Esempio n. 1
def GitHash(wc_dir):
  """Finds the current commit hash of the wc_dir."""
  retval, text = chromium_utils.GetStatusOutput(
      [GitExe(), 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], cwd=wc_dir)
  if retval or 'fatal: Not a git repository' in text:
    raise NotGitWorkingCopy(wc_dir)
  return text.strip()
Esempio n. 2
def GitOrSubversion(wc_dir):
  """Returns the VCS for the given directory.

    'svn' if the directory is a valid svn repo
    'git' if the directory is a valid git repo root
    None otherwise
  ret, out = chromium_utils.GetStatusOutput([SubversionExe(), 'info', wc_dir])
  if not ret and 'is not a working copy' not in out:
    return 'svn'

  ret, out = chromium_utils.GetStatusOutput(
      [GitExe(), 'rev-parse', '--is-inside-work-tree'], cwd=wc_dir)
  if not ret and 'fatal: Not a git repository' not in out:
    return 'git'

  return None
Esempio n. 3
def ScrapeSVNInfoRevision(wc_dir, regexp):
  """Runs 'svn info' on a working copy and applies the supplied regex and
  returns the matched group as an int.
  regexp can be either a compiled regex or a string regex.
  throws NotSVNWorkingCopy if wc_dir is not in a working copy.
  throws InvalidSVNRevision if matched group is not alphanumeric.
  if isinstance(regexp, (str, unicode)):
    regexp = re.compile(regexp)
  retval, svn_info = chromium_utils.GetStatusOutput([SubversionExe(), 'info',
  if retval or 'is not a working copy' in svn_info:
    raise NotSVNWorkingCopy(wc_dir)
  text = regexp.sub(r'\1', svn_info)
  if text.isalnum():
    return int(text)
    raise InvalidSVNRevision(text)