Esempio n. 1
def chart(request):
    # Create an object for the column2d chart using the FusionCharts class constructor
    column2d = FusionCharts(
        # The chart data is passed as a string to the `dataSource` parameter.
                "caption": "Sales by Region",
                "xaxisname": "Region",
                "yaxisname": "Total Sales",
                "numbersuffix": "K",
                "theme": "fusion"
             "data": [{
                "label": "Europe",
                "value": "827508",
                "link": "j-updateChart-Europe"
            }, {
                "label": "North America",
                "value": "342947",
                "link": "j-updateChart-NA"
            }, {
                "label": "South America",
                "value": "183881",
                "link": "j-updateChart-SA"

    # Create an object for the column2d chart using the FusionCharts class constructor
    secondColumn2d = FusionCharts(
        # The chart data is passed as a string to the `dataSource` parameter.
                "chart": {

    # returning complete JavaScript and HTML code, which is used to generate chart in the browsers.
    return render(
        request, 'chart-update-onclick.html', {
            'output1': column2d.render(),
            'output2': secondColumn2d.render(),
            'chartTitle': 'Updating Different Chart'
Esempio n. 2
def chart(request):

    data = requests.get('').text
    schema = requests.get('').text

    fusionTable = FusionTable(schema, data)
    timeSeries = TimeSeries(fusionTable)

    timeSeries.AddAttribute("caption", """{ 
											text: 'Sales Analysis'

    timeSeries.AddAttribute("subcaption", """{ 
                                    text: 'Grocery & Footwear'
    timeSeries.AddAttribute("series", "'Type'")

    timeSeries.AddAttribute("yAxis", """[{
                                            plot: 'Sales Value',
                                            title: 'Sale Value',
                                            format: {
                                            prefix: '$'

    # Create an object for the chart using the FusionCharts class constructor
    fcChart = FusionCharts("timeseries", "ex1", 700, 450, "chart-1", "json", timeSeries)

     # returning complete JavaScript and HTML code, which is used to generate chart in the browsers. 
    return  render(request, 'index.html', {'output' : fcChart.render(), 'chartTitle': "Plotting multiple series on time axis"})
def chart(request):

    data = requests.get('').text
    schema = requests.get('').text

    fusionTable = FusionTable(schema, data)
    timeSeries = TimeSeries(fusionTable)

    timeSeries.AddAttribute("caption", """{ 
                                        text: 'Sales Performance'

    timeSeries.AddAttribute("yAxis", """[{
                                        plot: {
                                                value: 'Sale Amount',
                                                type: 'area'
                                            title: 'Sale Amount',
                                            format: {
                                                prefix: '$'
                                        }, {
                                            plot: {
                                                value: 'Units Sold',
                                                type: 'column'
                                            title: 'Units Sold'

    # Create an object for the chart using the FusionCharts class constructor
    fcChart = FusionCharts("timeseries", "ex1", 700, 450, "chart-1", "json", timeSeries)

     # returning complete JavaScript and HTML code, which is used to generate chart in the browsers. 
    return  render(request, 'index.html', {'output' : fcChart.render(), 'chartTitle': "Different plot type for each variable (measure)"})
Esempio n. 4
def chart(request):
   chartObj = FusionCharts( 'pareto2d', 'ex1', '600', '400', 'chart-1', 'json', """{
  "chart": {
    "caption": " Top Hardware Defects Frequency",
    "subcaption": "Last year - ACME Computers",
    "theme": "fusion",
    "yaxisname": "# reported instances",
    "syaxisname": "% of total instances",
    "decimals": "1",
    "drawcrossline": "1"
  "data": [
      "label": "Hard-Disk",
      "value": "40"
      "label": "PCB",
      "value": "22"
      "label": "Printer",
      "value": "12"
      "label": "CDROM",
      "value": "10"
      "label": "Keyboard",
      "value": "6"
   return render(request, 'index.html', {'output': chartObj.render()})
Esempio n. 5
def chart(request):
    chartObj = FusionCharts(
        'column3d', 'ex1', '600', '400', 'chart-1', 'json', """{
  "chart": {
    "caption": "Promos displayed",
    "subcaption": "For Pepitos Pizza",
    "yaxisname": "Number of views{br}(in thousands)",
    "decimals": "1",
    "theme": "fusion"
  "data": [
      "label": "TOPii Mobile",
      "value": "14660"
      "label": "TOPii Web",
      "value": "11478"
      "label": "Facebook",
      "value": "5322"
      "label": "Instagram",
      "value": "3950"
      "label": "Organic Web",
      "value": "2502"

    return render(request, 'index.html', {'output': chartObj.render()})
def chart(request):

    # Load dial indicator values from simple string array
    # e.g. dialValues = ["52", "10", "81", "95"]
    dialValues = ["81"]

    # widget data is passed to the `dataSource` parameter, as dict, in the form of key-value pairs.
    dataSource = OrderedDict()

    # The `widgetConfig` dict contains key-value pairs data for widget attribute
    widgetConfig = OrderedDict()
        "caption"] = "Nordstorm's Customer Satisfaction Score for 2017"
    widgetConfig["lowerLimit"] = "0"
    widgetConfig["upperLimit"] = "100"
    widgetConfig["showValue"] = "1"
    widgetConfig["numberSuffix"] = "%"
    widgetConfig["theme"] = "fusion"
    widgetConfig["showToolTip"] = "0"

    # The `colorData` dict contains key-value pairs data for ColorRange of dial
    colorRangeData = OrderedDict()
    colorRangeData["color"] = [{
        "minValue": "0",
        "maxValue": "50",
        "code": "#F2726F"
    }, {
        "minValue": "50",
        "maxValue": "75",
        "code": "#FFC533"
    }, {
        "minValue": "75",
        "maxValue": "100",
        "code": "#62B58F"

    # Convert the data in the `dialData` array into a format that can be consumed by FusionCharts.
    dialData = OrderedDict()
    dialData["dial"] = []

    dataSource["chart"] = widgetConfig
    dataSource["colorRange"] = colorRangeData
    dataSource["dials"] = dialData

    # Iterate through the data in `dialValues` and insert in to the `dialData["dial"]` list.
    # The data for the `dial` should be in an array wherein each element of the array is a JSON object
    # having the `value` as keys.
    for i in range(len(dialValues)):
        dialData["dial"].append({"value": dialValues[i]})

    # Create an object for the angular-gauge using the FusionCharts class constructor
    # The widget data is passed to the `dataSource` parameter.
    angularChart = FusionCharts("angulargauge", "ex1", "100%", "200",
                                "chart-1", "json", dataSource)

    # returning complete JavaScript and HTML code, which is used to generate widget in the browsers.
    return render(request, 'index.html', {
        'output': angularChart.render(),
        'chartTitle': 'Simple Widget Using Array'
Esempio n. 7
def chart(request):
    # Create an object for the column2d chart using the FusionCharts class constructor
    column2d = FusionCharts(
        # The chart data is passed as a string to the `dataSource` parameter.
                <chart caption='Harry&#39;s SuperMart' 
                            subcaption='Monthly revenue for last year' xaxisname='Month' 
                            yaxisname='Amount' numberprefix='¥' theme='fusion' 
                            rotatevalues='1' exportenabled='1'>
                <set label='Jan' value='420000' />
                <set label='Feb' value='810000' />
                <set label='Mar' value='720000' />
                <set label='Apr' value='550000' />
                <set label='May' value='910000' />
                <set label='Jun' value='510000' />
                <set label='Jul' value='680000' />
                <set label='Aug' value='620000' />
                <set label='Sep' value='610000' />
                <set label='Oct' value='490000' />
                <set label='Nov' value='900000' />
                <set label='Dec' value='730000' />
    # returning complete JavaScript and HTML code, which is used to generate chart in the browsers.
    return render(
        request, 'index.html', {
            'output': column2d.render(),
            'chartTitle': 'Chart using special character in XML data format'
Esempio n. 8
def chart(request):

    # Create an object for the column2d chart using the FusionCharts class constructor
    column2d = FusionCharts(
        # The chart data is passed as a string to the `dataSource` parameter.
                "caption": "Countries With Most Oil Reserves [2017-18]",
                "subCaption": "In MMbbl = One Million barrels",
                "xAxisName": "Country",
                "yAxisName": "Reserves (MMbbl)",
                "numberSuffix": "K",
                "theme": "fusion",
            "data": [{
                "label": "Venezuela",
                "value": "290"
            }, {
                "label": "Saudi",
                "value": "260"
            }, {
                "label": "Canada",
                "value": "180"
            }, {
                "label": "Iran",
                "value": "140"
            }, {
                "label": "Russia",
                "value": "115"
            }, {
                "label": "UAE",
                "value": "100"
            }, {
                "label": "US",
                "value": "30"
            }, {
                "label": "China",
                "value": "30"

    # Attach message with message string.
    column2d.addMessage("loadMessage", "please wait data is being loaded")
    column2d.addMessage("loadMessageFontSize", "18")

    # returning complete JavaScript and HTML code, which is used to generate chart in the browsers.
    return render(
        request, 'index.html', {
            'output': column2d.render(),
            'chartTitle': 'Message related attributes and configuration'
Esempio n. 9
def chart(request):
    chartObj = FusionCharts(
        'radar', 'ex1', '600', '400', 'chart-1', 'json', """{
  "chart": {
    "caption": "Business Analysis of Pepitos Pizza",
    "subcaption": "Scale: 1 (low) to 5 (high)",
    "theme": "fusion",
    "showlegend": "0",
    "showdivlinevalues": "0",
    "showlimits": "0",
    "showvalues": "1",
    "plotfillalpha": "40",
    "plottooltext": "Pepitos Pizza's <b>$label</b> skill is rated as <b>$value</b>"
  "categories": [
      "category": [
          "label": "Shoppers preferences"
          "label": "Shoppers trends"
          "label": "Product demand"
          "label": "Redemption volume"
          "label": "View volume"
  "dataset": [
      "seriesname": "User Ratings",
      "data": [
          "value": "3"
          "value": "3"
          "value": "4"
          "value": "3"
          "value": "2"
    return render(request, 'index.html', {'output': chartObj.render()})
def chart(request):
	# Create an object for the column2d chart using the FusionCharts class constructor and pass the
	# json url datahandler in the `dataSource` as parameter.
	column2d = FusionCharts("column2d", "ex1" , "600", "400", "chart-1", "jsonurl","/datahandler")

	# returning complete JavaScript and HTML code, which is used to generate chart in the browsers.
	return  render(request, 'index.html', {'output' : column2d.render()})
Esempio n. 11
def chart(request):

    # Create an object for the hlineargauge chart using the FusionCharts class constructor
    lineargauge = FusionCharts(
        # The chart data is passed as a string to the `dataSource` parameter.
            "chart": { 
                "caption": "Server CPU Utilization", 
                "subcaption": "", 
                "lowerLimit": "0", 
                "upperLimit": "100", 
                "numberSuffix": "%", 
                "valueAbovePointer": "0", 
            "colorRange": { 
                "color": [ 
                        "minValue": "0", 
                        "maxValue": "35", 
                        "label": "Low", 
                        "code": "#1aaf5d"
                    }, { 
                        "minValue": "35", 
                        "maxValue": "70", 
                        "label": "Moderate", 
                        "code": "#f2c500"
                    }, { 
                        "minValue": "70",
                        "maxValue": "100",
                        "label": "High",
                        "code": "#c02d00" 
                    } ] 
                    "pointer": [{
                        "value": "72.5" 

    # Attach event with method name, and the callee method defined in html page.
    lineargauge.addEvent("realtimeUpdateComplete", "onUpdate")

    # returning complete JavaScript and HTML code, which is used to generate chart in the browsers.
    return render(
        request, 'special-event.html', {
            'output': lineargauge.render(),
            'chartTitle': 'Example of event(interactive event)'
Esempio n. 12
def chart(request):

    # Create an object for the column2d chart using the FusionCharts class constructor
    column2d = FusionCharts(
        # The chart data is passed as a string to the `dataSource` parameter.
                "caption": "Countries With Most Oil Reserves [2017-18]",
                "subCaption": "In MMbbl = One Million barrels",
                "xAxisName": "Country",
                "yAxisName": "Reserves (MMbbl)",
                "numberSuffix": "K",
                "theme": "fusion"
             "data": [{
                "label": "Venezuela",
                "value": "290"
            }, {
                "label": "Saudi",
                "value": "260"
            }, {
                "label": "Canada",
                "value": "180"
            }, {
                "label": "Iran",
                "value": "140"
            }, {
                "label": "Russia",
                "value": "115"
            }, {
                "label": "UAE",
                "value": "100"
            }, {
                "label": "US",
                "value": "30"
            }, {
                "label": "China",
                "value": "30"

    # Attach event with method name, and the callee method defined in html page.
    column2d.addEvent("dataLoaded", "onDataLoaded")

    # returning complete JavaScript and HTML code, which is used to generate chart in the browsers.
    return render(
        request, 'product-life-cycle-event.html', {
            'output': column2d.render(),
            'chartTitle': 'Example of event(product life cycle event)'
Esempio n. 13
def chart(request):
    chartObj = FusionCharts(
        'splinearea', 'ex1', '600', '400', 'chart-1', 'json', """{
  "chart": {
    "caption": "Yearly sales of iPhone",
    "yaxisname": "Number of units sold",
    "subcaption": "2007-2016",
    "plottooltext": "<div><b>$dataValue</b> iPhones sold in $label</div>",
    "theme": "fusion"
  "data": [
      "label": "2007",
      "value": "1380000"
      "label": "2008",
      "value": "1450000"
      "label": "2009",
      "value": "1610000"
      "label": "2010",
      "value": "1540000"
      "label": "2011",
      "value": "1480000"
      "label": "2012",
      "value": "1573000"
      "label": "2013",
      "value": "2232000"
      "label": "2014",
      "value": "2476000"
      "label": "2015",
      "value": "2832000"
      "label": "2016",
      "value": "3808000"
    return render(request, 'index.html', {'output': chartObj.render()})
def chart(request):

    # Create an object for the column2d chart using the FusionCharts class constructor
    column2d = FusionCharts(
        # The chart data is passed as a string to the `dataSource` parameter.
                "caption": "Countries With Most Oil Reserves [2017-18]",
                "subcaption": "In MMbbl = One Million barrels",
                "xaxisname": "Country",
                "yaxisname": "Reserves (MMbbl)",
                "numbersuffix": "K",
                "theme": "fusion"
             "data": [{
                "label": "Venezuela",
                "value": "290"
            }, {
                "label": "Saudi",
                "value": "260"
            }, {
                "label": "Canada",
                "value": "180"
            }, {
                "label": "Iran",
                "value": "140"
            }, {
                "label": "Russia",
                "value": "115"
            }, {
                "label": "UAE",
                "value": "100"
            }, {
                "label": "US",
                "value": "30"
            }, {
                "label": "China",
                "value": "30"

    # returning complete JavaScript and HTML code, which is used to generate chart in the browsers.
    return render(
        request, 'chart-product-level-api.html', {
            'output': column2d.render(),
            'chartTitle': 'Updating chart properties at runtime'
def chart(request):
    # Create an object for the column2d chart using the FusionCharts class constructor
    column2d = FusionCharts("column2d", "ex1", "600", "400", "chart-1",
                            "jsonurl", "/static/data/data.json")

    # returning complete JavaScript and HTML code, which is used to generate chart in the browsers.
    return render(
        request, 'index.html', {
            'output': column2d.render(),
            'chartTitle': 'Chart using data from JSON URL'
Esempio n. 16
def chart(request):
    # Create an object for the column2d chart using the FusionCharts class constructor
    column2d = FusionCharts(
        # The chart data is passed as a string to the `dataSource` parameter.
                "caption":"Harry\'s SuperMart",
                "subCaption":"Top 5 stores in last month by revenue",
                   "label":"Bakersfield Central",
                   "label":"Garden Groove harbour",
                   "label":"Los Angeles Topanga",
                   "label":"Compton-Rancho Dom",
                   "label":"Daly City Serramonte",

    # returning complete JavaScript and HTML code, which is used to generate chart in the browsers.
    return render(
        request, 'index.html', {
            'output': column2d.render(),
            'chartTitle': 'Export Chart As Image (server-side)'
Esempio n. 17
def chart(request):

    # Create an object for the angualar gauge using the FusionCharts class constructor
    angularGauge = FusionCharts(
        # The data is passed as a string in the `dataSource` as parameter.
            "chart": { 
                "caption": "Customer Satisfaction Score", 
                "subcaption": "Los Angeles Topanga", 
                "plotToolText": "Current Score: $value", 
                "theme": "fint", 
                "chartBottomMargin": "50", 
                "showValue": "1" 
            "colorRange": { 
                "color": [{ 
                    "minValue": "0", 
                    "maxValue": "45", 
                    "code": "#e44a00"
                }, { 
                    "minValue": "45", 
                    "maxValue": "75", 
                    "code": "#f8bd19" 
                }, { 
                    "minValue": "75", 
                    "maxValue": "100", 
                    "code": "#6baa01" 
            "dials": { 
                "dial": [{ 
                    "value": "70", 
                    "id": "dial1" 
    # Alternatively, you can assign this string to a string variable in a separate JSON file
    # and pass the URL of that file to the `dataSource` parameter.
    return render(request, 'update-data-runtime.html', {
        'output': angularGauge.render(),
        'chartTitle': 'Update data at runtime'
Esempio n. 18
def chart(request):

    # Chart data is passed to the `dataSource` parameter, as dictionary in the form of key-value pairs.
    dataSource = OrderedDict()

    # The `chartConfig` dict contains key-value pairs data for chart attribute
    chartConfig = OrderedDict()
    chartConfig["caption"] = "Countries With Most Oil Reserves [2017-18]"
    chartConfig["subCaption"] = "In MMbbl = One Million barrels"
    chartConfig["xAxisName"] = "Country"
    chartConfig["yAxisName"] = "Reserves (MMbbl)"
    chartConfig["numberSuffix"] = "K"
    chartConfig["theme"] = "fusion"

    # The `chartData` dict contains key-value pairs data
    chartData = OrderedDict()
    chartData["Venezuela"] = 290
    chartData["Saudi"] = 260
    chartData["Canada"] = 180
    chartData["Iran"] = 140
    chartData["Russia"] = 115
    chartData["UAE"] = 100
    chartData["US"] = 30
    chartData["China"] = 30

    dataSource["chart"] = chartConfig
    dataSource["data"] = []

    # Convert the data in the `chartData` array into a format that can be consumed by FusionCharts.
    # The data for the chart should be in an array wherein each element of the array is a JSON object
    # having the `label` and `value` as keys.

    # Iterate through the data in `chartData` and insert in to the `dataSource['data']` list.
    for key, value in chartData.items():
        data = {}
        data["label"] = key
        data["value"] = value

    # Create an object for the column 2D chart using the FusionCharts class constructor
    # The chart data is passed to the `dataSource` parameter.
    column2D = FusionCharts("column2d", "ex1", "600", "400", "chart-1", "json",

    return render(request, 'index.html', {
        'output': column2D.render(),
        'chartTitle': 'Simple Chart Using Array'
Esempio n. 19
def chart(request):

    # Create an object for the angualar gauge using the FusionCharts class constructor
    angularGauge = FusionCharts(
        # The data is passed as a string in the `dataSource` as parameter.
            "chart": {
                "caption": "Nordstorm's Customer Satisfaction Score for 2017",
                "lowerLimit": "0",
                "upperLimit": "100",
                "showValue": "1",
                "numberSuffix": "%",
                "theme": "fusion",
                "showToolTip": "0"
            "colorRange": {
                "color": [{
                    "minValue": "0",
                    "maxValue": "50",
                    "code": "#F2726F"
                }, {
                    "minValue": "50",
                    "maxValue": "75",
                    "code": "#FFC533"
                }, {
                    "minValue": "75",
                    "maxValue": "100",
                    "code": "#62B58F"
            "dials": {
                "dial": [{
                    "value": "81"
    # Alternatively, you can assign this string to a string variable in a separate JSON file
    # and pass the URL of that file to the `dataSource` parameter.
    return render(request, 'index.html', {
        'output': angularGauge.render(),
        'chartTitle': 'Angular Gauge'
Esempio n. 20
def chart(request):

    # Create an object for the pie2d chart using the FusionCharts class constructor
    pie2d = FusionCharts(
        # The chart data is passed as a string to the `dataSource` parameter.
                "caption": "Market Share of Web Servers",
                "plottooltext": "<b>$percentValue</b> of web servers run on $label servers",
                "showLegend": "0",
                "enableMultiSlicing": "0",
                "showPercentValues": "1",
                "legendPosition": "bottom",
                "useDataPlotColorForLabels": "1",
                "theme": "fusion"
            "data": [{ 
                    "label": "Apache",
                    "value": "32647479"
                }, { 
                    "label": "Microsoft", 
                    "value": "22100932" 
                }, { 
                    "label": "Zeus", 
                    "value": "14376" 
                }, { 
                    "label": "Other",
                    "value": "18674221" 

    # Attach event with method name, and the callee method defined in html page.)
    pie2d.addEvent("dataplotClick", "plotClickHandler")

    # returning complete JavaScript and HTML code, which is used to generate chart in the browsers.
    return render(request, 'special-chart-type-api.html', {
        'output': pie2d.render(),
        'chartTitle': 'Special chart type API'
def chart(request):

    data = requests.get(
    schema = requests.get(

    fusionTable = FusionTable(schema, data)
    timeSeries = TimeSeries(fusionTable)

        "caption", """{ 
                                        text: 'Web visits & downloads'

        "subcaption", """{ 
                                    text: 'since 2015'

        "yAxis", """[{
                                            plot: [{
                                                value: 'Downloads',
                                                type: 'column'
                                                }, {
                                                value: 'Web Visits',
                                                type: 'line'

    # Create an object for the chart using the FusionCharts class constructor
    fcChart = FusionCharts("timeseries", "ex1", 700, 450, "chart-1", "json",

    # returning complete JavaScript and HTML code, which is used to generate chart in the browsers.
    return render(
        request, 'index.html', {
            'output': fcChart.render(),
            'chartTitle': "Column and line combination on time axis"
Esempio n. 22
def chart(request):

    data = requests.get(
    schema = requests.get(

    fusionTable = FusionTable(schema, data)
    timeSeries = TimeSeries(fusionTable)

        "caption", """{ 
											text: 'Apple Inc. Stock Price'

        "yAxis", """[{
										  plot: {
											value: {
											  open: 'Open',
											  high: 'High',
											  low: 'Low',
											  close: 'Close'
											type: 'candlestick'
										  format: {
											prefix: '$'
										  title: 'Stock Value'

    # Create an object for the chart using the FusionCharts class constructor
    fcChart = FusionCharts("timeseries", "ex1", 700, 450, "chart-1", "json",

    # returning complete JavaScript and HTML code, which is used to generate chart in the browsers.
    return render(request, 'index.html', {
        'output': fcChart.render(),
        'chartTitle': "Interactive candlestick chart"
def chart(request):
    # Create an object for the pie3d chart using the FusionCharts class constructor
    pie3d = FusionCharts(
        # The data is passed as a string in the `dataSource` as parameter.
        "chart": {
            "caption": "Recommended Portfolio Split",
            "subCaption" : "For a net-worth of $1M",
            "showPercentInTooltip" : "0",
            "numberPrefix" : "$",
            "theme": "fusion"
        "data": [{
            "label": "Equity",
            "value": "300000"
        }, {
            "label": "Debt",
            "value": "230000"
        }, {
            "label": "Bullion",
            "value": "180000"
        }, {
            "label": "Real-estate",
            "value": "270000"
        }, {
            "label": "Insurance",
            "value": "20000"

    # returning complete JavaScript and HTML code, which is used to generate chart in the browsers.
    return render(request, 'index.html', {
        'output': pie3d.render(),
        'chartTitle': 'Pie 3D Chart'
Esempio n. 24
def chart(request):

    data = requests.get(
    schema = requests.get(

    fusionTable = FusionTable(schema, data)
    timeSeries = TimeSeries(fusionTable)

    timeSeries.AddAttribute("chart", """{ 
											showLegend: 0

        "caption", """{ 
                                        text: 'Daily Visitors Count of a Website'

        "yAxis", """[{
                                            plot: {
                                            value: 'Daily Visitors',
                                            type: 'column'
                                            title: 'Daily Visitors (in thousand)'

    # Create an object for the chart using the FusionCharts class constructor
    fcChart = FusionCharts("timeseries", "ex1", 700, 450, "chart-1", "json",

    # returning complete JavaScript and HTML code, which is used to generate chart in the browsers.
    return render(request, 'index.html', {
        'output': fcChart.render(),
        'chartTitle': "Column chart with time axis"
Esempio n. 25
def chart(request):

    data = requests.get('').text
    schema = requests.get('').text

    fusionTable = FusionTable(schema, data)
    timeSeries = TimeSeries(fusionTable)

    timeSeries.AddAttribute("caption", """{ 
								text: 'Cariaco Basin Sampling'

    timeSeries.AddAttribute("subcaption", """{ 
                                    text: 'Analysis of O₂ Concentration and Surface Temperature'

    timeSeries.AddAttribute("yAxis", """[{
											plot: [{
											  value: 'O2 concentration',
											  connectNullData: true
											min: '3',
											max: '6',
											title: 'O₂ Concentration (mg/L)'  
										  }, {
											plot: [{
											  value: 'Surface Temperature',
											  connectNullData: true
											min: '18',
											max: '30',
											title: 'Surface Temperature (°C)'

    # Create an object for the chart using the FusionCharts class constructor
    fcChart = FusionCharts("timeseries", "ex1", 700, 450, "chart-1", "json", timeSeries)

     # returning complete JavaScript and HTML code, which is used to generate chart in the browsers. 
    return  render(request, 'index.html', {'output' : fcChart.render(), 'chartTitle': "Plotting two variables (measures)"})
Esempio n. 26
def chart(request):
    data = requests.get(
    schema = requests.get(

    fusionTable = FusionTable(schema, data)
    timeSeries = TimeSeries(fusionTable)

        "caption", """{ 
								text: 'Temperature readings in Italy'

        "yAxis", """[{
										  plot: 'Temperature',
										  title: 'Temperature',
											suffix: '°C',
										  referenceLine: [{
											label: 'Controlled Temperature',
											value: '10'

    # Create an object for the chart using the FusionCharts class constructor
    fcChart = FusionCharts("timeseries", "ex1", 700, 450, "chart-1", "json",

    # returning complete JavaScript and HTML code, which is used to generate chart in the browsers.
    return render(request, 'index.html', {
        'output': fcChart.render(),
        'chartTitle': "Adding a reference line"
Esempio n. 27
def chart(request):
	# Chart data is passed to the `dataSource` parameter, as dict, in the form of key-value pairs.
	dataSource = {}
	dataSource['chart'] = { 
		"caption" : "Top 10 Most Populous Countries",
    # Convert the data in the `actualData` array into a format that can be consumed by FusionCharts. 
    # The data for the chart should be in an array wherein each element of the array is a JSON object
    # having the `label` and `value` as keys.

	dataSource['data'] = []
    # Iterate through the data in `Country` model and insert in to the `dataSource['data']` list.
	for key in SalesRecord.objects.raw("select 1 as id, Region, SUM([TotalSales]) as [TotalSales] from SalesRecord group by Region"):
	  data = {}
	  data['label'] = key.Region
	  data['value'] = key.TotalSales

    # Create an object for the Column 2D chart using the FusionCharts class constructor        	  		
	column2D = FusionCharts("column2D", "ex1" , "600", "400", "chart-1", "json", dataSource)
	return render(request, 'index.html', {'output': column2D.render(), 'chartTitle': 'Chart Using Database (SQLite3)'})
Esempio n. 28
def chart(request):
    chartObj = FusionCharts(
        'sankey', 'ex1', '600', '400', 'chart-1', 'json', """{
  "chart": {
    "caption": "Largest International migrations (In Millions)",
    "subcaption": "A No-Node Sankey where the entities are just represented by the labels.",
    "theme": "fusion",
    "numbersuffix": " Million",
    "nodewidth": 0,
    "nodelinkpadding": 3,
    "linkcolor": "blend",
    "linkcurvature": 0.6,
    "linkalpha": 40
  "nodes": [
      "label": "Mexico"
      "label": "United States of America"
      "label": "India"
      "label": "United Arab Emirates"
      "label": "Turkey"
      "label": "Russian Federation"
      "label": "Ukraine"
      "label": "Syrian Arab Republic"
      "label": "Bangladesh"
      "label": "Kazakhstan"
      "label": "China"
      "label": "Hong Kong"
      "label": "Afghanistan"
      "label": "Iran"
      "label": "Saudi Arabia"
      "label": "Philippines"
      "label": "State of Palestine"
      "label": "Jordan"
  "links": [
      "from": "India",
      "to": "United Arab Emirates",
      "value": 3.3
      "from": "Mexico",
      "to": "United States of America",
      "value": 2.7
      "from": "Russian Federation",
      "to": "Ukraine",
      "value": 3.3
      "from": "Syrian Arab Republic",
      "to": "Turkey",
      "value": 3.3
      "from": "Bangladesh",
      "to": "India",
      "value": 3.1
      "from": "Kazakhstan",
      "to": "Russian Federation",
      "value": 2.6
      "from": "China",
      "to": "United States of America",
      "value": 2.4
      "from": "China",
      "to": "Hong Kong",
      "value": 1.3
      "from": "Afghanistan",
      "to": "Iran",
      "value": 2.3
      "from": "Mexico",
      "to": "United States",
      "value": 12.7
      "from": "India",
      "to": "United States of America",
      "value": 2.3
      "from": "India",
      "to": "Saudi Arabia",
      "value": 2.3
      "from": "Philippines",
      "to": "United States of America",
      "value": 2.1
      "from": "State of Palestine",
      "to": "Jordan",
      "value": 2
    return render(request, 'index.html', {'output': chartObj.render()})
Esempio n. 29
def chart(request):
    chartObj = FusionCharts(
        'mscolumn2d', 'ex1', '600', '400', 'chart-1', 'json', """{
  "chart": {
    "caption": "Promo Share",
    "subcaption": "Pepitos Pizza",
    "xaxisname": "Months",
    "yaxisname": "Total Promos Share",
    "formatnumberscale": "1",
    "plottooltext": "<b>$dataValue</b> shared promos on <b>$seriesName</b> in $label",
    "theme": "fusion",
    "drawcrossline": "1"
  "categories": [
      "category": [
          "label": "Jan"
          "label": "Feb"
          "label": "Mar"
          "label": "Apr"
          "label": "May"
  "dataset": [
      "seriesname": "Instagram",
      "data": [
          "value": "12500"
          "value": "3000"
          "value": "4800"
          "value": "8000"
          "value": "11000"
      "seriesname": "Facebook",
      "data": [
          "value": "7000"
          "value": "1500"
          "value": "3500"
          "value": "6000"
          "value": "14000"
      "seriesname": "Twitter",
      "data": [
          "value": "1000"
          "value": "4502"
          "value": "2390"
          "value": "23500"
          "value": "29000"
    return render(request, 'index.html', {'output': chartObj.render()})
Esempio n. 30
def chart(request):
   chartObj = FusionCharts( 'stackedbar2d', 'ex1', '600', '400', 'chart-1', 'json', """{
  "chart": {
    "caption": "Top Finishers",
    "subcaption": "2016-2017",
    "yaxisname": "Open Play Goals",
    "palettecolors": "#E64571, #88D786",
    "plotgradientcolor": " ",
    "theme": "fusion",
    "yaxismaxvalue": "30",
    "numdivlines": "2",
    "showlegend": "1",
    "interactivelegend": "0",
    "showvalues": "0",
    "showsum": "0"
  "categories": [
      "category": [
          "label": "L.Suarez"
          "label": "L.Messi"
          "label": "G.Higuain"
          "label": "Z.Ibrahimovic"
          "label": "Diego Costa"
          "label": "H.Kane"
          "label": "D.Alli"
          "label": "A.Griezmann"
          "label": "Heung-Min Son"
          "label": "S.Mane"
          "label": "J.King"
          "label": "O.Giroud"
          "label": "R.Nainggolan"
          "label": "A.Robben"
          "label": "Pablo Sarabia"
          "label": "Isco"
          "label": "Rafinha"
          "label": "F.Bernardeschi"
  "dataset": [
      "seriesname": "2016",
      "data": [
          "value": "25"
          "value": "18"
          "value": "17"
          "value": "15"
          "value": "16"
          "value": "14"
          "value": "13"
          "value": "11"
          "value": "9"
          "value": "10"
          "value": "10"
          "value": "7"
          "value": "8"
          "value": "8"
          "value": "7"
          "value": "6"
          "value": "6"
          "value": "3"
      "seriesname": "2017",
      "data": [
          "value": "5"
          "value": "8"
          "value": "6"
          "value": "3"
          "value": "2"
          "value": "3"
          "value": "3"
          "value": "4"
          "value": "5"
          "value": "4"
          "value": "3"
          "value": "4"
          "value": "2"
          "value": "3"
          "value": "3"
          "value": "4"
          "value": "2"
          "value": "4"
  "annotations": {
    "groups": [
        "id": "infobar",
        "items": [
            "id": "1",
            "type": "line",
            "x": "$dataset.1.set.1.endx+10",
            "y": "$dataset.1.set.1.y",
            "tox": "$dataset.1.set.1.endx+50",
            "toy": "$dataset.1.set.1.y",
            "color": "#2F9AC4",
            "dashed": "0",
            "thickness": "1"
            "id": "2",
            "type": "line",
            "x": "$dataset.1.set.1.endx+50",
            "y": "$dataset.1.set.1.y",
            "tox": "$dataset.1.set.1.endx+50",
            "toy": "$dataset.0.set.1.y+50",
            "color": "#2F9AC4",
            "dashed": "0",
            "thickness": "1"
            "id": "3",
            "type": "line",
            "x": "$dataset.1.set.17.endx+5",
            "y": "$dataset.1.set.17.y",
            "tox": "$dataset.1.set.17.endx+200",
            "toy": "$dataset.0.set.17.y",
            "color": "#2F9AC4",
            "dashed": "0",
            "thickness": "1"
            "id": "4",
            "type": "line",
            "x": "$dataset.1.set.17.endx+200",
            "y": "$dataset.0.set.17.y",
            "tox": "$dataset.1.set.17.endx+200",
            "toy": "$dataset.0.set.17.y-40",
            "color": "#2F9AC4",
            "dashed": "0",
            "thickness": "1"
            "id": "shape",
            "type": "polygon",
            "startangle": "180",
            "sides": "3",
            "radius": "6",
            "color": "#2F9AC4",
            "x": "$dataset.1.set.17.endx+10",
            "y": "$dataset.1.set.17.y"
            "id": "shape",
            "type": "polygon",
            "startangle": "180",
            "sides": "3",
            "radius": "6",
            "color": "2F9AC4",
            "x": "$dataset.1.set.1.endx+10",
            "y": "$dataset.1.set.1.y"
            "id": "label1",
            "align": "RiGHT",
            "type": "text",
            "text": "Messi added{br}roughly 7 Goals from{br}his shot quality",
            "fillcolor": "#2F9AC4",
            "rotate": "90",
            "x": "$dataset.1.set.1.endx+65",
            "y": "$dataset.0.set.5.y"
            "id": "label2",
            "align": "CENTER",
            "type": "text",
            "text": "Bernardeschi{br}more than doubled{br}his chance quality{br}through shooting",
            "fillcolor": "#2F9AC4",
            "rotate": "90",
            "x": "$dataset.1.set.17.endx+200",
            "y": "$dataset.0.set.13.y"
   return render(request, 'index.html', {'output': chartObj.render()})