Esempio n. 1
def resource_validation_delete(context, data_dict):
    Remove the validation job result for a particular resource.
    It also deletes the underlying Validation object.

    :param resource_id: id of the resource to remove validation from
    :type resource_id: string

    :rtype: None


    t.check_access(u'resource_validation_delete', context, data_dict)

    if not data_dict.get(u'resource_id'):
        raise t.ValidationError({u'resource_id': u'Missing value'})

    session = context['model'].Session
    validation = ValidationStatusHelper().getValidationJob(session, data_dict['resource_id'])

    if not validation:
        raise t.ObjectNotFound(
            'No validation report exists for this resource')

    ValidationStatusHelper().deleteValidationJob(session, validation)
Esempio n. 2
def resource_validation_delete(context, data_dict):
    Remove the validation job result for a particular resource.
    It also deletes the underlying Validation object.

    :param resource_id: id of the resource to remove validation from
    :type resource_id: string

    :rtype: None


    t.check_access(u'resource_validation_delete', context, data_dict)

    if not data_dict.get(u'resource_id'):
        raise t.ValidationError({u'resource_id': u'Missing value'})

    Session = context['model'].Session

        validation = Session.query(Validation).filter(
            Validation.resource_id == data_dict['resource_id']).one()
    except NoResultFound:
        validation = None

    if not validation:
        raise t.ObjectNotFound('No validation report exists for this resource')

Esempio n. 3
def resource_validation_show(context, data_dict):
    Display the validation job result for a particular resource.
    Returns a validation object, including the validation report or errors
    and metadata about the validation like the timestamp and current status.

    Validation status can be one of:

    * `created`: The validation job is in the processing queue
    * `running`: Validation is under way
    * `error`: There was an error while performing the validation, eg the file
        could not be downloaded or there was an error reading it
    * `success`: Validation was performed, and no issues were found
    * `failure`: Validation was performed, and there were issues found

    :param resource_id: id of the resource to validate
    :type resource_id: string

    :rtype: dict


    t.check_access(u'resource_validation_show', context, data_dict)

    if not data_dict.get(u'resource_id'):
        raise t.ValidationError({u'resource_id': u'Missing value'})

    session = context['model'].Session
    validation = ValidationStatusHelper().getValidationJob(session, data_dict['resource_id'])

    if not validation:
        raise t.ObjectNotFound(
            'No validation report exists for this resource')

    return _validation_dictize(validation)
Esempio n. 4
def resource_update(context, data_dict):
    '''Update a resource.

    This is duplicate of the CKAN core resource_update action, with just the
    addition of a synchronous data validation step.

    This is of course not ideal but it's the only way right now to hook
    reliably into the creation process without overcomplicating things.
    Hopefully future versions of CKAN will incorporate more flexible hook
    points that will allow a better approach.

    model = context['model']
    id = t.get_or_bust(data_dict, "id")

    if not data_dict.get('url'):
        data_dict['url'] = ''

    resource = model.Resource.get(id)
    context["resource"] = resource
    old_resource_format = resource.format

    if not resource:
        log.debug('Could not find resource %s', id)
        raise t.ObjectNotFound(t._('Resource was not found.'))

    t.check_access('resource_update', context, data_dict)
    del context["resource"]

    package_id =
    pkg_dict = t.get_action('package_show')(dict(context, return_type='dict'),
                                                'id': package_id

    for n, p in enumerate(pkg_dict['resources']):
        if p['id'] == id:
        log.error('Could not find resource %s after all', id)
        raise t.ObjectNotFound(t._('Resource was not found.'))

    # Persist the datastore_active extra if already present and not provided
    if ('datastore_active' in resource.extras
            and 'datastore_active' not in data_dict):
        data_dict['datastore_active'] = resource.extras['datastore_active']

    for plugin in plugins.PluginImplementations(plugins.IResourceController):
        plugin.before_update(context, pkg_dict['resources'][n], data_dict)

    upload = uploader.get_resource_uploader(data_dict)

    if 'mimetype' not in data_dict:
        if hasattr(upload, 'mimetype'):
            data_dict['mimetype'] = upload.mimetype

    if 'size' not in data_dict and 'url_type' in data_dict:
        if hasattr(upload, 'filesize'):
            data_dict['size'] = upload.filesize

    pkg_dict['resources'][n] = data_dict

        context['defer_commit'] = True
        context['use_cache'] = False
        updated_pkg_dict = t.get_action('package_update')(context, pkg_dict)
    except t.ValidationError, e:
            raise t.ValidationError(e.error_dict['resources'][-1])
        except (KeyError, IndexError):
            raise t.ValidationError(e.error_dict)
Esempio n. 5
def open_datarequest(context, data_dict):
    Action to open a data request. Access rights will be checked before
    opening the data request. If the user is not allowed, a NotAuthorized
    exception will be risen.

    :param id: The ID of the data request to be closed
    :type id: string

    :returns: A dict with the data request (id, user_id, title, description,
        organization_id, open_time, accepted_dataset, close_time, closed,
    :rtype: dict


    model = context['model']
    session = context['session']
    datarequest_id = data_dict.get('id', '')

    # Check id
    if not datarequest_id:
        raise tk.ValidationError(tk._('Data Request ID has not been included'))

        # Init the data base

    # Check access
    tk.check_access(constants.OPEN_DATAREQUEST, context, data_dict)

    # Get the data request
    result = db.DataRequest.get(id=datarequest_id)

    if not result:
        raise tk.ObjectNotFound(
            tk._('Data Request %s not found in the data base') %

    data_req = result[0]
    data_req.closed = False
    data_req.accepted_dataset_id = None
    data_req.close_time = None
    if tk.h.closing_circumstances_enabled:
        data_req.close_circumstance = None
        data_req.approx_publishing_date = None


    datarequest_dict = _dictize_datarequest(data_req)

    # Mailing
    users = [data_req.user_id]
    # Creator email
    _send_mail(users, 'open_datarequest_creator', datarequest_dict,
               'Data Request Opened Creator Email')
    if datarequest_dict['organization']:
        users = _get_admin_users_from_organisation(datarequest_dict)
        # Admins of organisation email
        _send_mail(users, 'open_datarequest_organisation', datarequest_dict,
                   'Data Request Opened Admins Email')

    return datarequest_dict
Esempio n. 6
def close_datarequest(original_action, context, data_dict):
    Action to close a data request. Access rights will be checked before
    closing the data request. If the user is not allowed, a NotAuthorized
    exception will be risen.

    Data QLD modification
    Will send email notification to the data request creator

    :param id: The ID of the data request to be closed
    :type id: string

    :param accepted_dataset_id: The ID of the dataset accepted as solution
        for this data request
    :type accepted_dataset_id: string

    :returns: A dict with the data request (id, user_id, title, description,
        organization_id, open_time, accepted_dataset, close_time, closed,
    :rtype: dict


    model = context['model']
    session = context['session']
    datarequest_id = data_dict.get('id', '')

    # Check id
    if not datarequest_id:
        raise tk.ValidationError(tk._('Data Request ID has not been included'))

    # Init the data base

    # Check access
    tk.check_access(constants.CLOSE_DATAREQUEST, context, data_dict)

    # Get the data request
    result = db.DataRequest.get(id=datarequest_id)
    if not result:
        raise tk.ObjectNotFound(
            tk._('Data Request %s not found in the data base') %

    # Validate data
    validator.validate_datarequest_closing(context, data_dict)

    data_req = result[0]

    # Was the data request previously closed?
    if data_req.closed:
        raise tk.ValidationError([tk._('This Data Request is already closed')])

    data_req.closed = True
    data_req.accepted_dataset_id = data_dict.get('accepted_dataset_id') or None
    data_req.close_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    _undictize_datarequest_closing_circumstances(data_req, data_dict)


    datarequest_dict = _dictize_datarequest(data_req)

    # Mailing
    users = [data_req.user_id]
    _send_mail(users, 'close_datarequest_creator', datarequest_dict,
               'Data Request Closed Send Email')

    return datarequest_dict
Esempio n. 7
def update_datarequest(original_action, context, data_dict):
    Action to update a data request. The function checks the access rights of
    the user before updating the data request. If the user is not allowed
    a NotAuthorized exception will be risen.

    In addition, you should note that the parameters will be checked and an
    exception (ValidationError) will be risen if some of these parameters are

    Data QLD modification
    Will send email notification if organisation was changed to users of assigned organisation with admin access

    :param id: The ID of the data request to be updated
    :type id: string

    :param title: The title of the data request
    :type title: string

    :param description: A brief description for your data request
    :type description: string

    :param organiztion_id: The ID of the organization you want to asign the
        data request.
    :type organization_id: string

    :returns: A dict with the data request (id, user_id, title, description,
        organization_id, open_time, accepted_dataset, close_time, closed,
    :rtype: dict

    model = context['model']
    session = context['session']
    datarequest_id = data_dict.get('id', '')

    if not datarequest_id:
        raise tk.ValidationError(tk._('Data Request ID has not been included'))

    # Init the data base

    # Check access
    tk.check_access(constants.UPDATE_DATAREQUEST, context, data_dict)

    # Get the initial data
    result = db.DataRequest.get(id=datarequest_id)
    if not result:
        raise tk.ObjectNotFound(
            tk._('Data Request %s not found in the data base') %

    data_req = result[0]

    # Avoid the validator to return an error when the user does not change the title
    context['avoid_existing_title_check'] = data_req.title == data_dict[

    # Validate data
    validator.validate_datarequest(context, data_dict)

    # Data QLD modification
    organisation_updated = data_req.organization_id != data_dict[
    if organisation_updated:
        unassigned_organisation_id = data_req.organization_id

    # Set the data provided by the user in the data_red
    _undictize_datarequest_basic(data_req, data_dict)


    datarequest_dict = _dictize_datarequest(data_req)

    if datarequest_dict['organization'] and organisation_updated:
        # Data QLD modification
        # Email Admin users of the assigned organisation
        users = _get_admin_users_from_organisation(datarequest_dict)
        _send_mail(users, 'new_datarequest_organisation', datarequest_dict,
                   'Data Request Assigned Email')
        # Email Admin users of unassigned organisation
        org_dict = {
            'organization': _get_organization(unassigned_organisation_id)
        users = _get_admin_users_from_organisation(org_dict)
        _send_mail(users, 'unassigned_datarequest_organisation',
                   datarequest_dict, 'Data Request Unassigned Email')

    return datarequest_dict
def resource_update(context, data_dict):
    '''Update a resource.

    This is duplicate of the CKAN core resource_update action, with just the
    addition of a synchronous data validation step.

    This is of course not ideal but it's the only way right now to hook
    reliably into the creation process without overcomplicating things.
    Hopefully future versions of CKAN will incorporate more flexible hook
    points that will allow a better approach.

    model = context['model']
    id = t.get_or_bust(data_dict, "id")

    if not data_dict.get('url'):
        data_dict['url'] = ''

    resource = model.Resource.get(id)
    context["resource"] = resource
    old_resource_format = resource.format

    if not resource:
        log.debug('Could not find resource %s', id)
        raise t.ObjectNotFound(t._('Resource was not found.'))

    t.check_access('resource_update', context, data_dict)
    del context["resource"]

    package_id =
    pkg_dict = t.get_action('package_show')(dict(context, return_type='dict'),
                                            {'id': package_id})

    for n, p in enumerate(pkg_dict['resources']):
        if p['id'] == id:
        log.error('Could not find resource %s after all', id)
        raise t.ObjectNotFound(t._('Resource was not found.'))

    # Persist the datastore_active extra if already present and not provided
    if ('datastore_active' in resource.extras and
            'datastore_active' not in data_dict):
        data_dict['datastore_active'] = resource.extras['datastore_active']

    for plugin in plugins.PluginImplementations(plugins.IResourceController):
        plugin.before_update(context, pkg_dict['resources'][n], data_dict)

    upload = uploader.get_resource_uploader(data_dict)

    if 'mimetype' not in data_dict:
        if hasattr(upload, 'mimetype'):
            data_dict['mimetype'] = upload.mimetype

    if 'size' not in data_dict and 'url_type' in data_dict:
        if hasattr(upload, 'filesize'):
            data_dict['size'] = upload.filesize

    pkg_dict['resources'][n] = data_dict

        context['defer_commit'] = True
        context['use_cache'] = False
        updated_pkg_dict = t.get_action('package_update')(context, pkg_dict)
    except t.ValidationError as e:
            raise t.ValidationError(e.error_dict['resources'][-1])
        except (KeyError, IndexError):
            raise t.ValidationError(e.error_dict)

    upload.upload(id, uploader.get_max_resource_size())

    # Custom code starts

    if get_update_mode_from_config() == u'sync':

        run_validation = True
        for plugin in plugins.PluginImplementations(IDataValidation):
            if not plugin.can_validate(context, data_dict):
                log.debug('Skipping validation for resource %s', id)
                run_validation = False

        if run_validation:
            is_local_upload = (
                hasattr(upload, 'filename') and
                upload.filename is not None and
                isinstance(upload, uploader.ResourceUpload))
                id, local_upload=is_local_upload, new_resource=True)

    # Custom code ends


    resource = t.get_action('resource_show')(context, {'id': id})

    if old_resource_format != resource['format']:
            {'model': context['model'], 'user': context['user'],
             'ignore_auth': True},
            {'package': updated_pkg_dict,
             'resource': resource})

    for plugin in plugins.PluginImplementations(plugins.IResourceController):
        plugin.after_update(context, resource)

    return resource