Esempio n. 1
def flag_blockpos_type(inst: Entity, flag: Property):
    """Determine the type of a grid position.

    If the value is single value, that should be the type.
    Otherwise, the value should be a block with 'offset' and 'type' values.
    The offset is in block increments, with 0 0 0 equal to the mounting surface.
    If 'offset2' is also provided, all positions in the bounding box will
    be checked.

    The type should be a space-seperated list of locations:

    * `VOID` (Outside the map)
    * `SOLID` (Full wall cube)
    * `EMBED` (Hollow wall cube)
    * `AIR` (Inside the map, may be occupied by items)
    * `OCCUPIED` (Known to be occupied by items)
    * `PIT` (Bottomless pits, any)
        * `PIT_SINGLE` (one-high)
        * `PIT_TOP`
        * `PIT_MID`
        * `PIT_BOTTOM`
    * `GOO`
        * `GOO_SINGLE` (one-deep goo)
        * `GOO_TOP` (goo surface)
        * `GOO_MID`
        * `GOO_BOTTOM` (floor)
    pos2 = None

    if flag.has_children():
        pos1 = resolve_offset(inst,
                              flag['offset', '0 0 0'],
        types = flag['type'].split()
        if 'offset2' in flag:
            pos2 = resolve_offset(inst, flag.value, scale=128, zoff=-128)
        types = flag.value.split()
        pos1 = Vec()

    if pos2 is not None:
        bbox = Vec.iter_grid(*Vec.bbox(pos1, pos2), stride=128)
        bbox = [pos1]

    for pos in bbox:
        block = brushLoc.POS['world':pos]
        for block_type in types:
                allowed = brushLoc.BLOCK_LOOKUP[block_type.casefold()]
            except KeyError:
                raise ValueError(
                    '"{}" is not a valid block type!'.format(block_type))
            if block in allowed:
                break  # To next position
            return False  # Didn't match any in this list.
    return True  # Matched all positions.
Esempio n. 2
def flag_blockpos_type(inst: Entity, flag: Property):
    """Determine the type of a grid position.

    If the value is single value, that should be the type.
    Otherwise, the value should be a block with 'offset' and 'type' values.
    The offset is in block increments, with 0 0 0 equal to the mounting surface.
    If 'offset2' is also provided, all positions in the bounding box will
    be checked.

    The type should be a space-seperated list of locations:
    * `VOID` (Outside the map)
    * `SOLID` (Full wall cube)
    * `EMBED` (Hollow wall cube)
    * `AIR` (Inside the map, may be occupied by items)
    * `OCCUPIED` (Known to be occupied by items)
    * `PIT` (Bottomless pits, any)
      * `PIT_SINGLE` (one-high)
      * `PIT_TOP`
      * `PIT_MID`
      * `PIT_BOTTOM`
    * `GOO`
      * `GOO_SINGLE` (one-deep goo)
      * `GOO_TOP` (goo surface)
      * `GOO_MID`
      * `GOO_BOTTOM` (floor)
    pos2 = None

    if flag.has_children():
        pos1 = resolve_offset(inst, flag['offset', '0 0 0'], scale=128, zoff=-128)
        types = flag['type'].split()
        if 'offset2' in flag:
            pos2 = resolve_offset(inst, flag.value, scale=128, zoff=-128)
        types = flag.value.split()
        pos1 = Vec()

    if pos2 is not None:
        bbox = Vec.iter_grid(*Vec.bbox(pos1, pos2), stride=128)
        bbox = [pos1]

    for pos in bbox:
        block = brushLoc.POS['world': pos]
        for block_type in types:
                allowed = brushLoc.BLOCK_LOOKUP[block_type.casefold()]
            except KeyError:
                raise ValueError('"{}" is not a valid block type!'.format(block_type))
            if block in allowed:
                break  # To next position
            return False  # Didn't match any in this list.
    return True  # Matched all positions.
Esempio n. 3
def res_transfer_bullseye(inst: Entity, props: Property):
    """Transfer catapult targets and placement helpers from one tile to another."""
    start_pos = conditions.resolve_offset(inst, props['start_pos', ''])
    end_pos = conditions.resolve_offset(inst, props['end_pos', ''])
    start_norm = props.vec('start_norm', 0, 0, 1).rotate_by_str(inst['angles'])
    end_norm = props.vec('end_norm', 0, 0, 1).rotate_by_str(inst['angles'])

        start_tile = tiling.TILES[
            (start_pos - 64 * start_norm).as_tuple(),
    except KeyError:
        LOGGER.warning('"{}": Cannot find tile to transfer from at {}, {}!'.format(

    end_tile = tiling.TileDef.ensure(
        end_pos - 64 * end_norm,
    # Now transfer the stuff.
    if start_tile.has_oriented_portal_helper:
        # We need to rotate this.
        orient = start_tile.portal_helper_orient.copy()
        # If it's directly opposite, just mirror - we have no clue what the
        # intent is.
        if, end_norm) != -1.0:
            # Use the dict to compute the rotation to apply.
    elif start_tile.has_portal_helper:
        # Non-oriented, don't orient.

    if start_tile.bullseye_count:
        end_tile.bullseye_count = start_tile.bullseye_count
        start_tile.bullseye_count = 0
        # Then transfer the targets across.
        for plate in faithplate.PLATES.values():
            if getattr(plate, 'target', None) is start_tile:
       = end_tile
Esempio n. 4
def res_add_placement_helper(inst: Entity, res: Property):
    """Add a placement helper to a specific tile.

    `Offset` and `normal` specify the position and direction out of the surface
    the helper should be added to. If `upDir` is specified, this is the
    direction of the top of the portal.
    angles = Vec.from_str(inst['angles'])

    pos = conditions.resolve_offset(inst, res['offset', '0 0 0'], zoff=-64)
    normal = res.vec('normal', 0, 0, 1).rotate(*angles)

    up_dir: Optional[Vec]
        up_dir = Vec.from_str(res['upDir']).rotate(*angles)
    except LookupError:
        up_dir = None

        tile = tiling.TILES[(pos - 64 * normal).as_tuple(), normal.as_tuple()]
    except KeyError:
        LOGGER.warning('No tile at {} @ {}', pos, normal)

Esempio n. 5
def res_translate_inst(inst: Entity, res: Property):
    """Translate the instance locally by the given amount.

    The special values `<piston>`, `<piston_bottom>` and `<piston_top>` can be
    used to offset it based on the starting position, bottom or top position
    of a piston platform.
    inst['origin'] = resolve_offset(inst, res.value)
Esempio n. 6
def flag_goo_at_loc(inst: Entity, flag: Property):
    """Check to see if a given location is submerged in goo.

    `0 0 0` is the origin of the instance, values are in `128` increments.
    offset = resolve_offset(inst, flag.value, scale=128)
    block = brushLoc.POS['world':offset]
    return block.is_goo
Esempio n. 7
def res_translate_inst(inst: Entity, res: Property):
    """Translate the instance locally by the given amount.

    The special values `<piston>`, `<piston_bottom>` and `<piston_top>` can be
    used to offset it based on the starting position, bottom or top position
    of a piston platform.
    inst['origin'] = resolve_offset(inst, res.value)
Esempio n. 8
def flag_goo_at_loc(inst: Entity, flag: Property):
    """Check to see if a given location is submerged in goo.

    `0 0 0` is the origin of the instance, values are in `128` increments.
    offset = resolve_offset(inst, flag.value, scale=128)
    block = brushLoc.POS['world': offset]
    return block.is_goo
Esempio n. 9
def res_set_block(inst: Entity, res: Property):
    """Set a block to the given value.

    This should be used only if you know what is in the position.
    The offset is in block increments, with `0 0 0` equal to the mounting surface.
        new_vals = brushLoc.BLOCK_LOOKUP[res['type'].casefold()]
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError('"{}" is not a valid block type!'.format(res['type']))

        [new_val] = new_vals
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError("Can't use compound block types ({})!".format(res['type']))

    pos = resolve_offset(inst, res['offset', '0 0 0'], scale=128, zoff=-128)
    brushLoc.POS['world': pos] = new_val
Esempio n. 10
def res_set_block(inst: Entity, res: Property):
    """Set a block to the given value.

    This should be used only if you know what is in the position.
    The offset is in block increments, with `0 0 0` equal to the mounting surface.
        new_vals = brushLoc.BLOCK_LOOKUP[res['type'].casefold()]
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError('"{}" is not a valid block type!'.format(res['type']))

        [new_val] = new_vals
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError("Can't use compound block types ({})!".format(

    pos = resolve_offset(inst, res['offset', '0 0 0'], scale=128, zoff=-128)
    brushLoc.POS['world':pos] = new_val
Esempio n. 11
def res_add_overlay_inst(inst: Entity, res: Property):
    """Add another instance on top of this one.

    If a single value, this sets only the filename.
        `file`: The filename.
        `fixup_style`: The Fixup style for the instance. '0' (default) is
            Prefix, '1' is Suffix, and '2' is None.
        `copy_fixup`: If true, all the $replace values from the original
            instance will be copied over.
        `move_outputs`: If true, outputs will be moved to this instance.
        `offset`: The offset (relative to the base) that the instance
            will be placed. Can be set to '<piston_top>' and
            '<piston_bottom>' to offset based on the configuration.
            '<piston_start>' will set it to the starting position, and
            '<piston_end>' will set it to the ending position.
            of piston platform handles.
        `angles`: If set, overrides the base instance angles. This does
            not affect the offset property.
        `fixup`/`localfixup`: Keyvalues in this block will be copied to the
            overlay entity.
            If the value starts with $, the variable will be copied over.
            If this is present, copy_fixup will be disabled.

    if not res.has_children():
        # Use all the defaults.
        res = Property('AddOverlay', [Property('File', res.value)])

    angle = res['angles', inst['angles', '0 0 0']]

    orig_name = conditions.resolve_value(inst, res['file', ''])
    filename = instanceLocs.resolve_one(orig_name)

    if not filename:
        if not res.bool('silentLookup'):
            LOGGER.warning('Bad filename for "{}" when adding overlay!',
        # Don't bother making a overlay which will be deleted.

    overlay_inst = vbsp.VMF.create_ent(
        targetname=inst['targetname', ''],
        fixup_style=res['fixup_style', '0'],
    # Don't run if the fixup block exists..
    if srctools.conv_bool(res['copy_fixup', '1']):
        if 'fixup' not in res and 'localfixup' not in res:
            # Copy the fixup values across from the original instance
            for fixup, value in inst.fixup.items():
                overlay_inst.fixup[fixup] = value

    conditions.set_ent_keys(overlay_inst.fixup, inst, res, 'fixup')

    if res.bool('move_outputs', False):
        overlay_inst.outputs = inst.outputs
        inst.outputs = []

    if 'offset' in res:
        overlay_inst['origin'] = conditions.resolve_offset(inst, res['offset'])

    return overlay_inst
Esempio n. 12
def edit_panel(vmf: VMF, inst: Entity, props: Property, create: bool) -> None:
    """Implements SetPanelOptions and CreatePanel."""
    normal = props.vec('normal', 0, 0, 1).rotate_by_str(inst['angles'])
    origin = Vec.from_str(inst['origin'])
    uaxis, vaxis = Vec.INV_AXIS[normal.axis()]

    points: Set[Tuple[float, float, float]] = set()

    if 'point' in props:
        for prop in props.find_all('point'):
            points.add(conditions.resolve_offset(inst, prop.value, zoff=-64).as_tuple())
    elif 'pos1' in props and 'pos2' in props:
        pos1, pos2 = Vec.bbox(
            conditions.resolve_offset(inst, props['pos1', '-48 -48 0'], zoff=-64),
            conditions.resolve_offset(inst, props['pos2', '48 48 0'], zoff=-64),
        points.update(map(Vec.as_tuple, Vec.iter_grid(pos1, pos2, 32)))
        # Default to the full tile.
            (Vec(u, v, -64.0).rotate_by_str(inst['angles']) + origin).as_tuple()
            for u in [-48.0, -16.0, 16.0, 48.0]
            for v in [-48.0, -16.0, 16.0, 48.0]

    tiles_to_uv: Dict[tiling.TileDef, Set[Tuple[int, int]]] = defaultdict(set)
    for pos in points:
            tile, u, v = tiling.find_tile(Vec(pos), normal, force=create)
        except KeyError:
        tiles_to_uv[tile].add((u, v))

    if not tiles_to_uv:
        LOGGER.warning('"{}": No tiles found for panels!', inst['targetname'])

    # If bevels is provided, parse out the overall world positions.
    bevel_world: Optional[Set[Tuple[int, int]]]
        bevel_prop = props.find_key('bevel')
    except NoKeyError:
        bevel_world = None
        bevel_world = set()
        if bevel_prop.has_children():
            # Individually specifying offsets.
            for bevel_str in bevel_prop.as_array():
                bevel_point = Vec.from_str(bevel_str).rotate_by_str(inst['angles']) + origin
                bevel_world.add((int(bevel_point[uaxis]), int(bevel_point[vaxis])))
        elif srctools.conv_bool(bevel_prop.value):
            # Fill the bounding box.
            bbox_min, bbox_max = Vec.bbox(map(Vec, points))
            off = Vec.with_axes(uaxis, 32, vaxis, 32)
            bbox_min -= off
            bbox_max += off
            for pos in Vec.iter_grid(bbox_min, bbox_max, 32):
                if pos.as_tuple() not in points:
                    bevel_world.add((pos[uaxis], pos[vaxis]))
        # else: No bevels.
    panels: List[tiling.Panel] = []

    for tile, uvs in tiles_to_uv.items():
        if create:
            panel = tiling.Panel(
                None, inst, tiling.PanelType.NORMAL,
            panel.points = uvs
            for panel in tile.panels:
                if panel.same_item(inst) and panel.points == uvs:
                    'No panel to modify found for "{}"!',

        pan_type = '<nothing?>'
            pan_type = conditions.resolve_value(inst, props['type'])
            panel.pan_type = tiling.PanelType(pan_type.lower())
        except LookupError:
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('Unknown panel type "{}"!'.format(pan_type))

        if 'thickness' in props:
            panel.thickness = srctools.conv_int(
                conditions.resolve_value(inst, props['thickness'])
            if panel.thickness not in (2, 4, 8):
                raise ValueError(
                    '"{}": Invalid panel thickess {}!\n'
                    'Must be 2, 4 or 8.',

        if bevel_world is not None:
            for u, v in bevel_world:
                # Convert from world points to UV positions.
                u = (u - tile.pos[uaxis] + 48) / 32
                v = (v - tile.pos[vaxis] + 48) / 32
                # Cull outside here, we wont't use them.
                if -1 <= u <= 4 and -1 <= v <= 4:
                    panel.bevels.add((u, v))

        if 'offset' in props:
            panel.offset = conditions.resolve_offset(inst, props['offset'])
            panel.offset -= Vec.from_str(inst['origin'])
        if 'template' in props:
            # We only want the template inserted once. So remove it from all but one.
            if len(panels) == 1:
                panel.template = conditions.resolve_value(inst, props['template'])
                panel.template = ''
        if 'nodraw' in props:
            panel.nodraw = srctools.conv_bool(
                conditions.resolve_value(inst, props['nodraw'])
        if 'seal' in props:
            panel.seal = srctools.conv_bool(
                conditions.resolve_value(inst, props['seal'])
        if 'move_bullseye' in props:
            panel.steals_bullseye = srctools.conv_bool(
                conditions.resolve_value(inst, props['move_bullseye'])
    if 'keys' in props or 'localkeys' in props:
        # First grab the existing ent, so we can edit it.
        # These should all have the same value, unless they were independently
        # edited with mismatching point sets. In that case destroy all those existing ones.
        existing_ents: Set[Optional[Entity]] = {panel.brush_ent for panel in panels}
            [brush_ent] = existing_ents
        except ValueError:
                'Multiple independent panels for "{}" were made, then the '
                'brush entity was edited as a group! Discarding '
                'individual ents...',
            for brush_ent in existing_ents:
                if brush_ent is not None and brush_ent in vmf.entities:
            brush_ent = None

        if brush_ent is None:
            brush_ent = vmf.create_ent('')

        old_pos = brush_ent.keys.pop('origin', None)

        conditions.set_ent_keys(brush_ent, inst, props)
        if not brush_ent['classname']:
            if create:  # This doesn't make sense, you could just omit the prop.
                    'No classname provided for panel "{}"!',
            # Make it a world brush.
            brush_ent = None
            # We want to do some post-processing.
            # Localise any origin value.
            if 'origin' in brush_ent.keys:
                pos = Vec.from_str(brush_ent['origin'])
                brush_ent['origin'] = pos
            elif old_pos is not None:
                brush_ent['origin'] = old_pos

            # If it's func_detail, clear out all the keys.
            # Particularly `origin`, but the others are useless too.
            if brush_ent['classname'] == 'func_detail':
                brush_ent['classname'] = 'func_detail'
        for panel in panels:
            panel.brush_ent = brush_ent
Esempio n. 13
def res_add_overlay_inst(inst: Entity, res: Property):
    """Add another instance on top of this one.

    If a single value, this sets only the filename.
        `file`: The filename.
        `fixup_style`: The Fixup style for the instance. '0' (default) is
            Prefix, '1' is Suffix, and '2' is None.
        `copy_fixup`: If true, all the $replace values from the original
            instance will be copied over.
        `move_outputs`: If true, outputs will be moved to this instance.
        `offset`: The offset (relative to the base) that the instance
            will be placed. Can be set to '<piston_top>' and
            '<piston_bottom>' to offset based on the configuration.
            '<piston_start>' will set it to the starting position, and
            '<piston_end>' will set it to the ending position.
            of piston platform handles.
        `angles`: If set, overrides the base instance angles. This does
            not affect the offset property.
        `fixup`/`localfixup`: Keyvalues in this block will be copied to the
            overlay entity.
            If the value starts with $, the variable will be copied over.
            If this is present, copy_fixup will be disabled.

    if not res.has_children():
        # Use all the defaults.
        res = Property('AddOverlay', [
            Property('File', res.value)

    angle = res['angles', inst['angles', '0 0 0']]

    orig_name = conditions.resolve_value(inst, res['file', ''])
    filename = instanceLocs.resolve_one(orig_name)

    if not filename:
        if not res.bool('silentLookup'):
            LOGGER.warning('Bad filename for "{}" when adding overlay!', orig_name)
        # Don't bother making a overlay which will be deleted.

    overlay_inst = vbsp.VMF.create_ent(
        targetname=inst['targetname', ''],
        fixup_style=res['fixup_style', '0'],
    # Don't run if the fixup block exists..
    if srctools.conv_bool(res['copy_fixup', '1']):
        if 'fixup' not in res and 'localfixup' not in res:
            # Copy the fixup values across from the original instance
            for fixup, value in inst.fixup.items():
                overlay_inst.fixup[fixup] = value

    conditions.set_ent_keys(overlay_inst.fixup, inst, res, 'fixup')

    if res.bool('move_outputs', False):
        overlay_inst.outputs = inst.outputs
        inst.outputs = []

    if 'offset' in res:
        overlay_inst['origin'] = conditions.resolve_offset(inst, res['offset'])

    return overlay_inst