerr_sign[yerr_sign < 1] = -1
    yerr = yerr * yerr_sign

    if nLC == 1:
        return t[0], y[0] + yerr[0], yerr[0]
        return t, y + yerr, yerr
Esempio n. 2
def gpSimFull(carmaTerm, SNR, duration, N, nLC=1, log_flux=True):
    Simulate CARMA time series using uniform sampling.

        carmaTerm (object): An EzTao CARMA kernel.
        SNR (float): Signal-to-noise defined as ratio between CARMA RMS amplitude and
            the median of the measurement errors (simulated using log normal).
        duration (float): The duration of the simulated time series (default in days).
        N (int): The number of data points in the simulated time series.
        nLC (int, optional): Number of time series to simulate. Defaults to 1.
        log_flux (bool): Whether the flux/y values are in astronomical magnitude.
            This argument affects how errors are assigned. Defaults to True.

        RuntimeError: If the input CARMA term/model is not stable, thus cannot be
            solved by celerite.

        (array(float), array(float), array(float)): Time stamps (default in day), y
        values and measurement errors of the simulated time series.

    assert isinstance(
        celerite.celerite.terms.Term), "carmaTerm must a celerite GP term"

    if (not isinstance(carmaTerm,
                       DRW_term)) and (carmaTerm._arroots.real > 0).any():
        raise RuntimeError(
            "The covariance matrix of the provided CARMA term is not positive definite!"

    t = np.linspace(0, duration, N)
    noise = carmaTerm.get_rms_amp() / SNR
    yerr = np.random.lognormal(0, 0.25, N) * noise
    yerr = yerr[np.argsort(np.abs(yerr))]  # small->large

    # init GP and solve matrix
    gp_sim = GP(carmaTerm)

    # simulate, assign yerr based on y
    t = np.repeat(t[None, :], nLC, axis=0)
    y = gp_sim.sample(size=nLC)

    # format yerr making it heteroscedastic
    yerr = np.repeat(yerr[None, :], nLC, axis=0)

    # if in mag, large value with large error; in flux, the opposite
    if log_flux:
        # ascending sort
        y_rank = y.argsort(axis=1).argsort(axis=1)
        yerr = np.array(list(map(lambda x, y: x[y], yerr, y_rank)))
        # descending sort
        y_rank = (-y).argsort(axis=1).argsort(axis=1)
        yerr = np.array(list(map(lambda x, y: x[y], yerr, y_rank)))

    if nLC == 1:
        return t[0], y[0], yerr[0]
        return t, y, yerr