Esempio n. 1
    def legal_drop_squares_mask(self) -> chess.Bitboard:
        king = self.king(self.turn)
        if king is None:
            return ~self.occupied

        king_attackers = self.attackers_mask(not self.turn, king)

        if not king_attackers:
            return ~self.occupied
        elif chess.popcount(king_attackers) == 1:
            return chess.between(king, chess.msb(king_attackers)) & ~self.occupied
            return chess.BB_EMPTY
def slide_move(board: chess.Board, move: chess.Move) -> Optional[chess.Move]:
    # We iterate longest to shortest so the revised move is the longest pseudo-legal move.
    # If the to-square < from-square then we want our list in sorted order.
    # Otherwise we want it in reverse order.
    # In either case, we need to add the to-square to the front of our list manually.
    squares = chess.SquareSet(chess.between(move.from_square, move.to_square))
    if move.to_square > move.from_square:
        squares = reversed(squares)
    for slide_square in [move.to_square] + list(squares):
        revised = chess.Move(move.from_square, slide_square, move.promotion)
        if board.is_pseudo_legal(revised):
            return revised
    return None
Esempio n. 3
def slide_move(board: chess.Board, move: chess.Move) -> Optional[chess.Move]:
    psuedo_legal_moves = list(board.generate_pseudo_legal_moves())
    squares = list(
                                      move.to_square))) + [move.to_square]
    squares = sorted(squares,
                     key=lambda s: chess.square_distance(s, move.from_square),
    for slide_square in squares:
        revised = chess.Move(move.from_square, slide_square, move.promotion)
        if revised in psuedo_legal_moves:
            return revised
    return None
def is_illegal_castle(board: chess.Board, move: chess.Move) -> bool:
    if not board.is_castling(move):
        return False

    # illegal without kingside rights
    if board.is_kingside_castling(move) and not board.has_kingside_castling_rights(board.turn):
        return True

    # illegal without queenside rights
    if board.is_queenside_castling(move) and not board.has_queenside_castling_rights(board.turn):
        return True

    # illegal if any pieces are between king & rook
    rook_square = chess.square(7 if board.is_kingside_castling(move) else 0, chess.square_rank(move.from_square))
    between_squares = chess.SquareSet(chess.between(move.from_square, rook_square))
    if any(map(lambda s: board.piece_at(s), between_squares)):
        return True

    # its legal
    return False