Esempio n. 1
def test_add_benchmark_invalid_path(env: CompilerEnv):
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as d:
        tmp = Path(d) / "not_a_file"
        with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError) as ctx:
            env.reset(benchmark=Benchmark.from_file("benchmark://foo", tmp))
        # Use endswith() because on macOS there may be a /private prefix.
        assert str(ctx.value).endswith(str(tmp))
def test_benchmark_path_empty_file(env: LlvmEnv):
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
        tmpdir = Path(tmpdir)
        (tmpdir / "test.bc").touch()

        benchmark = Benchmark.from_file("benchmark://new", tmpdir / "test.bc")

        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Failed to parse LLVM bitcode"):
def test_invalid_benchmark_path_contents(env: LlvmEnv):
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
        tmpdir = Path(tmpdir)
        with open(str(tmpdir / "test.bc"), "w") as f:
            f.write("Invalid bitcode")

        benchmark = Benchmark.from_file("benchmark://new", tmpdir / "test.bc")

        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Failed to parse LLVM bitcode"):
def benchmark_from_flags() -> Optional[Union[Benchmark, str]]:
    """Returns either the name of the benchmark, or a Benchmark message."""
    if FLAGS.benchmark:
        if FLAGS.benchmark.startswith("file:///"):
            path = Path(FLAGS.benchmark[len("file:///") :])
            uri = f"benchmark://user-v0/{path}"
            return Benchmark.from_file(uri=uri, path=path)
            return FLAGS.benchmark
        # No benchmark was specified.
        return None
Esempio n. 5
    def benchmark(self, uri: str) -> Benchmark:

        benchmark_name = uri[len( + 1:]
        if not benchmark_name:
            raise LookupError(f"No benchmark specified: {uri}")

        # Most of the source files are named after the parent directory, but not
        # all.
        c_file_name = {
            "blowfish": "bf.c",
            "motion": "mpeg2.c",
            "sha": "sha_driver.c",
            "jpeg": "main.c",
        }.get(benchmark_name, f"{benchmark_name}.c")
        source_dir_path = self.dataset_root / benchmark_name
        source_path = source_dir_path / c_file_name
        preprocessed_path = source_dir_path / "src.c"

        # If the file does not exist, preprocess it on-demand.
        if not preprocessed_path.is_file():
            if not source_path.is_file():
                raise LookupError(
                    f"Benchmark not found: {uri} (file not found: {source_path})"

            with atomic_file_write(preprocessed_path) as tmp_path:
                # TODO( Send
                # over the unprocessed code to the service, have the service
                # preprocess. Until then, we do it client side with GCC having
                # to fixed by an environment variable

        return Benchmark.from_file(uri, preprocessed_path)
Esempio n. 6
def make_benchmark(
    inputs: Union[str, Path, ClangInvocation, List[Union[str, Path, ClangInvocation]]],
    copt: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    system_includes: bool = True,
    timeout: int = 600,
) -> Benchmark:
    """Create a benchmark for use by LLVM environments.

    This function takes one or more inputs and uses them to create an LLVM
    bitcode benchmark that can be passed to

    The following input types are supported:

    | **File Suffix**                                     | **Treated as**      | **Converted using**                                         |
    | :code:`.bc`                                         | LLVM IR bitcode     | No conversion required.                                     |
    | :code:`.ll`                                         | LLVM IR text format | Assembled to bitcode using llvm-as.                         |
    | :code:`.c`, :code:`.cc`, :code:`.cpp`, :code:`.cxx` | C / C++ source      | Compiled to bitcode using clang and the given :code:`copt`. |

    .. note::

        The LLVM IR format has no compatability guarantees between versions (see
        `LLVM docs
        You must ensure that any :code:`.bc` and :code:`.ll` files are
        compatible with the LLVM version used by CompilerGym, which can be
        reported using :func:`env.compiler_version

    E.g. for single-source C/C++ programs, you can pass the path of the source

        >>> benchmark = make_benchmark('my_app.c')
        >>> env = gym.make("llvm-v0")
        >>> env.reset(benchmark=benchmark)

    The clang invocation used is roughly equivalent to:

    .. code-block::

        $ clang my_app.c -O0 -c -emit-llvm -o benchmark.bc

    Additional compile-time arguments to clang can be provided using the
    :code:`copt` argument:

        >>> benchmark = make_benchmark('/path/to/my_app.cpp', copt=['-O2'])

    If you need more fine-grained control over the options, you can directly
    construct a :class:`ClangInvocation
    <compiler_gym.envs.llvm.ClangInvocation>` to pass a list of arguments to

        >>> benchmark = make_benchmark(
            ClangInvocation(['/path/to/my_app.c'], system_includes=False, timeout=10)

    For multi-file programs, pass a list of inputs that will be compiled
    separately and then linked to a single module:

        >>> benchmark = make_benchmark([

    :param inputs: An input, or list of inputs.

    :param copt: A list of command line options to pass to clang when compiling
        source files.

    :param system_includes: Whether to include the system standard libraries
        during compilation jobs. This requires a system toolchain. See

    :param timeout: The maximum number of seconds to allow clang to run before

    :return: A :code:`Benchmark` instance.

    :raises FileNotFoundError: If any input sources are not found.

    :raises TypeError: If the inputs are of unsupported types.

    :raises OSError: If a suitable compiler cannot be found.

    :raises BenchmarkInitError: If a compilation job fails.

    :raises TimeoutExpired: If a compilation job exceeds :code:`timeout`
    copt = copt or []

    bitcodes: List[Path] = []
    clang_jobs: List[ClangInvocation] = []
    ll_paths: List[Path] = []

    def _add_path(path: Path):
        if not path.is_file():
            raise FileNotFoundError(path)

        if path.suffix == ".bc":
        elif path.suffix in {".c", ".cc", ".cpp", ".cxx"}:
                    path, copt=copt, system_includes=system_includes, timeout=timeout
        elif path.suffix == ".ll":
            raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized file type: {}")

    # Determine from inputs the list of pre-compiled bitcodes and the clang
    # invocations required to compile the bitcodes.
    if isinstance(inputs, str) or isinstance(inputs, Path):
    elif isinstance(inputs, ClangInvocation):
        for input in inputs:
            if isinstance(input, str) or isinstance(input, Path):
            elif isinstance(input, ClangInvocation):
                raise TypeError(f"Invalid input type: {type(input).__name__}")

    # Shortcut if we only have a single pre-compiled bitcode.
    if len(bitcodes) == 1 and not clang_jobs and not ll_paths:
        bitcode = bitcodes[0]
        return Benchmark.from_file(uri=f"benchmark://file-v0{bitcode}", path=bitcode)

    tmpdir_root = transient_cache_path(".")
    tmpdir_root.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(
        dir=tmpdir_root, prefix="llvm-make_benchmark-"
    ) as d:
        working_dir = Path(d)

        clang_outs = [
            working_dir / f"clang-out-{i}.bc" for i in range(1, len(clang_jobs) + 1)
        llvm_as_outs = [
            working_dir / f"llvm-as-out-{i}.bc" for i in range(1, len(ll_paths) + 1)

        # Run the clang and llvm-as invocations in parallel. Avoid running this
        # code path if possible as get_thread_pool_executor() requires locking.
        if clang_jobs or ll_paths:
            llvm_as_path = str(llvm.llvm_as_path())
            executor = get_thread_pool_executor()

            llvm_as_commands = [
                [llvm_as_path, str(ll_path), "-o", bc_path]
                for ll_path, bc_path in zip(ll_paths, llvm_as_outs)

            # Fire off the clang and llvm-as jobs.
            futures = [
                executor.submit(run_command, job.command(out), job.timeout)
                for job, out in zip(clang_jobs, clang_outs)
            ] + [
                executor.submit(run_command, command, timeout)
                for command in llvm_as_commands

            # Block until finished.
            list(future.result() for future in as_completed(futures))

            # Check that the expected files were generated.
            for clang_job, bc_path in zip(clang_jobs, clang_outs):
                if not bc_path.is_file():
                    raise BenchmarkInitError(
                        f"clang failed: {' '.join(clang_job.command(bc_path))}"
            for command, bc_path in zip(llvm_as_commands, llvm_as_outs):
                if not bc_path.is_file():
                    raise BenchmarkInitError(f"llvm-as failed: {command}")

        all_outs = bitcodes + clang_outs + llvm_as_outs
        if not all_outs:
            raise ValueError("No inputs")
        elif len(all_outs) == 1:
            # We only have a single bitcode so read it.
            with open(str(all_outs[0]), "rb") as f:
                bitcode =
            # Link all of the bitcodes into a single module.
            llvm_link_cmd = [str(llvm.llvm_link_path()), "-o", "-"] + [
                str(path) for path in bitcodes + clang_outs
            with Popen(
                llvm_link_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE
            ) as llvm_link:
                bitcode, stderr = llvm_link.communicate(timeout=timeout)
                if llvm_link.returncode:
                    raise BenchmarkInitError(
                        f"Failed to link LLVM bitcodes with error: {stderr.decode('utf-8')}"

    timestamp ="%Y%m%HT%H%M%S")
    uri = f"benchmark://user-v0/{timestamp}-{random.randrange(16**4):04x}"
    return Benchmark.from_file_contents(uri, bitcode)
Esempio n. 7
def test_benchmark_from_file_not_found(tmpwd: Path):
    path = tmpwd / "foo.txt"
    with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError, match=str(path)):
        Benchmark.from_file("benchmark://example-v0/foo", path)
Esempio n. 8
def test_benchmark_from_file(tmpwd: Path):
    path = tmpwd / "foo.txt"
    with open(path, "w") as f:
        f.write("Hello, world!")
    benchmark = Benchmark.from_file("benchmark://example-v0/foo", path)
    assert benchmark.proto.program.contents.decode("utf-8") == "Hello, world!"
def test_custom_benchmark(env: LlvmEnv):
    benchmark = Benchmark.from_file("benchmark://new", EXAMPLE_BITCODE_FILE)
    assert env.benchmark == "benchmark://new"
def test_custom_benchmark_constructor():
    benchmark = Benchmark.from_file("benchmark://new", EXAMPLE_BITCODE_FILE)
    with gym.make("llvm-v0", benchmark=benchmark) as env:
        assert env.benchmark == "benchmark://new"