def decrypt(ciphertext, key, iv): """Decrypts the data using specified key and IV Args: ciphertext (str): The base64-encoded data to be AES-256 decrypted key (str): The base64-encoded AES-256 key to decrypt with iv (str): The base64-encoded IV to decrypt with Returns: msg in raw form """ assert isinstance(ciphertext, str) assert isinstance(key, str) assert isinstance(iv, str) ciphertext_raw = common.b64decode(ciphertext) key_raw = common.b64decode(key) iv_raw = common.b64decode(iv) assert len(key_raw) == 32 #AES-256 #IV : byte string #... #For all other modes, it must be `block_size` bytes longs. assert len(iv_raw) == AES.block_size cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv_raw) padded_msg = cipher.decrypt(ciphertext_raw) msg = unpad(padded_msg) return msg
def get_target(): global key IV = common.randbytes(16) text = common.b64decode(random.choice(choices)) ct = common.aes_cbc_encrypt(text, key, IV) return ct, IV
def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 3: key = SAMPLE_KEY filename = SAMPLE_FILENAME else: key = sys.argv[1] filename = sys.argv[2] f = open(filename, "r") ciphertext = "" for line in f: ciphertext += common.b64decode(line.rstrip()) print common.aes_cbc_decrypt(ciphertext, key, "\x00" * 16) if False: for _ in range(1000): key = common.randbytes(16) pt = common.randbytes(random.randint(1, 64)) iv = common.randbytes(16) AFTER = binascii.hexlify(common.aes_cbc_decrypt(common.aes_cbc_encrypt(pt, key, iv), key, iv)) PT = binascii.hexlify(common.pkcs7_pad(pt, len(pt) + (16 - (len(pt) % 16)))) print PT == AFTER
def setup(): global ct_list global KEY KEY = common.randbytes(16) for p in pt_encoded: ct_list.append(common.aes_ctr_encrypt(common.b64decode(p), KEY, NONCE))
def test_ss(self): # ret = requests.get('').text # ss_content = base64.b64decode(ret).decode() # ss_list = ss_content.split() ss_0 = 'ssr://NDUuNzkuOTkuNTI6MTA0MTg6b3JpZ2luOmFlcy0yNTYtY2ZiOnBsYWluOk5USXdabUk1T1RCaE1UWTNPV0V6TldJMVptWTJOVGN3WldJLz9vYmZzcGFyYW09JnJlbWFya3M9NTc2TzVadTk1WXFnNVlpcDU2YVA1YkM4NUxxYTViZWU2TFM1NVlpcDZKS1omZ3JvdXA9VTFOU1UwaEJVa1V1UTA5Tg' params = ss_0.split('ssr://')[1] params = b64decode(params) params = params.split(':') print(params) ip = params[0] port = params[1] big_o = params[2] small_o = params[4] method = params[3] parse_res = urlparse(params[5]) path = parse_res.path.split('/')[0] password = b64decode(path)
def process_store(handler, arguments, db_con=None): """Process a request to store a key/val pair in db Returns: None """ assert isinstance(handler, BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler) assert isinstance(arguments, dict) assert isinstance(db_con, datastore.DatabaseConnection) or db_con is None if db_con is None: try: db_con = datastore.DatabaseConnection() except datastore.DatabaseReadError: return handler.server_error('Unable to connect to database.') #ensure required args are present for required_arg in STORE_REQUIRED_ARGS: if required_arg not in arguments: return handler.invalid_request( "Missing argument '{0}' from arguments".format(required_arg)) #handle URL encoding for key, val_list in arguments.items(): val = val_list[0] #only use first value for specified GET param arguments[key] = urllib.unquote(val).decode('utf8') if DEBUG_MODE: print "DEBUG: URL params: {0}={1}".format(key, val) #validate args try: arguments['app_id'] = str(arguments['app_id']) common.b64decode(arguments['app_id']) assert arguments['app_id'] != '' arguments['app_secret'] = str(arguments['app_secret']) common.b64decode(arguments['app_secret']) assert arguments['app_id'] != '' arguments['key'] = str(arguments['key']) arguments['value'] = str(arguments['value']) except (AssertionError, TypeError), err: if DEBUG_MODE: print 'One of the arguments failed validation: {0}'.format(err) handler.invalid_request('Invalid app_id or app_secret')
def setup(): global ct_list global KEY KEY = common.randbytes(16) f = open(INPATH, "r") for line in f: ct_list.append( common.aes_ctr_encrypt(common.b64decode(line.rstrip()), KEY, NONCE))
def main(): ct = aes_ctr_encrypt("HELLO" * 50, "YELLOW SUBMARINE", 0) pt = aes_ctr_decrypt(ct, "YELLOW SUBMARINE", 0) print aes_ctr_decrypt(common.b64decode(target), "YELLOW SUBMARINE", 0) for _ in range(100): # print "boop" key = common.randbytes(16) nonce = random.randint(0, 2**64 - 1) pt = common.randbytes(random.randint(3, 1000)) ct = aes_ctr_encrypt(pt, key, nonce) if pt != aes_ctr_decrypt(ct, key, nonce): print "mismatch: pt = %s, ct = %s, key = %s, nonce = %d" % (binascii.hexlify(pt), binascii.hexlify(ct), binascii.hexlify(key), nonce) break
def encrypt(data, key, iv=None): """Encrypts the data using specified key and IV (specified or random) Args: data: The data to be encrypted in raw form key (str): The base64-encoded key to use for AES-256 encryption iv (Optional[str]): If specified, the base64-encoed iv used for AES-256 encryption. If not specified, a random one is generated. Returns: (iv, ciphertext) where both IV and ciphertext are base64-encoded strings. """ assert isinstance(key, str) assert isinstance(iv, str) or iv is None key_raw = common.b64decode(key) assert len(key_raw) == 32 #AES-256 iv_raw = None if iv is None: #IV : byte string #... #For all other modes, it must be `block_size` bytes long. iv_raw = os.urandom(AES.block_size) iv = common.b64encode(iv_raw) else: assert isinstance(iv, str) iv_raw = common.b64decode(iv) assert len(iv_raw) == AES.block_size padded = pad( str(data)) #defend known-plaintext attacks and length analysis cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv_raw) ciphertext_raw = cipher.encrypt(padded) ciphertext = common.b64encode(ciphertext_raw) return (iv, ciphertext)
def get_value(key, app_id=None, app_secret=None): """Fetch configuration value stored for key Args: key (str): The plaintext key that you want to look up app_id (Optional[str]): If specified, the base64-encoded id assigned to the app that wants to query its data app_secret (Optional[str]): If specified, the base64-encoded secret assigned to the app that wants to query its data. This is a decryption key. Raises: KeyNotStoredAndNoFallbackError """ assert isinstance(key, str) if app_id is not None and app_secret is not None: assert isinstance(app_id, str) assert isinstance(app_secret, str) common.b64decode(app_id) common.b64decode(app_secret) with datastore.DatabaseConnection() as db_con: try: return db_con.get_key_val(app_id, app_secret, key) except datastore.DecryptionFailError: pass #try fallback if key in KEY_FALLBACKS.keys(): val = os.getenv(KEY_FALLBACKS[key], None) if val is not None: return val err_msg = "Unable to acquire value for '{0}'".format(key) if key in KEY_FALLBACKS.keys(): err_msg = ''.join([err_msg, ' (set environment variable {0})'.format(KEY_FALLBACKS[key])]) raise KeyNotStoredAndNoFallbackError(err_msg)
def main(): ct = aes_ctr_encrypt("HELLO" * 50, "YELLOW SUBMARINE", 0) pt = aes_ctr_decrypt(ct, "YELLOW SUBMARINE", 0) print aes_ctr_decrypt(common.b64decode(target), "YELLOW SUBMARINE", 0) for _ in range(100): # print "boop" key = common.randbytes(16) nonce = random.randint(0, 2**64 - 1) pt = common.randbytes(random.randint(3, 1000)) ct = aes_ctr_encrypt(pt, key, nonce) if pt != aes_ctr_decrypt(ct, key, nonce): print "mismatch: pt = %s, ct = %s, key = %s, nonce = %d" % ( binascii.hexlify(pt), binascii.hexlify(ct), binascii.hexlify(key), nonce) break
def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 3: key = SAMPLE_KEY filename = SAMPLE_FILENAME else: key = sys.argv[1] filename = sys.argv[2] f = open(filename, "r") ciphertext = "" for line in f: ciphertext += common.b64decode(line.rstrip()) plaintext = "" for i in range(0, len(ciphertext), 16): plaintext += common.aes_decrypt_block(ciphertext[i:i+16], key) print plaintext
def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: f = open (SAMPLE_FILENAME, "r") else: f = open (sys.argv[1], "r") ct = "" for line in f: ct += line.rstrip() ct = common.b64decode(ct) assert common.hamming_distance("this is a test", "wokka wokka!!!") == 37 pt, key = common.break_repeating_xor(ct) print pt print key
def encryption_oracle(pt): global key return common.aes_ecb_encrypt(common.randbytes(random.randint(2, 50)) + pt + common.b64decode(TARGET_PT), key)
def encryption_oracle(pt): global key return common.aes_ecb_encrypt(pt + common.b64decode(TARGET_PT), key)
def encryption_oracle(pt): global key return common.aes_ecb_encrypt( common.randbytes(random.randint(2, 50)) + pt + common.b64decode(TARGET_PT), key)