Esempio n. 1
    def upload(self, remote, local, force=False):
        Upload a local file to the store

        :param str remote: name in the server
        :param str local: local file name

        :param bool force: (default *False*) if the file already
          exists and has the same digest, do not re-upload it.
        fl = self.list([remote])
        if force == False and remote in fl:
            remote_hash = fl[remote]
            h = hashlib.sha256()
            commonl.hash_file(h, local)
            if remote_hash == h.hexdigest():
                # remote hash is the same, no need to upload

        with, "rb") as inf:
                                        files={'file': inf})
Esempio n. 2
 def get_list(_target, _who, _args, _files, user_path):
     file_data = {}
     for path, _dirnames, filenames in os.walk(user_path):
         for filename in filenames:
             file_path = path + "/" + filename
             h = hashlib.sha256()
             commonl.hash_file(h, file_path)
             file_data[file_path[len(user_path) + 1:]] = h.hexdigest()
     return dict(result=file_data)
Esempio n. 3
    def eval_04(self, linux):
        base_file = os.path.basename(__file__)
        copied_file = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, base_file)
        linux.ssh.copy_from(base_file, copied_file)

        orig_hash = commonl.hash_file(hashlib.sha256(), __file__)
        copied_hash = commonl.hash_file(hashlib.sha256(), copied_file)
        if orig_hash.digest() != copied_hash.digest():
            raise"Hashes in copied files changed")
        self.report_pass("Bigger file copied around is identical")
Esempio n. 4
    def eval_06_copy_to(self, target):
        base_file = os.path.basename(__file__)
        copied_file = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, base_file)
        target.ssh.copy_from(base_file, copied_file)

        orig_hash = commonl.hash_file(hashlib.sha256(), __file__)
        copied_hash = commonl.hash_file(hashlib.sha256(), copied_file)
        if orig_hash.digest() != copied_hash.digest():
            raise"Hashes in copied files changed")
        self.report_pass("Bigger file copied around is identical")
Esempio n. 5
    def eval_06_copy_to(self, target):
        # test copying file relative to the script source
        base_file = os.path.basename(__file__)	# this file
        copied_file = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, base_file)
        target.ssh.copy_from(base_file, copied_file)

        orig_hash = commonl.hash_file(hashlib.sha256(), __file__)
        copied_hash = commonl.hash_file(hashlib.sha256(), copied_file)
        if orig_hash.digest() != copied_hash.digest():
            raise"Hashes in copied files changed")
        self.report_pass("Bigger file copied around is identical")
Esempio n. 6
def rest_tb_target_images_upload(rtb, _images):  # COMPAT
    Upload images from a list images

    :param dict rtb: Remote Target Broker
    :param _images: list of images, which can be specified as:

      - string with ``"IMAGE1:FILE1 IMAGE2:FILE2..."``
      - list or set of strings ``["IMAGE1:FILE1", "IMAGE2:FILE2", ...]``
      - list or set of tuples ``[("IMAGE1", "FILE1"), ("IMAGE2", "FILE2"), ...]``

    :returns: list of remote images (that can be fed straight to

    images = []
    if isinstance(_images, basestring):
        for image_spec in _images:
                t, f = image_spec.split(":", 1)
                images.append((t, f))
            except ValueError as _e:
                raise ValueError("Bad image specification `%s` "
                                 "(expecting TYPE:FILE)" % image_spec)
    elif isinstance(_images, set) or isinstance(_images, list):
        for image_spec in _images:
            if isinstance(image_spec, basestring):
                t, f = image_spec.split(":", 1)
                images.append((t, f))
            elif isinstance(image_spec, tuple) and len(image_spec) == 2:
                raise TypeError("Invalid image specification %s" % image_spec)
        raise TypeError("_images is type %s" % type(_images).__name__)

    remote_images = {}
    for image_type, local_filename in images:"%s: uploading %s", rtb._url, local_filename)
        digest = commonl.hash_file(hashlib.sha256(), local_filename)\
        remote_filename = commonl.file_name_make_safe(
            os.path.abspath(local_filename)) + "-" + digest
        rtb.rest_tb_file_upload(remote_filename, local_filename)
        remote_images[image_type] = remote_filename

    return remote_images
Esempio n. 7
    def test_broker_file_upload__simple(self):
        filename =
        sp = commonl.subpython(
            self.srcdir +
            "/tcf --config-path : -vvv --url %s broker-file-upload %s  dest/file %s"
            % (self.url, self.target_names[0], filename))
        r = sp.join()
            r, 0,
            msg = sp.output_str + type(self).ttbd_info())
        # Check the file made it to the daemon's file storage (it's in
        # localhost, so we know it is there)
        expected_filename = os.path.normpath("%s/local/dest/file" % (
        logging.debug("expected_filename %s", expected_filename)
        if not os.path.isfile(expected_filename):
  "expected file '%s' not found\n" % expected_filename \
                      + sp.output_str + type(self).ttbd_info())
        if not filecmp.cmp(expected_filename, filename):
  "uploaded file and original file are different")

        # Check we can list it and it matches the hash
        sp = commonl.subpython(
            self.srcdir + "/tcf --config-path : --url %s broker-file-list %s" \
            % (self.url, self.target_names[0]))
        r = sp.join()
            r, 0,
            msg = sp.output_str + type(self).ttbd_info())
        for line in sp.stdout_lines:
            listed_filename, hexdigest = line.split(" ", 1)
            if '/dest/file' ==  listed_filename:
Esempio n. 8
    def config_file_write(self, name, data, bsp = None):
        Write an extra config file called *NAME*.conf in the Zephyr's
        App build directory.

        Note this takes care to only write it if the data is new or
        the file is unexistant, to avoid unnecesary rebuilds.

        :param str name: Name for the configuration file; this has to
          be a valid filename; *.conf* will be added by the function.

        :param str data: Data to include in the configuration file;
          this is (currently) valid kconfig data, which are lines of
          text with # acting as comment character; for example::


        :param str bsp: (optional) BSP on which to operate; when the
          target is configured for a :term:`BSP model` which contains
          multiple Zephyr BSPs, you will need to specify which one to

          This parameter can be omitted if only one BSP is available
          in the current BSP Model.


        >>> if something:
        >>>     target.zephyr.conf_file_write("mytweaks",
        >>>                                   'CONFIG_SOMEVAR=1\\n'
        >>>                                   'CONFIG_ANOTHER="VALUE"\\n')
        target =
        bsp = self._bsp_select(target, bsp)

        # Ensure the config directory is there
        outdir = target._kws_bsp[bsp]['zephyr_objdir']
        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
                raise RuntimeError("%s: Cannot create outdir directory: %s"
                                   % (outdir, str(e)))

        # Now create a .new file
        if not name.endswith(".conf"):
            name += ".conf"
        existing_filename = os.path.join(outdir, name)
        new_filename = existing_filename + ".new"
        with, "w+", encoding = 'utf-8',
                         errors = 'ignore') as f:
# Config file automatically generated by TCF's:
#   %s
# because of instructions from
#   %s
# Do not edit by hand

""" % (commonl.origin_get(), commonl.origin_get(2)))
            # report the config file we wrote, so reproduction
            # instructions will carry it in the report file; we report
            # the data without the header to make it easier -- note we
            # use report_pass() [vs report_info()] as _info might get
            # filtered as too verbose info, where as pass is
            # information important for passing.
            target.report_pass("enabled Zephyr config file %s at %s"
                               % (name, outdir),
                               { 'config file': data })
        if not os.path.exists(existing_filename):
            shutil.move(new_filename, existing_filename)
            # Check if there are changes before updating it, to avoid
            # unnecesary rebuilds
            _new_hash = hashlib.sha256()
            new_hash = commonl.hash_file(_new_hash, new_filename)
            _old_hash = hashlib.sha256()
            old_hash = commonl.hash_file(_old_hash, existing_filename)
            if new_hash.digest() != old_hash.digest():
                shutil.move(new_filename, existing_filename)
Esempio n. 9
    def flash(self, images, upload=True):
        """Flash images onto target

        >>> target.images.flash({
        >>>         "kernel-86": "/tmp/file.bin",
        >>>         "kernel-arc": "/tmp/file2.bin"
        >>>     }, upload = True)


        >>> target.images.flash({
        >>>         "vmlinuz": "/tmp/vmlinuz",
        >>>         "initrd": "/tmp/initrd"
        >>>     }, upload = True)

        If *upload* is set to true, this function will first upload
        the images to the server and then flash them.

        :param dict images: dictionary keyed by (str) image type of
          things to flash in the target. e.g.:

          The types if images supported are determined by the target's
          configuration and can be reported with :meth:`list` (or
          command line *tcf images-list TARGETNAME*).

        :param bool upload: (optional) the image names are local files
          that need to be uploaded first to the server (this function
          will take care of that).

        if isinstance(images, dict):
            for k, v in images.items():
                assert isinstance(k, basestring) \
                    and isinstance(v, basestring), \
                    "images has to be a dictionary IMAGETYPE:IMAGEFILE;" \
                    " all strings; %s, %s (%s, %s)" \
                    % (k, v, type(k), type(v))
            raise AssertionError(
                "images has to be a dictionary IMAGETYPE:IMAGEFILE; got %s" \
                % type(images))
        if self.compat:
            raise RuntimeError("target does not support new images"
                               " interface, use set() or upload_set()")

        target =
        images_str = " ".join("%s:%s" % (k, v) for k, v in images.items())

        # if we have to upload them, then we'll transform the names to
        # point to the names we got when uploading
        if upload:
            # Ok, we need to upload--the names in the dictionary point
            # to local filenames relative to the dir where we are
            # from, or absolute. Upload them to the server file space
            # for the user and give them a local name in there.
            _images = {}
            target.report_info("uploading: " + images_str, dlevel=2)
            for img_type, img_name in images.iteritems():
                # the remote name will be NAME-DIGEST, so if multiple
                # testcases for the same user are uploading files with
                # the same name but different context, they don't
                # collide
                digest = commonl.hash_file(hashlib.sha256(), img_name)
                img_name_remote = \
                    commonl.file_name_make_safe(os.path.abspath(img_name)) \
                    + "-" + digest.hexdigest()[:10]
                target.rtb.rest_tb_file_upload(img_name_remote, img_name)
                _images[img_type] = img_name_remote
                target.report_info("uploaded: " + images_str, dlevel=1)
            _images = images

        # We don't do retries here, we leave it to the server
        target.report_info("flashing: " + images_str, dlevel=2)
        target.ttbd_iface_call("images", "flash", images=_images)
        target.report_info("flashed:" + images_str, dlevel=1)
Esempio n. 10
    def config_file_write(self, name, data, bsp = None):
        Write an extra config file called *NAME*.conf in the Zephyr's
        App build directory.

        Note this takes care to only write it if the data is new or
        the file is unexistant, to avoid unnecesary rebuilds.

        :param str name: Name for the configuration file; this has to
          be a valid filename; *.conf* will be added by the function.

        :param str data: Data to include in the configuration file;
          this is (currently) valid kconfig data, which are lines of
          text with # acting as comment character; for example::


        :param str bsp: (optional) BSP on which to operate; when the
          target is configured for a :term:`BSP model` which contains
          multiple Zephyr BSPs, you will need to specify which one to

          This parameter can be omitted if only one BSP is available
          in the current BSP Model.


        >>> if something:
        >>>     target.zephyr.conf_file_write("mytweaks",
        >>>                                   'CONFIG_SOMEVAR=1\\n'
        >>>                                   'CONFIG_ANOTHER="VALUE"\\n')
        target =
        bsp = self._bsp_select(target, bsp)

        # Ensure the config directory is there
        outdir = target._kws_bsp[bsp]['zephyr_objdir']
        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
                raise RuntimeError("%s: Cannot create outdir directory: %s"
                                   % (outdir, e.message))

        # Now create a .new file
        if not name.endswith(".conf"):
            name += ".conf"
        existing_filename = os.path.join(outdir, name)
        new_filename = existing_filename + ".new"
        with, "w+", encoding = 'utf-8',
                         errors = 'ignore') as f:
# Config file automatically generated by TCF's:
#   %s
# because of instructions from
#   %s
# Do not edit by hand

""" % (commonl.origin_get(), commonl.origin_get(2)))
            # report the config file we wrote, so reproduction
            # instructions will carry it in the report file; we report
            # the data without the header to make it easier -- note we
            # use report_pass() [vs report_info()] as _info might get
            # filtered as too verbose info, where as pass is
            # information important for passing.
            target.report_pass("enabled Zephyr config file %s at %s"
                               % (name, outdir),
                               { 'config file': data })
        if not os.path.exists(existing_filename):
            shutil.move(new_filename, existing_filename)
            # Check if there are changes before updating it, to avoid
            # unnecesary rebuilds
            _new_hash = hashlib.sha256()
            new_hash = commonl.hash_file(_new_hash, new_filename)
            _old_hash = hashlib.sha256()
            old_hash = commonl.hash_file(_old_hash, existing_filename)
            if new_hash.digest() != old_hash.digest():
                shutil.move(new_filename, existing_filename)