Esempio n. 1
def invPropertyTensor(M, tensor, returnMatrix=False):

    propType = TensorType(M, tensor)

    if isScalar(tensor):
        T = 1./tensor
    elif propType < 3:  # Isotropic or Diagonal
        T = 1./mkvc(tensor)  # ensure it is a vector.
    elif M.dim == 2 and tensor.size == M.nC*3:  # Fully anisotropic, 2D
        tensor = tensor.reshape((M.nC,3), order='F')
        B = inv2X2BlockDiagonal(tensor[:,0], tensor[:,2],
                                tensor[:,2], tensor[:,1],
        b11, b12, b21, b22 = B
        T = np.r_[b11, b22, b12]
    elif M.dim == 3 and tensor.size == M.nC*6:  # Fully anisotropic, 3D
        tensor = tensor.reshape((M.nC,6), order='F')
        B = inv3X3BlockDiagonal(tensor[:,0], tensor[:,3], tensor[:,4],
                                tensor[:,3], tensor[:,1], tensor[:,5],
                                tensor[:,4], tensor[:,5], tensor[:,2],
        b11, b12, b13, b21, b22, b23, b31, b32, b33 = B
        T = np.r_[b11, b22, b33, b12, b13, b23]
        raise Exception('Unexpected shape of tensor')

    if returnMatrix:
        return makePropertyTensor(M, T)

    return T
Esempio n. 2
def makePropertyTensor(M, tensor):
    if tensor is None:  # default is ones
        tensor = np.ones(M.nC)

    if isScalar(tensor):
        tensor = tensor * np.ones(M.nC)

    propType = TensorType(M, tensor)
    if propType == 1:  # Isotropic!
        Sigma = sp.kron(sp.identity(M.dim), sdiag(mkvc(tensor)))
    elif propType == 2:  # Diagonal tensor
        Sigma = sdiag(mkvc(tensor))
    elif M.dim == 2 and tensor.size == M.nC * 3:  # Fully anisotropic, 2D
        tensor = tensor.reshape((M.nC, 3), order='F')
        row1 = sp.hstack((sdiag(tensor[:, 0]), sdiag(tensor[:, 2])))
        row2 = sp.hstack((sdiag(tensor[:, 2]), sdiag(tensor[:, 1])))
        Sigma = sp.vstack((row1, row2))
    elif M.dim == 3 and tensor.size == M.nC * 6:  # Fully anisotropic, 3D
        tensor = tensor.reshape((M.nC, 6), order='F')
        row1 = sp.hstack(
            (sdiag(tensor[:, 0]), sdiag(tensor[:, 3]), sdiag(tensor[:, 4])))
        row2 = sp.hstack(
            (sdiag(tensor[:, 3]), sdiag(tensor[:, 1]), sdiag(tensor[:, 5])))
        row3 = sp.hstack(
            (sdiag(tensor[:, 4]), sdiag(tensor[:, 5]), sdiag(tensor[:, 2])))
        Sigma = sp.vstack((row1, row2, row3))
        raise Exception('Unexpected shape of tensor')

    return Sigma
Esempio n. 3
def makePropertyTensor(M, tensor):
    if tensor is None:  # default is ones
        tensor = np.ones(M.nC)

    if isScalar(tensor):
        tensor = tensor * np.ones(M.nC)

    propType = TensorType(M, tensor)
    if propType == 1: # Isotropic!
        Sigma = sp.kron(sp.identity(M.dim), sdiag(mkvc(tensor)))
    elif propType == 2: # Diagonal tensor
        Sigma = sdiag(mkvc(tensor))
    elif M.dim == 2 and tensor.size == M.nC*3:  # Fully anisotropic, 2D
        tensor = tensor.reshape((M.nC,3), order='F')
        row1 = sp.hstack((sdiag(tensor[:, 0]), sdiag(tensor[:, 2])))
        row2 = sp.hstack((sdiag(tensor[:, 2]), sdiag(tensor[:, 1])))
        Sigma = sp.vstack((row1, row2))
    elif M.dim == 3 and tensor.size == M.nC*6:  # Fully anisotropic, 3D
        tensor = tensor.reshape((M.nC,6), order='F')
        row1 = sp.hstack((sdiag(tensor[:, 0]), sdiag(tensor[:, 3]), sdiag(tensor[:, 4])))
        row2 = sp.hstack((sdiag(tensor[:, 3]), sdiag(tensor[:, 1]), sdiag(tensor[:, 5])))
        row3 = sp.hstack((sdiag(tensor[:, 4]), sdiag(tensor[:, 5]), sdiag(tensor[:, 2])))
        Sigma = sp.vstack((row1, row2, row3))
        raise Exception('Unexpected shape of tensor')

    return Sigma
Esempio n. 4
def meshTensor(value):
        **meshTensor** takes a list of numbers and tuples that have the form::

            mT = [ float, (cellSize, numCell), (cellSize, numCell, factor) ]

        For example, a time domain mesh code needs
        many time steps at one time::

            [(1e-5, 30), (1e-4, 30), 1e-3]

        Means take 30 steps at 1e-5 and then 30 more at 1e-4,
        and then one step of 1e-3.

        Tensor meshes can also be created by increase factors::

            [(10.0, 5, -1.3), (10.0, 50), (10.0, 5, 1.3)]

        When there is a third number in the tuple, it
        refers to the increase factor, if this number
        is negative this section of the tensor is flipped right-to-left.

        .. plot::

            from SimPEG import Mesh
            tx = [(10.0,10,-1.3),(10.0,40),(10.0,10,1.3)]
            ty = [(10.0,10,-1.3),(10.0,40)]
            M = Mesh.TensorMesh([tx, ty])

    if type(value) is not list:
        raise Exception('meshTensor must be a list of scalars and tuples.')

    proposed = []
    for v in value:
        if isScalar(v):
            proposed += [float(v)]
        elif type(v) is tuple and len(v) == 2:
            proposed += [float(v[0])] * int(v[1])
        elif type(v) is tuple and len(v) == 3:
            start = float(v[0])
            num = int(v[1])
            factor = float(v[2])
            pad = (
                (np.ones(num) * np.abs(factor))**(np.arange(num) + 1)) * start
            if factor < 0: pad = pad[::-1]
            proposed += pad.tolist()
            raise Exception(
                'meshTensor must contain only scalars and len(2) or len(3) tuples.'

    return np.array(proposed)
Esempio n. 5
def meshTensor(value):
        **meshTensor** takes a list of numbers and tuples that have the form::

            mT = [ float, (cellSize, numCell), (cellSize, numCell, factor) ]

        For example, a time domain mesh code needs
        many time steps at one time::

            [(1e-5, 30), (1e-4, 30), 1e-3]

        Means take 30 steps at 1e-5 and then 30 more at 1e-4,
        and then one step of 1e-3.

        Tensor meshes can also be created by increase factors::

            [(10.0, 5, -1.3), (10.0, 50), (10.0, 5, 1.3)]

        When there is a third number in the tuple, it
        refers to the increase factor, if this number
        is negative this section of the tensor is flipped right-to-left.

        .. plot::

            from SimPEG import Mesh
            tx = [(10.0,10,-1.3),(10.0,40),(10.0,10,1.3)]
            ty = [(10.0,10,-1.3),(10.0,40)]
            M = Mesh.TensorMesh([tx, ty])

    if type(value) is not list:
        raise Exception('meshTensor must be a list of scalars and tuples.')

    proposed = []
    for v in value:
        if isScalar(v):
            proposed += [float(v)]
        elif type(v) is tuple and len(v) == 2:
            proposed += [float(v[0])]*int(v[1])
        elif type(v) is tuple and len(v) == 3:
            start = float(v[0])
            num = int(v[1])
            factor = float(v[2])
            pad = ((np.ones(num)*np.abs(factor))**(np.arange(num)+1))*start
            if factor < 0: pad = pad[::-1]
            proposed += pad.tolist()
            raise Exception('meshTensor must contain only scalars and len(2) or len(3) tuples.')

    return np.array(proposed)
Esempio n. 6
 def __init__(self, M, tensor):
     if tensor is None:  # default is ones
         self._tt  = -1
         self._tts = 'none'
     elif isScalar(tensor):
         self._tt  = 0
         self._tts = 'scalar'
     elif tensor.size == M.nC:
         self._tt  = 1
         self._tts = 'isotropic'
     elif ((M.dim == 2 and tensor.size == M.nC*2) or
         (M.dim == 3 and tensor.size == M.nC*3)):
         self._tt  = 2
         self._tts = 'anisotropic'
     elif ((M.dim == 2 and tensor.size == M.nC*3) or
         (M.dim == 3 and tensor.size == M.nC*6)):
         self._tt  = 3
         self._tts = 'tensor'
         raise Exception('Unexpected shape of tensor')
Esempio n. 7
 def __init__(self, M, tensor):
     if tensor is None:  # default is ones
         self._tt = -1
         self._tts = 'none'
     elif isScalar(tensor):
         self._tt = 0
         self._tts = 'scalar'
     elif tensor.size == M.nC:
         self._tt = 1
         self._tts = 'isotropic'
     elif ((M.dim == 2 and tensor.size == M.nC * 2)
           or (M.dim == 3 and tensor.size == M.nC * 3)):
         self._tt = 2
         self._tts = 'anisotropic'
     elif ((M.dim == 2 and tensor.size == M.nC * 3)
           or (M.dim == 3 and tensor.size == M.nC * 6)):
         self._tt = 3
         self._tts = 'tensor'
         raise Exception('Unexpected shape of tensor')
Esempio n. 8
def invPropertyTensor(M, tensor, returnMatrix=False):

    propType = TensorType(M, tensor)

    if isScalar(tensor):
        T = 1. / tensor
    elif propType < 3:  # Isotropic or Diagonal
        T = 1. / mkvc(tensor)  # ensure it is a vector.
    elif M.dim == 2 and tensor.size == M.nC * 3:  # Fully anisotropic, 2D
        tensor = tensor.reshape((M.nC, 3), order='F')
        B = inv2X2BlockDiagonal(tensor[:, 0],
                                tensor[:, 2],
                                tensor[:, 2],
                                tensor[:, 1],
        b11, b12, b21, b22 = B
        T = np.r_[b11, b22, b12]
    elif M.dim == 3 and tensor.size == M.nC * 6:  # Fully anisotropic, 3D
        tensor = tensor.reshape((M.nC, 6), order='F')
        B = inv3X3BlockDiagonal(tensor[:, 0],
                                tensor[:, 3],
                                tensor[:, 4],
                                tensor[:, 3],
                                tensor[:, 1],
                                tensor[:, 5],
                                tensor[:, 4],
                                tensor[:, 5],
                                tensor[:, 2],
        b11, b12, b13, b21, b22, b23, b31, b32, b33 = B
        T = np.r_[b11, b22, b33, b12, b13, b23]
        raise Exception('Unexpected shape of tensor')

    if returnMatrix:
        return makePropertyTensor(M, T)

    return T