def __init__(self, element, _pen_x, _pen_y, rX, rY, xRotation, largeArc, sweep, _end_x, _end_y ):
     3 coordinate systems
       circular coordinates - in this coordinate system, the elipse is circular and unrotated
       elements coordinates - circular coordinates * elipse transformation (x*rX and y*Ry, then rotate to generate the elipse)
       global coordinates - elements coordinates * upper element transformations
     assert not ( _pen_x == _end_x and _pen_y == _end_y )
     assert rX <> 0
     assert rY <> 0
     self._pen_x = _pen_x
     self._pen_y = _pen_y
     self._end_x = _end_x
     self._end_y = _end_y
     self.scaling = element.scaling2() #scaling between element and global coordinates
     self.rX = rX #in elements coordinates
     self.rY = rY #in elements coordinates
     self.xRotation = xRotation
     self.largeArc = largeArc
     self.sweep = sweep
     #finding center in circular coordinates 
     # X = T_ellipse dot Y
     # where T_ellipse = [[c -s],[s, c]] dot [[ rX 0],[0 rY]], X is element coordinates, and Y is circular coordinates
     ##import FreeCAD
     ##FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage( 'Xrotation %f\n' % (self.xRotation))
     c = cos( xRotation*pi/180)
     s = sin( xRotation*pi/180)
     T_ellipse = dot( array([[c,-s] ,[s,c]]), array([[ rX, 0], [0, rY] ]))
     self.T_ellipse = T_ellipse
     #FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage( 'T %s\n' % (T))
     x1,y1 = numpy.linalg.solve(T_ellipse, [_pen_x, _pen_y])
     x2,y2 = numpy.linalg.solve(T_ellipse, [_end_x, _end_y])
     c_x_Y, c_y_Y = findCircularArcCentrePoint( 1, x1, y1, x2, y2, largeArc==1, sweep==1 )
     self.center_circular = array([c_x_Y, c_y_Y])
     #now determining dtheta in circular coordinates
     #a,b = 1,1
     c = ( ( x2-x1 )**2 + ( y2-y1 )**2 ) ** 0.5
     dtheta = arccos2( ( 1 + 1 - c**2 ) / ( 2 ) ) #cos rule
     if not dtheta >= 0:
         raise SvgParseError, "dtheta not >=  0, dtheta %e. locals %s" % (dtheta, locals())
     if largeArc:
         dtheta = 2*pi - dtheta
     if not sweep: # If sweep-flag is '1', then the arc will be drawn in a "positive-angle" direction
         dtheta = -dtheta
     self.dtheta = dtheta
     self.theta_start =  atan2( y1 - c_y_Y, x1 - c_x_Y)
     self.T_element, self.c_element = element.Transforms()
     #print(self.valueAt(0), element.applyTransforms(_pen_x, _pen_y))
     #print(self.valueAt(1), element.applyTransforms(_end_x, _end_y))
     self.startPoint = self.valueAt(0)
     self.endPoint = self.valueAt(1) = self.applyTransforms( self.center_circular )
     self.circular = rX == rY
     if self.circular:
         self.r = rX
def generateSelectionGraphicsItems( viewObjects, onClickFun, transform=None, sceneToAddTo=None, clearPreviousSelectionItems=True, 
                                    doPoints=False, doTextItems=False, doLines=False, doCircles=False, doFittedCircles=False, doPathEndPoints=False, doMidPoints=False, doSelectViewObjectPoints=False,
                                    pointWid=1.0 , maskPen=defaultMaskPen , maskBrush=defaultMaskBrush, maskHoverPen=defaultMaskHoverPen ):
    if clearPreviousSelectionItems:         
        if sceneToAddTo <> None:
            for gi in sceneToAddTo.items():
                if isinstance(gi, CircleSelectionGraphicsItem):
        del graphicItems[:]
    def postProcessGraphicsItem(gi, elementParms, zValue=0.99):
        gi.setBrush( maskBrush  )
        gi.selectionMaskPen = QtGui.QPen(maskPen)
        gi.selectionMaskHoverPen = QtGui.QPen(maskHoverPen)
        gi._onClickFun = onClickFun
        gi.elementParms = elementParms
        gi.elementXML = element #should be able to get from functions name space
        gi.elementViewObject = viewObject
        gi.setCursor( QtCore.Qt.CrossCursor ) # ; may not work for lines ...
        if transform <> None:
            gi.setTransform( transform )
        if sceneToAddTo <> None:
    pointsAlreadyAdded = []
    def addSelectionPoint( x, y, zValue=1.0 ): #common code
        if [x,y] in pointsAlreadyAdded:
        pointsAlreadyAdded.append( [x,y] )
        graphicsItem = PointSelectionGraphicsItem( x-pointWid, y-pointWid, 2*pointWid, 2*pointWid )
        postProcessGraphicsItem(graphicsItem, {'x':x, 'y':y}, zValue)
    def addCircle( x, y, r, **extraKWs):
        graphicsItem = CircleSelectionGraphicsItem( x-r, y-r, 2*r, 2*r )
        KWs = {'x':x,'y':y,'r':r}
        postProcessGraphicsItem(graphicsItem, KWs, zValue=1.01**-r ) #smaller circles on top
    def circlePoints( x, y, rx, ry ):
        addSelectionPoint ( x, y, 2 ) #Circle/ellipse center point
        addSelectionPoint ( x + rx, y, 2 ) #Circle/ellipse right quadrant point
        addSelectionPoint ( x - rx, y, 2 ) #Circle/ellipse left quadrant point
        addSelectionPoint ( x , y + ry, 2 ) #Circle/ellipse top quadrant point
        addSelectionPoint ( x , y - ry, 2 ) #Circle/ellipse bottom quadrant point

    for viewObject in viewObjects:
        if viewObject.ViewResult.strip() == '':
        XML_tree =  SvgXMLTreeNode(viewObject.ViewResult,0)
        scaling = XML_tree.scaling()
        SelectViewObjectPoint_loc = None
        for element in XML_tree.getAllElements():
            if element.tag == 'circle':
                x, y = element.applyTransforms( float( element.parms['cx'] ), float( element.parms['cy'] ) )
                r =  float( element.parms['r'] )* scaling
                if doCircles: 
                    addCircle( x, y, r)
                if doPoints: 
                    circlePoints( x, y, r, r)
            if element.tag == 'ellipse':
                cx, cy = element.applyTransforms( float( element.parms['cx'] ), float( element.parms['cy'] ) )
                rx, ry = float( element.parms['rx'] )* scaling, float( element.parms['ry'] )* scaling
                if doCircles: 
                    if rx == ry:
                        addCircle( cx, cy, rx)
                if doPoints: 
                    circlePoints( cx, cy, rx, ry)
            if element.tag == 'text' and element.parms.has_key('x'):
                if doTextItems:
                    addSelectionPoint( *element.applyTransforms( float( element.parms['x'] ), float( element.parms['y'] ) ) )
                elif doSelectViewObjectPoints:
                    addSelectionPoint( *element.applyTransforms( float( element.parms['x'] ), float( element.parms['y'] ) ) )

            if element.tag == 'path': #
                fitData = []
                dParmsXML = element.parms['d']
                #<spacing corrections>
                i = 0
                while i < len(dParmsXML)-1:
                    if dParmsXML[i] in 'MmLlACcQZz,' and dParmsXML[i+1] in '-.0123456789':
                        dParmsXML = dParmsXML[:i+1] + ' ' + dParmsXML[i+1:]
                    i = i + 1
                #</spacing corrections>
                parms = dParmsXML.replace(',',' ').strip().split()
                _pen_x = 0
                _pen_y = 0
                j = 0
                pathDescriptor = None
                while j < len(parms):
                    if parms[j] in list('MmLlACcQZz,'):
                        pathDescriptor = parms[j]
                    else: #using previous pathDescriptor
                        if pathDescriptor == None:
                            raise RuntimeError, 'pathDescriptor == None! unable to parse path "%s" with d parms %s' % (element.XML[element.pStart: element.pEnd], parms)
                        parms.insert(j, pathDescriptor.replace('m','l').replace('M','L'))

                    if parms[j] == 'M' or parms[j] == 'm':
                        if parms[j] == 'M':
                            _pen_x, _pen_y = float(parms[j+1]), float(parms[j+2])
                            _pen_x = _pen_x + float(parms[j+1])
                            _pen_y = _pen_y + float(parms[j+2])
                        pen_x, pen_y = element.applyTransforms( _pen_x, _pen_y )
                        _path_start_x , _path_start_y = _pen_x, _pen_y
                        path_start_x , path_start_y = pen_x, pen_y
                        j = j + 3                        
                    elif parms[j] in ['L','l','Z','z']:
                        if  parms[j] == 'L' or parms[j] == 'l':
                            if parms[j] == 'L':
                                _end_x, _end_y = float(parms[j+1]), float(parms[j+2])
                                _end_x = _pen_x + float(parms[j+1])
                                _end_y = _pen_y + float(parms[j+2])
                            end_x, end_y = element.applyTransforms( _end_x, _end_y )
                            j = j + 3
                        else: #parms[j] == 'Z':
                            _end_x, _end_y = _path_start_x , _path_start_y
                            end_x, end_y = path_start_x , path_start_y
                            j = j + 1
                        if doPoints:
                            addSelectionPoint ( pen_x, pen_y )
                            addSelectionPoint ( end_x, end_y )
                        if doLines:
                            graphicsItem = LineSelectionGraphicsItem( pen_x, pen_y, end_x, end_y )
                            postProcessGraphicsItem(graphicsItem, {'x1':pen_x,'y1':pen_y,'x2':end_x,'y2':end_y})
                        if doMidPoints:
                            addSelectionPoint( (pen_x+end_x)/2, (pen_y+end_y)/2 )
                        _pen_x, _pen_y = _end_x, _end_y
                        pen_x, pen_y = end_x, end_y
                    elif parms[j] == 'A':
                        # The arc command begins with the x and y radius and ends with the ending point of the arc. 
                        # Between these are three other values: x axis rotation, large arc flag and sweep flag.
                        rX, rY, xRotation, largeArc, sweep, _end_x, _end_y = map( float, parms[j+1:j+1 + 7] )
                        end_x, end_y = element.applyTransforms( _end_x, _end_y )
                        if doPoints:
                            addSelectionPoint ( pen_x, pen_y )
                            addSelectionPoint ( end_x, end_y )
                        if rX==rY :
                            _c_x, _c_y = findCircularArcCentrePoint( rX, _pen_x, _pen_y, _end_x, _end_y, largeArc==1, sweep==1 ) #do in untranformed co-ordinates as to preserve sweep flag
                            if not numpy.isnan(_c_x): #if all went well findCircularArcCentrePoint
                                c_x, c_y = element.applyTransforms( _c_x, _c_y )
                                r = rX * scaling
                                if doCircles: 
                                    #addCircle( c_x, c_y, r , largeArc=largeArc, sweep=sweep)
                                    gi = PathSelectionGraphicsItem()
                                    path = QtGui.QPainterPath(QtCore.QPointF(pen_x, pen_y))
                                    #path.arcTo(c_x - r, c_y -r , 2*r, 2*r, angle_1, angle_CCW) #dont know what is up with this function so trying something else.
                                    for _p in pointsAlongCircularArc(rX, _pen_x, _pen_y, _end_x, _end_y, largeArc==1, sweep==1, noPoints=12):
                                        path.lineTo(* element.applyTransforms(*_p) )
                                    postProcessGraphicsItem( gi, {'x':c_x,'y':c_y,'r':r, 'largeArc':largeArc, 'sweep':sweep,  } )
                                #if doPoints:
                                #    circlePoints( c_x, c_y, r, r)
                        _pen_x, _pen_y = _end_x, _end_y
                        pen_x, pen_y = end_x, end_y
                        j = j + 8
                    elif parms[j] == 'C' or parms[j] == 'c' or parms[j] =='Q': #Bézier curve 
                        if parms[j] == 'C' or parms[j] == 'c':
                            #cubic Bézier curve from the current point to (x,y) using 
                            # (x1,y1) as the control point at the beginning of the curve and (x2,y2) as the control point at the end of the curve.
                            if parms[j] == 'C':
                                _x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, _end_x, _end_y = map( float, parms[j+1:j+1 + 6] ) 
                            else: #parms[j] == 'c':
                                _x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, _end_x, _end_y = numpy.array(map( float, parms[j+1:j+1 + 6] )) + numpy.array([_pen_x,_pen_y]*3)
                            P = [ [pen_x, pen_y], element.applyTransforms(_x1, _y1), element.applyTransforms(_x2, _y2), element.applyTransforms(_end_x, _end_y) ]
                            j = j + 7
                        elif parms[j] == 'Q': # quadratic Bézier curve from the current point to (x,y) using (x1,y1) as the control point. 
                            # Q (uppercase) indicates that absolute coordinates will follow; 
                            # q (lowercase) indicates that relative coordinates will follow. 
                            # Multiple sets of coordinates may be specified to draw a polybézier. 
                            # At the end of the command, the new current point becomes the final (x,y) coordinate pair used in the polybézier.
                            _x1, _y1, _end_x, _end_y = map( float, parms[j+1:j+1 + 4] ) 
                            j = j + 5
                            P = [ [pen_x, pen_y], element.applyTransforms(_x1, _y1), element.applyTransforms(_end_x, _end_y) ]
                        if doFittedCircles:
                            x, y, r, r_error = fitCircle_to_path([P])
                            #print('fittedCircle: x, y, r, r_error', x, y, r, r_error)
                            if r_error < 10**-4:
                                gi = PathSelectionGraphicsItem()
                                path = QtGui.QPainterPath(QtCore.QPointF(pen_x, pen_y))
                                if len(P) == 4:
                                    path.cubicTo( QtCore.QPointF(*P[1]), QtCore.QPointF(*P[2]), QtCore.QPointF(*P[3]) )
                                    path.quadTo( QtCore.QPointF(*P[1]), QtCore.QPointF(*P[2]) )
                                postProcessGraphicsItem( gi, {'x':x,'y':y,'r':r} )

                        end_x, end_y = P[-1]
                        if doPoints:
                            addSelectionPoint ( pen_x, pen_y )
                            addSelectionPoint ( end_x, end_y )
                        #fitData.append( P )
                        _pen_x, _pen_y = _end_x, _end_y
                        pen_x, pen_y = end_x, end_y
                        raise RuntimeError, 'unable to parse path "%s" with d parms %s' % (element.XML[element.pStart: element.pEnd], parms)
                if j > 0 and doPathEndPoints:
                    addSelectionPoint ( pen_x, pen_y )
                if j > 0 and doSelectViewObjectPoints and SelectViewObjectPoint_loc == None:
                    SelectViewObjectPoint_loc = pen_x, pen_y

            if element.tag == 'line':
                x1, y1 = element.applyTransforms( float( element.parms['x1'] ), float( element.parms['y1'] ) )
                x2, y2 = element.applyTransforms( float( element.parms['x2'] ), float( element.parms['y2'] ) )
                if doPoints:
                    addSelectionPoint ( x1, y1 )
                    addSelectionPoint ( x2, y2 )
                if doLines:
                    graphicsItem = LineSelectionGraphicsItem( x1, y1, x2, y2 )
                    postProcessGraphicsItem(graphicsItem, {'x1':x1,'y1':y1,'x2':x2,'y2':y2})
                if doMidPoints:
                    addSelectionPoint( (x1+x2)/2, (y1+y2)/2 )
                if doSelectViewObjectPoints and SelectViewObjectPoint_loc == None: #second check to textElementes preference
                    SelectViewObjectPoint_loc = x2,y2

        if doSelectViewObjectPoints and SelectViewObjectPoint_loc <> None:
            addSelectionPoint( *SelectViewObjectPoint_loc )
                #if len(fitData) > 0: 
                #    x, y, r, r_error = fitCircle_to_path(fitData)
                #    #print('fittedCircle: x, y, r, r_error', x, y, r, r_error)
                #    if r_error < 10**-4:
                #        if doFittedCircles:
                #            addCircle( x, y, r , r_error=r_error )
                #        if doPoints:
                #            circlePoints( x, y, r, r)

    return graphicItems
Esempio n. 3
 def __init__(self, element, _pen_x, _pen_y, rX, rY, xRotation, largeArc,
              sweep, _end_x, _end_y):
     3 coordinate systems
       circular coordinates - in this coordinate system, the elipse is circular and unrotated
       elements coordinates - circular coordinates * elipse transformation (x*rX and y*Ry, then rotate to generate the elipse)
       global coordinates - elements coordinates * upper element transformations
     assert not (_pen_x == _end_x and _pen_y == _end_y)
     assert rX <> 0
     assert rY <> 0
     self._pen_x = _pen_x
     self._pen_y = _pen_y
     self._end_x = _end_x
     self._end_y = _end_y
     self.scaling = element.scaling2(
     )  #scaling between element and global coordinates
     self.rX = rX  #in elements coordinates
     self.rY = rY  #in elements coordinates
     self.xRotation = xRotation
     self.largeArc = largeArc
     self.sweep = sweep
     #finding center in circular coordinates
     # X = T_ellipse dot Y
     # where T_ellipse = [[c -s],[s, c]] dot [[ rX 0],[0 rY]], X is element coordinates, and Y is circular coordinates
     ##import FreeCAD
     ##FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage( 'Xrotation %f\n' % (self.xRotation))
     c = cos(xRotation * pi / 180)
     s = sin(xRotation * pi / 180)
     T_ellipse = dot(array([[c, -s], [s, c]]), array([[rX, 0], [0, rY]]))
     self.T_ellipse = T_ellipse
     #FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage( 'T %s\n' % (T))
     x1, y1 = numpy.linalg.solve(T_ellipse, [_pen_x, _pen_y])
     x2, y2 = numpy.linalg.solve(T_ellipse, [_end_x, _end_y])
     c_x_Y, c_y_Y = findCircularArcCentrePoint(1, x1, y1, x2, y2,
                                               largeArc == 1, sweep == 1)
     self.center_circular = array([c_x_Y, c_y_Y])
     #now determining dtheta in circular coordinates
     #a,b = 1,1
     c = ((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2)**0.5
     dtheta = arccos2((1 + 1 - c**2) / (2))  #cos rule
     if not dtheta >= 0:
         raise SvgParseError, "dtheta not >=  0, dtheta %e. locals %s" % (
             dtheta, locals())
     if largeArc:
         dtheta = 2 * pi - dtheta
     if not sweep:  # If sweep-flag is '1', then the arc will be drawn in a "positive-angle" direction
         dtheta = -dtheta
     self.dtheta = dtheta
     self.theta_start = arctan2(y1 - c_y_Y, x1 - c_x_Y)
     self.T_element, self.c_element = element.Transforms()
     #print(self.valueAt(0), element.applyTransforms(_pen_x, _pen_y))
     #print(self.valueAt(1), element.applyTransforms(_end_x, _end_y))
     self.startPoint = self.valueAt(0)
     self.endPoint = self.valueAt(1) = self.applyTransforms(self.center_circular)
     self.circular = rX == rY
     if self.circular:
         self.r = rX
def generateSelectionGraphicsItems(viewObjects,
    if clearPreviousSelectionItems:
        if sceneToAddTo <> None:
            for gi in sceneToAddTo.items():
                if isinstance(gi, CircleSelectionGraphicsItem):
        del graphicItems[:]

    def postProcessGraphicsItem(gi, elementParms, zValue=0.99):
        gi.selectionMaskPen = QtGui.QPen(maskPen)
        gi.selectionMaskHoverPen = QtGui.QPen(maskHoverPen)
        gi._onClickFun = onClickFun
        gi.elementParms = elementParms
        gi.elementXML = element  #should be able to get from functions name space
        gi.elementViewObject = viewObject
        )  # ; may not work for lines ...
        if transform <> None:
        if sceneToAddTo <> None:

    pointsAlreadyAdded = []

    def addSelectionPoint(x, y, zValue=1.0):  #common code
        if [x, y] in pointsAlreadyAdded:
        pointsAlreadyAdded.append([x, y])
        graphicsItem = PointSelectionGraphicsItem(x - pointWid, y - pointWid,
                                                  2 * pointWid, 2 * pointWid)
        postProcessGraphicsItem(graphicsItem, {'x': x, 'y': y}, zValue)

    def addCircle(x, y, r, **extraKWs):
        graphicsItem = CircleSelectionGraphicsItem(x - r, y - r, 2 * r, 2 * r)
        KWs = {'x': x, 'y': y, 'r': r}
        postProcessGraphicsItem(graphicsItem, KWs,
                                zValue=1.01**-r)  #smaller circles on top

    def circlePoints(x, y, r):
        addSelectionPoint(x, y, 2)  #Circle center point
        addSelectionPoint(x + r, y, 2)  #Circle right quadrant point
        addSelectionPoint(x - r, y, 2)  #Circle left quadrant point
        addSelectionPoint(x, y + r, 2)  #Circle top quadrant point
        addSelectionPoint(x, y - r, 2)  #Circle bottom quadrant point

    for viewObject in viewObjects:
        if viewObject.ViewResult.strip() == '':
        XML_tree = SvgXMLTreeNode(viewObject.ViewResult, 0)
        scaling = XML_tree.scaling()
        SelectViewObjectPoint_loc = None
        for element in XML_tree.getAllElements():
            if element.tag == 'circle':
                x, y = element.applyTransforms(float(element.parms['cx']),
                r = float(element.parms['r']) * scaling
                if doCircles:
                    addCircle(x, y, r)
                if doPoints:
                    circlePoints(x, y, r)

            if element.tag == 'text' and element.parms.has_key('x'):
                if doTextItems:
                        float(element.parms['x']), float(element.parms['y'])))
                elif doSelectViewObjectPoints:
                        float(element.parms['x']), float(element.parms['y'])))

            if element.tag == 'path':  #
                fitData = []
                dParmsXML = element.parms['d']
                #<spacing corrections>
                i = 0
                while i < len(dParmsXML) - 1:
                    if dParmsXML[i] in 'MmLlACcQZz,' and dParmsXML[
                            i + 1] in '-.0123456789':
                        dParmsXML = dParmsXML[:i + 1] + ' ' + dParmsXML[i + 1:]
                    i = i + 1
                #</spacing corrections>
                parms = dParmsXML.replace(',', ' ').strip().split()
                _pen_x = 0
                _pen_y = 0
                j = 0
                pathDescriptor = None
                while j < len(parms):
                    if parms[j] in list('MmLlACcQZz,'):
                        pathDescriptor = parms[j]
                    else:  #using previous pathDescriptor
                        if pathDescriptor == None:
                            raise RuntimeError, 'pathDescriptor == None! unable to parse path "%s" with d parms %s' % (
                            pathDescriptor.replace('m', 'l').replace('M', 'L'))

                    if parms[j] == 'M' or parms[j] == 'm':
                        if parms[j] == 'M':
                            _pen_x, _pen_y = float(parms[j + 1]), float(
                                parms[j + 2])
                            _pen_x = _pen_x + float(parms[j + 1])
                            _pen_y = _pen_y + float(parms[j + 2])
                        pen_x, pen_y = element.applyTransforms(_pen_x, _pen_y)
                        _path_start_x, _path_start_y = _pen_x, _pen_y
                        path_start_x, path_start_y = pen_x, pen_y
                        j = j + 3
                    elif parms[j] in ['L', 'l', 'Z', 'z']:
                        if parms[j] == 'L' or parms[j] == 'l':
                            if parms[j] == 'L':
                                _end_x, _end_y = float(parms[j + 1]), float(
                                    parms[j + 2])
                                _end_x = _pen_x + float(parms[j + 1])
                                _end_y = _pen_y + float(parms[j + 2])
                            end_x, end_y = element.applyTransforms(
                                _end_x, _end_y)
                            j = j + 3
                        else:  #parms[j] == 'Z':
                            _end_x, _end_y = _path_start_x, _path_start_y
                            end_x, end_y = path_start_x, path_start_y
                            j = j + 1
                        if doPoints:
                            addSelectionPoint(pen_x, pen_y)
                            addSelectionPoint(end_x, end_y)
                        if doLines:
                            graphicsItem = LineSelectionGraphicsItem(
                                pen_x, pen_y, end_x, end_y)
                            postProcessGraphicsItem(graphicsItem, {
                                'x1': pen_x,
                                'y1': pen_y,
                                'x2': end_x,
                                'y2': end_y
                        if doMidPoints:
                            addSelectionPoint((pen_x + end_x) / 2,
                                              (pen_y + end_y) / 2)
                        _pen_x, _pen_y = _end_x, _end_y
                        pen_x, pen_y = end_x, end_y
                    elif parms[j] == 'A':
                        # The arc command begins with the x and y radius and ends with the ending point of the arc.
                        # Between these are three other values: x axis rotation, large arc flag and sweep flag.
                        rX, rY, xRotation, largeArc, sweep, _end_x, _end_y = map(
                            float, parms[j + 1:j + 1 + 7])
                        end_x, end_y = element.applyTransforms(_end_x, _end_y)
                        if doPoints:
                            addSelectionPoint(pen_x, pen_y)
                            addSelectionPoint(end_x, end_y)
                        if rX == rY:
                            _c_x, _c_y = findCircularArcCentrePoint(
                                rX, _pen_x, _pen_y, _end_x, _end_y,
                                largeArc == 1, sweep == 1
                            )  #do in untranformed co-ordinates as to preserve sweep flag
                            if not numpy.isnan(
                            ):  #if all went well findCircularArcCentrePoint
                                c_x, c_y = element.applyTransforms(_c_x, _c_y)
                                r = rX * scaling
                                if doCircles:
                                    #addCircle( c_x, c_y, r , largeArc=largeArc, sweep=sweep)
                                    gi = PathSelectionGraphicsItem()
                                    path = QtGui.QPainterPath(
                                        QtCore.QPointF(pen_x, pen_y))
                                    #path.arcTo(c_x - r, c_y -r , 2*r, 2*r, angle_1, angle_CCW) #dont know what is up with this function so trying something else.
                                    for _p in pointsAlongCircularArc(
                                            largeArc == 1,
                                            sweep == 1,
                                        gi, {
                                            'x': c_x,
                                            'y': c_y,
                                            'r': r,
                                            'largeArc': largeArc,
                                            'sweep': sweep,
                                #if doPoints:
                                #    circlePoints( c_x, c_y, r)
                        _pen_x, _pen_y = _end_x, _end_y
                        pen_x, pen_y = end_x, end_y
                        j = j + 8
                    elif parms[j] == 'C' or parms[j] == 'c' or parms[
                            j] == 'Q':  #Bézier curve
                        if parms[j] == 'C' or parms[j] == 'c':
                            #cubic Bézier curve from the current point to (x,y) using
                            # (x1,y1) as the control point at the beginning of the curve and (x2,y2) as the control point at the end of the curve.
                            if parms[j] == 'C':
                                _x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, _end_x, _end_y = map(
                                    float, parms[j + 1:j + 1 + 6])
                            else:  #parms[j] == 'c':
                                _x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, _end_x, _end_y = numpy.array(
                                        parms[j + 1:j + 1 + 6])) + numpy.array(
                                            [_pen_x, _pen_y] * 3)
                            P = [[pen_x, pen_y],
                                 element.applyTransforms(_x1, _y1),
                                 element.applyTransforms(_x2, _y2),
                                 element.applyTransforms(_end_x, _end_y)]
                            j = j + 7
                        elif parms[
                                j] == 'Q':  # quadratic Bézier curve from the current point to (x,y) using (x1,y1) as the control point.
                            # Q (uppercase) indicates that absolute coordinates will follow;
                            # q (lowercase) indicates that relative coordinates will follow.
                            # Multiple sets of coordinates may be specified to draw a polybézier.
                            # At the end of the command, the new current point becomes the final (x,y) coordinate pair used in the polybézier.
                            _x1, _y1, _end_x, _end_y = map(
                                float, parms[j + 1:j + 1 + 4])
                            j = j + 5
                            P = [[pen_x, pen_y],
                                 element.applyTransforms(_x1, _y1),
                                 element.applyTransforms(_end_x, _end_y)]
                        if doFittedCircles or True:
                            x, y, r, r_error = fitCircle_to_path([P])
                            #print('fittedCircle: x, y, r, r_error', x, y, r, r_error)
                            if r_error < 10**-4:
                                gi = PathSelectionGraphicsItem()
                                path = QtGui.QPainterPath(
                                    QtCore.QPointF(pen_x, pen_y))
                                if len(P) == 4:
                                    gi, {
                                        'x': x,
                                        'y': y,
                                        'r': r

                        end_x, end_y = P[-1]
                        if doPoints:
                            addSelectionPoint(pen_x, pen_y)
                            addSelectionPoint(end_x, end_y)
                        #fitData.append( P )
                        _pen_x, _pen_y = _end_x, _end_y
                        pen_x, pen_y = end_x, end_y
                        raise RuntimeError, 'unable to parse path "%s" with d parms %s' % (
                            element.XML[element.pStart:element.pEnd], parms)
                if j > 0 and doPathEndPoints:
                    addSelectionPoint(pen_x, pen_y)
                if j > 0 and doSelectViewObjectPoints and SelectViewObjectPoint_loc == None:
                    SelectViewObjectPoint_loc = pen_x, pen_y

            if element.tag == 'line':
                x1, y1 = element.applyTransforms(float(element.parms['x1']),
                x2, y2 = element.applyTransforms(float(element.parms['x2']),
                if doPoints:
                    addSelectionPoint(x1, y1)
                    addSelectionPoint(x2, y2)
                if doLines:
                    graphicsItem = LineSelectionGraphicsItem(x1, y1, x2, y2)
                    postProcessGraphicsItem(graphicsItem, {
                        'x1': x1,
                        'y1': y1,
                        'x2': x2,
                        'y2': y2
                if doMidPoints:
                    addSelectionPoint((x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2)
                if doSelectViewObjectPoints and SelectViewObjectPoint_loc == None:  #second check to textElementes preference
                    SelectViewObjectPoint_loc = x2, y2

        if doSelectViewObjectPoints and SelectViewObjectPoint_loc <> None:
            #if len(fitData) > 0:
            #    x, y, r, r_error = fitCircle_to_path(fitData)
            #    #print('fittedCircle: x, y, r, r_error', x, y, r, r_error)
            #    if r_error < 10**-4:
            #        if doFittedCircles:
            #            addCircle( x, y, r , r_error=r_error )
            #        if doPoints:
            #            circlePoints( x, y, r)

    return graphicItems