Esempio n. 1
def aip_file_download(request, uuid):
    # get file basename
    file = models.File.objects.get(uuid=uuid)
    file_basename = os.path.basename(file.currentlocation)

    # get file's AIP's properties
    sipuuid = helpers.get_file_sip_uuid(uuid)
    aip = elasticSearchFunctions.connect_and_get_aip_data(sipuuid)
    aip_filepath = aip.filePath

    # create temp dir to extract to
    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    # work out path components
    aip_archive_filename = os.path.basename(aip_filepath)
    subdir = os.path.splitext(aip_archive_filename)[0]
    path_to_file_within_aip_data_dir \
      = os.path.dirname(file.originallocation.replace('%transferDirectory%', ''))

    file_relative_path = os.path.join(subdir, 'data',

    #return HttpResponse('7za e -o' + temp_dir + ' ' + aip_filepath + ' ' + file_relative_path)

    # extract file from AIP
    command_data = [
        '7za', 'e', '-o' + temp_dir, aip_filepath, file_relative_path

    # send extracted file
    extracted_file_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, file_basename)
    return helpers.send_file(request, extracted_file_path)
Esempio n. 2
def aip_file_download(request, uuid):
    # get file basename
    file = models.File.objects.get(uuid=uuid)
    file_basename = os.path.basename(file.currentlocation)

    # get file's AIP's properties
    sipuuid = helpers.get_file_sip_uuid(uuid)
    es_client = elasticSearchFunctions.get_client()
    aip = elasticSearchFunctions.get_aip_data(es_client, sipuuid, fields='uuid,name,filePath,size,origin,created')
    aip_filepath = aip['fields']['filePath'][0]

    # work out path components
    aip_archive_filename = os.path.basename(aip_filepath)

    # splittext doesn't deal with double extensions, so special-case .tar.bz2
    if aip_archive_filename.endswith('.tar.bz2'):
        subdir = aip_archive_filename[:-8]
        subdir = os.path.splitext(aip_archive_filename)[0]

    # Strip %Directory% from the path
    path_to_file_within_aip_data_dir = os.path.dirname(file.currentlocation.replace('%transferDirectory%', '').replace('%SIPDirectory%', ''))

    file_relative_path = os.path.join(

    redirect_url = storage_service.extract_file_url(aip['fields']['uuid'][0], file_relative_path)
    return helpers.stream_file_from_storage_service(redirect_url, 'Storage service returned {}; check logs?')
Esempio n. 3
def send_thumbnail(request, fileuuid):
    # get AIP location to use to find root of AIP storage
    sipuuid = helpers.get_file_sip_uuid(fileuuid)
    aip = elasticSearchFunctions.connect_and_get_aip_data(sipuuid)
    aip_filepath = aip.filePath

    # strip path to AIP from root of AIP storage
    for index in range(1, 10):
        aip_filepath = os.path.dirname(aip_filepath)

    # derive thumbnail path
    thumbnail_path = os.path.join(
        fileuuid + '.jpg'

    # send "blank" thumbnail if one exists:
    # Because thumbnails aren't kept in ElasticSearch they can be queried for,
    # during searches, from multiple dashboard servers.
    # Because ElasticSearch don't know if a thumbnail exists or not, this is
    # a way of not causing visual disruption if a thumbnail doesn't exist.
    if not os.path.exists(thumbnail_path):
        thumbnail_path = os.path.join(settings.BASE_PATH, 'media/images/1x1-pixel.png')

    return helpers.send_file(request, thumbnail_path)
Esempio n. 4
def send_thumbnail(request, fileuuid):
    # get AIP location to use to find root of AIP storage
    sipuuid = helpers.get_file_sip_uuid(fileuuid)

    thumbnail_path = os.path.join(settings.SHARED_DIRECTORY, 'www',
                                  'thumbnails', sipuuid, fileuuid + '.jpg')

    # send "blank" thumbnail if one exists:
    # Because thumbnails aren't kept in ElasticSearch they can be queried for,
    # during searches, from multiple dashboard servers.
    # Because ElasticSearch don't know if a thumbnail exists or not, this is
    # a way of not causing visual disruption if a thumbnail doesn't exist.
    if not os.path.exists(thumbnail_path):
        thumbnail_path = os.path.join(settings.BASE_PATH,

    return helpers.send_file(request, thumbnail_path)
Esempio n. 5
def aip_file_download(request, uuid):
    # get file basename
    file          = models.File.objects.get(uuid=uuid)
    file_basename = os.path.basename(file.currentlocation)

    # get file's AIP's properties
    sipuuid      = helpers.get_file_sip_uuid(uuid)
    aip          = elasticSearchFunctions.connect_and_get_aip_data(sipuuid)
    aip_filepath = aip.filePath

    # create temp dir to extract to
    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    # work out path components
    aip_archive_filename = os.path.basename(aip_filepath)
    subdir = os.path.splitext(aip_archive_filename)[0]
    path_to_file_within_aip_data_dir \
      = os.path.dirname(file.originallocation.replace('%transferDirectory%', ''))

    file_relative_path = os.path.join(

    #return HttpResponse('7za e -o' + temp_dir + ' ' + aip_filepath + ' ' + file_relative_path)

    # extract file from AIP
    command_data = [
        '-o' + temp_dir,

    # send extracted file
    extracted_file_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, file_basename)
    return helpers.send_file(request, extracted_file_path)
Esempio n. 6
def send_thumbnail(request, fileuuid):
    # get AIP location to use to find root of AIP storage
    sipuuid = helpers.get_file_sip_uuid(fileuuid)
    aip = elasticSearchFunctions.connect_and_get_aip_data(sipuuid)
    aip_filepath = aip.filePath

    # strip path to AIP from root of AIP storage
    for index in range(1, 10):
        aip_filepath = os.path.dirname(aip_filepath)

    # derive thumbnail path
    thumbnail_path = os.path.join(aip_filepath, 'thumbnails', sipuuid,
                                  fileuuid + '.jpg')

    # send "blank" thumbnail if one exists:
    # Because thumbnails aren't kept in ElasticSearch they can be queried for,
    # during searches, from multiple dashboard servers.
    # Because ElasticSearch don't know if a thumbnail exists or not, this is
    # a way of not causing visual disruption if a thumbnail doesn't exist.
    if not os.path.exists(thumbnail_path):
        thumbnail_path = os.path.join(settings.BASE_PATH,

    return helpers.send_file(request, thumbnail_path)