def checkPathTst(tstFileName, pathFileName): path = comparePaths.readCGOPath(pathFileName) tstD = tstdata.tstData(tstFileName) loopTris, loopPoints = tstTopology.getLoopsAndVerticesTst(tstD) throughTris, throughPts = paths.checkPathPoints( path, loopPoints, tstD.dict['POINT_XYZ']) if throughTris: # it worked... make some more debugging output tstdebug.debugTrianglesNotOrig( throughTris, tstD.dict['POINT_XYZ'], tstFileName + "", ptList=throughPts) print "path goes through a hole" else: print "path does NOT go through a hole"
def checkPathBarriers(prefix): tstName = prefix + ".nocav.tst" findHolesName = tstName + ".findholes.log" findHolesFile = open(findHolesName, 'r') findHolesLines = findHolesFile.readlines() findHolesFile.close() HolesName = tstName + ".sideshole.log" # holds all the output goodHolesName = tstName + ".good.sideshole.log" # just the 1 1 0 1 1 sideHolesName = tstName + ".side.sideshole.log" # just the * * 1 * * badHolesName = tstName + ".bad.sideshole.log" # all others pdbWithBarriersFileName = "planes_" + prefix + ".pdb" pdbBarriers = pdb.pdbData(pdbWithBarriersFileName) #get the barriers read in and defined barrierAtomList = [[], []] for index, resName in enumerate(pdbBarriers.resNames): if resName == "DUM": if pdbBarriers.atoms[index][0] == "O": barrierAtomList[0].append(pdbBarriers.coords[index]) elif pdbBarriers.atoms[index][0] == "N": barrierAtomList[1].append(pdbBarriers.coords[index]) barrierZ = [barrierAtomList[0][0][2], barrierAtomList[1][0][2]] barrierZ.sort() barrierSep = geometry.distL2(barrierAtomList[0][0], barrierAtomList[1][0]) #barrier is just Z coordinate #setup for main loop over paths poreSuffix = "" logFile = open(HolesName, 'w') goodLogFile = open(goodHolesName, 'w') sideLogFile = open(sideHolesName, 'w') badLogFile = open(badHolesName, 'w') #the following 5 things are calculated and written for each path, headers #the 6th, barrier separation, is really the same for each structure logFile.write("endsBeyond1count barrier1count endsBetweenCount ") logFile.write("barrier2count endsBeyond2count barrierSeparation\n") goodLogFile.write("prefix ") goodLogFile.write(string.strip(findHolesLines[0]) + " ") goodLogFile.write("endsBeyond1count barrier1count endsBetweenCount ") goodLogFile.write("barrier2count endsBeyond2count barrierSeparation\n") sideLogFile.write("prefix ") sideLogFile.write(string.strip(findHolesLines[0]) + " ") sideLogFile.write("endsBeyond1count barrier1count endsBetweenCount ") sideLogFile.write("barrier2count endsBeyond2count barrierSeparation\n") badLogFile.write("prefix ") badLogFile.write(string.strip(findHolesLines[0]) + " ") badLogFile.write("endsBeyond1count barrier1count endsBetweenCount ") badLogFile.write("barrier2count endsBeyond2count barrierSeparation\n") holeNumber = 1 poreFile = tstName + "." + str(holeNumber) + poreSuffix print poreFile paths = [] sides, goods = [], [] endsToPaths = {} pathsToEnds = {} while os.path.exists(poreFile): path = comparePaths.readCGOPath(poreFile) pathRad = comparePaths.readCGOPathWithRadius(poreFile) paths.append(pathRad) pathNum = len(paths) - 1 for end in string.split(findHolesLines[holeNumber])[1:3]: if pathNum not in pathsToEnds: pathsToEnds[pathNum] = [] pathsToEnds[pathNum].append(end) if end not in endsToPaths: endsToPaths[end] = [] endsToPaths[end].append(pathNum) intersections = [0, 0] for index, barrier in enumerate(barrierZ): intersections[index] = countCrossingsZ(path, barrier) ends = [0, 0, 0] for endPoint in [path[0], path[-1]]: endPointZ = endPoint[2] if endPointZ < barrierZ[0] and endPointZ < barrierZ[1]: ends[0] += 1 elif endPointZ >= barrierZ[0] and endPointZ <= barrierZ[1]: ends[1] += 1 elif endPointZ > barrierZ[0] and endPointZ > barrierZ[1]: ends[2] += 1 outputThisTime = str(ends[0]) + " " + str(intersections[0]) + " " + \ str(ends[1]) + " " + str(intersections[1]) + " " + \ str(ends[2]) + " " + str(barrierSep) + " " logFile.write(outputThisTime) logFile.write("\n") if ends[0] + ends[1] + ends[2] != 2: print "problems sorting out the ends" if ends[0] == 1 and ends[2] == 1 and intersections == [1, 1]: #it is 'good' goods.append(pathNum) goodLogFile.write(prefix + " ") goodLogFile.write(string.strip(findHolesLines[holeNumber]) + " ") goodLogFile.write(outputThisTime + "\n") elif ends[1] == 1: sides.append(pathNum) sideLogFile.write(prefix + " ") sideLogFile.write(string.strip(findHolesLines[holeNumber]) + " ") sideLogFile.write(outputThisTime + "\n") else: badLogFile.write(prefix + " ") badLogFile.write(string.strip(findHolesLines[holeNumber]) + " ") badLogFile.write(outputThisTime + "\n") #and that is it for this path holeNumber += 1 # get set up for next pass poreFile = tstName + "." + str(holeNumber) + poreSuffix logFile.close() goodLogFile.close() sideLogFile.close() badLogFile.close() #next lines are for debugging the new data structures ''' print sides print goods print endsToPaths print pathsToEnds ''' #now want to find side branches of good paths branches = 0 branchSuffix = "" branchFile = tstName + "." + str(branches) + branchSuffix branchLog = open(tstName + ".branchholes.log", 'w') branchLog.write(string.strip(findHolesLines[0]) + "\n") for side in sides: foundGoods = [] for sideEnd in pathsToEnds[side]: for good in goods: for goodEnd in pathsToEnds[good]: if goodEnd == sideEnd: foundGoods.append(good) if len(foundGoods) > 0: branchedPath = paths[side] # start with whole path for good in foundGoods: # remove physiological intersecting paths branchedPath = pathsModule.subtractPaths(branchedPath, paths[good]) if len(branchedPath) > 0: # has to have some length remaining branches += 1 branchFile = tstName + "." + str(branches) + branchSuffix print branches, side, foundGoods tstdebug.debugSetGridSpheres( branchedPath, 0.5, branchFile, radius=True, mainColor=(0.01, 0.9, 0.35)) branchLog.write(str(branches) + " ") branchLog.write(str(pathsToEnds[side][0]) + " ") branchLog.write(str(pathsToEnds[side][1]) + " ") branchLog.write("- ") # dummy, not real branchLog.write("0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. \n") branchLog.close() addFoundHoleStats.redoFindholes( prefix, nearbyDistance=4., logExt=".branchholes.log", poreSuffix="", nearbyName=".branch")
def checkPathBarriers(prefix): tstName = prefix + ".nocav.tst" findHolesName = tstName + ".findholes.log" findHolesFile = open(findHolesName, 'r') findHolesLines = findHolesFile.readlines() findHolesFile.close() HolesName = tstName + ".membranehole.log" # holds all the output goodHolesName = tstName + ".good.membranehole.log" # just the 1 1 0 1 1 sideHolesName = tstName + ".side.membranehole.log" # just the * * 1 * * badHolesName = tstName + ".bad.membranehole.log" # all others pdbWithBarriersFileName = "planes_" + prefix + ".pdb" pdbBarriers = pdb.pdbData(pdbWithBarriersFileName) #get the barriers read in and defined barrierAtomList = [[], []] for index, resName in enumerate(pdbBarriers.resNames): if resName == "DUM": if pdbBarriers.atoms[index][0] == "O": barrierAtomList[0].append(pdbBarriers.coords[index]) elif pdbBarriers.atoms[index][0] == "N": barrierAtomList[1].append(pdbBarriers.coords[index]) barrierZ = [barrierAtomList[0][0][2], barrierAtomList[1][0][2]] barrierZ.sort() barrierSep = geometry.distL2(barrierAtomList[0][0], barrierAtomList[1][0]) #barrier is just Z coordinate #setup for main loop over paths poreSuffix = "" logFile = open(HolesName, 'w') goodLogFile = open(goodHolesName, 'w') sideLogFile = open(sideHolesName, 'w') badLogFile = open(badHolesName, 'w') #the following 5 things are calculated and written for each path, headers #the 6th, barrier separation, is really the same for each structure logFile.write("endsBeyond1count barrier1count endsBetweenCount ") logFile.write("barrier2count endsBeyond2count barrierSeparation\n") goodLogFile.write("prefix ") goodLogFile.write(string.strip(findHolesLines[0]) + " ") goodLogFile.write("endsBeyond1count barrier1count endsBetweenCount ") goodLogFile.write("barrier2count endsBeyond2count barrierSeparation\n") sideLogFile.write("prefix ") sideLogFile.write(string.strip(findHolesLines[0]) + " ") sideLogFile.write("endsBeyond1count barrier1count endsBetweenCount ") sideLogFile.write("barrier2count endsBeyond2count barrierSeparation\n") badLogFile.write("prefix ") badLogFile.write(string.strip(findHolesLines[0]) + " ") badLogFile.write("endsBeyond1count barrier1count endsBetweenCount ") badLogFile.write("barrier2count endsBeyond2count barrierSeparation\n") holeNumber = 1 poreFile = tstName + "." + str(holeNumber) + poreSuffix print poreFile paths = [] sides = [] while os.path.exists(poreFile): path = comparePaths.readCGOPath(poreFile) paths.append(path) intersections = [0, 0] for index, barrier in enumerate(barrierZ): intersections[index] = countCrossingsZ(path, barrier) ends = [0, 0, 0] for endPoint in [path[0], path[-1]]: endPointZ = endPoint[2] if endPointZ < barrierZ[0] and endPointZ < barrierZ[1]: ends[0] += 1 elif endPointZ >= barrierZ[0] and endPointZ <= barrierZ[1]: ends[1] += 1 elif endPointZ > barrierZ[0] and endPointZ > barrierZ[1]: ends[2] += 1 outputThisTime = str(ends[0]) + " " + str(intersections[0]) + " " + \ str(ends[1]) + " " + str(intersections[1]) + " " + \ str(ends[2]) + " " + str(barrierSep) + " " logFile.write(outputThisTime) logFile.write("\n") if ends[0] + ends[1] + ends[2] != 2: print "problems sorting out the ends" if ends[0] == 1 and ends[2] == 1 and intersections == [1, 1]: # it is 'good' goodLogFile.write(prefix + " ") goodLogFile.write(string.strip(findHolesLines[holeNumber]) + " ") goodLogFile.write(outputThisTime + "\n") elif ends[1] == 2: sides.append(len(paths) - 1) sideLogFile.write(prefix + " ") sideLogFile.write(string.strip(findHolesLines[holeNumber]) + " ") sideLogFile.write(outputThisTime + "\n") else: badLogFile.write(prefix + " ") badLogFile.write(string.strip(findHolesLines[holeNumber]) + " ") badLogFile.write(outputThisTime + "\n") #and that is it for this path holeNumber += 1 # get set up for next pass poreFile = tstName + "." + str(holeNumber) + poreSuffix print sides logFile.close() goodLogFile.close() sideLogFile.close() badLogFile.close()